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Develop willpower for self.




A healthy lifestyle can be attained by maintaining a balanced diet and keeping into consideration to meet all the essential nutrients required by the body. A proper meal plan helps to attain ideal body weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular and other types of cancer.

Aug 05, 202011:54
Consistency Is the Key to Breaking Bad Habits and Forming Good Ones

Consistency Is the Key to Breaking Bad Habits and Forming Good Ones

It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to achieve massive amounts of success in their field of endeavor, while others work just as hard but achieve very little?

It could be said that those who achieve high levels of success are simply more intelligent, or maybe more ambitious, or maybe more persistent, or possibly just luckier than the people in the second group. These are of course all key factors that certainly can help people achieve their goals. However, there is just one ingredient that goes into a success that is more important than anything else. And that ingredient comes in the form of consistency.

Aug 05, 202011:05
Importance of plants in our life

Importance of plants in our life

Every one of us is using plants in our life directly or indirectly. We use them but we don't give attention to how much they are useful for us.

Here are some important points that how much plants are useful in our life

1. They provide food.

2. They provide medicine.

3. They are habitat for other animals and birds

4. They are helpful for climate

5. They are useful in industries

6. They provide beauty

7. They improve soil quality

8. They are useful to get biofuels

9. They help to maintain the water cycle

10. They are useful in general well being

Aug 02, 202009:47
How communication help us to build good Relationship

How communication help us to build good Relationship

Communication in any relationship is discovering how to listen, not how to talk. Generally, It’s misconceptions that communication means talking with each other or having conversations. But the fact is communication in relationships is about to connecting through verbal writing or physical or emotional expression to full fill others’s not about starting with small talk but it’s about understanding needs, point of view, offering support & make them feel that you understand whatever he/she wants to convey

A better way of communication

1. Never reply with okay, yes or no

2. Don’t talk loudly.

3. Be Honest & Open.

4. Start over if needed

5. Thank you & sorry is not enough every time

There is no strategy for better communication because it’s different for every relationship. It varies people to people. It’s different in all relationships. So Use it wisely to make strong & long-lasting relationships.

Aug 02, 202014:28
Why Networking Is Essential For Our Self

Why Networking Is Essential For Our Self

Networking is not only about trading information, but also serves as an avenue to create long-term relationships with mutual benefits.

there's no denying the power a strong professional network can have over your career success. When it's done well, networking will not only help you land a job faster or business growth, but it will give you a competitive edge throughout every stage of your career. Here's why networking is important to your success, and what you can do to improve your networking skills throughout the course of your career development.

An avenue to exchange ideas

It makes you noticeable

Reassessing your qualification

Improves your creative intellect

Support from high profiles of individuals

Growth in self-confidence

Develop long-lasting relationships

Jul 31, 202009:55
Happiness Is A Journey, Not A Destination

Happiness Is A Journey, Not A Destination

Happiness is a journey, not a destination is a well known saying, and many would argue that the search for well-being is the greatest motivator of all humankind. However one should not believe that reaching a certain life goal will award oneself with happiness. It has to be found along the way not at the end of the road, for when the journey is over it may be too late, the time for happiness is today not tomorrow. 

Don’t be greedy

Every Day can’t be Goody Goody


Do more of what makes you feel happy

Jul 30, 202011:55
What is Work Ethic and Why is it Important in Our Professional and Personal Life?

What is Work Ethic and Why is it Important in Our Professional and Personal Life?

When it comes to setting goals, the ultimate success factor is work ethic. Putting these five elements into practice in your professional and personal life will help to create a positive work ethic that will lead to valuable relationships and set you up for success in all your endeavors.

1. Integrity

2. Reliability

3. Cooperation

4. Dedication

5. Discipline

Jul 29, 202010:12
What is Artificial Intelligence or AI?

What is Artificial Intelligence or AI?

=> AI is a Highly complex branch of computer science that allows computers to function like the human brain. It is still in a major development stage but so far it has been used in many things including video games, medical diagnosis, stock trading. Artificial Intelligence has also been used on the website Google. which many people turn to for information. It even corrects your spelling and checks if there are ways to change your search in such a way that users get more relevant results.

So, AI is already here. It’s all around us — just in humbler forms. You can find intelligence everywhere I mean in all the living things on this planet earth. 

