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I Can Do Hard Things

I Can Do Hard Things

By Haley Kemp

Welcome!! I’m so thankful you’re here! This podcast is all about taking messy action every day to create the life you’ve always dreamed of. It’s my dream to provide as much value as possible, and I do that best through speaking. So WELCOME to MY crazy messy action. This podcast will be far from perfect, just like me, but I’m here to bring you along with me as I figure it out. I’m making a habit of getting outside of my comfort zone and demanding more of myself! WARNING: I will probably cuss & will most definitely be talking about God’s grace & guidance in my journey. Proceed accordingly. 🫶🏼
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Thank God it’s Monday

I Can Do Hard ThingsOct 12, 2020

Search for Accountability

Search for Accountability

Wow! 2023 is here already. Time to set some BIG, SCARY goals & actually execute on them. This year, we’re looking for accountability and demanding greatness from ourselves! Reach out to my on IG! @haleykempfitness @icandohardthingspodcast
Jan 04, 202311:20
Mom Guilt

Mom Guilt

Are you a mom that has big career goals but doesn’t want to drop the ball on being a mom or your career? Let’s chat about it!!
Connect with me on IG!
Oct 26, 202213:09
Are You Being Dramatic About Your Goals?

Are You Being Dramatic About Your Goals?

Take the cold shower. Send the scary message. Apply for the big promotion. DON’T BE DRAMATIC! It’s not as bad as it seems. I was being extra dramatic about my goal to start ending my showers with cold water everyday to see the mental and physical health benefits that come along with cold showers. I have put this goal off for YEARS thinking it would miserable. I finally took my first step and found out I was being overly dramatic about it this whole time. What a waste of time! JUST DO THE DAMN THING!! 👏🏼👏🏼
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Oct 05, 202208:08
God Has You Right Where He Wants You

God Has You Right Where He Wants You

No matter what goal you have set for yourself, know that God has you exactly where He wants you so you can grow into the person that can handle those goals. They were put on your heart for a reason, so know that you are capable.
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Sep 20, 202218:46
Let Your Kids Be Bored

Let Your Kids Be Bored

This is not parenting advice, this is just what we’re doing with our 7 month old. YOU’RE DOING AMAZING MAMA!! I’d love to get you in my online community of women supporting women through every season of life!
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Sep 09, 202211:35


Fresh outa therapy and telling all my friends out there to GO TO THERAPY!! It has been so refreshing and so encouraging to be able to navigate my thoughts with someone outside of my regular circle. If you’ve been considering it, I found my therapist through and they matched me with the perfect person for me! You are so capable of your wildest dreams, sometimes you just need a little push.
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Sep 02, 202210:17
Crazy Messy Action

Crazy Messy Action

I’m back!! 👏🏼 I’ve been wanting to do this podcast again for SO LONG & I’m excited to bring you along with me as I navigate this new season of growth. We’re taking crazy messy action every single day to create the life we’ve always wanted. Follow me on IG! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Aug 26, 202208:16
75 Hard is COMPLETE

75 Hard is COMPLETE

Day 26/75 Days of Podcasting and 75 Hard is DONNEEE!!

I can’t believe it! I actually finished!

After 24 years of identifying as someone with a sugar addiction and multiple eating disorders, I can finally say that I know I have the ability to take control of my eating and daily habits. 75 Hard has given me so much more than just the completion of this challenge. I’m so much more confident is myself as a leader, business woman, wife, friend, and healthy person!

If you would’ve asked me last February if I would’ve done 75 Hard, I would’ve laughed at you. I watched so many people try and try and fail. I didn’t want to be one of them. And now I’m proudly one of the ones that finished!

If you’re wanting to join my next 75 Hard journey starting March 15th... send me a message! Let’s do this together!! I’m currently hosting a Prep Group to help people ease into the tasks and have a community to help them through! Message me for details!

Here’s to Day 26/75 Days of Podcasting!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Feb 18, 202118:11
Feeling like a Fraud

Feeling like a Fraud

Day 25/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 70/75 Hard! (Day 71 when this is being posted)

Have you ever felt like a fraud when you got close to a goal?

