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The EmbodyME Podcast | Human Design | Gene Keys | Embodied Branding | Authentic + Aligned Business

The EmbodyME Podcast | Human Design | Gene Keys | Embodied Branding | Authentic + Aligned Business

By Crystal Renae

Empowering Conscious Creators and Impactful Leaders to Accept and Embody Your Authentic Selves Through Your Soul Archetypes. Be Naturally Magnetic To Your Aligned Desires, People, and Opportunities By Being All of Who You Are. Using Human Design, The Gene Keys, Vedic Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, and Other Spiritual Modalities to Help You Remember Your Soul's Essence. We Stand For Subconscious Empowerment, Purpose Alignment, and Authentic Embodiment. Create a Brand That Actually Feels Like YOU So That You Can Show Up In Your Business with Divine Purpose, Passion, Confidence, And Courage!

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The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 36, The Resolution Explorer - The Gate of Crisis: Turbulence - Humanity - Compassion

The EmbodyME Podcast | Human Design | Gene Keys | Embodied Branding | Authentic + Aligned BusinessMar 14, 2024

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 36, The Resolution Explorer - The Gate of Crisis: Turbulence - Humanity - Compassion

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 36, The Resolution Explorer - The Gate of Crisis: Turbulence - Humanity - Compassion

In this insightful episode of the Conscious Code Series on the EmbodyME Podcast, Crystal Renae, your Soul-Aligned branding guide and host, dives deep into the essence of Human Design Gate 36.

Known as the Resolution Explorer, Gate 36 invites us on a profound journey through the emotional landscapes of crisis, growth, transformation, and healing.

This episode explores the cyclical nature of emotional crises, offering insights into how each of us can emerge stronger and more compassionate through our darkest moments.

Key Highlights:

  • Understanding Gate 36: Unravel the significance of Gate 36 in human design, characterized by its continuous shifts between darkness and light, pain and relief, and chaos and clarity.
  • Shadow to Gift: Journey from the shadow of turbulence, with its emotional turmoil and crises, to the gift of humanity, where compassion, open-heartedness, and emotional wisdom shine through.
  • Astrological Insights: Gain an understanding of Gate 36's placement in the tropical sign of Pisces and its brief transit in Vedic Aquarius, highlighting its deep emotional and transformative energy.
  • Embracing Humanity: Discover how embracing the gift of humanity allows for profound growth and healing, fostering a deeper appreciation for the beauty of being human.

This Episode Offers:

  • Practical advice on moving from emotional turbulence to a state of compassionate resilience, enabling personal growth and healing.
  • Contemplative questions to encourage self-reflection and deeper emotional understanding for those with Gate 36 active in their charts.
  • Tips for cultivating compassion, empathy, and self-acceptance during times of emotional crisis.

Why Listen: If you're intrigued by the emotional depths and potential for transformation within the human experience, this episode sheds light on navigating life's crises with grace and emerging with a stronger sense of compassion and humanity. Crystal Renae's insights into Gate 36 provide a roadmap for embracing our emotional journeys and the lessons they hold.

About Crystal Renae: As the Soul Brand Alchemist, Crystal combines her expertise in branding, marketing, and spiritual coaching to guide listeners through the realms of human design and gene keys, empowering individuals to align their inner truth with their external expression.

It's Not Too Late to Join Us: Ready to dive deeper into your brand's alignment and the transformative power of Human Design? Click ⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠ to register for the Impact X Design free workshop and join our vibrant community eager to embrace their authentic essence in business and life.

Subscribe & Engage: For more episodes that inspire and empower through the exploration of human design and spiritual growth, subscribe to the EmbodyME Podcast. Share your thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments to engage with our growing community.

Connect with Crystal Renae:

Mar 14, 202410:54
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 22, The Gracious Beauty - The Gate of Openness: Dishonor - Graciousness - Grace

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 22, The Gracious Beauty - The Gate of Openness: Dishonor - Graciousness - Grace

Welcome back to the Conscious Code Series on the EmbodyME Podcast, where your host, Crystal Renae, the Soul Brand Alchemist, guides us through the exploration of all 64 human design gates, Gene Keys, and Chinese I Ching hexagrams. In today's episode, we delve deep into the essence of Gate 22, also known as the Gracious Beauty, the Gate of Openness, Grace, or Surrender. Located in the emotional solar plexus center, Gate 22 is a testament to emotional depth, grace under pressure, and the beauty of human nature.

Key Highlights:

  • Exploring Gate 22: Discover the significance of Gate 22 in human design, known for its deep emotional complexity and the ability to navigate social interactions with ease and grace, even under pressure.
  • Shadow and Gift: Unpack the shadow of dishonor, exploring the challenges of emotional denial and reactivity, and how this can lead to a lack of integrity in actions and interactions. Learn how embracing the gift of graciousness transforms our emotional understanding, allowing for compassionate and graceful navigation through life's trials.
  • Grace Under Pressure: In the Gene Keys, Gate 22 is referred to as "Grace under Pressure," highlighting the capacity to maintain composure and demonstrate grace in challenging situations.
  • Cultural and Astrological Insights: Gain insights into the gate's position in the tropical sign of Pisces, the Vedic sign of Aquarius, and its connection to the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, enriching the gate's emotional and spiritual dimensions.

This Episode Offers:

  • Practical advice for moving from the shadow of dishonor to the gift of graciousness, enabling personal and collective growth.
  • Contemplative questions to encourage journaling and deeper self-exploration for those with Gate 22 active in their charts.
  • Tips for embracing and honoring the full range of emotions as part of the human experience, fostering grace, compassion, and creative expression.

Join Us: Ready to dive deeper into your brand's alignment and the transformative power of Human Design? Click ⁠⁠here⁠⁠ to register for the Impact X Design free workshop and join our vibrant community eager to embrace their authentic essence in business and life.

Why Listen: If you're intrigued by the complexities of human emotions and desire to cultivate a deeper sense of grace and compassion in your life and interactions, this episode provides invaluable insights into transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and beauty.

About Crystal Renae: As the Soul Brand Alchemist, Crystal Renae combines her expertise in branding, marketing, and spiritual coaching to guide listeners through the realms of human design and gene keys, empowering individuals to align their inner truth with their external expression.

Subscribe & Engage: For more enlightening episodes on human design, gene keys, and personal growth, subscribe to the EmbodyME Podcast. Share your thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments to engage with our growing community.

Connect with Crystal Renae:

Mar 09, 202411:46
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 63, The Exploratory Discernment - The Gate of Doubt: Doubt - Inquiry - Truth

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 63, The Exploratory Discernment - The Gate of Doubt: Doubt - Inquiry - Truth

Welcome to the Conscious Code Series on the EmbodyME Podcast, where we voyage through the transformative realms of Human Design Gates, Gene Keys, and I Ching Hexagrams.

In this episode, your host, Crystal Renae, the Soul Brand Alchemist, guides us through the intricate energies of Gate 63, known as the Gate of Doubt or Exploratory Discernment. Situated in the Head Center, Gate 63 invites us on a journey of questioning, challenging the status quo, and ultimately reaching a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe.

Key Highlights:

  • Understanding Gate 63: Uncover the essence of Gate 63, its position in the head center, and its connection through the Channel of Logic to the Ajna center. Learn how this gate fuels our drive for logical processing and critical evaluation, both externally and internally.
  • The Shadow of Doubt: Explore the shadow aspect of Gate 63, where doubt can lead to self-questioning, suspicion, and mental paralysis, impacting our self-worth and trust in ourselves and others.
  • The Gift of Inquiry: Discover how transforming doubt into inquiry can stimulate curiosity, encourage the pursuit of knowledge, and pave the way for personal growth and enlightenment.
  • The Siddhi of Truth: Ascend to the Siddhi state of Gate 63, where the pursuit of truth reveals profound realizations, enlightenment, and a deep sense of inner peace.
  • Applying Gate 63 in Business: Learn how to harness the energy of Gate 63 to foster truth, authenticity, and deeper inquiry within your brand and business practices.