Like if you take an example of a dog then the dog has its own intellectual property. They can run fast, they can smell anything very strongly, they can follow any subject by its smell, they have defensive intelligence. But in all the living creatures, human beings are on top of the list of intelligence. That’s why humans made marvelous progress to develop AI and make them better and better day by day.

 Where did the term “Artificial Intelligence” come from?

=>One of the greatest innovators in the AI field was John McCarthy, widely recognized as the father of Artificial Intelligence, who on the 24th of October, 2011, passed away at the age of 84. He leaves behind him a great legacy in the field of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Application of AI in the real world?

AI In Marketing, AI In Banking, AI In Finance, AI In Agriculture, AI In HealthCare, AI In Gaming, AI In Space Exploration, AI In Autonomous Vehicles, AI In Chatbots, AI In Artificial Creativity

Jul 28, 202008:37
Strong Leadership by effective executions - Set goals and deadlines

Strong Leadership by effective executions - Set goals and deadlines

Setting stretch goals helps the group achieve their objectives and generates greater engagement and satisfaction in team members. To push the group to achieve those goals, pair them with deadlines. While we may not like it, when someone gives us a deadline, our behavior changes. Simply setting deadlines for goals and objectives goes a long way toward achieving those goals and objectives! If you resist setting stretch goals for your team, start by asking your team questions like, “What would it take to accomplished this goal two weeks earlier?” We find that by challenging your team and supporting them in accomplishing a difficult goal, team members actually feel more engaged and satisfied with their jobs.

But don’t go overboard; we’ve also found that too much pushing can erode trust, which will hurt execution in the long run. When an untrusted leader asks for additional effort, people question their motives and resist their requests. Moreover, involving your team in the process of setting goals deadlines will increase their sense of commitment and autonomy.

Jul 27, 202010:27
Do you wake up early daily ?

Do you wake up early daily ?

If the answer is yes, then listen to the benefits I have gotten and share your experience to move to other people.

If your answer is no, then listen why am I waking up early?

This habit has given me self awareness, focus and self-discipline.

If you think you don't have time for family, fitness and financial goals then listen it carefully

Jul 26, 202014:25
The Chrochroch Theory

The Chrochroch Theory

This story is the one real incidence of sunder Pichai's life. 

This story taught us how to handle any uncertain situations in our life.  

This story taught us why respond is more important than reaction?

Our attitude towards any situation that's makes us a great leader and that's what this story says to us, you must have a positive attitude towards any situation.

Jul 24, 202006:50
Visualisation Techniques for desired outcomes.

Visualisation Techniques for desired outcomes.

Visualization techniques have been used by successful people to visualize their desired outcomes for ages.

The daily practice of visualizing your dreams as already complete can rapidly accelerate your achievement of those dreams, goals, and ambitions.

Here are four very important benefits.

1.) Activates your creative subconscious.

2.) Programs your brain's power.

3.) Activates the law of attraction.

4.) Builds your internal motivation.

Visualization is really quite simple. You sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and imagine. Here are some Visualization techniques.

1. Visualize with the ‘Mental Rehearsal’ Technique.

2. Create a Goal picture

3. Live in the moment

Jul 23, 202008:22
How we protect our self from climate changes.

How we protect our self from climate changes.

=>> Environment risk factors for human health in the region are air pollution and lack of access to safe water and adequate sanitation. 

=>> Every year losing 17 days of life annually of modifiable environmental risk factors. 

Governance:  Governance can set policies for a safe environment 

Technology:  Technologies allow to use of forcast weather and Climate changes

Education:  From education, we understand are key factors from climate change is the effect on human health. 

"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the global,  then man would have only four years of life left.  No more bees,  No more pollination, No more plants, No more animals, No more man". - Albert Einstein

Jul 23, 202009:09
Boost Your Immunity during the COVID-19 Pandemic at Home

Boost Your Immunity during the COVID-19 Pandemic at Home

1. Keep activity levels high

2. Eat right

3. Sleep deep

4. Good hygiene practices

5. Stay active physically and mentally

6. Soak in some vitamin D

7. Connectivity is the way to go

8. Do good onto others 

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay strong!

Jul 21, 202011:44
Turning bad habits into good ones

Turning bad habits into good ones

Whether you’re a smoker, an over-eater, or just can’t seem to keep your art room organized there’s a system that will help you break the bad habit and replace it with a good one.

