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Humanize the Hustle

Humanize the Hustle

By Humanize the Hustle

Calling all health conscious corporate professionals, working parents, and entrepreneurs - let's put the human back in your hustle! Join Alisha Slaughter, Marketing Executive, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher and inspiring guests as they tell their stories and share expertise on the latest in mind-body wellness. This podcast is for high achievers and goal getters who lead demanding lives yet want to find ways to support their bodies and minds in spite of their crazy schedules. It’s time to Humanize Your Hustle and make your health & happiness non-negotiable.
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Resilience, the Pursuit of Happiness and the Path to Purpose with Erin Riddell

Humanize the HustleJul 19, 2023

Ayurvedic Wisdom for Modern Wellness with Dr. Jackie Christensen

Ayurvedic Wisdom for Modern Wellness with Dr. Jackie Christensen

In this episode we dive into the practice of Ayurveda, and I'm thrilled to welcome Dr. Jackie Christensen to the show. As an esteemed Ayurvedic expert and naturopath, Jackie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in natural health and holistic wellness to our discussion. Renowned for her dedication to rejuvenating the human body and addressing underlying toxins, Jackie's approach is deeply rooted in holistic principles, prioritizing the individual's well-being over mere symptom management. Together, we'll explore the profound wisdom and practical applications of Ayurveda, offering invaluable guidance to revolutionize your approach to health and happiness.

Ayurveda has played a significant role in my healing journey, forming a crucial component of my holistic lifestyle alongside yoga, nutrition and mindfulness. This ancient healing system offers timeless wisdom for nurturing and understanding the body, mind, and spirit. Whether you're seeking stress relief, better nutrition, or overall well-being enhancement, Ayurveda provides practical solutions deeply grounded in centuries of knowledge.

With Dr. Jackie as our guide, we'll dive into Ayurvedic principles and their relevance to modern-day health challenges. From understanding your unique constitution to incorporating Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine, this episode promises to inspire and enlighten, regardless of whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or new to the world of natural health.

We discuss:

  • Overview of Ayurveda: foundational principles and how it differs from conventional medicine.
  • Individual constitution (doshas): importance in understanding health needs.
  • Diet and balance: key dietary guidelines for overall health according to Ayurvedic principles.
  • Mind-body connection: how meditation and yoga complement Ayurvedic treatments.
  • Therapeutic interventions: Ayurveda's approach to conditions like Type-2 Diabetes and gut health.
  • Seasonal health adjustments: adapting diet and lifestyle according to the seasons.
  • Incorporating Ayurveda daily: practical tips for busy lives.
  • Success stories: impact of Ayurveda on health and well-being.
  • Further exploration: resources and next steps for those interested in Ayurveda.

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May 29, 202401:06:36
Sourdough, Tempeh, and Food as Medicine: Unlocking the Secrets of Fermentation with Katie Boulanger

Sourdough, Tempeh, and Food as Medicine: Unlocking the Secrets of Fermentation with Katie Boulanger

In this episode of we embark on a flavorful journey into the world of fermentation with Katie Boulanger, a professional chef and passionate advocate for the healing power of food. From her humble beginnings in the Midwest to winning a cooking show and launching her own ventures, Katie's culinary odyssey is a testament to the transformative potential of passion, health, and entrepreneurship. We explore Katie's deep dive into fermentation during the pandemic, her love for sourdough and tempeh, and her mission to share food as medicine through her ventures like Honey B Market and Funky Bean Tempeh. Join us as we uncover the alchemy that happens when passion meets purpose in the kitchen, and discover how fermentation is not just about preserving foods—it's about preserving health and well-being.

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Feb 14, 202448:17
Creative Expression, Advocacy, & Sexual Well-being with Dr. Sharon Mitchell (Sensitive Content - Listener discretion.)

Creative Expression, Advocacy, & Sexual Well-being with Dr. Sharon Mitchell (Sensitive Content - Listener discretion.)

TRIGGER WARNING - sex, pornography, rape, and strong language.

In this episode, join us for a candid conversation with Dr. Sharon Mitchell as we explore various aspects of sexual health, resilience, and personal growth. Please note that this episode contains sensitive content and may not be suitable for all listeners. Listener discretion is advised.

Join us as we dive into her insights on balancing professional and personal growth, the profound link between creative expression and well-being, and practical strategies for maintaining a holistic approach to health amid life's complexities.

Sharon’s journey through diverse careers, from the Adult Entertainment Industry during the Golden Age of Porn to healthcare advocacy, is nothing short of extraordinary. It's a testament to her unwavering resilience and commitment to making a positive impact no matter where she goes. As the Executive Director of the AIM Healthcare Foundation, a non-profit HIV and Sexual Health Clinic, she has not only left a mark on the adult entertainment industry but has also contributed significantly to the broader public's well-being.

