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Anchored In Transforming Truth

Anchored In Transforming Truth

By Indrea Letice

Anchored In Transforming Truth or AITT (pronounced /āt/ like the number 8), a community where we share biblical truth for transformed living and learn how it's possible to infuse God's principles into daily living.

We approach this through Community, Teachings and Resources for support as you :

Build trust and a relationship with God
Grow in understanding the Bible
Learn how effective prayer works
Become aware of the character and love of God
Walk in the confidence that Salvation is not just for your eternity

Remember to Subscribe and Share!
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Preview S3, EP16: Human Reasoning

Anchored In Transforming TruthJul 18, 2021

S3, EP 27: I Will Be Whatever You Need Me To Be

S3, EP 27: I Will Be Whatever You Need Me To Be

We are picking up from last week's episode, EP26. Last week, we focused on Joshua 1:1-5, where God is speaking to Joshua about what has been prepared because Joshua is now the one appointed to lead God's people into the promise. This week we pick up in vs. 6-9. God is laying out the specific steps that Joshua must follow to receive the fulfillment of his promise. Did you catch that? Yes, there is a promise, but there is a part that God handles and a part that he holds us accountable to follow for fulfillment to take place. What are the specific steps that God tells Joshua he is responsible for? Are these same steps applicable to our goal planning and preparation for entering 2022? Let's join the episode! Scripture Referenced during the episode: Joshua 1:1-9, Exodus, chapters 3 &4. For any questions, feedback, or invitations to speak at your event, please go to and click Contact Indrea. Thanks for listening!
Nov 15, 202155:57
Preview: S3 EP 27: I Will Be Whatever You Need Me To Be

Preview: S3 EP 27: I Will Be Whatever You Need Me To Be

We are picking up from last week's episode, EP26. Last week, we focused on Joshua 1:1-5, where God is speaking to Joshua about what has been prepared because Joshua is now the one appointed to lead God's people into the promise. This week we pick up in vs. 6-9. God is laying out the specific steps that Joshua must follow to receive the fulfillment of his promise. Did you catch that? Yes, there is a promise, but there is a part that God handles and a part that he holds us accountable to follow for fulfillment to take place. What are the specific steps that God tells Joshua he is responsible for? Are these same steps applicable to our goal planning and preparation for entering 2022? Tune in Monday, 11/15 to learn the 4 steps God shares with Joshua. See you then.
Nov 14, 202100:53
S3, EP 26 : ARISE! Preparation For The New Year
Nov 08, 202149:60
Preview: S3, EP 26 : ARISE

Preview: S3, EP 26 : ARISE

The end of the year is typically a time many of us reflect on what worked, what didn't and how we want to take action in the new year. We set goals, plans and make preparations for "New Year, New Me". However, statistically it's reported, by February each year, those same goals are abandoned and we resort back to old behaviors. Why? Because the focus is on taking action and not on transforming mindset. Romans 12:2 AMP says, the only way to transform your life is by renewing the mind first. In this episode, we'll look at how God showed Joshua, to enter new territory requires renewal and implementation of a transformed mindset. As 2021 comes to an end, we are examining ways that God is giving us snapshots now, of what he has prepared for later. We'll discuss how these snapshots imply the mindset we'll need in order to possess the promises he has. In every account in the Bible, when God addresses the mind it's always in relation to preparation. Join me on Monday, 11/8. Can you help me by sharing this episode with someone you know? I'll see you then!
Nov 07, 202100:55
S3, EP25: Intentional Ways God Prepares Us
Nov 01, 202136:55
Preview: S3, EP25: Intentional Ways God Prepares Us

Preview: S3, EP25: Intentional Ways God Prepares Us

In this show, we will examine God's intentionality toward us. Sometimes God will orchestrate nature, conversations you happen to overhear, introduction of books and new concepts, sudden ideas, or a change of heart to get us in line with his impeccable timing of preparation for our futures. Has God been working behind the scenes of your life preparing you? Join the show and let's talk about it. Airing Monday, 11/1. See you there!
Oct 31, 202100:43
Pardon My Dust

Pardon My Dust

Pardon My Dust . . .
Oct 17, 202100:42
S3 EP24: 2 Power Tips For Finishing The Year Strong!!
Oct 04, 202150:11
Preview: 2 Power Tips For Finishing The Year Strong!

Preview: 2 Power Tips For Finishing The Year Strong!