1.    Make the decision to change

2.    Know what your triggers are

3.    Make a promise to yourself

4.    Replace the bad habit with a good one

5.    Get right back on track when you slip

Jul 20, 202009:45
What is self-realization?

What is self-realization?

Happiness is part of who we are. Joy is the feeling. 

Benefits to self-realization:

  • The ability to monitor your emotions.
  • Improved focus and concentration.
  • Increased confidence, self-awareness, and self-esteem.
  • Becoming more accepting of yourself and of other people.
Jul 19, 202007:09
A super-fast history of supercomputers

A super-fast history of supercomputers

A supercomputer is a computer that performs at or near the currently highest operational rate for computers.  Traditionally, supercomputers have been used for scientific and engineering applications that must handle very large databases or do a great amount of computation (or both).

Jul 18, 202010:46
How to start your first IOT project?

How to start your first IOT project?

What is an IoT Project?

An IoT project is the act of connecting any physical object to the Internet to collect and share data. How we use and share that data depends on the purpose of the IoT project. Whether you’re connecting windmills to monitor performance data or connecting machinery to monitor itself for breakage, the data generated from these projects can be used in a variety of ways. With the right hardware, software, connectivity, and know-how, you can connect any object in the home, factory, or farm and stream data to the Internet.

Real-world examples of IoT products

Like Skybell offering smart video doorbell. Company Deako provides smart light switches, MI & TP-Link provides smart wi-fi led bulbs. Even the company Eight offering smart bed to combine your sleep with data. Want to sleep better? Eight’s bed that tells you how.

1. Learn the basics

2. Researching and Selecting an IoT Platform / Tools

Guidelines that highly connected with IoT Businesses. 

3. Practice design thinking in product development.

         -Discover what people really need.

         -Push past obvious solutions to get to breakthrough ideas.

         -Build rough prototypes to make ideas better.

         -Craft or create a human story to inspire others to action.

4.  Scaling an IoT company is not the same as scaling any other company.

5. It's all about security.

Jul 17, 202011:22
How to Be Happy in Difficult Situations

How to Be Happy in Difficult Situations

Experiencing challenges and problems are part of life. There is nobody alive who has been spared hardship.

However, some people seem to cope with bad situations better than others. Their overall happiness does not seem as compromised when unfavorable things happen.

It is Okay to Face and Embraces Your Unhappiness or Disappointment

Practicing Gratitude Provides Perspective

Ask Yourself What You Can Learn from the Situation

Your Expectations Affect Your Happiness

Knowing What You Can Control and What You Cannot Brings Freedom

Complaining Does Not Make Things Better

Remember That Nothing Lasts Forever and That This Will Pass

Jul 16, 202010:44
How to work from home efficiently?

How to work from home efficiently?

The global spread of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, is keeping people at home. Remote work is a new normal. Let's discuss on how to work from home by keeping the efficiency at the most. 

1. Create a Morning Routine

2. Set Ground Rules With the People in Your Space

3. Keep your desk Simple

4. Think Vertical

5. Setting Expectations

Jul 16, 202007:27
Self value - Direct relationship with success

Self value - Direct relationship with success

Self-value – “Self-value is more behavioral than emotional and conceptual, more about how you act toward what you value, including yourself than how you feel about yourself compared to others.

Why does self-value matter?

Let me share a story to explain it

A father said to his daughter: You graduated with honors, here is a car that I acquired many years ago ... it is several years old. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you. The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father, and said, "They offered me $1,000 because it looks very worn out." The father said, "Take him to the pawnshop." The daughter went to the pawnshop, returned to her father, and said, "The pawnshop offered $100 because it was a very old car." The father asked his daughter to go to a car club and show them the car.


The daughter took the car to the club, returned, and told her father, “Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it since it is a Nissan Skyline R34, an iconic car and sought after by many."


The father said to his daughter, "I wanted you to know that the right place values ​​you the right way." If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you. Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.

Like, We struggle with pricing products or services. Specifically, there’s usually a tendency to under-price. You might think that under-pricing will be good for bringing in customers, but the chances are, if you undervalue your service, they do too.

