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Breaking Barriers of Self Limiting Concepts To Empower You

Breaking Barriers of Self Limiting Concepts To Empower You

By I Khonjelwayo

This podcast is created and produced by Mr. Isaac Khonjelwayo. A professional hustler, political activist, community developer and an artist with a sole purpose to empower people who want reach their true potential. Mission! To let my followers and readers, learn to heighten their depth of perception, otherwise find better vision i.e. (intuition) to improve their outlook on life. Allow community readers to live to the best of their intensions, in supporting a growing Nation. To be the best in our dreams we must shed old habits, and learn to walk the talk in our free spaces to lead by example.
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EP.5 The Mystery Of The Breakaway Room COJ

Breaking Barriers of Self Limiting Concepts To Empower YouJan 14, 2019

EP..13 Set The Tone Citizens-Personal-Responsibility Initiative

EP..13 Set The Tone Citizens-Personal-Responsibility Initiative

Become A Solution And Problem Solver To Your Community and Not A Liability!

Society and communities must exist to serve their neighbours and the country they live in, to allow the society to flourish and become prosperous.
When you fail to plan, most of the time you plan to fail and wonder why success is becoming a far-fetched dream to be realized. 

  • When we live our lives by other peoples’ rules we fail to honor our own commitment to our personal goals and ambitions. 
  • This endorses our conviction to fail us because our values are not in line with our inner dreams and aspirations.

When we seek and find our own truths we must believe and act on this truth to live and realize our best intentions. We only have ourselves to blame if the dreams we entertain do not come forth our way because we use and wear someone else's glasses to see the world.

Learn to see the world with your own eyes and glasses, otherwise, find better vision i.e. (intuition) to improve your outlook on life to live to the best of your abilities and God-given talents. 

To be the best in your dreams be prepared to shed old habits; while paying the price to walk the talk of taking a leadership role. As a steering and a chosen head of your family, citizen of your community and country learn to lead by example.

Your perception is your window to the world - 

Follow and comment Read more here

May 29, 202214:53
EP.12 Principles of Recruiting or Selling a Product or Service

EP.12 Principles of Recruiting or Selling a Product or Service

Consider your Stokvel or small business as a product or services that's going to fill the need of  your customers or clients. The reason for this is that everyone is looking and searching for something. We are all looking for something, to find happiness in various ways and forms,  like "a job", " good Food", "nice Clothes" or "finding " Love" etc. Treat your Stokvel like a business or enterprise; therefore be serious about it.  You never know where it will take you into the future. Life is constantly evolving and changing, so commit yourself to it 100%. Plan or have a recruiting or selling strategy in order to begin building your  motivation to move forward easily and fast.

Try and answer these five questions if you want to speed up your progress.

  1. How are you going approach these people? 
  2. where are you going to find these people?
  3. when will you execute this plan or action plan
  4. How will you do it i.e. (Market) this service or product?
  5. Why are you doing it in the first place? 

Remember on EP. 11 We talked about Time Management and this is important to reflect on personal goals, you want to achieve. Buying a new car, a plasma screen or buy a new cell phone and so on. In all these processes have marketing resources to help create a professional "image" or "look" for your service or product. Things like business cards, flyers and banner are good resources in becoming successful. Be patient and focus on the ultimate goal. As a saying goes, "Rome was not build in a day". It takes time to build a legacy- be in a business for long-term purposes and not short term, it will defeat the purpose of building a solid foundation of your residual income. 

Patience and positive work ethic will pay-off sooner or later. I planned 20 years ago to have my own publishing company and today I can proudly say; I run and own niche magazines, newspapers, and business catalog enterprise and a record company.  Please don't get me wrong, I am not bragging about my small personal achievements, they're not accidents that happened out of the blue, nor gifts inherited from my family. No! I don't even have a family to be proud of. I earned them through blood, sweat and tears and through setting goals and working on these goals meticulously. I had to wait for my ship to arrive - Now it's hear. Let's not talk about me- after all this is about recruiting and selling any product or service. Not every person you talk to will buy your service. The more you talk to 10+ people 1 is a good customer for life. Have fund and enjoy it.

Oct 22, 201921:17
EP.11 Basic of Time Management for Sales

EP.11 Basic of Time Management for Sales

Basics of time management for newbies and how to use time to work for you. It is important to understand how time works, so that you can take advantage of using it properly and effectively in business, sales, personal life, family and more. Successful people have mastered, the art of using time - such that time works for them. They're able to enjoy life to the fullest, because they can control it to maximize it for personal growth, family and many other things they want to accomplish in life.

