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" Your Moment In The Word"

" Your Moment In The Word"

By Hyacinth Staple-Reid

A collection of meditations and inspiring thoughts that people turn to each day for support and to feed their souls. They will enlighten, encourage and strengthen you. As you listen, trust God's Word knowing that His Word never fails. It will give peace in times of crisis, provide hope to the hopeless, strength to the weak and light to those who stumble in dark places. It promises to bring change to your way of life and your thinking.
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Put Love Into Action

" Your Moment In The Word"May 02, 2024

Come Let Us Reason

Come Let Us Reason

Although mankind has sinned and strayed from God He still encourages us to come and reason with Him. He still extends His loving hand of mercy to bring us back from our sinful state into a proper relationship with Him. We do not have to choose to die in sin because the blood that He shed at Calvary still has miraculous power to save.
May 27, 202407:03
 Push and Help Others to Win

Push and Help Others to Win

Living for others is the rule of nature. You start to live only when you can do something for others. Why? God never intended for us to live only for ourselves. He never forgets anyone who sows good seeds into someone's life. Remember " what goes around,comes around". Therefore help someone to win today.
May 24, 202407:29
Building on Jesus Christ, The Solid Rock

Building on Jesus Christ, The Solid Rock

Many persons build their life on, fame, family and friends. They are often disappointed when the sand that they build on erodes when the storms of life come. However, any life that is built on Jesus Christ, the Solid Rock will not fail. When the storms of life are raging we will stand and our footing will be secure. Jesus Christ is the Rock on which we stand.
May 20, 202407:08
After You' ve Done All You Can

After You' ve Done All You Can

When you are faced with difficulties and trials and you have done everything that you can possibly do I encourage you to stand
1. On God's Word
2 on His promises
3 on His faithfulness
Know that He cares for us and will never leave nor forsake us.
Be encouraged my friend...take Heart..God stands with you in your difficulties. He is concerned about you.
May 13, 202407:58
Taste and See God's Goodness.

Taste and See God's Goodness.

In order to know God, and to have a relationship with him, we must experience him: his love, his grace, his mercy, his kindness and compassion. That is the reason we are encouraged today to taste and see God's goodness. Will you try Him today?
May 03, 202407:05
Put Love Into Action

Put Love Into Action

St John 3:16 states " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life". Love, is not something that is done in words only. It must be followed by practical everyday actions. True love gives. It will require a personal sacrifice of time, effort or money. Let us love today in deed and in truth.( H. Staple -Reid)
May 02, 202407:39
Walk This Life With Jesus

Walk This Life With Jesus

As Christians we cannot walk the journey alone. We must have faith in Jesus Christ. We must have the mind of Christ so that we have access to his guidance, his leadership and his direction. We must die to self and sin and completely commit ourselves to doing his will. Christ lives within us to help us change from the inside out.
Apr 25, 202407:06
God Made You Amazing

God Made You Amazing

Just want to remind you today that God made you amazing. Life may not have gone the way you wanted it to but God is still in control. You were created with great care and attention. Your birth was not a mistake. You are breathing because God kept you alive. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You are absolutely, incredibly amazing ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 21, 202406:33
Deceptive Currents

Deceptive Currents

In the same manner that a swimmer can be deceived by the currents in open water, the people of God can be deceived to think that they can make it on their own. They sometimes think that their successes are due to their own capabilities. However, true humility will credit God for every success whether it be great or small. We should use our talents to glorify God and to uplift others.
Apr 19, 202406:05
Peace in the Storm

Peace in the Storm

No matter what difficulties you face in this life, God gives peace in the midst of the storm. Trust Him with your storm.
Apr 17, 202405:51
When Things Don't Go Well

When Things Don't Go Well

When things don't go well people usually quote Romans 8:28" And we know that all things work for good to them thst love God....". However, this verse may be hard to understand in difficult times. However, no matter how hard the circumstance, the Sovereign God is able to make it work for our good, to help others and to give honor and glory to Him. Hard times cannot thwart the plans of a loving God.
Apr 05, 202406:10
Jesus Signed Our Pardon

Jesus Signed Our Pardon

Over 2000 years ago, Jesus went to Calvary. With his precious blood he signed our pardon and set us free from the bondage of sin. We can now enjoy a new life because he signed our pardon and paid it all.
Apr 04, 202408:00
The Wondrous Cross

The Wondrous Cross

As a people we all need to examine the value of the cross. It was on that old rugged cross that sinful men were reconciled to God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. The cross exposes our desperate sinful state and our unworthiness. Today we glory in the cross because , on that cross Jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify each of us.
Apr 01, 202407:11
The Power of the Cross

The Power of the Cross

Through the cross of Jesus Christ the whole world received
forgiveness of sins. Our sin debt was paid in full. Thank you for the cross Lord. I will cherish that old
rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down, I will cling to that old rugged cross, and exchange it someday for a crown.
Mar 29, 202406:45
Give Us Barabbas

Give Us Barabbas

Although Barabbas was a convicted prisoner who was condemned to die...he is just like the rest of us. We are all guilty of sin and deserve death but Jesus took our place at Calvary. He loves Barabbas just as he loves us.
Mar 28, 202406:57
When Our Saviour Cried

When Our Saviour Cried

In the same manner that Jesus cried over Jerusalem, he still weeps over the souls that are lost. We reject him daily by the life we live. However, he still loves us and came to let us know.
Mar 27, 202407:39
Cherish Your Valley Experiences.

