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Zen talks

Zen talks

By Victor Padilla

Zen talks is a podcast to help support you in your own self healing life journey. In each episode, Spiritual Meditation Coach, Victor Padilla, mbsr, will share perspective with you on topics like — personal development, mindset, spirituality, mental health, healing, overcoming adversity, trauma, letting go, and so much more, as well as, offer practical, effective tools that you can take on to further help you along your journey. Learn to become your own self healer & start living the life you deserve.
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January 24, 2021

Zen talks Jan 24, 2021

The ONLY New Years Resolutions You Need for 2023 & Beyond

The ONLY New Years Resolutions You Need for 2023 & Beyond

A new year doesn’t mean you have to pressure yourself to be different or to set unrealistic goals/expectations for yourself. You don’t have to make New Years resolutions or force yourself to let something go that you maybe still haven’t fully healed from yet.

You get to begin this new year differently…you get to create this new year in a way that feels most aligned to YOU. And in this episode I share 5 insights/reminders for you that can serve as a guide on other ways to show up that’s more empowering instead of thinking it gotta be “new year, new me,” or that you need to set some New Years resolution in order to make this new year count.
Jan 01, 202321:04
Are you…stuck?

Are you…stuck?

How do you respond when things don’t work out exactly as you planned?

Do you lost alll hope?

Do you let your emotions get the “best” of you?

Do you get down on yourself about it?

What do you do?

Or is there something in life you’d like to do but haven’t done it yet? And if so, what’s holding you back from taking the necessary steps?

Do you maybe feel like you’re just not ready yet? Is there more that you feel like you still have to learn? Are you waiting for the “right time” to take action?

In this episode, I dive into the topic of perspective that may help you…well put things into a different…perspective.

I share how perspective is one of the key components that can aid us in getting us out of our own way — remove us from the state of inaction or from being “stuck” and how it can propel us forward to where we know we deserve to be instead.
Nov 06, 202216:18
Shifting OUT of SHAME

Shifting OUT of SHAME

Shame is one of those emotions that so many of us experience (some of us more than others). And the thing about shame is, it can be debilitating. It’s a “tool” that can hinder our ability to grow & it can keep us stuck. But why does shame come up? And is there a way to shift away from shame so that we don’t have to feel so stuck when it does show up? From my personal experience, I believe there is and in this new episode I share 4 tips on ways that have worked & continue to work for me when it come to shifting out of shame and stepping into a state of more loving awareness instead.
Oct 30, 202223:42
It’s YOUR game now— YOU make the rules

It’s YOUR game now— YOU make the rules

Life doesn’t have to be any particular way…yet so many of us fall into this “trap,” where we believe otherwise. Many of us have a vision of the life we’d like to live but because life is “hard” and has its challenges…many of us also never even get to create that life. We end up settling, self defeated, dissatisfied, unhappy and unfulfilled, living our lives as it is, only ever wishing things can be different. Or some of us may really try to buss our ass to attain the life we’d like to see for ourselves but because that isn’t easy either, when we fall down, many of us stay down. And we blame the world for our “defeat.” But what if life didn’t have to be a particular way? What if there was no definite standard to how things should be or look like? What if we can create the life we want without alll the unnecessary pressure that comes along with it? In this episode, I share a perspective that may very well change your entire life…take a listen & let me know what you think.
Oct 09, 202216:46
Relationships, Breaking up, Trauma, & Shedding Old Skin w Guest: Tatianna Trotman

Relationships, Breaking up, Trauma, & Shedding Old Skin w Guest: Tatianna Trotman

Relationships, generally, are not easy. It takes a level of love, acceptance, & willingness to continue to say yes over and over & choosing the same person everyday. What happens though, when it’s 4-7 years into the relationship & you realize it’s not what you want anymore? What happens when you know it’s time for the relationship…to end? Welcome to season (3) of the podcast and for this first episode I have on a special guest and a very good friend aka my soul sister aka familia forever Tatiana (IG@tatiannahereandnow) & we talk about relationships & break ups. We share some of the many lessons past relationships have offered us, what it’s like to end a relationship with someone after being with them for such a long time, how we apply these lessons into our lives today & so much more. No script, just two humans, in the present moment, flowing through a beautiful conversation of self love, growth, & healing. If you’re currently moving through some challenges within your relationship or also going through a break up, or maybe would like to just hear a different perspective, this can be an episode for you.
Sep 24, 202256:15
Living Fast and Slow

