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Information Man Speaks PODCAST

Information Man Speaks PODCAST

By Information Man

The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics societal issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies. 2021
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Dwyane Wade Son And Black Male Fatherhood What We Should Know

Information Man Speaks PODCAST Feb 26, 2020

Dave Chappelle Latest Netflix Special

Dave Chappelle Latest Netflix Special

Netflix employees at the streaming giant’s campuses around the world walked off the job Wednesday in protest of Dave Chappelle’s latest special, the company’s defense of the comedian and its dismissal of concerns that the content was dangerously transphobic. A crowd of dozens gathered outside the streamer’s West Hollywood offices to denounce both Chappelle and the company’s chief executive, Ted Sarandos, who has stood by “The Closer” after employees, LGBTQ organizations and the platform’s own talent likened the special to hate speech. Some supporters of Chappelle also attended the rally, clashing with protesters as they urged Netflix not to limit speech and held up signs with messages such as “Jokes are funny.” 2021....Podcast

Oct 27, 202101:15:47
Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram Suffer Worldwide Outage Episode #3

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram Suffer Worldwide Outage Episode #3

The massive global outage that plunged Facebook, its Instagram and WhatsApp platforms and many people who rely heavily on these services including Facebook’s own workforce into chaos Monday is gradually dissipating. Facebook said late Monday that it’s been working to restore access to its services and is “happy to report they are coming back online now.” PODCAST..2021

Oct 05, 202101:08:08
Haitian Migrants At The Border, Haitians Being Wiped By Border Patrol Agents Episode #2

Haitian Migrants At The Border, Haitians Being Wiped By Border Patrol Agents Episode #2

The images are shocking. U.S. border agents on horseback are whipping at Haitian asylum seekers carrying plastic bags of food and clothing. They reach out to grab the shoulders of people fleeing barefoot or in flip-flop sandals. This is what’s underway in the border town of Del Rio, Texas, where an encampment of about 14,000 migrants await asylum. Over the weekend, U.S. Border Patrol agents began deporting Haitian migrants under a Trump administration-era pandemic order, flying them to Port-au-Prince or sending them fleeing across the Rio Grande into Ciudad Acuña, Mexico. PODCAST 2021.........

Sep 25, 202101:22:11
New Oklahoma Bill Bans Teaching About Racism Because It Causes “Discomfort”

New Oklahoma Bill Bans Teaching About Racism Because It Causes “Discomfort”

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill into law on Friday barring grade schools from teaching lessons about race or sex that may make students uncomfortable. Schools in the state can no longer teach lessons about race. PODCAST 2021 

May 30, 202156:30
Daunte Wright Protest Brooklyn Center Continues In The Twin Cities

Daunte Wright Protest Brooklyn Center Continues In The Twin Cities

Protests and rallies calling for justice after the fatal police shooting of Daunte Wright continued for an eighth day Sunday around the Twin Cities. There was a march and rally near the Governor's Residence in St. Paul, and a rally. people returned to the street outside the police department in Brooklyn Center, the city where Wright was fatally shot during a traffic stop.  PODCAST 2021....

Apr 20, 202101:05:22
Coca-Cola Asks Its Workers To Be 'Less White' To Fight Racism

Coca-Cola Asks Its Workers To Be 'Less White' To Fight Racism

One of the great challenges that brands face today is to implement inclusion policies and eradicate sexist, elitist and racist practices, both in their internal operation and in the image they project. For this reason, Coca-Cola believed it was convenient for its workers to participate in an anti-racism course to learn to be “less white”. PODCAST.....2021

Mar 02, 202153:19
How Safe Is It For Kids Going Back To School Coronavirus And News

How Safe Is It For Kids Going Back To School Coronavirus And News

Vaccines likely will not be available for most students this school year. The good news is that reopening schools for in-person learning does not seem to significantly increase community transmission of the virus. But it depends on whether schools are able to follow COVID-19 public health guidance. All schools should aim to have students attend school in person, which is how they learn best. This means working with public health officials to get community spread of the virus under control. And then, when it is possible to re-open a school for in-person learning, layered safety measures can help keep students, teachers, and staff safe.  2021 Podcast......

