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How Change Changes You Podcast

How Change Changes You Podcast

By Christina Lord, Authentic Action Coaching

Welcome to the How Change Changes You Podcast! Nothing shapes us more than change! From the colossal, dark night of soul-inducing to the smaller scuffs & scrapes we experience by riding the waves of life. This podcast explores it all through the lens of 3 very simple, yet very powerful questions to unearth the wisdom that only change can bring. As an added bonus by listening to this podcast you will receive a biochemical boost of serotonin - the feel good hormone that is secreted when we feel empathy through hearing a gratitude-based narrative!
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Episode #2 Chris Geisler - Facing the Truth!

How Change Changes You PodcastJan 31, 2022

Episode #12 Denise Engel's Change Stroy - The Magic of Letting Go & Openning Up to life at 50+

Episode #12 Denise Engel's Change Stroy - The Magic of Letting Go & Openning Up to life at 50+

Welcome to Episode 12 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. This week we speak with creative and vibrant Denise Engel about the magic that happens when you learn to let go of expectations and open up to the unexpected twists and turns of life!

A timely interview as this month celebrates International Women’s Day on the 8th March. We talk about the importance of female empowerment, that age is but a number and you have the power to create a life of your choosing that fits you, even if it makes no sense to those around you! During our chat she drops this golden nugget  “Once you figure out you don’t need someone to save you -  you save yourself!!

Denise shares so much wisdom in this conversation - about life, love, creativity, family and self care and so much! At 55 years old,  she’s feeling more vibrant than ever before! Putting this down to truly being comfortable in her own skin and creating the life and business that brings her the most joy! She adds “owning who you are and what you want out of life is key to finding fulfilment and happiness”.

Growing up in New York in an Orthodox Jewish household Denise shares how she was raised to believe she had no voice and no choice and was given no real tools, only rules as to what to expect from life. Years later after an arranged marriage, she gave birth to four beautiful daughters, which she later brought up as a single parent.

Denise shares that for many years she just made things work. It wasn’t until she got to 50 years old, when her daughters were all away at College she suddenly thought “now it’s my time”. With that thought she gathered up her savings and travelled to Europe - where on a last minute intuitive change… she ended up meeting her now husband. Five years on they’re celebrating their anniversary and enjoying life in Gateshead.

Denise is founder of 2 creative businesses Mind Spice Art and more recently Denise’s Pieces - where she upcycles furniture, breathing new life and colour into each piece - so they can be loved once more! She shares how creativity is part of who she is - allowing herself to express her love of colour, crafting and design. She loves nothing more than to see the joy on people’s faces when they find a truly unique piece of furniture that they couldn’t have found anywhere else! 

I hope you have as much fun listening as we did recording this episode - the nuggets of wisdom are truly endless - from viewing life as an unfolding adventure to embracing your unique chaotic impulsive side to truly create a life that you love.

We’d love to hear your comments. Which parts of the conversation resonated with you? What were your main takeaways?  Please feel free to comment or ask any questions below.

Connect & Follow Denise at:

Denise also mentioned:

UpCite For UpCycling Furniture (the new Etsy for furniture)

Yoga & Sound Baths at

Mar 02, 202358:53
Episode #11 Craig Stephenson's Change Story - Cultivating mental & physical strength for greater resilience and wellbeing

Episode #11 Craig Stephenson's Change Story - Cultivating mental & physical strength for greater resilience and wellbeing

Welcome to Episode 11 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. This week we speak with Craig Stephenson, a Senior Project Leader by day with a passion for personal training! Craig set up “The Total Coach” a few years ago after becoming a qualified PT and realising how much he loved helping people transform their fitness levels.

We talk about the relationship between your physical and mental health in and outside of work. As a Mental Health First Aider, Craig talks about how he utilises his experience over the last 15 years leading large diverse teams helping people bring their authentic selves to work. We talk about the importance of developing psychological safety to create a culture of support and celebration.

Craig is 45 and is based in the North East of England.  He comes from a sporting and Project Leadership background.  We talk about the skills he has developed across team leadership, personal motivation, coaching and mentoring and with in-depth knowledge in various areas within mental and physical health..

Craig supports clients on successfully completing and outperforming on significant sporting and endurance endeavours such as ultra marathons, iron man competitions, cycling time trialing through both personal training and  mindset coaching.

