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Integrated Being

Integrated Being

By Dr. Elizabeth Cook

Integrated Being podcast is brought to you by my efforts as a certified life coach. I provide this seeking support with the tools and mindset to make positive and lasting changes in their lives.
Come join us on our weekly podcast where I throw in a dash of realness, a pinch of humor, a smidgeon of health advice, and a touch of essential oil tips to brighten your day.
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5 Ways to Embrace Continuous Learning as a Lifestyle

Integrated BeingMay 18, 2024

5 Ways to Embrace Continuous Learning as a Lifestyle

5 Ways to Embrace Continuous Learning as a Lifestyle

"A big part of finding your joy is truly identifying what you want in life." Integrated Being is a space where I share about finding your joy & the habits that you can use to create an intentional life. Whether it's the value of setting goals, choosing the right resources, or scheduling time in your day to learn, we dive into ways of applying knowledge and reflecting and adjusting along the way. The power of continuous learning is an integral habit & its power is found in fostering personal growth and setting yourself up for success. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I share my continuous learning journey and 5 ways to embrace continuous learning as a lifestyle.

May 18, 202423:14
Why You Need to Get Outdoors Every Day (5 Steps to Make It Happen)

Why You Need to Get Outdoors Every Day (5 Steps to Make It Happen)

Did you know there are major health benefits to getting outdoors every day? Whether it’s a lush forest, a serene local park, or your garden, nature has a way of calming our minds and restoring our bodies. Some studies show that being in nature can lower your cortisol levels, the stress hormone in the body. If we live with elevated cortisol levels from daily stresses and don’t actively find ways to decrease these levels daily, we are contributing to the inflammatory load in our bodies that can lead to various health issues over time. Being in nature doesn’t always have to be a bright, sunny day. Simply being exposed to daylight first thing in the morning, even on an overcast day, helps regulate our circadian rhythms to optimize better sleep patterns. Beauty can be found in all types of weather once you commit to getting outside every day. Today on the blog & podcast, let’s explore the benefits of nature and how to make it a priority in your everyday life.

Apr 21, 202418:39
8 Ways to Foster Joy & Connection in Life (Regardless of Your Circumstances)

8 Ways to Foster Joy & Connection in Life (Regardless of Your Circumstances)

The last 6 months have triggered a lot of change for myself and my family. As I’ve shared these changes with my community, I’ve been asked a series of similar questions, all wondering how I've managed to stay grounded amidst the changes and find joy and connection throughout the journey. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 8 ways I’ve fostered joy and found a connection in life, regardless of the changing circumstances. Within 5 days I changed my job and bought a new home because I was able to stay aligned with my values and develop the continual awareness to see when things needed to be changed. The 8 ways listed below will create a lifestyle that aligns yourself with your ambitions and equips you to tackle the challenges that life brings in your path.

Mar 11, 202419:45
“Rejection is Protection” (3 Practical Steps)

“Rejection is Protection” (3 Practical Steps)

Have you ever made this observation? One of my favorite coaches, Gabby Bernstein, commented recently that, “Rejection is protection.” This reminded me of the idea that our yes’s and immersed within seas of no’s. So often when we see a door close, we find on the other side that it was steering us towards something better. Have you ever made this observation? If you are not uncomfortable, you are not growing. The mindset of rejection is protection enables us to see rejection not as a failure or setback but rather as a form of guidance. Rather than seeing life as winning and losing, we can see it as winning and learning. While still making room for the emotional heaviness that can come from various forms of rejection. Today on the blog & podcast, let’s explore this idea of rejection and how to use it as a tool to foster personal growth.

Feb 16, 202409:13
3 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Needs This Year

3 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Needs This Year

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I’ve been reflecting upon how it’s all connected lately. When you scan all the articles about what successful people do or even what not to do, you start to see similarities across all genres. It all comes down to what you put on, in, and around your body. From mindset to physical health and nourishing your spirit, we can all benefit form gaining awareness of what we can do or change to realign ourselves and feel our best this year. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 New Year’s resolutions you need to make this year to live your healthiest, most joyful life. 