Feb 08, 202102:17:13
Capitol Building Riot, Censorship, News, Politics, Black People

Capitol Building Riot, Censorship, News, Politics, Black People

As Americans watched Wednesday, an angry mob of mostly white people stormed the U.S. Capitol, seeming to overwhelm Capitol Police, who struggled to contain the violence. Officers yielded to the mob in some cases and allowed crowds of supporters of President Donald Trump into the halls of Congress as its members were affirming that President-elect Joe Biden had won the November election. Many people saw in the images and videos that poured out of the Capitol more than a disturbing breach of security by people who believe Trump's baseless claims of election fraud. They said they saw white privilege and double standards and questioned whether the police response would have been the same had the rioters been Black or brown people or their allies.  PODCAST 2021........

Jan 19, 202101:31:35
Capitol Building Riot Depicts Crisis Within White America And White Privilege

Capitol Building Riot Depicts Crisis Within White America And White Privilege

This was the day that never should have happened. That never should have been allowed to happen. It is also the day that many of us have seen coming for the past four years. The madness that we all saw on display in our nation’s capital on Wednesday is nothing more than the natural outgrowth of the madness we have seen demonstrated over and over again by this lawless administration ever since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. His naked, enthusiastic appeal to the promoters of white racism and white nationalism has been front and center from the very beginning. So how can we truly be surprised when the chicken came home to roost on the Capitol steps?    PODCAST 2021.........

Jan 09, 202101:51:53
Poll Finds Increasing Number Of Americans, Including Black People Would Take COVID Vaccine

Poll Finds Increasing Number Of Americans, Including Black People Would Take COVID Vaccine

Americans are increasingly willing to take a COVID-19 vaccine, especially Black and Hispanic Americans, according to a new poll released. The Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that 71 percent of Americans are willing to take a free and safe COVID-19 vaccine, an increase of eight percent from three months ago. 2020 PODCAST.....

Dec 20, 202001:51:39
Why Is A computer Guy Like Bill Gates So Concern With Population And Why Are People Listen?

Why Is A computer Guy Like Bill Gates So Concern With Population And Why Are People Listen?

Bill Gates has a warning about population growth Rapid population growth in some of Africa’s poorest countries could put at risk future progress towards reducing global poverty and improving health, according to a report by the philanthropic foundation of Bill Gates.

Dec 07, 202001:02:06
Biden Wins Now What ?

Biden Wins Now What ?

Former Vice President Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the presidential election by the Associated Press. Some votes remain to be counted and lawsuits have been filed over some ballot counting. Still, the results won’t be set in stone until states and the Electoral College follow a set of well-established protocols. 2020 PODCAST

Nov 10, 202047:57
Voter Suppression

Voter Suppression

Over the last 20 years, states have put barriers in front of the ballot box imposing strict voter ID laws, cutting voting times, restricting registration, and purging voter rolls. These efforts, which received a boost when the Supreme Court weakened the Voting Rights Act in 2013, have kept significant numbers of eligible voters from the polls, hitting all Americans, but placing special burdens on racial minorities, poor people, and young and old voters. PODCAST 2020

Nov 01, 202057:45
The Political Game How Do You Play It

The Political Game How Do You Play It

In politics, there are winners and losers. That’s inevitable, just as it is in football, baseball, basketball or any sport. Like in sports, the audience in this case, the American electorate expects that the rules will be articulated, documented and fair. In Politics There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests. 2020... PODCAST...

Oct 27, 202058:60
Trump And A Chaotic America Today (COVID-19)

Trump And A Chaotic America Today (COVID-19)

Even as Trump tried to turn the tale of his illness into a parable about his personal strength and dedication to the country, he said nothing about the 210,000 Americans who have died of COVID-19 since last spring, and the 7.4 million infected so far including more than 100,000 since Friday.
Nor did Trump express sympathy for the dozen or more senior advisors, campaign officials and Republican lawmakers who have contracted the virus since last week, when the White House became the latest hot spot for the disease.  2020....PODCAST