He has also coached clients through significant life challenging events from major proposal presentations, job interviews and resource management.

Craig is a Mental Health First Aider and has utilised his experience across his 15 years successfully leading large diverse teams in a multi million pound consultancy company helping people bring their authentic selves to work. We talk about the importance of developing psychological safety to create a culture of support and celebration.

He shares his experiences in leading and developing wellbeing, mindfulness and mental health resilience strategies and programs for a large global consultancy company and their associated clients

Connect and follow Craig here:

Feb 22, 202357:03
Episode #10 - Rachael Beattie's Change Story -My ADHD Journey & where I am now!

Episode #10 - Rachael Beattie's Change Story -My ADHD Journey & where I am now!

Welcome to Episode 10 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. This week we speak with Rachael Beattie who shares how the many changes and challenges in her life have truly shaped her into the person she is today! From her Bipolar & ADHD diagnoses, to becoming her Mum’s carer following a brain injury to losing 7 stone in weight; Rachael is convinced that ANY change is possible!

Rachael lives in Cramlington, in the North East of England with her husband, 7 year old daughter and teenage sons. She became a tutor/coach back in 2010 with no clue that in 2023 she would be a Certified Neurodivergent Coach and an ambassador for people across the world!

In our conversation Rachael openly and honestly shares how having ADHD and Bipolar has had a huge impact on both her life, and her dedication to found and develop an online neurodivergent community that is both non-judgemental and hugely supportive.

Rachael is a breath of fresh air - down to earth yet extremely knowledgeable & passionate about making a difference to people who might be feeling as though something is wrong with them - we talk about the importance of bringing awareness to how your unique brain works & finding ways that actually help it work for you instead of against you!

Not only do we dive into neurodiversity but we also talk about the importance of loving yourself from the inside out & accepting yourself at a deep level of your overall health & wellbeing as a human being.

I hope you enjoy this conversation with Rachael - we’d love to hear your thoughts, comments & questions - there are links to how you can get in touch with Rachael below

Follow or connect Rachael here:

Download Rachael’s free ADHD Workshop/Access to work funding PDF here:

Feb 13, 202352:43
Episode #9 - Lauren Pla's Change Story - Conscious Parenting - Connection not Correction

Episode #9 - Lauren Pla's Change Story - Conscious Parenting - Connection not Correction

Welcome to Episode 9 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. Here Lauren Pla shares how diving into her own inner, personal development work led her to view how she parents in a completely different way.

Lauren lives in New Jersey, in the US with her husband, 22 year old daughter and 16 year old son. She shares how her parenting has changed and evolved over the course of her ever-increasing self awareness. We talk about the importance of observing ourselves - noticing how we think, feel and act, and how that impacts how we relate to our children. We also cover the power of accepting all parts of  ourselves, so we have the ability to do the same, for the greatest growth of the people we’re bringing up!

Lauren speaks passionately about practicing compassionate curiosity. How it can help you as a parent avoid falling into the trap of constant stress through judging and trying to control your child, in the name of love and protection; instead of trusting them, giving them space to find their own ways, whilst being there for them in a supportive and loving way.

Lauren openly and honestly shares her ongoing journey into becoming a more conscious person and parent - reminding us that it's not easy, BUT it is often more simple than we think!

Lauren is a Certified Life and Empowerment Coach who has a passion for illuminating the inner strengths we are born with. Having experienced a variety of different challenges through her life, Lauren came to realize that the lessons she took from each one were invaluable, and she feels a deep pull to offer her insights to younger generations so no person ever feels like they need to do life alone.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to everything, and embracing the Human in each moment is what makes the journey beautiful. She currently coaches Teens and Young Adults around confidence, resilience and self-trust. She also coaches Parents through the stress and feelings of disconnection during teen-hood.

Follow or connect Lauren here:

Learn more about Conscious Parenting here:

Apr 26, 202201:13:20
Episode #8 - Madi Graham's Change Story - When life throws you a scary diagnosis that leads to a powerful & profound realization!

Episode #8 - Madi Graham's Change Story - When life throws you a scary diagnosis that leads to a powerful & profound realization!