Jan 13, 202416:28
4 Steps to Recognize the Value of Your Work

4 Steps to Recognize the Value of Your Work

What’s your purpose? As we navigate the end of another year, I want to reflect upon the power of identifying the value of your work, especially around the art of gifting to others. In a world where the value of work is often qualified in monetary terms, it’s important to step back and see the value in your broader impact of the creative work you do. It’s been a season of change for me and I’ve been deep diving into where my vision and goals take me while bringing clarity to what motivates me to find and bring joy to those around me. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 4 steps to recognize the value of your work beyond the tangible effects to see the greater impact around you. 

Beyond enhancing personal fulfillment, bringing awareness to the value of your work will impact how you engage with others. It can lead to creating a life that blends your work and personal lives in such a way that maximizes your ability to experience and give joy to those around you. 

Dec 16, 202312:24
4 Keys to Embracing Change & The Art of Transitioning (Even When You Didn’t Expect It)

4 Keys to Embracing Change & The Art of Transitioning (Even When You Didn’t Expect It)

Life has a way of throwing us curve balls when we least expect them. We make plans and set goals and create dreams and sometimes things don’t go as planned. It can be fascinating to realize how quickly things can change, but when doors close the right actions and mindset can open new, beautiful doors. 

Today on the blog & podcast, let’s explore the art of transitioning and 4 keys to embracing change even when you didn’t expect it. 

Nov 11, 202313:27
4 Practical Steps to Improve Your Mental Health By Supporting Your Gut Microbiome

4 Practical Steps to Improve Your Mental Health By Supporting Your Gut Microbiome

“We are what we eat” We are what we put in, on, and around our bodies. As we head into the upcoming season full of celebrations full of food and often times sugary sweets, I am reminded of how fall is the perfect time to reassess our health and harness the power of the profound connection between our gut and our mind. The way the food industry has evolved over the last 50 years can make eating a whole foods diet more challenging, so today on the blog and podcast, I’m sharing 4 practical steps to improve your mental health by supporting your gut microbiome this season.

Oct 14, 202313:38
How to Rebuild Trust That Has Been Broken (In Any Relationship)

How to Rebuild Trust That Has Been Broken (In Any Relationship)

What does trust mean to you? I consistently show up on the blog and podcast to delve into the interconnection between mind, body, & spirit. I share various ways we can tap into our joy and our best selves in order to show up, connect, and live holistically. Across all areas of my life as a mother, wife, and electrical engineer, I have seen the impact and importance of healthy relationships. Relationships bring deeper meaning and fulfillment to our lives. Trust is the invisible thread of relationships that binds us all together, but what do you do when that trust is broken? Sometimes in a society that likes to make things overly complex, we can easily lose the ability to connect with each other in a safe space. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 5 tips for how to rebuild the trust that has been broken. Whether in a personal, familial, or business relationship, these steps will help to bring clarity in moving forward and rebuilding the relationship one step at a time.

Sep 16, 202313:30
5 Tips to Overcome Boredom & Find Fulfillment in Your Life

5 Tips to Overcome Boredom & Find Fulfillment in Your Life

“You must have lost connection.”  I was recently in a spin class when the instructor told us that if we feel bored then we must have lost conncection between our bodies and the bike. It struck me that this holds true for other areas of my life as well, especially when my children mention feeling bored. My new response to them in this moment is, “You must have lost connection.” Then I encourage them to find something that interests them and helps bring them back to the present moment and find the connection that may have been lost, whether it’s a change in routine or reaching out to connect with a friend. It might seem surprising that we can live such full, fast-paced lives and still find this pervasive boredom and loss of connection prevalent in our lives. Today on the blog & podcast, I'm sharing 5 practical tips to overcome boredom and find fullfillmnt in your life. Whether it’s boredom at work, feeling stalled in your health goals, or a loss of connection in your personal relationships, let’s explore 5 tips to re-engage and find your joy again.

Aug 20, 202310:07
4 Action Steps for Better Energy Management

4 Action Steps for Better Energy Management

How can managing our energy (rather than our time) help us lead happier lives? The idea of harnessing the power of energy management to unlock your full potential has been a focus of mine recently, especially as we transition into the summer months. In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s often been emphasized to shift our focus from time management to energy management as the key to success in recent years. This new perspective in the literature on energy management, rather than old theories of time management, allows us to attain personal growth and productivity as we focus on harnessing and managing our physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 4 action steps for better energy management so that you can find more joy in your life, as well as 3 influential books I’ve enjoyed reading in this area of personal growth.

