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Tarot by Hilary Podcast

Tarot by Hilary Podcast

By Hilary Parry Haggerty

Explore metaphysical topics with Hilary Parry Haggerty, professional tarot reader

New episodes released on Fridays
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Episode 40: The power of denial

Tarot by Hilary PodcastJul 08, 2023

Episode 46: Week ahead reading Feb 9–16 2024

Episode 46: Week ahead reading Feb 9–16 2024

Episode 46: A week ahead tarot reading What's coming up this week? Let's see what the cards have to say! Book a session at

Feb 09, 202410:12
Episode 45: A hypothetical dog ate my podcast
Jan 05, 202417:12
Episode 44: Talk about your readings!
Oct 13, 202304:25
Episode 43: How to Host Your Own “Be a Psychic” Party

Episode 43: How to Host Your Own “Be a Psychic” Party

You don’t need a professional reader to host a party like that of your very own! (Though, ahem, I DO do party readings… and you can get on my schedule here).

If you’re lacking a reader, why not host a party like this for yourself, and you and your friends can be your own private psychics for each other? It’s an absolutely wonderful way to learn how to tap into your own intuition (and yes, before you ask, you definitely have it), and the party setting will help you relax and have a little fun with the concept. While I take my profession very seriously, that doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot of fun and what I like to call “sacred silliness” with it, too.

First of all, different people have different natural talents. This is true for intuition, too. We all don’t intuit in the same way. While one person may be very good at just “knowing” something is up in the pit of their stomachs (what is called claircognizance – clear knowing), another person may be getting specific images or a picture show going on behind their eyelids (clairvoyance – one of the most well-known [and easily described] clairs), while yet another person swears that they heard something no one else heard (clairaudience – this happens to be one of MY clairs). Often, people will have a mix of at least two clairs. Read about the many types of Clair here.

This episode is based on the article How to Host Your Own "Be a Psychic" Party. Read it here:

Recommended articles:

A Tarot Deck for Everyone:

The Difference between Tarot and Oracle Decks:

Intuition 101: Developing Your Clair Senses:

Oct 02, 202310:12
Episode 42: the answer to everything
Sep 22, 202340:17
Episode 41: the weirdness of social media
Sep 15, 202323:13
Episode 40: The power of denial
Jul 08, 202308:05
Episode 39: Don't shoot the messenger
Jun 23, 202306:38
Episode 38: tapping on remaining optimistic when life has been dealing you a crappy hand

Episode 38: tapping on remaining optimistic when life has been dealing you a crappy hand

If you'd like to watch this episode instead with a full demonstration of the tapping points, you can do so on my YouTube channel:

Acknowledge your feelings before moving the energy

You can change the situation or you can change how you feel about the situation.

Tapping points:

Side of hand for setup

Crown of head


Side of eye

Under eye

Under nose

Under mouth


Under arm

Wrist to wrist

Continue with tapping points starting with Crown of head and ending with wrist to wrist together.

In between setup and main rounds of tapping, journal about what came up for you in the setup. Use those specific words if mine are not resonating with you. The more specific you are, the more powerful and effective the tapping will be.

Drink plenty of water, and give your body what it needs after this tapping session.

Jun 16, 202332:27
Episode 37: Creating a psychic journal
Jun 05, 202326:26
Episode 36: How do I become a professional tarot reader?

Episode 36: How do I become a professional tarot reader?

In this "dip into the mailbag" episode, I address a few questions: tarot tutoring, why I don't comment on other readers's readings, and how to become a professional tarot reader. This time I'm answering some frequently asked questions, including if I interpret other people's readings (it depends) and give recommendations to a young tarot reader who has aspirations to do tarot work professionally. The Tarot by Hilary podcast can be found on most podcast platforms. Please leave a kind review wherever you listen to your podcasts! Book a reading or tapping session at

May 15, 202344:28
Episode 35: The Little White Book or companion guidebook... is it friend or foe?

Episode 35: The Little White Book or companion guidebook... is it friend or foe?

This episode of the podcast is culled from Day 3 of my Card a Day Challenge, which is an evergreen playlist on my YouTube channel.