This Episode Offers:

  • Insights into the dual nature of doubt and how to leverage it for personal and professional development.
  • Practical advice for navigating the shadows of Gate 63 and embracing its gifts and Siddhi.
  • Contemplative questions to journal on for those with Gate 63 active in their charts.
  • Tips on transforming doubt into a constructive force for inquiry and growth.

Join Us: Ready to dive deeper into your brand's alignment and the transformative power of Human Design? Click ⁠here⁠ to register for the Impact by Design free workshop and join our vibrant community eager to embrace their authentic essence in business and life.

About Your Host: Crystal Renae is not just your guide through the world of Human Design and Gene Keys; she is a beacon of knowledge, blending her expertise in branding, marketing, and spiritual coaching to help you infuse your authentic essence into your life and business.

Subscribe & Connect: Don't miss an episode of the Conscious Code Series. Subscribe to the EmbodyME Podcast on your favorite platform and connect with Crystal Renae for a journey of discovery, alignment, and transformation.

Connect with Crystal Renae:

Mar 04, 202411:16
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 37, The Bond Establisher - The Gate of Friendship: Weakness - Equality - Tenderness

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 37, The Bond Establisher - The Gate of Friendship: Weakness - Equality - Tenderness

Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Conscious Code Series on the EmbodyME Podcast. Join your host, Crystal Renae, the Soul Brand Alchemist, as we dive into the profound insights of Human Design Gate 37, also known as the Gate of Friendship or the Gate of Peace, and its pivotal role in shaping our connections, community bonds, and ultimately, our personal and professional growth.

In This Episode:

  • The Essence of Gate 37: Understand the foundational elements of Gate 37, its location in the Emotional Solar Plexus Center, and its connection to the Heart Center through Gate 40, forming the Channel of Community.
  • Family Alchemy & Social Harmony: Explore how Gate 37 fosters emotional wisdom, belonging, and the creation of nurturing relationships within the community and family.
  • Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi: Unpack the transformation from the shadow aspect of Weakness to the gift of Equality and ultimately to the siddhi of Tenderness, offering a pathway to personal transformation and collective harmony.
  • Personal Journey & Integration: Hear Crystal's personal story of alignment with her soul's purpose through the lens of Human Design and the Gene Keys, including her transition from Confidently Lit to Consciously Lit, and how Gate 37 has influenced her journey.
  • Impact by Design Workshop: An exclusive invitation to our free 5-day branding workshop aimed at entrepreneurs seeking to align their brand with their authentic essence and soul's purpose.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how Gate 37 influences our ability to establish and maintain meaningful connections and the importance of emotional balance and wisdom in nurturing community ties.
  • Discover strategies for overcoming the shadow aspects of Gate 37 and embracing the gift of Equality to foster a sense of belonging and support within relationships.
  • Gain insights into integrating the lessons of Gate 37 into your personal and professional life, enhancing your brand's alignment with your true self, and attracting aligned clients and opportunities.

Join the Conversation: Ready to dive deeper into your brand's alignment and the transformative power of Human Design? Click here to register for the Impact by Design free workshop and join our vibrant community eager to embrace their authentic essence in business and life.

About the Host: Crystal Renae started her entrepreneurial journey as a Master Mindset Coach, Spirituality and Manifestation Guide, and a dedicated explorer of Astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys. With a rich background in digital marketing and a passion for helping women step into their power, Crystal offers a unique blend of spiritual insight and practical branding expertise as The Soul Brand Alchemist.

Connect with Crystal Renae:

Subscribe & Share: Loved this episode? Subscribe to the EmbodyME Podcast for more episodes on how to infuse your true self into your brand and business. Share this episode with anyone looking to deepen their understanding of Human Design and the transformative potential of Gate 37.

Feb 27, 202418:26
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 55, The Abundant Free Spirit - The Gate of Spirit: Victimhood - Freedom - Freedom

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 55, The Abundant Free Spirit - The Gate of Spirit: Victimhood - Freedom - Freedom

Dive into the depths of Gate 55, the Abundant Free Spirit, in this enlightening episode of the EmbodyME Podcast's Conscious Code Series.

Join us as we explore the emotional solar plexus center's gate of spirit, abundance, and faithfulness, revealing its profound connection to spiritual abundance and emotional energy.

If you're seeking to understand the universal dance of abundance and lack, this episode offers valuable insights into achieving emotional wisdom and abundance of spirit.

What You'll Learn:

  • The significance of Gate 55 in the emotional solar plexus center and its role in human design and gene keys.
  • How Gate 55 oscillates between emotional extremes and the importance of navigating these with wisdom and acceptance.
  • The concept of spiritual abundance beyond material wealth and how to embody a spirit of abundance.
  • Strategies to overcome the shadow of victimization, including moving from complaining and blame to empowerment and freedom.
  • Practical tips for embracing emotional highs and lows, cultivating an abundance mindset, and appreciating life's richness.

Contemplative Questions:

  • How can I shift from feeling like a victim of my emotions to becoming empowered by them?
  • In what ways can I cultivate trust in life's abundance, even during emotional lows?
  • How do my emotional highs and lows influence my decisions, and how can I navigate them more wisely?

Tips for Embracing Gate 55's Energy:

  • Acknowledge and understand your emotional highs and lows as guides to deeper self-awareness.
  • Practice self-compassion, especially during emotional turmoil, to foster inner peace and resilience.
  • Cultivate an abundance mindset by appreciating the richness of experiences and relationships in your life.

Episode Quote: "Embrace the full spectrum of your emotions to unlock the door to spiritual abundance and freedom. Gate 55 is not just a journey through the emotional waves; it's an invitation to dance in the rain of life's abundant possibilities."

Current Resources:

Connect with Crystal Renae:

Subscribe and Review: Enjoyed this episode? Make sure to subscribe and review the EmbodyME Podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people like you, passionate about exploring the depths of Human Design and Gene Keys.

Feb 20, 202417:48
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 30, The Passionate Feeler - The Gate of Feeling: Desire - Lightness - Rapture

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 30, The Passionate Feeler - The Gate of Feeling: Desire - Lightness - Rapture

Join Crystal Renae, the Soul Brand Alchemist, in a captivating journey through the archetypal energies of Human Design Gates, Gene Keys, and I Ching Hexagrams. In this enlightening episode of the Conscious Code Series on the EmbodyME Podcast,

Crystal dives deep into the intricacies of Gate 30, known as the Gate of Feelings or the Passionate Feeler. Whether you're seeking to deepen your knowledge of Human Design and Gene Keys or looking to apply these insights into your personal and professional life, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • An in-depth exploration of Gate 30, its role in the emotional solar plexus, and its connection to the root center through the Channel of Recognition.
  • The duality of desire as both a shadow and a gift, and how to navigate these aspects for personal growth and understanding.
  • Practical advice on embodying the gifts of Gate 30 and transforming intense desires into lightness and rapture.
  • Exclusive insights into Crystal's offerings, including the free Vibes By Design mini-course and the Conscious Code Collective membership, and how these resources can enhance your journey through human design and gene keys.

Featured Resources:

Special Announcements:

  • Don't miss the opportunity to join Crystal's upcoming free workshop in the Human Design and Gene Keys group, where you'll learn to integrate the elements of your human design into your brand and business for authentic alignment and success. Click here to join the group!

Contemplative Questions for Listeners:

  1. What do I need to sustain my vision or dream about what I am inspired to create in my life?
  2. How am I allowing my desires to control my decisions and behaviors?
  3. How can I surrender to my feelings and desires without becoming consumed by them?