75 Hard has been a crazy ride of emotions. Now that I’m getting so close to the end, I can feel myself getting excited to “drop” these great habits that I’ve spent 71 days creating. I’ve been planning my first cheat meal (which is Valentine’s Day!) and it made me feel like a fraud.

I’m sure you can relate - I can be so hard on myself sometimes. I completely forgot that it’s okay to celebrate victories. 75 days with no binge eating, sweets, or alcohol has shown me how strong I truly am. What I once thought completely controlled me is actually totally in my control. Remember to celebrate every victory along the way and continue setting new goals!

If you’re wanting to join my next 75 Hard journey starting March 15th... send me a message! Let’s do this together!! I’m starting a Prep Group NEXT MONDAY (the 15th) to help people ease into the tasks and have a community to help them through!

Here’s to Day 25/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 71/75 Hard!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Feb 10, 202121:48
All Aboard the Struggle Bus

All Aboard the Struggle Bus

Day 24/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 57/75 Hard!

All aboard the struggle bus!

I had a major case of the lazies this morning, and I had to dive back into my 75 Hard book to see how others were feeling during this part of the challenge.

The excitement has faded. People are still asking why. I could really go for a margarita and some a cookies. But I’m damn proud of where I’m at and how far I’ve come. But DAMN AM I READY TO SEE DAY 75!! More like day 76 so I can go dooowwwnnn on all the chips and queso my heart desires!

Remember - If you’re struggling.. it means you haven’t given up yet. If you’re struggling.. it means you still care!

If you’re wanting to join my next 75 Hard journey starting March 15th... send me a message! Let’s do this together!!

Here’s to Day 24/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 57/75 Hard!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Jan 26, 202127:28
Life Couldn’t Be Better

Life Couldn’t Be Better

Day 23/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 51/75 Hard!

As humans, we’re naturally designed to look for the things that are going to bring us pain, inconvenience, and make us uncomfortable. With that, our brain is always picking out and focusing on the negative things going on around you like the news, bad weather, COVID, financial problems, declining health, etc.

This morning, I wrote in my gratitude journal, “I’m grateful for a life that couldn’t be any better.”

From the outside looking in, our life looks insane. One vehicle, no money, debt up to our eyeballs, a camper that’s falling apart, a sick dog, a broken phone... it would be easy to focus there and get stressed. But instead I focus on what my gratitude tells me is true: our life couldn’t get any better.

My relationship with my husband is flourishing, my relationship with the Lord the growing daily, my personal growth journey, mental and physical health are my top priorities for my job, I serve women daily and get to be a lighthouse for them, we have shelter, food, water, a vehicle, fuel, 2 loving dogs, the ability to pick up and move wherever we want to, incredible families and friends to lean on, and the promise that God will provide for our needs as He has proven every single month we wonder if our bills will be paid.

It could be more convenient, YES! But having more money to spend, a big house to clean, a second vehicle to do maintenance on, and going back to focusing on making money isn’t going to make life any better.

Having more sometimes means more convenience, but it also sometimes means more headache. We’re learning to live with less and learning to focus on the right things in life. Are you?

Here’s to Day 23/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 51/75 Hard!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Jan 20, 202124:30
Mastering the Mundane

Mastering the Mundane

Day 22/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 49/75 Hard!

My Monday morning started a little shitty (literally) but I refuse to give up my morning to rush through my day.

Mastering the Mundane is one of my favorite subjects to read/learn about because I always tend to rush through my to do list skipping around and skipping the small, tedious tasks that can be done “later,” but later never comes. Then I wonder why things aren’t moving in the right direction. It’s because I dropped the tasks I was supposed to do “later” for other things.

My morning routine sets me up for success every day, seven days a week: personal development, bible study, gratitude journal, and affirmations. Once you start skipping the small steps, you’ll start slacking on everything.

Have you mastered your morning routine and mundane tasks?