Living Fast and Slow

How often do you time to slow down…to just be? So many of us have so much going on our lives that the idea of trying to slow down may often times feel almost…impossible. But what if we CAN live life on the fast lane (& still have our todo lists, still keep all of our appointments, still have housework/family duties) and simultaneously still have the time & space to go slow, to check in, to tend to & nurture our own personal needs as well? What if it were possible to have it all? In this short episode, I share a perspective on what it can look like to both live fast & slow. Let me know what you think of the episode. I love any and alll feedback. It helps me to improve the podcast so that I can offer you exactly what you can benefit from.
Sep 17, 202208:54
This ONE Thing Is Ruining Your Life

This ONE Thing Is Ruining Your Life

Where in your life do you see yourself latching on to something? Who are ppl or things in your life that you feel you may be clinging on to? What expectations are you holding that gets you to believe that something outside of you can fill the void in side of you? In this episode, I share a perspective on attachment & why attachment to ideas, thought, beliefs, ppl, or things are ruining your sense of true peace. I also share further perspective as to what you can do to finally delete attachment and free your life.
Aug 29, 202226:23
Realizing How To Let Go

Realizing How To Let Go

Ever heard the expression — feel your feelings? Well what happens after we “feel” the feelings? Do they just go away? Or is there a way to actually let them go after they’ve been felt? In this episode, I share a perspective and a few tips/tools you can use to help you release the emotional charge after you’ve done the work to feel the emotion. Hope you enjoy! And if this episode resonates, please consider sharing with someone you know or who you feel may benefit from an episode like this one too!
Aug 21, 202218:19
Realizing True Self Care— The importance of taking care of YOU!

Realizing True Self Care— The importance of taking care of YOU!

What does self care look like to you? Or what does it mean to you to practice self care? From my perspective — I notice that often times, self care is painted to be this idea of something that it really truly isn’t. For instance, like on social media, when I see posts pertaining to self care— it involves bubble baths, lighting sage, meditating, or buying stuff Aka “retail therapy…” & while those things can be a form of self care, they don’t completely make up what self care truly is. So then what is true self care? In this episode, I dive into a different perspective around what self care is & share a few different helpful tips as to how this version of self care can be implemented & practiced in our life for true healing…for true transformation.
Aug 07, 202218:06
Realizing Intuition — Reconnecting To Your Power

Realizing Intuition — Reconnecting To Your Power

When it comes to your intuition, how attuned or connected are you to this potent energy within you?

Do you listen to your intuition when it speaks?

What happens when you don’t listen?

Or have you lost connection with your intuition? Perhaps you find it challenging to tap into this power within.

In the episode, I share insight into what intuition is, why so many of us feel so disconnected to our intuition, and different ways we can tap into our intuition to reconnect to the power within.
Jul 31, 202218:27
Realizing Emotions

Realizing Emotions

Emotions essentially are what create our reality — often playing a huge role in how we think & behave; influencing the actions & decisions we make about our life, both big & small. Emotions can be short lived— such as in those moments where you probably felt a burst of agitation after someone cut you off on the highway. Or they can linger — such as in grief or when we’re enduring deep sadness over some meaningful loss. But why exactly do we experience emotions, especially during meditation? In this short 20 min episode— I give perspective around what emotions are….Why they sometimes randomly pop up without reason… How we can have a better hold/control over our emotions…And I give insight into when it can actually be “acceptable” to suppress, avoid, or numb our emotions… Give this episode a listen & let me know what you think.
Jul 18, 202221:06
REALizing Manifestation — how to create your reality

REALizing Manifestation — how to create your reality

This episode is about realizing manifestation—What is manifestation? And how does one manifest? I share my personal experience of the order of events that had to take place to lead me towards manifesting this episode right here. It was a process of me just being, allowing, acknowledging, accepting, listening with intent & non judgment, & reflecting to receive the message I needed to hear for me to then create and manifest this episode for you. What is your idea of manifestation? How do you manifest in your life? What does the process look like for you? Hope you enjoy this episode. I would love to hear your thoughts or perspective on it. Feel free to reach out to share with me. You can find me on social — links are below. I’m sending you so much love & blessings & well wishes that you manifest the life you deserve 💙 **In this episode, I mention my tarot deck but forgot the name of it. So here is the name of the deck I was referring too: Radiant Rider-Waite tarot deck ** Instagram — @iamzenrn Facebook — WhatsApp —
Jul 10, 202221:11
Remembering who U are is spiritual AF