Quote of the Episode: "We rise and we fall in life. Sometimes we're flying and sometimes we're dragging. We have to see that desire is not unholy. There is no holy and unholy. That's what creates heaviness and guilt. Lightness is when we can look at desire with equanimity." - Richard Rudd

Connect with Crystal Renae:

Subscribe and Review: Enjoyed this episode? Make sure to subscribe and review the EmbodyME Podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people like you, passionate about exploring the depths of Human Design and Gene Keys.

Feb 15, 202419:36
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 49, The Revolutionary Spirit - The Gate of Principles: Reaction - Revolution - Rebirth

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 49, The Revolutionary Spirit - The Gate of Principles: Reaction - Revolution - Rebirth

Overview of Gate 49:

  • Positioned in the emotional solar plexus center, bridging towards the root center.
  • Known as the gate of principles, rejection, or catalyst in Human Design.
  • In Gene Keys, it signifies changing the world from within.
  • I Ching associates it with revolution, set in the tropical sign of Aquarius.

Core Energy of Gate 49:

  • Balances principles, transformation, revolution, rejection, and acceptance.
  • Acts as a catalyst for change, grounded in a deep understanding of emotional energy.
  • Balancing act between leading transformation and potential reactive behavior.

Shadow Aspect - Reaction:

  • Manifests as impulsive behavior, driven by raw emotions.
  • Extroverted individuals may exhibit rejection, pushing others away.
  • Introverted individuals may become inert, lacking emotional expression.

Gift Aspect - Revolution:

  • Transformational capacity, leading positive shifts in self and others.
  • Intuitive sense for timing and embracing natural changes.
  • Grounded approach inspires evolution, with a focus on discernment and integrity.

Siddhi of Rebirth - Highest Frequency:

  • Represents profound spiritual transformation and renewal.
  • Signifies a departure from old ways, allowing a new civilization to emerge.
  • Relevant to the current global shift, questioning and evolving societal principles.

Utilizing Gate 49 in Brand and Business:

  • Be a beacon of principles and core values in your brand.
  • Attract like-minded individuals by standing firmly on your principles.
  • Inspire positive change by leading a revolution aligned with your values.

Contemplative Questions:

  • Reflect on letting go to align with higher principles.
  • Identify areas of life requiring a revolution for positive change.
  • Transcend emotional patterns for emotional wisdom and resiliency.

Tips for Embracing the Shadow and Gift:

  • Acknowledge and embrace emotional sensitivity.
  • Let go of the need for perfection and rigidity.
  • Lead with vision to inspire positive change in self and others.

Closing Thoughts:

  • Recognizing the age of Aquarius and the ongoing societal revolution.
  • Encouragement to tap into the energy of Gate 49 for growth and transcendence.
  • Stand firm on principles, attract alignment, and evolve into higher states of being.

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gate Archetypes⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read my Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design to Raise my Vibration⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Get my FREE Human Design Body Chart⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book my Human Design Activation Reading⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book my Soul Impact Report to get a thorough breakdown of my Soul-Aligned Brand according to my Birth Time and Location⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group

Feb 09, 202417:54
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 13, The Compassionate Listener - The Gate of the Listener: Discord - Discernment - Empathy

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 13, The Compassionate Listener - The Gate of the Listener: Discord - Discernment - Empathy

Gate 13 - The Compassionate Listener:

Energetic Essence:

  • Listening with empathy, forgiveness, being a keeper of secrets, decisiveness, courage, discernment, and compassion.
  • Creating deep connections, unity, and healing.
  • Discerning the voice of the heart before the mind for harmony.

Shadow Aspect - Discord:

  • Inner turmoil, disharmony, lack of listening, and understanding leading to conflicts.
  • Repressive Nature/Introverted: Permissiveness, allowing others to walk all over, lack of backbone.
  • Reactive Nature/Extroverted: Narrow-mindedness, disagreement with others, expressing anger.

Transcending Shadows - Cultivating Empathy and Discernment:

  • Cultivate empathy for self and others.
  • Provide powerful listening support for healing and growth.
  • Use discernment to set boundaries and avoid absorbing overwhelming negative energy.

Gift - Discernment and Empathy:

  • Remarkable gift of being an attentive and open listener.
  • Nonjudgmental, compassionate, and open to others' stories.
  • Holding secrets with care and respect, knowing when and how to share insights.

Siddhi - Empathy:

  • Transcending personal perspectives, deeply connecting with others' emotions and experiences.
  • Use discernment to navigate overwhelming emotional stories, maintaining boundaries.

Application in Business and Brand:

  • Be an empathic listener in business, fostering compassion and understanding.
  • Use the gate's qualities to alchemize lower energies and inspire positive change.

Contemplative Questions:

  1. How can I deepen my ability to truly listen to others without judgment or preconceived notions?
  2. In what ways can I cultivate a genuine sense of empathy and understanding for others' experiences?
  3. How can I improve my discernment to recognize the underlying truth and essence of a conversation or situation?

Tips for Embracing Shadows and Gifts:

  1. Cultivate active listening: Be fully present and avoid interrupting.
  2. Develop empathic understanding: Strive to understand others' perspectives.
  3. Practice discernment wisely: Use discernment with humility and integrity.

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gate Archetypes⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read my Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design to Raise my Vibration⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Get my FREE Human Design Body Chart⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book my Human Design Activation Reading⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book my Soul Impact Report to get a thorough breakdown of my Soul-Aligned Brand according to my Birth Time and Location⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group

Feb 03, 202417:01
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 19, The Sensitive Humanitarian - The Gate of Wanting: Co-Dependence - Sensitivity - Sacrifice

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 19, The Sensitive Humanitarian - The Gate of Wanting: Co-Dependence - Sensitivity - Sacrifice

Gate 19 - The Sensitive Humanitarian:

  • Location: Root center, moving towards the solar plexus through the channel of synthesis linked to Gate 49.
  • Descriptions: Gate of wanting, gate of approach, or gate of attunement in Human Design. Future human being in gene keys. Approach nourished by the underground lake in the I Ching.
  • Astrological Influence: Tropical Aquarius and Vedic Capricorn.

Energetic Essence:

  • Focus on sensitivity, connection, and community.
  • Deep attunement to the needs, wants, and energies of individuals and communities.
  • Vulnerability and permeability central to its essence.

Shadow Aspect - Codependence:

  • Tendency to become overly reliant on others.
  • Manifestation in Introverted Nature: Needy, clinging to the past, fear of being alone, making others victims of their needs.
  • Manifestation in Reactive/Extroverted Nature: Isolation, loudly proclaiming independence, hiding rage within, explosive reactions to closeness.

Gift - Sensitivity:

  • Heightened awareness and understanding of others' needs and emotional states.
  • Ability to foster cooperation, deep connections, and emotional intelligence.
  • Attunement to the needs and wants of the tribe or community.

Siddhi - Sacrifice:

  • Transcendence of personal wants and needs for the collective or spiritual good.
  • Surrender of self to a higher purpose or universal truth.
  • Catalyst for healing, unity, and empowerment in communities.

Application in Business and Brand:

  • Use sensitivity to be compassionate and provide what your clients, customers, and business partners need.
  • Embody compassion, awareness, and sensitivity to create meaningful bonds within the tribe or community.

Contemplative Questions:

  1. Am I attuned to the emotional needs of others?
  2. What emotional patterns might be causing me to sacrifice my needs for others' emotional needs?
  3. What does togetherness, companionship, and cooperation mean to me, and how do they contribute to success in my world?

Tips for Embracing Shadows and Gifts:

  1. Recognize sensitivity as a unique gift and strength.
  2. Prioritize self-care for mind, body, and spirit.
  3. Embrace the role as a catalyst for positive change.

