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High Vibe Messages Read by Teresa Dawn

High Vibe Messages Read by Teresa Dawn

By Teresa Dawn

Sharing these high vibe messages is a project of love, with the intention of bringing more light into the world.

Currently playing episode

Channeled Message, Stand Strong in Your Own Power

High Vibe Messages Read by Teresa DawnNov 14, 2021

Ann Albers and The Angels: You Are The Masters of Your Own Tuning
May 07, 202412:18
Navigating the Shift from 3D to 5D: Channeled Message through Ann Albers of Visions of Heaven

Navigating the Shift from 3D to 5D: Channeled Message through Ann Albers of Visions of Heaven

This episode is a channeled message from The Angels through Ann Albers. You can learn more about Ann Albers and her work by visiting

A partial transcript of the channeled message is seen below. 


 My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There are so many times when we wish you could see yourselves the way we see you. We wish you could see your light, your beauty, and how well you are all doing in your evolution. Many of you reading this are rare on your earth. There are few who truly understand themselves as vibrational beings, and those who do are still challenged to overcome the old three-dimensional conditioning. Many of you are the first generation to shift your understanding of the nature of reality. You are breaking new ground upon your earth by remembering how you intended to live before you came.  
You are, by example, helping others learn that life can be kinder and easier than most were led to believe. As you embrace the 5D paradigm of calibrating your energy to an outcome and acting only in a joyful flow (rather than the 3D paradigm of using effort alone), you will see things come to you in miraculous ways. Others will want to know what you are doing and why your lives are working more easily.
While you are learning to embrace this new paradigm, there will still be challenges along the way, as the old habits of thought conflict with your new understandings. There will be times when try as you may, it is difficult to focus on something pleasant. Love yourself anyway, as you are, for even choosing to love yourself when you feel less than loving will raise your vibration.
The past few years have driven all of you deeper into your hearts. That is why so many of you are suddenly intolerant of things you once settled for. So many of you are reconnecting with people who nourish your spirits and disconnecting from those who don't. Many of you are picking up new hobbies or getting rid of old commitments. 
There is a huge movement upon your planet, although not widely acknowledged, to dive deeper into your hearts and live more authentic lives. 
When, in a given moment, you are living in alignment with your heart and soul, you will feel energized, hopeful, or happy. When you are not in alignment, it is easy to feel sad or angry. When your flow is guiding you to act gently, and you try to "push the river," you'll feel the exhaustion of going against a current of love that is trying to help you achieve all your desires in a kind and loving way. When you are in alignment, feeling your feelings, accepting and loving yourself through them, you'll feel amazing. What you call "miracles" will flow to you.
For the full transcript, please visit and look for the April 27, 2024 transmission.

To support my work, I will gratefully receive a tip through ⁠⁠PayPal, using this link⁠⁠. You can also shop at ⁠⁠⁠⁠.

May Peace and Blessing by Yours


Apr 28, 202411:53
55 ANGELIC AFFIRMATIONS - Inspired by Belinda Womack and The Teachings Of The 12 ARCHANGELS

55 ANGELIC AFFIRMATIONS - Inspired by Belinda Womack and The Teachings Of The 12 ARCHANGELS

These 55 ANGELIC AFFIRMATIONS are designed to attune the subconscious towards abundant prosperity by first erasing any feelings of lack or unworthiness held deep within. These feelings of lack or unworthiness may be known to you or they may be buried so deep within the many layers of subconscious that you’re unaware they exist.

The affirmations then help you understand your true power and abilities.

Each affirmation in this recording is repeated three times before moving on to the next one. Playing in the background is Solfeggio Tones with enhanced 40hz, 528hz and the sound of gentle waves of water to help soothe and balance. Also playing in the background are these 33 whispered statements that loop every 3 minutes:

You are safe … You are secure … You are good … You are magnificent … You are generous … You are beautiful …You are creative … You are resourceful … You are divine … You are intuitive … You are loving … You are wise … You are willing … You are able … You are complete … You are amazing … You are blessed … You are loved … You are healthy … You are delightful … You are happy … You are peaceful … You are content … You are stable … You are strong … You are resplendent … You are smart… You are confident … You are love … You are light … You are calm … You are amazing … You are perfect …

These 55 affirmations are inspired by Belinda Womack and the 12 Archangels through the life-enhancing ⁠⁠Wealth Re-creation and Inner Worth Transformation⁠⁠ course.

To learn more, visit Belinda Womack’s School of Spiritual Evolution and accept 10% off any of her courses by using coupon code: TERESA10%.

If you’re like many people, you turn your affirmations on every night to reprogram your subconscious mind while you sleep. The length of this audio is to help you do just that, at 5 hours and 55 minutes long.

For a faster shift, consider letting the affirmations go directly to your subconscious through a Neurophone.

Aside from the remarkable effects on brain efficiency, intelligence enhancement, and left-right brain coherence, the Neurophone helps you learn subliminally through ultrasonic waves. 

If this has piqued your interest, do some research. When you’re ready to purchase your own device, email me at info at essentialtonics dot com and I will send you a promo code for a discount.

If you would like to support my work, I will gratefully receive a tip through PayPal, using this link.

You can also shop at


1.   I am emotionally and physically safe and secure. God provides my paycheck. My paycheck comes from divine source. I give thanks to the Divine Mother and Divine Father that provides for me, through me.

2. I place all debt, all doubt, all fear and all worry into a violet-coloured fire and allow this healing Energy to clear it and thank Divine Source for filling me with the trust that I AM deserving to be debt free, confident, safe and secure.

3.     Thank you, Divine Source, for filling me and all of my neglected selves with unconditional love and everything we need to feel wanted and safe.

 4.   I am filled with trust. Thank you, thank you, thank you, my creator, Divine Source, Infinite Intelligence, the Christ Buddha loving vibration for filling me with TRUST in every cell, in every molecule and all the space between. Thank you for filling me with the trust that I am loved, safe and secure. Thank you for filling me with the trust that I am worthy and that I am being helped right now.

5.     I clear all negative thoughts from my mind. I am filled with unconditional acceptance of myself. I am good enough. I am worthy. I am smart. I am resourceful. I am creative. I deserve abundant prosperity. I deserve to give myself the gift of only doing work that I love in a beautiful and harmonious environment, that inspires and benefits others.

Apr 25, 202405:54:11
Your Godself & the New Earth ∞The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Your Godself & the New Earth ∞The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

With the intention of bringing more light into the world, sharing these channeled messages is a project of love that I give freely to you.  You can support my work by sending a donation to or shopping at

Below is an excerpt of the channeled message.

We acknowledge you for who you really are, because it’s the only way that it serves us to see you, and we know that. We also know that nothing there on Earth is ever really a mistake. Nothing is an aberration. Nothing needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth. And we understand that everyone is playing a role. We also know that everything is changing and everyone and everything is getting closer to the Source from which we all emerge. Therefore, we have complete confidence that not only will you know yourselves fully as your Godselves, but you will begin to operate in that way as well.

When you think of creating your reality, for example, if you think about it from the perspective of the Godself, then you know that what you want to create already is. You know that you don’t have to bend over backwards or struggle, or prove your worthiness through lots and lots of action to make it be. You know that it is, and you are so confident that it is that you can go on living your life as your Godself would. 

