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India Faith 🌹🕊

India Faith 🌹🕊

By India Jenkins

This PodCast is a release of writings, encouragements, and Word inspired by Holy Spirit! There is no true life without the Breathe of God, and we receive His breathe of life through His word. So please do catch the latest episode every Wednesday to see what Holy Spirit has inspired me to release! I pray that as you listen you receive what the Lord is pouring in Jesus name amen.
~ India Faith 🌹🕊
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The Requirement to Obtain Eternal Life!

India Faith 🌹🕊Dec 06, 2023

Christ Is The Standard and The Example 🌹🕊️

Christ Is The Standard and The Example 🌹🕊️

May we be reminded of who’s the standard and who we are to follow! The Apostle, the Prophet, the Evangelist, the Preacher, and the Teacher we are still very important to build, to release the oracles of God as Holy Spirit gives utterance, to Evangelize and bring those into the knowledge of Christ Jesus and extending the heart of God so He can draw men to Himself to receive salvation, to Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as Holy Spirit directs, and to teach the truth, the Word of God. We are instruments in the earth to point all back to Christ and to live a life that reflects His very nature. I am simply reminding us today to follow Christ, for He alone is our example and standard by which we must live in this earth in Jesus name amen 🌹🕊️
May 19, 202404:21
Don’t Hide the Spirit of God

Don’t Hide the Spirit of God

This is a reminder to myself and others of the importance to allow the Lord to show Himself through us the way He desires to be seen and or heard and not the way we feel maybe digestible to those around us! May you all receive the word of the Lord with gladness and I pray there is a song of joy in the heart of each of us in Jesus name amen 🌹🕊️
May 19, 202403:44
What If God Decided Not To Make Another Day 🌹🕊️

What If God Decided Not To Make Another Day 🌹🕊️

This episode is to give us something to think about. It is to encourage us to be grateful for this day, this day is a new day God created to allow us to live in for the first time. If He stopped making days then what? So may we praise God by rejoicing in this day! Remaining positive this day! In Jesus name amen 🌹🕊️ May we all enjoy this beautiful God ordained day 🌹🎼 with a melodie in our hearts!
May 06, 202403:56
Coming Into The Full Character of Christ “Be Ye Holy”

Coming Into The Full Character of Christ “Be Ye Holy”

This is a brief yet impactful episode expressing what is required of us as children of God, as saints, as the true body of Christ! We are to be as our Lord was and is 🌹🕊️ There is one imperative fact being as He is is not in our own power but by the grace of life given to us in and through Christ. If we are in Christ we are a new creation. The focus is Holiness not in one aspect. 1Peter 1:15-17 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy 🌹🕊️

May 01, 202403:44
The Will Of God 🌹🕊️

The Will Of God 🌹🕊️

The pure, clear, rich, and simple Word of God! My prayer and hope is as you hear today’s Podcast we comeback to the simplicity of the word of God. Starting with His will for our lives which is lived out by our inner man through a Spirit led life ”Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.“ 🌹🕊️ In Jesus name amen 🙌
Apr 18, 202415:16
Recap and Prayer 🌹🕊️

Recap and Prayer 🌹🕊️

I pray today’s episode bless you as I briefly recap yesterday’s prayer focus and send prayers to the Father on behalf of us this day! May the Lord say “Well Done to us all this day” 🌹🌹
Apr 16, 202410:24
The Posture of Pursuing God 🌹🕊️

The Posture of Pursuing God 🌹🕊️

As you listen, my prayers is that the Word of God enlightens your hearts and encourages your soul.