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gate Archetypes⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read my Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design to Raise my Vibration⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Get my FREE Human Design Body Chart⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book my Human Design Activation Reading⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book my Soul Impact Report to get a thorough breakdown of my Soul-Aligned Brand according to my Birth Time and Location⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group

Jan 30, 202417:25
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 41, The Patient Dreamer - The Gate of Contraction: Fantasy - Anticipation - Emanation

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 41, The Patient Dreamer - The Gate of Contraction: Fantasy - Anticipation - Emanation

Gate 41 - The Patient Dreamer:

  • Root center, moving towards the solar plexus through the channel of recognition linked to Gate 30.
  • Gate of Contraction or Imagination (Human Design), Prime Emanation (Gene Keys), Decrease Mountain Reflected in the Lake Below (I Ching).
  • Astrological Influence: Vedic Capricorn and Tropical Aquarius.

Energetic Essence:

  • Multifaceted energy symbolizing initiation of experiences and potential pitfalls of getting lost in fantasy.
  • Envisioning a brighter future while recognizing the value of limitations and practicing patience.

Shadow Aspect - Fantasy:

  • Repressive/Introverted: Dreamer escaping life with unrealized dreams.
  • Reactive/Extroverted: Hyperactivity, burnout, driven by dramatic manifestation of inner dreams.
  • Challenges: Excessive fantasizing leads to disconnection, fear of judgment hinders sharing dreams, anxiety about the future.

Gift - Anticipation:

  • Attuned to morphogenic fields, accessing past information and anticipating future possibilities.
  • Essence: Rich and vivid imagination, empowering others to believe in envisioned possibilities, impacting the collective consciousness.

Siddhi - Emanation:

  • Highest state of frequency: Ultimate awakening, transcending individual limitations, becoming one with the source.
  • Realization: More than just a fractal, a part of the whole.

Application in Business and Brand:

  • Be a source of inspiration and possibility, projecting creative energy to inspire others.
  • Use premonitions and intuitive insights to access information for future possibilities.

Contemplative Questions:

  1. How can I harness the power of my imagination for a fulfilling and abundant life?
  2. What dreams and visions do I hold, and how can I bring them into reality?
  3. Am I using my imagination to avoid facing fears and challenges, or to inspire positive change?

Tips for Embracing Shadows and Gifts:

  1. Embrace realism: Recognize the difference between healthy imagination and unrealistic fantasies.
  2. Confront fears: Face fear of change and failure directly to break free from patterns.
  3. Balance fantasy and reality: Find a healthy balance between fantasy and the practical world.

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gate Archetypes⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read my Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design to Raise my Vibration⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Get my FREE Human Design Body Chart⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book my Human Design Activation Reading⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book my Soul Impact Report to get a thorough breakdown of my Soul-Aligned Brand according to my Birth Time and Location⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Connect With Me:




⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group

Jan 25, 202415:44
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 60, The Practical Magician - The Gate of Acceptance: Limitation - Realism - Justice

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 60, The Practical Magician - The Gate of Acceptance: Limitation - Realism - Justice

Today, we delve into the fascinating world of Human Design, exploring Gate 60, which I refer to as the Practical Magician.

Key Points:

  1. Energy of Gate 60:

    • Embodies the tension between limitation and transcendence.
    • Nurtures the ability to navigate life's constraints with a blend of practical realism and magic.
  2. Shadow Aspect - Limitation:

    • Traps the mind within self-imposed boundaries, stifling innovation.
    • Repressive Nature: Unstructured, avoiding commitment and structure.
    • Reactive Nature: Rigid, controlling, resistant to new ideas.
  3. Gift of Realism:

    • Gracefully navigates constraints with practicality, creativity, and innovation.
    • Balances youthfulness with wisdom, merging energy and ideas for harmonious growth.
  4. Highest State of Frequency - Justice:

    • Transcends notions of right or wrong, embodying divine order and balance.
    • Recognizes the balance between physical and spiritual planes.
  5. Utilizing Gate 60 in Business:

    • As the Practical Magician, focus on creating a sustainable foundation in your business.
    • Evaluate what is working and adapt to new strategies while maintaining open-mindedness.
    • Balance old and new ways of doing things, fostering adaptability.
  6. Contemplations:

    • Reflect on your relationship with limitations and how you navigate them.
    • Identify your most creative or magical moments and the role limitations played in them.
    • Assess what is currently working in your life and where you should focus your energy.
  7. Tips for Embracing Shadow and Gift:

    • Recognize limitations as catalysts for innovation and evolution.
    • Use structures as tools to support growth and manifestation.
    • Tap into innate creativity when faced with challenges, seeking a perspective shift.

As we explore Gate 60, from the shadow of limitation to the gift of realism and the highest state of justice, may you find inspiration in navigating life's constraints with practical magic. Thank you for joining me today, and I look forward to connecting with you in the next episode when the sun transits into the next human design gate.

Stay Inspired and Embrace the Magic of Practicality!

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Jan 23, 202416:47
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 61, The Mystery Solver - The Gate of Mystery: Psychosis - Inspiration - Sanctity

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 61, The Mystery Solver - The Gate of Mystery: Psychosis - Inspiration - Sanctity

In today's episode, we dive into Gate 61, also known as the Mystery Solver in the realm of Human Design.

Key Points:

  1. Gate 61 in Different Systems:

    • Known as the Gate of Mystery, the Gate of Inner Truth, or the Gate of Wonder.
    • In Gene Keys, it's referred to as the Holy of Holies and associated with the tropical sign of Capricorn.
  2. Energy and Essence:

    • Represents the portal to inner truth and the mysteries of the universe.
    • Driven by innate curiosity, transcending logical reasoning.
    • Those with this gate active are deeply intuitive, valuing experiential wisdom.
  3. Shadow Aspect - Psychosis:

    • Pressure to know why things are the way they are can lead to disorganized thinking.
    • The shadow manifests as a fixation on a single answer, potentially leading to fanaticism.
    • The extremities may result in disenchantment or delusional beliefs, disconnecting from reality.
  4. Balancing the Extremes:

    • Finding a balance between external truths and inner wisdom.
    • The danger of relying solely on external validation.
    • The gift lies in embracing the shadow and transforming pressing questions into inspiration.
  5. Embodying the Gift - Inspiration:

    • Tapping into moments of pure creativity, insight, and profound inner revelations.
    • Differentiating between knowledge and wisdom.
    • Detecting authenticity with a finely-tuned inner compass.
    • Living in a state of awe and wonder, finding joy in life's complexities.
  6. Siddhi or Highest State - Sanctity:

    • Elevating consciousness to a divine state, experiencing profound inner silence.
    • Ceaseless mind questions dissolve, achieving oneness with the divine and the pure essence of reality.
  7. Utilizing the Gift in Business:

    • Being a source of inspiration for others, particularly those with an undefined head.
    • Acting as a beacon of inspiration and creativity in the tribe.

As we explore Gate 61, the Mystery Solver, I encourage you to embrace the unknown, trust your inner truth, and find inspiration in the beauty of life's mysteries. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to connecting with you in the next episode when the sun transits into the next human design gate.

Stay Inspired and Embrace the Mystery!

⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gate Archetypes⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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Jan 12, 202414:53
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 54, The Ambitious Seeker - The Gate of Ambition: Greed - Aspiration - Ascension

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 54, The Ambitious Seeker - The Gate of Ambition: Greed - Aspiration - Ascension

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the aspiring archetype of Gate 54, which I refer to as The Ambitious Seeker.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Greed, the Gift of Aspiration, and the Siddhi of Ascension, which are the energies associated with this striving archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate 54: Discover the essence of the Gate of Ambition and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate 54.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate 54.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate 54.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate 54, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and highest state of frequency.