Welcome to Episode 8 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. Here Madi Graham shares a very recent personal change story that only unfolded a couple of weeks before the recording of our conversation. Madi is quite simply a creative ideas machine, mother to 2 beautiful daughters and founder of @MadiBakes in Whitley Bay.  

We cover so many topics in our conversation from finding the courage to really feel your feelings to dropping the need to prioritize everyone above yourself and finding your inner peace and strength through facing what you truly fear. The conversation flows from a place of real life experiences shared with heartfelt honesty, vulnerability and unapologetic authenticity!  

Madi shares the importance of giving yourself permission to stop, creating a powerful space for reflection to get in touch with what life is really asking of you. After facing a potentially terrifying breast cancer diagnosis, Madi talks about sitting with herself and all her fears - holding space for herself and all the feelings whirling around her system. She gave herself permission to take some important time out, to just be - getting off the hamster wheel of busy being busyness where she so frequently operates from, to breathe and take stock. She realised that whatever the result, she was at capacity and instinctively knew she needed rest and recharge to handle whatever was awaiting her around the corner.  

We know that this conversation will resonate with so many of you! As such we would love to hear your thoughts and comments about what came up for you during this epic episode! 

Social medial links can be found at:

Apr 12, 202201:15:15
Episode #5 - Harvey Trent - Change can come AT YOU & effect you, or YOU can effect change!

Episode #5 - Harvey Trent - Change can come AT YOU & effect you, or YOU can effect change!

Welcome to episode 5 of the How Change Changes You Podcast!   I’m excited to bring you another episode this week with someone who was part of my inspiration for starting this podcast all about change! Here Harvey Trent, founder of strategic marketing & growth company The Pulse Rooms - talks about an epiphany he had about change following personal and professional changes that he experienced… which led him to look at change in a whole new light! To not “beware” change but instead “be aware” of its potential and growth opportunity it brings you!   Harvey wanted to create a handbook to share with his teenage children to help prepare them to navigate change more positively - empowering them to see its benefits rather than its scary unknowns!   In this episode we talk about the key ingredients to practice viewing change in a more empowering way - from personal development and growth, to relationships, to creativity and meeting change head on at work! Harvey reflects that “change can come at you” and affect you or you can effect change! This powerful shift in perspective can be a game changer - reminding you that you have the power to see the change you’re facing in a more positive way and have it work for you, not against you!   A powerful and insightful conversation that will help plant seeds of how you can approach change differently!

Follow or connect with Harvey here: 

Our passion at the Pulse Rooms is to see clients organisation's grow. We like to get to the heartbeat of the organisation, identifying their passion and assisting in a  growth strategy which will not only position their brand but also amplify their story. Both Andy and I have a passion for people who are fundamentally at the heart of the organisation's and want to travel on the 1000 day journey to sustainable growth

Mar 24, 202243:36
Episode #7 - Damon Bowen-Ashwin's Change Story - Brain Tumor diagnosis & ongoing recovery

Episode #7 - Damon Bowen-Ashwin's Change Story - Brain Tumor diagnosis & ongoing recovery

Welcome to Episode 7 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. Here Damon Bowen-Ashwin shares his personal change story, being diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 40 and how it saved his life! Damon shares that If you’d have told him a year ago that the growth of his brain tumor was the best thing that ever happened to him, I wouldn’t have believed you! In fact, he shares, “I’d have been petrified as well as angry and upset that there had been any post op growth!” Damon is half way through chemotherapy having already completed radiotherapy last autumn, and has never been so happy and in love with life. He is now on a mission to prove to himself and the world that we can do anything if we put our mind to it – he wholeheartedly believes this to be true.

We talk about the mental, emotional and physical challenges faced navigating ongoing treatment following his diagnosis 2 years ago. From confronting and embracing the fear to finding opportunity in exploring new potentials and experiences. As an avid cyclist and huge advocate of the Wym Hoff method of breathing - he has discovered a whole new perspective on life, what is important and what is simply not worth worrying about!

He is passionate about sharing the message - “If you want to change the world, change the way you look at it, and you’ll be amazed at what starts to happen. Start by loving yourself unconditionally, and then the rest will fall into place, and maybe, just maybe, amazing things will happen….”

