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Higher Consciousness Talk

Higher Consciousness Talk

By Higher Consciousness

With the guidance of Mary Jane, Mama Rainbow explore infinite far out ideas, topics, questions, curiosities, practices, experiences, that push the boundaries of our current state of mind, body, and soul. Join us as we break down these subjects in an informative, fun, and holistic way. We hope to inspire, enlighten, and help raise the collective. This is Higher Consciousness.
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Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 6 - Marriage

Higher Consciousness TalkNov 04, 2021



Surrendering is the threshold of great change. In this episode, Mama Rainbow discusses the art of surrendering, what it means, why its important, & why this is something everyone on planet Earth will experience at some point in their lives. Our collective society has taught us to "control", plan, & know everything, creating little risk & less opportunities for expansion. Mama Rainbow speaks truth as to why we've been taught this for centuries, how to practice surrendering, & what to do in moments of "I don't know", along with how to have faith in the Universe's divine plan for you. Featured is her cat Lily to reinforce "surrendering to the moment". May this inspire you to embrace surrendering, knowing it will lead to wonderful gifts. So dope it be.

Jul 15, 202301:02:22
777 Portals
Jul 13, 202301:07:01
Nu Earth

Nu Earth

New Earth is here! Have you felt the energy shift? Or heard about the Schumann resonance frequency changing over night? In this episode, Mama Rainbow dives into the cosmos with the guidance of magic mushrooms & cannabis to explore what New Earth is all about. She discusses the effects we may be feeling due to the change in energy along with what to expect, how to embrace it, and why living in a higher state of consciousness is ESSENTIAL to receive the ultimate abundance with this new paradigm. Mama Rainbow offers her intuitive insights for New Earth via channeling, magic, and divination. Rainbow Warriors, our time has come and this is only the beginning. May this inspire you to elevate into higher states of frequency and being, so dope it be.

Jun 24, 202301:06:14


This session Mama Rainbow discusses how your moontime aka your period, is a psychedelic experience women journey through every month. Through her own innerstanding, Mama Rainbow analyzes the process of the menstrual cycle & compares it to similar experiences with magic mushrooms & other plant medicines. She points out that not many have connected the monthly shedding of the uterus to be a psychedelic trip & raises a few reasons why this may be so. Unfortunately talking about the menstrual cycle considered to be "taboo" in our current culture despite it being a natural occurrence for women- or those who experience monthly bleeding. Mama Rainbow aims to break this stigma by discussing why menstruation is powerful, sacred & a remembrance of the womb being the bridge between the Void, the Stars & Mother Earth & so much more. In this episode Mama Rainbow also shares ways that she ceremonially works with her menstrual cycle & moonblood in order empower herself, other women, & to further tap into the ancient magic & wisdom that lives within the womb. Mama Rainbow even proposes the concept of a suntime for men too. May this Moontime episode raise awareness of the importance of honoring your monthly bleeding & inspire you to work with your moonblood. So dope it be.

Jun 11, 202301:06:26


Mama Rainbow discusses one of her all time favorite topics ever- DREAMS! In this episode, she discusses her years of personal experience with dreaming, & shares how dreaming is a gateway into our subconscious, our daily lives, past lives, prophecies & more. Mama Rainbow also talks about how one can remember their dreams, why they are so important for us to pay attention to, how you can use cannabis to enhance your dream super powers, & how dreams are truly the gateway between the ethereal realms & our current reality. She even points out how dreams are universally accepted across a variety of cultures, religions, & belief systems too. Without dreams, this podcast, A Meaningful Dream or the name Mama Rainbow wouldn't exist. May this inspire you to honor your dreams on a daily basis, so dope it be.

Jun 03, 202301:11:56
The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

Higher Consciousness relaunches with a renewed direction! Mama Rainbow shares why Higher Consciousness took a break for over a year- to mourn the sudden loss of her cat Gatsby. In this episode, Mama Rainbow discusses her experience of unexpectedly losing a beloved pet/fur-baby to unknown sickness. She goes in depth about how she coped with his passing, the unpredicted magic that came from it, what it meant, & even the gifts that came from tragedy. Mama Rainbow speaks on why pets are truly spirit animals who have lessons to teach us & so much more. May the story of The Great Gatsby inspire you to love your fur-children more through & see how their deaths can be blessings in disguise. So dope it be.