When you understand that the time lag in between you creating something and you experiencing it is necessary to give you that experience, then you step into full knowing that you will experience what you have just created in due time. And in the meantime, there are plenty of other creations around for you to enjoy. When you operate as the Godself, you see others as perfect just as they are, you see others as the Gods that they are, and you do not project negative attributes onto them. You do not assume the worst of them, and certainly you do not assume that they are stagnant or incapable of growth. 

Everyone not only is capable of growth, but everyone is doing it, because if they aren’t, they must check out of this reality. This shift is happening, and only those who are willing to grow will stay and enjoy the rest of the ride. Now, as you consider what it means to you to be your Godself, we recommend that you do so from that space of acknowledging that this is not placing you higher than anyone else, but it is your way of showing others the way to acknowledging and being their true selves and operating in the world as such. And when everyone around you is doing so, you will know that you have achieved something that very few people throughout history have achieved. 

And you can rest assured that you will be living in a world where everyone eventually will know who they really are and treat others, and the planet and the animals as they really are. That’s simply the world you are co-creating right now. Very good.

To view the full transcript of Daniel's channeled music, visit his website here.

Jan 18, 202406:10
Your Mission at this Time ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton ∞ Audio Recording by Teresa Dawn
May 21, 202204:44
Channeled Message by Ann Albers April 20, 2022
May 21, 202206:59
Channeled Message: This is The Year You Take Your Power Back

Channeled Message: This is The Year You Take Your Power Back

This Channeled Message: 2022: The Year You Take Your Power Back is provided by Daniel Scranton and read by Teresa Dawn.  An excerpt of the message is below.  To view the full transcript, visit

Once you understand that there is no separation between you and Source and you and everyone else, then you can operate as an infinite and eternal Creator Being who has love and compassion in your heart. Being awake has nothing to do, from our perspective, with conspiracy theories. It has nothing to do with knowing about who’s really doing what behind the scenes and who is and is not a member of some dark cabal group, but we understand that sometimes those are the avenues through which people come to teachers like us, teachers who will inform you of who you really are and pound that message home, over and over again.

Therefore, we know that everything that exists, exists for a reason, and that reason is always to serve you. That being said, we would prefer for all of you if you did not look at predictions about 2022, and consciously or subconsciously put yourself on a timeline that you don’t need to be on or don’t want to be on. You don’t have to go along with what someone else says is going to happen next year just because they have a few interesting things to say about other aspects of life on planet Earth that you resonate with. But instead, make 2022 the year that you take your power back. Make it the year that you use your knowing of who you really are to create a better reality for you and for everyone else there on Earth.

Let it be the year that you step forward as the teacher, the leader, and the healer that you were meant to be, and let it be the year that you guide the newly awakened away from what does not serve them and into what does. It will always serve each and every one of you to know who you really are and to take that knowing and to put it into practice, as you are Creator Beings. You are not just there to live out a predetermined set of circumstances that will unfold before you.

Dec 29, 202107:08
Channeled Message by Ann Albers, Increasing Peace Amidst Conflicting Forces

Channeled Message by Ann Albers, Increasing Peace Amidst Conflicting Forces

An excerpt of this Channeled Message by Ann Albers, Increasing Peace Amidst Conflicting Forces, is found below and the full transcript can be accessed on

As you look into your world and witness the turbulence, know that you can be the peace. As you see the storms caused by the clashing forces within human hearts you can be the calm. As you see the illness, you can choose to be carriers of well-being. For in every situation dear ones, there is a stream of great love and grace attempting to carry each individual –  and the collective human race – towards the loving realities that you all desire, and in every case, there is either a willingness to focus upon and attune yourself to those realities or a resistance that causes great turbulence within and without.

Much of your world is in a state of inner conflict right now. Never before has there been such strong and passionate desires calling forth greater love, and never before has there been such corresponding resistance.

Human hearts are crying for change... as long as others are the ones who change.
Human hearts are calling for unity... as long as others believe the same as they do. Human hearts are calling for well-being... while focused on illness, and the list goes on. In so many cases right now upon your planet earth, you are calling for solutions and a higher vibrational reality, while at the same time focusing on problems and living in a lower vibration.

If you want to be a loving person but spend time hating someone or some group, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you offer yourself compassion and grace until you can do the same for others, you will feel at one with your true, loving nature.

If you want peace but get worked up over disagreements with others, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you remind yourself to live and let live, to change what you can and accept what you can't then you are well on your way to peace.

If you want kindness, but feel vengeful, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you begin to be kinder to yourself until you can be kind to others, then you are on the road to a kinder reality.

Like a cold front that runs into a wall of warm air, you feel the stirring of opposites within you whenever you call for one thing and yet focus upon another. Conversely, you feel the stable and steady stream of love from the Source when you call for something and focus on it with great love, joy, or anticipation.

Dec 24, 202106:55
Channeled Message by Shanta Gabriel - The Power of Accepting What is

Channeled Message by Shanta Gabriel - The Power of Accepting What is

This beautiful message from Archangel Gabriel is channeled through Shanta Gabriel and is available on

Shanta Gabriel writes this in her blog post:

Accept what is and allow change to occur around you without attachment

I have noticed that when I am in judgment about "what is" and resisting my present reality, it causes extreme stress in my physical and emotional bodies.

It is the awareness of my stress level that finally pushes me to remember that my state will not change for the better until I release the clutches of that part of me trying to control things. I can then focus my attention on what I really intend to experience in my life and trust the Universe will provide whatever is in the forefront of my attention.

Sometimes this process seems easier than at other times...

I remember receiving this message and especially the difficulties I experienced with the concept, "accept what is."

How could I even consider accepting the horrendous and traumatic occurrences that are happening in the world? How could I accept what appeared in my life as the loss of all that I considered valuable?

It is a challenging concept, especially in this era of instant world-wide information with more awareness about what is transpiring not only in the lives of others, but in the life of the Earth and its sustainability. Yet what I have learned is that nothing can change unless I accept "what is." I have to be very clear about what it is that I am experiencing so I can ask for something different. Often I need to recognize the recurring patterns so I can clear something from my past history. I am really aware that when I accept what is in my present time, I can focus on what I need because the contrast is so great between what I am experiencing and what I want to have in my life.

We come into the world as beings who want to experience and learn from the life we have chosen. We expressly volunteered to come into this time and place so we could help bring the changes the Earth needs to thrive in the higher dimensional life that is awakening now. This includes being in Alignment with our Soul's lessons and the empowered teachings we need to bring our own lives into a higher order.

To read more and the full transcript of the channeled message, visit

Dec 14, 202104:48
Channeled Message, The Love Within via Thea Grace Sirius

Channeled Message, The Love Within via Thea Grace Sirius

This Channeled Message, The Love Within via Thea Grace Sirius can be read in it's entirety here and an excerpt is below:

Much of the dis-ease in the world was created by the darker elements for them to profit from the so-called cures. The latest so called pandemic was created by fear. Fear and stress creates much of the dis-ease that affects humans . Believe in your own body’s capacity to heal itself and no-thing will ever affect you. Learn to LOVE your body and its own innate capacity to heal itself.

