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Confessions Of An Industrial Marketer

Confessions Of An Industrial Marketer

By Aaron Downes

A podcast for in-house marketers that work in the manufacturing and industrial sector. Part rant, part confessional, part tips, tricks, and hacks. Hosted by Aaron Downes.
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31 - The Great Email Campaign That Got Over 100 Direct Responses

Confessions Of An Industrial MarketerSep 29, 2022

35 - How To Get People to Like You (Networking Tips)

35 - How To Get People to Like You (Networking Tips)

Here's a little pep talk for if you're feeling burned-out at networking events, or...

... if you're frustrated about always having to "make the first move" with people.

Apr 08, 202306:42
34 - How To Write a Press Release that Gets Published!

34 - How To Write a Press Release that Gets Published!

If this is the first time you're writing a Press Release for your industrial firm - or if you want to up your PR game - stop and listen to this episode.

Press Releases (if published) are like getting $5,000 worth of free advertising, in the trade pubs your target audience is looking at.

Here are 5 or 6 of things I've learned about it, including:

  • The 5 types of press releases that ALWAYS get published in trade mags
  • How reading the National Enquirer can make you a better corporate communicator
  • How to think like the publication's frazzled Editor - and use her deadlines to your advantage!


Apr 08, 202329:35
33 - How To Mend Fences w/ Execs, Bosses, & Teammates

33 - How To Mend Fences w/ Execs, Bosses, & Teammates

If you’ve been at the company for 3+ years… It’s easy to make assumptions about how your boss, C-suite (or colleague) will / or won’t respond to your new idea or proposal. Your defensive shields are up - and the way you present your work gets filtered through that lens. But…

… What IF your boss or execs have CHANGED over those years? (Haven’t YOU changed as well?) Can you really go on making assumptions based on who they were years ago? Are they making similar assumptions about YOU that could be holding you back?

Lets explore this more. Listen now!

Oct 19, 202216:02
32 - Maybe the House ISN'T On Fire...

32 - Maybe the House ISN'T On Fire...

...Maybe it's just really hot and uncomfortable now. And why that's a GOOD thing!

This episode is for any marketer who feels like their workload is piling up, and like they're losing control.

Oct 12, 202213:11
31 - The Great Email Campaign That Got Over 100 Direct Responses

31 - The Great Email Campaign That Got Over 100 Direct Responses

Gather round the camp fire kiddies as your humble Narrator tells the story of his most "successful" B2B email newsletter campaign. 

Why did it do so well? Listen and find out!

Sep 29, 202217:12
30 - Hey: Your Products Save Lives! (Industrial Marketing pep talk)

30 - Hey: Your Products Save Lives! (Industrial Marketing pep talk)

As Manufacturer Marketers, we don't often stop to realize this important aspect of our products. We focus on Features, Benefits, haggling with Distributors for pennies - and we forget the essence of what we're actually selling!

Episode was inspired by a LinkedIn Post by MJ Peters. Go follow her she's awesome!

Sep 21, 202210:40
29 - "Cold" Networking Tips for B2B Marketers

29 - "Cold" Networking Tips for B2B Marketers

Sometimes you just gotta connect with a professional peer who is outside of your network.

How do you reach out without being an annoying pest? In this episode:

Learn how to craft a "cold" networking solicitation via:

  • LinkedIn DM
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Trade Show/Live Event

ALSO: I'll reveal the RIGHT way to deal with rejection or ghosting. 

Aug 10, 202223:17
28 - #TechLayoffs Refugees: We Need You in Industrial!

28 - #TechLayoffs Refugees: We Need You in Industrial!

MUST LISTEN If you or a friend has been part of the massive wave of #techlayoffs. At the risk of pandering or riding this hashtag wave for brownie points, I really want to encourage you: GIVE #INDUSTRIAL A TRY!

In this episode, I go into some of the benefits of working for a Manufacturer or Distributor in the B2B wholesale sector.

Aug 03, 202211:15
27 - OK to Take a Break from Content Production?

27 - OK to Take a Break from Content Production?