Here’s to Day 22/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 49/75 Hard!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Jan 18, 202123:03
Easy Robs You of Proud

Easy Robs You of Proud

Day 21/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 44/75 Hard!

As human, we’re naturally designed to look for the safest, easiest route to protect ourselves and our family. Why am I doing 75 Hard and purposely putting myself in these uncomfortable situations? Easy robs you of proud, and I want to be proud of my grind! I want to look back and be back proud of the hard things I did.

I was always someone that would skip reps at the gym, cut my cardio in half, and binge eat fried foods and ice cream every night. I was never able to keep a promise to myself.

So I chose me. I chose hard. I chose uncomfortable. I chose grit. I chose to do the things that other don’t so I can do the things that others can’t.

You can choose the easy route and live a hard life, or you can choose the hard route and live an easy life.

Here’s to Day 21/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 44/75 Hard!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Jan 13, 202120:30
What is 75 Hard?

What is 75 Hard?

Day 20/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 37/75 Hard!

Thinking about starting 75 Hard? Let’s talk about it!

Today I broke down what each phase of 75 Hard is, shared some of my thoughts and struggles with it, and invited you to join me on my second round of 75 Hard on March 15th! Message me on Instagram to join my accountability group!

Here’s to Day 20/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 37/75 Hard!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Jan 06, 202132:30
New Year Pep Talk

New Year Pep Talk

Day 19/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 35/75 Hard!

Are you ready to start taking advantage of the compound effect?

I’m currently reading The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, and I highly, highly recommend it to anyone looking to better their life, relationships, health, finances, career, anything!

Recognizing our bad habits that compound over time into big, negative results will help us reach our goals so much faster by constantly focusing on our positive habits that slowly win the race.

We spent all 2020 begging for the new year. We talked the talk. Now it’s time to walk the walk! What are you going to do with this new year you begged for?

Here’s to Day 19/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 35/75 Hard!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Jan 04, 202117:26
People Do What Works

People Do What Works

Day 18/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 19/75 Hard!

Life Law #3: People do what works.

I’m currently reading the book “Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters” by Dr. Phil. Today’s chapter dove into the third Life Law which is “People do what works.”

The idea is that people continue behaviors, whether deemed good or bad, because at some level it works for them. Some people might smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day, knowing it’s unhealthy, but they get some type of positive feedback. We know we won’t get positive feedback from touching a hot stove, so we never do it again. But we find that behaviors done over and over again, even when we beat ourselves up afterwards, are continued because on some level, they work.

My challenge for you today is to discover the “negative” activities you’re doing repetitively that don’t move you forward and search for the positive payoff you’re searching for from those activities. The more you can call yourself on your own bullshit, the more personal growth you will experience.

Here’s to Day 18/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 19/75 Hard!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Dec 19, 202027:59
Are you counting yourself out?

Are you counting yourself out?

Day 17/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 8 of 75 Hard!

Are you making a habit of counting yourself out before you begin something? In health, a career, school, or relationships?

My entire life, I’ve had a fear a fear of commitment because I didn’t believe I would be able to stick to anything. I never had the courage to chase those big dreams because I never thought I would be able to show up the way I should for others.

Throughout 2020, I’ve done more personal development than I’ve done in my entire life, and I have learned that NO ONE is perfect. Ever. And to try to achieve that will lead to quitting. And you don’t fail until you quit.

2020 is the year we learned to call ourselves on our own bullshit and made real change in our lives. 2021 will be even better. Who’s with me??

Here’s to Day 17/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 8/75 Hard!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Dec 08, 202017:15
75 Hard: 5th Attempt

75 Hard: 5th Attempt

Day 16/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 3 of 75 Hard. (Now Day 4, but I recorded this yesterday) Failing 75 Hard. Starting back over. Crushing 2021. Not letting the devil break me. Today’s episode is just what’s on my heart about starting 75 Hard over and what led me to quit. I don’t want to play games with my mental health. I want to be able to lock in nutrition when I decide to and enjoy treats when I decide to. I don’t want to be a slave to the binge eating compulsions that I battle. Any time something foods happens in our lives, the devil is going to try everything he can to break us. He tried so hard in 2020, but we will remember this year as the year that built us. Here’s to Day 16/75 Days of Podcasting and Day 3&4 of 75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Dec 04, 202017:50
Thorns Have Roses

Thorns Have Roses

Day 15/75 Days of Podcasting!

