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I'm Wondering...

I'm Wondering...

By Dylan Curtis

Do you have questions? We do too. What are you wondering about?
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Ep. 80 // Must I Forgive?

I'm Wondering...Apr 08, 2022

Ep. 106 // What is the Gospel?

Ep. 106 // What is the Gospel?

As Christians we mention the word “gospel” frequently. But it seems there is a range of understanding on what the core message of the gospel is. This week we go through the cultural context and Biblical explanation of what the word “gospel” means.

Apr 14, 202323:36
EP. 105 // What Does the Day of a Pastor Look Like?

EP. 105 // What Does the Day of a Pastor Look Like?

Several people have asked what a pastor’s day is like. Do we only work on sermons? How often do we provide pastoral care? Are we studying the Bible at every moment? This week I share what the day looks like for a pastor.

Mar 03, 202317:20
EP. 104 // How Does God Resurrect Us?

EP. 104 // How Does God Resurrect Us?

We mention resurrection a lot in the church, but don’t always explain it. How does God resurrect us? What exactly is the resurrected life like? What about if someone has been cremated? This week we will discuss all of these things and more.

Feb 17, 202321:53
Ep. 103 // Where Do We Go When We Die?

Ep. 103 // Where Do We Go When We Die?

A listener recently asked what happens when a believer dies. Do we go to heaven? Do we go into a state of soul sleep until the resurrection? This week we look at the most common beliefs about life after death and what the Bible teaches.

Feb 03, 202327:38
EP. 102 // Why Bless Those Who Curse You?

EP. 102 // Why Bless Those Who Curse You?

Most Christians are familiar with Jesus’ command to bless those who curse you. What does he mean by bless and curse? Many do everything in their power to get around these words of Jesus. This week we will stop and examine deeper what bless and curse mean, as well as what Christians are called to do with this reality.

Jan 20, 202324:23
Ep. 101 // What is Your Church Journey? (Part Two)

Ep. 101 // What is Your Church Journey? (Part Two)

A friend recently asked what my personal church journey has been. Specifically, how I went from a charismatic non-denominational church to a Lutheran church. What I didn’t realize is how much that question would bring out. So join me as I try to not overindulge in some personal church history.

Dec 23, 202219:06
Ep. 100 // What is Your Church Journey? (Part One)

Ep. 100 // What is Your Church Journey? (Part One)

A friend recently asked what my personal church journey has been. Specifically, how I went from a charismatic non-denominational church to a Lutheran church. What I didn’t realize is how much that question would bring out. So join me as I try to not overindulge in some personal church history.

Dec 16, 202226:34


Poverty is a terrible reality of the world. Is there any chance that we could ever eradicate it? Why did Jesus say the poor would always be with us? How do Christians care for those in this situation? This week we explore what the Bible teaches about poverty and how we can respond.

Dec 02, 202226:50
Ep. 98 // Are We Predestined? (Part Two)

Ep. 98 // Are We Predestined? (Part Two)

Since the time of Christ it has been debated if those who believe were predestined to believe. Did God make a predetermined choice about who is saved and who isn’t saved? It’s a difficult topic with plenty of sticking points. In part two we will look at the various views on predestination in the church. Buckle up!

Nov 18, 202224:51
Ep. 97 // Are We Predestined? (Part One)

Ep. 97 // Are We Predestined? (Part One)

Since the time of Christ it has been debated if those who believe were predestined to believe. Did God make a predetermined choice about who is saved and who isn’t saved? It’s a difficult topic with plenty of sticking points. In part one we will look at Romans 9-11, which has often served as the battleground for this topic.

Nov 11, 202221:31
Ep. 96 // Is Halloween a Christian Holiday?

Ep. 96 // Is Halloween a Christian Holiday?

You would never expect a holiday like Halloween to have a Christian connection. Surprisingly, Christianity and Halloween have an interesting history with one another. This week we explore that relationship and how we might view Halloween today.

Oct 28, 202223:08
Ep. 95 // Who was Saul of Tarsus?

Ep. 95 // Who was Saul of Tarsus?

We often talk about the Apostle Paul, but who was he before becoming an apostle? How was he raised and how did he become a persecutor of the early church? This week we will cover the life of the Apostle Paul before, during, and after his conversion. 

Sep 30, 202222:27
Ep. 94 // Is the Bible Irrelevant?

Ep. 94 // Is the Bible Irrelevant?

