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Horizons Community Church Lincoln

Horizons Community Church Lincoln

By Horizons Sermons

Authentic, passionate, welcoming, and intentional people, searching and leading together.
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Future Focused - Week 2

Horizons Community Church LincolnMay 12, 2024

Why are you thinking these things?

Why are you thinking these things?

Week 1 Questions Jesus Asked Delving into Jesus' powerful question, "Why are you thinking these things?" Discover how Bible stories, like the judgment of King Solomon, reveal deeper lessons about wisdom, sacrifice, and forgiveness. Reflect on the significance of Jesus' authority to forgive sins and the transformative power of faith, as illustrated in the story of the paralyzed man and his friends. Embrace the challenge to see beyond the surface and uncover the profound messages within familiar scriptures.

Jun 02, 202421:49
Outward Focused Week 3

Outward Focused Week 3

In John 15, Jesus' analogy of the vine and branches emphasizes remaining in Him to bear fruit. We discuss spiritual pruning for growth. Our mission to connect with neighbors and live God's love. Watch a touching video from Pastor Trevor Rook, reflecting on his journey from Horizons Church to being a spark in the founding of Neighbors Church, embodying the outward focus we aspire to. Join us in the Good Neighbor Experiment to foster community engagement and transform our neighborhoods through the Holy Spirit.

May 23, 202427:16
Future Focused - Week 2

Future Focused - Week 2

Trentell shares a powerful message about hope, patience, and actively living out God's love. He reflects on his own experiences, including his love for football and the anticipation for a beloved video game. Through scripture and personal stories, he challenges listeners to patiently wait for God's promises while actively participating in sharing His love with others. This message is a celebration of faith and community, highlighting the importance of connecting with neighbors to live out God's love.

May 12, 202413:42
Forward Focused - Week 1

Forward Focused - Week 1

Horizons' new vision statement and guests that share their experiences and insights on the church's journey and future goals. Exploring the significance of bearing fruit, investing in the future, and embracing diversity within the church community. Join us in this inspiring conversation about faith, service, and the transformative power of God's love. Connecting with our neighbors to live God’s love.

May 05, 202434:08
Amos - Week 4 - At the Heart of Worship

Amos - Week 4 - At the Heart of Worship

Explore the idea that the entire worship center is the stage, with the congregation as the actors and God as the audience. Reflect on the essence of true worship, as seen in the book of Amos, and learn how to prepare, engage, and expect to hear from God in worship. Find out how worship extends beyond the church walls, impacting our daily lives and communities. Dive deeper into the concept of justice, righteousness, and the heart of worship as an expression of gratitude and action.

Apr 29, 202429:03
Amos - Week 3 - Who Among Us Will Go?

Amos - Week 3 - Who Among Us Will Go?

While Amos may be considered a minor prophet, his impact is anything but minor. Discover how God calls ordinary individuals, like Amos, to speak hard truths and work for justice in their communities. Learn how you, too, can answer the call to make a difference in the world around you. Don't miss this inspiring message of faith and action. #Amos #Prophets #JusticeInAction

Apr 21, 202423:15
Amos Week 2 - Opening Our Eyes

Amos Week 2 - Opening Our Eyes

Week 2 of the 'Opening Our Eyes' series as she delves into the book of Amos. Explore the themes of true worship, social justice, and God's heart for the oppressed. Discover how Amos's message challenges us to examine our lives and align our hearts with God's, bringing a message of hope and transformation to our world today.

Apr 15, 202425:50
Amos Week 1 - Prophets and Wrongdoings

Amos Week 1 - Prophets and Wrongdoings

Derek explores community perspectives on Jesus and delves into the prophet Amos' messaging on the covenant and societal injustices. He discusses the dangers of modern-day idolatry, highlights the importance of aligning one's life with the principles of Jesus, and emphasizes the significance of empathy, compassion, and service as reflections of God's love.