Her multidimensional career includes touring with professional dance troupes, engaging in mainstream movies and stage productions, and even lending her voice to Punk Rock bands. Dr. Mitchell's experiences highlight the profound connection between creative expression and overall well-being, a theme that is near and dear to our hearts here on this podcast.

Armed with a Masters Degree in Public Health, a Board Certified PhD in Clinical Sexology, and a background in psychology, Dr. Mitchell embodies the epitome of balancing personal and professional well-being. Overcoming addiction issues, she now extends her expertise to help others facing similar challenges, aligning seamlessly with our commitment to holistic mental health.

Affectionately known as "Dr. Mitch," she brings decades of experience as an educator to our podcast. Currently working on her captivating life story, Dr. Mitchell is set to launch an online platform this year, furthering her mission to educate and counsel the public on sexual health at all ages.

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Jan 31, 202451:27
Coaches Corner with Alisha - Wellness from Within: Mastering the Art of Gut Health

Coaches Corner with Alisha - Wellness from Within: Mastering the Art of Gut Health

In this episode of Coach's Corner, join me Alisha Slaughter as we dive into the essential topic of gut health. Discover why caring for your gut is crucial for overall well-being and gain valuable guidance on supporting a healthy gut. From the foundational importance of digestion to the delicate balance of gut microbiota, we explore the intricate connection between your gut and various aspects of health.

Uncover the signs of gut dysbiosis and its far-reaching impact on skin, mental health, immune system, sleep, fatigue, hormone balance, and weight. Learn practical strategies to foster a balance of good and bad gut bacteria through dietary fiber, probiotics, hydration, and physical activity.

Explore factors contributing to gut dysbiosis, including antibiotic use, poor diet, stress, infections, lack of breastfeeding, age, genetics, and medical conditions. Understand the significance of lifestyle choices in maintaining gut health and preventing dysbiosis.

Discover the power of fiber in promoting regular bowel movements, feeding beneficial gut bacteria, reducing inflammation, and controlling blood sugar levels. Embrace a holistic approach by incorporating fiber-rich foods into your diet while avoiding items that hinder gut health.

Unearth lifestyle tips for balanced meals, hydration, stress management, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and more. Consider the role of probiotics and seek professional guidance for persistent digestive concerns.

Reflect on your daily intake of fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods, and identify high-fiber foods to enhance your gut health. Evaluate stress management techniques, exercise routines, lifestyle factors, hydration, sleep quality, and the need for professional support.

Join us on this insightful journey into the world of gut health, where your gut is recognized as the "second brain." Take proactive steps to care for your gut, and remember, your overall well-being starts with a healthy gut. Thanks for listening, and reach out for support in getting your gut health back on track!

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Jan 17, 202432:15
Pain as a Messenger: Decoding Self-Healing with Sarah Li

Pain as a Messenger: Decoding Self-Healing with Sarah Li

In this episode I'm thrilled to dive into a captivating conversation with the incredible Sarah Li. Together, we'll unravel the concept of pain as a messenger and explore the fascinating crossroads of physical and spiritual healing.

In a world that bombards us with messages to do and be more, many of us grapple with the toll this takes on our physical and mental well-being. We find ourselves trapped in a cycle of stress, burnout, and sometimes, even chronic pain. But what if we flipped the script? What if we viewed pain not as an adversary, but as a vital messenger guiding us toward a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose.

Often, we live our lives disconnected from our bodies, searching externally for answers. But what if the key to our most significant health issues lies within us, waiting to be deciphered? It's common to dismiss or downplay physical discomfort, powering through or seeking solutions externally. Today, we're challenging that narrative with the insightful Sarah Li, a Self-Healing Mentor who guides individuals to decode the language of their bodies and use pain as a compass for self-healing.

Sarah's journey and the expertise she brings is a testament to acknowledging pain as a guide, not an obstacle. Her unique perspective challenges conventional notions of body healing, promising a transformative shift in how we approach our well-being.

Through this conversation, my hope is to catalyze a shift in your perspective – from viewing pain as a roadblock to recognizing it as a sacred messenger, propelling us toward a more aligned and purposeful life.

Some of the things we cover:

  • What a Self-Healing Mentor means, and who is a Self-Healing Mentor for?
  • Sarah's personal healing journey and how it led to becoming a Self-Healing Mentor.
  • The connection between physical pain and spiritual misalignment.
  • How emotional and energetic healing contributes to physical well-being.
  • The role of symbolism in understanding and healing pain.
  • What is missing when people attempt to self-heal their pain but are unsuccessful.

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Jan 03, 202401:09:33
Kundalini Energy: Awakening Through the Chakras with Debora Cohen

Kundalini Energy: Awakening Through the Chakras with Debora Cohen

In this episode we talk about Kundalini Energy and the Chakra System. Working with Kundalini energy and chakras for healing is a practice deeply rooted in various Eastern spiritual traditions, particularly in yoga and Hinduism. The belief is that balancing and awakening the chakras, as well as harnessing the powerful Kundalini energy, can promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Our guest, Debora Cohen, is not only a Transpersonal Coach, Energy Healer, Nutrition expert, and yoga enthusiast but is also a published author who has experienced her own Kundalini Awakening. Her short and insightful book on the chakra system and Kundalini Rising is a must-read for anyone looking to explore the depths of their spiritual journey.