In actual fact, without this knowledge of time management - it is not easy to follow through personal ambitions effectively without the mastery of time. Time is like a "life action bank account'. You can save it for the rainy days; or waste it until you're blue in the face. In the end the best losers are those who have wasted it and have not put full use of it to their advantage.

In this episode I give you a synopsis of how to use it if you're in business or in sales or MLM marketing. It is not a full course, but covers just what you need to join our sales force or team in marketing. I hope you'll enjoy it. This Episode is brought to you by Itireleng Tshelete Stokvel and is intended to empower its members realize their goals and potential in marketing and sales.

Oct 22, 201914:51
EP.10 Successful Prospecting Training Strategies
Jul 13, 201917:22
EP.9 SMME Joint Venture Advertising STOKVEL of South Africa

EP.9 SMME Joint Venture Advertising STOKVEL of South Africa

Background History of SMME’s In South Africa. Refer To A Podcast Titled: EP.8 SMME Top SMP Newspaper Advertising Invitation. Before you dive into this presentation let's talk about what it attempts to address. Review Ministry of Small Business in S.A. No Legislation To Protect S.A. small Business against invasion of our space and participation of our economies . To Lobby With The Ministry of Small Business via Our STOKVEL to protect and Subside SMME Township Chamber of Commerce To Register A Database of All foreigners Who are Trading Both In our Cities & Township via Our STOKVEL S.A. Institute of Foreign Temporary Visitation Test Centre.  SAIFTVT


Train both local township traders and foreign nationals how to formalize business relations in order to create a fair economic activity for local South African to trade and thrive without compromising the value chain Promote S.A. Tourism as a preferred destination of choice by utilizing foreign nationals before they can qualify for visitation or citizenship and reward them 20 points for their efforts Engage unemployed youth of South Africa to the development of a township informal traders  strategies to create jobs within a competitive unregulated foreign monopolistic local markets. 

Invite and form partnership with local chamber of commerce across all provinces to provide training and inspection of legal businesses against illegal entities that promote crime and drug peddling in our society. Identify and open a positive dialogue between local S.A. Traders and Foreign Nationals in drawing parameters and rules of respect for local human rights to operate and compete fairly in the market place.

Force the South African government to regulate and protect the interest of local entrepreneurs and informal traders to get 1st priority as top beneficiaries in allocation of resources and opportunities of the mainstream economy of South African black participants. To empower both local and foreign nationals with soft-skills to interact easy with each other.

To implement the SAIFTVT courses and lobby government to approve it as a prerequisite in accepting foreign nationals as asylum seekers or tourist with limited right in visiting South Africa as tourists. Establish new rules how foreign national should be treated as guest and not residents in the process of distinguishing criminals from genuine business people. Ask government to explain to the citizens how the agreement in BRICS is benefiting local township residence, entrepreneurs and informal trader to improve and benefit from these economies. 

Background History of SMME’s In South Africa. Going Forwards Lets looks at the past before we can talk about the future! Origins Of White Monopoly Capital Adele Lucas Promotions Co. The Roles of NAFCOC & FABCOS The Formation of The African Bank (Dr. Matsunyane) Soweto Chamber of Commerce (Mr. Makgetha Chairman early 1990’s

What Purpose Does White Monopoly Serve – How The JSE Control The S.A. GDP purse in favor of White Control of the Economy

Feb 05, 201938:39
EP.8 SMME Top Newspaper Adverts Invitation
Feb 03, 201913:31
EP.7 Unemployed Graduates And Job Seekers Proposal.

EP.7 Unemployed Graduates And Job Seekers Proposal.

I have a personal proposal for South African job seekers and graduates to solicit vacancy opportunities by advertising their Career Profiles & prospects with our New Community Business Newspaper. What do I propose?

A Free Newspaper Advertising For S.A. GRADUATES & JOB SEEKERS with "Top Soweto Market Places" newspaper.Requirements To Place Your ADVERT In Our Newspaper. WhatsApp Voice Note:

Record a short description of who you’re and include your  qualifications and the kind of job opportunity you’re looking for! The voice note should be 1.0 – 1.5 minutes long (short powerful & precise).

QR Code For Your Cellphone

I will create a QR Code for your current cell phone number you’re using so that potential employers can save your number & voice note on their database. Download Our Job Interview Podcasts You can freely download our Job Interview Podcast Training Courses from Google Play and iTunes etc.

Provide Your LinkedIn Profile Link

It is important that you provide us with your LinkedIn career profile so that employers can browse to increase your chances via a QR code.