We've entered the final quarter of 2021. Have you been thinking about how you can make 2022 better? I learned that it's not just about what WE want in life. It's about what God has planned and promised over our lives that may require more focus. Learning to understand God's promises, His will and timing for making them come to be and the responsibility of our roles in all of this is what could be the missing element you'll need as you plan and set goals for 2022. In this episode we're focusing on the ingredients of how to successfully wait on God's promise. We'll discuss your responsibility in stewarding what God has already given you? And finally, explore how the steps taken in October can set you up for increased capacity to receive better. What can you begin doing NOW that can have great impact on what you see NEXT! Join me Monday, 10/4. Who can you share this episode with? See you then
Oct 03, 202100:47
S3, EP 23: "Help, I'm Afraid of Death and Hell!"
Sep 27, 202147:10
Preview: "Help I'm Afraid of Death and Hell"

Preview: "Help I'm Afraid of Death and Hell"

Are you living uncertain or in fear about what happens to you when you die? Do you wonder if hell is a real place and if you'll have to go there? We are looking at the truth in God's word to destroy the power of panic and paralyzing fear about death, hell and the grave. This episode will enable you to have an eternal assurance of what to expect while you're living and once you die or Jesus returns (whichever happens first). No more living in fear and torment. We'll look at the assurance that we have in Christ found in the 3 elements of Salvation: Justification, Sanctification and Glorification. Romans 8: 28-35 lays it out for us as support for living secure and confident in God's truth. Tune in Monday, 9/27 and fear no more! Please, help support this platform and episode by sharing with a friend, family member or small group. Thank you in advance! See you then...
Sep 26, 202100:54
S3 EP22 : Rebuild
Sep 20, 202139:21
Preview: S3 Ep 22: Rebuild

Preview: S3 Ep 22: Rebuild

Hey Yall! Ok so it's time to address the elephant in the room, FRUSTRATION and its friend Discouragement. They are attempting to crash the party as we wait on God' s promises to show up in our life. First of all, what is taking so long? God keeps saying, "it's coming soon" but we are still waiting...and we want to know why??? And then, as we try to keep our hopes up, here comes the party crashers, frustration and discouragement trying to wreck the place. What in the world is going on? Why can't we get them out?? If you've been experiencing anything similar to this, then tune in to this week's episode. We are addressing why the wait, what to do since we have no choice but to wait and how to address those disrupters frustration and discouragement. As the world is emerging from quarantine and entering a time of Rebuild, come along as we unfold practical steps on what that looks like for what God is calling to REBUILD. Scripture Focus: Zechariah 4:6,7 and Romans 12:2. Please help me by sharing Monday's episode with 2 or 3 people. I appreciate it. Airs Monday, 9/20
Sep 19, 202100:44
A Quick Message!

A Quick Message!

A Quick Message
Sep 12, 202100:40
S3 EP 21: Digging In
Sep 06, 202145:37
Preview S3 EP21: Digging In
Sep 05, 202100:45
S3, EP 20: Admit & Sit

S3, EP 20: Admit & Sit

This week we are discussing how self reliance can cause us to miss out on the security, provision and time of invaluable growth that God has designated for us. It is important to not attempt to carry the weight that God has commanded us to CAST on Him. The song says, "oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bare, all because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer. Join me inside the episode, as we learn about God's peace, provision and protection that is made available to each of us in His presence. Scripture reference Proverbs 3:5-8
Aug 23, 202132:49
Preview S3, EP20: Admit & Sit

Preview S3, EP20: Admit & Sit

This week we are discussing how self reliance can cause us to miss out on the security, provision and time of invaluable growth that God has designated for us. It is important to not attempt to carry the weight that God has commanded us to CAST on Him. The song says, "oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bare, all because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer. Join me this week, Monday 08/23 to learn about God's peace, provision and protection that is made available to each of us in His presence.
Aug 22, 202100:39
S3, EP19: New!

S3, EP19: New!