Some of your Doctors have been misguided into thinking that dis-ease comes from without ,when in fact it comes from within. If your body is completely at ease with itself it will not attract or “catch” anything. Viruses and bacteria are always inside of your body and the normal bodily processes will let them go as the cells die. It is only when your body is out of alignment with your mind and spirit that things start to go wrong.

Much has been written on this subject by many enlightened souls and much more information will be coming to LIGHT as the medical establishment also wake up.

The most important thing that you can ever do is to learn to LOVE every part of yourself .However hard it maybe learn to love your illnesses for these are only your body’s way of showing you that you are out of alignment in some way. Your body can heal itself if you can just learn to listen to it. Your body will tell you what it needs so learn to connect and listen to what it is telling you. You may need to rest, you may need more supplements ,you may need more or less food or water. You may need to avoid certain substances. You may need to connect with the Earth or water.

This episode is Sponsored by Essential Tonics.  Please visit today to show your support.

Dec 07, 202107:30
Channeled Message, Use Your Power for the Ascension of Humankind ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, via by Daniel Scranton

Channeled Message, Use Your Power for the Ascension of Humankind ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, via by Daniel Scranton

This Channeled Message, Use Your Power for the Ascension of Humankind ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, via by Daniel Scranton is read by Teresa Dawn. An excerpt of the message is below and the full transcript can be found on

You can send shockwaves through your collective consciousness and do more for humanity in a moment than you could do in a lifetime of working at something physically. This is the power that you have as individuals and as the awakened collective, and we are just suggesting now that you use that power for the good of all, for the ascension of humankind.

Dec 07, 202104:39
Channeled Message from Ann Albers and The Angels - 12/4/21

Channeled Message from Ann Albers and The Angels - 12/4/21

This Channeled Message from Ann Albers and The Angels was posted on on 12/4/21.  It is read here by Teresa Dawn of and an excerpt is below.  To read the full transcripts and other beautiful messages designed to instill a feeling of peace, visit to read more.

One, simple, tiny, act of kindness makes all the difference in the world to those whose lives it has affected. One act of kindness can stop a suicide. One act of kindness can stop recklessness that can change a whole life. One act of kindness can be passed on and on and on... and one act of kindness sends a vibrational wave of love rippling out into a world in need.

Dear ones, at the holidays and in all seasons, remember that even the tiniest acts of love can be a massive and brilliant contribution. Your prayer for all in need might be the warm energy that comforts a single mother who is praying for strength. Your prayer for world leaders might be the one current of energy that touches their hearts and makes them hold back on starting a war. You don't see the results of your prayers, your small acts of kindness, or your emanations of light, but there are huge and beautiful effects from every act of love.

Don't underestimate your value upon this earth. Never underestimate your power to do good, to sway the balance of energies towards the light, and in so doing to feel the Love that you are flowing to you, through you, and within you.

Dear ones with every act of love and kindness, you are that tiny babe in the manger, the miracle oil in the lamp, and the light of the Divine here upon your earth. Peace be with you. You are that too...

Dec 04, 202106:06
CHANNELED MESSAGE: Extracted from the – Sirian Blue White Transmission – 18 NOV 2021

CHANNELED MESSAGE: Extracted from the – Sirian Blue White Transmission – 18 NOV 2021

This channeled message is located on and is titled, CHANNELED MESSAGE, Extracted from the – Sirian Blue White Transmission – 18 NOV 2021.  It is read by Teresa Dawn of

In these unsettling times during the pandemic, peace is found by going within.

An excerpt of this channeled message is found below and the full transcript can be accessed by visiting

You are touching thousands of lives and generations of experience in the process of what you are doing.  It’s hard to conceptualize the profundity of this action.  Dear Ones, your lives will be personally touched and altered in a positive way by the process of what you are doing, but the ramifications extend far beyond this simple outcome.

For you see, you are participating in an experience that will facilitate the collective transition of the planet.  Like a pebble in a pond, the waves created by the experience of what you are doing, will touch the fabric of time.  The consciousness that manifests through the quantum space of your vehicle is enhanced, and as you participate in this way, the energy you carry is altered.

Nov 25, 202106:03
Channeled Message, Connect With The Angels via Thea Grace Sirius

Channeled Message, Connect With The Angels via Thea Grace Sirius

This Channeled Message, Connect With The Angels via Thea Grace Sirius is read by Teresa Dawn.

This channeled message acknowledges the challenging times people are experiencing during the pandemic and provides spiritual insights on how to overcome them. and find inner peace.

An excerpt of this channeled message is below and the full transcript can be accessed here:

However many souls are now in a state of flux, so to speak and their emotions are not letting them move forwards. Much of their life has been in a state of fight and flight and their experiences reflect this and they are finding it hard to let go of their own anger towards others. This is why you are finding so much Division in the world today. The dark entities have been doing a very good job of dividing and conquering so to speak .Dearest One your challenge now is to rise above this and to manifest a NEW WORLD of LOVE PEACE and HARMONY. In real terms this means being as we the Angels are and seeing beyond the Fear of others and Loving them as a soul.

YOU are the only one person who can change your own life from within and in so doing you WILL change your world from without. Much has been spoken about Learning to Love yourselves and many of you have been able to achieve this but it is TIME NOW to learn to LOVE every single soul on this planet, even the so called Dark Ones for without them you may not have awoken !!!!!.is in the singular form for no Saviour is going to do this work for you.

YOU are the only one person who can change your own life from within and in so doing you WILL change your world from without.Much has been spoken about Learning to Love yourselves and many of you have been able to achieve this but it is TIME NOW to learn to LOVE every single soul on this planet, even the so called Dark Ones for without them you may not have awoken !!!!!.

This can be a very challenging time for you all and you may want to shy away from others who do not think as you do. We have to tell you that if a soul has come into your aura ,however distasteful they may be, and not as loving as you wish them to be, there is a part of you that has attracted them for a purpose. It maybe that YOU are the one person that can help them to move forwards and to let go of their anger towards others. BLESS them Dear Ones ,however hard that may be, for YOU maybe their only Saviour if you can do this. Their physical presence may not thank you but their soul will, Dear Ones.

It is TIME now for all souls to come together in LOVE and not in anger and hatred in your differences. In truth all souls came to Earth at this time on a mission to build this new wonderful world of LOVE for all. Many have now awoken to this mission but others maybe still be asleep ,as you were at one time. 

Many of you are in families and around friends who are still asleep, so to speak, but have no Fear that these souls will stay asleep forever. The energies are such that more and more souls are waking up every day and once awoken they will not go back to sleep. As a soul you will have done a very good job of helping them ,however hard it may seem to you.

Do not give up on your friends and families. You may have to be physically apart from them for awhile and they may not thank you for the work that you have done but just know that if they are in your presence their soul WILL have learned a great deal from you. YOU are the wayshowers, dear ones and YOU were chosen to be here at this time for the brave fighter souls that you all are.

