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I Believe! Now what?

I Believe! Now what?

By Tim

This podcast's mission to is grow and equip the Christian. We do bible studies, topical studies and discuss doctrine and theology all for the growth and understanding of the Christian.
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The Pre Birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:5-25)

I Believe! Now what?May 01, 2023

What's the Point of Colossians 2?

What's the Point of Colossians 2?

This is a short video going over Colossians chapter 2, where we look at the main topics and draw the application out of the scripture. I highly encourage you to read these on your own and to never just take my word for it. If you enjoy videos like these, please consider liking, subscribing, and sharing the video. And also be sure to let me know in the comments what you would like to see next.

Apr 26, 202410:33
Should Church Allow Spontaneous Baptisms?

Should Church Allow Spontaneous Baptisms?

In this video, we delve into the debated topic of spontaneous baptisms. Spontaneous baptisms, characterized by impromptu decisions to be baptized often during religious gatherings or events, have sparked intense debates within the Christian community. Is this biblical? Is this for today? What are the dangers? What are the considerations? We will go over these questions and more on Today's episode of I believe! Now what?

Apr 19, 202429:38
An Examination of the Seeker Sensitive Movement

An Examination of the Seeker Sensitive Movement

The Seeker Sensitive Movement is a philosophy or approach within Christianity that emphasizes making church services and environments more accessible and inviting to people who are not yet believers, often referred to as "seekers." The movement seeks to remove barriers that might prevent non-believers from feeling comfortable or welcome in church settings, with the goal of attracting them to explore the Christian faith. This movement is closely aligned with the Church Growth Movement and taught to revolutionize how church is conducted. In this video I will go over various aspects to include the history, examples, leaders, and compare to the Bible. I hope you enjoy it and if you like it please like share and subscribe. I hope this can help out people in their Christian walk of life and above all I hope this gives glory to God! (Some clips were used from multiple church YouTube channels and the church of tares documentary.)

Apr 12, 202401:07:00
Romans 10

Romans 10

An Exegetical look at Romans 10.

Sep 04, 202322:15
When Pastors Are Silent and the Church does NOT Respond

When Pastors Are Silent and the Church does NOT Respond

This episodes we will look at the issue of Pastors, leaders, and churches not responding to those in the congregation. As well as advice for the Pastors and ALSO the congregation.

Aug 28, 202333:50
Romans 10:9b Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the Dead

Romans 10:9b Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the Dead

This is part 2 of examining Romans 10:9-10 in depth. This section we will discuss Romans 10:9b "and believe in your heart that God raised Him (Jesus) from the dead". Believing in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead is a fundamental tenet of Christian faith and holds significant theological and personal implications. This belief is at the core of the Christian understanding of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Savior, and the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan for humanity. The belief is rooted in the biblical accounts found in the New Testament, particularly in the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the writings of the Apostle Paul. According to these scriptures, Jesus, after being crucified and buried, was raised from the dead on the third day by the power of God. This resurrection is seen as a pivotal event in human history and is regarded as a miraculous and divine act that validates Jesus' claims of divinity and His role as the Messiah. Believing in Jesus' resurrection is not merely an intellectual acknowledgment but a profound conviction that goes to the core of one's faith. It involves: 1. **Trust in God's power:** Believers have confidence in God's ability to overcome death. The resurrection of Jesus is seen as the ultimate demonstration of God's power over sin and death. 2. **Affirmation of Jesus' identity:** Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that His resurrection affirms His divine nature. It underscores His authority and unique relationship with the Father. 3. **Assurance of salvation:** The resurrection signifies victory over sin and offers the promise of eternal life to those who believe in Jesus. It is through faith in Jesus and His resurrection that Christians believe they can be reconciled with God and receive the gift of salvation. 4. **Hope for the future:** Believing in Jesus' resurrection provides hope for believers that they too will experience resurrection and eternal life in the presence of God after death. 5. **Transformation of life:** The belief in Jesus' resurrection leads to a transformation in the lives of believers. For Christians, the belief in the resurrection is not blind faith but is supported by various evidences presented in the Bible and historical accounts from that time. It has been a central theme in Christian theology and has been defended and expounded upon by numerous theologians throughout history. Ultimately, believing in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead is an intensely personal and spiritual conviction. It goes beyond intellectual reasoning and involves a deep relationship with God, resulting in a profound sense of purpose, hope, and faith in the face of life's challenges and uncertainties. Resource used in making this video were: The Bible App Study Material to make this video was found at but not limited too:  @gotquestions The MacArthur Study Bible The Apologetics Study Bible The CSB Study Bible The Reformation Study Bible The ESV Study Bible Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem and many other resources (to many to name all) If you have questions please comment of write us at: or Search for "I Believe! Now What?" on Facebook, twitter, and instagram. If this video was helpful please like, share, and subscribe for more.