“Some choose to grumble that roses have thorns. Others are grateful that thorns have roses.”

Life is crazy, but I’m thankful for this learning season.

The day after Thanksgiving always motivates me to prepare for the coming year because I’ve never really believed in New Year’s Resolutions and never want to wait until the first to do something I’m probably going to fail anyway. Plus, I never wanted to be “that” person in the gym that only came the first few weeks/months of the year and then slowly die off. If you can wait until the new year to start working toward your goal, you’ll never stick to it because you were never committed.

Be thankful for where you are now, appreciate the the little details, do your best at all you do, and take opportunities when they’re presented even when people call you crazy.

Here’s to Day 15/75 Days of Podcasting!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Nov 27, 202017:51
Focus Friday

Focus Friday

Day 14/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 22/75 Hard! Focus Friday! It’s time for us to redirect our focus, anxiety, and determination toward building the lives that we want! We love to get in our way and use our “busy work” to make us feel productive. I don’t know about you, but my busy work can end up as social media scrolling REAL QUICK! Learning new ways to keep us productive instead of busy is how we’re going to move to that next level! We find what we look for, so look for that opportunity to learn, grow, and find ways to LOVE the lifestyle of constant growth! What are some habits that are holding you back from living the life you want? What are some habits that you know you need to add in to your daily life? Make a list power list of 3-5 items that will move you and/or your business forward and complete them every day for 30 days! See how consistency changes your life. Here’s to Day 14/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 22/75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Nov 06, 202017:12
Look for Opportunity

Look for Opportunity

Day 13/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 20/75 Hard! Are you looking for opportunities or choosing to look away? Sometimes opportunities are smacking us in the face and we still choose to not see them. Yes, we choose to avoid them. Life gives us so many opportunities to better ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually, etc, but we have to choose to see the opportunity. Opening our eyes to what the world has to offer us is what leads us to discovering our true purpose. Here’s to Day 13/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 20/75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Nov 04, 202011:51
Story Time - Weekend at Home

Story Time - Weekend at Home

Day 12/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 18/75 Hard! Remember when I said life always get in the way? And how much I love excuses? Sometimes it’s a hurricane, sometimes it’s a tractor working on the road behind us, and sometimes it’s just a low energy day. I was MIA last week, but WE VOTED! & I’m back full force this week! Let’s have a story time, if you can keep up with my fast talking and bouncing from place to place. THANK YOU to everyone that reached out to me about the podcast last week! You are so appreciated!! Here’s to Day 12/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 18/75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Nov 02, 202017:33
Show Up with Purpose

Show Up with Purpose

Day 11/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 12/75 Hard! Two days of being way behind, dealing with the joys of living in an rv park, but still getting everything done without stress or rushing. Life comes at us hard and likes to test our commitment to doing the things we say we’re going to do. Showing up messy, real, and raw, but with purpose. Here’s to Day 11/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 12/75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 27, 202025:11
Monday or Thursday? I can’t tell.

Monday or Thursday? I can’t tell.

Day 10/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 8/75 Hard! Yesterday was Thursday, or was it Monday? I can’t tell. Hard times. Doubt. Laughing at yourself. New challenges. Mondayish Thursday’s. Let’s talk about it. Here’s to Day 10/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 8/75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 23, 202018:37
Are you Settling?

Are you Settling?