Nov 24, 202108:57
Channeled Message, Your Thoughts…Do They Belong to You? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled Message, Your Thoughts…Do They Belong to You? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

This Channeled Message, Your Thoughts…Do They Belong to You comes through Daniel Scranton and is read here by Teresa Dawn of  An excerpt of the message is below.

We are quite capable of letting go of what we can feel no longer serves us. We have had perspectives, ideas, and thoughts that we had to let go of at certain points in our evolution, because we could feel how much they were holding us back and weighing us down. We understand that the environment you are in there on Earth requires you to do this quite a bit, and we just want you all to know that it’s not your fault when you think a thought that is heavy, unsettling, or even disturbing to you. You were born into that system where those thoughts and thought forms, those trains of thought and streams of thought existed prior to your arrival.

If a baby was born into a room where people were smoking, you wouldn’t blame the baby for inhaling the secondhand smoke, and yet you often feel bad about yourselves because of your thoughts, but your thoughts don’t originate from inside your head. Your brain picks up on and interprets the energy that is that thought, and you become aware of it in your consciousness, and then you have to decide whether that thought is one you want to keep thinking, whether you want to continue going down that train of thought, or whether it doesn’t feel quite right to you, and you want to let it go. These are choices you have to make over and over there on Earth because of the energies that were present when you were born and that continue to be present now, and we just want to say to you all that it has never been easier than right now to change your minds.

It has never been easier than right now there on Earth to tune in to thoughts that are going to serve you and humanity to a much greater extent than the ones that have been present, the ones you have been thinking and continuing to think. Awareness is the key, because if you can be aware of your thoughts, you can let them go, and once you let go of a lower-vibrational thought, you can get to the vibration that exists within you that attracted that thought to you in the first place. They don’t just come to you randomly, but of course, you were born around certain people, and those people were thinking thoughts, and those thoughts became easier for you to receive and translate and think of as your own.

But then at a certain point, you do hopefully realize that you have a choice and that you don’t have to choose to think like those who raised you. You can think differently, and you can seek out that which is progress from the standpoint of your perspective and the standpoint of the entire human collective of which you are a part. Now is a good time to be paying attention to what you are thinking, whether you want to keep thinking those thoughts, and then being conscious and aware enough as you most certainly are to let go of those thoughts, that certainly is what we recommend.

Let them go, and feel what’s behind them. Feel the vibration; breathe into it. If it’s not a good-feeling vibration, let that go through conscious awareness of it and how it feels, and you will put yourself in a better position to be accessing thoughts that feel better to you, thoughts that are intrinsically better because they are vibrating at a higher frequency, and that is a simple way to change your life and your world.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Nov 24, 202105:13
Channeled Message by Ann Dahlberg

Channeled Message by Ann Dahlberg

This is channeled message Judas Iscariot – Urgent Message – via Ann Dahlberg, November 21, 2021 – Sananda is read by Teresa Dawn of  The essence of this channeled message is to follow your intuition and do things that bring about good feelings.  

Nov 23, 202107:19
Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton - Is There a Spiritual War Going On Right Now? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton - Is There a Spiritual War Going On Right Now? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

This channeled message comes through Daniel Scranton and is read by Teresa Dawn.  An excerpt is below and the full message can be viewed at

We are awakening within you new avenues for your growth and your evolution every time that we connect with all of you. We are always looking for those entry points, those gaps in your consciousness to slip something into that will enhance your level of awareness of self. We will continuously point you back to yourselves, rather than giving you intel on what’s going on out there, or what’s going to happen. We would so much rather give you the instruction manual on how to create what you want out there and how to choose a timeline, and so that is what we do.

And helping you to become more aware of what’s going on inside of you, helping you to awaken to the truth of who you really are, is what we are all about. We want you to nourish yourselves with good-feeling energies. We advise you to focus on what feels good to you and what you want to create, rather than focusing on what you are afraid of or what might happen that you do not want to happen. We want you to understand that the only spiritual war that’s going on right now is taking place inside the consciousness of each being and that when you achieve inner peace, you achieve peace outside of you. When you raise your level of consciousness, then you don’t see words, actions, and beliefs in others that represent a lower-vibrational consciousness.

You are not spiritual warriors in a biblical sense, where you are supposed to defeat those who are, by your definition, the evil-doers of planet Earth and the galaxy at large. That is the level of consciousness that starts wars on your planets throughout this galaxy of ours, and there have been too many wars in the history of our galaxy. It’s time to put an end to the warrior mentality and to be the ones who seek peace, who vibrate peace, who emanate peace, and it all starts with you and your awareness. You might think thoughts so consistently and believe something with all of your heart, and as such, you are completely unaware that you are walking around holding resentment, angst, and seeking to do battle with someone, even if it’s verbally, because you hold so steadfastly to your beliefs.

When you give up the fight, you find that there was never anything to fight in the first place, because it is at that moment that you become aware that you are The Source of it all. You are The Creator, and there’s nothing that you cannot create, but you’ve got to start with your vibration. Your vibration is your primary creation. It’s active all the time, whether you feel it or not, and if we can convince you to pay more attention to your vibration through these transmissions, then we will have fulfilled our purpose for connecting with you in the first place.

You can get all the other stories elsewhere, but the only story we are interested in is the one you are creating with your vibration and whether you want to make some changes to that story. We will continue to give you the tools to do so, which are the keys to the kingdom, and the kingdom of Heaven is within you. It’s not just out there in the fifth dimension, which is not a place, but a state of being. And you control your state of being with your awareness, which means you can hold fifth-dimensional consciousness for a little while every day, and you can hold it for a little longer and a little longer, and you can create your own pocket of it, your own slice of Heaven, right there, right now, on planet Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Nov 19, 202105:50
Channeled Message, Your Path to Enlightenment

Channeled Message, Your Path to Enlightenment

This Channeled Message, Your Path to  Enlightenment, comes from the 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton and is read by Teresa Dawn of  An excerpt of the message is below and the full version can be accessed on

We invite you to hold your arms wide open to the unknown and that which cannot be proven. You don’t want to have it all figured out, not really. You don’t want to become stagnant because you have written everything down in stone. You want to be flexible, and you want to see all of what you are experiencing as a fun adventure. That’s the way to enlightenment, as far as we are concerned. And along the way, you will try on many different beliefs. You will have faith in many different teachings and ways of looking at the world and being in the world, and it is our hope that at some point in your journey, you realize that the only place for you, the only way to truly understand and to know, is to go within and be silent.

Nov 16, 202105:13
Channeled Message, Stand Strong in Your Own Power
Nov 14, 202105:25
Channeled Message, Feeling The Love That Creates Worlds via Ann Albers

Channeled Message, Feeling The Love That Creates Worlds via Ann Albers

This channeled message, Feeling The Love That Creates Worlds is shared through Ann Albers on and read by Teresa Dawn of

An excerpt of the channeled message is shown below and the full transcript can be accessed through

You are so cherished, dear friends, Cherished. We honor the courage you have to be here during this time of awakening. It isn’t the easiest time on your planet. There are so many disconnected souls spreading the virus of fear. There are so many insisting that their way is the only right way. There are so many more, however, who – like you – are laboring in love to usher in an era of kindness, tolerance, freedom, and openness. You will get there. For now, however, allow us, allow your Source to simply love you into a vibration where you become the invincible creators that you truly are.Receive dear friends. You are all worthy. You are all loved. You are all precious souls adding light and love to a vast and beautiful creation.