Oct 07, 202046:56
The Government Doesn't Give A Dam About You

The Government Doesn't Give A Dam About You

If you’ve ever given any consideration at all to the state of our nation, you’ve probably been frustrated or felt powerless in some way. It seems like common sense that some things should change. Well, it is. But the government doesn’t care what you think, or what.  PODCAST.......2020

Aug 02, 202001:01:44
Kanye West Political Rally Rant And More In The News Today

Kanye West Political Rally Rant And More In The News Today

Kanye West Campaign Rally Leaves Attendees Stunned With His Bizarre Statements. Kanye West held his first campaign rally on Sunday, two weeks after announcing that he would run for president as an independent candidate, leaving many people confused and audibly bewildered by his ramblings. West held the event in Charleston, South Carolina as part of a campaign to get on the ballot in the state as a write-in candidate in November. At one point, he said that famed abolitionist Harriet Tubman “never actually freed the slaves, she just had them work for other white people,” a comment that led one attendee to say audibly over the Facebook webcast, “OK, we’re leaving now.” PODCAST 2020...

Jul 21, 202001:23:31
Why America can't Stop COVID-19

Why America can't Stop COVID-19

Donald Trump’s public surrender to the coronavirus pandemic has proceeded in three distinct and horrifying phases. First came blithe denial. Having already disbanded the global health security team charged with fighting pandemics, ditched the 69-page playbook left to him by the Obama administration, and disregarded more than a dozen warnings in his own daily briefings, the president claimed the virus was no threat, and that it would miraculously disappear. The central goal was to keep the stock market from crashing. PODCAST 2020.......

Jul 18, 202001:46:46
US Justice Is Built To Humiliate And Oppress Black Men, It Starts With The Chokehold

US Justice Is Built To Humiliate And Oppress Black Men, It Starts With The Chokehold

Chokehold: a maneuver in which a person’s neck is tightly gripped in a way that restrains breathing. A person left in a chokehold for more than a few seconds can die. The former police chief of Los Angeles Daryl Gates once suggested that there is something about the anatomy of African Americans that makes them especially susceptible to serious injury from chokeholds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on “normal people.” PODCAST 2020......

Jul 09, 202059:17
Oakland School Board Unanimously Votes To Disband Its Own Police Force

Oakland School Board Unanimously Votes To Disband Its Own Police Force

Oakland CA. Unified School District unanimously voted on Wednesday evening to disband its own police department. The measure passed by the school board will redirect a police budget of $2.5 million to other programs for students. Black students received more severe punishments at a rate 29 percent higher than white students. Black children make up 16 percent of the national population of students, they represent 31 percent of all arrests in schools in the U.S.   PODCAST 2020.........

Jun 26, 202046:40
Jun 23, 202003:02:44
Examine Everything Surrounding The George Floyd Killing And Protest

Examine Everything Surrounding The George Floyd Killing And Protest

A black person is killed by a police officer in America at the rate of more than one every other day. Floyd’s death followed those of Breonna Taylor, an emergency medical technician shot at least eight times inside her Louisville, Ky., home by plain-clothes police executing a no-knock warrant, and Ahmaud Arbery, killed in a confrontation with three white men as he jogged through their neighborhood in Brunswick, Ga. Even Floyd’s anguished gasps were familiar, the same words Eric Garner uttered on a Staten Island street corner in 2014: “I can’t breathe.” Thousands of protesters gathered in cities around the world, often in defiance of coronavirus-related bans on mass gatherings, in solidarity with U.S. demonstrations calling for changes to the justice system after the killing of George Floyd while in police custody. PODCAST 2020.......