Apr 07, 202427:54
2024 Easter Message - Horizons Special Sunday

2024 Easter Message - Horizons Special Sunday

Reflecting on the importance of not skipping to the end of the story but cherishing every detail. Pastor Mandy shares insights on living as resurrection people, addressing social injustices, and embracing the transformative power of Christ's resurrection.

Mar 31, 202429:48
From One Generation - Week 5 - Grow up, Show up, Move Over

From One Generation - Week 5 - Grow up, Show up, Move Over

Pastor Mandy reflects on her childhood mentors and emphasizes the importance of mentoring and preparing the next generation. She urges us to nurture young leaders and pass on the love and teachings of Jesus for the transformation of the world.

Mar 17, 202422:53
The Transformation of the World - Week 4 - Grow up, Show up, Move Over

The Transformation of the World - Week 4 - Grow up, Show up, Move Over

Exploring the transformative story of Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector who sought to see Jesus. Despite being despised and isolated, Zacchaeus climbed a tree to catch a glimpse of Jesus passing by. This act of humility and hope led to a profound encounter with Jesus, transforming Zacchaeus' life. Reflecting on this story, we are reminded of our call to be creative co-creators with God, engaging in the work of transformation in the world. Through acts of mercy, justice, compassion, and generosity, we participate in God's ongoing work of redemption and renewal. Let us heed this call and be agents of transformation in our communities and beyond.

Mar 10, 202424:15
Leading all to Jesus - Week 3 - Grow up, Show up, Move Over

Leading all to Jesus - Week 3 - Grow up, Show up, Move Over

Beginning with prayer, listening to others' stories, eating meals together, serving alongside them, and sharing one's own story of faith, leading others to Jesus is about building community and inviting others to experience God's love and grace through personal relationships and authentic faith.

Mar 03, 202423:38
Mature as Disciples - Week 2 - Grow up, Show up, Move Over

Mature as Disciples - Week 2 - Grow up, Show up, Move Over

Pastor Mandy discusses the need for Christians to mature in their faith. She emphasizes that maturity is not about age or outward appearance but about growth in understanding and living out the teachings of Jesus.Mature disciples, she explains, reflect Christ's love in their actions and are willing to share their faith with others. They prioritize serving others over themselves and are always seeking to grow deeper in their relationship with God.Overall, Pastor Mandy encourages Christians to ask questions, think about others, and press on toward maturity in their faith journey.

Feb 25, 202425:03
Community - Week 1 - Grow Up Show Up Move Over

Community - Week 1 - Grow Up Show Up Move Over

In this opening message of the 'Grow Up, Show Up, Move Over' series, Pastor Mandy Barkhaus explores the importance of community in the life of a believer. Drawing from biblical examples and personal experiences, she challenges us to grow in our relationship with God, show up for others, and be prepared to pass the torch to the next generation. Join us as we delve into what it means to be a part of a community that matures as disciples and leads others to Jesus for the transformation of the world.

Feb 18, 202426:47
The Big Win is Meant to be Shared - Week 4

The Big Win is Meant to be Shared - Week 4

Pastor John Ewton shares the Big Win, reflecting on the true source of joy and fulfillment in life, emphasizing the importance of serving others and sharing God's love rather than pursuing worldly possessions or achievements. He draws insights from the teachings of the Apostle Paul and personal anecdotes to convey the message that genuine joy is found in selfless giving and serving God's kingdom.

Feb 11, 202423:29
Train Hard Rest Hard - Th Big Win - Week 3

Train Hard Rest Hard - Th Big Win - Week 3

Pastor Mandy discusses the importance of combining training hard and resting hard in the context of spiritual growth. There is a connection to running and reading streaks that emphasizes the significance of self-discipline and the Sabbath. We are encouraged to find a balance between active engagement in spiritual practices and intentional rest, illustrating how both contribute to honoring God.

Feb 05, 202423:59
Teamwork - The Big Win - Week 2

Teamwork - The Big Win - Week 2

Drawing parallels between the movie "The Longest Yard" and the challenges encountered in real-life teamwork in sports and various aspects of life. There is importance in recognizing and valuing each individual's unique strengths and perspectives in a team. A cohesive team, sports, work, family, friends, community, or church functions effectively when individuals come together, support each other, and work toward a common goal.