Nov 14, 202109:42
Channeled Message, What if the World Were to Completely Change? The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton

Channeled Message, What if the World Were to Completely Change? The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton

This Channeled Message, What if the World Were to Completely Change? The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton is read here by Teresa Dawn of

An except from this channeled message is below and the full version can be accessed through this link.

We are continuously inviting all of you to join us in a higher frequency, because we know that is ultimately what you want, even if you think you want something else. You think you want things to change there on Earth, and what if they did? What if everything changed, but no one that was in a human body was willing to change themselves? You would have the same problems eventually. That is why changing you at your very core is the only way to change the outer reality and to make those changes long lasting and to have them be the changes you actually want as a soul.

An ego doesn’t like challenges, because an ego just wants to know that everything will be okay, that it will be safe, comfortable, taken care of, and so on. But a soul craves those challenges, because a soul knows that its journey is to grow and evolve, to expand and become more of Source Energy on an experiential level. You can know that you are a Source Energy Being, but to experience that knowing through something that you do, or think, or say, or even better feel, is an entirely different experience.

Nov 14, 202106:07
Channeled Message, The Power of Imagining, Aita Channeling Her Higher Self

Channeled Message, The Power of Imagining, Aita Channeling Her Higher Self

This Channeled Message, The Power of Imagining, was located on Sananda.Website and is read by Teresa Dawn of

An excerpt of Aita Channeling Her Higher Self is seen below.  To read the transcript in full, visit VoyagesOfLight.Blogspot.

The powers that be are still disseminating the same old, tired, untrue story. The news is still of violence and hatred and death, of mankind’s brutal and sadistic nature, of shootings, and bombings and savagery.

And yet, in their daily lives, the majority of mankind does not see such violence and cruelty. As we have often said, mankind is basically kind. Humanity is, basically humane.

So why does the media, the main stream news, concentrate on the negative, fill its reporting with scenes of mayhem and disaster, with images of hatred, shootings and wounding, supported by dark colors and noisy sounds, of angry words and heavy explosions?

This, dear ones, is mind control. Yes, our thoughts control our reality. And what influences our thinking? What directs our thoughts into peaceful, joyful, loving, compassionate frequencies? Or, into a low vibrating, angry, revengeful fear frequency.

It is the images we see. This is why we are so often advised to spend time in the peace and tranquility of nature. This is why our spirits are lifted, our love is increased, when we see beautiful paintings, watch uplifting movies, spend time with our supportive loved ones.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine, seeing in your mind’s eye something beautiful, something uplifting - your pet, your child, a loved one, a forest, the ocean, flowers, birds, trees. Open your eyes and you feel uplifted by the scenes you have envisioned.

Now, close. your eyes and see a scene of war, of death, a scene of bloody disaster. Envisage a shooting, the beating of a child, a prison environment, starvation and extreme poverty. Your spirits, your vibration will fall into sadness, anger, a desire for revenge and thoughts of punishment for the cruel perpetrators of these painful images.

Unless you are an extremely high vibrating being who can stay in the love vibration regardless of what is happening around them, seeing such scenes, imagining such aggressive violence will lower your frequency, will drop you into fear.

And so it is the images we see, the images that we remember from the past, that determine our mind set, that direct our thoughts. And this is how, over the centuries, over millennia of time, the powers that be have mind controlled humanity.

This is why those who watch the main stream media are manipulated into fear. The media, the television, radio and newspapers have been taken over by the powers that be, those that play the part of the devil, of evil in this great stage play that is the planet earth schoolroom experience.

Nov 13, 202114:53
Channeled Message, Daily Reflection with Teacher

Channeled Message, Daily Reflection with Teacher

This Channeled Message, Daily Reflection with Teacher, is shared through Miriandra and read by Teresa Dawn.  Below is an excerpt and you can read the full channeled message by visiting

“I am a divine being.
“I am the essence of creation itself.
“I live inside this body, but I am not my body. It is my vehicle, my vessel for this
“I am not my name.
“I am not what friends think who I am.
“I am not even a daughter, son, wife, husband, friend, worker, boss or mother. Those are all things that I do.
“But I am the essence that flows forth for the doing or not doing. I am bigger than any earthly description.
“There is an essence from creation that flows forth.
“I am that essence.
“I am pure.
“I am whole.
“I am love and loved.
“I am the essence of peace itself. Right now…
“I Am.

Nov 08, 202112:42
Channeled Message, Avoid Spiritual Bypass

Channeled Message, Avoid Spiritual Bypass

This Channeled Message, Avoid Spiritual Bypass & Receive Arcturian Love, is found on and is read here by, Teresa Dawn.  An excerpt is below and the full channeled message can be found on

If you allow yourselves to feel more and think less, you will be more in tune with the universe. You will be more in the flow of the energies that are present. You will be less blindsided when things happen in your lives, because you will have felt them coming. And even more importantly, you will be able to make course corrections because of how aware you become of those feelings and those energies.

There are energies infused into everything that you are being given there in your lives, and you can choose by how you feel whether to participate or whether to accept what you are being given as true. When you operate from the level of the mind, you often realize that you are confused, uncertain, and prone to second-guessing yourselves. So when someone else, who is also mind-oriented comes along, and tells you with a great degree of certainty that they know what is true, and they tell you that they have the only version of the truth that matters, you listen. You pay more attention because that person is bypassing their feelings as well, but they have a stronger conviction about what they think than you do.

And so, how you think can be swayed by the certainty of someone else, when you really only want your thinking to be swayed by how you feel. That is why it is so important to get in touch with your feelings, the energies that are around you, and the energy that someone else is giving off. With the person’s conviction, there might be anger, fear or sadness woven into what they are saying, and it is theirs, and it is unresolved. But again, they are cut off from their feelings, and so they do not realize what they are actually spreading is not truth, but fear. And again, because the listener is cut off from what they feel, and is uncertain about what they think, they are likely to go along with the loudest teacher, the loudest YouTube personality.

And that is not how you want to go about living your life and creating your reality. You want to use your feelings to guide you and your feelings to tell you whether you want more of what is being presented to you. So tune in to the Arcturian love that is being sent to you right now, and also allow yourself to process your own fear, sadness, and anger when it comes up for you. Usually there are things you can do, eat, watch, listen to, or read to avoid those feelings that come up in you, but really, you are only putting them off when you engage in those activities, those bypass strategies. But you are not there to engage in spiritual bypass; you are there to become more sensitive to energies, so that you can choose wisely which ones you want to play with, you want to feel, and you want to create with, moving forward in your lives.

This is how you will create instantaneously in the fifth dimension, so it is good practice for you, right here and right now.