Join Damon for the journey through his video diaries – where he inspires others to tap into their inner strength

Social medial links can be found at:

Mar 07, 202258:26
Episode #6 - Lucy Emsley - Navigating Anxiety, OCD & Menopause

Episode #6 - Lucy Emsley - Navigating Anxiety, OCD & Menopause

Welcome to Episode 6 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. Here Lucy Emsley shares her personal change story, where she recently experienced an acute bout of anxiety which led her to being diagnosed with OCD. Lucy talks about an important reflection point where she began to notice a pattern between her changing hormone cycles and experiences with anxiety levels.

Lucy is the founder of Sow Clever, a conscious business with a passion for inspiring everyone to get growing! They provide a subscription box service that gives you all the materials and expertise to grow your own vegetables, herbs and flowers from seed.

We talk about the importance of being persistent with healthcare practitioners to get the support you need - to the relief felt when gaining clarity on the cause of anxiety. For Lucy she found that it was her OCD that was driving her anxiety, which she now has techniques and tools to help manage alongside deciding to take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), which has also significantly helped reduce her levels of anxiety.

We talk about the dark side of strong coping mechanisms, being too harsh on ourselves, keeping pushing forward no matter what! Discussing the polarizing perspectives of selfishness versus self care! Feelings of guilt around taking the time for yourself! The busy being busy trap! Today Lucy talks about being so much kinder to herself, taking breaks when she needs to and choosing to lower the bar at times to look after her overall wellbeing.

We both recognized that sometimes you need to give yourself permission to slow down to speed up! Because you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re constantly prioritizing other people’s needs above your own - know that this is not sustainable and you may be on track for burnout!

Lucy shares that she feels stronger than ever and that her experience confirms further that change can be a catalyst for better health! Even in my darkest moments can hold promise of brighter days!

Follow or connect with Lucy here:

Feb 28, 202257:38
Episode #4 - Christopher David Mitchell - Life Threatening Diagnosis at 27
Feb 15, 202258:14
Episode #3 Melissa Roberg - Learning to Trust Myself Again
Feb 07, 202258:51
Episode #2 Chris Geisler - Facing the Truth!
Jan 31, 202201:09:55
Episode #1 Hitting the F*** It Button on my Life - How a painful ending can spark the beginning of something EPIC!

Episode #1 Hitting the F*** It Button on my Life - How a painful ending can spark the beginning of something EPIC!

The change story I share here in Episode One was partly the reason behind why this How Change Changes You Podcast came into being! The essence of my story and the catalyst for changing my life was the end of a 16 year relationship! The realization that it had truly ended cracked me completely open and had me questioning everything about myself, about my past and my future!

I share how I navigated the painful ending and found a way to rise from my pity party and jump back into the driving seat of my own life with a new reinvigorated sense of myself and what I needed my next  chapter to be!

I share powerful realizations along the way, exploring how they have helped shape me into who I am today, what I’ve learned about myself and what it has strengthened in me - serving as reflection points for you and any changes you have faced or are facing at the moment.

Jan 23, 202251:34
Sewing Seeds of What's Possible! Interview with Lucy Emsley from Sow Clever
Jul 28, 202040:50
A Powerful Personal Assessment of Your Energy (ELI)

A Powerful Personal Assessment of Your Energy (ELI)

Welcome to episode 6 of the Authentic Action Podcast! In this episode I’ll be speaking with my friend and fellow Certified Coach Chiara Russo, ACC ELI-MP, dialing in from Rome, Italy.

We'll be talking about a powerful and insightful tool called the Energy Leadership Assessment (ELI), an attitudinal study that measures your energy levels and uncovers how you see yourself and the world around you. We discuss how these elements directly influence how you show up in every aspect of your life.

The ELI assessment gauges how a person approaches and reacts to different circumstances and experiences by producing a combined numerical value of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical energy. This single factor, the Average Resonating Level of Energy (A.R.L.), is a strong indicator of success in various aspects of work and life, representing the average of all your energy levels — under both normal and stressful conditions.