Remembering who U are is spiritual AF

What if everything you’re seeking is already within you? What if the protection or safety or security you seek is already all within you? What if you don’t need confirmation or validation or approval from some outside source to validate you? You have more choice than you may believe. In this episode, I share perspective around choice, my personal experiences with choice and what I’m noticing about what’s unfolding currently in our society. In short, I believe we all know we deserve “better” and we’re not going to find that by looking outside. Everything we want is inside of us…only if we take enough time & space to be with ourselves to find it.
Jun 27, 202217:10
How To Be Okay With Pain & Suffering

How To Be Okay With Pain & Suffering

Pain & suffering is a natural part of life. It’s something that we will alll experience, if not already, at some point in our lives. And while we can’t escape the pain and the suffering of life, there is a skillful, much more self serving way to navigate through it, so that it doesn’t leave us feeling empty or depleted but rather in flow. In this episode, I share a perspective to help you learn a new way to experience situations that may cause you pain & suffering.
Apr 25, 202217:53
3 Self Soothing Practices To Restore Safety in the Body

3 Self Soothing Practices To Restore Safety in the Body

In the episode, I share 3 somatic experiencing based healing tools that I use to help me self sooth & to return back to safety anytime I’m emotionally activated, ungrounded, or really anytime I think I need to use them. These techniques have been & continue to be immensely helpful for me & I believe that they can be helpful for you too. Somatic experiencing (or ‘SE’) is a body centered approach that offers a variety of tools, techniques, & practices for treating & healing trauma & other stress related disorders. It was first discovered in the 1970s by trauma therapist —Dr Peter Levine & ever since, it has come to be considered a leading edge therapy approach to effectively & successfully healing what’s been laying dormant or stuck in the body. What makes SE different from other trauma healing practices, is that, rather than focusing only on thoughts or memories from a traumatic experience, it expands to include the natural bodily (somatic) responses as well….and reconnecting to the body is where true lasting healing begins. SE is a transformative process that I strongly believe can help nearly anyone to heal; helping one to develop a true sense of resiliency over their life & to allow a sense of safety to be created again. And so with that, if this resonates with you, give this episode a listen & feel free to take these 3 tools with you to use from here on out anytime you need to restore safety in your body/life.
Apr 17, 202218:31
New Age Spirituality & Healing — What It Is & What It Isn’t

New Age Spirituality & Healing — What It Is & What It Isn’t

Welcome to spirituality & healing in this new day of age— 2022! Many of us sought out this path to help ourselves create our own reality, to improve ourselves emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and to heal our whole life. And for those of you who are new to this journey, it’s important to know what this process really is and what it isn’t— This episode was created in hopes that it provides you with perspective so that you don’t fall into the trap that so many fall into. If this episode resonates with you, please share with your friends/loved ones so that they receive the medicine too! Sending you so much love & blessings to you on your journey!
Apr 10, 202209:45
Living authentically

Living authentically

Here is another new episode where I share what living authentic means to me. It’s a short episode (only 10 minutes & 10 seconds) and it’s an especially helpful listen if you find it challenging to show up authentically in your own life. Let me know what you think and if it resonates with you! I’d love to hear your thoughts 💙
Apr 03, 202210:10
How to break a ‘bad’ habit

How to break a ‘bad’ habit

This is an episode where I simply get on to record, flow, and talk about how to break habits that are no longer serving you. I share these tips and perspective based on my own experiences— I share some of the bad habits I had, how I shifted them, and some of the new habits I replaced them with. I share all of this in hopes that it can inspire you to break a habit that is no longer in alignment to you or your higher good in a practical realistic way. Ofcourse it’s not always easy to break a habit. Sometimes we need additional support or resources. And so if that’s you, you can reach out to me, if ofcourse you feel comfortable too…I am a meditation coach & this is the type of stuff I support my clients with. Through creating a space of safety & deep listening, we can work through healing through whatever it is you may need healing from. Reach out to me on social or you can send me an email to — & let’s chat. We can see if meditation coaching is for you.
Feb 13, 202211:57
How to INSTANTLY Shift Your Mood From Negative to Positive

