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By Ian Gibbs

If you’re interested in personal development, a trainer, a lifelong learner or just of a generally curious disposition then this podcast is for you.
I'm Ian Gibbs and in these 50 minute interviews, our guests talk about the wondrous world of learning and development in all its shapes and forms.

For more information
Currently playing episode

Per Kristiansen: Learning with LEGO

The LEARNABILITY ShowMar 17, 2022

4-Voices with academic & training director, Cormac Walsh

4-Voices with academic & training director, Cormac Walsh

“TEDx for teenagers meets the Eurovision Song Contest meets the European Yourh Parliament meets the BBC” is how Cormac Walsh describes 4-Voices - an amazing movement which has grown from an acorn of an idea to taking over Stormont - the Northern Ireland Parliament - in just 3 short years.

In this episode we learn what is 4-Voices, why it's being so successful and where it's going?

About Cormac:

As an executive coach based in Barcelona, Cormac specialises in communication training, public speaking, English pronunciation skills for non-native presenters and professional development. For over 15 years, he has trained thousands of people in the corporate world and top business schools on how to improve and hone all aspects of their communications skills.

Cormac is also the Deputy Director of Anne Sullivan International School, a private school close to Barcelona, a TEDx speaker and trainer, an entrepreneur and a former National Director of Toastmasters in Spain. As the co-founder of Educate to Communicate, Cormac believes that communication skills can radically change lives and that the younger people begin learning those skills the better! He has lived, worked, taught and trained in Ireland, the US, the UK, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Spain.


LinkedIn profile:

4-Voices website:

Website Ian Gibbs:
Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Dec 22, 202342:39
SDI & Self Managed Learning - CEO Anne Gimson

SDI & Self Managed Learning - CEO Anne Gimson

'Uniquely powerful', 'Miraculous' and even 'Life-changing' - these are just some of the expressions used to describe the Self Managed Learning programmes run by Strategic Development International (SDI) - programmes which take personal development into the 21st century. But what is it that generates such impressive results? Today we talk to Strategic Development International’s CEO - Anne Gimson about the power of Self Managed Learning, about how it works and why it's able to achieve results other training programs can only dream of. Topics Covered: - What is SML and why does It work? - The 5 SML questions - What is a Self Managed Learning contract? - What are the direct and indirect benefits of SML? Anne Gimson on LinkedIn:

SDI website: Referenced: The Kirkpatrick Model -


Developing Leaders For Real - Proven approaches that deliver impact:

The Wisdom of Strategic Learning - The Self Managed Learning Solution:

Self Managed Learning in Action:

The 5 questions are:

1. Where have I been?

2. Where am I now?

3. Where do I want to get to?

4. How can I get there?

5. How will I know when I have arrived?

Website Ian Gibbs   Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Aug 03, 202353:20
Wendy Tan: The Future of Learning

Wendy Tan: The Future of Learning

In a time when machines are getting more intelligent, what about us human beings? How do we live and contribute meaningfully? How will we develop our careers and coach our staff to be future-fit? How can we nurture our own sense of wholeness, so that we create wholeness in the world around us?

Wendy Siew-Inn Tan is an entrepreneur, writer and speaker who has worked extensively with multi-national organisations in the Asia Pacific region and government agencies in Singapore. As a founding partner of Flame Centre, she partners with clients to develop and engage their human capital. Formerly a police psychologist and an organisational development consultant in GlaxoSmithKline, she holds an MSc in Organisation Development from Pepperdine University.

Topics Covered:

  • How to stay relevant 
  • The Playground of learning 
  • The most common mistake people have faced with a learning challenge 
  • 3 questions of career integration 
  • Identify evolution 
  • Future skills in demand 
  • The ABC pathways towards wholeness 
  • The 70/20/10 learning space and why it’s not enough


Wendy's on LinkedIn:

Wendy's websites

Website Ian Gibbs


Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Jul 26, 202348:09
Simon Brampton: The 7 Strategies of Language Learning
Jul 05, 202350:51
Brooks Cole: Riding the Dragon (part 2/2)

Brooks Cole: Riding the Dragon (part 2/2)

Since the beginning of this year, the exponential rise of Artificial Intelligence has been impacting learning and development in many ways.