Jun 13, 202002:39:39
Protest What Happened To George Floyd

Protest What Happened To George Floyd

8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody. The Times has reconstructed the death of George Floyd on May 25. Security footage, witness videos and official documents show how a series of actions by officers turned fatal. On May 25, Minneapolis police officers arrested George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, after a deli employee called 911, accusing him of buying cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill. Seventeen minutes after the first squad car arrived at the scene, Mr. Floyd was unconscious and pinned beneath three police officers, showing no signs of life. By combining videos from bystanders and security cameras, reviewing official documents and consulting experts, The New York Times reconstructed in detail the minutes leading to Mr. Floyd’s death. Our video shows officers taking a series of actions that violated the policies of the Minneapolis Police Department and turned fatal, leaving Mr. Floyd unable to breathe, even as he and onlookers called out for help. The day after Mr. Floyd’s death, the Police Department fired all four of the officers involved in the episode, and on Friday the Hennepin County attorney, Mike Freeman, announced murder and manslaughter charges against Derek Chauvin, the officer who can be seen most clearly in witness videos pinning Mr. Floyd to the ground. Mr. Chauvin, who is white, kept his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds, according to the criminal complaint against him. Our video shows that Mr. Chauvin did not remove his knee even after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness, and for a full minute after paramedics arrived at the scene. 2020 PROTEST...

Jun 08, 202002:09:36
George Floyd Protest California LAPD Needs To Be Defunded The People Have Spoken

George Floyd Protest California LAPD Needs To Be Defunded The People Have Spoken

Less than 24 hours after Los Angeles police chief Michel Moore sparked outrage by saying that Goerge Floyd’s blood is on rioters’ hands “as it is on those officers,’” he faced unanimously angry, and often profane criticism from residents at an online meeting of the L.A. Police Commission. George Floyd: Black man dies after US police pin him to ground. Four Minneapolis officers fired after the death of George Floyd, who died after being pinned down by a white officer. A Black man who yelled "I cannot breathe" as a white Minneapolis police officer pinned him down with his knee in the US state of Minnesota died late on Monday, police confirmed, drawing outrage from community members and leaders, and leading to the officers' termination. Video of the incident shows the police officer pinning down George Floyd, believed to be in his 40s, to the pavement with his knee on the man's neck for several minutes. Floyd was identified by prominent civil rights lawyer Ben Crump, who said he had been retained by the Floyd family. PODCAST 2020........

Jun 03, 202056:04
The Overlooked Black History Of Memorial Day Here's The Truth

The Overlooked Black History Of Memorial Day Here's The Truth

One of the Earliest Memorial Day Ceremonies Was Held by Freed Slaves. Memorial Day was born out of necessity. After the American Civil War, a battered United States was faced with the task of burying and honoring the 600,000 to 800,000 Union and Confederate soldiers who had died in the single bloodiest military conflict in American history. The first national commemoration of Memorial Day was held in Arlington National Cemetery on May 30, 1868, where both Union and Confederate soldiers are buried. Several towns and cities across America claim to have observed their own earlier versions of Memorial Day or “Decoration Day” as early as 1866. (The earlier name is derived from the fact that decorating graves was and remains a central activity of Memorial Day.) But it wasn’t until a remarkable discovery in a dusty Harvard University archive the late 1990s that historians learned about a Memorial Day commemoration organized by a group of freed black slaves less than a month after the Confederacy surrendered in 1865.     2020 PODCAST....

May 25, 202027:41
In The Absence Of Federal Action, US States Scramble To Address Hunger Crisis

In The Absence Of Federal Action, US States Scramble To Address Hunger Crisis

The first crisis is one of food insecurity: Tens of millions of American families are falling into hunger. For single mothers with children under the age of 12, an astonishing 40 percent are now reporting that they are running out of food without the financial ability to purchase more. Adults are missing meals to keep children fed. But many children are, nevertheless, going hungry. At the same time, huge amounts of farm produce are going to waste: Farmers are literally destroying crops, meat and dairy supplies that they have no buyers for because schools, restaurants, hotels and other big commercial purchasers are no longer buying produce. 2020 PODCAST......

May 15, 202050:29
Ahmaud Arbery Black Men Are Behind Enemy Lines In America

Ahmaud Arbery Black Men Are Behind Enemy Lines In America

Ahmaud Arbery, Audio recordings of two 911 calls have shed further light on the final moments before Ahmaud Arbery was shot dead by two white men while jogging through a neighborhood just outside Brunswick, Georgia. The full recordings, obtained by the Guardian, come after new video footage showing Arbery’s killing in February was released this week, prompting widespread outrage and raising questions over why no arrests have been made. Transcripts of the 911 calls have been previously reported by local media. Arbery had gone for a jog in Satilla Shores, near the Georgia coast, on the afternoon of Sunday 23 February. The 25-year-old was known around the neighborhood, and would sometimes wave to residents as he ran. But that day, a series of events unfolded that ended in his killing at the hands of Gregory McMichael, 64, and his 34-year-old son, Travis McMichael. Lawyers for Arbery’s family have said his death was a “lynching” and requested it be investigated as a hate crime. 2020 PODCAST.........