Debora brings with her 30 years of experience in health and wellness, and many health and wellness certifications. Not only is she a Master-Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Certified Energy Health Practitioner (CEHP), Law Of Attraction Coach, Nutrition Coach, Master in Reiki, but she is also the author of the book "Kundalini: Empowering the Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul."

She's a dynamic individual with a deep passion for transpersonal coaching and energy healing because it works on both the conscious and subconscious mind, utilizing self-empowering tools to eliminate suffering. In addition to her professional accomplishments, Debora is a true philanthropist, serving as a mentor for Rising World Wide, contributing to various non-profit organizations, and volunteering for the auxiliary coast guard.

Debora will be sharing her own experiences with awakening the potent Goddess-Shakti energy known as Kundalini, and she's here to help educate us on how to balance our chakra system. Her passion, knowledge, and personal journey are truly inspiring, and

Some of the questions Debora answers:

  • What is Kundalini, and why is it considered such a potent force in yoga and spirituality?
  • How is Kundalini different from Kundalini Yoga?
  • What are the chakras, and how do they relate to Kundalini awakening?
  • Can you describe your personal Kundalini awakening experience and the impact it had on your life?
  • How can people work with Kundalini in their daily lives?
  • Are there any precautions or considerations for someone interested in exploring Kundalini energy?
  • What advice do you have for individuals who may be skeptical about Kundalini energy, chakras or spiritual practices in general?
  • Can you share some insights into the relationship between Kundalini energy and creativity?
  • How can Kundalini support busy professionals in their personal and professional lives?
  • Could you share a powerful Kundalini exercise or practice that our listeners can try at home?
  • What do you believe is the most misunderstood aspect of Kundalini, and how can we clarify it?

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Dec 17, 202301:09:14
Fabulous Fungi: Foraging, Medicinal Marvels, and Sustainable Living with Paul Lazazzera

Fabulous Fungi: Foraging, Medicinal Marvels, and Sustainable Living with Paul Lazazzera

In this episode we dive into the captivating world of fungi, exploring their remarkable medicinal powers and culinary delights. Fungi is an amazing organism. They play an essential role in ecosystems, nutrient cycling, and human health. They're not just a source of food; they hold significant potential as medicine.

For most of my life, I was familiar with the common button mushroom. However, when I started my holistic health coaching studies, I began to learn about the incredible health benefits of mushrooms like shiitake for example, which provide powerful anti-inflammatory benefits to our bodies. Since then, I've been fascinated and eager to learn more about their importance for both human health and the health of our planet.

Joining us today is Paul Lazazzera, a true fungi enthusiast with over nine years of experience foraging, studying, and cultivating mushrooms. He's not obsessed with mycology but is also dedicated to sustainable and conscious business practices through his mushroom popsicle business, Santa Cruz Fungi. Paul's passion for mushrooms is inspiring, and I can't wait to pick his brain about medicinal mushrooms, cultivation, and foraging.

Fungi are among the most important organisms in the world due to their vital roles in ecosystems, nutrient cycling, and various human applications. Beyond human health, fungi hold extraordinary diversity and significance in the natural world, with various roles in human culture and science. While we often hear about their culinary and psychedelic uses, the medicinal potential of fungi is equally remarkable. After all, the very first antibiotic, Penicillin, was derived from the fungus Penicillium.

Listen to this episode to hear this great conversation!

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Nov 30, 202355:60
Water is Life: Exploring the essence of quality water with Alayna Nathe

Water is Life: Exploring the essence of quality water with Alayna Nathe

In this episode we dive deep into a vital element that affects every aspect of our life on earth. The bloodline of our existence - water. We often hear the phrase 'water is life,' and it couldn't be truer. But in our fast-paced lives, how much attention do we really pay to the quality of water we consume and expose ourselves to daily? Today, we have an exceptional guest who's not only passionate about her health but also about the health of her community. We will be covering the connection between the quality of water you have available to you and how that effects your overall health.

Did you know that the human body is about 60% water? Water is the essence of life, the source of vitality, and a medium through which our bodies, minds, and spirits thrive. Every sip, every shower, every drop that nourishes your body plays a crucial role in your health and overall well-being. And because I always like to tie things back to ancient traditions and cultures, many have long revered water as a symbol of purification, transformation, and life force. Water ceremonies and rituals have been used for centuries to connect individuals to their inner selves and the world around them.

Today’s guest is not only passionate about her health but also about the health of her community. Whether you view it through a physical or spiritual lens, the quality of the water you consume is undeniably vital to your journey here on earth.

