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Improving Outcomes

Improving Outcomes

By Mabel jong

Jim O'Sullivan, co lead of the health care practice at True Search along with news correspondent Mabel Jong check in with today's executives on their biggest challenges and how they're tackling them.
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Hospitals hold the key to the country's economic recovery

Improving OutcomesApr 29, 2020

David Stavens - using cutting edge technology to promote the common good

David Stavens - using cutting edge technology to promote the common good

David Stavens' body of work speaks for itself: self-driving cars, pioneer in ed tech, and now Nines... his raison d’etre comes through in this conversation with True co-partners Jacob Sack and Jim O'Sullivan. 

Jun 16, 202022:17
Livongo explains digital health's breakout moment

Livongo explains digital health's breakout moment

The pandemic crisis has undoubtedly hastened the adoption of  digital  health solutions.  Dr. Jennifer Schneider, President at Livongo  speaks on how the company helps care for people as they shelter in place.  

May 13, 202014:48
Hospitals hold the key to the country's economic recovery

Hospitals hold the key to the country's economic recovery

The number of newly admitted coronavirus patients in New York City hospitals fell 70% at the end of April since the peak of the outbreak earlier in the month.  Numbers like that will be significant in the sector's long term recovery according to Meghan FitzGerald, trained nurse and global healthcare strategist.  

Apr 29, 202011:14
The Honorable David Shulkin on COVID-19 - what was missed, when we will return to "normal" and what that will look like

The Honorable David Shulkin on COVID-19 - what was missed, when we will return to "normal" and what that will look like

In the next installment of "Improving Outcomes", Dr. David Shulkin, former Secretary of Veterans Affairs, under Presidents Obama and Trump, is candid about what was missed to contain the COVID-19 outbreak, the timeline of when we can return to a "new normal" and what that will look like.

Apr 11, 202017:17
Nursing in the time of COVID-19

Nursing in the time of COVID-19

To address staffing shortages at nursing facilities, a Massachusetts tech startup has launched the first training certification program on COVID-19 preparedness. IntelyCare President and COO John Shagoury explains how it works.

Mar 27, 202011:23