Our hearts posture and motives as we approach GOD matters 🌹🕊️
Apr 15, 202411:21
We Have Heavenly Help 🌹🕊️

We Have Heavenly Help 🌹🕊️

This episode is a reminder that we have Heavenly Help! We are not alone in this walk with the Lord. What others may deem as strange we must recognize as normal, because we are in this world but not of it. We Have Help!!! Hebrews 12:22 and Isaiah 50:7,9 reminds us of this help, so may we be confident in Christ in Jesus name amen 🌹🕊️
Apr 13, 202407:32
We Are Black History 🌷🕊️

We Are Black History 🌷🕊️

Such an appropriate time to again share this poem “Black History” that poured from my heart February 2022. My hope as you listen to the words flowing from my soul is that it will reach yours!!! To remind you and encourage you that we are BLACK HISTORY! 🌷🕊️ We write the story and tell it. We must believe that we are not what others perceive, but understand we are the richness of life that dwells inside. The bright light that illuminates the sky. You, me, we, we are black History! God bless you and may this reach your soul in Jesus name amen 🌷🕊️💋
Feb 18, 202402:59
Prayer ~ Take Not This State As Condemnation 🌹🕊️

Prayer ~ Take Not This State As Condemnation 🌹🕊️

Sometimes we have to be reminded that this is process, making, molding, recovering, reconciling and it is not condemnation, but preparation. So be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might in Jesus name amen 🙏 Father, please help me to realize your correction and let me not take this state that I am in as condemnation in Jesus name amen 🙌
Feb 01, 202411:33
Bring Your Ear to Me and I will Turn Your Ear Toward Me says the Lord
Jan 25, 202417:04
The Kingdom Of God

The Kingdom Of God

The Kingdom of God – Our Bodies are God’s Temple and He walks in us on the Earth to fulfill His assignment as we submit to His will.
Dec 27, 202325:23
Hear The Heart Of God 🙌

Hear The Heart Of God 🙌

My heart aches for my people to return to their first love, I am merciful I will forgive, but I am also a jealous God and will have no other God’s before me says the Lord
I am God and I will share my glory with no one, I will not mingle the toxicity of the way of man with my purity and holiness
Dec 19, 202318:54
The Requirement to Obtain Eternal Life!

The Requirement to Obtain Eternal Life!

There is no way to obtain eternal life without following Christ! Read Mark 10:17-28. May it bless your soul. Have a beautiful night 🌷🕊️
Dec 06, 202312:08
Staying Inside The Lines🌷🕊️

Staying Inside The Lines🌷🕊️

It’s imperative as the body of Christ, children of God, leaders, saints to stay inside of God; meaning staying in Christ! Walking in the Spirit and walking according and in the will of God 🌷🕊️ I pray this episode blesses you in Jesus name Amen 🙌
Dec 01, 202334:16
The Word 🙌

The Word 🙌

This was to be released on next Wednesday night, but God says otherwise. Please excuse the greeting, for we move with the move of God! 🙌 So happiest Saturday Morning 🌷🕊️The Word Released is comprised of scriptures that Holy Spirit led me to! The Word is really true! It is really sharper than any two edge sword. The Word of God truly transform us by the renewing of our minds. What the Word of God does as we read it it tills the ground meaning soften our hearts to prepare us for the Living Word which gives the written Word it’s power and life. The letter kills but the Spirit makes alive! Remember it is the Spirit of God that does the work in Jesus name amen 🌷🕊️
Nov 11, 202321:56
When the Son of God Comes 🌷🕊️

When the Son of God Comes 🌷🕊️

Being Led by the Spirit! Everything must be led by the Spirit! Being Led by the Spirit to Minister to Jesus with Our Lives 🌷🕊️ What is our heart posture towards the will of God, Kingdom of Heaven, toward Life and Humanity?
Nov 09, 202329:41
Palm TREE 🌴

Palm TREE 🌴

By the spirit of the living, God, we are flourishing we are standing tall we are upright, and we are victorious! In Jesus’s name amen
Oct 19, 202324:38
I Will Perform My Good Word 🌷🕊️
Oct 06, 202350:03
Prayer of Exaltation 🌷🕊️