May 10, 202001:05:49
Social Distancing Doesn't Matter When It Comes To Racist Aggressive Policing

Social Distancing Doesn't Matter When It Comes To Racist Aggressive Policing

The NYPD officer who violently arrested a man in the East Village during a social distancing stop this weekend has a lengthy history of alleged brutality garnering more than half a dozen misconduct lawsuits in five years, and costing city taxpayers nearly $200,000, according to the Legal Aid Society. In a video recorded on Saturday, a plainclothes officer can be seen punching and tackling Donni Wright, a groundskeeper with NYCHA, while shouting the n-word, brandishing a taser, and subsequently kneeling on Wright's head. The confrontation began after officers, some of whom were not wearing face coverings, spotted "a number of people not wearing masks" at the corner of Avenue D and 9th Street, NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said on Monday. The officer's shield number, recorded by observers, matches that of Francisco Garcia, a housing patrol officer who's been named in at least seven civil lawsuits since 2015.  2020 PODCAST.......

May 05, 202050:15
When Denver Backed Off Social Distancing In The 1918 Pandemic, The Results Were Deadly History Repeats Its Self

When Denver Backed Off Social Distancing In The 1918 Pandemic, The Results Were Deadly History Repeats Its Self

While some experts tried to calm fears by saying the Spanish influenza epidemic was "ordinary influenza by another name," according to John Barry, the author of the book "The Great Influenza," by the end of the pandemic, an estimated 675,000 Americans died, primarily in the fall of 1918, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Five days later, Denver Post headlines blared the bad news: "All Flu Records Smashed in Denver in Last 24 Hours," claiming that more Denver residents had died of influenza than Coloradans killed in the First World War. In the end, 8,000 people in Colorado died, but the towns that socially isolated consistently, like Gunnison, did far better than Denver. PODCAST 2020........

Apr 24, 202001:02:39
Black People Are Now Being Labeled The Face Of Coronavirus What's Really Going On

Black People Are Now Being Labeled The Face Of Coronavirus What's Really Going On

Black Americans have more existing medical issues, less access to health care, and are more likely to work in unstable jobs -- all factors that have made the coronavirus pandemic disproportionately hurt blacks more. 512 coronavirus deaths so far, more than 70 percent were African American patients, who make up just 32 percent of the state's population. Chicago, too, has seen similar numbers: Among those for whom race-ethnicity is known, 72% of the city's deaths have been among blacks, who make up just 30% of the city's population. Compared to white people, blacks have lower levels of health insurance coverage and are less likely to have insurance coverage through an employer.  2020 PODCAST..............

Apr 14, 202001:06:17
Black People Can Get Coronavirus

Black People Can Get Coronavirus

A group of doctors in Virginia is calling for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization to release information about whether black communities are being left behind as the shortage of coronavirus tests continues in the US. They’re concerned that black communities and other underserved groups might be disproportionately missing out on getting tested for COVID-19, in the absence of data breaking down who’s been tested so far by race and ethnicity. “We know in the US that there are great discrepancies in not only the diagnosis but the treatment that African Americans PODCAST.......2020

Apr 06, 202053:30
DOJ Wants To Suspend Constitutional Rights For Coronavirus Emergency

DOJ Wants To Suspend Constitutional Rights For Coronavirus Emergency

The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the novel coronavirus spreads throughout the United States Documents reviewed by POLITICO detail the department’s requests to lawmakers on a host of topics, including the statute of limitations, asylum and the way court hearings are conducted.