Jul 14, 202010:50
Strong Leadership by effective executions

Strong Leadership by effective executions

Be clear and strategic

Many people who are energetic about execution tend to jump into activities and take action before they get organized, create a plan, or connect what they’re doing to the strategy of the organization. Having the discipline to organize people, assemble resources, and then generate a plan that others can commit to will collectively improve execution. So will making it clear who is doing what; we have learned that when everyone is collectively responsible, that no one is responsible. Providing others with clear direction and a sense of connection to the strategy of the organization helps people understand how the work they are doing dovetails with the organization’s mission.

If you are quick to jump into action and tend to start a project without a well-organized plan of attack, or if you get feedback on your lack of planning and organization, this suggestion might be one to focus on. An individual contributor might be able to get away with being disorganized, but it rarely works out well at the senior management level.

Jul 13, 202010:15


If we can take the definition of self-motivation it’s like “Self-motivation is the force that keeps pushing us to go on. It's our internal drive to achieve, produce, develop, and keep moving forward. When you think you’re ready to quit something, or you just don’t know how to start, your self-motivation is what pushes you to go on”.

There are four factors that are necessary to build the strongest levels of self-motivation:

Self-confidence and self-efficacy.

Positive thinking, and positive thinking about the future.

Focus and strong goals.

A motivating environment.

Key Points

Self-motivation doesn’t come naturally to everyone. And even those who are highly self-motivated need some extra help every now and then.


Build your self-motivation by practicing goal-setting skills, and combining those with positive thinking, the creation of powerful visions of success, and the building of high levels of self-efficacy and self-confidence.

Your attitude and beliefs about your likelihood of success can predict whether or not you actually succeed. Set goals, and work hard to achieve them. Examine ways to improve your self-motivation, and regularly reassess your motivation levels. If you actively keep your internal motivation high, you can significantly increase the likelihood of achieving your hopes, dreams, and visions of the future.

Jul 12, 202010:08
10 things to install in ourself

10 things to install in ourself

<li>Get to know yourself</li>
<li>Develop willpower</li>
<li>Shap your mind</li>
<li>Live a joyful life</li>
<li>Manage the energy in your life</li>
<li>Be aware of your mortality</li>
<li>Live a balanced life</li>
<li>Control your awareness</li>
<li>Start with just one thing</li>
Jul 12, 202013:37
What we have to learn from the great people of history

What we have to learn from the great people of history

Once Walt Disney said, “All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them”. it’s important to keep dreaming - if you only have enough courage, the dream that you wish can come true.

1. Think outside the box.

2. We can’t be perfect in everyone’s life, everyone has their own point of view, we can’t handle everything, just focus on your goal and don’t care about what people think about you.

3. Never let someone tell you that you can’t do anything in your life.

4. Bad times are necessary for you to appreciate good things.

5. It’s a simple one, but the more you put in, the more you get out, work hard.

6. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Jul 10, 202008:15
Health Benefits of Spirituality

Health Benefits of Spirituality

The benefits to your heart and soul are spirituality pros. But maintaining your spiritual wellness can also help your body physically by lowering your risk of depression, improving sleep, and more.

1. Improving the Function of Your Immune System 

2. Reduce depression 

3. Better sleep

4. Lower blood pressure 

5. Live longer 

6. Improve social connections

Jul 09, 202010:09
Impact of climate change in human health

Impact of climate change in human health

The cycle of climate change.

1. Desertification and degradation

2. Freshwater decline

3. Biodiversity loss and ecosystem function

4. Stratospheric ozone depletion.

How to protect natrual environment 

=> 3 R's means Reduce, Reuse and Recycal 

=> Volunteer

=> Education

=> Conserve water

=> choos sustainable 

=> shop wisely 

=> Use long lasting electronics item

=> Plant trees

=> Bike more : use cycle.

Jul 08, 202012:16
The Grains Group

The Grains Group

Type of Grains

  1. Whole Grains
  2. Refined Grains

How many grain foods are needed daily?

When can you take grains?

  • As snacks
  • At meals

Why is it important to eat grains, especially whole grains?

  • Nutrients
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin B
  • Folic Acid
  • Magnesium and Selenium
  • Carbohydrates
Jul 08, 202009:02
Cultivating growth mind set

Cultivating growth mind set

<li>Why mindset is important </li>
<li>Cultivating growth mindset</li>
<li>Characteristics of the growth mindset</li>
<li>How we can develop a growth</li>
<li>Succeed by mindset</li>
Jul 05, 202010:38
Systems of the Human Body

Systems of the Human Body

The main systems of the human body are:

1. Circulatory system:

- Circulates blood around the body via the heart, arteries, and veins, delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and cells and carrying their waste products away.