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Jan 06, 202417:16
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 38, The Honorable Warrior - The Gate of the Fighter: Struggle - Perseverance - Honor

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 38, The Honorable Warrior - The Gate of the Fighter: Struggle - Perseverance - Honor

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the persevering archetype of Gate 38, which I refer to as The Honorable Warrior.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Struggle, the Gift of Perseverance, and the Siddhi of Honor, which are the energies associated with this light warrior archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate 38: Discover the essence of the Gate of the Fighter and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate 38.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate 38.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate 38.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate 38, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and highest state of frequency.


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Jan 03, 202414:02
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 58, The Seeker of Bliss - The Gate of Vitality: Dissatisfaction - Vitality - Bliss

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 58, The Seeker of Bliss - The Gate of Vitality: Dissatisfaction - Vitality - Bliss

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the joyful archetype of Gate 58, which I refer to as The Seeker of Bliss.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Dissatisfaction, the Gift of Vitality, and the Siddhi of Bliss, which are the energies associated with this service-loving archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate 58: Discover the essence of the Gate of Vitality and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate 58.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate 58.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate 58.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate 58, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and highest state of frequency.


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Jan 02, 202418:55
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 10, The Authentic Self - The Gate of the Behavior of the Self: Self-Obsession - Naturalness - Being

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 10, The Authentic Self - The Gate of the Behavior of the Self: Self-Obsession - Naturalness - Being

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the self-assured archetype of Gate 10, which I refer to as The Authentic Self.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Self-Obsession, the Gift of Naturalness, and the Siddhi of Being, which are the energies associated with this empowered archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate 10: Discover the essence of the Gate of the Behavior of the Self and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate 10.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate 10.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate 10.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate 11, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and highest state of frequency.


⁠Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gate Archetypes⁠

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Dec 24, 202314:41
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 11, The Harmonious Imagination - The Gate of Ideas: Obscurity - Idealism - Light

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 11, The Harmonious Imagination - The Gate of Ideas: Obscurity - Idealism - Light

Dec 19, 202314:48
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 26, The Heart-Centered Marketer - The Gate of the Taming Power of the Great: Pride - Artfulness - Invisibility

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 26, The Heart-Centered Marketer - The Gate of the Taming Power of the Great: Pride - Artfulness - Invisibility

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the influential archetype of Gate or Gene Key 26, which I refer to as The Heart-Centered Marketer.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Pride, the Gift of Artfulness, and the Siddhi of Invisibility, which are the energies associated with this heart-centered archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate 26: Discover the essence of the Gate of the Taming Power of the Great and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate 26.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate 26.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate 26.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate 26, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and highest state of frequency.


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Dec 11, 202312:06
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 5, The Pulse of Nature - The Gate of Rhythm: Impatience - Patience - Timelessness

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 5, The Pulse of Nature - The Gate of Rhythm: Impatience - Patience - Timelessness

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the patient archetype of Gate or Gene Key 5, which I refer to as The Pulse of Nature.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Impatience, the Gift of Patience, and the Siddhi of Timelessness, which are the energies associated with this rhythmic archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate 5: Discover the essence of the Gate of Patterns and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate 5.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate 5.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate 5.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate 5, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and highest state of frequency.


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Dec 07, 202313:55
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 9, The Determined Detailer - The Gate of Focus: Inertia - Determination - Invincibility

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 9, The Determined Detailer - The Gate of Focus: Inertia - Determination - Invincibility

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the focused archetype of Gate or Gene Key 9, which I refer to as The Determined Detailer.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Inertia, the Gift of Determination, and the Siddhi of Invincibility, which are the energies associated with this persevering archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 9: Discover the essence of the Gate of Focus and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 9.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 9
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 9.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 9, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


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Nov 28, 202314:18
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 34, The Sovereign Power House - The Gate of Power: Force - Strength - Majesty

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 34, The Sovereign Power House - The Gate of Power: Force - Strength - Majesty

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the powerful archetype of Gate or Gene Key 34, which I refer to as The Sovereign Power House.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Force, the Gift of Strength, and the Siddhi of Magesty, which are the energies associated with this sovereign archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 34: Discover the essence of the Gate of Power and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 34.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 34
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 34.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 34, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


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Nov 27, 202310:23
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 14, The Inspired Dream Chaser - The Gate of Power Skills: Compromise - Competence - Bounteousness

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 14, The Inspired Dream Chaser - The Gate of Power Skills: Compromise - Competence - Bounteousness

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the prosperous archetype of Gate or Gene Key 14, which I refer to as The Inspired Dream Chaser.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Compromise, the Gift of Competence, and the Siddhi of Bounteousness, which are the energies associated with this rebellious archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 14: Discover the essence of the Gate of Power Skills and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 14.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 14
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 14.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 14, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


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Nov 17, 202311:38
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 43, The Insightful Rebel - The Gate of Insight: Deafness - Insight - Epiphany

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 43, The Insightful Rebel - The Gate of Insight: Deafness - Insight - Epiphany

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the insightful archetype of Gate or Gene Key 43, which I refer to as The Insightful Rebel.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Deafness, the Gift of Insight, and the Siddhi of Epiphany, which are the energies associated with this rebellious archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 43: Discover the essence of the Gate of Insight and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 43.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 43.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 43.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 43, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


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Nov 11, 202312:11
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 1, The Creative Self-Expression - The Gate of Self-Expression: Entropy - Freshness - Beauty

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 1, The Creative Self-Expression - The Gate of Self-Expression: Entropy - Freshness - Beauty

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the creative archetype of Gate or Gene Key 1, which I refer to as The Creative Self-Expression.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Entropy, the Gift of Freshness, and the Siddhi of Beauty, which are the energies associated with this intuitive archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 1: Discover the essence of the Gate of Self-Expression and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 1.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 1.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 1.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 1, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


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Nov 08, 202318:45
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 44, The Intuitive Recognition - The Gate of Alertness: Interference - Teamwork - Synarchy

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 44, The Intuitive Recognition - The Gate of Alertness: Interference - Teamwork - Synarchy

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the meaningful archetype of Gate or Gene Key 44, which I refer to as The Intuitive Recognition.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Interference, the Gift of Teamwork, and the Siddhi of Synarchy, which are the energies associated with this intuitive archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 44: Discover the essence of the Gate of Alertness and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 44.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 44.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 44.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 44, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gates and Gene Keys Archetypes:

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Oct 31, 202313:57
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 28, The Purposeful Darkness - The Gate of the Game Player: Purposelessness - Totality - Immortality

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 28, The Purposeful Darkness - The Gate of the Game Player: Purposelessness - Totality - Immortality

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the meaningful archetype of Gate or Gene Key 28, which I refer to as The Purposeful Darkness.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Purposelessness, the Gift of Totality, and the Siddhi of Immortality, which are the energies associated with this resilient energetic archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 28: Discover the essence of the Gate of the Game Player and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 28.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 28.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 28.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 28, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gates and Gene Keys Archetypes:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link:

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Oct 25, 202313:45
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 50, The Frequency of Harmony - The Gate of Values: Corruption - Equilibrium - Harmony

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 50, The Frequency of Harmony - The Gate of Values: Corruption - Equilibrium - Harmony

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the captivating archetype of Gate or Gene Key 50, which I refer to as The Frequency of Harmony.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Corruption, the Gift of Equilibrium, and the Siddhi of Harmony, which are the energies associated with this transformative energetic archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 50: Discover the essence of the Gate of Values and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 50.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 50.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 50.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 50, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gates and Gene Keys Archetypes:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link:

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Oct 20, 202313:17
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 32, The Adaptable Preserver - The Gate of Continuity: Failure - Preservation - Veneration

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 32, The Adaptable Preserver - The Gate of Continuity: Failure - Preservation - Veneration

