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I’m Wearing Pajamas

I’m Wearing Pajamas

By Megan Howe

Welcome to this space! Welcome to this world! Welcome to this community where you can show up exactly as you are and dive in to real-life, real human topics. Lean in for stories, laughter, and so much more with our host, Megan Howe. Pajamas strongly encouraged, but not required. Come as you are.
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18. Embrace “Can”: Illuminate Your Path to Personal Power

I’m Wearing PajamasJan 17, 2024

19. What do you do? + Yoga Nidra Practice
Feb 07, 202432:25
18. Embrace “Can”: Illuminate Your Path to Personal Power

18. Embrace “Can”: Illuminate Your Path to Personal Power

Join us in our latest podcast episode, "Embrace 'Can,'" where we explore the transformative shift from "can't" to "can." In this brief and empowering session, we delve into the narrative we tell ourselves, recognizing how it shapes our beliefs and actions.

This podcast emphasizes the power of lighting the path toward a positive narrative, where trust becomes the key to newfound freedom and empowerment. This was a channeled messaged that I received on December 5, 2023.

Thanks for your support!

Jan 17, 202402:24
17. The Ultimate Carousel - Living on Autopilot

17. The Ultimate Carousel - Living on Autopilot

EPISODE 17 // Recently, I felt like I was on a carousel 🎠 that I couldn’t get off.
My brain felt like 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙖𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙 🚂; stuck in constant create-mode, even waking me earlier than my body was ready.
I eventually stepped away from the screens, caught my breath, soaked in some sun, attended a few yoga classes, and made my way down into my body again.
I know so many of you feel like you’re stuck on an ever-revolving carousel, so I want to remind you that you aren’t alone AND you have the power to ground yourself right where you are. So, that’s what we’re going to do.
On Episode 17 of I’m Wearing Pajamas, I want to talk about how to step off the carousel and how to reconnect to yourself. I also want to teach you how to ground yourself right where you are because doing so can give you access to clarity, peace, and, most importantly, that sense of ease that you are craving.
Oct 10, 202152:21
16. Momentum & Lessons from Therapy

16. Momentum & Lessons from Therapy

EPISODE 16 // Back in 2012, I took a pack of dogs out for a walk. At some point, I needed to pee, but I had like 4 dogs with me and couldn’t go to a store, so I ventured through a wooded area, popped a squat in the woods, and continued on my walk.

About a month later, I noticed I was constantly feverish and my joints began to swell to the point where I couldn’t wear shoes.
About two months after that walk, I brought myself to the ER and learned I had contracted Lyme Disease that fateful day in the woods.
A tick - a sesame seed sized creature - bit me on the ass and slowly his poison began to ravage my body.
I could no longer move the way I did before.
I instantly lost accessibility and mobility.
And, I was left with a choice.
Roll over and let the illness take me or do whatever I fucking could to slowly start moving again.
I had a choice to stay stuck or to grow.
That experience fundamentally changed me.

On Episode 16, we're talking about growth. Let's talk about what gets in the way of growth, how we can get in the way of our growth, and we'll end with some ideas about how to create momentum when you're feeling stuck.
Sep 19, 202136:39
15. Two Words

15. Two Words

EPISODE FIFTEEN // Do you ever have weeks where you feel like you just can't take anything else in? Or maybe you feel a little overwhelmed? Or maybe even scared because you're experiencing something in life that's just super scary... Ya know, this week that's how I felt too. And so, in an effort to keep things simple for every single one of us, I kept this week's episode short and sweet.

On Episode 15, I'm just giving you a gentle two word reminder. You have to listen to get the reminder, so go press play!
Sep 12, 202114:36
14. Are You Willing to Believe in Yourself? The Importance of Examining Your B.S. (Belief System)

14. Are You Willing to Believe in Yourself? The Importance of Examining Your B.S. (Belief System)

Episode Fourteen // I was on recently talking to my friend, Christine, over on her podcast Done Not Perfect and she mentioned something about me being confident... I laughed and openly told her that most of the time, I fake it.