- Keeps the body's temperature in a safe range.

2. Digestive system and Excretory system:

- System to absorb nutrients and remove waste via the gastrointestinal tract, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

- Eliminates waste from the body.

3. Endocrine system:

-Influences the function of the body using hormones.

4. Integumentary system/Exocrine system:

- Skin, hair, nails, sweat and other exocrine glands

5. Immune system and lymphatic system:

- Defends the body against pathogens that may harm the body.

- The system comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph.

6. Muscular system:

- Enables the body to move using muscles.

7. Nervous system:

- Collects and processes information from the senses via nerves and the brain and tells the muscles to contract to cause physical actions.

8. Renal system and Urinary system

- The system where the kidneys filter blood to produce urine and get rid of waste.

9. Reproductive system:

The reproductive organs required for the production of offspring.

10. Respiratory system:

- Brings air into and out of the lungs to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

11. Skeletal system:

- Bones maintain the structure of the body and its organs.

Jul 04, 202011:04
How we can build strong Relationship and advantage of it.

How we can build strong Relationship and advantage of it.

Relationship and networking have a bi-direction and complex relationship. 

Networking: Networking is meeting and forming contacts with other people.


1. Instant news & information

2. Great marketing channel for business

3. Awareness

Relationship: The relationship between two people or groups is the way in which they feel & behave towards each other.

Make facetime a priority to build a strong relationships.


1. Can get an apology and second chance

Jul 03, 202010:18
The Most Common Misconceptions About Happiness

The Most Common Misconceptions About Happiness

- Being happy doesn’t mean you always feel good.

- Your happiest moments are in your control.

- It’s OK to ruminate on the past.

- Don’t fall back on self-care.

Jul 02, 202011:58
Maintaining a Healthy Workplace In a High-Pressure Industry

Maintaining a Healthy Workplace In a High-Pressure Industry

As anyone who works in a high-pressure job will know, it can be a hugely rewarding, fulfilling and successful career choice. But high stakes and big expectations can also be stressful. It’s important that managers in high-pressure workplaces understand how to deal with stress and pressure in the work—both their own and their team’s.

Physical Symptoms

Low Energy and Fatigue


Difficulty Sleeping and Insomnia

Upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation and nausea

Aches, pains and tense muscles

Chest pain and rapid heartbeat

Emotional Symptoms

Agitation, frustration, irritability, anger and mood swings

Difficulty relaxing

Aversion to social situations

Negative feelings such as low self-esteem, loneliness, anxiety and depression

Stress can be flared up by a combination of any of the following factors:

Difficult working conditions

Poor management

Unmanageable workload

Long hours

Ill-defined expectations and responsibilities

Conflicting priorities

The conflict between team members

Low levels of trust

Lack of support

Lack of team collaboration

Job uncertainty

How employees can manage stress

If you’re feeling stressed, there are a number of things you can do to help you relieve the tension from your mind and body to cope better with the pressures of a constant quest for growth.

- Talk to your manager

- Ask for help

- Get organized

- Feedback and feeling valued

- Bring nature inside

- Flexibility

- Prioritize and focus

- Sleep

- Find the time for Hobbies

Jul 01, 202010:11
IOT(Internet Of Things)

IOT(Internet Of Things)

What is IOT?

How is IOT useful?

Are those IOT devices secure?

=>Only 30% out of the 1000 respondent companies told that they take up certain measures to secure all the Mobile Application and the IoT devices. At the same time, the rest of the IoT device markers are not building any security outset.

What devices are IoT?

=> Smart Home Automation, Voice Assistants, Smart Bands or Fitness Bands, GPS Trackers, Smart Smoke Alarms, Smart Locks, Doorbell Camera’s, Amazon Dash button, IoT based Security Systems, Home mesh Wifi Systems

What is the future scope of IoT?

=> People will get addicted to Tech connections.

=> Say no to Unplugging!

=> Increase in Internet participants

=> Risk measuring and Human ability

=> Artificial Intelligence

=> Reign of Smart Cities will be increased.

Jun 30, 202012:41
What is leadership?

