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Insight Vietnam

Insight Vietnam

By Nguyen Phi Van

This podcast is created to share my personal perspectives and insights about Vietnam. I hope these insights will help international friends have better understanding, make better decisions and succeed in doing business in Vietnam. As a global entrepreneur, angel investor, author, talkshow host, and a native Vietnamese, I hope my sharing will serve as a bridge to bring you closer to this potential yet challenging market. Feel free to send me any questions you may have and I will try to respond them all in my podcasts.

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10 myths about a good boss

Insight VietnamApr 15, 2022

The state of impact businesses in Vietnam

The state of impact businesses in Vietnam

After engaging as a jury at the recent UNDP's impact business program in Vietnam, here are my thoughts on where it is. 

May 27, 202213:52
Vietnam Franchise Outlook 2022

Vietnam Franchise Outlook 2022

Latest update on the franchise industry and market in Vietnam

May 11, 202205:00
Vietnam as a testbed or R&D hub

Vietnam as a testbed or R&D hub

Having received a lot of foreign government delegations visiting and establishing their representative office in Vietnam to facilitate market entry for tech companies or tech startups, allow me to share some of the facts behind these decisions.  

May 06, 202209:56
Micro management - What to expect

Micro management - What to expect

Lots of my international friends are stressed out managing the workforce in Vietnam because of the micro management approach. In this podcast, I will share why and what to expect for new comers. 

May 05, 202214:03
On startup: Vietnam as a startup ecosystem

On startup: Vietnam as a startup ecosystem

- A connected and vibrant ecosystem

- Moving from quantity to quality startups

- Trending sectors: web 3, metaverse, NFT, blockchain games, crypto

Apr 27, 202212:10
If you can cross the road in Vietnam...

If you can cross the road in Vietnam...

This is a fun comparison to let you know that there is always order in chaos here in Vietnam. And if you really wanna do business here, you should prepare yourself and learn the navigation skill. Other than that, come with an open mind and a positive mindset if you wanna enjoy your journey with Vietnam. 

Apr 25, 202214:49
There's more about Vietnam than the Vietnam War

There's more about Vietnam than the Vietnam War

Vietnam War is probably the first thing any foreigner know or remember about Vietnam. But that was 45 years ago. What has happened in the past 45 years and what is the Vietnam that you should know about today, especially in your business expansion plan? 

Apr 25, 202217:10
Vietnam - A country of paradoxes

Vietnam - A country of paradoxes

But wait, isn't everything in life is 2-sided, just like the principle of ying & yang? 

For international friends who have intention or are about to travel to Vietnam, especially for those who would like to explore the potential of this market, maybe it's a good idea to stay open-minded, learn about the paradoxes and learn how to navigate successfully.

Apr 25, 202215:43
Welcome to Insight Vietnam!

Welcome to Insight Vietnam!

Why I started this podcast and what I would like to share to international friends about Vietnam.

Apr 25, 202201:37
It's all about people if you wanna go global

It's all about people if you wanna go global

Someone asks me how I have travelled and worked successfully in so many countries, what would be my secret sauce. My 2-cent-worth response is "It's all about people". In this podcast, I will share the 3 principles I always carry with me when traveling and working world-wide. 

Apr 24, 202214:07
Go global, stay local!

Go global, stay local!

From someone who has travelled to, collaborated and made friends with people in more than 120 countries, allow me to share some of the very simple principles that I personally use in order to build sustainable relationships globally. Hope this helps shed some light on your global journey ahead. 

Apr 22, 202213:58
How to build sustainable relationships at work

How to build sustainable relationships at work

We are all different. We all have different dreams, different passions, different wants and needs, and obviously different triggers in life. If we are so different from each other, how do we get together and build sustainable relationships with each other given all the differences? In this podcast, I will share my own perspective using my practical career experiences. 

Apr 21, 202217:41
Never too late

Never too late

He's 27 years old and thinks it's too late, because he has not achieved anything in life at this age. What? Really? Come on! It's never too late for anyone to start doing anything they are passionate about in life. Allow me to share 3 key words that you could sleep on instead of letting your thoughts jump all over the place. 

Apr 19, 202213:59
I feel like I am worthless!

I feel like I am worthless!

That's what a young Vietnamese said to me about himself. Well, that's probably just one negative way of viewing yourself in this world. There are a lot of other perspectives you can explore, and maybe when you get to know other perspectives, you will completely change your own point of view about yourself. Try it with this podcast! 

Apr 18, 202219:18
Do your best, or don't do it at all!

Do your best, or don't do it at all!

When you do your best, you present to the world who you really are!

Apr 16, 202213:02
10 myths about a good boss

10 myths about a good boss

We all want to have good bosses in our career, but what is the definition of the good boss? Sharing with you the 10 myths about good bosses to reflect on this this podcast. 

Apr 15, 202223:57
What is your value per hour?

What is your value per hour?

 This is an interesting concept to look at, as it will give you a different perspective on how you value and spend your time. Knowing and applying this concept to your career and life will help you to always work on yourself, make better decisions and choices. 