Nov 08, 202105:03
Channeled Message, Access the Full Power of Source Energy

Channeled Message, Access the Full Power of Source Energy

This Channeled Message, Access the Full Power of Source Energy, came via Daniel Scranton and is read by Teresa Dawn.  An excerpt is below and the full channeled message can be read at

We are watching with great anticipation, as we notice how many of you have been changing at your core and how we know that the changes that occur within the individual affect the entirety of the human collective there on Earth. And so, we are eagerly anticipating the ripple effect that is taking place and that will impact your society in a huge way. We notice when one of you takes a positive step forward because we are that sensitive to energy and vibration, and we know that the effects are not even immediate in your personal lives when you take that positive step forward. And so, we know that the totality of what you all have been achieving as individuals in the past few weeks has yet to be experienced by the collective.

And it is your collective consciousness that creates the government, the pharmaceutical industry, the economic system, the educational system, and even your environment. You see, all of the things that people want to change that do exist, to a certain extent, outside of them, are changed when the individual takes that positive step forward, because of your impact on the entire collective. And we want you to see yourselves as being that powerful, rather than seeing the billionaires, and the leaders of government, and all the other ones, as being the powerful ones because they have the wealth, and they have the positions of authority.

You are the leader of your own reality, because you are the creator of it, and you are the experiencer of it as well. So you are also the constituents, and we are speaking to you as individuals right now when we say this. It is without a doubt that you are more powerful when you band together with a common goal, as long as you realize that the common goal is to offer a vibration, not to overthrow someone or something in a mob mentality type of riot atmosphere. That’s not power; that’s desperation. But you are powerful as individuals, and you are more powerful when you are seeking a vibration within you than when you are posting, or arguing, or trying to convince someone that your perspective is the right one and that everyone should join you in it.

If you want to realize the power of Source Energy flowing through you, then you first have to allow everyone else to be where they are spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. You have to love them as they are and see them as necessary pieces of the giant puzzle of which you are all a part, of which we are all a part. Then you can relax, because you can let go of all of your resistance, all of your tension, all of your anger, all of your hate, and you can be aligned with Source and exercise that power.

Nov 08, 202105:38
Channeled Message, Living in The Reality of Love

Channeled Message, Living in The Reality of Love

This Channeled Message, Living in The Reality of Love, came through Ann Albers and is read by Teresa Dawn of  An excerpt of the message is below and you can visit to read the full version.

In the middle of the Great Depression most would have said the "real world" was a dismal mess. Yet there were many thriving, in their own "realities." There were many who found opportunities to create work, employ others, and invest when stocks were low. In the middle of the pandemic, billions living in the "real" world agonized because their lives were interrupted, they were isolated, and scared. Yet there were also many of you who were relieved that you finally had time to yourselves, time to rest and time to rethink your lives. There are people at this moment, in war-torn countries, where bombs are going off in the "real" world, and yet they are living in love, laughing with their families, and living in a vibration completely apart from what is going on around them. To them, their world – the world of eternal love – is more real, than the world of war.

You get to choose which "reality" you attune yourself to. You get to choose where you place your focus.

Reality, as we know it, is a world of unbounded, formless, infinite love just waiting to be molded into form with your focus. Reality is an energetic world in which thought creates vibration, vibration attracts what you are tuning into, and what you tune into draws the unseen into form. Our reality is the world in which you are loved beyond measure, a world in which you are guided in each and every moment of your lives, a world in which you are loved beyond measure.

Most people look at what has already been created in your 3D world, and say, "This is the way it is! This is reality! Live with it. Deal with it. You're fated to it. Put up with it. Try to make the best of it."

With all the love in our beings, we gently remind you that were not designed to react and survive. You were designed to create and thrive.

So when you look at the 3D world around you, look deeper. When you see the pandemic, the upsets, the frustrations, the restrictions, the blockages, the bickering, etc., look deeper.
Most are still trying to "fix" all that exists now, which is – in our reality – what was created in your past. Most are looking at what has already been created and are saying, "This is reality." However, dear ones, the deeper reality is the unseen, unbounded, formless, infinite love that you are molding with your focus in this very moment! The deeper reality is the well-being that you are collectively calling for. The deeper reality is the freedom that you are calling for. The deeper reality is the harmony you are calling for. This is the reality that you will live to witness coming into form because you are creating it with your faith and your focus here and now.

Nov 08, 202112:05
Channeled Message, How to Change Your Future & Your Past

Channeled Message, How to Change Your Future & Your Past

This Channeled Message, How to Change Your Future & Your Past, by Daniel Scranton is read by Teresa Dawn of and below is an excerpt.  To read the full message, visit

We are so very happy to see that all of you are able to sustain a higher vibration in spite of all of the potentials that there are out there for you to focus upon, potentials that would lower your vibration were you to focus upon them. We know that looking at what is present in your world right now is hard enough, but then to have people telling you that things are going to get worse, well that certainly doesn’t help you to maintain a high vibration. But please trust us when we say that holding a higher vibration is more important than preparing yourself for the catastrophic events that some people will always be predicting there on your world.

Nov 08, 202105:04
Channeled Message, The Master of the Crystal Kingdom via Carina
Nov 04, 202108:42
Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton, How to Fulfill Your Purpose in This Lifetime

Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton, How to Fulfill Your Purpose in This Lifetime

This channeled message was sourced on and is read here by Teresa Dawn.  An excerpt of the channeled message is below:

Many of your fellow humans are suffering. Many are carrying trauma, and many are currently being abused, and while it is easy to look at their outward speech and behavior and judge it, it’s a lot harder to understand that they are coming from that place of carrying so much heaviness and so much darkness within them.

So if you want to feel like you are fulfilling your purpose, send light and love everywhere. Radiate it when you go out into the world so that others can feel it coming off of you, and know that whenever you hear about someone who has done something terrible, the person who has committed the heinous act needs love and light just as much as the victims do. You have so much to give to your world and to your fellow humans, and we will always encourage you to shine your light, because we know that your light is needed, but we also know that it is the most satisfying thing you can do. It’s so much more important than publishing a book or a series of books, building a home for someone, digging a well for a community, because everyone needs a boost energetically.

Everyone needs to be loved, to feel loved, to know that others out there care about them. Everyone needs the light shone upon them, and you are the perfect ones to do it because you are receiving from us, you are receiving from others, you are open, you are loving and caring people, you are awake. You have so much to give of yourselves, as well as what you get from the higher realms, so it is important to value yourself and what you have to give in order to feel like sharing your light and love is going to be of value to someone else.

So that’s something else we would encourage you all to do. Spend some time focusing on what you have to give. Focus some of your time every day opening up to what is available to you, energetically, from the higher realms, and then send everything that you are getting and everything that you already had to your fellow humans, and change the world. Change the world for the better from where you are right now, which is a good place. You are in a better place than most just because you are awake. That makes a huge difference. And while you cannot talk someone else into waking up, you can shine your light so brightly to all on your world, including those who are still asleep, that they become enlightened, awakened. And they will ask you questions about your awakening, and then you can really feel like you are making a difference there on planet Earth.

To read more, visit

Nov 02, 202105:07
Channeled Message by Natalie Glasson, The Flame of Infinity

Channeled Message by Natalie Glasson, The Flame of Infinity

This Channeled Message by Natalie Glasson, The Flame of Infinity is read by Teresa Dawn and an excerpt found below.

