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Bust Through Diabetes

Bust Through Diabetes

By Beth

Certified Diabetes Educator & RN Health Coach breaking down the medical jargon around pre-diabetes/diabetes, other associated chronic diseases, & empowering individuals with education & tools to stop or reverse their diabetes. Links to social media, scheduling, and education: Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only & shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended/implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician before starting/changing any routine.
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Has the Medical Community Failed Me?

Bust Through DiabetesJul 04, 2022

Education you should be receiving for your blood sugar management: Diabetes Prevention Programs, Diabetes self-Management Training, Medical Nutritional Therapy

Education you should be receiving for your blood sugar management: Diabetes Prevention Programs, Diabetes self-Management Training, Medical Nutritional Therapy

A statistic that continues to be shared in my continuing education seminars is that less than 10% of individuals with blood sugar concerns are being referred and receiving appropriate education. Education you should be receiving for your blood sugar management: Diabetes Prevention Programs if in pre-diabetic ranges (My Bust Through Pre-Diabetes would fall into this category), Diabetes self-Management Training (after diabetes diagnosis), and Medical Nutritional Therapy - both pre-diabetes and after diagnosis.

May 22, 202313:35
Additional factors that may be affecting your blood glucose

Additional factors that may be affecting your blood glucose

Have you seen this article with DiaTribe:

Let's talk about some of the other factors that come into play with managing blood sugars.

May 01, 202307:11
Metformin, Diabetes, and Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Metformin, Diabetes, and Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Did you know that B12 Deficiency is a common side effect of Metformin? We'll talk about what B12 does and why it is important to get tested.

Apr 17, 202308:08
Birthdays & Anniversaries

Birthdays & Anniversaries

It's been a year! Thank you to everyone that has supported me along the way!

I know I am just getting started as I continue to talk to individuals daily that were never provided education at diagnosis and continue to stumble their way through navigating Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.

Moving forward, for year two, the Podcast will be rebranded to hopefully better help individuals find me and my resources. If you know of someone that has pre-diabetes or Type 2, please share resources with them. Don't let them struggle for years like so many of my clients have been.

Mar 27, 202303:54
Chronic Disease Considerations & Cannabis

Chronic Disease Considerations & Cannabis

In this episode, I brought in Christina, The Green Nurse Educator, an colleague with a Master's Degree in Cannabis Nursing.  We had a great discussion about things to know about cannabis and chronic diseases and misconceptions about cannabis. 

Christina, The Green Nurse Educator, can be reached through the following avenues:

This podcast is for education and informational purposes only. As always, be sure to have a discussion with your care team before making any changes to your health routine. This podcast is in no way comprehensive of the risks, benefits, or precautions about utilizing cannabis. 

Mar 13, 202331:45
Patient Advocacy

Patient Advocacy

I've found myself functioning more and more in an advocacy role and I've had clients ask about providing similar services to family members. So what is a patient advocate, what do they do, and how do you get in contact with one?

Mentioned in the episode: National Patient Advocate Foundation

Feb 27, 202316:38
Embrace the stage you are in

Embrace the stage you are in

There have been some recent trending questions about choosing to return to childhood or taking a monetary gift. This started an additional dialogue about why aren't we embracing the stage that we are in? I did an informal poll among peers and professionals and take a look at some of the commentary surrounding aging gracefully and various takes on the aging process. 

Feb 14, 202311:30
Cutting corners in healthcare: Doing more with less?

Cutting corners in healthcare: Doing more with less?

Can you really do more with less?  At what point does quality suffer?  When will patients start to object? When will patients demand more? Demand better?

Jan 30, 202314:05
Domino Effect of Healthy Habits

Domino Effect of Healthy Habits

Have you heard of the Domino Effect in regards to Healthy Habits?  Maybe you have heard it called the Snowball effect? It is a way to take smaller bites or steps of your goal. 

Jan 16, 202305:14
Watch your sources for information

Watch your sources for information

We've all been told not to believe everything we hear or read. But what if that information is coming from your primary care provider?

We'll talk about a recent scenario with a client where the primary care provider said they could cure her diabetes in a month. 

