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Inspiration By Native Where We Face Our Fears

Inspiration By Native Where We Face Our Fears

By inspiration by native

My New Store (Copy&Paste) This is where we overcome our fears in life together with love and inspiration no one should go through fear alone . Ever Tuesday at 2 am I will have a new episode . You can find my Facebook page at IBNmerchstore or you can email me at or instagram at inspirationbynative or twitter @inspirationbyn1
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Do you fear you are listen to the wrong wolf in side of you.

Inspiration By Native Where We Face Our Fears Mar 30, 2021

What is considered right or wrong now days

What is considered right or wrong now days

What is considered right and what is considered wrong in to days society.  Is it a pick and choice society and we will make the rules as we go. What kind of role models are we becoming.

Apr 20, 202108:51
Do you fear your not normal or average by society standards.

Do you fear your not normal or average by society standards.

Do you fear your not normal or average by society standards and that your a little weird crazy or out there cause you like to wear or do things that gets you stared at. Well maybe you are in the group of a little weird, crazy, or out there. WHO CARES. You shouldn't worry about it you should be more concerned about being your self cause the normal or the average person you think are that might not be behind closed doors. WHO KNOWS. Don't forget to check out my website for some cool stuff.  FREE shipping in the US. Sorry I'm still working on shipping for the rest of the world

Apr 06, 202110:17
Do you fear you are listen to the wrong wolf in side of you.

Do you fear you are listen to the wrong wolf in side of you.

We all battle with the bad wolf so the good wolf in us can help us to have a life we want and deserve. Don't forget to check out my new website some cool stuff. like Native American and Sugar Skull and off the wall stuff created by me IBN

Mar 30, 202107:57
SORRY my 29ep didn,t publish. I thought it did but it didn,t so here is my 29ep

SORRY my 29ep didn,t publish. I thought it did but it didn,t so here is my 29ep

Offending people now days is easy WHY

Mar 23, 202109:03
I want to talk about how any and everthing can offend some one now days.

I want to talk about how any and everthing can offend some one now days.

Don,t for get to check out my merch store (link)

The definition of offend is. To cause a person or a group to feel hurt, angry, or upset. So to stop offending we need to change what ever it is that offends somebody. Like if our house offends somebody we need to change it to what they like right WRONG WRONG or if you are good looking and that offends somebody we need to alter our appearance right WRONG WRONG.

Mar 16, 202108:28
The fear you can't do something in life cause you don't have faith in yourself.

The fear you can't do something in life cause you don't have faith in yourself.

We all need faith in our self. So we can achieve our dreams in life. If you don't have faith in yourself life can be hard. You may fear doing little things in life cause you never tried it before and you don't have faith in yourself to try and every time you don't try it gets easier to not try. You need to remember every time you try to do something new you start to have faith in yourself and your abilities.

Mar 02, 202107:46
The fear of never finding happiness.

The fear of never finding happiness.

Do you fear you will never finding happiness. Well let me ask you do you love being alive. If you do that's happiness right there. Do you love being with family or friends that's happiness right there. There is so many things in our lives we don't realize that brings us true happiness. We may not realize it because it's not what we desire the most. So it may go unnoticed.

Feb 23, 202107:42
The fear of putting yourself out there.

The fear of putting yourself out there.

This fear can hold you back in life. Instead of putting yourself out there. It's easier to have a Shoulda Coulda Woulda mentality. Than to put yourself out there and maybe have a feeling of being judged or a feeling of disliked or a feeling of awkwardness. Where does a Shoulda Coulda Woulda kind of life get you in life. You need to go for it and see where it gets you In life. You may be surprised.  

Feb 16, 202107:53
The fear of not finding love.

The fear of not finding love.

We all want to find love and we hope It will be true love. We need to stop and relax and be patient and work on our self's first.

Feb 09, 202107:36
The fear of regret.

The fear of regret.

Do you know regret can cause more regret. It can be a vicious cycle in your life. More than anything you wish you could rewind time and have a do over. well sad to say you can't. What you can do is forgive yourself.

Feb 02, 202106:10
The fear we are losing respect for one another.

The fear we are losing respect for one another.

We need to start by respecting our self's so we can show respect.  Lack of respect leads to conflict at an individual,family,and societal level.  Really how hard is it to show respect.

Jan 26, 202107:38
The fear of old age.

The fear of old age.

How old do you feel and do you look your age. Do you know a lot of people has the fear of old age. Do you know it's a privilege to grow old and it's been denied by many.

Jan 19, 202107:35
The fear of making a New Years resolution this year.

The fear of making a New Years resolution this year.

We all made a New Years resolution at some point in life.  Now did we finish it or did we say screw it.  (WHY)  I will talk about why we don't.

Jan 12, 202105:50
The fear of what the New Year might bring.

The fear of what the New Year might bring.

Be for we start let me ask you a question. Is it going to be a bad year or is it going to be a good year?

Jan 05, 202106:41
Family and tradition.

Family and tradition.

Family some times has a tradition that stops  (WHY) like a family get together or a reunion.

Dec 29, 202006:39
The fear of being overweight.

The fear of being overweight.

We all think about are weight and how we should lose it. Set a small goal like 1 pound a month. 