Jun 13, 202310:32
How To Embrace The Discomfort In Your Life

How To Embrace The Discomfort In Your Life

How do we embrace the discomfort in our lives? This blog post & podcast episode is really a part 2 from last month’s post: 6 Steps To Embrace An Anti-Fragile Mindset. I love getting book recommendations myself as there’s so many options out there it can be hard to know which ones to chose. In today’s blog and podcast, I’m sharing some of my favorite books I’ve recently read on how to embrace the discomfort in your life. These books have allowed me to feel like I’m not alone in this current season of discomfort & fueled me to look for & embrace the opportunities for growth and change during this challenging season.

Jun 05, 202311:08
6 Steps to Embrace an Anti-Fragile Mindset

6 Steps to Embrace an Anti-Fragile Mindset

“No mud, no lotus.” Thich Nhat Hanh, zen master and peace activist. I was recently inspired by a collaborative group I was meeting with for my day job in the electric industry. As we were discussing overcoming the challenges and seeing the opportunities within our goal to drive new technologies in the electric industry, one colleague shared this quote from Thich Nhat Hanh. It reminded me of the importance of seeing how suffering and difficulties in our life can lead to growth and transformation. The lotus flower grows from the mud at the bottom of a pond and it is a great symbol of how challenges can be opportunities for personal growth and self improvement. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 6 steps to embrace an anti-fragile mindset in order to better appreciate the beauty and potential within ourselves as we navigate challenges and struggles in our everyday lives.

May 16, 202311:14
5 Ways I Connect With My Kids As They Grow into Adulthood

5 Ways I Connect With My Kids As They Grow into Adulthood

I was recently asked by a gracious reader how I connect and be present with my children while balancing my career and passion projects. It all started with setting my intentions and creating the reality that I envision for my life. This idea first came from trying to manage my second-born child’s toddler tantrums while also parenting an 8-year-old. One of the first books I read at this time was Dr. Daniel Siegel’s Whole Brain Child & I credit this book for putting me on a path to the place I am today, where I get to parent my children in a state of joy rather than constant stress. From understanding the neuroscience behind what the brain is doing while developing throughout childhood to adopting a growth mindset and maintaining my sense of humor, I’ve compiled a list of 5 ways I connect with my kids as they grow into adulthood while maintaining my own identity and sense of joy in my career and life as well.

Apr 19, 202314:26
3 Tips for Increasing Your Energy Levels as a Woman

3 Tips for Increasing Your Energy Levels as a Woman

Did you know that a woman’s energy levels can (& should) vary greatly over a 28-day cycle? I’ve been focusing more heavily on the physical aspect of my health since this past summer & been fascinated by how our energy levels as women are affected by these physical changes. One of these physical changes I’ve made is to introduce intermittent fasting & I recently read a book by Dr Mindy Pelz titled Fast Like a Girl. In this book, Dr Pelz teaches about how a woman’s body changes over the 28-day cycle and how to tap into this for better health. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m going to share my top 3 tips for embracing better hormone health & for increasing your energy levels as as woman.
Mar 18, 202314:20
How to Start a Daily Journaling Practice (& What to Write)

How to Start a Daily Journaling Practice (& What to Write)

Do you really write in your journal everyday? What do you write? I was recently asked these questions & I want to answer them for you. The short answer: yes, I journal everyday. No, I don’t always write the same thing nor do I just write a recap of my daily life. The idea of journaling and implementing it as a daily practice can be very intimidating. I want to break it down for you, because while I started daily journaling back in 2015, it was really only in the past couple of years that journaling became the main way I process the emotions I experience on a daily basis & continue to develop a growth mindset while finding my joy in everyday moments. Today on the blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing how to start a journaling practice & what to write to optimize your time and energy when beginning this transformative self-care practice.

Feb 19, 202310:45
How to Break Bad Habits Without Depriving Yourself

How to Break Bad Habits Without Depriving Yourself

Have you ever heard of “crowding out” bad habits? I had been trying to kick the habit of eating processed sugar for quite a while & I have finally found success in kicking this bad habit over the past 4 months by using this method of “crowding out” the bad habit. Crowding out the bad habit is accomplished by actually focusing less on eliminating the bad habits & instead shifting your focus to filling your time & life with good habits that won’t allow the bad habit to exist anymore. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing more about how to use this “crowding out” method to eliminate bad habits by showing your 4 key areas you can shift to add in those good habits that will crowd out any bad ones.