Dec 19, 202208:09
Goals vs Outcomes

Goals vs Outcomes

Many people shy away from creating goals due to the fear of failure. 

What if we shift that goal making process towards and outcome based idea. Then as you make steps towards that outcome, you can't fail. 

Dec 05, 202207:09
Thankfullness & Gratitude

Thankfullness & Gratitude

We have all heard that we should be thankful, but did you know it can help you on your health journey?

As we enter this week with Thanksgiving, I'm taking a few minutes to discuss some gratitude points.

My Black Friday/Small Business Saturday bonuses are live!

Link to my programs on my HIPAA complaint platform:

Be sure to look for the ones that say BONUS sessions for the Small Business Saturday promos. 

You can choose to get 2 FREE coaching sessions with my 12-week Bust Through Pre-Diabetes program (also appropriate for newly diagnosed individuals with Type 2 Diabetes) or pre-pay to reserve your January start. January tends to be a very busy time as people refresh health goals and this gives you the option to lock in your spot.

My month-to-month coaching option has been bundled into a 12-session option with an additional 2 FREE sessions. The 14 sessions can be used anytime within 6 months from purchase.

The Mini-Courses are all 18% off! Pick one or all 3! Each come with a single 30-minute coaching session to help implement tips learned into your daily life. (Prices accurate on the list and will revert back to standard pricing 12/1.) Course options include: Stay Insulin Free (without giving up cake), Ultimate Energy Reboot, and Meal Balance Method.

Nov 21, 202215:17
Saying No to Overcommitting and Protecting Boundaries

Saying No to Overcommitting and Protecting Boundaries

In this season of overcommitment and stress, we need to simplify and think about our priorities and what is contributing or taking from those top priorities.

While saying no can be difficult to certain people or events, it doesn't have to be. I'll go over some simple suggestions to reflect upon to help.

Nov 07, 202213:49
How much is your uncontrolled blood sugar costing?

How much is your uncontrolled blood sugar costing?

We all know that there are copays, lab fees, medication costs, and supplies to be purchased and paid. However, have you taken time to consider what non-monetary costs are involved?

I'm sure there have been some incidents where your blood sugars have made you re-think plans. Let's consider other consequences and maybe dive deep into the reasons why you want to (need to?) stay on top of management. 

Oct 24, 202207:35
This doesn't have to be your story

This doesn't have to be your story

This episode is a reflection on some stories and situations that have come up recently and the emotions that arise around certain events. I'm discussing some fears and concerns and reflecting on how those fears don't have to be your story. 

Oct 17, 202208:50
Listener Feedback

Listener Feedback

It's been 4 months of the Honeybee Health Coach Podcast. Thanks for joining me on this journey. 

Oct 10, 202205:07
Foot Care for Diabetics and Beyond

Foot Care for Diabetics and Beyond

For most of us, our feet take us everywhere. Maintaining the health of our primary transportation source is of utmost importance. Here are some things to keep in mind as we age and our nerve health or immune system may not be as responsive as it once was. 

Oct 03, 202211:25


Self care is not selfish or an over-indulgence, certainly it can be when taken too far, but for the vast majority of us, it is not. It is something we need to do in order to maintain our relationships, jobs, and continue to take care of others. 

Sep 26, 202214:39
Why do Meal Planning and tips on getting started

Why do Meal Planning and tips on getting started

Planning meals ahead of time increases the chance for success in reaching goals and increases the likelihood that a healthier food choice will be made.

Let's talk about some other reasons meal planning can be a key to success and some ways to get started. 

Meal planning notebook from LimeLife Planners:


Epicure Website  If you click recipes and meal plans, you can save or print out groups of recipes. You can then find those bundles by searching or scrolling through 'What's for dinner". 

The Epic Life Collection gets you started with a menu, tips, and recipes at a bit of a discount:

I do get a small commission on any purchases made through my Epicure site. I typically purchase things for myself and my family, but would love to have your support as well. 


Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended/implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician.

Sep 19, 202218:07
What is fiber and how can it help my health?

What is fiber and how can it help my health?

I've talked before about the benefits of fiber, but what exactly is fiber and how does it help?