Confidence doesn’t always come naturally to me because I haven’t always believed in myself. I know, I know… It can be shocking to learn that me, the performer, the dancer, the teacher, the host of a podcast isn’t naturally confident in everything she does. Honestly, there are many moments where I have to practice being confident. I have to actively practice listening to empowering beliefs because, for a long time, I listened to mostly limiting ones. See, the beliefs we hold can get in our way and sometimes we may not even realize it… I know I didn’t, for a long time.
So, on Episode 14 of I’m Wearing Pajamas I want to talk beliefs.

I want to discuss what beliefs are, how they can work for us and against us, the difference types of beliefs, and we’ll wrap up this episode with a powerful exercise that will support you in creating lasting change in your life.
Whether you’ve been here for a while or its your very first time, I’m so glad you’re here! Thank you so so much for pressing play.

Get cozy and enjoy your time with us. As always, you can wear whatever you want, but I’m wearing pajamas!

Episode Mentions:
Christine Fierce: host of Done Not Perfect, the podcast. Megan was recently featured on Episode 9: Changes... the power you hold.
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Karissa Kouchis and Tony Robbins: Unleash the Power Within
Sep 05, 202153:49
13. How Can Parents Do Better? A Mental Health Chat with My Kids

13. How Can Parents Do Better? A Mental Health Chat with My Kids

Episode Thirteen // I became a parent when I was twenty years old. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing, I had zero mental awareness, and, honestly, I was very much still a child myself. I’ve grown up a lot since those first few days of parenthood 13 years ago and, while I haven’t always been the best example for mental health, I like to think I’m better now than I was before… and that’s good enough for me.

On Episode 13 of IWP my kids, Sebastien, Kami, & Evie, joined me in the closet for a discussion about mental health. Now, we aren’t experts, but my kids had some really important things to say about this week's subject, so you’re gonna want to listen up. Especially, if you’re someone who isn’t quite sure about how to talk to about mental health. We all have mental health and it’s good for all of us when we can share openly.

This week, let my kids guide you.

As always, you can wear whatever you want, but we’re wearing pajamas.

If you are in need of mental health support, please contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357), (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

Episode Mentions:
We mention a game on the episode and we call it the wrong name. The game is actually called Mixed Emojis. 

Aug 22, 202140:36
12. Land in the Dreamworld with special guest Dr. Maggie Schein

12. Land in the Dreamworld with special guest Dr. Maggie Schein

EPISODE 12 // Have you ever dreamt something, only to eventually watch your dream play out in the real world? Have you ever seen someone in a dream, only to meet them later in real life? Have you ever experienced lucid dreaming? An experience of being aware in a dream and using that awareness to sometimes manipulate the dream itself. Have you ever woken from a dream that was so intense and real that it took you some time to shake it off? Or maybe it impacted you in such a deep way that you were forever changed?

On Episode 12, I want to fall down the rabbit hole and land in the dreamworld.

Dreams fascinate me and I don’t really know much about them, other than I mostly enjoy having them, so I thought I’d invite my friend and fellow dream enthusiast, Dr. Maggie Schein, to the podcast to talk with us about dreams.

You can wear whatever you want, but we’re wearing pajamas.

Guest Info:
Dr. Maggie Schein

Dr. Maggie Schein is an educator, ethicist (moral psychology), and author of both fiction and non-fiction.

She has just completed her tenure as the first writer in residence at the Prindle Institute for Ethics at DePauw University, a position supported by a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. In that role, she completed a book about cruelty and humanity that is hopefully both useful and provocative (Cruelty: A Book About Us). During her tenure at Prindle, she also consulted with educators and practitioners on moral development curricula, assessment in ethics and humanities, corporate management strategies, and will maintain a consulting role with the Democratic Knowledge Project at Harvard (where she was the Research Director for the Humanities and Liberal Arts Assessment Lab, 2012-2019).

She is a member of the advisory programming board for the Pat Conroy Literary Center,  was a Coordinating Principle Investigator for the National Ethics Project (NEP) and Chair of Education Special Interests for The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) . She is most interested in conversations that bridge philosophy, psychology, literature/story-telling, and naturalistic virtue ethics.

