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BE-ing ( Becoming YOU)

BE-ing ( Becoming YOU)

By Ibelema Greene

Love, life lessons and laughter. A place where you are not afraid to be vulnerable, where ideas are welcome and you can find hope as you go through life's journey.
A new beginning, a fresh start. A Redefinition! A place that gives you permission to BE.
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Good Morning

BE-ing ( Becoming YOU)Apr 02, 2024

Good Morning

Good Morning

How you start your day changes everything! I have been on a journey to making everyday the best day ever and discovering that your morning sets the tone for everything else. Join me as we take back our mornings and consequently our whole lives.
Apr 02, 202415:23
Light Be

Light Be

Ignite your darkness with your inner light! Don't be afraid of the dark! You are light. An exploration and uncovering of darkness.
May 31, 202301:55
Hey November!

Hey November!

As we gradually get to the close of the year, feelings of anxiety, agitation and panic and an overwhelming sense of rush may come at you. Refuse it. Don't give in! Let Autumn teach us a profound lesson on how to prepare for winter. We will be creating roadmaps for how to excel in the coming year by maximizing our remaining months.
Nov 01, 202211:16
God's Lookbook: You are a MasterPiece!

God's Lookbook: You are a MasterPiece!

Haute couture, trendy styles, bespoke designs, runways, fashion shows, you are it! We love fashion, the looks, the feel and how it shapes culture and identity. You are created as a trendsetter, you are the next big thing but you allow people's reaction to become your perception. In this series, we will delve into how you are a masterpiece and God's lookbook here.
Oct 01, 202207:31
Sex and all its friends.

Sex and all its friends.

We live in a highly sexualized world ,from online dating to hookups,prom nights, heartbreaks etc. We are constantly innudated by images and sounds whether or not we want to see or hear. We will dealing with how to navigate sex and all its friends as a teenager. This will be vulnerable and relatable and will be a teaching and learning space.
Sep 21, 202240:09


How do you learn? How do you process things? A lot of times we learn in ways opposite from how we are originally wired and we give or are given labels 🔖like lazy or slow or even challenged. In this episode, we strip off the tags and explore our unique bent, how we learn, where we learn and when we learn. I am so excited.
Sep 20, 202210:50
Time travel

Time travel

Track your 24! What do you really do with the hours you have been given?
Sep 20, 202235:16
Time Travel: An investigation into how you spend your life!

Time Travel: An investigation into how you spend your life!

Time is money, time is currency, time is LIFE! The time you have is to be accounted for and the more effective you are at understanding the power of time, the more effective you will be at using the time to your advantage. 24 hours is more than enough to live the life you were created to live if only you can track it.
Sep 19, 202204:18
The MidYear Review

The MidYear Review

It's almost the end of another year and you don't want to be caught unawares. Take charge of your year. Course correct, make the necessary adjustments.
Jun 27, 202203:12
Overwhelmed by overwhelm.

Overwhelmed by overwhelm.

Struggling to find balance. Dealing with anxiety, fighting to keep your head above water. Sometimes the best thing to do when you have a lot to do is nothing, absolutely nothing. In this Episode, we deal with rest, next we tackle busyness.
Apr 07, 202215:10
The Courage to change identity

The Courage to change identity

Have you ever been known for something and then all of a sudden, you had to change because you knew that it was time to evolve into a better version of yourself but you are afraid that it means you would have to start from scratch and have people think you are crazy. We will be talking about this in this episode.
Jul 27, 202113:27
Midnight mood

Midnight mood

There are nights where sleep goes on a date and leaves you hanging. What do you do on nights like that? I do belly dances, laugh and am thankful for life. Life is beautiful. You just have to open your eyes.
Jul 08, 202101:25
You, yes You, are absolutely brilliant

You, yes You, are absolutely brilliant

Did anyone tell you how amazing you are today? Did they acknowledge how courageous you are and how strong you have had to be? I just wanted to be the voice in your head telling you that YOU are a Star!
Jul 24, 202002:08
Oops! I forgot my Ex's Birthday!

Oops! I forgot my Ex's Birthday!

Ok before you start being all judgy! Hear me out! Pain and grief have a large part to play in our becoming. Many times we don't want to deal with the pain, we want to get over it but properly processing pain is essential to your becoming. Pain is not wasted, it is a necessary ingredient to becoming who you are. Enjoy today's episode.
May 15, 202009:08
The beauty of your quirks

The beauty of your quirks

I have this erm thing going on when I talk and sometimes I become really self-conscious but I have come to embrace my quirkiness because they make me unique. Your quirks are beautiful and they are soo you. Give yourself permission to Be!
May 09, 202003:02
Your Muchness

Your Muchness

The things we take for granted are clues to our becoming. We are often looking for the big signs of Purpose and the question to why we are here on Earth that we ignore the things that make us unique. You are already in purpose. You already know what you are to do for the rest of your life. The answer has been with you all along. You just had to align.
May 07, 202005:26
What to do in Isolation

What to do in Isolation

What do you do in isolation? To know yourself, you have to be by yourself. There are so many positive things that you can learn about yourself through your thoughts. There is so much fun when you become you.
May 06, 202005:31
May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020

May 06, 202000:37
WordsWednesdays are a collection of thoughts that give hope and inspire you to BE

WordsWednesdays are a collection of thoughts that give hope and inspire you to BE

In light of the events around us. The changing culture and the new habits that are being formed. It is normal to feel overwhelmed but remember to breathe through it all. Pause, recalibrate, recharge and take stock. This stop is temporary and is necessary for take off. Observe the pause.
May 06, 202008:16