Why is it this week's podcast episode? Because we discussed companion books in this week's episode of the Cardslingers Coast to Coast podcast!

Episode 75: Too Many Dang Card Meanings -

[Day 3] Card a Day Challenge: The Little White Book—Is it friend or foe? Welcome back, tarot stars! Today, we're discussing the Little White Book (LWB)/companion books. When you are first starting to read tarot, these books are actually a great resource... but they start to become a hindrance when you find that they conflict with your own intuitive hits or insights. I talk about this more, and what to do about it when your intuition and the LWB is in conflict, in this episode. I also have some worksheets for you that may help (and I mention them in the episode). Download them here: Additional Reading: Don't forget to share your card of the day and insights and ahas in the Facebook group:

Apr 14, 202310:34
Episode 34: How to spot counterfeit tarot decks
Apr 07, 202357:39
Episode 33: What is EFT tapping and how does it work?

Episode 33: What is EFT tapping and how does it work?

What is EFT tapping, how does it work, and what are the tapping points? Find out in this introductory podcast episode. I'd recommend starting here, and then trying out one of the tapping videos available on my YouTube channel.

Video version with illustrations of the tapping points is here: Tapping points: Side of hand Crown of head Start of eyebrows Side of eye Under eyes Under the nose Under the mouth Collarbone Under the arm Wrist to wrist For more information about tapping and to book a 1:1 session, go to For more research on the science of tapping and clinical studies, Dr. Peta Stapleton or  @DrPetaStapleton  on YouTube Tarot is my main squeeze but the Emotional Freedom Technique, aka EFT or Tapping, has quickly become a modality that has personally helped me with a number of issues, including self-worth, manifestation, healing parental emotional abandonment and trauma (with the aid of a separate licensed therapist), writer’s block, upleveling, boosting intuition, and more. What is EFT? The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a combination of acupressure and positive psychology, created by Gary Craig. Verbalization of an issue while also stimulating the acupressure points creates a sense of calm within the body’s energetic systems. Tapping can be used for many issues, including pain, anxiety, phobias, and stress relief. My EFT certification was provided through the Gala Darling Method, which included 3 months of weekly classes and practice sessions facilitating tapping sessions, from February to the end of April 2022.  @galadarling 

Mar 18, 202306:52
Episode 32: What an obscure electronic board game from the 90s has to do with my psychic development

Episode 32: What an obscure electronic board game from the 90s has to do with my psychic development

When I was younger, I wanted to be psychic SO BADLY. This was long before I became a professional psychic (through the use of tarot cards). Long, loooong before I even knew about tarot at all.

Not only was I obsessed with all things psychic, crying into my crystals how I was never going to be one of those elite few who seemed to be able to see through it all: people, situations, lies, manipulations, down to the cold or warm or hard truth… I was also obsessed with finding my soulmate. Long before I was truly even ready to date anyone, let alone find “the one.”

I don’t think I’m unusual in this regard. Many classic late-80s to early-90s board games were MADE for this kind of weird obsession I had, making me think that many pre-teen to teen girls were also similarly fixated on both witchiness and finding a boyfriend.

Want to read this instead of listen?

Mar 10, 202307:17
Episode 31: live call-in show - questions on court cards, when an event reading gets heavy, and more!

Episode 31: live call-in show - questions on court cards, when an event reading gets heavy, and more!

A "questions from the mailbag" episode!

Tune into my livestream every week on YouTube or Facebook, 6:30 p.m. EST on Fridays!

Information on the tarot nova deck (my first ever tarot deck):

Workshop on myth busting

Advice on having multiple workhorse decks, especially if you do event readings. For example, I have at least 2 copies of the classic Radiant RWS deck (Radiant and the Reflective Tarot).

Questions answered in this episode:

What do you do about heavy readings at events?

Help me with court cards?

Link to workshop on the court cards

All About Court Cards

All About Court Cards Part 2

Tarot Diva by Sasha Graham

Homework: Do a Majors only reading, then a Minors only reading, then a full 78 deck reading - using the same question each time! How did the reading change for each type of reading?