Let me introduce you to Alayna Nathe, an entrepreneur, athlete, and a wellness advocate. She's been deeply involved in the health and wellness industry from a young age and has a unique perspective on proper hydration. In 2018, Alayna discovered the transformative benefits of ionized water and has been on a mission to share this knowledge with the world.

At 52, Alayna continues to be an active athlete, competing in various sports and weight training regularly. Proper nutrition and hydration have been pivotal to her journey. She's the founder of Blue Zone Waters, a unique water store in Santa Cruz, California, where she provides free ionized water and education to her community.

Today, we'll be discussing the importance of daily water intake, how to maximize the quality of the water you drink, common contaminants to avoid, how to get your water tested, what to look for in a good water filter, and the benefits of ionized water.

We discuss:

  • The role proper hydration plays in maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • How much water you should be drinking daily
  • Common contaminants that people should be aware of in their tap water, and why should they be avoided.
  • How individuals can find out how clean the water is that comes out of their tap at home.
  • What to look for in a good water filter.
  • What is ionized water?
  • Health benefits or advantages to drinking ionized water
  • Success stories.
  • Her business Blue Zone Water and free water for all

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Nov 15, 202352:05
Sustainable Living Through Yoga and Organic Farming with Shawna Marie Rodgers

Sustainable Living Through Yoga and Organic Farming with Shawna Marie Rodgers

In this episode I am excited to be joined by Shawna Marie, who is a true embodiment of someone who brings a lot of human into her hustle. Not only is she actively working towards making our planet a better place through her teaching of health and mindfulness as a yoga teacher, but also has a full-time role at California Certified Organic Farmers. Yoga and organic food are two topics that hold a special place in my heart, and I'm eager to hear Shawna's expertise and story.

I met Shawna at the yoga studio where I teach. Her vibrant energy and teaching style immediately caught my attention. However, as I dove deeper into her journey, I realized that there's so much more to her story.Like I mentioned, Shawna isn't just an incredible yoga teacher; she's also a Donor Relations Manager at California Certified Organic Farmers. Initially, I was curious to learn about her role in supporting organic farmers and wanted to pick her brain about organic food to help convince the masses to go organic.

However, as I prepared for today's episode, I quickly realized that her story extends far beyond that.I believe we all have a calling in our time on this earth to help make it a better place in one way or another through some kind of service or offering and she embodies that beautifully. We'll get a glimpse into how she found yoga and meditation back in 2008, her transformative travels to India and Australia, and how she seamlessly integrates the path of yoga with her dedication to safeguarding the planet through her role at California Certified Organic Farmers.

What resonates deeply with me about Shawna is that she is a wonderful example of embodying the practice of yoga both on and off the mat. Her commitment to both teaching and advocating for sustainable, holistic practices that benefit both us and the Earth is truly inspiring.

So, gear up for an engaging and authentic conversation. We'll be diving into Shawna's transition from yoga mat to farm fields, exploring how the harmony of yoga, meditation, and organic farming can pave the way for a brighter future.

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Nov 01, 202301:14:05
Transformation & Self Discovery through Mindfulness with Joseph Clements

Transformation & Self Discovery through Mindfulness with Joseph Clements

On this episode I am excited to have Joe Clements join the podcast. Joe is a mindfulness meditation teacher and musician in Santa Cruz, CA. He shares the insights he has learned on his journey from addiction and self-doubt to self-acceptance and service.

Many of us who are drawn to mindfulness come into these practices for a reason, and Joe's story embodies the essence of transformation and self-discovery that is available to mindfulness practitioners.

Like me, Joe grew up in the unique coastal town of Santa Cruz, California, a place known for its stunning natural beauty filled with redwood trees and a coastline of beaches and beautiful Pacific Ocean waters. However, those who grew up here also understand the certain kind of youthful angst and restlessness that seems to hang in the air.

Growing up, there was a big punk rock scene in Santa Cruz. Weekend punk shows were the norm, and the vibes of the music matched our moods. Anger, drinking, drugs, and broken family homes united us. We needed music to match our moods, and that music was punk rock. In the '90s, Joe was the lead singer of a popular hometown punk band called Fury 66.

For many in the scene, the shadow of drugs crept in. Marajuana and drinking turned to meth and heroin. Many have been lost along the way, but Joe’s story is one of recovery and finding the path through the help of mindfulness.

For the past five years, Joe has been on a mission, facilitating mindfulness-based recovery and emotional awareness groups in rehabilitation centers, working with at-risk youth, and mentoring future generations through meditation retreats. He leads weekly meditation groups online and in person throughout the Bay Area, all while embracing his new role as a mindfulness teacher.

We discuss:

  1. What mindful meditation is and how it differs from other types of meditation.
  2. The similarities between Punk Rock and Mindfulness.
  3. Joe's early experiences with mindfulness meditation and how it initially appealed to him during your punk rock days.
  4. The role music has played in his journey, both as a source of struggle and ultimately as a form of expression and healing.
  5. His struggle with the constant need for approval and sense of not being good enough and how mindfulness helped him to deal with these feelings.
  6. Suggestions for how people can incorporate mindfulness into their daily routines.
  7. Advice for people who are just getting started with a mindfulness practice

BONUS: We end with a short guided meditation. Not to miss!