More and more people are starting to believe the Bible is irrelevant. There are a wide array of reasons for this view. But is the Bible truly irrelevant? Does it fail to speak to our lives in the world today? This week we explore how the Bible is anything but irrelevant and how we approach this theological text makes all the difference. 

Sep 16, 202226:39
Ep. 93 // Are There Modern Prophets?

Ep. 93 // Are There Modern Prophets?

Prophecy is a contentious topic in the church. Some people claim they have this gift and offer new revelations. But is that all there is to prophecy? If someone claims to be a prophet, how should we respond? This week we explore prophecy and if modern day prophets exist.

Sep 02, 202224:58
Ep. 92 // Can an Ancient-Modern Church Thrive?

Ep. 92 // Can an Ancient-Modern Church Thrive?

In our society, churches tend to be traditional or modern. However, there is a movement by some churches to blend the ancient traditions with modern expressions. Is this an attempt by ancient churches to draw modern people in? Is it an attempt at connecting us with the many generations of believers in the past to our time today? Does it work? This week we will explore the ancient-modern church movement and its place within our culture.

Aug 19, 202227:36
Ep. 91 // Are We In a Post-Christian Era?

Ep. 91 // Are We In a Post-Christian Era?

Many Christians are wondering what the future will bring in our society. Over the past decade or so, many things have changed. So much so that it seems we have entered a “post-Christian” era. How will we engage in a culture that doesn’t agree with Christianity or is even hostile towards it? This week we explore the reality of the situation and what Christians can do in this culture shift to faithfully share the gospel.

Aug 05, 202240:12
Ep. 90 // What is a Pastor Exactly?

Ep. 90 // What is a Pastor Exactly?

If someone asked you to describe what a pastor is, what would you say? In the church today, it appears that “pastor” can mean all sorts of things. Because of this, the expectations of what a pastor is varies widely. This week, we will look at how the Bible describes a pastor and compare it with the modern construction of this role.

Jul 22, 202224:13


We live in a deeply strained world where disagreements can start a fire. But how can we disagree with love and grace? How can we disagree and maintain healthy relationships? This week we navigate the tricky waters of disagreeing with those we love.

Jul 08, 202228:13
EP. 88 // How Free is Free Will?

EP. 88 // How Free is Free Will?

How much free will do we really have? Are our actions predetermined? Are we able to do whatever we please? This week we cover the challenging topic of free will and how free we really are to make choices.

Jun 24, 202224:18
Ep. 87 // Is Humility Possible?

Ep. 87 // Is Humility Possible?

Everyone seems to know what pride looks like, but we seldom talk about humility. Humility is central to the life of a Christian. Thankfully, the Bible teaches some important things about why this matters. This week we will take a deep dive on the topic of humility… and hopefully it will humble us.

Jun 17, 202222:52
Ep. 86 // What is Joy?

Ep. 86 // What is Joy?

There is a common misconception that joy and happiness mean the same thing. For a Christian, joy is a much deeper reality than happiness. Joy is an anchor in uncertain times. This week we will explore biblical joy and what it means to be joyful despite our circumstance.

Jun 03, 202220:20
Ep. 85 // The Sinner Syndrome

Ep. 85 // The Sinner Syndrome

How should we feel about being saved sinners? Are we suppose to feel like lowly people or conquers with Christ? It’s hard to know the line between these two things because the tension of sin still exists. We may be saved, but we still fall short in life. This week we explore the relationship between salvation and sin through a biblical lens.

May 27, 202220:05
Ep. 84 // Are We Church Growth Obsessed?

Ep. 84 // Are We Church Growth Obsessed?

In our culture, growth is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. It doesn’t matter if it’s a business, non-profit, or church. But is this fixation on growth healthy? What is the balance between church health and church growth? This week we will explore what the Bible tells us about church growth.

May 13, 202234:04
Ep. 83 // Thank You Faith Community

Ep. 83 // Thank You Faith Community

It’s been an amazing three years at Faith Community. I am deeply thankful for all this church did for me. So I wanted to share my gratitude and experiences with all of you to celebrate Faith Community.

May 06, 202232:34
Ep. 82 // Do Spiritual Gifts Still Exist?

Ep. 82 // Do Spiritual Gifts Still Exist?

Do people speak in tongues like they did in Biblical times? How do we discern if someone’s spiritual gift is God honoring? Does the Holy Spirit still use these kinds of gifts? A variety of views exists on this topic in churches throughout the world. This week we will explore spiritual gifts and their place in the church.

Apr 29, 202232:50
Ep. 81 // Why the Cross?