Mar 23, 202042:30
Will Coronavirus Lead To Martial Law? And Take A Toll On Your Mental Health

Will Coronavirus Lead To Martial Law? And Take A Toll On Your Mental Health

While the number of cases of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, continues to grow around the country and the globe, lawmakers are considering how best to cut down on the spread of the disease. But the measures being taken have some citizens and service members wondering if martial law may be declared.  The mental health impacts of the outbreak will vary among individuals, but experts say the most pervasive issues are anxiety and loneliness. It’s easy to understand why anxiety would spike during a crisis. Wall-to-wall news coverage and changing messages from political leaders can cause stress and uncertainty in average people. PODCAST 2020.......

Mar 21, 202001:00:30
Politics Or Poly-Tricks ?

Politics Or Poly-Tricks ?

Dirty politics that involve many (poly-) underhanded tricks.
We're sick of dishonest politicians and their polytricks.

Mar 06, 202001:16:22
Trump Administration Barred A Top US Disease Expert From Speaking Freely To The Public (Coronavirus)

Trump Administration Barred A Top US Disease Expert From Speaking Freely To The Public (Coronavirus)

Trump Administration Barred A Top US Disease Expert From Speaking Freely To The Public About Coronavirus (It Maybe Impossible To Contain). The Trump administration has barred Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), from speaking publicly about the novel coronavirus without approval, according to The New York Times. Fauci is one of the top experts in the US on infectious diseases, PODCAST 2020.....

Mar 05, 202001:06:12
Donald Trump Is The First Black President HELL NO

Donald Trump Is The First Black President HELL NO

Donald Trump is the first black President. A former NFL player declared President Trump the “first black president” Thursday during a Black History Month round table discussion at the White House. “Mr. President, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’ve got to say this because it’s Black History Month: man, you are the first black president,” Former NFL safety Jack Brewer, who was a guest at the roundtable, told Trump. PODCAST 2020.........

Mar 03, 202001:15:36
Dwyane Wade Son And Black Male Fatherhood What We Should Know

Dwyane Wade Son And Black Male Fatherhood What We Should Know
Dwyane Wade Son And Black Male Fatherhood What We Should Know. Wade expressed surprise to Variety about the social media criticism he’d received for his approach to raising his kids. Dwyane Wade stated doing what every parent has to do. Once you bring kids into this world, you become unselfish. It’s my job to be their role model, to be their voice in my kids’ lives, to let them know you can conquer the world. So, go and be your amazing self.  PODCAST 2020.....

Feb 26, 202002:03:04
Who killed Malcolm X Netflix Abdur-Rahman Muhammad

Who killed Malcolm X Netflix Abdur-Rahman Muhammad

Who killed Malcolm X Netflix Abdur-Rahman Muhammad. Historian, investigative journalist, and activist at the center of the documentary. His name is Abdur-Rahman Muhammad. If Martin Luther King was on one end of the spectrum, Malcolm X was on the other, when it came to representational politics for black people in America. El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, or Malcolm X, became an icon during the civil rights movement. He indicted Americans in the harshest terms, for their treatment of the blacks. He has been wrongly accused of preaching racism and violence but is a hero to the black community.  PODCAST 2020.......

Feb 24, 202002:00:30
Bloomberg For Black People Whats Going On

Bloomberg For Black People Whats Going On

Mike Bloomberg Can’t Hide How He Helped Terrorize Black People With Stop and Frisk Policing. Weighing the relative racism of different candidates in the hopes of arriving at the choice as to who will do the least damage is nothing new to black voters. In fact, it’s a big reason why Mike Bloomberg and his bottomless coffers have been attracting black folks concerned first and foremost with ousting Donald Trump, who became president by appealing to white resentment.  PODCAST .......2020

Feb 17, 202002:25:01
Human Coronavirus What You Need To Know
Feb 11, 202044:03
Conversation With Pink Lemonade Podcast Self-Help PODCAST

Conversation With Pink Lemonade Podcast Self-Help PODCAST

Conversation With Pink Lemonade Podcast Self-Help PODCAST. A self-help podcast to help you turn life's lemons into lessons. Hosted by Whitney L Barkley, M.S. Skinny Black Girl's Code

The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies. (PODCAST)........2020

Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster.