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Oct 20, 202301:21:04
The Art of the Comeback: A Journey Through Addiction, Forgiveness, and Motherhood with Lara Love Hardin..

The Art of the Comeback: A Journey Through Addiction, Forgiveness, and Motherhood with Lara Love Hardin..

In this episode I am excited to have New York Times best selling author Lara Love Hardin on the podcast!

Over the 10 years or so I have known Lara, I have known her as a loving mother, a devoted wife, and a powerhouse in the world of literature. Lara is well educated with an MFA in creative writing and her accomplishments are impressive. She is a four-time New York Times bestselling author, including the #1 New York Times bestseller Designing Your Life by Dave Evans and Bill Burnett, and 2018 Oprah Book Club pick, The Sun Does Shine, which she co-authored with Anthony Ray Hinton about his 30 years as an innocent man on Alabama’s death row.

In this episode we explore some of the themes from Lara's own remarkable life story, which are both astonishing and deeply relatable. In her newly released memoir, "The Many Lives of Mama Love," Lara courageously shares her journey through the intricate tapestry of addiction, self-worth struggles, and the unwavering pursuit of redemption. This memoir touches on vital themes such as mental health, navigating complex relationships, the trials and joys of motherhood, and the resilience it takes to bounce back from life's most profound mistakes.

During our conversation, we journey through Lara's experiences, from her battle with addiction and the path to recovery to the lingering shadows of childhood trauma. We'll also explore the transformative power of writing and the solace found within the pages of books. Perhaps most importantly, we'll delve into the profound subject of forgiveness and the art of healing when life veers off its expected course.

Lara Love Hardin's story is one of resilience, hope, and an unwavering belief in the capacity of the human spirit to triumph over adversity.

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Oct 04, 202301:14:16
Resilience, the Pursuit of Happiness and the Path to Purpose with Erin Riddell

Resilience, the Pursuit of Happiness and the Path to Purpose with Erin Riddell

In this episode I’m excited to have an old friend of mine Erin Riddell on the show. Erin is kind of super human and not sure how she does it all. Not only is she a mom to four kids, but somehow also finds time to be a skincare specialist, a trainer for Oncology Spa Solutions, part of the wellness team at Blackberry Farm, a reiki master, and the owner of A Kings Lodge & Farm in the smoky mountains of Tennessee. A multitasking mama for sure! She's also a survivor of trauma, grief, and unspeakable loss. Erin's story is one of resilience and the power of the human spirit to never give up on happiness.

I am excited to have her join me to talk about how she got through some of the darkest days of her life and healed through unwavering hope, nature, horses, breath meditation, energy balance, and self-care. An inspiration for all of us to never give up on happiness and how we can use trauma and pain as a path to our purpose.

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Jul 19, 202301:00:06
Coaches Corner with Alisha - Let's Dive Into Holistic Hormone Health

Coaches Corner with Alisha - Let's Dive Into Holistic Hormone Health

Welcome back to Coach's Corner. In this episode it is just me, Alisha Slaughter. I am a holistic health and wellness coach for spiritual high achievers and I am passionate about helping busy professionals bring more human into their hustle. This episode is for anyone who is dealing with or think they might be dealing with a hormone issue. We'll explore the role of hormones in our bodies, the effects of imbalances for both men and women, and cover some practical tips you can consider to help you support hormone balance in you life. 

Hormone health is crucial for busy professionals as it affects energy levels, focus, mood, cognitive function, sleep quality, and overall physical well-being. By maintaining balanced hormones, professionals can enhance productivity and sustain optimal performance amidst demanding schedules. 

The nature of business is often characterized by a fast-paced and stressful environment. This can be attributed to factors such as high workloads, tight deadlines, intense competition, and the need to constantly adapt to changing demands. Prolonged stress can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body, leading to imbalances and potential health issues. Prioritizing hormone health through self-care and seeking support when needed is essential for maintaining resilience and achieving success in professional endeavors and contributes to a happy, healthy and balanced life. 

As a holistic health coach, I help clients achieve hormonal balance by guiding them through the lifestyle changes that will help bring balance to their bodies systems. We work to identify imbalances and then come up with a plan to address them through nutrition and lifestyle changes. Besides using the way a person feels to identify these issues it can also be helpful for clients to work with a functional doctor for testing. We can then use this foundational data and consider symptoms to create a nutrition and lifestyle plan.

This episode covers the specific foods and lifestyle changes you can consider to help you bring your hormones into balance.

I hope you enjoy this episode! Please reach out if you have any questions or need help developing a holistic plan to address your hormone issues.