Mar 03, 202344:56
Episode 30: how to create card of the day videos, step by step

Episode 30: how to create card of the day videos, step by step

This is a longer episode of the podcast, so I'd encourage you to grab a hot mug of something and get cozy! This will also be published as a visual podcast episode on my YouTube channel.

Not able to attend the live call-in episodes, but still want your voice heard? Feel free to share your thoughts, feedback, or requests on future episodes by using the voice message feature:

Filming tarot spreads episode for specific gear that I use, such as lighting:

For more about this podcast and to get a reminder of the next time the call-in show happens, go to:

How to Read Tarot pages 41–42 Card of the day practice

A new deck:

  1. Unboxing videos for the weekly livestream - a true unboxing where you see my live unfiltered first impressions.
  2. Work with that deck for card of the day pulls over one month
  3. Until the next unboxing with a new deck of the month

Please note that this entire process takes about a half hour to do. Timing: 10 minutes to film, add captions to the video, and add a description, hashtags, and topics on IG/facebook

20 minutes - Sharing to TikTok, twitter, Vero True Social, YouTube shorts. From there you can take your link from youTube shorts and share it to other platforms, using the description in IG by copying/pasting.

Know what you want the purpose of these videos to be. If a card of the day practice is just for you and you alone, then maybe this episode isn’t for you. That’s totally okay! It is your decision whether you make your card of the day pulls public or not.

A card of the day will not apply to everyone all the time, just as a horoscope will not apply to everyone all the time. Keep what messages resonate for you, and discard those that don’t.

For whoever sees this and whenever they see it, what do they most need to know? To work with, not against, the algorithms.

Trust that the message will find the person it needs to.

Steps to creating card of the day videos

  1. shuffle and pull your card of the day
  2. Film your card of the day - no more than 60 seconds in length so that you can share the video to as many platforms as you want to.
  3. Adjust your feed photo, cover, description, and hashtags. Make sure to copy the description so that you can paste that same description on other platforms.
  4. Give the algorithm what it wants. Don’t ask them to click away - make it as native as possible so they don’t have to leave the app.

The platforms, in order:





Vero True Social Username @tarotbyhilary (verified)

YouTube (Shorts)





Feb 24, 202301:52:37
Episode 29: The Major Arcana In-Depth: 10 The Wheel of Fortune
Feb 17, 202310:30
Episode 28: Why I *really* started reading tarot (AKA never tell a twelve year old they’ll die young)

Episode 28: Why I *really* started reading tarot (AKA never tell a twelve year old they’ll die young)

Why did I start reading tarot? I wish I could say that it was because of my willingness to serve or my attraction to the cards. It was neither of this things that first started me on my path (at least, not entirely). The seed of wanting to learn a divination system started 4 years before I received my first deck of cards (the Tarot Nova, see the story of how I received them here). But really, it was a doom-and-gloom reading given to me when I was a tween that truly started me on this path.

I was around twelve years old enjoying a street fair. The psychic told me (I think she was a palmist, if I’m remembering correctly) I was going to jump from relationship to relationship without ever getting married and that I was going to die young (before 27 years old).

I can vouch for Maya Angelou’s words when she says, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Read the blog post that inspired this episode here:

Feb 10, 202306:56
Episode 27: Birth cards, year cards, and bibliomancy from How to Read Tarot

Episode 27: Birth cards, year cards, and bibliomancy from How to Read Tarot

Lots of show notes for this particular episode! We run the gamut on topics, from birth cards and year cards, to bibliomancy from How to Read Tarot, to a final reminder that the High Priestess is not your filing cabinet. Sacred amnesia is a beautiful thing... I'm like a priest, but more fun (and I cuss).

Books recommended in this episode:

How to Read Tarot by Hilary Parry Haggerty (that's me!) Format 128 pages, Hardcover Published  November 22, 2022 by Flame Tree Illustrated

ISBN 9781804172360 (ISBN10: 1804172367) ask for it by name from your local bookstore!