Day 9/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 6/75 Hard! Settling. God. Hometowns. Family. New ideas. Purpose. And a lot of rambling. Let’s talk about it. I’ve been told so many times to just come home and try again. But people don’t understand we’re in the middle of building the life we love. That might mean being broke for a while, but if we can build a life and relationship we want, it’ll all be worth it. So many people get stuck in their hometown and in their same old ways that they stop looking for more. They think that being broke is a bad thing and that starting over over and over again is how you make it big. Eventually it’ll work out right? Wrong. Building something huge takes sacrifice. And leaving my hometown and finding myself was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. We continue to lean on our own understanding while God is calling to us saying His path is greater. He continues to show us that our hardships are needed, that we have to lean on Him, that we have to give up the idea that we are in control of our life. I keep finding myself trying to figure it out instead of turning to God to get us through. And every single time He shows me that He will always get us through, His way, in His timing. If you’re settling for a comfortable life, comfortable money, or a comfortable relationship, know that God has so much more for you out there. You should never be chasing money or materialistic things, but instead you should be chasing God and know that everything else will fall into place. Here’s to Day 9/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 6/75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 21, 202043:50
Choose Your Hard

Choose Your Hard

Day 8/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 4/75 Hard! Do the hard things in life and live an easy life, or do the easy things in life and live a hard life. Choose your hard, and choose it wisely. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of living “the easy life.” After starting 75 Hard over for the fourth time, I’m DONE making excuses. I’m done not showing up for myself. I’m done not living the life that I want to live. Way too often we accept mediocrity from ourselves and then complain when we aren’t successful. But if you look back at your last 365 days, did you give it your all? I know I didn’t. So for the next 75 days, my team is doing 75 Grit, which is their own version of 75 Hard that adds in our business activities. As a team, we are putting our excuses behind and making 2020 an amazing year. We will all leave 2020 with huge accomplishments! Start today by choosing your hard and commit for the next 75 days. Whether that’s fully committing to 75 Hard, asking me how to get involved with 75 Grit and being a coach, or just simply doing the things you say you’re going to do. Stop accepting mediocrity and start demanding more from yourself and from life. Because you deserve it. Here’s to Day 8/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 4/75 Hard & Day 1/75 Grit!! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 19, 202042:02
Habit of Failing

Habit of Failing

Day 7/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 1/75 Hard! Binge eating. Anxiety. Consistency. Determination. Honesty. Let’s talk about it. Fail #3 of 75 Hard. I’m staying honest with you. I took a bite of my husband’s dinner after I had no more room in my meal plan. Yes, it was small. But yes, it was a cheat. I’m not skipping over the little details, and I’m done making a habit of failure. Consistency drives results. If our habits are consistently pushing us backward, we need to recognize those habits and replace them with habits that will push us forward. It doesn’t take perfect action, it takes consistent action. Look at the activities you do daily. Are they moving you forward or backward? What habits could you add daily that would push you forward? Here’s to Day 7/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 1/75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 16, 202027:05
Fear of Failing

Fear of Failing

Day 6/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 3/75 Hard! Are you ever so scared you’re going to fail at something that you just never start? Or even worse, start but go ahead and count yourself out. One of the most powerful questions I’ve ever been asked is, “When did you decide you were going to fail?” Before I even began was my answer. I started 75 Hard the first time KNOWING I would fail because I had never struck to anything for that long. I have a weekly (or nightly) cheat meal, I drink alcohol almost daily, and I hate reading. I started my second round knowing I was going to fail because I had already failed once. My third round I knew I was going to succeed because I know one day I’m going to interview Andy Frisella on my podcast and tell him how this program changed my entire life. But if I never finish, I’ll never get that opportunity. Stop counting yourself before you even begin. You’re so much more than you give yourself credit for. You are capable of living a life by design, you just have to start designing. Here’s to Day 6/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 3/75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 14, 202019:06
Thank God it’s Monday

Thank God it’s Monday

Day 5/75 Days of Podcasting & Day1/75 Hard! My voice is shakey, I rambled a lot, but THANK GOD IT’S MONDAY! I have come to love Monday’s so much more than the weekend. The weekend brings temptation while Monday brings determination. In your health, business, or any other goal you might have, the weekend is often a time we give ourselves permission to throw in the towel and wait until Monday to fix it all. Then we hate Monday because its so stressful because we’re playing catch up from the weekend. Learn to look for the new opportunities, challenges, and gifts of the new week instead of all the work that needs to be done. Get excited for new discoveries instead of anxious for having to start over. Don’t wait for Monday to start but never miss a Monday! Here’s to Day 5/75 Days of Podcasting & Day 1/75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 12, 202019:30
Life is Tough, But so are YOU!