Jan 28, 202424:50
Game Plan - The Big Win - Week 1

Game Plan - The Big Win - Week 1

Exploring the difference between winning in life and finding the big win, emphasized by Jesus's kingdom and the need for a change of heart. An analogy is drawn from a sports perspective and how a game where a team needs a game plan to overcome challenges. The parallels are drawn to the Christian journey, suggesting the need for a game plan in the form of prayer. Encouraging rejoicing always, praying continually, and giving thanks in every situation, presenting prayer as a way to commune with God and align with His will.

Jan 21, 202428:51
It's a Boy His name is Jesus - Manger to Messiah - Week 4

It's a Boy His name is Jesus - Manger to Messiah - Week 4

Showing the journey of Jesus from being a baby in the manger to being recognized as the Messiah. The biblical account from Luke chapter two, where Jesus was presented at the temple when he was about six weeks old. Simeon and Anna recognized and proclaimed Jesus as the chosen one. The transformative power of encountering Jesus in unexpected ways encourages us to seek Jesus in our lives. Jesus' Kingdom is counter-cultural, full of forgiveness and love.

Jan 14, 202428:43
It's a boy, His name is Jesus - Jesus is Radical - Week 3

It's a boy, His name is Jesus - Jesus is Radical - Week 3

Focusing on Jesus breaking down barriers, specifically addressing the encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. The message emphasizes Jesus's radical love that transcends societal divisions and challenges traditional norms, encouraging listeners to embrace a new way of understanding faith without barriers. Even in contemporary issues, it is important to share the transformative experience of encountering Jesus.

Jan 07, 202428:00
It's a Boy, His name is Jesus - Jesus as Teacher - Week 2

It's a Boy, His name is Jesus - Jesus as Teacher - Week 2

We delve into a biblical story about 12-year-old Jesus being left behind in Jerusalem by his parents. The passage from Luke chapter two is read, detailing how Jesus was found in the temple, engaging with teachers. This rare glimpse into Jesus's childhood emphasizes the first recorded words of Jesus, indicating a sense of purpose about being in His Father's house.

Then, explore Jesus's various roles, focusing on Him being a teacher. Comparisons are drawn between Jesus and teachers in other religions, highlighting the universal recognition of Jesus as a wise teacher. A story about a rich young ruler seeking guidance from Jesus is discussed to illustrate how Jesus tailors teachings to individual needs. The importance of learning from Jesus, especially through reading the Bible.

Dec 31, 202320:45
Christmas Eve -It's a Boy His Name is Jesus - Jesus is God - Week 1

Christmas Eve -It's a Boy His Name is Jesus - Jesus is God - Week 1

In this heartfelt Christmas Eve message, Pastor Mandy Berkus extends a warm welcome, emphasizing the significance of worship and the impactful contributions of staff and volunteers in shaping the next generation. Through a poignant parable by Soren Kirkegaard, she beautifully illustrates the essence of incarnation, portraying Jesus as the compassionate prince who relinquishes his royal status to be with humanity. Connecting the narrative to the Gospel of John, Pastor Mandy explores the profound symbolism of "logos," framing Jesus as the universal light and life. The reading of the Christmas story further reinforces the message of Jesus as the bringer of peace, love, and joy. Acknowledging the darkness in the world, the pastor encourages unwavering hope and refuses to relinquish the belief in peace on Earth, even in challenging times. The message concludes with a prayer, expressing gratitude for the gift of Jesus and a desire for continued understanding and transformation through the timeless Christmas story.

Dec 29, 202323:47
The Helping Paradox - Two by Two - Week 4

The Helping Paradox - Two by Two - Week 4

Pastor Mandy Barkhaus explores the cultural and personal challenges we face in seeking assistance, drawing insights from scripture, societal trends, and even a popular Netflix series. Join the journey of embracing vulnerability, building communities, and experiencing the transformative power of love in this thought-provoking sermon.