Who Are You in the Tarot? by Mary K. Greer (2nd edition)

Archetypal Tarot by Mary K. Greer (3rd edition)

Tarot Birth Cards and Year Cards full workshop (livestream replay):

Bridge Technique for Reimagining Your Final Outcome Card (livestream replay):

Cardslingers Coast to Coast the high priestess is not your filing cabinet episode:

Give feedback and suggestions for upcoming episodes by sending a voice message:

Bloopers included because I am a human being! (And because people seem to love when I’m not entirely polished)

2023’s general year card is the Chariot - more information on calculating your specific year card in this episode and the Year Cards livestream replay (link above)

Feb 03, 202336:06
Episode 26: The Major Arcana In-Depth: 9 The Hermit

Episode 26: The Major Arcana In-Depth: 9 The Hermit

This is an episode in a series …. the “The Major Arcana In-Depth” series! Every few weeks I will be featuring one card of the Major Arcana, from the Fool to the World. Come take a tarot journey with me!

I just like to be alone… what is the Hermit card really about?

Going within and just being left alone with your thoughts is something that seems trite or too simple to be truly wisdom. The Hermit tells us that the best of way of knowing ourselves and our inner truths is to be by ourselves and retreat from the noise of the outer world to hear what’s within.

When writing about the Hermit card, I had a perfect setting for it: a rainy drizzly night in which I was home alone while hubby was out at his darts game. A perfect time to write and reflect and contemplate and read books and dream.

It is often said that extroverts are outgoing, loud and boisterous and generally fun, great at networking and making friends and working a room. Introverts on the other hand are timid shy creatures like scared churchmice that would rather fade into the wallpaper when faced with a crowded room full of strangers. In this dualistic world, you’re said to be one or the other as your general nature or basic falling-back-to point. But really? Extroversion and introversion are truly based on what your source of energy is. As Sophia Amoruso writes in her book #GIRLBOSS: “Research over the last few years has been focused on how the two personality types are actually more defined by what energizes them. Extroverts get their energy from being around a lot of people, but introverts find large groups draining and require time alone to recharge.”

When we come to discussing the Hermit card, it is the introverts that perk up their ears, and the extroverts that get bored! But all of us can learn a great deal from what the Hermit card has to teach us.

Books mentioned in this episode: #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso

Read about the Hermit card here:

Cardslingers Coast to Coast episode: Episode 28: The Hermit, A Box We Can’t Check

Jan 27, 202311:21
Episode 25: “I know what I need to do. I just don’t want to do it.”
Jan 20, 202303:56
Episode 24: When a reader refuses to read for you (aka don’t make a reader do what they don’t want to do)

Episode 24: When a reader refuses to read for you (aka don’t make a reader do what they don’t want to do)

Content warning: There may be a little bit of the swearbearing going on, so make sure you wear headphones for this episode.

This article elaborates on a topic I’ve written about previously: Can’t Read for Everyone – go check it out!

My husband is notorious for becoming quite the brat if he’s forced to do something that he doesn’t want to do. He digs his heels and won’t budge, or if I get him someplace he doesn’t want to be, doing something he doesn’t want to do, he acts out like a 2 year old. There’s a well-known story about him pulling this stunt on an ex, and narrowly avoiding getting beaten up by strangers by him deliberately saying inflammatory things just to “get out of” the situation… or simply to prove a point: he doesn’t want to be someplace, and this is what you’ll get. [An aside: he was playing Devil’s advocate in a situation where he really shouldn’t of—and he deserved what he got!]

Why am I talking about this? I understand the impulse… especially when I have a client for the umpteenth time asking “Will he/she come back?” I have often said that I am not the best at romance readings, simply because of this one question. “Is he my soulmate?” is another question that rubs me wrong in a similar way, because I personally don’t believe in soulmates. I DO believe in kindred spirits. And don’t get me started on twin flames, either!

Text version of this episode here:

Jan 13, 202309:21
Episode 23: The Major Arcana In-Depth: 8 Strength

Episode 23: The Major Arcana In-Depth: 8 Strength

This is an episode in a series …. the “The Major Arcana In-Depth” series! Every few weeks I will be featuring one card of the Major Arcana, from the Fool to the World. Come take a tarot journey with me! Roar, Lion, roar! But what is the Strength card really about?