Cherish Your Valley Experiences.

Although we go through difficult times they are always working for our good.
Mar 26, 202406:22
When Life Overwhelms Us

When Life Overwhelms Us

When you are drowning in life's struggles, remember, your lifeguard walks on water. Trust God to handle the things that overwhelm you.
Mar 20, 202405:49
A Faithful God in Difficult Times

A Faithful God in Difficult Times

Lamentations 3:22-23 " The stedfast love of the Lord never
ceases, his mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness". Friends God's great love enables us to get up and face each new day. His compassion and kindness can never be depleted nor exhausted. No matter how disobedient or how dire our circumstances, God's love and faithfulness remain constant. His faithfulness surpasses human understanding. God is reliable and He is constant. Look to Him today and LIVE. Amen
Mar 15, 202407:16
Called Unto Holiness!

Called Unto Holiness!

God has called us from sin to live a life that is holy, pure and clean. We must be holy, because He is holy.
Mar 13, 202415:07
Fleeting Success

Fleeting Success

Having many friends and being rich are great blessing but do not
guarantee a life of happiness. People usually ascend to high positions but are soon replaced Consequently, many live a defeated life. However, we are encouraged to set our affections on God and things above. God is the master key to success. Success is not measured in dollars and cents but in a life that has served the Lord.
Mar 11, 202406:54
It's Decision Time.

It's Decision Time.

You have to make a choice today whether you are going to serve God or not. Today is your day of salvation.
Mar 09, 202405:57
Born Again of the Spirit

Born Again of the Spirit

To be born of the Spirit refers to the baptism of the Holy Ghost. This is what happened on the day of Pentecost when Jesus' disciples and other believers were filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Being born of water and of the Spirit places the believer into the Kingdom of God. Without the Spirit of Christ, we are none of His. (Romans8:9) Be filled with the Spirit
Mar 06, 202407:31
Born Again of Water

Born Again of Water

Jesus answered, verily verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born again of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter, into the kingdom of God. (St John 3:5).
Water baptism is an essential part of Salvation. It is a part of the New Birth experience and expresses faith in God by obedience to His Word. It is an identification with Christ's burial and should be administered in the name of Jesus ( Acts2:38)
Mar 04, 202407:05
Light in the Darkness.

Light in the Darkness.

Jesus is the Light of the World. If you follow Him you will not stumble but shall have the light of life.
Feb 22, 202405:46
There's No Shortcut to Salvation

There's No Shortcut to Salvation

In order to follow Jesus we must change our loyalties. We must
deny ourselves, take up the cross daily and follow Him. He is the
Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no alternate route. In Acts chapter 2 the Jews in Jerusalem, after hearing the Gospel message, asked what they should do to be saved. In verse 38 they were told to repent of their sins, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and to receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost. Some persons have created shortcuts but there is only one way to Salvation. By grace, we are saved through faith. Faith in the redemptive work that was performed at Calvary. Obey Acts 2:38
Feb 19, 202407:08
A Worthwhile Wait

A Worthwhile Wait

Waiting for God to move in times of trouble and trials is not an easy feat. However, as Christians, we must learn to trust His timing. Waiting on Him will take faith and enduring patience. However, the answer will come and we realize the wait was worthwhile. Those who wait on God are blessed. And to make it more amazing, God is right there waiting for us to come to Him! What a God!
Feb 15, 202406:18
When Disappointment Strikes

When Disappointment Strikes

Why art thou cast down O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God, for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God.
Feb 13, 202406:45
Dig up Every Root of Bitterness

Dig up Every Root of Bitterness

The only cure for bitterness is forgiveness.
Feb 06, 202407:13
Finding Hope in A Chaotic World

Finding Hope in A Chaotic World

God is our Refuge and strength a very present help in trouble(Ps46:1) He is the Lord Almighty and He is with us. No matter what earthquakes are in your path, no matter how troubled the waters are we have hope in Him because He is always there. Take time to pause and reflect..God is in control and we can wait on Him.
Jan 10, 202407:31
Moving Into Unchartered Waters

Moving Into Unchartered Waters

We have started a new year and it can be daunting. None of us can tell what the future holds or what trials it will bring. However, God has promised never to leave nor forsake us. He says to us in Is. 43:2" when we pass through the waters, He will be with us; and through the rivers, they will not overflow us, when we walk through the fire, we will not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon us" So what do we need to do? We just need to place our hands and our plans into his hands. Evangelist H. Staple-Reid
Jan 08, 202406:38
Think Positively

Think Positively

Happy 2024 my friends. Phillipians 4:8 " Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lively, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" Think positively my friends. May we keep our face towards the sunshine, and keep the shadows behind us. Evangelist H. Staple-Reid
Jan 05, 202407:29
Be Honest With God, He Can Handle It!