What is leadership?

A simple definition is that leadership is the art of managing, pushing & motivating a group of people to act toward achieving common goals

Who can become a leader?

The one who has the ability to manage self, like to face challenges, be honest, win trust, keep calm, pursue a passion, listen to & observers, stay organized, be fair, earn respect, stop judging people.

Leaders are not just title or positions but it’s art. The one whose context is very clear towards helping others by looking into their world & think likewise. Leadership is not to get praise or acknowledgment or reward to help others but it’s getting satisfaction always when other full fill

Leadership never require certificates, results will be recognized.

Jun 29, 202013:13
Transition Resistance

Transition Resistance

Change is inevitable, this may lead to resistance, uncover the root cause of the behavior, don't overcome the person.

Jun 28, 202014:27
Develop willpower for self.

Develop willpower for self.

How to develop willpower and self-discipline for that  I found there are three ways to develop willpower. and absolutely there lots of another way to do that but today I want to share with you three.

1. Finish what you begin

2. Do a little bit better than you think you can and

3. Do a  little bit more than you think you can

4. Why do you develop willpower?

Jun 27, 202007:01
What vedas contains?

What vedas contains?

Vedas has a great influence on ancient Indian society and this Vedas become a crucial part of forming the Sanatan dharma. Though the knowledge of Vedas was always there, Rishi Vyasa compiled the divine knowledge into four Vedas and passed orally a thousand years ago. 

There are four major Vedas:

 - Rigveda 

 - Samaveda 

 - Yajurveda

 - Atharvaveda

Rigveda: According to scholars and sages, Rigveda is one of the oldest and perplexing literature ever written. Rigveda consists of explanation of the origin of the world, power of God, and art of living.

Samaveda: Samaveda is similar to Rigveda, but it is written to form the set to music. Samaveda is the Veda of melodies, this is the oldest music organization in the world that contains all kind of music. 

Yajurveda: Yajurveda is all about religious rituals.  It said to be step by step guide to explain the right way of performing religious ceremonies and rituals. 

Atharvaveda: Atharva Veda contain the secret of good and long life, good health, and how to make god in our favor. 

Vedas also contain ancient science that’s proven by today’s modern science. i.e. moon is enlightening by the sun, the theory of rotation, the big bang theory that’s all already exists in our Vedas.

Jun 26, 202009:46
Evaluating Spirituality through dreams

Evaluating Spirituality through dreams

Why Spirituality is important?

A:- The biggest importance of spirituality is, it balances our life.

Many times we find ourselves at the end of one extreme or the other, doubting ourselves whether we are on the right track. We doubt our actions and their consequences. Spirituality establishes the necessary balance under these extreme circumstances.

Evaluating Spirituality through a dream:- 

Every night as we leave our waking selves and enter the realm of sleep, we come closer to a second life, a life as a dreamer. Throughout history, dreams have been closely tied to spirituality across religious lines.

1. Find a way to remember

2. Look for insight into your dream

3. Realize the reality of your dream

4. Ask before you sleep

Jun 25, 202007:11
Natural environment

Natural environment

=> First celebrated world environment day in 1974 with the theme of "Only one Earth".

=> Atmosphere: Air and currently 20.94% of the oxygen available on earth.

=> Drinkable water level only 2.5% available on earth.

=> Natural environment and human relationships are important and in between balancing are most impotent. 

=> WHO divided 3 types of human and nature 1. Physical 2. Mental 3. Social 

=> Effective factors over-population, pollution, burning fuels,  and deforestation.

Our responsibility to use reusable natural resources and how we can overcome to use.

Jun 24, 202009:17
What is Meditation?

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

  • Since 1500 BCE antiquity in numerous religious traditions.
  • Part of the path towards enlightenment and self-realization.
  • Hindu traditions of Vedantism.
  • Since the 19th century - for non-spiritual contexts, such as business and health.
  • Aim of reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, and increasing peace, perception, self-concept and well-being.
  • Religion wise different techniques

Meditation Techniques1.     Spiritual Meditation
2.     Mindfulness Meditation
3.     Movement Meditation
4.     Focused Meditation
5.     Visualization Meditation
6.     Chanting Meditation

Note:- At least  5 Min Breathing Meditation per day.