May 27, 202356:02
Higher Consciousness Season 6 Episode 6- Ayahuasca

Higher Consciousness Season 6 Episode 6- Ayahuasca

This week Liz & Dave are highlighting the Mother of psychedelics- Ayahuasca. Mama Aya is a beautiful plant medicine that has been used for many centuries in Indigenous culture, passed down through oral traditions. Rooted in the Amazon, Ayahuasca was discovered through guidance of a dream & songs of the  Ayahuasca & the Chakruna plants themselves. Since then, Shamans have been using this tool as a gateway into unknown & for its powerful healing abilities within individuals & community. Ayahuasca has the power to heal deep rooted trauma, depression, addictions & provide great clarity within one self. Liz & Dave share their knowledge about this potent, & sacred plant medicine & even share what a typical Ayahuasca ceremony entails. Enjoy the cosmic ride with Mary Jane into the depths of this potent jungle plant medicine. 

Apr 08, 202201:04:03
Higher Consciousness Season 6 Episode 5- Iboga

Higher Consciousness Season 6 Episode 5- Iboga

Liz & Dave are back after an unexpected two week break! Diving back into psychedelics with Mary Jane, in this episode we discuss Iboga! This masculine plant medicine derives from the Iboga tree root in Gabon, Africa & has been used in ancient healing ceremonies for centuries. Iboga is known for healing addictions, physical ailments, depression, spiritual development/evolution & more. Many call it God, the Father of psychedelics, & say it has the ability to light the path to your true destiny. We share what a traditional Iboga ceremony entails, how it's performed, & even how people of all ages partake in this ceremony. Liz & Dave also raise the question of whether creating a synthetic version is necessary for this endangered plant medicine. They also discuss why Iboga is sacred & why its illegal in the United States & many other countries too. Enjoy the cosmic ride & don't forget to bring Mary Jane along! 

Apr 01, 202201:00:39
Higher Consciousness Season 6 Episode 4 - Peyote

Higher Consciousness Season 6 Episode 4 - Peyote

Peyote is next in line for our psychedelic season! This cactus is a wonderful example of a powerful & sacred plant medicine grown wild on Earth. The use of Peyote dates back to 4,000 BC in Indigenous cultures such as the: Peruvian, Ecuadorian, Mayan, Mexican & more. Traditionally done in ceremony & ritual, in a tee-pee, eaten raw, or made as a drink for its psycho-active effects. Many Shamans have used Peyote for healing people from sickness, illness, & disease. Much like other discoveries of plant medicines, Peyote is said to have sung to the people. Dave & Liz share its origin Myth, discuss why it's an important plant medicine for consciousness development, why it's illegal, & everything in between! Enjoy this cosmic ride & don't forget Mary Jane! 

Mar 11, 202201:00:50
Higher Consciousness Season 6 Episode 3 Bufo Alvarius

Higher Consciousness Season 6 Episode 3 Bufo Alvarius

Next up in our Psychedelic season is Bufo Alvarius, aka the Psychedelic Toad of the Sonoran Desert! Currently this sacred medicine is receiving international attention due to its powerful ability for spiritual evolution. We can find evidence of Bufo Alvarius all the way back to Mayan & Olmec cultures. Traditionally, this was kept secret by the shamans of the indigenous people, but over time it grew in popularity due to the work of consciousness explorer & researcher Ken Nelson. Thanks to Hamilton Morris, the world knows the true story of Al Most aka Ken Nelson. We dive into all of this, plus we share our personal thughts about it, & ask mind-opening questions around protecting the Bufo Alvarius toad. Get ready for another wild ride through the cosmos! Don't forget Mary Jane! 