We wish to bring into your awareness and your attention a very beautiful energy, which you may wish to use now in your ascension journey. We wish to encourage you to explore this energy, which we will introduce, discovering its purpose, and its vibration, as well as how it will impact your being, your surroundings, and the world manifesting around you. This energy is also deeply healing, it brings into our awareness very deep wounds that when released creates such brilliant liberation. It also brings into awareness the deep essence and ecstasy of the Creator, all that is the truth of the Creator. The energy we wish to introduce to you has the ability of demonstrating to you who you really are as a representation of the Creator. Making you aware of your skills, your abilities, your vibrations, and qualities, showing to you your origin, essence, and core. The energy we wish to introduce to you is known as the Flame of Infinity; it is the higher aspect of the Violet Flame.

The Flame of Infinity works within the Multi Universal and Cosmic Levels of the Creator's Universe. The Flame of Infinity holds the essence, the origin, the pure vibration of infinity, an energy that is eternal. An expression of the Creator that is so beautiful, honest, and pure.  We, the Arcturians, wish to encourage you to connect with the Flame of Infinity. Before we do so, we wish to invite you to contemplate, why would you connect with the Flame of Infinity? And what would be your purpose? For example, do you wish to connect with the Flame of Infinity to promote healing within your being, to access and release deep-seated wounds, to create more spiritual awareness and sensitivity within your being or to create abundance or prosperity. Maybe you have an experience or situation, you wish to resolve, there may have been a lacking in your reality that is hindering you from loving yourself fully and absolutely. You might wish to approach the Flame of Infinity to boost and magnify your self love, or to connect you on a deeper level with all that is the Creator. It is important to contemplate as you approach the Flame of Infinity, what your intention is and your purpose of connecting with the Flame of Infinity.

We, the Arcturians, wish for you to contemplate Infinity, what does this mean to you? We understand the vibration of infinity and the word means endless, continuous, continuous cycle of momentum, expansive, ever flowing. In your spiritual journey and ascension, what does infinity mean to you? What would infinity the embodiment and connection with the infinite vibrations of the Creator give to you? What would this spark within your being? What would it manifest within your reality? When you ask these questions of yourself, you begin to understand what Infinity really means for you. You understand when you are connecting with the Flame of Infinity, why you are doing so and how it will benefit your being.

You can connect with the Flame of Infinity without a purpose and without understanding the infinite nature of the Creator. However, your experience will not be as deep and soul touching as it could be. When you have understood or gained an insight into what Infinity means for you and your ascension process, then you can ask again when approaching the Flame of Infinity, what do you want to achieve? What is your purpose? What outcome would you like? With an understanding of what infinity in your ascension process means for you, it may be that your purpose transforms, shifts or alters, and you might find yourself approaching the Flame of Infinity in a different way.

Nov 01, 202110:05
Channeled Message by Ann Albers, Away from Fright to Experience Delight

Channeled Message by Ann Albers, Away from Fright to Experience Delight

This Channeled Message by Ann Albers, Away from Fright to Experience Delight is read by Teresa Dawn.  Below is an excerpt from the channeled message:

Right now you could say that there is a tug of war between love and what you call “evil” on your planet. Evil, dear ones, is simply “LlVE” in reverse. Evil is that which doesn’t realize that it is connected to an endless stream of LOVE that helps it LIVE. As a result, it attempts to go about life backward, grabbing resources, money, power, and energy from others, because it has pinched off its own supply chain to Love’s endless flow.

You need not fear evil. You need not give it any more power than your Halloween figures! You need not even focus upon it. In fact, the less energy you give that which you call evil, the more energy you are giving Love. In a vibration of love dear friends, “though you walk in the shadow of the valley of darkness you will fear no evil.”

In the greater understanding of reality, there is nothing but love. Your experience of this greater reality depends on you. You either let love flow into your life or you block Love’s endless supply.

To read more, visit Ann Albers, Away from Fright to Experience Delight

Oct 31, 202108:48
Channeled Message by Thea Grace Sirius, Divine Love

Channeled Message by Thea Grace Sirius, Divine Love

This Channeled Message by Thea Grace Sirius, Divine Love is read by Teresa Dawn.  Here is an excerpt of the channeled message:

Your soul’s purpose now is to keep your vibration high and in a state of LOVE for all and to avoid any fear. Many of you fear for your friends and family who still seem asleep as to what is actually happening. Dear Ones I can help you to come to terms with this fear. Even if your friends and families castigate you for the different views that you might hold , BLESS them and surround them in LOVE and LIGHT. If they are known to you they are not dark souls but they may have just chosen to hide their Light for awhile until it is time for them to shine .It is not your job to change their path .They too came here to help and they will ASCEND in time.  Do not try to dissuade them from their chosen path of learning.

To read more, visit Thea Grace Sirius, Divine Love

Oct 30, 202110:18
Channeled Message by Aita, Life is Happening For You and Not to You

Channeled Message by Aita, Life is Happening For You and Not to You

This Channeled Message by Aita, Life is Happening For You and Not to You, is read by Teresa Dawn of

An excerpt from Aita's channeled message is below.

You, our dear ones, are different from your fellow human brethren that you came to earth to help.  You see more of the big picture of human life than they do.

You have overcome much of your programming while those around you are still caught in the mind set that has been imposed upon them by their governors and controllers.

Human beings are eminently programmable.  And, as the great hologram, the great pantomime stage play, that is the 21st century awakening experience, as the pantomime continues, you can see clearly how your brethren are programmed.

Mind control is the device that the devil, that evil uses to corrupt mankind, to manipulate and maneuver his behaviour.  Mind control is what great souls, aspects of God consciousness, came to earth to experience and eventually overcome.

For life on planet earth is happening for us and not to us.  There are no accidents.  We are not victims.  Humans are all Divine Souls who have come to earth and ensconced themselves in human bodies to learn greater love, to refine their personalities, to increase their understanding.

In order to learn, they have no memory of their Divinity.  And so they take on the ideas and beliefs that surround them when they are born.  And these ideas, through the ages, denigrate and shame them.  For the religions of the world, the planetary beliefs hold that mankind is evil and sinful.

Mans inhumanity to man is touted as the cause of all the conflict and wars.  It is taught that mankind should be ashamed, that he cannot look after himself, that he must give away his power and be governed by those that know better.

And, yet the very words, the KIND in mankind, the HUMANE in humanity, describe who we truly are.  We are divine souls that have come to earth to learn greater love.....

To read more, visit Sanada.Website.

Oct 29, 202113:23
Channeled Message by Thea Grace Sirius, St. Germaine - The Magic Within

Channeled Message by Thea Grace Sirius, St. Germaine - The Magic Within

This Channeled Message by Thea Grace Sirius, St. Germaine - The Magic Within is read by Teresa Dawn and was posted on on October 25, 2021.

An excerpt of this channeled message is:

Dearest Ones I am here with you today to applaud you all for the amazing work that you have been doing and to offer you some spiritual solace and practical help. Many of you have been feeling exhausted during this awakening period on Planet Earth. You have been engaged in a fight to wake people up to the darkness that has abounded the planet for eons of your time. Beloved friends, we see your sadnesses and irritations when you feel as if life is not going the way that you wanted it to and you may be feeling as if the Awakening process is taking too long.