Prayer of Exaltation 🌷🕊️

Let Us Exalt His Name Together!!! May the exaltation and the pour from the Spirit of the Lord bless your hearing, increase faith, and soften your heart to the Lord in Jesus name amen 🌷🕊️ It’s hard to put a title when Holy Spirit is flowing! But it meet your need in Jesus name amen 🌷🕊️
Sep 20, 202315:54
We Love You Jesus 🌷🕊️
Sep 14, 202316:01
Lose to Gain 🌷🕊️

Lose to Gain 🌷🕊️

A reminder of how beautiful it is to lose your life to gain life in Christ Jesus!!!🌷🕊️
Aug 30, 202309:38


We are told in Ephesians chapter 5 verses 14 through 17 wherefore he say it awake, though that sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ shall give the light. See that you walk circumspectly not as fools, but as wise. Redeeming the time because the days are evil. Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is!!
Aug 19, 202324:38
Casting down imaginations by the armor of God, in Jesus’s name, amen!

Casting down imaginations by the armor of God, in Jesus’s name, amen!

This is a continuation in the word of God, with the word of God on Wednesday nights with India Faith 🌹🕊!
Aug 09, 202304:46
Worship! Here I am casting down imaginations by the armor of God.

Worship! Here I am casting down imaginations by the armor of God.

This worship simply says here I am casting down imaginations by the armor of God. Reminding us, reminding every enemy that is said it’s self up against our imaginations that we are casting them down by the authority of Christ, using the armor of God. So declare here I am casting down imaginations by the armor of god in Jesus name amen.
Aug 09, 202303:39


Forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive!!!
Aug 03, 202311:14
SEPARATION from Christ starts within

SEPARATION from Christ starts within

To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me, says the Lord. The separation from Christ starts within. It’s our responsibility to check our motives, and be honest about our reasons of sacrifices onto the Lord in Jesus name amen!!!
Jul 27, 202330:18
Did You Put on The Armor Today?
Jul 12, 202323:43
Hear The Sound of God’s Love and Promise 🌷🕊️

Hear The Sound of God’s Love and Promise 🌷🕊️

God, He loves us so much! My prayer as you listen to todays podcast ~ The Word! Is that you can hear.

Hear ~ hear the love of God
Feel ~ feel the love of God
Follow ~ follow the love of God

Through the listening and reading of His word you can really hear, see, and sense the intent of His heart for mankind.

To give us the freedom to create, dominate, reign, love, laugh, enter in to His promises, to live out what He predestined, to prosper us. He even give us the solution on how to return to Him.

As Fred Hammond has sung“ There is no greater love, no greater love, than the one you have for me Lord”
Jul 06, 202319:22
Created In The Image & Likeness of God 🌷🕊️

Created In The Image & Likeness of God 🌷🕊️

It’s so easy to get confused on who you are, what you possess within, even what is the essence of our person. We can find all of the answers to these questions we have in our hearts through the Word of God! My prayer is that this episode will encourage you, strengthen you, and speak to your inner man as we come forth together by the Spirit of God whose image and likeness we are created in 🕊️🌷
Jun 28, 202314:48
The Sky Has Opened 🙌🏽

The Sky Has Opened 🙌🏽

The Lord has a word for you, me us! I welcome you to tune in to receive what our Lord is showing and speaking 🙌🏽
Oct 31, 202205:23
The Law of the Lord Converts the Soul

The Law of the Lord Converts the Soul

Psalms 19:7~8

“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.”
The purpose of our seeking the Father through Christ Jesus is so our souls will be converted.
Through the study of God’s word, learning His law, precepts, and statues our conversion takes place like Paul! So we are no longer of this world, but are transformed by the renewing the conversion of our minds.