Are you having a bummer of a week (or month)? Have you committed yourself to a rigid content production schedule (either for your personal brand or company), but just don't feel you have the strength to:

  • write that LinkedIn status update?
  • write that next blog post?
  • post that next podcast?

This episode attempts to answer the question: "Is It OK to Take a Break from Content Production?"

Jul 27, 202215:40
26 - How To Sell B2B Marketing Services to Manufacturers

26 - How To Sell B2B Marketing Services to Manufacturers


Most software providers, marketing services, and ad-driven publications are doing cold prospecting to #industrial companies completely wrong. We manufacturers are a tough beast to slay, but there are a few ways into our bleak, cold hearts!

Jul 06, 202238:27
25 - Customer Experience Lessons from a Pizza Shop

25 - Customer Experience Lessons from a Pizza Shop

User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Customer Experience (CX)... All big buzz words we like to throw around a lot in Marketing Land. But how much are we missing? Where are the big gaping holes in our customer's journey? And how much potential business are we losing by not fixing these obvious holes?

Here's my (stretched) analogy of a favorite brick-and-mortar Pizza Shop I go to. Bon apetit.

Jun 29, 202215:50
24 – What’s Your Networking Action Plan?

24 – What’s Your Networking Action Plan?

Are you working on a Relationship Action Plan (RAP)?

If your networking game ain’t solid, consider investing some time into your network – it could be your most valuable asset!

Inspired by the book “Never Eat Alone”, I spent 3 months building a RAP in Google Sheets. And as I performed this repetitive (and BORING) process, I discovered WHY I was building my RAP in the first place.


1) Alicia Diamond's interpretation of putting RAP into action was very helpful:



4) "Never Eat Alone" book:

Jun 22, 202219:42
23 - Are Meetings A Waste of Time? (And when they're not)

23 - Are Meetings A Waste of Time? (And when they're not)

"Half of all meetings are a waste of time," says a Forbes article from 2019.

Jeff Bezos, Mark Cuban and Elon Musk say meetings drag down productivity.

So, should we completely do away with meetings? When is a meeting actually more productive than any other communication tool?

In this episode, let's talk about what I've learned over the 5 years at a manufacturing company:

  1. How family-owned industrials do meetings way different than corporate cousins.
  2. Two big, time-intensive meetings we completely abandoned. (And are better for it!)
  3. Three meetings we instituted that really improved effectiveness and communication for everyone.
Jun 15, 202230:20
22 - Slay the "Swag" Beast! (Making Promo Item Mgmt. Easier)

22 - Slay the "Swag" Beast! (Making Promo Item Mgmt. Easier)

How do you keep "swag" from ruining your life? I'm talkin' hats, shirts, koozies, banners, prizes, etc. Arguablly one of the more annoying aspects of any B2B marketer's day.

But what if I told you there is a simple way to make a big part of this headache go away? What if there was a seamless way to track your inventory of "swag" so you don't have to check the storage closet every time?

Also, check out Ep. 17 I talked about the Importance of "Swag" in B2B Marketing.

Jun 08, 202215:59
21 - Who's Dream We In? (Dave Chappelle Networking Secrets)

21 - Who's Dream We In? (Dave Chappelle Networking Secrets)

Early May, we got to see Dave Chappelle at the Hollywood Bowl! (Yes, the one where the guy tried to rush the stage with a gun-shaped knife.) 

But we're not here to talk about that!

Cause this great sage and philosopher of our time had a very interesting bit about "Dreams". And if you're trying to improve your Networking Game (like I am) LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE right now! And know your place.

May 27, 202213:45
20 - Who's your Wicked Child? (Passover Marketing Lessons)

20 - Who's your Wicked Child? (Passover Marketing Lessons)

Why you should hire "The Wicked Child" for your marketing department. (And why you should be wary of "Good" or "Shy" child.)

Passover is the time we remember the Exodus from Egypt. The same "lessons" are taught over and over again - yet we get a different meaning each year. This year a certain passage in the Haggaddah struck me titled "The Four Children" - and of course I had to make a connection to Industrial Marketing!

May 06, 202216:29
"We're Doin' It Live" - Note from your Humble Narrator

"We're Doin' It Live" - Note from your Humble Narrator

Just a quick note about episode formats going forward.