Ep. 81 // Why the Cross?

Many throughout the centuries have struggled with why Christ needed to die on the cross. Couldn’t God simply forgive sin? Why did Christ have to suffer? On this Holy Friday we explore why God chose the cross to bring about his salvation plan for the world.

Apr 15, 202237:46
Ep. 80 // Must I Forgive?

Ep. 80 // Must I Forgive?

Forgiveness is one of those things that is easy to talk about, but hard to live out. It’s also something we look at like a transaction, but ultimately, it is about relationships. What are the reasons to forgive? Thee are many. This week, we will learn more about forgiveness through the Biblical languages and personal stories.

Apr 08, 202236:19
Ep. 79 // Intergenerational Ministry

Ep. 79 // Intergenerational Ministry

The church is filled with people from all generations, from cradle to grave as the saying goes. But so often there seems to be friction between these generations. Why is this the case? What does the Bible show us about intergenerational relationships? And how can we recapture the beauty of a multi-generational church? This week we look at what the Bible teaches us about these relationships and share some personal experiences.

Apr 01, 202227:11
Ep. 78 // The Divine "Yes"

Ep. 78 // The Divine "Yes"

Many Christians struggle with feeling like they don't live up to the “expectations” of the faith. Where does this lead us? Should we worry about falling from grace? Before we sound the alarm, it’s important for us to look at God’s answer: The Divine “Yes.” This week, we explore the encouragement and comfort of God’s divine “yes” in the face our sin.

Mar 25, 202224:55
Ep. 77 // Who is St. Patrick?

Ep. 77 // Who is St. Patrick?

Everyone knows about St. Patrick’s Day and enjoys various celebrations like drinks, food, and parades. But who is the figure behind this day? What was St. Patrick’s life like? What can we learn from him? This week we explore the amazing life of St. Patrick and the lessons we can learn from him.

Mar 18, 202227:05
Ep. 76 // How Do We Unite the Church?

Ep. 76 // How Do We Unite the Church?

Unity in the church is an essential matter. What are some of the foundational reasons for that? How does being unified impact the mission of the Gospel? What does Scripture say? This week we will focus on ways we can unite the church. It isn’t easy to do and will always prove a challenge, but it is worth every ounce of effort.

Mar 11, 202228:16
EP. 75 // Do We Make Jesus In Our Own Image?

EP. 75 // Do We Make Jesus In Our Own Image?

A listener asked the question: Is Jesus woke? At the core of that question is if Jesus belongs to a particular group. Has Christ cast his lot in for the woke movement? What about political parties? Shortly, Jesus starts to look more like us and less like himself. This week, we’ll cover how Jesus transcends any group we attempt to put him in. This is a good thing, and should shape us more than we try to shape him.

Mar 04, 202226:23
Ep. 74 // Can War be Justified?

Ep. 74 // Can War be Justified?

War is a reality of a fallen world, but is it ever justified? Christians throughout the ages have asked this question many times. In the tension of current world events, we may be asking again. This week, we will cover pacifism and just war from a Christian perspective. Can war be justified? Listen to find out!

Feb 25, 202228:13
Ep. 73 // What Do You Hide Behind?

Ep. 73 // What Do You Hide Behind?

Fear is a natural part of being human. That fear is ultimately stoked by the thought we might be rejected. In order to avoid this rejection we develop strategies to hide, hoping people won’t see us for who we truly are and have a reason to reject us. But is this healthy? How can we come out from our hiding place and experience deeper relationships? This week, we talk about this core motivation of people and how to better handle fear in our lives.

Feb 18, 202233:45
Ep. 72 // Is Church Really Necessary?

Ep. 72 // Is Church Really Necessary?

Many people say no to this question. They believe church is too messy or not worth their time. But is that true? What does the Bible say about the church? This week we will cover why the church is an essential part of faith despite its faults.

Feb 11, 202232:43
Ep. 71 // Suffering

Ep. 71 // Suffering

Suffering is a part of our lived experience. But how do we respond to it? How can we learn and grow during difficult times? Moreover, how do Christians understand the purpose of suffering? This week we talk about the reality of suffering and how Christians live in the face of it.

Feb 04, 202230:45
Ep. 70 // What is the Holy Spirit All About?

Ep. 70 // What is the Holy Spirit All About?

The Holy Spirit’s role is a widely debated part of Christianity. Everyone seems to have a different idea of who the Spirit is and what he does. But what does the Bible actually show us about the Holy Spirit? This week, I will explore the third person of the Trinity and why it’s important to biblically understand the Holy Spirit.