Have you been experiencing a shift in what holds your attention, your level of satisfaction in life or your desire for more on a deeper level? Are you wondering what is around the corner and how will life be different? Or are you sure it's time to shift but just don't know how or when? I'm sharing some of the ways I'm being challenged and stretched forward. I encourage you to listen in and take notes. Some of what I share may be the answer or next clue to the direction you are being called in. Let's get started! Please send questions, comments or feedback to and click the CONTACT INDREA button. AND, I am excited to Introduce . . . The NEW Easy to understand guide on Salvation is now available for FREE at This is a guide for understanding, receiving and becoming secure in Salvation. This is a great resource filled with biblically backed information on Salvation, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and what Slavation means. Detailed biblical foundations and w/easy to understand references and language to explain a topic that has been so misunderstood. If you're considering Salvation but didn't know what it required, this is great to walk you through step by step. If you have a loved one, neighbor or co worker that may have questions, but you didn't feel confident leading them yourself, use this guide to help them answer questions and make the best decision of their life. Or if you are a church, outreach program or reform/rehab facility that is in need of a simple yet biblically rich curriculum for the people you steward, this is a wonderful addition to your process. Download your copy TODAY at or also available on my page at
Aug 16, 202142:57
Preview S3, EP19: New!

Preview S3, EP19: New!

Have you been experiencing a shift in what holds your attention, your level of satisfaction in life or your desire for more on a deeper level? Are you wondering what is around the corner and how will life be different? Or are you sure it's time to shift but just don't know how or when? I'm sharing some of the ways I'm being challenged and stretched forward. I encourage you to listen in and take notes. Some of what I share may be the answer or next clue to the direction you are being called in. Join me Monday, August 16th for the new episode that will prepare us for NEW!
Aug 15, 202100:48
S3, EP 18: Battle Weary
Aug 02, 202147:20
Preview S3, EP 18: Battle Weary

Preview S3, EP 18: Battle Weary

Encouragement for those who may be experiencing frustration, anxiety, fear, pause or any other trial or emotion. You are not alone. God is still with you. . . And FOR YOU! In this week's episode I'm sharing 3 ways you can help gain strength and stay-with-it-ness!! Airing Monday, August 2nd. See you then!
Aug 01, 202100:33
S3, EP17: Armored Up!

S3, EP17: Armored Up!

In Ephesians 6:12, Paul tells us we are in a battle, who the opposing forces are in this battle and what to put on for the battle . . .but then he tells us to just STAND! Stand is not an instruction most people would expect to hear when being prepped for battle. So, is Paul aware of something that we also need to know for this battle? Join me this week as we take a magnifying glass to this Ephesians 6:10-18 for understanding Paul's peculiar instruction to show up for battle and stand. Airing Monday, July 26th. Share and leave a comment at, 'contact me' button! Scripture referenced today: 2Corinthians 10:4 (Weapons of Warfare), Ephesians 6:10-18 (Whole Armor of God), Ephesians 1:19-23 (Jesus' Authority), John 3:16 & Genesis 1:26 (Flesh & Blood), John 14:6 (Truth), Jeremiah 23:6 (Righteousness), Philippians 4:7 (Peace), Ephesians 3:16,17 (Faith), Roman's 10:9,10 (Salvation), John 1:1 (The Word), Philippians 4:6,7 (Pray), Exodus 12th Chapter (Comparison to Whole Armor of God). Visit to read scriptures if you do not have a bible. All verses taken from NKJV or NLT translations. If you received Salvation today CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to the Family of Victory!!!
Jul 26, 202150:23
Preview S3, EP 17: Armored Up

Preview S3, EP 17: Armored Up

In Ephesians 6:12, Paul tells us we are in a battle, who the opposing forces are in this battle and what to put on for the battle . . .but then he tells us to just STAND! Stand is not an instruction most people would expect to hear when being prepped for battle. So, is Paul aware of something that we also need to know for this battle? Join me this week as we take a magnifying glass to this Ephesians 6:10-18 for understanding Paul's peculiar instruction to show up for battle and stand. Airing Monday, July 26th. Share and leave a comment at, 'contact me' button!
Jul 25, 202100:46
S3, EP16: Human Reasoning

S3, EP16: Human Reasoning

The weapons of our warfare does not include figuring it out on your own and moving forward in your own power. Why does God give us strength? Is it so we can be strong enough to endure on our own. No, not necessarily. There are a few more steps in between the standing strong and the victory. Join the show this week as we talk about how complete reliance on God is not passive. And how successful warfare tactics include retreating. Scripture Referenced: 2 Corinthians 10:3,4. Let's go inside! Thank you for listening and sharing!
Jul 19, 202139:50
Preview S3, EP16: Human Reasoning