She tries to give alligators their space, has reverence for turtles, loves feathers and possums, is fascinated by snakes, and believes that humans, collectively and individually, are intriguing and inscrutable. She lives with her Husband and artist of all sorts, Jonathan Hannah, along with their menagerie of rescued pit bulls, cats, and the occasional drop in owl.

Podcast Mentions:
Stardust App - a period tracker which follows the lunar cycle calendar. 

Bailey Guilloud - Sleep Consultant to entrepreneurs, high achieving creatives, and insomniacs who want to sleep but can't.

Insight Timer App - Come practice yoga with me! You can also access meditation, courses, and more from teachers across the globe. Insight Timer is a donation-based app, which allows users to come together to learn, practice, and be. Download this app immediately!!!

Aug 15, 202101:02:38
11. Go Love Yourself: Stop Holding Back - My GISH Experience

11. Go Love Yourself: Stop Holding Back - My GISH Experience

EPISODE 11 // For the last 7 days, I have created non-stop. I laughed with my kids until we cried and I connected with people from all over the world. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to participate in GISH, the greatest international scavenger hunt. I got to do wildly ridiculous things like film a Rocky-style montage of the creation of this podcast, I created Loki the god of mischief out of skittles and m&ms, I reached out to Kirstie Ennis, USMC Veteran and all-around American badass, asked her to hand-wash my socks, and she said YES! I went extreme deck kayaking and I created a spinner sign and went out and spun it in the real world. Participating in this event, helped me love myself just a little bit more, so on Episode 11 that's what we're talking. Giving myself a week to practice taking healthy risks, to explore my creative abilities, and to just have fun - it unlocked me in ways I could have never imagined. Ya know, sometimes I never realize how much I hold myself back, until I give myself permission just to let go and fucking live. And, that's what I hope to do in this episode, I hope I inspire you to just fucking live. You can wear whatever you want, but I'm wearing pajamas. 
Aug 09, 202133:00
10. How to Feel: The Skill Most of Us Were Never Taught
Aug 02, 202136:25
9. Demystifying Entreprenuership

9. Demystifying Entreprenuership

EPISODE 9 // One of my first ever jobs was rewinding VHS tapes at the appliance and video rental store where my dad worked for most of my childhood. Outside of my rewind work, I grew up creating, crafting, and selling artwork alongside my mom and grandmother, both artists, at any craft show we could get in. By 15, I was an independent contractor, teaching jazz and lyrical classes for a local dance studio.

I was an entrepreneur before I ever knew the word.

I’m an artist, I grew up in small business, and I’ve been in independent contracting work for 18 years, so even after years of professing that I would never own a business, it will be no surprise to learn that I own and operate a few businesses today.

On Episode 9 of I’m Wearing Pajamas, we’re Demystifying Entrepreneurship and we are again visited by my very best friend, my fiancé, Cesar Clavijo (USMC Veteran, former professional musician, martial arts instructor, and founder of Stillness Academy).

We want to share what’s helped us walk the entrepreneurial path, practical tools for reaching farther in your field, and ideas on how to pull in the reigns when you inevitably begin to wear yourself too thin.

Entrepreneurship is defined as “developing, organizing, and managing a new business”, so for the purposes of this episode, even if you don’t own an actual business business - let’s view your life as the business you’re running!

Because you’re either running your life or its running you. As always, pajamas are highly recommended, but not required.

Jul 25, 202101:01:24
8. Into the Unknown - Let's Talk Taking Big Leaps with Special Guest Cesar Clavijo

8. Into the Unknown - Let's Talk Taking Big Leaps with Special Guest Cesar Clavijo

EPISODE 8 // We are talking big leaps while simultaneously taking a big leap and bringing on our very first guest! This week, I'm joined by my best friend, my partner in life, my fiance - Cesar Clavijo. He is the founder of Stillness Academy here in Beaufort, SC.

Cesar Clavijo, a native of Long Island, New York, is a Holistic Health Professional and Martial Artist. A Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps, he served in Iraq and returned to a career as a musician, making the transition to Stillness in 2009.