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Jul 05, 202331:20
How To Support Detoxification in Your Body According To Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC)

How To Support Detoxification in Your Body According To Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC)

In this episode I am joined Dr. Beth Dorsey, L.Ac., FABORM, and Founder of Points for Wellness. She is joining to talk about what it means to detox your body, how detoxing can help you support your body's natural ability to address health issues, and what detoxing looks like through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Since 2006 Dr. Dorsey has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is passionate about women’s health and hormones, fertility, and pregnancy. Her training has taken her beyond treating women’s health and hormones, to treating a wide variety of health concerns such as digestive issues, adrenal health, asthma and allergies, and pain management. When she’s not treating patients she Humanizes her Hustle by spending time with her two kids, throwing weights around at Crossfit, cooking in the kitchen, or rafting down rivers.

  • How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC) looks at health overall?
  • How TCM looks at detoxing? What is involved? Why is it important?
  • What types of issues can a structured detoxification program support?
  • What are some signs that your body could use a detox?
  • What are the most fundamental detox systems in our body?
  • How to know if your body is properly detoxing?
  • What are some simple things that we can do everyday to help support our bodies natural detoxification pathways?
  • What the most powerful foods and herbs are that help support detoxification pathways,
  • What are the most common things that people do that hinder detoxification? 

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Jun 21, 202353:20
Functional Medicine with Jr. Jay - The 4 Pillars of Health and The Power Your Body Has to Heal Itself

Functional Medicine with Jr. Jay - The 4 Pillars of Health and The Power Your Body Has to Heal Itself

In this episode I am excited to be joined by Dr. Jay Pennock. Dr. Jay is a Functional Medicine Doctor in Santa Cruz California. We dive into functional medicine, healthy aging, and the power that our body has to heal itself. Dr. Jay was a traditional Western medical practitioner for 25 years and turned to Functional Medicine. He got tired of the politics that came along with Corporatized Western Medicine and realized that he could help more people with the power of holistic functional medicine. His forward looking, enlightened approach helps patients reduce exposure to diseases and need for medications, improve outcomes from necessary medical procedures and boosts overall health and well-being. What I personally love about functional medicine is that it focuses on the root of the issue and not just the symptoms a person might be dealing with.

We cover:

  • What is functional medicine and how does it differ from Western Medicine?
  • Why Dr. Jay made the change from Western to Functional Medicine.
  • What are the biggest health issues facing our population today?
  • What are the biggest waste of time trends being promoted? 
  • What are the biggest success factors that help people get off prescriptions.
  • Which issues are functional medicine approach most successful for.
  • What are the most impactful thing that people can do to naturally age most gracefully.
  • What is the thing that makes people age the quickest.
  • The healing power of Oxygen.
  • 4 Pillars of Functional Medicine: Sleep, Nutrition and Calories, Movement, Stress

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Jun 12, 202355:43
Healing From Trauma by Going Within with Melissa Romano

Healing From Trauma by Going Within with Melissa Romano

In this episode I am joined by Melissa Romano to talk about trauma, what it means, how it happens and to talk about her approach to helping people heal.

Melissa Romano is a Trauma-Informed Mind Body Therapist and a Master of Social Work student. She has extensive certifications in personal training, corrective exercise, yoga therapy, nervous system regulation, and somatic trauma therapy. She focuses on mind body health and teaches that health is not a size or weight, but how you feel on a cellular level and how you feel moving through your days.

We discuss:
- What trauma is and the types of trauma she sees with her clients.
- Why she thinks there is so much awareness around trauma and healing from trauma these days.
- How someone knows if they are suffering from trauma and what unprocessed trauma is.
- How unprocessed/unreleased trauma affects a person's body and brain.
- Her approach to working with clients.
- Nervous system system regulation, why it is important and how a dysregulated nervous system affects a person's life.
- Why it is important to reparent ourselves.
May 17, 202342:09
Self Care Is Not a Luxury, It Is a Necessity with Shar'ron Boren, Functional Yoga Teacher and Self Care Advocate

Self Care Is Not a Luxury, It Is a Necessity with Shar'ron Boren, Functional Yoga Teacher and Self Care Advocate

In this episode I am joined by Shar’ron Boren, of My Functional Wellness, to talk all about why we should consider self care a necessity, rather than a luxury and review some easy ideas to incorporate more self care into your life. Shar’ron is a wife and a mother of three teens and also owns a yoga and wellness studio in Waco, TX. Through this practice she offers her clients a unique framework for movement and self care where she combines functional movement, traditional chinese medicine, essential oils, herbs and breath work to create customized self care recipe.

Shar’ron approach pulls wellness practices from many healing arts as well as her own experience dealing with chronic pain. She is devoted to helping people focus on finding support in movement and self care and I can’t wait for her to share her expertise and inspiration.

Shar'ron talks about:

  • How she got into health and wellness.
  • What drew her to teach yoga.
  • Self care she encourage her clients to do daily and seasonally.
  • Pain management and her experience with chronic pain.
  • Self care recipes and how she creates these for her clients.
  • Functional movement, essential oils, Traditional Chinese Medicine, facial care, and more!