Preview S3, EP16: Human Reasoning

The weapons of our warfare does not include figuring it out on your own and moving forward in your own power. Why does God give us strength? Is it so we can be strong enough to endure on our own. No, not necessarily. There are a few more steps in between the standing strong and the victory. Join the show this week as we talk about how complete reliance on God is not passive. And how successful warfare tactics include retreating. See you Monday, July 29th!
Jul 18, 202100:20
S3, EP15: Transform

S3, EP15: Transform

The first thing that God created was the heavens and the earth. But the first thing he did was LOVE. This truth is found in Ephesians 1:4. We are made complete when we A) accept this love as a gift from God and B) when we live from this level of understanding. Join me now as we talk about Transformation through the love of God. See ya inside!
Jul 05, 202150:22
Preview, S3 EP15: Transform

Preview, S3 EP15: Transform

The first thing that God created was the heavens and the earth. But the first thing he did was LOVE. This truth is found in Ephesians 1:4. We are made complete when we A) accept this love as a gift from God and B) when we live from this level of understanding. Join me Monday as we talk about Transformation through the love of God. See you Monday, July 5!
Jul 04, 202100:46
S3, EP 14: Rest and Stand

S3, EP 14: Rest and Stand

Have you wondered why at times you're doing fine in life and then out of nowhere you find yourself in a moment, a day or season of struggling to believe good about yourself? Well, this week we are learning how to rest and stand in the truth that Paul shares with us in Ephesians Chapter 1 & Chapter 6, verse 10-18. This is what I like to call, the Duplex Cookie Life. In America, we have a sandwich cookie with a vanilla cookie on one side and a chocolate cookie on the other, holding together the sweet cream filling that is sandwiched in the middle. This is what Paul presents to us about the (Light) side, resting in the confidence of who we are in Christ. And the (dark) side, understanding we're in a battle, but how to stand firm in the security of who Christ is FOR us! Once we secure both sides, light and dark, both give us capacity to hold the sweetness of God's word FILLED with truth, promises, warnings and instructions. I invite you to share the link with someone that comes to mind, who could also live better knowing how to rest and stand once they learn about the transforming truth of this great message from Ephesians. Now let's go inside! **Correction of a scripture I referenced regarding iniquity that I quoted incorrectly. The correct verse is, "Behold, I was shaped in iniquity; And in sin did my mother conceive me. " Psalm 51:5. Other Scripture Referenced this episode: Ephesians Chapter 1, Ephesians Chapter 6, verses 10-18, all found in the New Testament toward the end of the Bible. Any questions you may have or inquiries for guest appearances, send them to
Jun 28, 202142:53
Preview S3, EP 14: Rest & Stand

Preview S3, EP 14: Rest & Stand

Have you wondered why at times you're doing fine in life and then out of nowhere you find yourself in a moment, a day or season of struggling to believe good about yourself? Well, this week we are learning how to rest and stand in the truth that Paul shares with us in Ephesians Chapter 1 & Chapter 6, verse 10-18. This is what I like to call, the Duplex Cookie Life. In America, we have a sandwich cookie with a vanilla cookie on one side and a chocolate cookie on the other, holding together the sweet cream filling that is sandwiched in the middle. This is what Paul presents to us about the (Light) side, resting in the confidence of who we are in Christ. And the (dark) side, understanding we're in a battle, but how to stand firm in the security of who Christ is FOR us! Once we secure both sides, light and dark, both give us capacity to hold the sweetness of God's word FILLED with truth, promises, warnings and instructions. I invite you to come listen to Episode 14 and share the link with someone that comes to mind, who could also live better knowing how to rest and stand once they learn about the transforming truth of this great message from Ephesians. See ya Monday, 6/28/21.
Jun 27, 202100:57
Welcome To Anchored In Transforming Truth!!

Welcome To Anchored In Transforming Truth!!

I am so excited to finally announce that Just A Moment With Indi podcast is getting a new name and show platform. Welcome to Anchored In Transforming Truth or The AITT (pronounced /āt/ like the number 8) Community. A podcast dedicated to discovering the truth in God's Word for our lives. Join me in this episode as I share how the new name was developed and platform birthed. See you inside!
Jun 21, 202129:28
Preview: The New AITT Community!

Preview: The New AITT Community!