But how?

Can AI improve motivation, how is our relationship with AI developing?

How is it changing the way we think?

What can educators be doing now to ride the AI wave?

How does an AI expert use AI to learn?

To answer these questions and many more, in this second part of this interview with Brooks Cole we divide down the rabbit hole to explore how AI can support learning and even further into world of knowledge, meaning and what it life all about anyway?

About Brooks

Brooks Cole is a seasoned CEO and Creative Director with expertise in communications and interactive design. He is the founder of HoloCosmos, a group focused on human-computer interaction. Brooks also leads HOLO, a holographic search and discovery venture that prioritizes user experience over advertising. His work aims to transform how people find and interpret information and media across various industries. Brooks is a captivating presenter and advocate for emerging forms of dynamic media. His projects include corporate branding, web design, and innovative interface development. He envisions a future where digital experiences integrate consciousness and offer multidimensional navigation. Brooks holds a patent for visual navigation and continues to explore new applications in knowledge media.

Topics covered:

  • AI-supported Learning
  • AI limitations
  • YouTube 'university'
  • Paradigm shifting
  • Learning strategies

Brooks Cole:


  • Matt Wolfe -
  • Mattvidpro -
  • Notion -
  • Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott -
  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values -
  • The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics -
  • The Geometry of Meaning: by Arthur M Young -

Website Ian Gibbs -

Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Jun 24, 202354:51
Brooks Cole: Riding the Dragon (Part 1)
Jun 01, 202356:02
James Micklethwait - Vice President of Kahoot! at work

James Micklethwait - Vice President of Kahoot! at work

Kahoot! is an online platform that by uses elements, such as score-points, leaderboards and timed quizzes to create an immersive learning experience that is taking the world of education, training and communication by storm.

But what are the best ways to get the most out of Kahoot? What’s the difference between Kahoot for schools and Kahoot for business? and what is a Selfie Kahoot?

To answer these questions and many more today we talk to tech evangelist and Vice President of Kahoot at Work James Micklethwait.

James is the Vice President of Kahoot! at work, where he leads the growth of the Kahoot! at work business area. In his position, he oversees revenue, usage and strategy for building out new cases for Kahoot! in a work context.

Originally joining Kahoot! in 2017 as VP of Products, James has led the Kahoot! at work team since its founding. Previously, he has worked in product development and strategy roles for the BBC, ITV and Rightmove.

James holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern History from University of Oxford

Topics Covered

  • the difference between Kahoot for schools and Kahoot for businesses
  • the litmus test of a successful brand
  • the best ways to use Kahoot! in companies
  • the surprising benefits of Kahooting in companies
  • ‘asynchronous’ Kahoots


Kahoot Website

Live "interactive presentations"

Blended learning journeys with Kahoot Courses

Website Ian Gibbs


Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

May 27, 202354:55
Meghla Najlah El-Haque: The EUNEPA Learning Experience
May 17, 202348:40
Mark Upton: Experiential & Global Village Learning
May 11, 202354:45
Lauren Waldman: The Learning Pirate

Lauren Waldman: The Learning Pirate

For the moment, the brain is the most complex organism on the planet. piracy? But how does it work? How can we work with it instead of against it? And what does it have to do with piracy? In this episode, we talk to Lauren Waldman, aka the Learning Pirate who is a three times certified neuroscience expert and a science translator converting scientific gobbledygook into everyday language to help people understand their brains and learn stuff better. Topics covered include: - The gap between the scientific community and the teaching community - Where we go wrong with trying to get our brains to learn - Party tricks to entertain your friends - New projects

The Learnability Quiz Questions:

1: What is the name of the brain chemical that is associated with feelings of happiness and well-being?