Jan 21, 202313:07
5 Steps For a Successful Seasonal Check-In

5 Steps For a Successful Seasonal Check-In

Do you believe that time discipline = time freedom? As I am wrapping up the final season of 2022, I am doing a seasonal check-in as I do every 3 months to better understand where I am at in my current state of life & how I can better utilize my time and energy to create more moments of joy & bring better focus to my daily, intentional efforts. You may find that you’ve gotten off track in one area of your life or another & this 2-3 hour seasonal check-in is a great way to better connect with yourself and provide the clarity you need to move forward with confidence into a new year or a new phase in life. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 5 steps for a successful seasonal check-in so you can experience more joy in the new year. Set aside a chunk of time on a Sunday afternoon, get cozy, and put on your favorite tunes as you work through these steps below & approach the next 3 months with intention.

Dec 16, 202210:57
5 Truths I’ve Learned About Creating Better Habits

5 Truths I’ve Learned About Creating Better Habits

Are you becoming the type of person you want to become? When I reflect upon the themes I share on the Integrated Being podcast and blog, I’m always struck by the importance of creating habits around the ability to be present in each moment of the day. I’ve found that having a reset each day at the end of the day allows me to wake up excited to live the next day. Once you experience that type of energy each morning, your desire for it continues. Our habits are the foundation for building happier, healthier lives, but creating better habits isn’t always as simple as it sounds. If you’ve ever struggled to stick with a new healthy habit or get rid of an old unhealthy one, this episode is for you. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 5 truths I’ve learned about creating better habits & how you can use these truths in your life, too.

Nov 19, 202213:42
How Your Self-Talk Creates Your Own Reality

How Your Self-Talk Creates Your Own Reality

What is self talk & why does it matter? I’ve read (& re-read) a few books recently linking the power of journaling with how we talk to ourselves. I was reading The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer while sitting next to my 9 year old son while he was being quite negative. While reading this book about the consciousness of our thoughts that speak to us all the time - whether it’s telling us we’re hungry or cold or should fret - I used this opportunity to teach my son about how the negative energy he was putting off may be affecting him. As you can imagine he got quite frustrated, but this highlighted a deeper importance in why self talk matters and how it affects the way we show up in the world. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am going to highlight 3 ways your self talk creates your own reality.

Oct 13, 202210:21
3 Steps to Connect, Embody, & Act in Alignment with Your Highest Self

3 Steps to Connect, Embody, & Act in Alignment with Your Highest Self

Have you begun to notice a theme? The daily habits and themes I share on the Integrated Being blog and podcast can really be summed up as the mind, body, and soul… interconnected. From discussing the importance of what we put on, what we put in, and what we have around our bodies to leveraging the power of the present moment, we continue to grow in the knowledge of how all of this is integrated to created a happy, fulfilling life. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am going to break this down into 3 simple steps to connect, embody, and act in alignment with your highest self.

Sep 15, 202225:21
4 Tips to Achieve Better Focus in Life

4 Tips to Achieve Better Focus in Life

Are you trying to accomplish a goal that requires your full attention? Today on the blog & podcast, I’m talking about how to keep your focus on achieving your goals while creating a flow in life that brings the greatest sense of joy. From moments of setting intentions to handling distractions, let’s get focused and bring a greater sense of presence to your everyday life.

Aug 18, 202208:21
3 Steps to Reset & Reach Your Goals

3 Steps to Reset & Reach Your Goals

Did you know that I read every book recommended to or given to me as a gift? I was recently gifted a book called The Refounder after speaking as the Pittsburg Technology Council about power grid modernization. As an electrical engineer, a wife, a mother of 6, and a wellness advocate, I find myself in a time of stepping back and reassessing my life in various areas. This book is based on Pittsburgh company and a point in the founder’s life where he, too, was stepping back and reassess his life and career. Chances are you are at this point in life your life in some capacity where you are looking to step back and assess some specific area of your life. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 steps to reset and reach your goals. We are all integrated mind, body, and spirit & and it can be beneficial to take seasonal breaks to step back, reassess, and move forward with renewed energy and focus to reach our biggest dreams and goals.

