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Reflections on Healthcare Chaplaincy in the UK

Reflections on Healthcare Chaplaincy in the UK

By simon harrison

Personal reflections on Healthcare Chaplaincy in the UK by Canon Dr. Simon Harrison. Simon has worked delivering spiritual care in Acute and Mental Health Chaplaincy for over 20 years, and is heavily involved in the national Chaplaincy scene.
Currently playing episode

6. what makes us unique in what we do, and how do we get better at it?

Reflections on Healthcare Chaplaincy in the UKJun 07, 2022

11. The Paul Graham interview

11. The Paul Graham interview

An opportunity to hear myself and Paul considering issues of breadth, personal spirituality, language, art and professionalism- and more. Is Scotland really a different world from England when it comes to Chaplaincy thinking, or are we closer than we think? I will let you decide...

May 02, 202333:33
10. the state of Healthcare Chaplaincy at the end on 2022

10. the state of Healthcare Chaplaincy at the end on 2022

a reflection on our current situation in the UK...
Nov 06, 202213:04
9. Is Cultural care important in Chaplaincy? an interview with Nana Kyei-Baffour

9. Is Cultural care important in Chaplaincy? an interview with Nana Kyei-Baffour

have argued that cultural care can be an important component, I ask a very experienced London based Chaplain to share his thoughts and experience...
Aug 10, 202222:30
8. how do I become a Healthcare Chaplain in the UK

8. how do I become a Healthcare Chaplain in the UK

in practice, not in theory..
Aug 01, 202216:40
7. If I had a magic wand... how UK Chaplaincy would be different...

7. If I had a magic wand... how UK Chaplaincy would be different...

... sharing some thoughts about things I would like to be in place in the UK.
Jun 24, 202215:35
6. what makes us unique in what we do, and how do we get better at it?

6. what makes us unique in what we do, and how do we get better at it?

A simple account of what makes us unique as a Profession in Healthcare, the breadth and agility of what we do, followed by my 4 steps to make us all better in this uniqueness!
Jun 07, 202210:44
5. The Chania consultation

5. The Chania consultation

this is a brief reflection on the ENHCC consultation in Chania and what it might tell us about Chaplaincy in the UK (because someone asked for it!)
May 19, 202212:15
4. What should you call a healthcare chaplain?

4. What should you call a healthcare chaplain?

This episode tries to work through a more controversial topic in our world of Chaplaincy. Is the title outdated? Are there better options?
May 10, 202220:37
3. When is Chaplain not a Chaplain?

3. When is Chaplain not a Chaplain?

Probably a little dull to honest... but I try to set out what a Chaplain is and how they differ from an honorary chaplain- volunteer or visiting minister....
May 01, 202215:38
2. A Broad "Portmanteau" profession...

2. A Broad "Portmanteau" profession...

Chaplaincy is a very broad profession. Here I share CRISPER as an acronym which I use as a way to illustrate the breadth of what we do, rather than simplifying to Spiritual Care or Pastoral care as all embracing terms...
Apr 26, 202213:31
1. The basics. What IS Healthcare Chaplaincy (in under 15 minutes...)

1. The basics. What IS Healthcare Chaplaincy (in under 15 minutes...)

I offer a quick introduction to this podcast and then we go straight into reflections on Healthcare Chaplaincy is in the UK. I skim over spiritual care and pastoral care, starting with the very, very basics...
Apr 15, 202212:06
April 13, 2022

April 13, 2022

Apr 13, 202200:59