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the captivating archetype of Gate or Gene Key 32, which I refer to as The Adaptable Preserver.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Failure, the Gift of Preservation, and the Siddhi of Veneration, which are the energies associated with this transformative energetic archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 32: Discover the essence of the Gate of Depth and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 32.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 32.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 32.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 32, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gates and Gene Keys Archetypes:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link:

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Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

Oct 14, 202310:24
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 57, The Intuitive Instinct - The Gate of Intuitive Insight: Unease - Intuition - Clarity

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 57, The Intuitive Instinct - The Gate of Intuitive Insight: Unease - Intuition - Clarity

In this week's episode of The Conscious Code, we dive into the captivating archetype of Gate or Gene Key 57, which I refer to as The Intuitive Instinct.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Unease, the Gift of Intuition, and the Siddhi of Clarity, which are the energies associated with this transformative energetic archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Invitation to Join the Vibes By Design Free Mini-Course.
  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 57: Discover the essence of the Gate of Depth and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 57.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 57.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 57.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 57, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gates and Gene Keys Archetypes:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:




Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

Oct 08, 202313:54
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 48, The Well of Wisdom - The Gate of Depth: Inadequacy - Resourcefulness - Wisdom

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 48, The Well of Wisdom - The Gate of Depth: Inadequacy - Resourcefulness - Wisdom

In this week's episode of "The Conscious Code," we dive into the captivating archetype of Gate or Gene Key 48, which I refer to as The Well of Wisdom.

Join us as we explore the Shadow of Inadequacy, the Gift of Resourcefulness, and the Siddhi of Wisdom, which are the energies associated with this transformative energetic archetype, and discover contemplative questions to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to The Conscious Code Collective Membership.
  • My newfound obsession with Vedic Astrology and the Nakshatras.
  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 48: Discover the essence of the Gate of Depth and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • The Shadow aspects of Gate/Gene Key 48.
  • The Gift aspects of Gate/Gene Key 48.
  • Contemplative questions to embrace the Shadows and embody the Gifts.
  • Key takeaways of how you can further explore the energies of Gate/Gene Key 48.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 48, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


Join the Conscious Code Collective Membership and gain a thorough breakdown of all 64 Human Design Gates and Gene Keys Archetypes:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link and entering your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:




Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

Oct 02, 202318:18
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 52, The Gate of Stillness: Stress - Restraint - Stillness

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 52, The Gate of Stillness: Stress - Restraint - Stillness

In this week's episode of "The Conscious Code," we delve into the captivating archetype of Gate or Gene Key 52, known as the Gate of Stillness, Inaction, or Perspective. Join us as we explore the Shadow of Stress, the Gift of Restraint, and the Siddhi of Stillness, which are the energies associated with this transformative cosmic blueprint, and discover contemplative questions and affirmations to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Recap on the Energies of Gate 15.
  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 52: Discover the essence of the Gate of Stillness and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • Shadow Energy: Explore the shadow aspect of Gate/Gene Key 52, which is Stress. How does vanity show up in your life? In what ways does it hinder your growth and breathing?

  • Gift Energy: Embrace the gift of Restraint that Gate/Gene Key 52 brings. How can you tap into your patient nature to bring the intention to create something beautiful through concentration?

  • Siddhi Energy: Dive into the Siddhi energy of Stillness, the highest Gate/Gene Key 52 expression. How can you embody the grounded energy that allows you to flow with the Earth's heartbeat?

I also provide you with some contemplative questions and affirmations to help you further embody the gifts of this Gate or Gene Key!

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 52, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


Join the Self Love Revival Membership and gain the Keys to Unlocking More Intimacy with Your Soul:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link and entering your birth time and location:

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Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

Jun 26, 202321:06
Navigating the Path to Soul Protection: Understanding the Levels of Consciousness and Natural Law with Soul Mastery Guide Kyra Carlin

Navigating the Path to Soul Protection: Understanding the Levels of Consciousness and Natural Law with Soul Mastery Guide Kyra Carlin

Kyra Carlin is your Soul Guide and Self Mastery Mentor. Her Expertise is in Natural Law and Soul Mission defining. Her Mission is to guide your soul home so you can build a fulfilling life of purposeful truth and protect your soul from evil.

Join us for a transformative episode as we dive deep into profound insights with Kyra, as she shares her mission to guide souls home and build purposeful lives of truth and protection.

- Explore the concept of evil and learn how to safeguard your soul from its influence.

- Discover the impact of different levels of consciousness on your spiritual growth and self-mastery.

- Gain insights into the significance of natural law and its role in creating a fulfilling life.

- Reflect on how to cultivate awareness of evil forces, raise your consciousness, and align your choices with natural law.

- Discover the importance of saving the soul from evil, explore the levels of consciousness, and gain awareness of natural law.

Tune in for practical strategies and personal stories that will empower you to protect your soul, raise your consciousness, and live in alignment with universal principles.

You can connect with Kyra at the following links:






Join the Self Love Revival Membership and gain the Keys to Unlocking More Intimacy with Your Soul:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link and entering your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

Jun 23, 202337:10
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 15, The Gate of Extremes: Dullness - Magnetism - Fluorescence

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 15, The Gate of Extremes: Dullness - Magnetism - Fluorescence

In this week's episode of "The Conscious Code," we delve into the captivating archetype of Gate/Gene Key 15, known as the Gate of Extremes, Humanity, or Compassion. Join us as we explore the Shadow of Dullness, the Gift of Magnetism, and the Siddhi of Fluorescence, which are the energies associated with this transformative cosmic blueprint, and discover contemplative questions and affirmations to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Recap on the Energies of Gate 12.
  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 15: Discover the essence of the Gate of Extremes and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • Shadow Energy: Explore the shadow aspect of Gate/Gene Key 15, which is dullness. How does vanity show up in your life? In what ways does it hinder your growth and magnetism?

  • Gift Energy: Embrace the gift of Magnetism that Gate/Gene Key 15 brings. How can you tap into your magnetic nature to bring a sense of newness to the monotony of life?

  • Siddhi Energy: Dive into the Siddhi energy of Fluorescence, the highest Gate/Gene Key 15 expression. How can you embody the flourishing energy that allows you to see beauty on all extremes of polarity on this planet?

I also provide you with some contemplative questions as well as affirmations to help you further embody the gifts of this Gate or Gene Key!

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 15, embracing the dance of the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.


Join the Self Love Revival Membership and gain the Keys to Unlocking More Intimacy with Your Soul:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link and entering your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

Jun 20, 202324:10
The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 12, The Gate of Caution: Vanity - Discrimination - Purity

The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate or Gene Key 12, The Gate of Caution: Vanity - Discrimination - Purity

In this week's episode of "The Conscious Code," we delve into the captivating archetype of Gate/Gene Key 12, known as the Gate of Caution or the Channel Gate. Join us as we explore the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi energies associated with this transformative cosmic blueprint, and discover contemplative questions and affirmations to deepen your self-reflection and integration of these energies.

  • Introduction to Gate/Gene Key 12: Discover the essence of the Gate of Caution and how it influences our lives, relationships, and spiritual evolution.

  • Shadow Energy: Explore the shadow aspect of Gate/Gene Key 12, which is vanity. How does vanity show up in your life? In what ways does it hinder your growth and authenticity?

  • Gift Energy: Embrace the gift of discrimination that Gate/Gene Key 12 brings. How can you cultivate discrimination to make wise choices and navigate life's challenges with clarity and discernment?

  • Siddhi Energy: Dive into the Siddhi energy of purity, the highest expression of Gate/Gene Key 12. How can you embody purity in your thoughts, actions, and relationships? What does purity mean to you?

I also provide you with some contemplative questions as well as affirmations to help you further embody the gifts of this Gate or Gene Key!

Join us as we unlock the secrets of Gate/Gene Key 12, embracing the dance of caution, discrimination, and purity.