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May 03, 202353:38
Validating the Human Experience & Giving Pain a Purpose with Mariah Betancourt, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Validating the Human Experience & Giving Pain a Purpose with Mariah Betancourt, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In this episode I am joined by Mariah Betancourt, who is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, to talk about how to work through the painful things that happen in our lives and not feel so alone in that process. We all experience pain from time to time and it’s what we chose to do with that pain that can be really life changing - in a good way. I am so excited to have her here to share her expertise on mental health. She is a Santa Cruz native, who is now living in the Central Valley, with her firefighter husband and three children. She has spent the last ten years providing counseling services through non-profit agencies that serve rural areas within the central valley and is currently working as a licensed clinician providing telehealth therapy to teens and adults. She is passionate about helping people normalize therapy and finding their journey to healing. 

I talk to Mariah about:

- The techniques that she uses to help people navigate getting through their pain

- How people can change their relationship with pain/hardships so that they can use it to work to their advantage.

- The best way to show up for someone who is struggling.

- How people who are struggling can ask for help.

- What she wishes more people knew about therapy.

- What it means to be trauma informed and why is this important.

- Why there is stigma around talk therapy?

- What to say to someone that is struggling, but resistant to get help?

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Apr 19, 202345:18
Coaches Corner with Alisha - Building Nourishing Meals & Healthy Lifestyle Basics

Coaches Corner with Alisha - Building Nourishing Meals & Healthy Lifestyle Basics

In this second edition of Coaches Corner I deep dive into building healthy meals and cover the most foundational healthy lifestyle basics. These episodes are to help you learn more about living a healthy lifestyle and to give you some practical ways to incorporate more healthy habits into your days.

I would take some notes during this episode as you come across anything you think you might be able to add to your life. Remember every little bit counts.

Overview of what I cover:

  • How being busy is not an excuse for not eating healthy and why you should prioritize your health and wellbeing
  • Ways to help motivate yourself to make the necessary changes
  • What makes up the foundation of your health
  • How to build healthy nourishing meals that give us energy, keep our brains sharp, and our bodies fit and healthy.
  • My healthy meal framework I call Build a Plate method.
  • How much protein, fat and carbohydrates you should be eating at each meal and daily and what each offers your body
  • Why you should eat carbohydrates and lots of them
  • Why it is important to eat organic and sustainably
  • How daily movement and sunlight, adequate sleep, hydration, and nervous system regulation are all important components of a healthy lifestyle. 
  • Why it is good to start small and build on your successes, and reminders to celebrate your progress along the way
  • How to make eating and living a healthy lifestyle fun!

I offer prompts throughout to help you think about where you are and how you can apply the things I share to your life.

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Apr 05, 202317:40
The Revolutionary Power or Herbs with Katheryn Langelier - Eat your weeds!

The Revolutionary Power or Herbs with Katheryn Langelier - Eat your weeds!

In this episode I am thrilled to be joined by Katheryn Langelier to talk about the revolutionary power of herbs. Kathi is the founder and formulator of Herbal Revolution. Herbal Revolution provides high quality herbal wellness products from the herbs and vegetables that are grown on her 21 acre organic farm in Maine. I found out about Herbal Revolution on Instagram and last year I gifted myself 12 months of herbs from her herb of the month club. It was such a fun way to build up my herb stock and learn more about the healing power of herbs.  Her goal is to bring these amazing healing plants back into the mainstream that not too long ago were the staple food and medicine of the people. Kathi is a true herbal expert. She is a published author, numerous award winner, and has studied clinical herbalism with the best in the business.

What you'll learn in this episode:

  • What is iso special about herbs
  • How herbs work to support the body
  • What should someone look for when purchasing herbs
  • Which herbs have healing properties
  • Different ways to consume herbs
  • What should someone be careful of when ingesting herbs
  • How does one get started with learning about herbs, where to find more information.
  • Herbal safety

Herbal resources:

Books about herbs:

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Apr 05, 202342:53
The Importance of Ritual with Camille Craft - How to use ritual to take your power back.
Mar 15, 202353:33
Coaches Corner with Alisha - Don't Under Estimate The Power of Breath to Support Your Health

Coaches Corner with Alisha - Don't Under Estimate The Power of Breath to Support Your Health

In this episode I introduce a new segment of my podcast called Coaches Corner with Alisha. Coaches Corner will be solo episodes where I’ll be sharing healthy tips that you can consider as you are working on upgrading your overall health and wellness.

We start off by diving into the power of breath as one of the main tools you should have in your wellness toolbox for optimizing your health. I share why breath is so key to your health and I offer a short guided practice to help you learn what it feels like to take a proper deep breath.