Dec 17, 202328:14
The Helping Paradox - Give to the Needy But... - Week 3

The Helping Paradox - Give to the Needy But... - Week 3

Derek explores the complexities of generosity, examining motives and the impact of actions. The central question is whether the joy of Jesus's arrival still resonates today and whether Christianity brings more harm or good. The message encourages self-reflection and challenges the audience to embody selfless, others-focused love in their actions, inspired by the teachings of Jesus.

Dec 10, 202336:15
The Helping Paradox - Speck in the Eye - Week 2

The Helping Paradox - Speck in the Eye - Week 2

Focusing on Jesus' teaching on judgment in Matthew 7, emphasizing the importance of addressing our own faults before helping others. Introducing a daily practice of gratitude (3 things to honor, 2 things that hindered, and 1 person helped) as a spiritual discipline to promote self-reflection and compassionate assistance to others.

Dec 03, 202319:44
The Helping Paradox - Load Vs Burden - Week 1

The Helping Paradox - Load Vs Burden - Week 1

We'll delve into the delicate balance of helping others without succumbing to the pitfalls of enabling or overwhelming ourselves. Drawing inspiration from Galatians 6, we'll explore the wisdom of restoring others gently, carrying each other's burdens, and the importance of managing our expectations in the journey of assistance. Join us as we unravel the paradox of helping—a path that leads to fulfillment of the law of Christ, yet requires a discerning heart to distinguish between the load we share and the burdens we may inadvertently create.

Nov 26, 202330:59
We Are Impacting the World Around Us - Week 5 - Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity

We Are Impacting the World Around Us - Week 5 - Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity

As Jesus teaches, we intentionally and boldly serve others to show God's love. By doing justice and showing mercy, we humbly care for all people. God's kingdom shines brighter when everyone shares their talents and spiritual gifts. "In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16

Nov 19, 202328:48
We Are Growing Together - Week 4 - Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity

We Are Growing Together - Week 4 - Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity

We connect as a multigenerational community through all phases of life. With love and truth, we support each other in our faith. We don't have life figured out, we learn from each other, and that's why we're better together. "Instead, by speaking the truth with love, let's grow in every way into Christ, who is the head. The whole body grows from him, as it is joined and held together by all the supporting ligaments. The body makes itself grow in that it builds itself up with love as each one does its part." -Ephesians 4:15-16

Nov 16, 202329:43
We Have a Place For You at the Table - Week 3 - Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity

We Have a Place For You at the Table - Week 3 - Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity

Pastor Mandy Barkhaus emphasizes the church's commitment to values of inclusion and welcoming, rooted in biblical teachings. Drawing from the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8, Pastor Mandy emphasizes the church's mission to make its table bigger, echoing Jesus's teachings of expanding God's table. Kaylie's testimonial video further reinforces the church's commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive community for all.

Nov 06, 202336:56
We Are Guided by the Holy Spirit - Week 2 - Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity

We Are Guided by the Holy Spirit - Week 2 - Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity

In this insightful message, Brian Thomas explores the importance of being guided by the Holy Spirit in our lives and as a community. Drawing inspiration from the movie "Up," he reflects on the distractions that can hinder us from fulfilling our mission. Emphasizing the value statement, "We are guided by the Holy Spirit," Brian highlights the partnership of Scripture and prayer in maintaining focus on God's mission. He delves into the Gospel of Luke, revealing how Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit, fulfilled his mission and invites us to join in that same mission today. The challenge is to practice "paying attention with God" in our daily lives. Week 2 of the series "Guided by Values, Fueled by Generosity" on Horizons' Value of being guided by The Holy Spirit. We're anchored in scripture and prayer. As we strive to listen, the Holy Spirit empowers us to be more like Christ. Prayer is the heartbeat of everything we do, say, and believe. "Teach me to do what pleases you, because you are my God. Guide me by your good spirit into good land." -Psalm 143:10

Oct 29, 202329:03
Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity - Week 1 - On a Mission