For some, the Strength card is a source of, well… Strength! When the Strength card comes up in a reading, it can be a tricky card, because it can either tell you that you need strength or you already have the strength to get through the situation that you asked about… Even if you don’t believe you actually have the strength. Sometimes the Strength card in different decks will have a different name, depending on its depiction within the deck: I have seen it be renamed to Fortitude. Also, the numbering on the Strength card can be tricky: it can appear as either the 8th or the 11th (switching with the Justice card, respectively) card of the Major Arcana, at the discretion of the deck designer. However, most modern decks now have Strength as number 8. Remember that the sequence of the Major Arcana is important and can give us clues as to the nature or significance of the card, depending on which cards come before and after the card itself.

Read about the Strength card here:

Strength and Justice numbering episode:

Cardslingers Coast to Coast episode Episode 27: Strength, the Annoying Gym Teacher

Jan 06, 202308:23
Episode 22: Live call-in show: Reversals, how to choose a tarot deck, and more!
Dec 16, 202235:18
Episode 21: The Major Arcana In-Depth: 7 The Chariot
Dec 09, 202208:17
Episode 20: The Major Arcana In-Depth: 6 The Lovers

Episode 20: The Major Arcana In-Depth: 6 The Lovers

This is an episode in a series in episodes…. the “The Major Arcana In-Depth” series! Every few weeks I will be featuring one card of the Major Arcana, from the Fool to the World. Come take a tarot journey with me!

The Duality of the Lovers Card

Oh, the Lovers card. Quite a few cards that are considered negative cards at a glance are misunderstood, but this is a card I consider equally misunderstood, despite the fact that people believe it to have inherently positive qualities.

The Lovers card makes those seeking love ooh and ahhh when it comes up in a reading. To which I have to then burst their bubbles slightly. Because while the Lovers card seems to be a sexy card on the surface, in reality it’s more about choice and consequences than about losing yourself in a steamy tryst (oh poop, that’s kinda boring, isn’t it?). Mr. or Mrs. Right vs. Mr. and Mrs. Right Now is more the Devil card to me (temptation) than the Lovers card. And if you’re looking for “the One”, I would rather see the 2 of Cups over the Lovers, anytime.

Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Book of Tarot by Rachel Pollack

The Major Arcana In-Depth: VI The Lovers

2 of Cups > The Lovers Card

Episode 17: Sexy, Sexy Fun Choices of the Cardslingers Coast to Coast podcast (or whatever podcast platform you prefer)

Dec 02, 202211:59
Episode 19: The Q and A Call-In Show!

Episode 19: The Q and A Call-In Show!

Want to join in the next time we have a call-in show? It happens every 1st Thursday of the month! Get a reminder at


Questions asked:

1st guest: Teresa

What to expect for Sagittarius rising with Saturn and Mars conjunct in 1st?

The Devil card and an affirmation card

Message for us all: raise the standards of your friendships - quality over quantity - hold people accountable and allow them to learn their own lessons

2nd guest: Kristen

What are some good journal prompts for shadow working with the tarot?

Deck suggested the Mary-el Tarot by Marie White

General question about career and finances

5 of Wands reversed

Message for us all: Tune out the noise so you can focus on you!

Order by new book How to Read Tarot

Live streaming happens every Friday night at 6:30 p.m. EST on and

Podcast information available

Feel free to send a voice message to ask me a question or provide feedback on the podcast.

Nov 27, 202228:47
Episode 18 The Major Arcana In-Depth: 5 The Hierophant

Episode 18 The Major Arcana In-Depth: 5 The Hierophant

This is an episode in a series of the podcast…. the “The Major Arcana In-Depth” series! Every few weeks I will be featuring one card of the Major Arcana, from the Fool to the World. Come take a tarot journey with me!

Please note that there's a few minor audio glitches in this episode, and I thank you for your patience!

The Wise Hierophant

Confession time: I’ve always had a problem with the Hierophant card. Maybe it’s because I think of the Hierophant as representative of dogmatic religion or tradition: religious beliefs for the sake of religious beliefs without understanding of the reasoning BEHIND those traditions. I’m not a big fan of doing something by rote.