Jul 18, 202206:36
5 Sleep Tips to Keep Your Brain Healthy

5 Sleep Tips to Keep Your Brain Healthy

Did you know the average brain weighs as much as 10 lbs?! The amount of data a brain can store is equal to roughly 1 million gigabytes. With 86 billion neurons in the brain & 1000 connections per neuron, it’s important that we are giving our brains proper rest. We know the mind, body, and spirit are interconnected, but we may not realize the unhealthy sleep habits that have crept into our lives. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 5 sleep tips to keep your brain healthy. Let’s get a quick reminder that sleep habits matter & learn ways to start logging the right amount of zzz’s, so we can find a flow of life that allows us to get enough sleep to wake up feeling refreshed!

Jun 23, 202210:01
3 Ways to Show Gratitude for Your Body (Especially During a Time of Transition)

3 Ways to Show Gratitude for Your Body (Especially During a Time of Transition)

Have you taken a moment of gratitude today? A few recent life events have served as beautiful reminder of how grateful I am for my body, especially during moments of illness, sadness, and transition. We are living in a time of rushing and must-do’s that invade our everyday cultural environment, and we don’t always hear our bodies telling us to slow down and be present. When we get sick or receive an unexpected diagnosis or lose a loved one (even a family pet), this time of transition can serve as a catalyst for growing in deeper gratitude for ours bodies that give us the ability to experience this life each day. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am sharing 3 ways that you can show gratitude for your body, especially if you are in a time of transition.

May 28, 202212:06
10 Life Lessons That I've Learned as a Female in a Male-Dominated Field

10 Life Lessons That I've Learned as a Female in a Male-Dominated Field

Have you ever taken time to sit back & reflect on how you arrived at your place in the world? I recently had the opportunity to reflect upon my career as an electrical engineer in a male-dominated industry. I was asked to speak to an educational panel as well as an upcoming class of engineering students at the university level. Upon reflecting upon my career as a successful electrical engineer, earning my doctorate degree, & thriving as a wife and other of 6 children, I compile an insightful list of 10 life lessons that I want to share with you today. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am sharing these 10 life lessons that I’ve learned as a female professional and a working mother in the male-dominated industry of electrical engineering.

Apr 15, 202214:60
3 Things the Pandemic Taught Us About Better Work-Life Blending

3 Things the Pandemic Taught Us About Better Work-Life Blending

Does work life balance really exist… or is it more of a blend? If you’ve listened to my podcast, you know that I don’t prescribe to the idea of work life “balance” but I find the concept of work life “harmony” a better description for the joy & peace we all seek to find among our personal and professional lives. The pandemic brought a huge shift in the way that we work and live and some of the proverbial walls it broke down between our personal lives and our work lives have taught us a few things about achieving better work life balance. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am sharing 3 things that pandemic can teach us about achieving better work life blending the act of blending our personal and professional lives together in a way that bring more purpose and joy to the everyday.
Apr 15, 202207:28
How to Trust Yourself & Let Go of Control During Times of Chaos

How to Trust Yourself & Let Go of Control During Times of Chaos

How do we let go & trust within the chaos going on around us? There’s this idea that we can only control how we respond to what happens to us rather than controlling what happens around us, but it can be a challenge to accept this truth and learn how to let go and really surrender. As we all adjust to this new normal after the past few years, it’s important for us to take the time to step back from the business of life and really ask ourselves if we are showing up as the best version of ourselves for those around us. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am sharing 7 ways that I deepen my trust within myself so that I can extend that trust to those around me & begin to feel at peace with the world around me as I continually learn, grow, and become the best version of myself.

Feb 19, 202208:20
2 Ways to Use Bullet Journaling to Create Healthier Habits

2 Ways to Use Bullet Journaling to Create Healthier Habits

How do you create the space & awareness to do all of the things that bring you joy? They say that the organ that uses the most energy is your brain. We are constantly making decisions all day long & we can utilize this decision making power to bring about more joy in our everyday lives. Journaling is one of the most effective ways to recognize the habits that are negatively affecting your life so that you can use the process of crowding out to replace them with more positive habits that do bring you joy. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m going to share 2 ways to use journaling to create healthier habits this year!