I am so excited to finally announce that Just A Moment With Indi podcast is getting a new name and show platform. Welcome to Anchored In Transforming Truth or The AITT (pronounced /āt/ like the number 8) Community. A podcast dedicated to discovering the truth in God's Word for our lives. Join me in this episode as I share how the new name was developed and platform birthed. See you Monday, June 21st!
Jun 20, 202100:56
S3 EP 12: Decisions

S3 EP 12: Decisions

How often have we heard it asked or have we asked the question ourselves, "Where is God in this?" or "How did he let this happen?" We are continuing with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden and the fallout from the decision they've made. This episode, we are viewing from the perspective of our loving God that remains true to his covenant of love toward us even when we make the decision to be unfaithful to him. Let's go inside and discover how true love is a decision and not an emotion. See you inside! **Scriptures Referenced during this episode: Joshua 24:13-14a (I gave you a land), John 8:44 (Satan is a liar), James 1:8 (Double Mind), Matthew 6:24 (Serve 2 Masters), John 14:1 (Let not your heart be troubled), Genesis 2:17 (Do not eat from the tree), Genesis 3:7 (They knew they were naked and created their own covering), Genesis 3:8 (they hid from the sound of God), Genesis 3:9 (Where are you), Jeremiah 29:11 (I know the plans), Psalm 139 (Birth Story), Matthew 10:39-31 (Your value), 1Peter 2:9 (Chosen generation), Ephesians 1:4-5 (He chose us), Deuteronomy 31:8 (He goes before us), Romans 8:38-39 (Nothing shall separate us from God)
Jun 14, 202153:52
Preview S3, EP12: Decisions

Preview S3, EP12: Decisions

How often have we heard it asked or have we asked the question ourselves, "Where is God in this?" or "How did he let this happen?" We are continuing with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden and the fall out from the decision they've made. This episode, we are looking from the perspective of our loving God that remains true to his covenant of love toward us even when we make the decision to be unfaithful to him. Come join the episode Monday, June 14th as we get a first glimpse at how true love is in a decision and not in emotions. See you then!
Jun 13, 202100:32
S3, EP11: Awareness

S3, EP11: Awareness

How is it that someone can have everything right in front of them or inside of them and still live from a perspective of lack? When we understand WHO we really are, we can properly discern what is true vs. what is false. This episode we'll examine Eve's Error. How was she in the Garden that was created, nourished and maintained by the presence of God but was still able to be deceived into believing she needed more? Eve was an Heir Unaware. We are also Heirs Unaware until we come into awareness of our full value that's been there all along? This episode we'll look at the reason that many of us, like Eve may be living deceived without realizing it. We'll also look at how to properly appraise our lives by the word of God and begin living our true worth!! *Recommended to listen to episode 10: SHADY, for the pre-foundation of this episode. Scriptures referenced: Romans 6:23 (the cost of sin outside of Christ), Genesis 3:1-7 (Eve's Story), Genesis 1:26-31 (Our Value), Ephesians 1:18-23 (Eyes of Your Understanding), Romans 8:17 (Heirs & Joint Heirs), Matthew 11:28-30 (Cease Toiling), Ephesians 6:10-18 (Armor of God), Romans 8:1 (No Condemnation), Proverbs 4:7 (Get Understanding), 1 Chronicles 28:20 (I will never leave you) *To listen to the podcast that includes the prayer of salvation, listen to S3, EP9: Turn. Enjoy the show and thanks for listening.
Jun 07, 202143:01
Preview S3, EP11: Awareness

Preview S3, EP11: Awareness

How is it that someone can have everything right in front of them or inside of them and still live from a perspective of lack? It's the temptation of FOMO, Fear of Missing Out. But that's just it, none of those words, "Fear" "Missing" or "Out" are synonymous with the awareness of God's presence in our life. When we understand WHO we really are, we can properly discern what is true vs. what is false. This episode we'll examine Eve's Error. How was she in the Garden that was created, nourished and maintained by the presence of God but was still able to be deceived into believing she needed more. Eve was an Heir Unaware. How are we also like Eve, Heirs Unaware? How do we come into awareness of our full value that's been there all along? Tune in Monday, June 7th so we can talk about how to properly appraise our lives by the word of God and begin living our true worth!! *Recommended to listen to episode 10: SHADY, for the pre-foundation of this episode.
Jun 06, 202100:55
S3 EP10: Shady