Jan 28, 202234:47
Ep. 69 // Do Church Creeds Still Matter?

Ep. 69 // Do Church Creeds Still Matter?

Church creeds have been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. But why do some churches continue to confess these creeds together? Do they really still matter for modern Christians? This week, I’ll cover the history and significance of creeds and the councils that created them.

Jan 21, 202223:39
Ep. 68 // Why are there so many Denominations?

Ep. 68 // Why are there so many Denominations?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many Christian denominations? Do they all believe in something else? Surprisingly, these many denominations actually have a lot more in common than we realize. Join us as we discuss the difference between expressions and essentials.

Jan 14, 202236:12
Ep. 67 // Thank You and Happy Holidays!

Ep. 67 // Thank You and Happy Holidays!

Big thank you to everyone who has supported the podcast over the past year. Your support means a great deal! Happy holidays to you and your family.

Dec 17, 202105:27
Ep. 66 // What Do Seminaries Teach Pastors?

Ep. 66 // What Do Seminaries Teach Pastors?

Have you ever wondered what kind of education pastors get at seminary? What are they even taught? Also, is it really necessary for pastors to have an education? Join me as I share my seminary experience post-graduation and why it matters.

Dec 10, 202132:10
Ep. 65 // Why Can't I Slow Down?

Ep. 65 // Why Can't I Slow Down?

Do you ever find yourself tirelessly working? Maybe you have a strong sense of guilt when you slow down. It’s easy for so many of us to get caught in the chaos of life. The result is we miss the most important parts of life. But God wants us to slow down. Jesus himself slowed down. Join us as we explore the importance and benefit to slowing down.

Dec 03, 202145:13
Ep. 64 // Can Morality Prove God Exists?

Ep. 64 // Can Morality Prove God Exists?

The debate over morality has been around as long as humans have existed. The big question in today’s world is where morality comes from. Is morality the result of individual conviction, cultural agreement, or divine influence? Moreover, is morality objective or subjective? Does this morality prove the existence of God? Join us as we discuss morality and whether it does or does not prove the existence of God.

Nov 19, 202138:01
Ep. 63 // Does Reading the Bible Matter? (FT. Pastor Amy Selby)

Ep. 63 // Does Reading the Bible Matter? (FT. Pastor Amy Selby)

What’s important about reading the Bible? Why do so many Christians place a high value on this practice? How do pastors read the Bible? Join us as we discuss why the Bible matters and how it is more than a strict rule book.

Nov 12, 202147:21
Ep. 62 // What Started the Reformation?

Ep. 62 // What Started the Reformation?

The Reformation is one of the most important periods in Christianity. But how did it start? Also, who is this Martin Luther guy? Join us this week as we talk about The Reformation and one of the key people behind the movement.

Nov 05, 202148:30
Ep. 61 // Is it a Sin to Doubt?

Ep. 61 // Is it a Sin to Doubt?

To doubt it to be human. None of us go through our entire lives without some season of doubt. How should we respond to this? How should we support people going through doubts? Special guest Andrew Wittenauer joins me as we discuss the role of faith and doubt in the life of a Christian.

Oct 29, 202142:34
Ep. 60 // Come as I Want You to be

Ep. 60 // Come as I Want You to be

The church commonly says, “Come as you are,” but is that really true? If it is true, why do people think they have to come to church a certain way? How does Jesus expect us to appear? Join us as we talk about the difficult topic of truly welcoming people as they are and not just how we want them to be.

Oct 22, 202138:59
Ep. 58 // Is the End Near?

Ep. 58 // Is the End Near?

The sky is always falling depending on who you ask. People throughout the centuries have proclaimed that the end was near and Christ was about to return. But what does the Bible say? How should be talk about the end? Join me for an interesting exploration of this important topic.

Oct 08, 202131:29
Ep. 57 // How Do We Grieve? (Part Two)

Ep. 57 // How Do We Grieve? (Part Two)

Grief is a complex and complicated situation. How each of us grieves is different. Join us in part two with GriefShare leader, Kaye Mason, as we examine processing grief in an intentional way.

Oct 01, 202138:00
Ep. 56 // How Do We Grieve? (Part One)

Ep. 56 // How Do We Grieve? (Part One)

Grief is a complex and complicated situation. How each of us grieves is different. Join us in part one with GriefShare leader, Kaye Mason, as she helps explain the initial reaction to grief and what we can do.

Sep 24, 202135:04