Mar 04, 202201:02:47
Higher Consciousness Psychedelic Season 6 Episode 2 - LSD

Higher Consciousness Psychedelic Season 6 Episode 2 - LSD

Our next trip into our psychedelic season is all about LSD! Liz & Dave discuss where LSD is found in nature, the history of LSD in society, who first created it, & how it became a leader of the movement in the USA against the war in Vietnam. Along with why LSD is was feared by authority figures yet were using LSD in secret C.I.A projects. They also highlight the pioneers of using LSD to help heal people from schizophrenia, alcoholism, & even as a tool for consciousness exploration. Liz & Dave dive into how LSD can truly be a wonderful spiritual tool for self-development too. Near the end, Liz shares her personal, & life changing experience with taking LSD! Of course there was a kitty interruption or two, & a couple side twists here & there! So be ready for another wild ride through the cosmos! Be sure to bring Mary Jane along with you too! 

Feb 25, 202201:05:22
Higher Consciousness Psychedelic Season 6 Episode 1- Magic Mushrooms

Higher Consciousness Psychedelic Season 6 Episode 1- Magic Mushrooms

The season of psychedelics has arrived! Our first dose contains magic mushrooms! In this episode we dive into the history of mushrooms in Shamanism, ritual, ceremony, religion (specifically Christianity), & culture. Magic Mushrooms have been here longer than humans, & we share how these entheogens have helped evolve humanity & this planet Earth. Dave & Liz also talked about how we predict mushrooms will be a leader of creating awareness with the new wave of technology development, especially when it comes to things like virtual reality & the metaverse. Psybicilin is a tool for us to open our perspectives & to think for ourselves, it can aid our lives greatly if we know how to properly use it. Magic mushrooms are a sacred medicine & should be available for the people to use. We also discussed the differences in dosages, how they can be used for curing a variety of dis-eases, & how they help us heal from trauma- even from years or centuries ago (past lives). At the end of the episode, we share our most recent experience with magic mushrooms! Don't forget to bring your Mary Jane along for this cosmic ride through the mycelium!

Feb 18, 202201:17:58
Higher Consciousness - Season 5 Episode 10 NEW YEARS 2022

Higher Consciousness - Season 5 Episode 10 NEW YEARS 2022

Happy New Year & welcome 2022! In this special episode, Dave & Liz share how they rang in their New Year! We also discuss a few American & Spanish traditions around celebrating the New Year! Including some of our very own personal ways of brining in the New Year! We talk about how time truly is an illusion & how our society has lost connection to Earth Consciousness over history, due to following "the georgian calendar" rather than the seasons. Dave & Liz dive into ways we can approach the New Year with more mindfulness & less pressure on those "New Years resolutions" too! Be sure to bring your green & enjoy this ride across the cosmos! 

Jan 07, 202201:01:37
Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 9 - Holiday Special

Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 9 - Holiday Special

We're baaaacckkk for a special holiday episode! For this round we discuss our recent venture to GRiZmas, along with the "untraditional" ways we like to celebrate the holiday season! We talked a bit about Christmas & Yule traditions, & how they have manifested in our culture over time. Did you know that Magic Mushrooms are tied to Santa Claus!? Indeed they are & we share all about the history of Shamans in Siberia delivering amanita muscarias to peoples homes! As always, our fur-babies made it into this episode! Be ready, because they temporally take over the show at one point! Weed hope you enjoy this cosmic ride through GRiZmas, Christmas Magic Mushrooms, & our kitties! Don't forget to bring your green for this one!

Dec 24, 202101:15:24
Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 8 - SEASON RECAP

Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 8 - SEASON RECAP

We have arrived at the end of Season 8,... the Season of LOVE! Yes, I know we said we'd be do the show from inside our own adult sized fort, but between kitties, and a huge shipment of comics, DAVE! We had to nix that idea. However, the show must go on, even though our video camera quit on us half way through, we pushed through and managed to finish this Season Recap for you, the loyal podcast listeners!!! In this episode we go back over the topics from this past season, and add a little extra food for thought, like did you know honeymoon's come from a tradition of kidnapping the bride and ransoming her parents! Sometimes old traditions of love and marriage can be a little screwed up, but knowing where our rituals began, and why is important to knowing what you want to carry forward, and what need a littttttle change.

SO enjoy our Season 8 Recap all about... LOVE!!!!