Aug 07, 202320:10
Romans 10:9-10 What does it mean to Confess Jesus as Lord? (Part 1)

Romans 10:9-10 What does it mean to Confess Jesus as Lord? (Part 1)

In this episode, we delve into the profound message for the first half of Romans 10:9, a pivotal verse in the Bible that encapsulates the essence of Christian faith. Romans 10:9a reads: "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus as Lord,' This episode is apart of a larger series looking at Romans 10:9-10 We explore the Apostle Paul's background and the broader context of the book of Romans to better understand the profound impact of this verse on Christian doctrine and every day walk of life. Moreover, we address some common misconceptions and offer insights into how this scripture has been interpreted by other people. The video also examines the relationship between confession and belief, underscoring the inseparable connection between one's heart and words in the journey of faith. Whether you are a long-time believer seeking a deeper understanding of your faith or someone exploring Christianity for the first time, this video provides a clear and accessible explanation of Romans 10:9a. We hope to foster a sense of unity among believers and offer a message of hope to those in search of spiritual guidance, all in the power of God and not of ourselves. Join us as we explore the profound teachings of Romans 10:9a, reaffirming the power of faith, salvation, and the transformative love of Jesus Christ. the Bible Hub app was used for the images of the Greek Words discussed.

Jul 25, 202332:17
Are Christians allowed to Drink Alcohol?

Are Christians allowed to Drink Alcohol?

In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the fascinating and sometimes controversial question that has intrigued many believers: Are Christians allowed to drink alcohol? Join us as we explore this topic.

Throughout the episode we explore questions such as: Was wine in the Bible actually alcoholic? Was the wine Jesus made alcoholic? How should this apply to our daily christian lives?

We will also examine the process of how wine was made in the times of the Bible.

Ultimately, our goal is to help you in your understanding so you can come to a conviction (through prayer) from your own studies.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please write us at:

or find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Jul 17, 202327:52
A Church that Prays! What to look for in a Healthy Church

A Church that Prays! What to look for in a Healthy Church

  • When looking for a healthy Church, an important factor is prayer.  Not just praying while you search but seeing if your church placeless an importance on prayer.  In this video I want to:

  • 1. Help you find a church that prays,
  • 2. Help you identify if your current church places and emphasis on prayer. 
  • 3. If you think your current church is not a praying church, instead of leaving, be the change in that church and talk to the Elders and pastors about it. 

Jul 03, 202309:59
The Truth and History of the Altar Call

The Truth and History of the Altar Call

Have you seen this before?  You are in a church, the pastor is at the end of the message, maybe some music playing in the background and the lights are dimming, and the pastor gives an invite to people who have not believed in Christ, or people who want to rededicate their lives, to come to the front and pray a prayer.  The pastor asks you to repeat a prayer he starts saying or has some deacons and elders come pray with you individually, and at the end tells you, if you prayed this prayer or came up here then you are saved.  Now there may be some differences here and there but What I generally just described to you is the practice of “The Altar Call”.  Today we are going to look at this practice and answer these Questions: What is an altar call, is it biblical, where did it come from, and should our churches be practicing this?