Jan 14, 202209:19
7 Benefits of Daily Bullet Journaling for Beginners

7 Benefits of Daily Bullet Journaling for Beginners

Have you ever started the daily practice of journaling just to end up with notebooks full of blank pages? As I was making my lists & checking them twice this holiday season, I realized that the trending topic of bullet journaling (which has been the method I’ve used for years) has helped me stay consistent with the daily practice of journaling. Journaling has been a key factor in bringing awareness to my daily intentions & creating a life that brings me joy. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing 7 benefits of daily bullet journaling for beginners (& tips for making it a fun part of your day rather that just another thing on your to-do list!)

Dec 19, 202108:05
3 Tips to Declutter Your Life for a New Year

3 Tips to Declutter Your Life for a New Year

Do you feel stuck in a personal or professional rut - maybe it’s time to declutter your life?  I’m happy to be back with regular blog & podcast episodes again after a short break. I had been feeling stuck in a creative rut lately & unable to connect the dots as to why I felt this way. I took this time to declutter my life - mentally, physically and all other possible ways to help me find that pep in my step again. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing 3 simple tips to declutter your life for this new season ahead, especially if you’re feeling stuck in a personal or professional rut.

Dec 03, 202111:01
How to Use Emotional Energy to Find Better Harmony in Your Life

How to Use Emotional Energy to Find Better Harmony in Your Life

Did you know that our thoughts, words, and feelings can be influenced by the vibrational energy around us? For your body’s cells to function optimally, your thoughts, words, and feelings need to be in harmony with your body. This is more than just “a think positive” type of philosophy but cultivating kind & positive thoughts is a key factor in using emotional energy to achieve better harmony & happiness in your life. If you’re feeling frazzled, stressed, or experiencing feelings of shame or guilt, then this blog post & podcast episode is for you.  In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing simple ways to become aware of how emotional energy is impacting your overall health & how to use it to achieve better harmony & happiness in your life.

Oct 22, 202114:45
3 Simple Ways to Eliminate Endocrine Disruptors to Increase Energy Levels

3 Simple Ways to Eliminate Endocrine Disruptors to Increase Energy Levels

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi As a thriving electrical engineer, a devoted wife, and a joyful mother to 6 beautiful children, I felt a calling while studying for my doctorate in electrical engineering to also purpose my passion for health & wellness at the same time. After becoming a certified health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I began to share my knowledge of the power of food, the power of mindset, and how to live an integrated life on this blog & podcast. I’m so thankful to have you tuning in  & learning alongside me today. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing 3 simple tips to eliminate endocrine disruptors to increase your energy levels. Allow me to put my health coach hat on for a while & let’s learn together…

Oct 01, 202112:38
How to Use a Growth Mindset to Better Manage Your Schedule

How to Use a Growth Mindset to Better Manage Your Schedule

What is a “fixed” mindset versus a “growth” mindset? A “fixed” mindset cares more about what success looks like from the outside & therefore, tends to avoid challenges, get defensive, and feels threatened by others’ success. This defensive “fixed” mindset inevitably leads to a plateau in success. On the contrary, a “growth” mindset allows you to continue growth to master your area of expertise. In today’s blog & podcast, I’m going to dive deeper into these 2 opposing concepts of mindset & how to harness the power of a growth mindset to achieve your goals in life.

Sep 17, 202108:54
How to Be a Force for Change in a Divisive World

How to Be a Force for Change in a Divisive World

The human condition isn’t a competition… it’s an experience. One thing that I’ve always connected to & believed is that life is about the experience. It’s the small, seemingly simple moments that we can find joy in and we have the power to intentionally chose to live this joy-filled life every day.  We have the power to set our lives up intentionally to find these simple moments & create more of them by taking purposeful action every day the brings deeper awareness to our Inner Guide. This allows us to live from a place of self-awareness & ultimately love. In today’s blog & podcast, I’m going to share the perspective shifts you need to make to be a force for change in a divisive world through living from a place of joy & love.