Studies prove that higher average resonating levels of energy are associated with higher levels of satisfaction in life. The assessment debrief allows you to uncover insights on how you might be experiencing each level of energy in:

  • Finances
  • Leadership Ability
  • Working Relationships
  • Family Relationships
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Health & Wellness
  • Spiritual Connection
  • Communication Skills
  • Productivity

If you would like to learn more about the Energy Leadership Assessment you can visit

Chiara & myself are both Certified Master Practitioners of this powerful Assessment and would be more than happy to answer any questions you have about the Assessment and how it would help you create deeper levels of self awareness, to tap into greater potential in multiple areas of your life.

You can learn more about Chiara Russo on her website & across social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and her very own YouTube channel.

Thanks again for listening! Here's to helping you master your energy from the inside out!


Jul 24, 202001:04:41
Introducing the 7 levels of energy & how this powerful framework can change the way you experience life!

Introducing the 7 levels of energy & how this powerful framework can change the way you experience life!

Welcome to episode 5 of the Authentic Action Podcast! In this episode I’ll be

  • Introducing you to the powerful framework of energy leadership
  • Shining a light on the different lenses in which we view our world & the way we create our own experiences.
  • Walking you through each level of perception & how each gives us an advantage or disadvantage in the way we live day to day
  • Stay tuned until the end where I’ll share how you can start to practice this for yourself.

Thanks for listening! Here's to helping you master your energy from the inside out!


Apr 11, 202051:56
How you can master your energy in a crisis?

How you can master your energy in a crisis?

Welcome to episode 4 of the Authentic Action Podcast.

In this episode...I’ll be exploring...

  • What was happening before the Corona-Virus?
  • The power of contrasting energies?
  • What is this time really teaching us?
  • Can it really be seen as a gift in disguise?
  • How we can manage our emotions in the face of uncertainty?
  • How would this change how you experience the next days, weeks & months?
  • Stay tuned to the end… where I’ll be sharing the powerful ways in which you can fully honor how you feel whilst shifting your perspective to master your energy from the inside out!

Enjoy & Thanks for listening!


Mar 21, 202036:55
Free Yourself From Feeling Stuck!

Free Yourself From Feeling Stuck!

Welcome to Episode 3 of the Authentic Action Podcast.

In this episode I’ll be sharing the energetics behind how to get yourself unstuck & move forward, from a place of openness, clarity & confidence!

I'll be sharing...

  • The reasons why we get stuck
  • What triggers us to get stuck in the first place
  • How we stay stuck
  • Why adopting an open mindset will help you

Stay tuned to the end where I will be sharing powerful ways to shift your thought patterns, raise your energy and ultimately help you get yourself unstuck!

Enjoy & Thanks for listening!


Mar 19, 202023:22
Why is Energetic Mastery so powerful?

Why is Energetic Mastery so powerful?

Welcome to episode 2 of the Authentic Action Podcast!  Where I delve deeper into Energetic Mastery & help you begin to understand the fundamentals of the power we all have within us, to shift our energy & therefore begin to energize ourselves from the inside out.

In this episode I’ll be exploring...

  • The basics of what energy & master is?
  • Why harnessing it can be so powerful?
  • How can it benefit you in your life?
  • Stay tuned to the end… where I’ll be sharing the first powerful step you can start to take practice to begin your journey into Energetic Mastery

Feb 13, 202027:04
Welcome to the Authentic Action Podcast! The place to be for energetic mastery!

Welcome to the Authentic Action Podcast! The place to be for energetic mastery!

Welcome to the Authentic Action Podcast! In this first episode Christina shares what Authentic Action is all about, who it's for and why you should listen! You'll learn more about her, her passion behind energetic mastery and why she's so excited to bring these concepts, insights, tips and tools to as many people as possible! Her mission is to help as many people as possible, learn how to tap into their own inner power, cultivating energy from the inside out. "Authentic Action Coaching was born from an epiphany I had whilst training to become a Coach. I realised that when I honored what I deeply cared about (creativity, personal growth, fun & adventure... to name but a few) through the actions and choices I made, I felt ALIVE, ON FIRE & truly UNSTOPPABLE. Taking Authentic Action is all about making strides forward honoring your authenticity, to unappologetically stand in your own power and truth, and as a result energising your life! " Thank you for listening! Please feel free to share this with anyone that you think would benefit! I’m excited to get started!  LET'S DO THIS!!
Feb 08, 202015:20
February 6, 2020

February 6, 2020

Feb 06, 202000:60