Jun 26, 202336:01
What to look for in a Good Church

What to look for in a Good Church

Because of the military, my wife and I have to change up our church around every 2-3 years. Because of this, we have developed a tested plan in how to find a new church and I would like to share that with you in this episode.

Please send us your thoughts at

You can also watch this episode on our YouTube Channel.

Jun 19, 202319:13
Expository vs. Topical Preaching

Expository vs. Topical Preaching

In this episode, we will go over expository preaching and topical preaching in regards to sermons. I hope you enjoy this episode and please give any feedback or suggestions for episodes at

You can also watch this Episode on our YouTube channel.

Jun 12, 202314:33
Wednesday Wisdom- Proverbs 1:7

Wednesday Wisdom- Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.

May 17, 202307:21
The Birth of Jesus Foretold: Luke 1:26-38

The Birth of Jesus Foretold: Luke 1:26-38

Jesus’ Birth Foretold: Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And coming in, he said to her, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.”  But she was very perplexed at this statement, and kept pondering what kind of salutation this was.  The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” 35 The angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God. 36 And behold, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. For nothing will be impossible with God.” And Mary said, “Behold, the slave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

May 15, 202321:09
Proverbs 1:1-4 The Instruction of Wisdom

Proverbs 1:1-4 The Instruction of Wisdom

The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel: 2 To know wisdom and instruction, To perceive the words of understanding, 3 To receive the instruction of wisdom,Justice, judgment, and equity; 4 To give prudence to the simple,To the young man knowledge and discretion—

May 10, 202308:27
"Life is Short, Get a Divorce"...and other lies from the Devil.

"Life is Short, Get a Divorce"...and other lies from the Devil.

A look at why our world is the way it is right now and the answer to fix it.

May 08, 202327:30
An Introduction to The Book of Proverbs

An Introduction to The Book of Proverbs

Background on the book of Proverbs.

May 03, 202314:07
The Pre Birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:5-25)

The Pre Birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:5-25)

In today's episode we are going over Luke 1:5-25.

May 01, 202325:05
Who was Luke? (Luke 1:1-4)

Who was Luke? (Luke 1:1-4)

In today's episode we dive into who was Luke? Luke as in....the writer of the Gospel of Luke, or according to Luke....depending on which version of the Bible you use. Regardless, we are going to dive into Luke, his gospel, and overall set a context for a study into Luke's Gospel account.

Apr 26, 202329:47
How does Jesus dying, equal our salvation? Romans 8:1-4

How does Jesus dying, equal our salvation? Romans 8:1-4

In today's episode we are going to break down Romans 8: 1-4 as we continue our study through the book of Romans.

Mar 20, 202338:03
Romans 8: An Overview (a prep for verse by verse)

Romans 8: An Overview (a prep for verse by verse)

This episode will be a short overview and reading of Romans 8 as we get ready for our verse by verse study of the chapter. I hope this gives you a good birds eye view before we dive into the trees. 

Mar 06, 202325:28
The Christian Struggle with Sin: Romans 7:14-25

The Christian Struggle with Sin: Romans 7:14-25

Today we are going to be going over Romans 7:14-25 and if I had to title this message or as my pastor normally says a “big idea” it would be “As Christians we are done with sin, but sin is not done with us.” I understand that sounds like a depressing title but I once heard that from a pastor while scrolling through youtube some years back, I wish I could remember the name so I can give accreditation where it is due, but regardless, those words stuck with me and drew me to this passage in Romans. But to make sure all is clear, while sin may not be done with us, as in our struggle with sin in our life, this passage is by no means a free pass for believers to have a “defeatist attitude” of “well its going to happen anyways….” But rather knowing clearly that we have the ability to fight that sin all through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Facebook: I Believe, Now What?

TikTok: savedbythesavior

Twitter: IBelieveNowWhat

Instagram: ibelievenowwhat

Feb 06, 202338:55
Dead to the Law and Bound to Christ- Romans 7:1-13

Dead to the Law and Bound to Christ- Romans 7:1-13

A common question many Christians ask is “How should we act in relation to the Law?” And I am not talking about government and human law but rather the Old Testament Law. Today on IBNW we are going to answer that question as we dig into Romans 7:1-13 Where the Apostle Paul is writing to believers on this very subject.