Prepare Your Newspaper Advert. Write a short “Text Advert” with a title describing what you recorded on the voice note in less than 30 words with your contact info. It must be effective and readable.

Subscribe To Our Newspaper When you’re done you can subscribe to our newspaper and get the latest updates also volunteer to become distributor in your area.You Must Be a  S.A. Citizens – Terms & Conditions Apply

Feb 03, 201924:27
EP.6 No Church Should Be without A Library

EP.6 No Church Should Be without A Library

The power and the legacy of the church is in the literature that the church produces to communicate with its congregation and the community it is suppose to serve. So! It goes without saying that no church should be without a library. The library should be part of the communication and education center for all church matters. 

Therefore, the literature and the communication within this context should be produced, created and published by the church. All literature should be about the teachings, scriptures and related information that will empower the readers and the congregation within the church to include both African, Eastern and Western religious teachings and educational material.

However, there are 8 components that should formulate the foundation upon which this library is formed or established.The church should start this process with a simple church newsletter. The purpose of which is to communicate weekly and or monthly activities of the church. The Second should be a booklet containing the pastors sermons or ministry every month. This is to allow members of the church the opportunity to be soaked in the message rather than be lost to negative programming and messages that will destroy the atmosphere built my the pastors sermon.

Fourth, on the list should be journals written by the church and edited by an appointed member of the education and communications department. This will be followed by a production of the church's CD or podcast recordings from the scriptures etc. The most interesting item in this menu will be the Churches Yearbook - which should be produced yearly to cover all church activities and ceremonies if any. 

Eventually the last two are audio library archive of music or any recordings done during the life of the churches existence. Lastly will be the churches social  media presence to monitor and learn what our youth are engage in within these platforms.

Jan 14, 201926:47
EP.5 The Mystery Of The Breakaway Room COJ

EP.5 The Mystery Of The Breakaway Room COJ

The mystery of the breakaway room at the Johannesburg library is one of my interesting encounters with a miracle. Something - that simply came to me as a surprise. Nothing prepared me for this encounters and I was slowly hooked into it by a divine force. Due to my curiosity it shouldn't be surprising that I could have been killed like a "cat".

This experience opened new doors for my personal development and something more than what any person would have expected thereafter. Although the journey was full of twists and turns and many unanswered questions that could not make any sense to me; it became a premise where my self-discovery was mounted.

The Library became my obsession and a place to find solace when all else around me was collapsing and was not in good order. The origin of the universe was what this surprising gift of life was centered around. Listen further and enjoy the story. Please follow me and like it on social media.

Jan 14, 201920:02
EP.4 Believers Chat Room Making Your Sermon Easy

EP.4 Believers Chat Room Making Your Sermon Easy

It is vital for Pastors and Ministers to prepare and plan their Believers Chat Room Radio Recording sessions in good time before they book an appointment. The Video below will attempt to elaborate important aspects of our recording before the meeting takes place. Please watch it carefully the tips on how to go about it not only to save time and money. But, to make an interesting final PRODUCT that will make you and our listener come back for more.

Important Consideration Of Your Plan

The logo of your Church or ministry is a perfect branding image that people will always remember and recognize as your signature label when they open and search or receive your Podcasts our Network Broadcasting Platforms will also display it.

Secondly the title of your talk or sermon and how you phrase it will attract listeners to choose it because it relates to their search and appeals to their important need on that particular topic or talk you will be presenting. Be precise and distinct when giving your topic a title.

Thirdly! You need to be you and no other person, your congregation loves you and likes you the way you are. You don't have to be someone else to even attract new listeners.

So! Speak to us the way you've always done in the language we can understand or relate to. Whence our African languages are dynamic and your flair of delivery should not change just because you're recording for a Radio Podcast.

Jan 14, 201912:13
EP.3 Believers Chat Room Plan Your Recording

EP.3 Believers Chat Room Plan Your Recording

We are looking for dynamic Pastors & Preachers to stream their message to Local and International audiences in Vernacular from South Africa. Our audience consumes unlimited religious sermons and teachings on Google Play & iTunes. They are hungry and interested in the following GOSPEL BIBLE TEACHINGS and sermons !! Feed them your knowledge and Bible Gospel Truth as you know it. We'll send it to their cell phones within 24 hours of recording it.

  • English * Venda * Zulu * Sepedi * South Sotho * Xhosa 
  • Recording Takes Place In January & February 2019
  • * Setswana * Tsonga * Ndebele * Seswati * Afrikaans * Recording Bookings Take Place In March & April 2019!