Nov 19, 202101:06:36
Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 7 - Honeymoon

Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 7 - Honeymoon

We're right near the end of the season of love! In this episode Liz & Dave discuss the importance of honeymoons, their significance in our current culture, along with their impact on a couples consciousness! We shared our personal Honeymoon experiences with traveling to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan & a mini stay-cation we did earlier this year! As always, there are a few detours with magic mushrooms & kitties! Shout out to Better Butter Brothers for the Cherry Kush Mints we smoke during the show! Enjoy this conversation, as it has many moments of ephiany, perspective & enlightenment!

Nov 12, 202101:04:06
Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 6 - Marriage

Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 6 - Marriage

In this episode, weed discussed our three weddings we had over the Summer of 2021! Dave & Liz also dove into wedding traditions, their brief history (from what we knew), & how we purposely set out to break the "status quo". We discussed the shift in consciousness that occurs when you say "I do", what that means, how it changes your life & etc. We even offered marriage advice in the end! Be prepared for multiple mini kitty take-overs on the show & a wild cosmic ride through the cosmos!

Nov 04, 202101:07:10
Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 5 - Engagements

Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 5 - Engagements

Phew! We're finally back after being away due to unexpected circumstances! Weed jumped back into the season of love with this episode being about "Engagement" in romantic relationships! 💍 From what they are, what they have become over time, what they mean, & the consciousness shift that occurs when you're engaged! ❤️ We also discuss the importance of having the wedding of your dreams & how we broke many traditions (on purpose) with our own engagement we had earlier this year! 💋 Tune in for this wild ride through love consciousness- & be prepared to get a little side tracked near the end! 💓 Plus dueling engagements? 🤔  
Oct 29, 202101:00:44
Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 4- Romantic Relationships

Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 4- Romantic Relationships

Diving deeper into the season of love with Romantic Relationships! More specifically, we talk about what defines a romantic relationship, discuss our first exposure to romantic relationships, along with what makes & breaks a romantic relationship, such as: sex, communication, listening, vulnerability & etc. We share how to attract a lover & ways to maintain a long, lasting, healthy, romantic relationship with your partner(s). Dave & Liz speak about their own romantic relationship with one another, their past experiences & lessons along the way too! They even share all the juicy details of how we met, & we have evolved since then! Surprisingly, there are NO kitty interruptions in this one! Bring your green with you for this sexy ride into the cosmos! 

Oct 07, 202101:03:45
Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 3 - Soulmates

Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 3 - Soulmates

Weed continue the season of love with discussing SOULMATES! What are they? Who are they? What do they mean? Have you found yours? Is it more than just romantic relationships? What about your pets? What about Twin Flames? We talk about ALL of this & beyond in this juicy episode. Liz & Dave share their personal perspectives, & experiences with encountering both soulmates & twin flames. We break down the importance of knowing thy self, aka, your own soul, in this cosmic ride too! Bring your Mary Jane along & be ready for this wild exploration through consciousness. Kitty interruptions included, as always.

Oct 01, 202101:03:16
Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 2 - Self Love

Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 2 - Self Love

Season 5 is the season of LOVE! ❤️  In our second episode, we share the importance of self-love 💓 & how to cultivate this energy for yourself. We break down ways you can practice self-love daily, & share some of our personal favorite ways to give ourselves self-love. ✨ Having self-love is incredibly important to maintain, especially when in a romantic relationship! We dive into the heavier aspects of self-love too. To truly love one self unconditionally,  means being compassionate, empathetic & forgiving when in times of great stress or grief.😭 Of course, as always we have plenty of kitty interactions throughout the episode! 😹

Sep 23, 202101:04:54
Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 1 - Breakups

Higher Consciousness Season 5 Episode 1 - Breakups

Season 5 of Higher Consciousness is all about love! We're beginning the series with the first episode being all about break-ups. Liz & Dave share some of their experiences with heart-break, along with the lessons, & knowledge, they learned the hard way. From good, to toxic relationships & everything in between, they get real & raw with this episode.   We also discuss our perspectives & theories on what happens to us physically, mentally emotionally, spiritually, individually & collectively whenever we experience a break-up....or a separation of one's old self. As always, this episode has plenty of kitty interruptions & a wild cosmic ride through the cosmos with Mary Jane! Enjoy!