2: If you lined up all the neurons in the brain end to end. How long would that be?

a: From bottom to top of CN Tower in Toronto (553m)

b: From most western point in Canada to most eastern point (the Yukon-Alaska border to Cape Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador (5,514 km)

c: From Ottawa to Perth and back again (32,000km)

3: What is Prosopagnosia?

Useful links:

Lauren on LinkedIn:

Learning and the Brain website 

White Rabbit Project

Wikipedia › wikiWhite Rabbit Project (TV series)

‘Joining Force’s with your brain’ Course:

Website Ian Gibbs Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Apr 16, 202352:10
Stephen Harris: The Future of Education
Apr 07, 202357:25
David Rigby: Behind the Scenes of Corporate Training
Mar 07, 202352:07
Francesc Balagué: Culinary Innovation at the CIB
Jan 22, 202355:06
Terry Pearce: Untold Play
Dec 13, 202245:24
Helen O'Donnell: The Children's University

Helen O'Donnell: The Children's University

How old do you need to be to get a university qualification?



How about 5 years old?

Today we talk to the CEO of The Children's University and what they're doing to give recognition to the tens of thousands of children who go above and beyond to learn things that aren't taught in normal schools.


Helen's TEDx

Website Ian Gibbs

Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken 

Nov 22, 202256:14
Luke Freedman: Banana Mountain
Nov 07, 202250:56
Sallyann Della Casa: Teaching Leadership to Children
Oct 25, 202251:60
Christian Busch: The Serendipity Mindset
Oct 06, 202247:07
Tiimiakatemia Team Learning

Tiimiakatemia Team Learning

We know that we learn better when we learn with others, but does that mean simply learning in a class, like we did at school or is there a better way of doing it?

Today we talk to Ville Vuolle and Jukka Hassinen from the Finnish teacher training company Tiimiakatemia about how their specialised method of team-learning works.

Tiimiakatemia Website

Ville Vuolle LinkedIn

Jukka Hassinen LinkedIn



Notes: The list is for teachers

Cunningham: The Wisdom of Strategic Learning

Downey: Effective Coaching - Lessons from the Coach ́s Coach

Isaacs: Dialogue and The Art of Thinking Together

Knowles & Holton & Swanson: The Adult Learner - The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development

Leinonen & Partanen & Palviainen: Team Academy

Senge: The Fifth Discipline

Katzenbach & Smith: The Wisdom of Teams - Creating the High-performance Organization

Drucker: The Effective Executive

Kouzes & Posner: The Leadership Challenge

Ryan, Richard & Deci, Edward. 2000. Self-Motivation Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development and Well-Being. American Psychologist, Vol. 55, No. 1, 68-78. (Academic article.)

Nonaka & Takeuchi: The Knowledge-Creating Company

Robinson: The Element – How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

McCourt: Teacher Man - A Memoir


Website Ian Gibbs

Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Sep 22, 202247:36
Christopher Pommerening: The Learnlife Revolution

Christopher Pommerening: The Learnlife Revolution

What do you think of our current education system? Do you think there's room for improvement?

If so, what do you imaging a better system would be like?

Our guest today didn't just imagine it. He created it.

Christopher Pommerening is the founder of Learnlife, a new kind of school adding to the learning revolution.

Website Learnlife:

YouTube Channel

Website Ian Gibbs

Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Aug 22, 202256:13
Ian Cunningham: The Self Managed Learning College
Jul 05, 202259:50
Ainhoa Zamora: Of LEINNERS & LABS
Jun 21, 202247:19
Marc Mekki: The Innovation Game
Jun 08, 202256:43
Naomi Fisher: Changing Our Minds
Jun 01, 202255:25
Alice Mattioli: The Life of an Alternative Schooler
May 22, 202252:20
Carrie Frais: Putting Your Message Across
May 03, 202249:00
Dr. Steven MacGregor: The Art of Wellbeing

Dr. Steven MacGregor: The Art of Wellbeing

Today we talk to Wellbeing expert and international author, Dr. Steven MacGregor about his recent impromptu visit to Ukraine, his latest book The Daily Reset and the little things in life that make a big difference.