We want the image of Christ pressed in our spirit and soul!
Oct 07, 202214:39
The Wrong Way 🌹🕊

The Wrong Way 🌹🕊

The Wrong Way Can Never Lead You The Right Way. Jesus is the WAY, Jesus is the TRUTH, Jesus is the LIFE & LIGHT!!! In Jesus name amen 🌹🕊
Oct 05, 202203:39
Journey with Christ Not with Religion 🌹🕊

Journey with Christ Not with Religion 🌹🕊

How can one reach if they are ashamed. God did not call us to sit and be cute and tuck ourselves away. He called us to rejoice and share the joy of salvation through our testimony as Holy Spirit gives unction.
Apr 21, 202217:37
The Word on Wednesday Night with India Faith 🌹🕊

The Word on Wednesday Night with India Faith 🌹🕊

The Infallible Word of God! It stands, It Speaks, It breaks, It Builds…. 🙌🏽
Apr 14, 202220:47
The Word on Wednesday Day With India Faith

The Word on Wednesday Day With India Faith

God’s Word Stand! God’s Word is Truth! God’s Word is the Final Say! His Word Alone is our nourishment in Jesus Name amen 🌹🕊
Mar 31, 202220:44


You know I never really realized how unsafe I felt until I stepped in the presence of someone that made me feel safe, from the core of my being, wise counsel was there and there is safety in the multitude of wise counsel. Proverbs 11:14 🌹🕊
Mar 17, 202209:04
The Fast 🌹🕊

The Fast 🌹🕊

What about this fast??? The God chosen fast… the selfless fast! Isaiah 58.6-14.NKJV What about this fast??? The God directed Fast… The God instructed fast! Matthew‬ ‭6:16-18‬ ‭NKJV What about this fast? The decision to turn away everything that gratifies the flesh, and seek the face of God for the God ending!!! The God victory!!! Esther‬ ‭4:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬
Mar 10, 202210:49
Something must happen first… Ezekiel 36:26-28

Something must happen first… Ezekiel 36:26-28

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh (a new heart) I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my judgements and do them.


Dear Father in Heaven, Holy one of Israel, The Lord God Almighty. He Who is and was and is to come. He who is all powerful mighty magnificent despite being so far beyond us in our humanity yet you are so close even in us. Lord I repent of my heart being hard, my-consciousness being as one who sleeps. I repent to you Abba Father and bring you my hard Stoney heart. I seek your face and I seek your heart this day that I may be made a new and have the Stoney heart of bitterness jealousy low self esteem frustration an anger discarded removed and gone. Jesus I have come to receive the promises of a new heart according the the word of God a new heart a heart of flesh in Jesus name amen. Father I am at your throne this day with my hearts cry from a hardened yet humbled place asking You Lord put Your Spirit within me according to your word causing me to walk in your statues alone and keeping your judgements Father for it is your judgment that is true and I can trust, and that I may live forever doing your judgements, living in your statues and your precepts and not stepping out of that place because my heart is now made new, and Your Spirit alone is that which is in me in Jesus Mighty name amen. 🌹🕊
Mar 03, 202210:19
The Word on Wednesday Nights ~ With India Faith 🌹🕊

The Word on Wednesday Nights ~ With India Faith 🌹🕊

Listen when are you going to stand up straight and quit hiding?

On 12/21st the Lord asked me that?

When are you going to stand in your confidence and quit pretending to be low.?

You are trying to fight your way out of something your not even in.

Elevate your thinking and you will elevate your vision. In that elevation it is simply your mind stayed on me, being present in and with me and denying yourself.

I’ve called you to elevate you in ways you couldn’t even imagine. Stop looking at every body ELSES story while I’m trying to create your story

Are you ready to journey with me? It’s been years and now I need you to decide are we going to do this or will you stay broke?