Feb 04, 202001:26:29
10 Times Kobe Bryant Was A Star Off Of The Court Truth

10 Times Kobe Bryant Was A Star Off Of The Court Truth


The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies. (PODCAST)........2020

Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster.

Jan 27, 202038:05
How To Become A Private Citizen Conversation With MoneyBoyFilmz (Social Security) Truth

How To Become A Private Citizen Conversation With MoneyBoyFilmz (Social Security) Truth

How To Become A private Citizen Conversation With Money Boy Filmz (Social Security) Truth Melvin Belton aka Money Boy Red was born in "Oakland, CA" in May of 1978. Money Boy Red moved to Sacramento in the summer of 1997 and landed himself a spot with the group KKM (Klosed Kasket Mafia). KKM consisted of five members ( Raw, T.Y.C, High Priestess, Insane, and Money Boy (Red). They recorded their first album "Hell in the Ghetto" that consisted of 14 banging tracks with a couple of features like Brother Linch Hung, Bo Leg's, Tefflon, Vaness, and known sacramento hood celebrity "Prim Goodie".
The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies. (PODCAST)........2020
Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster.

Jan 25, 202001:53:08
Dr. Cornel West Speaks On The Radical Activism Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Cornel West Speaks On The Radical Activism Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Forget the notion of MLK as ‘Dreamer,' say activists. He was a radical, whose rhetoric is used today. The legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is often celebrated by conjuring his words spoken at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. His “I Have a Dream” speech has come to be remembered as inspired, rousing, and optimistic about race relations in America.
The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies. (PODCAST)........2020
Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster.

Jan 21, 202002:08:28
Homeless Moms 4 Housing Evicted From Vacant West Oakland Home

Homeless Moms 4 Housing Evicted From Vacant West Oakland Home

Homeless Moms 4 Housing Evicted From Vacant West Oakland Home. In Oakland, California, a group of mothers fighting homelessness is waging a battle against real estate speculators and demanding permanent solutions to the Bay Area housing crisis by occupying a vacant house with their children.

The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies. (PODCAST)........2020

Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster.

Jan 19, 202001:21:47
How To Create A Gaming Channel Sandman

How To Create A Gaming Channel Sandman

How To Create A Gaming Channel Sandman
Several studies indicate that African Americans, Latinx , and Asians are more active in the gaming community than their white counterparts. For starters, black folks play more video games overall: 83% of African American teens report playing video games compared to 71% of white teens.

The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies. (PODCAST)........2020

Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster.

Jan 06, 202002:02:25
Life Circular Prospective Black People (2020)

Life Circular Prospective Black People (2020)

Your perspective is the way you see something. ... If we say someone "has perspective," we mean a sensible outlook on life. The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies. (PODCAST)........2020

Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster.

Jan 02, 202001:12:04
Music Therapy For African Americans The Benefits Truth

Music Therapy For African Americans The Benefits Truth

Music therapy is the use of music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of a group or individual. It employs a variety of activities, such as listening to melodies, playing an instrument, drumming, writing songs, and guided imagery. The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies.

Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster. (PODCAST) 2019.......Truth

Dec 29, 201901:21:14
Podcast About Life With EVOcentric Podcast (Black People)

Podcast About Life With EVOcentric Podcast (Black People)

Podcast About Life With EVOcentric Podcast (Black People) EVOcentric is a Platform where We can speak freely about the struggles of life as a millennial Black Single mother who wants to create a better world for her children. Topics will include sex, dating, relationships, spiritually, health, race, culture, and extremely beneficial product review. 

The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies.

Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster. (PODCAST) 2019.......Truth

Dec 26, 201901:53:39
Black Homeless Crisis In Los Angeles California Black Men

Black Homeless Crisis In Los Angeles California Black Men

40% of the 70,000 on the streets in Los Angeles are black. 85% of the 7,000 on skid row are black. 8% of the residents in Los Angeles are black. It’s time this issue is properly addressed, called out, and made a priority. Rodney is #ADOS. Listen to what he has to say. The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies.

Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster. (PODCAST) 2019.......Truth

Dec 23, 201901:25:08