Apr 29, 202208:00
19 - Money, Power, or Fame: Which would you choose?

19 - Money, Power, or Fame: Which would you choose?

If you could only have an abundance of one - Money, Power, or Fame - which would you choose?

Asking yourself this question might just might help you focus on your current professional and personal goal-setting... Especially if you're feeling a little burnt-out, or asking "Why am I even doing this?"

The answer might help you stay on track, and give yous some fuel to keep chipping away at a goal, bit by bit.

Or... You just might realize it's time to put down the axe and pivot.

Apr 21, 202214:55
18 - Marketing In Your Garden

18 - Marketing In Your Garden

In this episode, Aaron has a personality crisis while tending his backyard garden. And grasps desperately for marketing / gardening metaphors.

Was David Ogilvy right? Does being an A-List copywriter / marketer / advertiser mean you HAVE to give up hobbies, and spend less time with friends and family? 

If you are struggling, asking yourself "Am I REALLY This Person?" then maybe this episode is for you.

Apr 04, 202212:02
17 - The Strong Case for "Swag" in B2B Marketing

17 - The Strong Case for "Swag" in B2B Marketing

Are promotional give-away items (a.k.a. "Swag") really worth the investment?

Does having your logo on T-shirts, posters, hats, stickers, displays, pop-sockets, notepads, etc. really push the needle on SALES or BRAND AWARENESS?

I'll admit, I used to HATE swag. Thought it was a complete waste of money. A crutch for sales people. Until... We finally had a candid conversation with our sales force. And discovered the TRUE meaning and purpose of Swag.

In this episode, I go over 5 reasons why having GOOD swag may be very important to your business.

Mar 17, 202222:34
16 - Gettin' Busy! (and How to Cope)

16 - Gettin' Busy! (and How to Cope)

Are you having one of those weeks (or months) where you're really, REALLY busy? Do you feel overwhelmed? Like your cup is over-flowing? Like you'll never be able to dig yourself out?

Maybe that's a GOOD thing! In this episode, I reflect on January 2022 - the BUSIEST month I had in two years! The feelings of burn-out, coming home irritable... And the sage advice that helped me see this busy period in a positive light.

Feb 28, 202209:44
15 - The Key Ingredient to Customer Personas You're Totally MISSING!

15 - The Key Ingredient to Customer Personas You're Totally MISSING!

*MUST LISTEN FOR YOUNG MARKETERS!* What really makes a person "Ready To Buy?" What if they check all the boxes in your carefully-crafted Customer Persona - And yet they're STILL on the fence? Move to "Think It Over, Iowa?" Or just plain say "No"?

There's one killer insight about people and the lives they lead. I first learned it in the Boron Letters by Gary Halbert - and then only 2 other places since. It's very likely YOU aren't using it - SO LISTEN UP!

Show Notes:

"The Boron Letters" by Gary Halbert


Feb 18, 202217:20
14 - How To Respond to TOUGH Criticism

14 - How To Respond to TOUGH Criticism

Your boss calls you out on a pattern of behavior... and his critique cuts deep! You get angry. Resentful. You think he's being unfair.

What do you do? How do you respond?

In my early days, I woulda' gone off the rails. Let emotions take over. And that NEVER ends up well...

I've since learned a BETTER way to respond (diplomatically) with my Supervisor / Helpful Critic. A way that helps you grow, and keeps comms channels open with your supervisor / colleague / friend.

Young marketers, take some notes on this episode!

Feb 02, 202214:52
13 - Customer Loyalty Lessons from a Barbershop

13 - Customer Loyalty Lessons from a Barbershop

MUST-LISTEN FOR SMALL BIZ OWNERS & ENTREPRENEURS! Are you just so busy "running" your business and "hustling" like Gary V. said to? Well, guess what? Your customers are quietly walking out the back door... And if you're like most biz owners, you have NO IDEA it's even happening! This concept of Customer Loyalty hit home for me recently, when I switched Barbers -- leaving a bespoke Barber I'd known for years... And going to a basic strip-mall barbershop instead. See if you can't identify a few nuggets worth trying in your business! 