From Dec 16, 2011, I wrote about the Hierophant: There’s a reason why you do the things you do. You educate people and help people because underneath everything, you genuinely care about them. Even if you seem like a curmudgeon on the outside sometimes. You are seen as a spiritual go-to person today. Just accept it and go with it. You may not have all the answers (no one does!) but that doesn’t make you less of a person or a guide.

From Dec 28, 2011, I was a bit more glib: The Hierophant: You feel that seeing your spiritual path for yourself is more important than being shown it by someone else. It’s your soul; you get to make the decisions.

The Hierophant can be tricky in determining its meaning as different from that of the Hermit card, because both figures are so dependent on the wisdom gained through study and books. However, the Hierophant is much more of a spiritual teacher or guru, while the Hermit is a being of solitude. Both can teach, but they are different lessons.

Read about the Hierophant card here:

Episode 15: The Hierophant: The Key is the Key Cardslingers Coast to Coast podcast:

Nov 18, 202206:41
Happy 11/11! Numerology, Angel Numbers, and the Tarot

Happy 11/11! Numerology, Angel Numbers, and the Tarot

It's 11/11, so make a wish! Supposedly it's a powerful day numerologically. But what does that mean? Let's dive into repeating numbers, what they mean, and the significance of numbers in a tarot deck's Major and Minor Arcana. Can knowing this information help you interpret tarot cards? Absolutely.

Recommended Reading:

Kitchen Table Tarot by Melissa Cynova

Magnetic Mindset by Gala Darling

How to Read Tarot by Hilary Parry Haggerty

Nov 12, 202217:25
Ask a Tarot Reader: Strength as 8 and Justice as 11

Ask a Tarot Reader: Strength as 8 and Justice as 11

This is a listener question, so thank you to Kaytee for asking!

We'll get deeper into the individual cards of Strength and Justice in later episodes, but why is Strength 8 and why is Justice 11? Why is there a numbering difference and how can it change your interpretation of these cards?

For further reading:

Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack 


Pages 72–74 of Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom


Pages 91–96 of Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom

Who Are You in the Tarot? by Mary K. Greer (2nd edition; 3rd edition is titled Archetypal Tarot)

Justice as Number 8 for a Year Card

Page 190 of Who Are You in the Tarot?

Strength as Number 11 for a Year Card

Page 193 of Who Are You in the Tarot?

How to Read Tarot by Hilary Parry Haggerty (yup, that's me!)
The Fool’s Journey and the placement of Strength and Justice within it on pages 26–30 (The Major Arcana chapter) of How to Read Tarot

Nov 04, 202222:57
Why didn’t my reading come true?
Oct 28, 202210:13
Get to know the Significator

Get to know the Significator

“How did the use of the significator card come about? How do you choose a significator? Do you use only Major Arcana cards, or all 78 cards?”

Historically… well, this required a little bit of research, and what I found out is suspect at best, and flat-out wrong at worst. I tend to take anything found on the internet with a grain of salt, and I ask my readers to do the same. Wiki Answers™ claims that “The use of a ‘significator card’ stems from the early practice of using Tarot cards at parties. Each party guest would select a card, and the rest of the guests would tell why that particular card fits the person who selected it. In many predictive Tarot spreads today, the ‘significator card’ may still be suggested. The ‘significator card’ represents the client for whom the reading is being made by the card reader. For this reason, many card readers invite their clients to sift through the cards of the Tarot deck, until they find a card that they feel represents them best.”

Now, I don’t know if that first part is true… (the whole “early practice of using Tarot cards at parties” thang… all I know is I was not invited to those kinds of parties!) but I DO know that most of the time, a significator IS used to represent the client… it’s used as a focal point for whatever tarot spread is being used.

Read the article here:

The Art of Choosing a Tarot Significator:

The Relative Tarot:

Astrology & Tarot: The Decan Wheel

Cardslingers episode What are significators?