Sep 17, 202101:12:16
Higher Consciousness Season 4 Episode 4 - Light

Higher Consciousness Season 4 Episode 4 - Light

For this episode, Dave and Liz travel at the speed of LIGHT! Yes! We're blasting off into a deep discussion about consciousness and the connection to light. Weed discussed the nature, function, beauty, and wonder about light- from spiritual perspective, and scientific lens! We break down the essence of what we believe light to be from various view points. Along with making the correlation between light and color too! As always, we have plenty of kitty interruptions making our way into our talks. Weed shared some pretty mind-blowing, far-out theories in this one! You don't want to miss this cosmic ride! Thanks to @cannahitthis from Instagram for supplying us a great stoner-package for this episode too! 

Jul 09, 202101:07:19
Higher Consciousness Season 4 Episode 3 - Energy

Higher Consciousness Season 4 Episode 3 - Energy

Liz & Dave travel to the root of it all ... ENERGY! Weed discussed what energy is, and how consciousness evolves and derives from it. Weed broke down the bridge between energy and physical matter. Everything around us, EVERYTHING, is energy! From this Mary Jane, to our bodies. Liz shared her experience with reiki, a form of energy healing. Dave shared his mind blowing thoughts about how everything is a being, with a consciousness, and possibly a body. This episode is not short of kitty interruption too! How you're ready for this cosmic ride, full of energy!

Jul 02, 202101:04:04
Higher Consciousness Season 4 Episode 2 - Time

Higher Consciousness Season 4 Episode 2 - Time

Weed hope you're ready for this MIND-BLOWING TIME! Dave and Liz go deep into space for this episode, as we discuss the common phrase "time is an illusion" and break down what that statement truly means! We dive into our perspectives of how time works, why it exists, how consciousness travels throughout time and space, and even throw a little quantum physics concepts into the mix! You'll be a witness to an awakening thought Liz has during the show, and Dave sharing about his upcoming virtual art show! This episode is not short of kitty interruptions either! Be ready to expand your concept of time! 

Jun 25, 202101:01:24
Higher Consciousness Season 4 Episode 1 - Space

Higher Consciousness Season 4 Episode 1 - Space

Liz and Dave are doing a micro-dose of a season! We're launching back into our roots and going deep into SPACE with Mary Jane! Viewing from a consciousness stand-point, we share our theories with the creation of space and how it parallels to our own ability to manifest and create. We talk about the beauty of outer-space, energy, the collective tapestry and how they all intertwine with one another! Of course we include aliens and cats in this smoke sesh! Along with a brief discussion of how we live in a 3D world, but can operate from a 5D or even higher state of consciousness. Don't forget to bring your Mary Jane for this cosmic and mind-blowing spaceship ride through higher consciousness!

Jun 18, 202101:05:52
Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 10 - Mushrooms Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 10 - Mushrooms Part 2

We get pretty trippy with continuing the conversation about mushrooms! Special guests, all the way from across the pond- the United Kingdom, Julieta and Diogo from the podcast, Mostly Nothing join us for this awesome episode! A beloved topic for us all, we dive further into some of our personal experiences, cultural significance of mushrooms, and discuss why one would consider taking part of this psychedelic plant medicine! Mostly Nothing is another podcast duo aiming to open the hearts, minds, eyes, and awareness of consciousness, psychedelics, and other mind-blowing topics! Be sure to check them out too! 

May 20, 202101:16:03
Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 9 - Mushrooms Part 1

Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 9 - Mushrooms Part 1

Dave and Liz share their perspectives about the purpose, beauty, science, and history of magic mushrooms. We even dive into some of our personal experiences, enlightenments, ideas, and everything in between with magic mushrooms. We’ve briefly talked about mushrooms before, (in our Psychedelic episode Part 1 and Part 2 from Season 2), but in this episode its ALL MUSHROOMS baby! Bring Mary Jane along with you on this wondrous ride through different dimensions of reality with us!