Hello and welcome to another episode. After a long break we are picking bak up our study through the book of romans and starting our journey into chapter 7. To keep everything in context, Chapter 7 really is a deep dive into what the apostle Paul was addressing in Romans chapter 6 where he talked about how believers are Dead to sin and alive to God.

Jan 30, 202358:15
Premillennialism Feat. Trish aka HappyHolyHealthyLife from TikTok

Premillennialism Feat. Trish aka HappyHolyHealthyLife from TikTok

This episode will wrap up our small series on eschatology.  I was very blessed to have Trish aka HappyHolyHealthyLife from TikTok, come join in the show.  She really has studied this topic well and brought up a lot of good points to take in consideration when studying this topic. 

Jan 23, 202301:52:49
The Importance of Fellowship

The Importance of Fellowship

In this episode I dive into why we haven’t had a Podcast episode in over six months. I talk about what happened during those six months and why it made me realize something I already knew but didn’t fully know, and that is how important fellowship is in a Christian walk. We will also go over the future of the podcast and what episodes to look forward to.
Jan 01, 202322:37
Post Millennialism Feat. Blake of E. Disciple

Post Millennialism Feat. Blake of E. Disciple

I welcome Blake to the show to talk about Post Millennialism view.  This is a long episode so I recommend listening in breaks but if you have the time to listen all at once, by all means do so.  I want to make clear I am trying to stay as neutral as possible during this interview even tho I personally hold to a classic pre-mil view. Hope this helps educate! 

Mar 30, 202202:55:08
Eschatology 101 PART 2

Eschatology 101 PART 2

This is part 2 on an overview of eschatology. I am once again joined by Tyler from brewed up apologetics.  If you have any questions you can find us on social media or write us at

Mar 16, 202256:33
Eschatology 101: An overview on Eschatology (feat. Tyler of Brewed Up Apologetics)

Eschatology 101: An overview on Eschatology (feat. Tyler of Brewed Up Apologetics)

This weeks episode kicks off a new series where we will be diving into the various views of eschatology.  This weeks episode will be a broad overview and for this I brought in Tyler from Brewed Up Apologetics.  Tyler is a full time apologist and he joins me as we talk with very broad strokes on eschatology as a whole.  I hope you enjoy this episode and as always if you have questing or comments you can find me on facebook, twitter, and Instagram or even my personal tiktok account savedbythesavior.  Or you can always email

Mar 09, 202249:41
Secure in Christ: Romans 8:28-30

Secure in Christ: Romans 8:28-30

This episode gives some deep explanation to a few things we walked about last week.  We touch up on why we can be secure in salvation and how it's because of God's sovereignty in salvation. 

Feb 23, 202235:08
Nothing Can Separate Us: Romans 8:31-39

Nothing Can Separate Us: Romans 8:31-39

I think its very typical that at times in our christian walk, we stumble and sin.  And after we sin we feel so guilty as if we are not worthy to pray, read our bible or maybe even go back to church.  I want to go over these passages to remind us what we have in Christ Jesus. 

Feb 16, 202231:09
Matthew 8:9-11 Study

Matthew 8:9-11 Study

On today's episode we are going over why Jesus said that a gentile Roman Centurion had greater faith than anyone in all of Israel.  We talk about the passage in context, verse by verse as we break it down to understand what Jesus is saying here.  If you have any questions comments or concerns please write at or find us on social media by searching for I Believe Now What. 