As you can see, he is constantly taking big leaps and stepping into the unknown, so I knew he would be the perfect first guest to have on the show. Get cozy and we hope you enjoy your time with us!

How you can find Cesar -
Instagram: @stillnessacademy
Jul 18, 202135:08
7. 4 Steps

7. 4 Steps

EPISODE SEVEN // I'm late, but I'm here! This week, we're diving deep and talking mental health, mental illness, mental wellness, and my personal healing journey. This episode is based on an article I wrote back in 2016. At age 13, I attempted suicide for the first time, but I wasn't diagnosed with depression until 15. By the time I turned 17, I nearly succeeded in ending my life. I share my story to educate, to inspire, and to provide hope. You can do life alone guys, but you don't have to... Press play and learn the 4 Steps to help us shift from mental illness to mental wellness. As always, take care of yourself.

Episode Content: TW Suicide is discussed, as well as Mental Health, Mental Illness, Mental Wellness, and paths to healing.

Link to original article:

Jul 11, 202118:24
6. You Can Say No

6. You Can Say No

EPISODE 6 // Hi! My name is Megan and I suck at saying no. So - on Episode 6, the word NO is on the table for discussion because I hear many of you, also, suck at saying no. 

Let’s talk about why we say yes when we want to say no (and vice versa), why saying no can be good for you, how to know when no is the answer and when it isn’t, and lastly, we’ll wrap up with clear ways to say no.

Pajamas are highly encouraged, but not required.

Jun 27, 202133:57
5. The Dishes Never End, They Must Be Done: Everything is a System

5. The Dishes Never End, They Must Be Done: Everything is a System

EPISODE FIVE // On Episode 5, we’re talking systems, what they are, how they can work for us or against us, and I want to explore the idea of thinking in systems to support us in living more holistically. You may want to take notes on this one! Grab your journal, put on your pajamas and let’s talk systems because, in a way, everything is a system. Mentioned in Episode: Author, Donella Meadows and her book "Thinking in Systems".

Jun 20, 202141:09
4. On Loss and Legacy

4. On Loss and Legacy

EPISODE FOUR // This week on Episode 4, we’re talking loss because, in many ways, loss is the origin story of I’m Wearing Pajamas.

The day I lost my dad, something in me burned away and died too... and, it was in those ashes and through that loss that I discovered legacy.

On a global scale - we’re talking about loss because, as humans, it’s something we will all experience. And, I think it’s important to have healthy, productive, and effective conversations about things that are bound to fucking happen.

Press play to hear all about discovering legacy in loss, learn how to support someone through loss, what are key steps to take in processing loss, and how I am still moving through grief.

Put on your comfy clothes, grab a snack, definitely get some tissues, and let’s talk about what happens when it’s an end, but it isn’t your end.

Episode Content: Loss. Death. Grief. Trauma. Moving on after loss.
Jun 13, 202149:39
3. Discomfort & How to Process Coming Undone
Jun 06, 202136:59
2. Undone: Show Them Who You Are

2. Undone: Show Them Who You Are

EPISODE TWO // We're coming UNDONE. This week we are talking layers (external and internal) and how removing them can support us feeling lighter and more free! We always think of that part in Shrek where he says, "Ogres are like onions!", meaning there's more to Shrek than what meets the eye - because that's true for us too. Join us this week to embark on a journey of coming undone and showing the world who you are. You can wear whatever you want, but I’m wearing pajamas!

Episode content may seem deep and, at times, heavy. We strongly encourage all listeners to check our show notes for detailed descriptions and, as always, please take care of yourself.
May 30, 202135:34
1. Touch Ya Self

1. Touch Ya Self

EPISODE ONE // We’re talking TOUCH. This week we are diving in the science of touch, time for touch, tools for touch, and really as much as we can fit into this one episode. You can wear whatever you want, but I’m wearing pajamas!

Episode content may seem deep and, at times, heavy. We strongly encourage all listeners to check our show notes for detailed descriptions and, as always, please take care of yourself.
May 23, 202130:12
May 21, 2021

May 21, 2021

May 21, 202100:55