May 14, 202101:03:38
Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 8 - Tarot Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 8 - Tarot Part 2

Special guests and twin sisters, Alejandra and Zoe, from GeminEye Tarot join our smoke sesh for part 2 of TAROT! GeminEye Tarot are based in Detroit, Michigan aiming to educate on occultism, magick, social issues, while raising awareness, healing and doing what they can to help support the local community. We discuss the art and beauty of reading tarot, what it means to us, and obviously get lit and laugh a lot too! We get to know more about GeminEye Tarot, as they share their personal stories of how they were introduced to Tarot, and how their lives have been effected by it. Enjoy and don't forget to bring Mary Jane along!

May 07, 202101:03:41
Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 7 - Tarot Part 1

Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 7 - Tarot Part 1

In this episode Dave and Liz discuss the magic and art of reading Tarot! They discuss its origination in society, the basic structure, various methods of practicing, esoteric meaning and various ways of interpreting and using this divination tool! Dave & Liz also share their personal stories of how Tarot has appeared in their lives, and how it has effect them forever! This show in particular was filled with PLENTY of kitty interruptions- so be ready for the ridiculousness! At the end, Liz closes the show with a collective tarot reading! 

Apr 30, 202101:17:42
Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 6 - Budtending Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 6 - Budtending Part 2

Flower, terpenes, cannabinoids OH MY! For this episode Dave and Liz invite bud-tender, grower, and co-owner of the Better Butter Brothers- Devin! Devin shares his story of how Mary Jane blazed into his life, along with the magic of creating premium cannabis flower! We also discuss various ways of invoking Mary Jane from bowls, joints, and even dabs! Devin also gives us informative information of cannabis flower profiles, and what to look for when choosing a strain that works for you! We got pretty lit for this 420 week long celebration! Bring your green and enjoy the cosmic ride of this episode! 

Apr 23, 202101:06:29
Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 5 - Budtending Part 1

Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 5 - Budtending Part 1

Dave & Liz discuss the magic, wonder, art, and wisdom of BUDTENDING! A role that has been developing over the years of Marijuana being legalized medically and recreationally! Dave & Liz express Budtenders importance for being a resource of knowledge and information, along with how they have become an essential part of the growing industry of cannabis! As always, we had a dope time talking about all that goes into growing bud, and being a cannabis flower extraordinaire! Enjoy this wild ride Mary Jane took us on!

Apr 16, 202101:04:48
Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 4 - Healing Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 4 - Healing Part 2

Our friend Kole, joins the conversation about healing! This episode is filled with lots of good information and is full of laughter and many "I forgot what I was talking about"! With Kole's background in Professional Therapy, they offer their voice with how one can heal themselves along with things to keep in mind while undergoing a healing process! They offer the collective other tools and resources on how to cope, work through, heavy/confusing emotions too. Kole also shares with us some of their personal healing journey and even leads us a mini healing meditation at the end! 

Apr 09, 202101:11:10
How to Heal Yourself Part 1 - Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 3

How to Heal Yourself Part 1 - Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 3

Healing comes in many forms. On this episode of Higher Consciousness we discuss the spiritual aspects of healing, what the experience is like, and how transformative it can be fo you. PLUS, we talk about our own experiences healing ourselves, in part with the help of Mary Jane!  Sometime Healing can be tough, and raw, but that's often the way through the darkness, and back into the light. The more each one of us does that, the more the collective can heal too! 

Apr 02, 202101:06:60
Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 2 - Shamanism Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 2 - Shamanism Part 2

We continue the conversation about Shamanism with special guest Shaman Omar! He joins us in part 2 and shares his story of how he stepped into the role of being a Modern Shaman and shares some of his wisdom and knowledge on what being a Shaman is, what it means, and the responsibilities that come with it! Shaman Omar even shares advice for the collective consciousness too! Be sure to watch the VIDEO version on our Higher Consciousness YouTube Channel!

Mar 26, 202101:01:23
Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 1 - Shamanism Part 1

Higher Consciousness Season 3 Episode 1 - Shamanism Part 1

WE'RE FINALLY BACK!!! Maybe a week late, but sometimes the spirits won't allow for such things. However,... THIS WEEK we are back with Season 3 of Higher Consciousness!!! We are SO excited to get back to recording this show, but not just audio this season, but VIDEO TOO!!! We are going to start recording every episode going forward so you all get to see us semi-in-person, but maybe even a LIVE stream of two, who knows!???