Feb 09, 202226:36
Praising God or Showing off?: Matthew 6

Praising God or Showing off?: Matthew 6

In this episode we will continue to look at some of Jesus' "truly" statements and this one specifically in Matthew 6.  If you have questions, comments or just need some prayer please look us up on Facebook, instagram or twitter.  Or write us on email at

Feb 04, 202231:52
Christians and the Law: Matthew 5:18 (Feat. Alex St. Onge)

Christians and the Law: Matthew 5:18 (Feat. Alex St. Onge)

On this week's episode I brought in a special guest, Alex St. Onge better known as 60seconddoctrine on TikTok.  Alex is a seminary student at South Eastern Theological Seminary as well as a High School Teach.  We will be diving in and talking about Matthew 5:18 and in context Matthew 5:17-21 with the overall theme of "How should Christians view the old testament Law".  In this episode we will also tackle the growing Hebrew Roots other wise known as Torah Observant moment as well as the Hyper-dispensational movement in relation to this verse.  I pray this helps edify and if you have any questions please write us at or you can find us on social media such as facebook, instagram and twitter by searching for "I Believe Now What". 

Jan 19, 202201:33:48
What is Worship? Romans 12:1-2

What is Worship? Romans 12:1-2

In today's episode we will go through Romans 12:1-2 and talk about what this means.  What it means to be a "living sacrifice" and talk about how worship is not defined by what we call worship but rather what GOD calls worship.  I hope you enjoy and if you have questions, comments or anything else.  You can find us on Social media or email us at 

Jan 14, 202229:20
The Testimony of Ed Perko

The Testimony of Ed Perko

In this episode I had the privilege of interviewing my father, Ed Perko.  He gives us an insight of what is was like growing up in a traditional catholic family, dealing with divorce of his parents, alcoholic father, and being drafted during the Vietnam war.  All that to getting married, coming to a saving faith in Christ, sharing the gospel with family, raising kids in the Lord, going to bible college and dealing with church hurt and after going through all that growing closer to Christ.

Jan 05, 202250:28
How To Find A Church

How To Find A Church

In this weeks episode, we talk about how to find a church.  This episode is relevant for new and old christians alike.  If you are looking for your first church or maybe just want to find a new one, my hope is that this episode helps you.  I have been in the military the last 17 years and in that I have to find a new church every time I move.  I have made a lot of mistakes and also found a lot of good things, so I'm hoping that all my experience can help.  I obviously did not go over everything since there are nuances with every church, but we cover many general topics.

Nov 16, 202128:35
1 Corinthians 11:17-34: The Lord's Supper

1 Corinthians 11:17-34: The Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper, The Lord's Table, communion.  This Christians ordnance has a few different names but what actually matters is the manner in which you receive it.  In my life as an active duty military Soldier, I have seen a variety of ways Church go about this ordnance but sadly many never talk about it in depth.  In this episode I want to talk about The Lord's table and specifically how to take it in a worth manner and give the warnings for those who take it in an unworthy manner. If you have any questions or maybe you have a topic you want discussed, or even join us for an in person conversation please write us and let us know.  You can find us on facebook, twitter, instagram or email is at

Nov 02, 202141:16
Speaking in Tongues: Part 2

Speaking in Tongues: Part 2

If you have not listened to part 1 please do as it places this episode in context.  In this episode we examine 1 Corinthians 12-14 as we continue our topic of speaking in tongues and the different view points that come with it. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please find us on social media by searching "I believe now what" or write us an email at

Oct 25, 202101:04:21
Speaking in Tongues: Part 1

Speaking in Tongues: Part 1

This episode, we will talk about something that you may encounter (if not already) and that is speaking in tongues. There are many different views on this and I can not possibly cover everything but for this I wanted to give my personal opinion and experience with this and then dive into scripture and see what the Bible says about this. I am well aware that this episode may be offensive to some but my prayer is that I'm speaking (in love) what I believe the Bible says on these topics.  Please do not take my word for it and look these things up yourself.  I try to provide scripture for every view I hold on this.