Guided by Values Fueled by Generosity - Week 1 - On a Mission

Step into the transformative series "Guided by Values, Fueled by Generosity," our dynamic messages encapsulates Horizons' mission. Rooted in leading all to Jesus for the transformation of the world. As we navigate the series, we'll talk about being guided by the Holy Spirit, anchored in prayer and scripture, growing together in a multigenerational community, impacting the world through intentional service, and extending an open invitation with the vision "We have a place for you at the table." Inspired by biblical passages, we seek collective growth, embodying love, truth, and unity in Christ. Join us on this journey as we live out our mission and visions, finding purpose and belonging together.

Oct 22, 202330:19
Half-Truths - Week 6 - Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin?

Half-Truths - Week 6 - Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin?

Pastor Mandy Barkhaus reflects on the concept of "Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin." She shares a personal story about discovering her mom's "sin" through a school picture, emphasizing the idea that we are all sinners. Then, she explores whether Jesus explicitly said to love the sinner and challenges the implications of labeling others as sinners. The discussion delves into a biblical passage from Zachariah, highlighting themes of guilt, redemption, and the grace of God. Pastor Mandy encourages a shift from focusing on others' sins to personal reflection and invites everyone to extend unconditional love and grace.

Oct 15, 202327:44
Half-Truths - Week 5 - God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It?

Half-Truths - Week 5 - God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It?

Trentell Gordon shares a humorous experience of navigating an awkward meal at his girlfriend's house, using it as a metaphor for life's uncertainties and gray areas. This is similar to a biblical passage in John 8, where he explores the story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery, emphasizing the danger of a rigid mindset encapsulated in the phrase, "God said it, I believe it, that settles it." Trentell underscores the transformative power of grace, drawing from his life-changing encounter with it. Let us all model Jesus' approach of offering grace and mercy before judgment. We should extend the same love to others and reflect on moments of grace in our lives.

Oct 08, 202313:03
Half-Truths - Week 4 - God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle?

Half-Truths - Week 4 - God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle?

Pastor Mandy Barkhaus explores the theme of God not giving more than one can handle, using the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus from the Gospel of John. Reflecting on the challenges people face, the role of faith, and the support of a community in times of difficulty. Emphasizing that God comes to us in our struggles, walks with us, and turns our graves into gardens. Offering a message of hope and encouragement in the face of life's trials.

Oct 01, 202327:20
Half-Truths - Week 3 - God Helps Those Who Help Themselves?

Half-Truths - Week 3 - God Helps Those Who Help Themselves?

Pastor Mandy Barkhaus discusses the saying, "God helps those who help themselves." She challenges the idea that people should solely rely on themselves and highlights the importance of helping those who cannot help themselves, drawing from biblical passages. She emphasizes the need for compassion, grace, and assistance to meet the basic needs of others and shares the message of hope and love through helping. Pastor Barkhaus encourages listeners to have "beautiful feet" by sharing God's good news and concludes with a prayer.

Sep 24, 202323:29
Everything Happens for a Reason? Week 2 - Half Truths

Everything Happens for a Reason? Week 2 - Half Truths

We explore the common belief that everything happens for a reason and reflect on the idea of cause and effect, the consequences of our actions, and the complexities of God's plan. Pastor Mandy discusses how this belief can bring comfort to some but also points out its limitations, emphasizing the importance of understanding God's sovereignty and the role of human free will. She encourages compassion, empathy, and the choice to create meaning through our actions and relationships, rather than attributing everything to a divine plan.

Sep 17, 202327:06
Half Truths - Week 1

Half Truths - Week 1

Delving into the biblical passage about "an eye for an eye" and how Gandhi's perspective adds depth to its interpretation. Pastor Mandy emphasizes the necessity of comprehending the complete story and message of scripture to grasp the true nature of God's character. Additionally, she introduces the idea of renewing one's commitment to God, particularly through baptism, marking the beginning of a lifelong journey with Christ.