Be Honest With God, He Can Handle It!

Do you wonder if God exists? If you do, do you wonder if He is still listening? I can assure you He is. He is faithful and true to His word. However, he takes note of persistent disobedience and rebellion. God loves you my friends. You can be brutally honest with Him. He can handle it. He will respond, in His time.
Jan 02, 202406:37
Life's Countdown

Life's Countdown

Life is short. Our days are numbered. Whether by nature, accident, or the return of Christ we can come face to face with God at any time. Therefore, let us make the rest of our lives count in service to Jesus Christ. It is worth all our investment.
Dec 30, 202306:30
Delayed But Not Denied

Delayed But Not Denied

But they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.Is 40:31
Dec 27, 202306:31
Reconnect to the Vine

Reconnect to the Vine

Jesus states in St. John 15 that He is the true Vine. As the people of God we must stay connected to Him. Our spiritual existence and continued faithfulness are contingent on abiding and remaining in Him. We cannot walk if He does not hold our hands. Stay connected friends. Evang. Staple=Reid
Dec 20, 202306:47
Encourage Yourself

Encourage Yourself

There are times when we face difficult circumstances. The persons who we are looking at to encourage us do not because they are facing their own issues. However, we must find that resolve within us to encourage ourselves. We need to muster the courage to say"I will get through this. My present situation is not my final destination" So, no matter how you feel you must speak words of encouragement to yourself. "Speak over yourself, encourage yourself in the Lord"
Dec 14, 202305:47
What's your name?

What's your name?

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver or gold.( Prov 22:1) Choose wisely
Dec 11, 202306:25
Your Worst Enemy

Your Worst Enemy

In this life we face 3 major enemies: the devil, the world and our own fleshly nature. The first two are outside of us and enter only by our consent. Our worst enemy is our own human nature. Only God can help us to overcome this enemy
Dec 07, 202308:06
Trusting the Lord Pays

Trusting the Lord Pays

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
Dec 05, 202306:36
Breaking Down Barriers

Breaking Down Barriers

God's Word and His Spirit breaks down barriers. In his kingdom all who accept Him are equal regardless of their station in life. God has people in every nation who need to hear the true message of salvation so that the existing barriers will come down.
Dec 01, 202307:57
You Must Be Born Again

You Must Be Born Again

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, Verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God.( St John 3:3) To be born again is to be born from above. This experience is the beginning of the spiritual life. One must be born of water( baptism) and the Spirit ( infilling of the spirit) as recorded in Acts 2:38. This gives the believer entrance into the Kingdom of God.
Nov 28, 202307:37
A Work in Progress

A Work in Progress

Christ's sacrifice on Calvary redeemed us totally. He clicked the completed button which paid our redemption. However, he is still working on us to transform us into his likeness.
Nov 16, 202305:58
Your Heart Matters

Your Heart Matters

The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of His doings".
Nov 14, 202305:50
Make Provisions For Your Soul.

Make Provisions For Your Soul.

Many times we make plans for everything else in life but not for the soul. This message encourages listeners to do just that by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Nov 08, 202306:08
God Still Heals Broken People

God Still Heals Broken People

Almost everyone on the earth has a certain measure of brokenness..some are carrying loads in their minds, that are too heavy to bear. Jesus Christ went to Calvary, He suffered and died so we can be free. He has the ability to set us free. All we have to do is scoop up the burdens and drop them off at Jesus feet. He can mend every brokenness.
Nov 07, 202307:12
The Eraser of Confession.

The Eraser of Confession.

If we confess our sins God is faithful and just to erase them all by the blood of Jesus.
Nov 02, 202305:28
The Cross Speaks

The Cross Speaks

Romans 5:8" But God commendeth His love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us"
There is no greater love than this. Know you are love by God today. Jesus' actions on the cross proves that He loves you and me.
Oct 31, 202306:08
Be Strong and Stand.

Be Strong and Stand.

Although things may be rough now, hold on and keep trusting in God. He has come through for you in the past and he will surely do it again.
Oct 26, 202305:57
Longing for Home

Longing for Home

People often long for home when they are in foreign countries. As believers, we are like exiles in this world. Soon our labour here will end, our bodies will dissolve and we will move to that city that Jesus, our Savior has gone to prepare for us. We will return to Him - return home to a land where we never grow old.
Oct 24, 202306:12