We'll dive into what fiber is, some different types of fiber, and how it can help you on your health journey. 

Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended/implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician.

Sep 12, 202216:18
What is Health Coaching?
Sep 05, 202220:45
What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes. So what is it?  Can it be stopped?  Can it be prevented? We'll look at what it is and answer some common concerns. 

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Aug 29, 202212:10
Program Updates and Changes

Program Updates and Changes

This episode is about keeping clients and listeners informed about some changes with the platform my programs are hosted on as I migrate to YourCoach. 

YourCoach has a number of options with programs, is HIPAA compliant, allows for chat options between the coach and client, and is integrating with other health resources. There is also an app for easily mobile accessibility. 

You can access my programs and coaching at 

Aug 22, 202215:54
Blood Sugar Management & Bone Health

Blood Sugar Management & Bone Health

The medical community talks a lot about side effects of uncontrolled blood sugars - vision, nerve damage, kidney disease - but have you heard about bone health?

Frontiers in Endocrinology article:

The discount has passed, but you can still see my list of programs at

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Aug 15, 202212:43
Blood sugar management and the effects on dental health

Blood sugar management and the effects on dental health

A shorter episode giving a quick overview of the dental concerns that accompany diabetes and uncontrolled blood sugars and why poor dental care could also lead to diabetes. 

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Aug 08, 202208:06
What is so important about sleep?

What is so important about sleep?

What is so important about sleep? What is sleep hygiene? What does sleep have to do with blood sugars?

I'll touch on this and more during this podcast. 

As always, if you find value in this, please take a moment to rate the podcast and/or share with a friend! Thanks!

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Aug 01, 202215:52
Asking and giving support to those with chronic conditions

Asking and giving support to those with chronic conditions

Statistically, one of the best ways to predict how well someone will manage a chronic illness, including diabetes, is by looking at how much support they get from family and friends. In this episode we will talking about asking for support, offering support, and some family dynamics to consider. 

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Jul 25, 202222:08
Simple vs Complex Carbs

Simple vs Complex Carbs

Curious about what makes a carb simple or complex?  While this is only the basics, this is a general overview that hopefully will provide a better  understanding of what you are eating. 

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Jul 18, 202210:16
HIPAA, Advanced Directives, and Living Will, oh my!

HIPAA, Advanced Directives, and Living Will, oh my!

Recently, I have been part of more and more cases where spouses or family members have assumed more of an active role in someone's care, but the correct legal documents are not in place to authorize the care team to speak with them when they are asking specific case questions. This causes frustration of both the well-intentioned family as well as the health care team. 

Here I break down some terms and forms to consider. 

Reminder, I am not a lawyer. This episode is for educational purposes only and serves to provide an insight to the healthcare side of the conversation. Please contact an attorney to discuss your own situation. 

Jul 11, 202218:37
Has the Medical Community Failed Me?

Has the Medical Community Failed Me?

This is a question I was asked during a recent interview. It makes me sad and optimistic at the same time. 

Listen as I list some concerns as well as action steps for moving forward. 

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Jul 04, 202209:52
How to get a diabetes diagnosis?

How to get a diabetes diagnosis?

Concerned about your current health and wondering how to get a diabetes diagnosis or what is involved?

Here I will break down the warning signs and the avenues for testing. 

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Jun 28, 202215:35
What is Pre-Diabetes?

What is Pre-Diabetes?

Welcome to the Honeybee Health Coach. I'm a RN Health Coach hoping to increase education and awareness surrounding pre-diabetes and help address the education gap to enable people to make changes and stop or reverse the disease progression.

You can find all my social links as well as my free education at:

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Jun 16, 202212:19
Why Me? And Why Pre-Diabetes?

Why Me? And Why Pre-Diabetes?

Welcome to the Honeybee Health Coach!
In this episode, I share a bit more about myself, my background, and the patient that changed the trajectory of my coaching business.

If you are looking for more education or support, reach out!
You can find my socials and my free education here:

Disclaimer: While I am a nurse, I am not part of your personal medical team. This program is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. This information is not intended or implied to replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always consult with your own care team.

Jun 16, 202209:08