Apr 13, 202216:18
The golden rules of leadership communication

The golden rules of leadership communication

- Create a safe environment

- Be visible

- Walk the talk 

Apr 12, 202215:09
There's no such thing as a perfect decision

There's no such thing as a perfect decision

Nothing in life is perfect, only appropriate at one point in time. Yet a lot of us get stuck when making choices in life, over thinking, being afraid to make the wrong decisions, to hurt others, to regret later, ect. In this podcast, I am going to share the 3 principles that I always use when making decisions, hoping they will help you reflect on how you can make better decisions in the future. 

Apr 11, 202216:36
Are you OK?

Are you OK?

Since when we don't talk any more? Since when we don't ask if someone is OK any more? Since when humanity is all about loneliness and depression? And what can we do to get back the mojo we've all lost? 

Apr 10, 202221:09
Building and managing your career

Building and managing your career

- Managing the present

- Managing the future

- The art of balancing 

Apr 09, 202217:11
3 easy things you could do to build your confidence

3 easy things you could do to build your confidence

- Always learn something new

- Always participate in something new

- Always pilot a new idea of yours 

Apr 08, 202214:51
How to earn respect from others

How to earn respect from others

If you want the world to respect you, think about these: 

- Who you are as a person

- Who you are as a professional

- Who you are as a global citizen 

Apr 07, 202215:55
There's always another way to look at things

There's always another way to look at things

When you learn how to reframe, whether a negative feedback, a criticism, a comparison or reality, ect., you start seeing positivity out of every situation. You also learn, grow, advance yourself and achieve a lot more success as a result. 

Apr 06, 202218:47
The 3 common types of over thinking and how to overcome them

The 3 common types of over thinking and how to overcome them

Over thinking is probably one of the worst reasons prohibiting people from taking action, making decisions and achieving success. Find out how it affects you and how you can overcome it in order to achieve more in life. 

Apr 05, 202211:36
15 tips on successful time management

15 tips on successful time management

Why are successful people successful? Because they know how to make the best use of their time, an asset that every has but not everyone knows how to maximize. In this podcast, I would like to introduce the 15 tips on time management as shared by Kevin Kruse in his book "15 secrets successful people know about time management." 

Apr 04, 202220:49
There's nothing to be afraid of

There's nothing to be afraid of

A lot of the times, people fail even before they start, just because they are so afraid of failure. Well, guess what? To err is human. And guess what? We are living in the 21st century, in the creative economy promotes piloting and trialling. So, why are you still afraid? 

Apr 03, 202211:53
Your ego is probably what's pulling you back from success

Your ego is probably what's pulling you back from success

When you think the world about yourself and believe you are always the smartest person in the room, you basically imprison yourself in a self-creating bubble.  That bubble will pop some time in life, when reality hits, when you realize that you are already left behind and alone while others are travelling towards greatness and an infinite future. 

Apr 03, 202216:34
How to manage your focus in this buzzing world

How to manage your focus in this buzzing world

We all know that in order to be productive, we need to manage our time very well. However, time management is never enough any more in this buzzing digital world. We now need to learn how to manage our focus so that we can complete our priorities, our planned activities instead of getting distracted away. In this podcast, I will share some of the tips that I use personally to manage my focus. 

Apr 03, 202218:39
Everything happens for a reason

Everything happens for a reason

Of course life is always full of good and bad experiences, never one way or the other. So we need to learn to accept it. It's important how we choose to face these events and how to move on. In this podcast, I shall share my perspectives on how I personally face with unfortunate events for failure and stay positive throughout the ups and down of my life journey. 

Apr 02, 202215:19
 Know when to pull the plug

Know when to pull the plug

I was asked what to do when one is no longer happy, instead super depressed with whatever he is doing. Well, when you're not happy or not having fun doing something any more, something is not right. In this podcast, I will share my perspective on getting yourself out of such situations and on returning the happy being to yourself. 

Apr 01, 202214:52
5 habits of successful people you should learn from

5 habits of successful people you should learn from

Success does not happen overnight. It is achieved through continuous effort and commitment. In this podcast, I will share the 5 habits successful people  commit to every night to create success. 

Mar 31, 202217:53
DQ - Digital Intelligence

DQ - Digital Intelligence

This is probably one of the most important intelligence you and your family should have to navigate the virtual world safely, avoiding risks and harmful consequences for the real world. So what is DQ and what are some of the aspects of DQ that you should be aware of? 

Mar 31, 202220:21
How to become a global citizen

How to become a global citizen

It's obviously not about the visa stamps on your passport or the number of photos and check-ins you've posted. Global citizenship starts from your mindset, your knowledge and attitude. In this podcast, I'm gonna share my perspective on how to become a global citizen from your very own garden. 

Mar 29, 202214:53
Have no fear! English is only a communication tool

Have no fear! English is only a communication tool

I have come across a lot of Vietnamese who are so afraid to communicate in English. The lack of confidence is because they are afraid their English is not as perfect as a native speaker's. Well, no one learning English as a second language can reach that level any way. Think about a foreigner learning Vietnamese and you'll understand. In this episode, I'd like to share my perspective on why you should throw away your fear and start using the language. 

Mar 28, 202213:03
If you wanna ask for a promotion

If you wanna ask for a promotion

Don't just go ask for a promotion because you've been in a position long enough. Time is never an indicator of capability. Ask yourself these 3 questions and make sure you have all the appropriate responses prior to asking for a promotion. And keep this in mind, don't give people any opportunity to say NO. 

Mar 28, 202212:25