Dec 15, 202007:43
The fear of social situations

The fear of social situations

The fear of social situations is also called social anxiety disorder. You might have it and don't know you have it. It's a common anxiety.

Dec 08, 202006:47
A fear I have and that is not making good memories for family and friends.

A fear I have and that is not making good memories for family and friends.

You can make great memories for free. Start today.

Dec 01, 202005:35
The fear of covid -19 and the holiday.

The fear of covid -19 and the holiday.

We need to do what ever we can to make it a decent holiday despite covid-19.

Nov 24, 202006:29
The fear of making decision in life.

The fear of making decision in life.

We all have this fear at some point. We all worry about making the right decision in life. Is it the right one or is it the wrong one. You will never know if you don't make one and who's to say it might be the best one you ever made. You just have to fight the fear to make one.

Nov 17, 202005:24
The fear of the next PRESIDENT

The fear of the next PRESIDENT

We all might have this fear but how far will we let it effect us. What will fix it not anger or violence or hate. We need to come together and help each other out.

Nov 11, 202006:47
The fear of being judged by others.

The fear of being judged by others.

We all get judged by others and we all so judge but will you let it stop you from doing what you want. I won't. I will tell a story on how I learnt from it.

Nov 03, 202006:27
My fear is that people is starting to lose compassion for others. (WHY)

My fear is that people is starting to lose compassion for others. (WHY)

In this day and age we need more compassion and understanding and kindness. We don't need is judgement unkindness or hatred but that seems like the norm now days.

Oct 27, 202007:14
The fear of being poor in life.

The fear of being poor in life.

The fear of being poor is big one we most think about. Some will let this fear rule there life and they won't have time to enjoy it. What we need to realize is life is short with no guarantee on how long we have. I will tell you two story's about people that thought money and possessions was the most important thing in life.

Oct 20, 202007:41
I'm so sorry

I'm so sorry

I can't do this right now my dog witch I've had for 15 years and her name is Sophie is passing a way and I need to spend time with her to the end. I hope I can have It on Wednesday at 2am until next time so long.

Oct 20, 202001:03
The fear of losing love in life.

The fear of losing love in life.

So many people have this fear. That they will stay in a bad relationship just so they don't lose love. Some have the fear they will not find love again and that is not true. I will tell a story of about finding love again.

Oct 13, 202006:01
Fear of asking for HELP IN LIFE

Fear of asking for HELP IN LIFE

Why we shouldn't fear asking for help.  It's a smart thing to do and it makes us human. I will tell you a story of my experience with it.

Oct 06, 202006:27
The fear of CHANGE In a love relationship job or death and so on.

The fear of CHANGE In a love relationship job or death and so on.

Change is scary for some people and they don't know how to deal with it. Some can accept and adapt to it better than others. They are willing to change their mindset. So they can make their life easier and happier. I will give an example how a death in the family made it hard for me to accept it first. So I adapt to it first. So in return this helped me to accept better later on in life.

Sep 29, 202005:49
 Inspiration By Native PART2 The fear of not looking good enough in life .

Inspiration By Native PART2 The fear of not looking good enough in life .

We all fear we don't look good enough in life at some point . I believe Society and even you has programed your mind to believe this lie . Let me tell you there's good news we can reprogram our mindset with just little changes in life .  I will tell you a story about one occasion when i didn't think I looked good enough and how little changes helped me to over come negative thinking.

Sep 22, 202005:19
The fear of not looking good enough in life .We all experience it at some point in life.

The fear of not looking good enough in life .We all experience it at some point in life.

I talk about how Society try's to change us to their standards of how we should look and many other things in life .Some times we don't think we look good enough . I give little ways you can change your appearance in life .I also tell you a store of my experience with it and how i change the little things that helps me through life . I will have more on this subject next week and a new store.

Sep 15, 202008:03
The fear of not being good enough in life.

The fear of not being good enough in life.

Have you ever felt like your not good enough in life . well don't feel a lone we all have at some point .You don't have to prove you're worthy to any body .        You should know your worth in life and always believe in yourself and always think i am good enough . If you say your not good enough your just saying I'm scared to death to try . I say GO FOR IT we only live once.            

Sep 08, 202005:45
The fear of being your self and my experience with it.

The fear of being your self and my experience with it.

Today i will talk about the fear of being your self and how we can start being true to our self's . I believe you need 3 things in your life to help you to stay true to your self. 1 we need Honesty 2 loyalty 3 responsibility . I will also tell you a story  of my experience with it at a dance and how a girl changed me. That night I fought for my happiness and started being my self . I Stopped worrying about what people thought of me that night. Next episode I will talk about the fear of not being GOOD ENOUGH. Stay tuned

Sep 03, 202006:30
Fear of loving yourself

Fear of loving yourself

I talked about the fear of loving yourself and how we need to overcome this stop being critical of what we do and always have positive thinking
Aug 25, 202005:59
love and the lack of.

love and the lack of.

We talk about love .How can a simple word have so much impact in life .Why is it one of the hardest thing to say to someone .So we will face our fears together. Whether it be the fear of telling someone you love them or the absence of love.

Aug 19, 202006:29
August 19, 2020

August 19, 2020

Aug 19, 202000:27