S3 EP10: Shady

This episode is a closer look at two historic conversations that took place surrounding a tree. One is with Eve in the Garden regarding The Tree of Life. The other is with Jesus in the wilderness regarding the Tree of Life he was on his way to, The Cross. In both conversations there was a 3 part agenda by the devil to tempt them both to 1) Distrust God's provision, 2) Bypass God's plan and 3) Forfeit relationship with God in exchange for status. Why is this relevant to us current day? Daily, the devil is seeking to deceive US with his same 3 part scheme regarding a tree. Except our shady tree temptation involves the deceit that we do not either by deed or thought QUALIFY for what was completed on the TREE through Jesus. Today we will learn how to walk confident in who we are. We will learn through Jesus' model and through Eve's errors how to resist the shady temptations of the devil. Scripture referenced during the show: Genesis 3:1-7 (Eve's conversation, Old Testament), Matthew 4:1-11 (Jesus conversation, New Testament) & John 10:10 (New Testament). Don't forget to share with someone. Enjoy the show!
May 31, 202147:28
Preview S3 EP10: Shady

Preview S3 EP10: Shady

This episode is a closer look at two historic conversations that took place surrounding a tree. One is with Eve in the Garden regarding The Tree of Life. The other is with Jesus in the wilderness regarding the Tree of Life he was on his way to, The Cross. In both conversations there was a 3 part agenda by the devil to tempt them both to 1) Distrust God's provision, 2) Bypass God's plan and 3) Forfeit relationship with God in exchange for status. Why is this relevant to us current day? Daily, the devil is seeking to deceive US with his same 3 part scheme regarding a tree. Except our shady tree temptation involves the deceit that we do not either by deed or thought QUALIFY for what was completed on the TREE through Jesus. Today we will learn how to walk confident in who we are. We will learn through Jesus' model and through Eve's errors how to resist the shady temptations of the devil. Show airs Monday, May 31st. Don't miss it. Don't forget to share.
May 31, 202100:48
S3 EP9: Turn
May 24, 202151:26
Preview S3 EP9: Turn

Preview S3 EP9: Turn

This week we are Turning The Corner. How do you turn the corner when you've never had it successfully modeled in front of you how to do so? What are the tools you'll need? And, once you turn the corner, then what? Join in this week so we can get you set up to make that turn and press on the gas!! Enjoy this preview. See ya Monday
May 24, 202100:44
S3 EP8: Process

S3 EP8: Process

So many new changes are taking place fast and furious. So how do we process it all? What are the signs that what's taking place isn't punishment, it's process? Learn what Warren Buffet calls getting rich slow! You may want to take notes on this one. And, yes please share the love with a family member, co worker, neighbor or friend. Let them know it's time again for Just A Moment With Indi. *Scripture References from the show: Philippians 4:4-9 and James 1:2. I like reading either The Message Version, Amplified Version or New Living Translation. Ok, let's get started!
May 17, 202136:20
Preview S3 EP8: Process

Preview S3 EP8: Process

So many new changes are taking place fast and furious. So how do we process it all? What are the signs that what's taking place isn't punishment, it's process? Tune in on Monday and learn what Warren Buffet calls getting rich slow! You may want to take notes on this one. And, yes please share the love with a family member, co worker, neighbor or friend. Let them know it's time again for Just A Moment With Indi. See you Monday, 5/17.
May 16, 202100:56
S3 EP7: Just Being Indi

S3 EP7: Just Being Indi

Sharing highlights and behind the scene updates on Indi just being Indi. Tune in as I share life and laughter...and of course a lesson or two. See you inside. Scripture reference: The Book of Esther.
May 10, 202140:19
Preview S3 EP7: Just Being Indi

Preview S3 EP7: Just Being Indi

Just A Moment with Indi for real! Tune in this week as I share a few personal highlights and milestones.
May 09, 202100:34
S3 EP6: Change

S3 EP6: Change

In this episode we are exploring how to recognize if you may be ready for change. It's so important to understand that you cannot allow age, status and experience to influence whether you'll lean into change when it arrives at your door. Purpose is typically a huge indicator and call for change which is why the need for it can show up at any station in life for as long as you're living. Beware when you recognize a need for change and choose to remain the same. We will also uncover one of the greatest opponents to change that can convince you that your life is just fine the way its been. Join us on the show for a lesson on how change is not truly change until you change. Bring a pen and a friend. Now let's get started!
May 03, 202142:38
Preview S3 EP 6: Change