How to INSTANTLY Shift Your Mood From Negative to Positive

In this episode, I share perspective on what we can do to help shift our energy or mood into a positive state when we feel it slipping into a dark or negative one. This is especially helpful if you are dealing with S.A.D, or if you notice that your energy tends to be off with the time shift/getting dark earlier. Hope you find this episode to serve what you need. If you enjoy it, please share on social or with your friends. Feel free to reach out to me too & let me know what your thoughts were. 💙
Jan 16, 202209:22
Becoming Free From The Judging Mind

Becoming Free From The Judging Mind

Judgment is happening all the time. And most times it’s happening and we’re unconscious of it. In this episode, I share a perspective around why being so judgmental can actually be detrimental to our lives & how it also may be what’s blocking many of us from truly living a life felt with peace, joy, & freedom. I also share a few tips & questions you can ask yourself that can serve you in the practice of learning to shift your relationship with the judging mind. I hope that this episode brings you exactly what you need. Thank you for being here & for listening. Let me know what your thought!! I’d love to hear your feedback.
Jan 09, 202214:51
It’s OKAY to be Vulnerable (A Love Note)

It’s OKAY to be Vulnerable (A Love Note)

In this episode, I share a short message, words of inspiration, a gentle reminder to you that it’s okay to be vulnerable with yourself & that it’s okay to let yourself into your heart. Because the days of you having to pretend like you don’t have a heart so that you can protect yourself are over!!! You have radical permission to open up again & to feel so that you can heal my friend! You deserve to feel better! Sending you so much love & thank you for listening!
Dec 12, 202105:20
It’s not fair (Meditation for Grief & Loss)

It’s not fair (Meditation for Grief & Loss)

In this episode, I share a recorded audio guided mediation on grief and loss; a practice I led live on insight timer yesterday. The intention is to create & hold space as we move through the difficult processes of life. This is an opportunity for us to sit with the truth that…life is not fair. And some things maybe shouldn’t have happened. Either way it did & the way we feel about it matters. Loss, no matter the type, can feel painful & for many of us it can also feel challenging to move through with acceptance or ease. The practice I share with you here aims to hopefully offer you atleast some space, a moment for you to be with your self as you move through whatever arises in real time. Namaste my friend.
Dec 05, 202138:36
If you’re losing hope, TRY THIS.

If you’re losing hope, TRY THIS.

Sometimes life will test us and send us challenges that may seem too unbearable or difficult to face or overcome. And in those moments, we may lose hope, trust, faith in ourselves & in god. And if we don’t seek refuge or retreat to heal ourselves, such circumstances can perpetuate further feelings of disconnectedness, lowering us into a state of deep suffering. And so that’s why, in this episode, I share 3 tools we can return too, not only when we find ourselves in this low vibrational space, but tools that are readily available to us at all times whenever we need them. So listen in to learn more about what they are so that you can remember to come back to them anytime you feel called too.
Nov 28, 202109:09
Fake it until you make it

Fake it until you make it

In this episode, I share what “fake it until you make it,” means to me. In short, it means to allow yourself to be a beginner. Whether you’re starting a new job, new relationship, new path of healing even…in the beginning it’ll feel different, it’ll feel scary. And that’s okay. Still, allow yourself to simply be a beginner. Fake it til you make it.
Nov 20, 202105:21
Let Go & Let God

Let Go & Let God

When things in your life don’t go the way you planned, how do you respond? What do you do when you feel like everything is just falling apart? Do you lose faith? Do you lose trust? Do you give up? Or what if there was another way to approach these sort of setbacks? What if you can simply surrender to whatever happens & flow with it? In this episode, I share with you how I handle life when it gets heavy or takes a shift in a different unexpected direction. In short, I come back to god!….If you liked this episode, please feel free to share on social media!
Nov 13, 202111:38
Shift The Focus; Shift Your Life