Life is Tough, But so are YOU!

4/75 of 75 Days of Podcasting! Yesterday and today have been a little crazy. So many things going on and happening and not getting overwhelmed is tricky.

Guess what - FAIL #2 of 75 Hard comin at ya. There’s no denying it. I tried to start WAY too much WAY too fast and allowed myself to slip through the cracks. Am I going to give up? HELL NO!

It’s my birthday week, so it’s time for all of the celebrations! 75 Hard is meant to be hard and is meant to be failed. It really opens your eyes to how the small habits can either build you up or tear you down. It’s not a reason to give up! It’s a reason to push harder. So the podcasts might not be daily, but we’re still striving for 75!

Here’s to Day 4/75 Days of Podcasting!

It’s never easy, but we can do hard things!

Find me on Instagram!
Oct 06, 202022:37
Is Your Weekend Your Weak End?

Is Your Weekend Your Weak End?

Day 3/75 Days of Podcasting & 75 Hard! Are you allowing the weekend to be your weak end? Happy Saturday, friends! If you’re anything like me, far too often we allow our weekend to be our weak end. I tend to eat more fast food or choose higher calorie meals on the weekend that I know won’t benefit me or get me closer to my goals. There seems to be some type of “special pass” we’ve falsely created during the weekend where we can just throw in the towel, when in fact, throwing in the towel on those days and trying to restart every Monday over and over will only exhaust you and ultimately lead to you giving up completely. Find ways every weekend to keep moving toward your goals! Whether that’s reading, researching, going for a walk, learning how to meal prep.. just stay moving forward! You are in control! Fail to plan, plan to fail! Always be prepared! Make the weekend a chance for opportunity! For growth! For grace! Make the weekend your STRONG end! Here’s to Day 3/75 Days of Podcasting & 75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Episode 3 is live! Link is in my bio! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 03, 202013:20
You Find What You Seek

You Find What You Seek

Day 2/75 Days of Podcasting & 75 Hard! Yesterday was much better than the beginning of the week but still not easy. Dinner and not late night snacking was hard, but we can do hard things! Let’s talk about how your thoughts and reactions to things change how life happens to you. When you’re constantly thinking negatively, you’ll find find negativity. When you think will be successful and act on that feeling, you’ll find success. You find what you seek, so seek your greatness! Here’s to Day 2/75 Days of Podcasting & 75 Hard! It’s never easy, but we can do hard things! Find me on Instagram! @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 02, 202016:18
Can’t Win?

Can’t Win?

1/75 Day of Podcasting. Ever feel like you just can’t win? Yesterday was horrible. I spent soooooo much time on the podcast that I didn’t work my business, messed up on my diet, and just let my anxiety take over. So instead of cheating myself out of 2 days of podcasting and 75 Hard, I’m starting completely over after only 3 days. Attempt #1: FAILED. But I want to be true to this program, this podcast, and myself! Let’s talk about seeing the benefit in every struggle, and making peace within our difficulties. God has given us each a purpose in life, and every time we start to step toward that purpose, we’re going to be given so many tests to see if we’re actually going to hold up. When we can recognize these difficulties as a test of our strength instead of just life beating us down, we can begin to appreciate our struggles and look forward to lessons we’re learning from them. 2020 has been one losing battle after another, but there’s still plenty of time left in the 4th quarter to make it a great year! Here’s to Day 1/75 Days of Podcasting & 75 Hard! Personal Development Book: “Lessons to Learn on Your Journey to Greatness” by Randy Smith Find me on Instagram: @icandohardthingspodcast @haleykempfitness
Oct 01, 202014:23
3, 2, 1.. Just Start
Sep 29, 202018:48