This week we are talking Shamanism, and what that means for us in modern culture. We discuss our experiences with Shamans, the tools of their trade, and some of our recent adventures into multi-dimensional reality! 

Mar 18, 202101:07:46
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 11 FINALE!!!

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 11 FINALE!!!

We have arrived at the Season 2 FINALE EXTRAVAGANZA SHOW!!! Tonight we recap season 2, the topics, the guests, the stories, what we learned, and what we want to do differently for season 3! Make sure to roll and extra joint, or pack and extra bowl, either way you need some extra Mary Jane tonight, because it's a 2 HOUR season finale show!!! Prepare for stoned, stoner madness!

Feb 12, 202102:07:21
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 10 - Food Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 10 - Food Part 2

It's time to class this show up a little bit with a 5 star quality guest! Tonight Dave & Liz welcome Celebrity Chef Brandon Rosen to the show to discuss his love affair with all things FOOD!!! Brandon has been a professional chef for over 10 years, making it on to Season 16 of Bravo's Top Chef in 2019. He has travelled the world in pursuit of flavor and culinary adventure, by land, by air, and by sea. In tonight's virtual round table, we talk about his experience in the kitchen, and his perspective on food. Only 1 more episode until the SEASON 2 FINALE!!! It's going to be a super special 2 hour long experiment!!!

Feb 05, 202101:10:58
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 9 - Food Part 1

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 9 - Food Part 1

What a deliciously delightful topic to end season 2 with! Food is at the very gut of our existence. Without it, we wither and fade away. However, the art of food, and our relationship with it has shaped the consciousness of creatures of earth for centuries! In tonights episode, we open up the kitchen to talk about food! It's many fantastic qualities, that help our collective consciousness share in a collective sense of YUMMMMMMMM.....that's GOOD!

Jan 29, 202101:04:39
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 8 - Transformation Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 8 - Transformation Part 2

In part two of our Transformation episodes, we are joined by Mara Evenstar, co-owner and spiritual leader at Evenstar's Chalice! She is an expert in personal transformation, and she shares with us her own personal experiences with transformation. PLUS, it just so happen to be the first time Mara has smoked the Mary Jane in decades, so it was a "transformative" experience to say the least. *wink*wink*

Jan 22, 202101:08:50
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 7 - Transformation Part 1

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 7 - Transformation Part 1

Liz and Dave travel through some of their personal transformative experiences, and share some the grueling truth of transformation. A raw and honest conversation about the beauty, frustration, unlearning, confusion, light and goopiness you feel during a transformative moment. Liz and Dave also discuss opportunities for transformation on a collective scale too! Filled with plenty of kitty interruptions, tons of coughing, forgetting where we were, and even a Higher Consciousness first moment! 

Jan 22, 202101:06:05
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 6 - Astrology Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 6 - Astrology Part 2

It is hard not to do a recording for tonight's show, after what happened in DC last night. However, this episode is an exciting one for us, and the event's of Jan. 6 will be discussed during next week's show. SOOOOOOOO.....Let's all take a big looooonnngg toke off the bong, and settle in for some MIND BLOWING discussion about ancient astrology. Stuff you've never heard about, because they don't want you to learn about it! The kind of information only kings, and world leaders have access to. Presented to us by our good friend, and fellow mystic Amber! She has studied an ancient form of astrology, that truly is life changing stuff. 

Jan 08, 202101:11:44
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 5 - Astrology Part 1

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 5 - Astrology Part 1

Join us, as we journey to the stars on this New Year's Eve Special Edition of Higher Consciousness! We are taking Astrology, and all the amazing, and interesting insights it can offer. However, it goes much further than just your Sun sign, WAIT, what's a Sun Sign? Even those who don't know anything about it, like Dave, can understand the far out concepts we discuss in this 2020 YEAR END SMOKE-a-THON (until the break of dawn, or 1:30am) EVENT!!!