Shift The Focus; Shift Your Life

In this episode, I share a recording that I created earlier last month in October talking about energy & how to play with it. I share a thought I was experiencing that almost brought my whole mood & vibration down, but then once I noticed what happened, it shifted everything for me. Let’s play with energy, shall we?
Nov 06, 202108:37
Be Your Own Healer [Season 2]

Be Your Own Healer [Season 2]

Hello & truly thank you so much for being here. This is a brand new season & I feel like I’m back with new energy, really feeling the growth, noticing the love for myself has gotten deeper & I’m so ready to share this energy & new found wisdom with you. This season I’m flowing, doing things slightly different, and just offering more of me, the full authentic, confident, real version of me…just as I always have, except in a newer way? Def consider listening in— let me know what you think. Feedback is what’s going to help me get to learn more about you & what you like or don’t like? Im trying to build friends here not scare you aware 😂 so let’s def connect! I would love to hear your thoughts. For a full list & to listen to my guided meditations, you can find them on insight timer with this link—
Nov 06, 202108:23
Come back to your senses (mindfulness of the prezent moment) Guided Meditation

Come back to your senses (mindfulness of the prezent moment) Guided Meditation

This is a 20 min focused awareness guided meditation that starts around the 5:00 min mark. This practice focuses on using the 5 senses as a way to help drop us back into our bodies, out of our minds, and into the prezent moment. Often times we’re ruminating thoughts in our mind, thinking of the past or future, worried or stress, overwhelmed…that most times we’re just in our heads…thinking. And this meditation helps to remind us how to get out of our heads, to be more prezent by simply using the tools we naturally have— our sense of smell, touch, sight, sound, and hearing.
Aug 22, 202124:21
Blast to the Past — inner child healing meditation

Blast to the Past — inner child healing meditation

In this episode, I share a short guided meditation that I created around healing the inner child. This is a short practice that aims to first help us cultivate a sense of calm, relaxation, & safety through grounding our energy in the present moment. Then we take a trip to the past to our earliest memory of childhood, where we can then begin to explore into that early chapter in our life to recall any memories or feelings that we’ve experienced. Through this journey of exploration, we may also notice painful moments that may bring up present emotional discomfort. This is okay and to be expected. This is how the healing process begins. So if and when this happens, we will use our breathe as our anchor to keep us safe & protected. And we will continue to allow whatever arises to arise, reminding ourselves that we are safe now, & in this process will hopefully allow a sense of acceptance & surrender — letting go of the pain from your past. Are you ready? Let’s meditate.
Jul 24, 202110:27
Crown Chakra Healing — Becoming ONE

Crown Chakra Healing — Becoming ONE

In this episode, I share a short guided meditation for crown chakra healing. We are all energy. Everything we say, do, think, & feel affects that of which is around us. And so when our energy is off, this can not only affect ourselves but it can also affect our environment & the people within it. If you have been feeling closed off from the world, your seventh chakra (or crown chakra) may be off balance. A balanced crown chakra gives wisdom and self-awareness, allowing one to feel connected to others as part of the universe. If you feel like your crown chakra is imbalanced, take a mindful moment & practice along this guided meditation to help restore balance within you again. The meditation begins at 4:15. Enjoy! Namaste.
Jul 10, 202117:18
Guided (Energy Healing) Meditation— releasing ALL negative energy from within

Guided (Energy Healing) Meditation— releasing ALL negative energy from within

In this episode, I guide you along a short energy healing meditation with nature sounds in the background (sounds of water, birds) to help us release any energy that we may be holding onto, that may be trapped in our bodies, or lingering in our minds. This practice aims to achieve this goal by first bringing us to a sense of a relaxation, by bringing our awareness inward, scanning through our body, recognizing any energy that may be lingering or stuck. We will then use the new & powerful energy of the present moment, to help us release old or stuck energy out of our bodies and send it out into the universe so that it can get recycled into love & transmuted throughout the universe. So let us meditate.
May 24, 202118:18
Heal Your Throat Chakra — Open Awareness Guided (Mindfulness) Meditation