I am here to mend you heal you and make you whole.
I’ve equipped you for the process, and it all starts with the breaking of the flesh through fasting/prayer/consecration in Jesus name amen
Feb 24, 202207:56
When God Speaks We Must Listen ~ Don’t miss His heart because of Who He chooses to Speak Through 🌹🕊

When God Speaks We Must Listen ~ Don’t miss His heart because of Who He chooses to Speak Through 🌹🕊

You build your false alters and freely put my name on it. You build your false alters and you ignorantly put my name on it. You call and consider what you have done as good by the measure of man, but I AM GOD and I AM not pleased. You rent your garments and you’ve turned your soul to be used to try to try to gain to try to gain control But… I AM GOD and MY SPIRIT does not manipulate. I AM GOD AND I Speak and it is. I AM GOD and I Speak and it shall be. I AM GOD. Repent before it’s too late. Repent and I will have mercy on you. Repent and I will save your soul says the Lord in Jesus name amen.
Feb 19, 202201:37
The Enemy in The Inner Me 🌹🕊

The Enemy in The Inner Me 🌹🕊

May we be reminded that the enemy we must defeat is in the inner me. It’s inside of us! Warring comes from within, through the lies we believe in our heads. So let’s slay the Goliath within so we can pronounce the enemy as dead in Jesus name amen! NOW LIVE 🌹🕊
Feb 13, 202204:08
The Word on Wednesday Nights ~ We Are Black History ~ Poem 🌹🕊

The Word on Wednesday Nights ~ We Are Black History ~ Poem 🌹🕊

I am Black History 🌹🕊 You are Black History 🌹🕊 We Are Black History 🌹🕊
Feb 10, 202202:59


Right where I am -

what is everything I am supposed to learn right where I am?

what is everything I am suppose to gain right where I am?

what is everything I am suppose to loose right where I am???

Right where I am

what is everything I am to cultivate right where I am?

what is everything I am to become

what is everything I am to embrace right where I am?

what is everything I am destined to break right now right where I am?

What am I supposed to develop right where I am?

what am I suppose nurture right where I am?

what am I supposed to empty right where I am?

There is something so special about right where I am.

Lord please do not allow me to miss this transition of a life time right where I am in Jesus name amen I AM is right where I am, and it all starts in Him right where I Am

Signed No Longer Scarred
By India Faith 🌹🕊
Feb 04, 202202:33


Often times we must encourage ourselves. Our identity is found in the presence of God~ The Great I AM THAT I AM 🌹🕊 I am because I am lives in me
I am because I Am speaks to me
I am because I AM speaks through me
I am because I AM flows through me
I am all that I AM has ordained me to be, has spoken me to be, and has created me to be.
Jan 27, 202204:29
The Word of God Is Seed 🌹🕊
Jan 20, 202212:09
God Deserves 🌹🕊

God Deserves 🌹🕊

The answer and provision is in our seek...
Seek ye First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you Matthew 6:33
Jan 13, 202221:26
Please Forgive Me, Oh Lord ~ I Repent 🙌🏽

Please Forgive Me, Oh Lord ~ I Repent 🙌🏽

I apologize to You for taking advantage of the Salvation extended to me, and grieving Holy Spirit who is His life inside of me. I apologize and repent for not just that for not appreciating all you’ve done, all you’ve been through, all you endured, all you sacrificed, the brutality you took just for me...So I wouldn’t die, so I wouldn’t be thrown into the lake of fire, so I can have purpose and know who the Father is He who actually created me. Lord God I repent 🙇🏽‍♀️
Jan 06, 202205:49
We Overcame By The Blood Of The and The Word of Our Testimony 🌹🕊

We Overcame By The Blood Of The and The Word of Our Testimony 🌹🕊

Join me this day on the Word on Wednesday Nights with India Faith - Revelation 12:11 🌹🕊 Despite the wind be sure to remain through it all. What is your testimony this day? May we overcome by speaking our testimony in Jesus name amen 🌹🕊
Dec 16, 202107:17
I Decided 🌹🕊

I Decided 🌹🕊

I woke up today and I decided! God has decided already for me now I have to agree with God with what he’s already decided for my life 🌹🕊
Dec 09, 202101:38