If you have questions you can find us on facebook, instagram, twitter or email us at

Oct 22, 202143:01
10 Characteristics of a Good Church

10 Characteristics of a Good Church

In this week's episode, we will talk about 10 Characteristics of a good church. If you looking for a new church or you wanted to see how your church stacks up I encourage you to listen.  This is not an exhaustive list and I'm sure more can be said on this topic.  This is a more light hearted episode then the typical deep theological episodes we normally do but still a good topic to go over.  I hope you search the scripture for yourself and never just take my word for it. If you have comments or questions you can find us on facebook, twitter and instagram by searching for "I believe now what" or email us at

Oct 13, 202135:60
What to be on Guard for at Church: Part 2

What to be on Guard for at Church: Part 2

PART 2. (see description in previous episode)

Sep 29, 202142:04
What to be on Guard for in Church: Part 1

What to be on Guard for in Church: Part 1

Still in our study of what makes a good church, we decided today to talk about bad practices in a church.  I did not include the obvious things such as preaching a false gospel or progressive christianity ideology but rather the more subtle things that can deceive or manipulate the congregation.  This is not an exhaustive list.

If you have any questions please write us at or find us on facebook, twitter and IG.

Sep 23, 202136:23
What To Look For In A Pastor: 1 Timothy 3

What To Look For In A Pastor: 1 Timothy 3

In this episode we will be going over the characteristics of a Pastor.  Maybe your looking for a new church or trying to decide if your current pastor is actually qualified, I pray that after this episode you will come away with a better understanding.  If you have any questions, please let me know on email or social media 

Sep 15, 202147:41
What is Church Discipline?

What is Church Discipline?

In this week's episode, we will be starting a new series on Church Doctrine and for the first episode, we talk about Church Discipline. We will define what it is, why it's important, and go over a step by step process from Jesus on how to execute it.  Passages used today can be found in Matthew 18:15-20 and 1 Corinthians 5.  If you have any comments please go to our facebook, twitter or IG by searching for "I Believe Now What".

Sep 01, 202147:15
The Bible on Singleness

The Bible on Singleness

In today's episode we are closing out our 3 episode series on marriage, divorce and singleness.  The main portion of scripture comes from 1 corinthians 7.  When we say "singleness" we are not referring to "How to act as a single person" but more so "What does the Bible say for people who WANT to stay single."  I hope this episode helps out and if you have any questions you can find us on facebook at I believe now what podcast or on twitter @iBelieveNowWhat

Aug 25, 202149:34
A Biblical Guide on Divorce

A Biblical Guide on Divorce

In this episode we cover a very sensitive subject.  Many people have been seen divorce by experiencing it directly, watching parents split up, or close friends and other family.  The fact of the matter is God covers this topic of divorce clear in His word.  Today we will examine some of those passages and give clear biblical guidance on God's view of divorce and also when God allows divorce.  We will also cover the tough and sensitive subject of abuse in a marriage.  I pray that you know that while this is a tough subject for many, that you will be blessed through this episode. 

Aug 19, 202148:25
Marriage (1 Corinthians 7:1-9)

Marriage (1 Corinthians 7:1-9)

This is the first episode in a 3 part series on Marriage, divorce and singleness in the context of 1 Corinthians 7.  I know this is a sensitive topic for some but I pray that through this episode you will seek after what God wants in a biblical based marriage.

Jul 14, 202133:25
Why We Believe and Others Don't: Matthew 13

Why We Believe and Others Don't: Matthew 13

In this episode we will talk about the parable of the sower and how it gives us an understanding on Jesus in the context of His message and how people vary when they receive that message.

Jun 21, 202134:14
TikTok Christians and Will Faith Produce Works?

TikTok Christians and Will Faith Produce Works?

In This episode we go over the TikTok christian trend, and while we will only just scratch the surface of it and I plan on making an entire episode on the TikTok Christian trends, I mainly want to focus on some of the responses I got on a TikTok video that went somewhat viral.  Mainly on how we are saved by grace through faith but will that faith produce an outward change and with that comes good works.

Jun 14, 202135:39
Romans 6

Romans 6

This episode is a verse by verse study of Romans chapter 6.  As always I encourage you to read on your own and do your own studies but I pray this can help give you some insight into this amazing chapter.

Jun 02, 202141:40