As a holistic nutritionist we are trained to look at the whole person and every aspect of their life as it applies to their health. We look at things like nutrition, movement, spirituality, lifestyle habits and stress management. All of these things matter when it comes to your health and wellness. I have been studying health and coaching clients over the past 15 years and one thing has bubbled up as more important and foundational than anything else. The quality of your breath determines the quality of your life. You can change your diet and exercise, but if you don’t know how to connect to your breath and regulate your nervous system your other efforts will be much less impactful. Connecting to your breath is the best way to quiet your mind and connect more fully to your body and how you are feeling at any given moment. This connection to self is the most important connection you can have as you go through your life.

Your breath is an important regulator of your nervous system and a daily breath practice is key to your health. I hope this episode encourages you to breathe more consciously and take good care of your body.

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Mar 01, 202315:00
[BONUS MEDITATION] Starting your day with intention and awareness.

[BONUS MEDITATION] Starting your day with intention and awareness.

In this episode I share a short and sweet guided meditation that will help you start your day with intention, awareness and a commitment to your health. I suggest you practice this meditation in the morning before you start your day, however connecting to your breath and dropping into awareness is good anytime you can take a pause to do so. Even a few focused breaths can improve your wellbeing. To learn more about why the quality of your breath is so fundamental to your health check out my podcast episode Coaches Corner with Alisha : Don't Under Estimate The Power of Breath to Support Your Health.

Establishing a connection to your breath first thing in the morning is a simple yet powerful way to bring awareness into your day. Being intentional about your life means being mindful of your thoughts, actions, and decisions. It means taking the time to reflect on what you truly want and setting goals that align with your values and beliefs.

Meditation, mantras and affirmations are powerful tools that can help you set the tone for your day and bring focus and clarity to your mind. By starting your day with a few minutes of mindfulness, you can create a sense of calm and balance that will help you start your day on the right foot.

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Mar 01, 202311:09
Evolutionary Astrology and Your North Node with Tara Nichols - How to find your purpose here on earth.

Evolutionary Astrology and Your North Node with Tara Nichols - How to find your purpose here on earth.

In this episode I’m excited to be joined by Tara Nichols who is an Evolutionary Astrologer to talk about astrology and how the North Node in our charts can help guide us to our soul's purpose here on earth.

Over the past 10 years as I have learned more about astrology, I attribute a lot of my introspection and personal growth to digging into my chart and becoming aware of the energy that is available to us every day depending on where the planets are and how they might be affect us

I’ve given myself three readings with Tara over the past few years, always right around my birthday, and I have found her insights so powerful. Anytime we can be more aware of the natural cycles and energy of our universe, we in turn become more aware of the cycles within ourselves. I always come back to the fact that if the moon can control the tides, the planets and stars in our universe have more influence over us than we could ever imagine. Everything is just energy and using astrology as a framework to observe how energy around you might or might not be affecting you at any time is just a solid practice to incorporate into your life.

Listen to learn:

  • What is an Evolutionary Astrologer and how does it differ from different types of astrologists.
  • How to use the stars and planets as our guides.
  • Where someone should start who doesn't know anything about astrology, but wants to see how it can help them in their life journey.
  • What people can find in their charts and how the North Node fits in.
  • What is your North Node. What does it tell you. How can people use it for introspection.

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Feb 15, 202350:08
Aligning with the Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle with Erin Fisher - Learn how to honor and nourish each phase.
Feb 01, 202358:57
Psychedelic Therapy with Lily Webber - Who is it for and what to expect during and after a session.

Psychedelic Therapy with Lily Webber - Who is it for and what to expect during and after a session.

Jan 17, 202346:14
Meet the Host Alisha Slaughter - My Why (My Roots, The Unlearning, and My North Star)

Meet the Host Alisha Slaughter - My Why (My Roots, The Unlearning, and My North Star)

In this episode I share My Why. Why am I so into health and wellness? I share what my life was like growing up and some of the struggles I faced. I also share how those struggles have effected me in my adult life and how I have leaned into mind body health to heal me. All of the things that I have gone through in my life have led me to be here sharing my story and what I have learned. 

I am so excited to share todays episode with you and look forward to bringing you topics to consider and inspiring guests that will help us both stay connected to our health. Thank you for being here with me!

In health and happiness,


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Jan 17, 202326:35
Humanize the Hustle Trailer

Humanize the Hustle Trailer

Calling all health conscious corporate professionals, working parents, and entrepreneurs - let's put the human back in your hustle! Join Alisha Slaughter, Marketing Executive, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher and inspiring guests as they tell their stories and share expertise on the latest in mind-body wellness.

This podcast is for high achievers and goal getters who lead demanding lives yet want to find ways to support their bodies and minds in spite of their crazy schedules. It's a basic human desire to be happy and healthy. But, the day-to-day demands of trying to get it all done leave most of us stressed out and ignoring our health.

Alisha is just like you - a busy working professional who is trying to juggle it all while staying committed to their physical, mental and spiritual health. It’s time to Humanize Your Hustle and make your health & happiness non-negotiable.

Dec 09, 202201:37