Jun 23, 202010:42
Importance of Habits

Importance of Habits

Habits shape your life far more than you probably realize. Habits are very strong. In fact, our brains cling to them at the exclusion of all else - including common sense.

More than 40 percent of the actions you perform each day aren’t actual decisions, but habits.

Not only are habits important. They grow stronger and stronger over time and become more and more automatic. So make sure you have the right ones!

Habits are so powerful because they create neurological cravings: A certain behavior is rewarded by the release of “pleasure” chemicals in the brain. 

Habits works through the habit loop

1. Cue / trigger: A location, a time of day, certain people, an emotional state,

2. Routine: Watching TV, smoking a cigarette, eating chocolate, biting your nails

3. Reward: The pleasure chemicals released in the brain because of the routine.

Because of the reward the habit loop is reinforced.

Jun 22, 202011:07


How to development and represent of Television?

What is the future of Television?

Revolution of Television

TYPES OF TV SCREEN with Resolution 

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)  - HD TV


Organic Light-Emitting Diode, OLED uses smart pixels that create light themselves.  - 4K UHD

Quantum LED is an updated illumination technology from Samsung - 4K UHD

Plasma, 8K screen

Jun 20, 202012:08
Relationship and networking with company

Relationship and networking with company

Useful tips to help you find success in networking within your company.

1) Make  other people aware of their importance & value -> Healthy professional relationships within the company is by making others feel that they belong to the group. Specifically, make them feel important by giving them approval and recognition for their work.

2) Everyone you work with can affect your career ->  They can help make you more knowledgeable and skillful in your job and help you advance in your career.

3) Importance of soft-skill -> Soft skills are personal attributes that influence how well you can work or interact with others. These skills make it easier to form relationships with people, create trust and dependability, and lead teams.

4) Respect & trust -> Trust is essential to an effective team, because it provides a sense of safety. When your team members feel safe with each other, they feel comfortable to open up, take appropriate risks, and expose vulnerabilities.

5) Be interested in other activity -> We can build relation with other person using participate in other activity like-sport, general knowledge, other mind game.

Jun 19, 202010:28
How to Transform Depression and Anxiety to Happiness

How to Transform Depression and Anxiety to Happiness

Remember sadness is always temporary. This, too, shall pass.

Trials give you strength, sorrows give understanding and wisdom.

How to Rebuild a Rewarding Life

Step 1: Find Your Values

Step 2: Defining Joy

Step 3: Become a Pleasure Scientist

Step 4: Accept ALL Your Feelings (Even the Bad Ones)

Step 5: Keep Working on the Shoreline

Jun 18, 202010:18
Begin with END

Begin with END

Follow these steps to begin your journey towards the end designed by you in your mind.

  1. Prepare today in the evening, For the next day
  2. Gather all required information in the morning before you begin
  3. Process-based on priority.
  4. Review & correct if required.
  5. Repeat it again for the next day.
Jun 17, 202010:52
Important of System in Daily life

Important of System in Daily life

Why System is important?

How can we build habits to follow system?

How can we implement system in Daily life?

Jun 10, 202010:37
How to create a winning environment

How to create a winning environment

The similarity between business and sports is not something that most people think about. Pro sports uniforms look a lot different than a suit and tie, and pencil-pushing is a lot less physical than taking a hip check at center ice.  But, as different as sports or business may seem, both revolve around one very simple concept

— a culture of winning.

Jun 06, 202010:20
Type of relationship

Type of relationship

Relationship and networking are the most important things to improve your own capability and growth. When people start noticing you, it opens the door for newer opportunities. Relationships with people are the most important factor because life reality is that people need other people.

There are different type of relationship and networking which is important for personal growth:

Relationship and networking 

With Family - family member and close by society people

With Friends -  School, college

at Workarea - colleagues at the work environment

in Professional Life - event and conference-related to our field

Digital Connection - Linkedin, Facebook, and other social platforms

Jun 05, 202011:37
Spread Happiness and Kindness Around You

Spread Happiness and Kindness Around You

The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.

1. Express your gratitude.

2. Replace the judgments. 

3. Replace the unconstructive criticism. 

4. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. 

5. Recall how people’s kindness made you feel.

6. Express kindness for something you may often take for granted.

7. Hide a surprising and kind note.

8. Just be there.

9. Remember the small acts of kindness too.

10. Give someone an uplifting gift.

Jun 04, 202010:53