Join the Self Love Revival Membership and gain the Keys to Unlocking More Intimacy with Your Soul:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link and entering your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

Jun 14, 202320:60
Breaking Free: Overcoming Co-dependency and Reclaiming Your Power Through "Sacred Strut" with Erika Linn

Breaking Free: Overcoming Co-dependency and Reclaiming Your Power Through "Sacred Strut" with Erika Linn

Welcome to Divine Embodiment Podcast, a space where we dive into empowering stories of personal growth and transformation. In this episode, we have the incredible Erika Linn sharing her journey of overcoming co-dependency, healing from alcoholism, eating disorders, and rape trauma, and ultimately reclaiming her power.

Join us as Erika courageously opens up about her personal struggles with co-dependency and the profound impact it had on her life. Discover how she found the strength to break free from destructive patterns, heal past traumas, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

We go deep into the co-dependency cycle as Erika sheds light on the underlying dynamics and patterns that keep individuals trapped in unhealthy relationships and behaviors. Gain valuable insights into recognizing co-dependency and its effects on mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Explore Erika's powerful healing journey as she shares the transformative practices and tools that supported her in overcoming her shadows and co-dependencies. Learn about the power of Universal Law, walk therapy, and other modalities that facilitated her healing process.

Be inspired by personal stories of individuals who have triumphed over co-dependency and rebuilt their lives. Gain insight into their journeys of healing, resilience, and the transformative power of embracing personal empowerment.

As we conclude, Erika offers guidance on how you can start your own journey of overcoming co-dependency and stepping into a life of freedom and authenticity. Learn about resources, support networks, and practices that can aid you in your healing and transformation.

To learn more about Erika's work and access valuable resources, visit her links below and take the first step toward your own healing and transformation. Remember, you have the power to create a life of fulfillment and authenticity.




Join the Self Love Revival Membership and gain the Keys to Unlocking More Intimacy with Your Soul:

Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link and entering your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

Jun 12, 202339:30
Embodying Self-Love: Unlocking Subconscious Empowerment, Purpose Alignment, and Authentic Embodiment

Embodying Self-Love: Unlocking Subconscious Empowerment, Purpose Alignment, and Authentic Embodiment

Welcome to The Divine Embodiment Podcast, where we dive deep into the world of self-love and empowerment. In this solo episode, I'm thrilled to share with you my transformative method for self-love embodiment, consisting of three powerful phases: Subconscious Empowerment, Purpose Alignment, and Authentic Embodiment.

We kick off by exploring the first phase: Subconscious Empowerment. Discover how our deeply ingrained beliefs and patterns impact our self-love journey and how we can reprogram our subconscious minds for lasting empowerment and acceptance. Gain insights, practical techniques, and exercises to unlock your subconscious power and elevate your self-love to new heights.

Moving into the second phase, we delve into Purpose Alignment. Uncover the profound connection between self-love and living in alignment with our true purpose and values. Learn how purpose alignment can enhance self-love and bring fulfillment to every aspect of life. I share personal stories and strategies to help you identify and align with your purpose, allowing self-love to flourish.

Our final phase, Authentic Embodiment, takes center stage. Embracing authenticity is a vital component of self-love. Discover how societal expectations and self-imposed limitations can hinder our authentic expression, and explore practices to shed those layers and embrace your true self. I provide insights and guidance on living authentically and nurturing self-love through genuine connection with yourself and others.

As we wrap up, I'm excited to introduce you to the transformative journey offered through the Self Love Revival Membership. This 9-month program is designed to guide you through each phase of self-love embodiment, providing in-depth support, resources, and community.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of self-love embodiment. If you're ready to unlock the power of self-love and embark on a transformative journey, I invite you to learn more about the Self Love Revival Membership. Visit to discover how you can join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to embracing self-love and living authentically.


Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link and entering your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

Jun 07, 202330:31
Unleashing the Power of Embodied Marketing with The Embodied Coaching Business Accelerator, Lara Shabb

Unleashing the Power of Embodied Marketing with The Embodied Coaching Business Accelerator, Lara Shabb

In this inspiring episode, we dive deep into the world of embodied marketing with Lara, an accomplished Embodied Marketing and Business Coach. Join us as Lara shares her personal journey of finding herself between two different lifestyles and ultimately rediscovering wholeness.

Lara guides us through the concept of embodied marketing, highlighting its significance in building businesses that align with our authentic selves. She emphasizes the importance of holding space and energy for clients, allowing them to build their businesses from a place of authenticity and inner alignment.

We explore the role of breath, laughter, and the art of chilling out in the entrepreneurial journey. Lara enlightens us on how these seemingly simple practices contribute to both building a business and maintaining consistency in its creation.

Throughout the conversation, Lara beautifully reminds us of the dual nature of growth and learning. As we guide others in their journeys, it's essential to remain humble and acknowledge that we too have our own lessons to learn and areas to grow.

Tune in to this empowering episode as Lara shares her wisdom and insights on how to embrace embodied marketing, unleash your true potential, and build a thriving business that reflects who you truly are.

Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation filled with practical tips and profound perspectives on entrepreneurship and living a life of purpose.

To connect with Lara, follow her on Instagram:


Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link and entering your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

May 23, 202331:50
Unlocking The Power Of Wealth Embodiment With Money Mastery Coach Kristen Wonch

Unlocking The Power Of Wealth Embodiment With Money Mastery Coach Kristen Wonch

In this episode, we speak with a renowned expert on money mindset and wealth embodiment. Our guest shares her powerful insights and practical tips for shifting your mindset around money and embodying wealth in your life. Join us as we dive deep into the world of wealth embodiment, exploring the often-overlooked aspects of financial success beyond just money, and the mindset shifts that can unlock your financial abundance.

Connect with Kristen on Instagram:

Listen to Kristen's Podcast:

Register for Kristen's Masterclass:


Register for the FREE Vibes By Design Mini-Course to learn how to read your Human Design Chart and how to use Human Design and the Gene Keys to Raise Your Vibration:

Get your FREE Human Design Body Chart by going to this link and entering your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Join the Human Design and Gene Keys for Conscious Women Facebook Group:

May 15, 202339:00
Exploring Human Design Gate 42 and The 42nd Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

Exploring Human Design Gate 42 and The 42nd Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

If you have Human Design Gate or Gene Key 42 in your chart or profile, you definitely want to tune in to this episode. The sun is in Gate 42 which is the Gate of Growth in Human Design and in The Gene Keys, its Shadow is Expectation, its Gift is Detachment, and its Siddhi is Celebration! In this episode, Quintina Sonnie and I discuss the archetypal energies that Gate 42 brings to the collective as well as anyone who has this Gate defined in their chart!


You can connect with Quintina Sonnie at the following links:






To get your FREE Human Design Body Chart go to this link and enter your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Human Design + Gene Keys for Conscious Women in Business Facebook Group:

Apr 14, 202318:00
Exploring Human Design Gate 21 and The 21st Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

Exploring Human Design Gate 21 and The 21st Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

If you have Human Design Gate or Gene Key 21 in your chart or profile, you definitely want to tune in to this episode. The sun is in Gate 21 which is the Gate of Control in Human Design and in The Gene Keys, its Shadow is Control, its Gift is Authority, and its Siddhi is Valor! In this episode, Quintina Sonnie and I discuss the archetypal energies that Gate 21 brings to the collective as well as anyone who has this Gate defined in their chart!