We are now busy scheduling Sessions to STREAM church sermons on 10 of our most popular and powerful International Radio Podcast Religious Stations!

INTERESTED CHURCHES & PASTORS ARE INVITED TO BOOK EARLY RECORDINGS. Minimum Recording Sessions Per Month is 4 Broadcast Messages for a 6 Months Broadcasting Basic Plan!

Jan 07, 201910:31
EP.2 How Often Should You Service Your Car and Why?

EP.2 How Often Should You Service Your Car and Why?

How often should professional car maintenance services be sought and why?

Most people like to go out on long car drives for leisure purposes. If the car breaks down in between, then it spoils the mood. Though one can solve this problem by maintaining the car in the good condition, but it also needs the services of a professional. When Your Car Break-Down Unexpectedly  and Your Motor Plan has expired, Where Do You Go?

The best place to get your car fixed and repaired without breaking a bank, is to find the “Go-To-Guy” who specials and knows your car. This guy can either be a certified expert of simply a “Car Fanatic” who love cars like yours and owns one.

Do A little Research Before You Hire a “Go-To-Guy”

The most reliable person to assist you should at least have some basic knowledge about this car. The question then arises, how reliable and honest will this be if you decide to choose him to fix your car? My advice is that before you hand your car over to this guy, make research. Although the general rule to service a car is considered to be at least be within six months period, but there are exceptions to this rule. One can do it every 15,000kms.

  1. It is recommended to services it after the completion of the 15,000 kms.
  2. If the 15,000 kms are not completed within the six months, 
  3. Then the time must be taken into consideration for deciding about the servicing within that period.
  4. When the car starts giving problems and not performing well, then also one must take the help of the professional for the servicing of the car.

Car Service And Maintenance Log Book

Keeping a Car Service And Maintenance Log Book, is always a good and healthy practise. The log book has general indications which points out towards the time of the servicing of your car. It also stipulates which service your car will require during intervals and the types of maintenance it will need to keep it running smoothly.

These services can include wheel alignment, braking system, front suspension, basic oil change, overall 100,000 services, check up, the cooling system etc. If a person is driving a luxurious car, then also it is recommended to take the help of the professional after short intervals of time. 

The Reason Is Simple 

As your car gets older, repairing costs will go way beyond the actual servicing amount. So it is in the interest of the car owner to get professional advice and constant checking if it requires any special attention, before it break down.

Professional car maintenance services are very good for the long life of the car as these are carried on by the qualified professionals only. Choosing the right source for providing these services ensures quality at affordable rates. One should take the advantage of the services provided by the quality professional when their need is required. It will spare the owner from the headache of maintaining the car. Also, it will make sure one avoid incurring expenses and increase in the life of the car. Get more about advantages of keeping your car in good condition, both inside and outside—HERE.

Jan 07, 201908:38
EP.1 AMPS Scrap Yards and Go-To-Guys Specialists

EP.1 AMPS Scrap Yards and Go-To-Guys Specialists

AMPS Scrap Yards and Go-To-Guys Specialists. We are a local small advertising and promotions business located in Johannesburg South near Southgate. We offer small business mechanics and vehicle repair-men who are self-employed marketing, promotion, and advertising services in the motor industry.

We help motorists find "go-to-guy" auto specialists & repair specialists' services.

Go-To-Guys Profiling - Key Coding and ECU

To assist struggling Auto Mechanics increase and growing their mechanic repair businesses. To help market these entrepreneurs reach maximum client access for their expertise. Help them with business promotional skills and marketing strategies. Ensure they can get exposure and promotions to the client in remote areas. Build a reliable network of professional auto mechanics with resources to help customers

Our Mission

  • We specialize in the following services:
  • Auto mechanic business website design
  • Auto mechanic business profile marketing
  • Promotion of auto mechanics on websites
  • Business flyers graphic design
  • WhatsApp groups status promotion
  • Google business search and marketing  

AMPS: For Mechanics & Technicians

We help professional auto mechanics find clients who are seeking their services in car maintenance, repairs and services. We do this by inviting auto mechanics to register as members of AMPS by applying for an annual membership. 

Apply to our auto mechanic Membership Club - Here 

  1. To service cars
  2. To repair vans
  3. To rebuilt engines
  4. Repair front suspension
  5. Repair radiators
  6. Repair the entire cooling system
  7. Rewire and fix electrical 
  8. Conduct vehicle diagnostics

Get more information about how to become an effective AMPS member to drive more business to your auto shop: Here

Jan 05, 201901:51