Oct 21, 202214:18
The Major Arcana In-Depth: 4 The Emperor
Oct 14, 202207:56
Tarot for Writing

Tarot for Writing

Stuck in writer's block? You better whip out your tarot deck!

Join me for this episode on using the tarot for:

✏️brainstorming plot points

✏️character creation

✏️clearing up a bad case of writer's block

NOTE: If you have little ones around, you may want to use headphones because I do drop the occasional S-bomb in this episode of the podcast.

Books and resources mentioned in this episode:

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Randomized Tarot Card Generator:

The Pillars of the Earth Starz mini-series (incorrectly attributed to Showtime during the episode)

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

For morning pages:

Tarot for Writers by Corrine Kenner

Tarot Journaling by Corrine Kenner

No Plot, No Problem by Chris Baty

National Novel Writing Month

Journaling the Tarot by Andy Matzner

The Tarot Activity Book by Andy Matzner

Story Arcana: Tarot for Writers by Caroline Donahue


Tarot Tracker by Angelo Nasios

Passion Planner

Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day by Todd Henry

Alexandra Franzen

Prefer to watch this episode?

Oct 07, 202237:26
Framing Questions for the Tarot
Sep 23, 202229:29
The Major Arcana In-Depth: 3 The Empress
Sep 16, 202206:38
Advice on Mercury Retrograde
Sep 09, 202216:21
Haters gonna hate

Haters gonna hate

Haters gonna hate

NOTE: There is some swearing in this episode. If you are listening with little ears around, please grab your headphones before hitting PLAY.

I’ll admit it: Motel Makeover on Netflix quickly became my guilty pleasure watch at the end of the summer.

I binged the entire season in a matter of days (honestly, it’s a pretty quick series).

And while I do admit that some of the seemingly invented drama and crunch times was cheesy, I still watched the whole thing and gleaned some interesting home design tips in the process (not to mention some business nuggets).

Also, I fought with my husband asking the question why can’t I buy a Good Vibes Only neon sign? (answer: the jury’s still out, and I may just order one anyway for my weekly lives.)

I was startled by the amount of hate on the web for these two entrepreneurial ladies that made their livings renovating motels into glorious candy-colored havens. Like seriously? What’d they ever do to you, besides going after their dreams?

I’m so sick of these types of revelations. And they seem to be happening more and more as I continue to make “unpopular” choices, like leaving my “safe” dayjob back in February.

But if I hadn’t done it, I would have never made room for the intense and fast writing of my first book from Flame Tree Publishing (a UK publisher). I signed the contract literally the final week I was at my dayjob! Don’t tell me there isn’t such a thing as synchronicity.

More at

Sep 02, 202206:02
Ask a Tarot Reader: How do you know which deck to use with a client?
Aug 26, 202217:31
The Major Arcana In-Depth: 2 The High Priestess
Aug 20, 202206:26
The Major Arcana In-Depth: 1 The Magician
Jul 15, 202205:04
Helena Dominic and An Illuminated Guide to Wicca
Jul 08, 202237:18
How to Break in a New Tarot Deck
Jul 12, 202008:14
The Major Arcana In-Depth: 0 The Fool

The Major Arcana In-Depth: 0 The Fool

I am very excited to announce the first in a new series of podcast episodes…. the “The Major Arcana In-Depth” series! Every few weeks I will be featuring one card of the Major Arcana, from the Fool to the World. Come take a tarot journey with me! (These podcast episodes are based on "The Major Arcana In-Depth" series on my website,

The Fool is numbered Zero, which is why though there are 22 Major Arcana cards, the final card of The World is numbered 21. The Fool is the seeker (and in some decks is named that) and the “main character” of the tarot journey.

May 03, 202005:37
How to Do Online Readings

How to Do Online Readings

✨You just can't get around it... people are staying home. They're scared. And even in "normal times" you don't want someone's boogers on your #tarot cards. What do you do? You learn to roll with it, because you want to still do business and stay safe! 

🔮It's a brave new world out there, full of online potential... and you'll want to tune into this episode on how I do skype, phone, and email readings so that if you're a tarotpreneur you can do the same!

Apr 20, 202058:00