You can connect with Quintina Sonnie at the following links:






To get your FREE Human Design Body Chart go to this link and enter your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Human Design + Gene Keys for Conscious Women in Business Facebook Group:

Apr 03, 202314:45
How To Use The Gene Keys To Create A Foundation In Your Business With Spiritual Mindset Coach Kehla G

How To Use The Gene Keys To Create A Foundation In Your Business With Spiritual Mindset Coach Kehla G

In this episode, we dig into how to apply Human Design and The Gene Keys to your business to create a foundation based on your Soul's Blueprint. Kehla G drops some fire on how to apply what is already within you to your business. In this episode we discuss:

1. The depths of the Incarnation Cross and how it is what you came here to embody

2. How to contemplate the Shadows and Gifts to build a solid foundation in business

3. How to understand your Unconscious Design and how it could show up in your life and business

4. How Kehla uses hypnotherapy to dig even deeper into the unconscious of her clients

5. How each line within the Gene Keys spheres activates a different level of flavor that you can contemplate

Kehla is currently living in Victoria, British Columbia, and has been online in her business for 4+ years. She is a 6/2 Sacral Generator and Spiritual Mindset Coach for Entrepreneurs. She coaches beautiful souls on how the embodiment of their Human Design and Gene Keys so that they can be bold, confident, clear and impactful in the way they show up in their business and serve their clients. Kehla's committed to transparency and demystifying the BS that shows up in the online space so entrepreneurs can courageously in their journey. She is also the host of the living in fierce alignment podcast which has over 300+ episodes and 75+ interviews to date!

IG: Keys Business Guide: living in fierce alignmentApple:


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Self Love For The Soul Facebook Group:

Mar 31, 202330:34
Exploring Human Design Gate 17 and The 17th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

Exploring Human Design Gate 17 and The 17th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

If you have Human Design Gate or Gene Key 17 in your chart or profile, you definitely want to tune in to this episode. The sun is in Gate 17 which is the Gate of Opinions in Human Design and in The Gene Keys, its shadow is Opinion, its gift is Far-Sightedness, and its siddhi is Omniscience! In this episode, Quintina Sonnie and I discuss the archetypal energies that Gate 17 brings to the collective as well as anyone who has this Gate defined in their chart!


You can connect with Quintina Sonnie at the following links:






To get your FREE Human Design Body Chart go to this link and enter your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Human Design + Gene Keys for Conscious Women in Business Facebook Group:

Mar 29, 202321:13
Exploring Human Design Gate 25 and The 25th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

Exploring Human Design Gate 25 and The 25th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

If you have Human Design Gate or Gene Key 25 in your chart or profile, you definitely want to tune in to this episode. The sun is in Gate 25 which is the Gate of the Spirit of the Self in Human Design and in The Gene Keys, its shadow is constriction, its gift is acceptance, and its siddhi is Universal love! In this episode, Quintina Sonnie and I discuss the archetypal energies that Gate 25 brings to the collective as well as anyone who has this Gate defined in their chart!


You can connect with Quintina Sonnie at the following links:






To get your FREE Human Design Body Chart go to this link and enter your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Human Design + Gene Keys for Conscious Women in Business Facebook Group:

Mar 20, 202317:30
How To Use Plant Medicine And Astrology To Increase Client Attraction With Business Oracle Monica Maria
Mar 10, 202328:36
Diving Into Human Design, The Akashic Records, and Following Your Own Guidance With Careen Of Cups

Diving Into Human Design, The Akashic Records, and Following Your Own Guidance With Careen Of Cups

If you've ever been interested in exploring your Akashic Records you definitely want to listen to this episode! Careen answers some extremely deep questions about her journey with reading the Akashic Records and how powerful it is to follow your own inner guidance! We also dig into Human Design and how freeing it is to come into alignment with your energy type.

Careen is a Human Design, Tarot and Akashic Records Reader, as well as Reiki Master and Energy Alchemist. 

You can connect with Careen at the following links:




* * * * * 

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Self Love For The Soul Facebook Group:

Mar 03, 202337:57
Exploring Human Design Gate 63 and The 63rd Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

Exploring Human Design Gate 63 and The 63rd Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

If you have Human Design Gate or Gene Key 63 in your chart or profile, you definitely want to tune in to this episode. The sun is in Gate 63 which is the Gate of Doubt in Human Design and in The Gene Keys, its shadow is doubt, its gift is inquiry, and its siddhi is truth! In this episode, Quintina Sonnie and I discuss the archetypal energies that Gate 63 brings to the collective as well as anyone who has this Gate defined in their chart!

You can connect with Quintina Sonnie at the following links:






To get your FREE Human Design Body Chart go to this link and enter your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Self Love For The Soul Facebook Group:

Mar 02, 202316:43
Exploring Human Design Gate 37 and The 37th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

Exploring Human Design Gate 37 and The 37th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

If you have Human Design Gate or Gene Key 37 in your chart or profile, you definitely want to tune in to this episode. The sun is in Gate 37 which is the Gate of Friendship in Human Design and in The Gene Keys, its shadow is weakness, its gift is equality, and its siddhi is tenderness as well! In this episode, Quintina Sonnie and I discuss the archetypal energies that Gate 37 brings to the collective as well as anyone who has this Gate defined in their chart!

You can connect with Quintina Sonnie at the following links:






To get your FREE Human Design Body Chart go to this link and enter your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Self Love For The Soul Facebook Group:

Mar 02, 202310:09
How To Be The Conscious Creator Of Your Life Through Hidden Knowledge With Andrea Kaye

How To Be The Conscious Creator Of Your Life Through Hidden Knowledge With Andrea Kaye

If you've been curious about the truth of our history and our true power and co-creative beings, Andrea Kaye and I dive deep into the esoteric wisdom that's been hidden, as well as epigenetics, quantum physics, NLP, and the ascension of human consciousness.

Andrea is a Superconscious Creator and Transformation Accelerator. She helps you awaken to your divine soul truth, find your purpose and take your power back. She helps spiritual mompreneurs and entrepreneurs to overcome past programming, create routine and structure, and manifest abundance.

As a certified Magnetic Mind Coach I use the five steps to conscious creation superconscious transformation recode method based on proven nueroscience epigenetics quantum physics and spiritual concepts to rewire your brain and recode your DNA 🧬 this allows you to release limiting beliefs toxic emotions and resistance, heal trauma, break generational curses and become the attraction magnet to make your dreams reality.

Check out her website to join her free Facebook group "Making Dreams Reality:"

Book a FREE Breakthrough Strategy Session:

Subscribe to her YouTube channel for more content:

Be sure to join her networking community for 5D Visionaries who are here to have a MASSIVE Impact:

Check out her podcast:


To get your FREE Human Design Body Chart go to this link and enter your birth time and location:

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Self Love For The Soul Facebook Group:

Feb 27, 202329:57
Exploring Human Design Gate 55 and The 55th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

Exploring Human Design Gate 55 and The 55th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

If you have Human Design Gate or Gene Key 55 in your chart or profile, you definitely want to tune in to this episode. The sun is in Gate 55 which is the Gate of Spirit in Human Design and in The Gene Keys, its shadow is victimization, its gift is freedom, and its siddhi is freedom as well! In this episode, Quintina Sonnie and I discuss the archetypal energies that Gate 55 brings to the collective as well as anyone who has this Gate defined in their chart!

You can connect with Quintina Sonnie at the following links:






To get your FREE Human Design Body Chart go to this link and enter your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Self Love For The Soul Facebook Group:

Feb 22, 202314:18
Exploring Human Design Gate 30 and The 30th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

Exploring Human Design Gate 30 and The 30th Gene Key with Quintina Sonnie

If you have Human Design Gate or Gene Key 30 in your chart or profile, you definitely want to tune in to this episode. The sun is in Gate 30 which is the Gate of Recognition of Feelings in Human Design and in The Gene Keys, its shadow is desire, its gift is lightness, and its siddhi is rapture! In this episode, Quintina Sonnie and I discuss the archetypal energies that Gate 30 brings to the collective as well as anyone who has this Gate defined in their chart!

You can connect with Quintina Sonnie at the following links:






To get your FREE Human Design Body Chart go to this link and enter your birth time and location:

Here Are the Links to Connect With Me:



Self Love For The Soul Facebook Group:

Feb 13, 202314:51