Jan 25, 202212:20
12 - How I Got Started Pt. 8 (Electrical Manufacturer)

12 - How I Got Started Pt. 8 (Electrical Manufacturer)

MUST LISTEN If you're just starting out as an #IndustrialMarketer! In 2017, I start working for a manufacturer of electrical construction products. We sell to electrical contractors, via wholesale distributors. (Doesn't get more B2B than that!) I learned a lot of lessons the hard way. And through the process I overcome my own insecurities, tame my ego, and learn the value of patience and consistency.  

Dec 22, 202135:18
11 - How I Got Started Pt. 7 (Joining Associations & Committees)

11 - How I Got Started Pt. 7 (Joining Associations & Committees)

Thought about joining an association, council, committee or non-profit group? These organizations can be a great way to diversify your network. And if you're just outta' college (no experience), this can be your jumping-off point into a career. But... If you join for vague reasons... These groups can also be a BIG time-suck!

In 2014, I joined a Neighborhood Council. It opened my eyes in many ways to how city services and building developers operate. I learned how to steer committees, set agendas, and secure funding.

(I also learned how to WASTE a lot of valuable time and energy!)

So before you join an association or committee, LISTEN to this episode first. Learn from my mistakes.

SHOW NOTES (Groups to consider joining):

Nov 27, 202133:39
01 - Make A Photo Contest!
Oct 24, 202113:29
10 - How I Got Started Pt. 6 (Two Hard Years)
Oct 20, 202135:03
09 - How I Got Started Pt. 5 (Lighting Distributor)

09 - How I Got Started Pt. 5 (Lighting Distributor)

2012. The start of my industrial marketing career was at a small start-up lighting distributor. I learned the basics of the supply chain, the manufacturer > distributor > end-user relationship, and the technical side of emergency lighting and commercial lighting. I also learned about search engine optimization (SEO), how to build an eCommerce site from the ground up, plus a few tricks for writing a LOT of content. If you're just getting started in industrial or B2B marketing, this episode should be a good listen.

Sep 09, 202143:32
08 - How I Got Started Pt. 4 (Real Life Begins)

08 - How I Got Started Pt. 4 (Real Life Begins)

2011 - After graduation I experience 1-1/2 years of shaky employment, taking odd jobs, questioning career goals as a filmmaker, another disastrous movie, and hitting rock bottom. If you’re experiencing similar circumstances right now, this episode might provide some encouragement - there is a “light at the end of the tunnel” for you too.
Aug 27, 202119:41
07 - How I Got Started Pt 3 (Junior & Senior Year)

07 - How I Got Started Pt 3 (Junior & Senior Year)

2010-2011: In my Junior and Senior year in film school, I switched majors from Editing to Screenwriting. I learned the fundamentals of storytelling from my most influential professor, and got dragged into producing not 1, but 2, over-ambitious and disastrous Senior thesis films.
Aug 26, 202120:07
06 - How I Got Started Pt. 2 (Freshman to Sophmore Year)
Aug 12, 202129:38
05 - How I Got Started Pt. 1 (The Navy Years)

05 - How I Got Started Pt. 1 (The Navy Years)

If you told your 18-year old self you’d have a career in industrial marketing, would they laugh at you? Mine sure would! But my journey can be traced back to 2002, when I enlisted in the United States Navy as a cynical punk kid looking for direction in his life.
Aug 06, 202125:02
04 - Should You Do A Podcast?
Aug 04, 202110:12
03 - Finding Your “Voice”
Jul 31, 202122:10
02 - Importance of "Repeat-Backs"

02 - Importance of "Repeat-Backs"

As in-house marketers, we often have to aggregate feedback from multiple team members. Feedback that is fraught with contradiction, incomplete thoughts, confusion, and missed-nuances. It isn't your team member's job to clarify things - ITS YOURS! So here is one way that I have learned to organize and deal with multiple streams of feedback.

Jul 22, 202110:21
Confessions of an Industrial Marketer - Trailer

Confessions of an Industrial Marketer - Trailer

In this trailer, Aaron shares what to expect from the Confessions of an Industrial Marketer podcast. Who is it for? Why does it exist? And What's going to be in it?

Jul 13, 202106:19