Dr. Steven MacGregor




Ian Gibbs

Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Apr 13, 202252:48
Mairi Murphy: Native Experiences
Apr 06, 202243:07
Per Kristiansen: Learning with LEGO
Mar 17, 202241:40
Hec Salgado: Fitness for Over-forties
Mar 08, 202249:30
Gary Dixon: The Future of Universities

Gary Dixon: The Future of Universities

What challenges are today’s universities facing?
Should and could university education be free?
Is getting a university degree really worth it?
Today we talk to Leicester University's Council Chair, Gary Dixon and take a behind the scenes look at how universities are run and the chalenges they're facing.

Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken
Mar 02, 202247:19
Nando Smolders: Robots in Kindergarten
Feb 22, 202244:44
Duncan Giles: A View From The Top

Duncan Giles: A View From The Top

What was your old school like?

If you were put in charge of it today, what changes would you make?

It might sound hypothetical, but not for my guest this week. Since the beginning of this year, Duncan Giles is the Executive Head of Kensington School in Barcelona, the school he attended as a small boy.

In this interview, Duncan explains the secrets of Kensington's success and how it maintains a 66% grade A result rate.

For more information:

Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Feb 15, 202255:13
Alicia Affonso: Learn While You Earn

Alicia Affonso: Learn While You Earn

When we want to learn a language, is it possible to solve the Time vs Money dilemma?

Yes! And our guest this week is so good at it, she's turned her talent into a business: Learn Work Explore

In this episode we look at how working abroad to learn a language works and a few  tried and tested language learning tips as well as something about English history that they don't teach you at school.

For more information:

Alicia Affonso


Also mentioned in this episode:

'Learning a Language' by Ian Gibbs - the book about learning a language for people who struggle.

Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Feb 08, 202249:44
Caroline Dream: Not just a red nose!

Caroline Dream: Not just a red nose!

Is it all red noses and custard pies in the face, or is there more to clowning than meets the eye.

Clowning expert, trainer and author, Caroline Dream shares how her clowning workshops have helped change the lives of thousands of people.

For more information:

Note: The man who dropped past the window during this interview (on a rope) was a professional and no one was hurt in the process.

Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Feb 01, 202252:50
Emma Reynolds: Learning mindfulness
Jan 27, 202254:25
Charlotte Kemp: The Future Alchemist
Jan 19, 202247:25
Francisco Mahfuz: From Finance to Storypowers

Francisco Mahfuz: From Finance to Storypowers

Just a few years ago, Francisco Mahfuz, woke up to realise his current job as Financial Advisor was utterly unfulfilling. 

But rather than do what most people do - accept it and struggle on, he decided to completely change his career. 

In just three years, Francisco succeeded in transitioning himself from a complete unknown to a world-recognised authority on Business Storytelling.

In this episode we talk about...

How local government in Brazil paid him to sit in a cupboard.

The process he used to decide on his future career.

The old and new science of storytelling.

Stage storytelling vs business storytelling?

How to become a world-recognised authority in less than 3 years





Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken.

Jan 19, 202254:06
Borja Nicolau: From Engineer to Comedian

Borja Nicolau: From Engineer to Comedian

In this episode we interview Stand Up Comedian Borja Nicolau and how he made the leap to professional comedy from Industrial Engineering.

We cover...

  • the benefits of following your dreams
  • how to measure humour
  • how engineering can be applied to comedy to produce a concrete strategy for improvement.

Borja's Website


Music by Julian Jahanpour and Erwin Broeken

Jan 19, 202247:16