Preview S3 EP 6: Change

In this episode we are exploring how to recognize if you may be ready for change. It's so important to understand that you cannot allow age, status and experience to influence whether you'll lean into change when it arrives at your door. Purpose is typically a huge indicator and call for change which is why the need for it can show up at any station in life for as long as you're living. Beware when you recognize a need for change and choose to remain the same. We will also uncover one of the greatest opponents to change that can convince you that your life is just fine the way its been. Join us on the show Monday, May 3, 2021 for a lesson on how change is not truly change until you change. Bring a pen and a friend. See you there.
May 02, 202100:35
S3 EP5: Wilderness Gratitude

S3 EP5: Wilderness Gratitude

In this new epsiode, I am sharing 4 areas of learned gratefulness that you can make a part of your life, while being in this pandemic. These areas are an unlocked mind, patience, clearing away false teachings and understandings, and GRACE! I've learned this year that it was not the pandemic that held us up but it is actually OUR PERCEPTION of what's happening during the pandemic. Come join us on the show as we discuss these areas. We'll highlight the opportunity for you to break away from whatever has held you back and held you down until now. Grab a pen and a friend and meet me on the show. Scriptures referenced: Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Psalm 121. Scriptures in Psalm on specific areas of struggle: (Provision) Psalm 121, (Protection) Psalm 91, (Identity) Psalm 139, (Blessed) Psalm 1, (Fear) Psalm 27, (Worry vs. Trust) Psalm 37, (A Loving Guardian) Psalm 23, (Not Placing Trust in Wealth or Status) Psalm 115. Good versions of the Bible to read to help with greater understanding are (NLT) New Living Translation, (AMP) The Amplified Version and/or (MSG) The Message Version. A great bible app is YouVersion available on handheld devices and laptops. It may help to pray before reading, "God help me to hear what this really means", or "God I don't really believe in the bible or was ever taught to believe, but I want to understand and believe, help me believe" (prior to reading the bible). Then after reading you can say, "thank you God for speaking through your word and help me begin trusting in your word or grow stronger in your word." Depending on what is true for you. This is a good way to start. You've got this! Be patient with yourself and the process and give lots of Grace.
Apr 26, 202149:44
Preview S3 EP 5: Wilderness Gratitude

Preview S3 EP 5: Wilderness Gratitude

In this new epsiode (airing 4/26), I am sharing 4 areas of learned gratefulness that you can make a part of your life, while being in this pandemic. These areas are an unlocked mind, patience, clearing away false teachings and understandings, and GRACE! I've learned this year that it was not the pandemic that held us up but it is actually OUR PERCEPTION of what's happening during the pandemic. Come join us on Monday 4/26 as we discuss these areas. We'll highlight the opportunity for you to break away from whatever has held you back and held you down all this time. Grab a pen and a friend and meet me on Monday. See you there.
Apr 26, 202100:46
S3 E4: Doors

S3 E4: Doors

On the show, we are looking at Door Seasons that occur in our life. This week's episode comes from Ecclesiastes 3:5 "There is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing." Open doors are typically synonymous with invitations to come. Closed doors can be connected to a conclusion or ending. But both are forms of transition and transformation from one place to another. We will discuss how to be aware of the door season in your life. We will also look at identifying your specific door season within the window of time designated for it. Then finally, how to appropriately respond to the door season you're in. We are in a sensitive season for the beginning of resolution for tears, hidden shame, long term pain, need for clarity, disappointment, fading hope and fragile faith. There is hope connected to the door season you're in. Bring a notepad and share with someone. See you then.
Apr 19, 202146:41
Preview S3 E4: Doors

Preview S3 E4: Doors

On the show, we are looking at Door Seasons that occur in our life. This week's episode comes from Ecclesiastes 3:5 "There is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing." Open doors are typically synonymous with invitations to come. Closed doors can be connected to a conclusion or ending. But both are forms of transition and transformation from one place to another. We will discuss how to be aware of the door season in your life. We will also look at identifying your specific door season within the window of time designated for it. Then finally, how to appropriately respond to the door season you're in. We are in a sensitive season for the beginning of resolution for tears, hidden shame, long term pain, need for clarity, disappointment, fading hope and fragile faith. There is hope connected to the door season you're in. Come join us as we discuss. Show airs Monday, April 19, 2021. Bring a notepad and share with someone that this can bring relief to. See you then.
Apr 19, 202100:50