Sep 12, 202331:35
Don't Do It Alone - Week 5 - Don't Be Fake Message Series

Don't Do It Alone - Week 5 - Don't Be Fake Message Series

The book of James and putting our faith into action. Derek Steinacher discusses how comedian Nate Bargatze's joke about the silent treatment highlights how people often use it. It delves into the movie "The Sixth Sense" and how the surprise ending was once a big spoiler but now prompts reflections on perspective. The message delves into James 5, discussing the consequences of pursuing wealth and power selfishly, emphasizing the importance of community and prayer. It also shares stories of individuals who have lived selflessly, like Sister Jesse, the solar panel donor, and those who contribute to community projects. The overall message is about embracing a selfless life connected to others, inspired by Jesus' example.

Aug 27, 202328:45
Don't Be Jealous - Week 4 - Don't Be Fake Message Series

Don't Be Jealous - Week 4 - Don't Be Fake Message Series

The book of James and putting our faith into action. In her sermon on James Chapter Four, Pastor Mandy focuses on the theme of conflict and its roots in human desires. She discusses how the absence of chapters and verses in the original Bible manuscripts highlights the challenge of interpreting the text accurately. Chapter Four, she explains, delves into the origin of conflicts tied to jealousy, selfish ambitions, and unfulfilled desires, which can escalate into more serious sins.

Pastor Mandy underscores the need for repentance and humility, drawing examples from biblical stories like Cain and Abel, Peter, and Judas. She highlights the transformative power of godly sorrow and emphasizes turning away from sin, resisting worldly temptations, and submitting to God. The sermon concludes with an invitation to seek reconciliation and allow God's grace to guide a path toward inner peace and a deeper relationship with Him.

Aug 20, 202322:44
Don't Say It - Week 3 - Don't Be Fake Message Series

Don't Say It - Week 3 - Don't Be Fake Message Series

The book of James and putting our faith into action.

Aug 14, 202324:24
Don't Show Favoritism - Week 2 - Don't Be Fake

Don't Show Favoritism - Week 2 - Don't Be Fake

The book of James and putting our faith into action.

Aug 08, 202325:44
Don't be misled - Week 1 - Don't Be Fake Message Series

Don't be misled - Week 1 - Don't Be Fake Message Series

The book of James and putting our faith into action.

Jul 30, 202324:13
Wrestling with God - Week 4

Wrestling with God - Week 4

Weird Stories Important Lessons We'll dig into some Old Testaments stories that seem ancient and weird but can help us on our walk with Jesus today.

Jul 23, 202325:51
Giants in the Land Week 3

Giants in the Land Week 3

Weird Stories Important Lessons We'll dig into some Old Testaments stories that seem ancient and weird but can help us on our walk with Jesus today.

Jul 16, 202320:25
The Talking Donkey - Week 2

The Talking Donkey - Week 2

Weird Stories Important Lessons We'll dig into some Old Testaments stories that seem ancient and weird but can help us on our walk with Jesus today.

Jul 09, 202327:56
The Beauty Pageant Week 1

The Beauty Pageant Week 1

A story of Esther Weird Stories Important Lessons  We'll dig into some Old Testaments stories that seem ancient and weird but can help us on our walk with Jesus today.

Jul 02, 202327:48
Do Better For You - Week 4 - Creation Care

Do Better For You - Week 4 - Creation Care

Caring for Yourself

Jun 25, 202325:26
Do Better with Less - Week 3 - Creation Care

Do Better with Less - Week 3 - Creation Care

Care of Earth for the Earth with Pastor Mandy Barkhaus

Jun 18, 202322:30
Do Better For Our Kids - Week 2 - Creation Care

Do Better For Our Kids - Week 2 - Creation Care

Care of earth for the next generation. Message outline and more

Jun 11, 202323:36
Do Better for ALL Creation - Week 1

Do Better for ALL Creation - Week 1

Susan Sapp starts the series Do Better, a story of creation care. We are preparing to learn about God's beautiful creation and talk about how our love for God and His creation connects us in our relationship with God.

Jun 04, 202327:35