Jan 01, 202101:11:39
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 4 - Psychedelics Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 4 - Psychedelics Part 2

On this very special HOLIDAY episode of Higher Consciousness, we invite a special guest to talk about her experiences with psychedelics. Our friend Chelcee joins us to not only share her knowledge of anthropology, and the role mind altering tools played in it, but she has travelled to the Amazon to take part in traditional Ayahuasca ceremonies herself! We talk about that experience in great, and almost too much detail...PLUS find out all about the secret role mushrooms played in the creation of the modern Christmas Holiday. 

SO much mind blowing, yule time goodness to be shared in this HIGHER HOLIDAY CONSCIOUSNESS SPECIAL!!!!! 

Dec 25, 202001:07:30
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 3 - Psychedelics Part 1

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 3 - Psychedelics Part 1

Let's take a TRIP *wink wink* to the other side of the psychoactive substances spectrum, we know as Psychedelics!!! In this episode of Higher Consciousness, Dave & Liz talk about the fantastical world of Magic Mushrooms, LSD, DMT, and other mind opening tools into the unknown. Is the trippy experience we have while taking them real? Do we naturally create one of the most hallucinogenic chemicals on the planet? Find out in this very far out there episode!

Dec 18, 202001:09:17
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 2 - Emotions Part 2

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 2 - Emotions Part 2

This season, Dave & Liz have asked some special guests to join their smoke circle. In this episode, they welcome Madame Witch, Nicole Shook, an empath and intuitive, who is also an advocate for healthy emotional communication. We find out what she thinks about how people, and relationships are changing in this time, and what we can do to flow with it, and not work against it! 

PLUS we discuss how emotions can be used as a REAL LIFE SUPER POWER!!! Lot's of thought provoking topics in this episode.

Dec 11, 202001:05:14
Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 1 - Emotions Part 1

Higher Consciousness Season 2 Episode 1 - Emotions Part 1

We all get the feels from time to time. Many of us have been experiencing all sorts of feels during this pandemic. Some not so helpful, but others have been quite constructive! That's the funny nature of the universe, it's all paradoxical! Emotions are no different. On this SEASON PREMIER EPISODE, Dave & Liz discuss the origins of emotions, what are they, what we can do with them, and how to deal with those heavy ones. You know, the ones that make us want to punch a whole in the wall, or destroy your enemies. Buuuuuuutttttt, we gotta take a breathe, make some space for them, and transmute the heavy ones, into something great! 

Dec 04, 202001:08:34
Higher Consciousness Episode 10 - Marijuana Part 2 SEASON FINALE

Higher Consciousness Episode 10 - Marijuana Part 2 SEASON FINALE

HOLY WOW!!! We are here at the season finale of season 1!!! Tonight's episode is full of marijuana discussions, and why it's just so darn great! But also, a look back at season 1, and our reflections on how this whole journey has transformed us both! It's an EXTRA extended episode, so make sure to roll a couple joints, or prepared to pack up a couple bowls, it's gonna be a LONGGGGGG one! 

Nov 06, 202001:24:59
Higher Consciousness Episode 9- Marijuana Part 1

Higher Consciousness Episode 9- Marijuana Part 1

MARIJUANA- Mary Jane, Cannabis, Weed, Kush, Pot, Ganja, Reefer- whatever you want to call it!! Dave and Liz talk about their deep passion for Mary Jane along with the history of weed in the United States. Why is it federally illegal? How has cannabis been apart of our culture? What are the benefits of having Marijuana? How does it compare to coffee?! Dave and Liz also share some of their first experiences with Mary Jane too! This episode is full of personal stories, kitty information, facts, high elephant drawings, and deep thoughts about the beauty of Mary Jane. 

Oct 29, 202001:05:35
Higher Consciousness Episode 8 - Manifestation Part 2

Higher Consciousness Episode 8 - Manifestation Part 2

It may seem difficult to be a Master Manifester, but if you can commit to your dreams, the universe will send them to you so fast it will seem like magic!! In part 2 of the Manifestation discussion, Liz & Dave talk about not limiting yourself, and your dreams. What to do when you're having trouble manifesting. Plus, more personal stories of manifestation that involve cars, visions of the future, and... twerking for jesus? Yep, you read that correctly. 

Oct 22, 202001:07:40