Some of you may still be feeling like a spiritual warrior trying to wake people up, you may be feeling so exhausted that you have almost given up the fight, you may be feeling very alone ,you may feel as if you are a lone voice amongst friends and families , you maybe hoping for a saviour to help you and some of you maybe be feeling all of these feelings at the same or different times.

To read more, visit Thea Grace Sirius.

Oct 28, 202107:58
Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton, These Are the Keys & the Real Secret to Everything ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton, These Are the Keys & the Real Secret to Everything ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

This Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton, These Are the Keys & the Real Secret to Everything ∞The 9D Arcturian Council is read by Teresa Dawn of

Here is an excerpt of the channeled message:

Everything is love, either turned up all the way, or with that dimmer switch turned all the way down so you can barely perceive it. But it’s always there; it’s still within the darkest of places, the most evil-seeming of beings. The spark of Divinity, of unconditional love, still dwells within, and by spreading love around, you can activate it in others, you can illuminate it in others, and certainly you encourage others to find it within themselves by doing so. Be who you really are, and don’t worry so much about those who aren’t, and you will live happily ever after.

To read more, visit

Oct 28, 202113:36
Channeled Message by Ann Albers, The Kingdoms Within

Channeled Message by Ann Albers, The Kingdoms Within

This Channeled Message by Ann Albers, The Kingdoms Within, is located on and is read here by Teresa Dawn of

Here is a snippet of the channeling:

You are rulers of a kingdom. Every one of you is sovereign over the fate of trillions of individual cells that live and breathe, eat, digest, metabolize, and create within you. Take a moment and see if you can imagine the vast populations of little tiny beings that make up the body you inhabit. Imagine them working together, signaling each other, taking in nourishment through their membranes, and releasing waste. Imagine the workers carrying the nutrients in the bloodstream. Imagine the messengers in the nervous system carrying the guidance to each cell.

To read more, visit

Oct 27, 202106:37
Channeled Message by Ann Albers, Own Your Own Mind

Channeled Message by Ann Albers, Own Your Own Mind

Channeled Message by Ann Albers, Own Your Own Mind, was posted on and is read here by Teresa Dawn of

Here is a snippet of this channeled message from the angels:

You are certainly being bombarded these days with the thoughts and opinions of others. You have been trained to “take all opinions into account,” and indeed it is conventional human wisdom to do so. Sometimes –  for example, when working to create something with a team – it makes sense. However, you would never see a flock of birds sharing ideas and “taking into account” one anothers’ opinions about where to migrate. Each follows their inner compass. Sometimes their instincts motivate them to follow one another, and sometimes they are motivated to roost on their own. You would never see anything in the natural world “taking into account” another’s opinion. Instead, each beautiful being in the natural universe senses and reads energy feels instinctual and intuitive guidance in response and acts upon that.

To read more, visit

Oct 27, 202107:30
Channeled Message by Natalie Glasson - Energy Gifting by the Andromedans

Channeled Message by Natalie Glasson - Energy Gifting by the Andromedans

This Channeled Message by Natalie Glasson - Energy Gifting by the Andromedans is read by Teresa Dawn of  In this message, Natalie shares:

We the Andromedans wish for you to imagine yourself as limitless, generous, expansive, powerful, and abundant, you have an abundance of energy. As you imagine this of yourself, we wish for you to dissolve and let go of ideas and perspectives such as you do not have enough energy, that your energy will run out or you will become depleted. We wish to dissolve perspectives and ideas that you cannot gift or give to strangers, to those that you do not like, or do not understand. We wish for you to dissolve perspectives and ideas that you are lacking in abundance, lacking in prosperity, and lacking in generosity. We wish for you to accept that you are generous, you are fulfilled, you have more than enough and it's easy for you to give to others.

To read more, visit the full transcript here: Natalie Glasson - Energy Gifting by the Andromedans

Oct 26, 202111:16
Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton - How to Anchor in the Arcturian Light ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton - How to Anchor in the Arcturian Light ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

This Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton - How to Anchor in the Arcturian Light is read by Teresa Dawn of  In it, Daniel says this and more:

We have been looking for new ways of entering into the consciousness of humanity with our positivity, our light, and our love. And we have discovered that you all tend to open up to us more when you are out in nature, experiencing stillness, experiencing the wonder and the beauty that is supplied to you for free by your mothers – Mother Nature and Mother Earth. And so, those are the moments we have been choosing to access your consciousness to share with you our vibrational signature, as well as the downloads, upgrades, and activations that we feel you are ready for.

To read more, visit

Oct 26, 202104:33
Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton - Your Place of Power in the Universe

Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton - Your Place of Power in the Universe

This Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton, called Your Place of Power in the Universe is read by Teresa Dawn of  In his channeling, Daniel shares that:

Ascension is not about separating the good from the bad and allowing the good to move on, while the bad is left to fight and war amongst itself. If you are awake, truly awake, then you are willing to look within yourselves for that which you may not like to see, and you are willing to make peace with it as it is. You are also seeking to look outside of yourself at where the most love, healing, and forgiveness is needed. You are compassionate, even to those who are lashing out because they know no other way and because they are hurt, traumatized, and have been given no opportunities to heal from their families, teachers, and society as a whole.

Therefore, you are the peacemakers. You are the ones that everyone on Earth has been looking for and waiting for. Every single one of you is as important as the other. Every single one of you can have the biggest impact you can possibly imagine. That’s the way it is and the way it has always been there on Earth, and those who have come to know this truth have lived their lives accordingly and have been responsible for peace treaties amongst people who lived in countries that were thousands of miles away.

The origin of everything starts within the person who is awake and who is conscious and aware of what’s going on inside of them. This is why we tell you that the news about what’s going on outside of you, behind the scenes and in the shadows, matters not at all. It is because we know how the universe works and what your place in it is. We know how powerful you are, and we would never want to disempower you by telling you a story that is just one reality, one truth, and that caused you to focus outside of yourselves, where you have no power. The inner realm is where all your power lies and it is where we meet you. It is where we are available to you all the time and where we spread the peace within you so that you may spread it all around your beautiful planet.

To read more, visit

Oct 26, 202105:21
The Psychology Behind Crowd Manipulation by Sofia Falcone

The Psychology Behind Crowd Manipulation by Sofia Falcone

Etienne de La Boetie: The Psychology Behind Crowd Manipulation is an essay written by Sofia Falcone and read by Teresa Dawn.  In her essay, Sofia chose to focus on Etienne de La Boetie as her inspiration and muse, because in our current day reality, we are experiencing similar political and moral instability that was rampant in 1554, when de La Boitie wrote The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude.

Etienne de La Boetie understood the dangers of blindly trusting a few and giving them total control and power over the welfare of large groups of peoples and Sofia Falcone draws on his theories and writes about how most of our educational system has become obsolete; where teaching rational thinking has been replaced by robotic repetition.

Oct 22, 202110:59
Channeled Message by Ann Albers
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Channeled Message by Aurora Ray - Ascension Process
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Channeled Message by Daniel Scranton - Enormous, Massive Changes You All Want on Earth
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Channeled Message by Aurora Ray - Galactic Federation: Everything is now in place for your ascension
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