Heal Your Throat Chakra — Open Awareness Guided (Mindfulness) Meditation

In this episode, I share a short guided practice that’s intended to support you in healing & opening the throat chakra. It’s a mindfulness based practice where we begin our focus on the breath to help ground & cultivate presence. Then continuing on using the breathe, we open up our awareness to all that arises with curiosity and non judgement. In this way, we can see the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and sounds that arise from moment to moment as observers, noticing without attachment. This allows us to be in power, to be in choice, to decide how we would like to skillfully respond to our present world as it unfolds. We can respond with loving kindness over judgment, criticism, or hate. The practice begins at 3:30 and the total meditation practice is 15 mins. Hope you enjoy. Namaste.
May 09, 202119:19
Breathe & Listen: A Guided Meditation To Clear Away Negative Energy & Welcome In Peace & Calm

Breathe & Listen: A Guided Meditation To Clear Away Negative Energy & Welcome In Peace & Calm

Healing is intentional. When we sit in meditation with the intention to bring a quality into us that allows us to feel calm, peaceful, alert, & present, the true healing begins. Tuning inward into ourselves, into our bodies, breathing & listening, we become connected to our experience in the here & now. And in this space of connection, we clear away the fog, & we welcome in what we NEED— true peace & calm. That’s what this 15 minute meditation offers you. So I hope you enjoy this practice. Let us begin 🙏🏽
Apr 24, 202116:39
Guided Insight Meditation (Coaching session) — Focus & Inner Clarity

Guided Insight Meditation (Coaching session) — Focus & Inner Clarity

In this (special edition) episode of zen talks, I share a mini session of what meditation coaching looks like. This is a guided practice that integrates coaching with meditation by helping you to cultivate a sense of calm, focus, & inner clarity to then gain the insight you need so that you can continue to create the life you deserve. If this is something you feel you can benefit from, please take the time to practice along!
Mar 28, 202111:35
Guided Meditation For Calm & Deep Relaxation

Guided Meditation For Calm & Deep Relaxation

This is a short guided meditation (about 10 minutes) to cultivate a sense of calm & deep relaxation. This practice begins with a focus on the breathe to help ground & stabilize the mind, body, & soul. Then it brings you along a short body scan to help deepen your relaxation here in the present moment. Enjoy! & Namaste.
Mar 21, 202114:48
Living w intentions — how to create the life you deserve

Living w intentions — how to create the life you deserve

Living with intention is key to helping you truly create the life you know you deserve. In this episode, I share a personal experience with how I used intentions to help create the kind of day I felt I deserved and share a few tips on what you can do today to start living more intentionally.
Mar 14, 202107:33
Heart-Centered, Energy Healing, Mindfulness Guided Meditation

Heart-Centered, Energy Healing, Mindfulness Guided Meditation

In this episode, I share a 20 min heart-centered/energy healing/trauma-sensitive/breath/body awareness guided meditation practice. In this practice, we begin by setting an intention, we then use visualization to help us focus in on the breath, we ground, and we embark on a mindfulness journey together of becoming aware of the mind/body connection to help us feel more ease, centered, calm, peaceful, and aware of the prezent moment. Enjoy!!! Namaste.
Feb 26, 202121:37
An unconventional approach to mindfulness

An unconventional approach to mindfulness

In this short episode, I share brief insight on what mindfulness truly is without all the fluff. I recorded this episode outside while sitting in my car, so you may a few sounds of cars passing by in the background but it’s very light. Overall I think you’ll enjoy this episode. Let me know what you think!
Feb 21, 202102:33
The Answer To Our Suffering Is Found Here

The Answer To Our Suffering Is Found Here

After recording this, editing, then finalizing it, is when I noticed the episode was 3:33 long and I couldn’t help but smile because I’m so BIG on synchronicities, so I loved seeing that. In this episode, I talk about the two most important things I cultivated in my life to help reduce my own suffering. And I believe this is the antidote the world needs to reduce all suffering. I’m very much a beginner podcaster lol. So excuse the sounds in the background that you may here. The audio quality overall isn’t that bad. I think you’ll really enjoy the episode. Let me know what you think. And thanks for listening!
Feb 21, 202103:34
Mindfulness Of The Breath (Guided Meditation)

Mindfulness Of The Breath (Guided Meditation)

This is a guided meditation, perfect for beginners, where we focus on the simple process of the breath. In this practice, you may experienced a feeling of calm, focus, & clarity.
Jan 25, 202109:48
January 24, 2021

January 24, 2021

Jan 24, 202100:50