Sep 01, 202113:07
How to Compartmentalize Your Life as a Multi Passionate Person

How to Compartmentalize Your Life as a Multi Passionate Person

How to Compartmentalize Your Life as a Multi Passionate Person

Playing the many roles that we all play in our lives, we can sometimes find that limiting effects of our time & energy pulling us in different directions... In order to live happy & healthy lives that feel balanced & joyful, we must find time to optimize how we approach our daily to-do’s, so we can find effective ways to be a solution-focused problem solver and do it with joy in our hearts. Let’s find creative ways to avoid burnout and overwhelm by being very intentional with our time & energy by setting aside time to regularly reflect upon each day in order to catapult us forward in the direction of our biggest goals & dreams. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m going to dive deeper into how to compartmentalize your life as a multi passionate person in order to achieve those big goals you’ve set for yourself while maintaining a sense of true joy & peace.

Aug 06, 202112:08
5 Tips for Overcoming Fear that Is Showing Up As Repressed Anger

5 Tips for Overcoming Fear that Is Showing Up As Repressed Anger

“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist… fear is a choice.” -Will Smith, movie quote Fear, anger, sadness, disappointment, frustration… as a society, we’ve compartmentalized these as negative emotions to be avoided. These not-so-pleasant emotions tend to show up in our lives in a cyclical pattern. Fear is a very powerful emotion that can shed light on how to create lasting, positive changes in our lives. If we start connecting with those emotions again & understanding our triggers, there is a very bright light at the end of the tunnel. We can gain deeper insight into what is triggering these negative emotions & begin altering these cyclical patterns in our lives through proper awareness.  Today on the blog & podcast, I’m going to dive deeper into this idea of awareness & processing of our negative emotions, and harnessing the power of fear and using it as a motivator for positive change in our lives.

Jul 30, 202111:49
Am I Eating Enough? 3 Steps to Counting Macros to Find the Answer

Am I Eating Enough? 3 Steps to Counting Macros to Find the Answer

Have you ever heard that “you are what you eat”? Knowing that our lifestyle choices (that are driven by our behavior) account for over half of the risk of early death. What we do every single day matters. We tend to live in a society that believes “It’s just one day of bad eating…” “I’ll start on Monday…” “Well, it’s the weekend…”  Over the past several years I’ve come to understand the deep impact that what I put in & on my body has on my daily energy levels. With all of the responsibilities & to-do’s on my list, it became a must for me to better understand how to use nutrition to better energize my body, mind, & spirit. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m going to dive deeper into the idea that we are what we eat & how to use food to optimize the quality of your overall health & wellbeing.

Jul 23, 202116:46
How to Connect with People in a Post Covid World

How to Connect with People in a Post Covid World

3 tips for battling the loneliness that you feel when reentering the world after post-covid shutdowns
Jul 14, 202114:52
3 Tips for Finding Balance in How to Be Authentic in Life & Work

3 Tips for Finding Balance in How to Be Authentic in Life & Work

3 Tips for Finding Balance in How to Be Authentic in Life & Work

What does authenticity look like for you? Sometimes the people closest to us can strike the closest to our hearts when they share their honest feedback and opinions. Recently, my older brother made a comment about how the calm & collected photos of me sitting on my front porch sipping coffee didn’t look and feel authentic to who he knows me to be with a home full of love & chaos as I raise a family of 6 children. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m going to dive deeper into this topic of authenticity and how my brother’s comment made me re-think how I share about my personal life within my career.

Jun 23, 202113:06
3 Ways to Lead With An Open Heart & Intentionally Teach Little Minds

3 Ways to Lead With An Open Heart & Intentionally Teach Little Minds

How are we leading the next generation of little minds? In order to relieve the pressure of perfection and find real, genuine  connection with our kids or the little minds we impact in or everyday lives, it’s important to take a step back and think intentionally about how we interact on a daily basis. While we lead most powerfully by example, there are a few key things we can begin to incorporate into your daily routine that can help set the foundation for creating safe place for our children to learn and feel comfortable processing all of life’s emotions as they continually grow alongside us. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 ways to lead with an open heart & intentionally teach little minds how to live more joyfully.

May 26, 202112:05
3 Steps to Practice Intentional Living for Greater Purpose & Joy

3 Steps to Practice Intentional Living for Greater Purpose & Joy

What if you woke up everyday with a strong foundation that allowed you to live your life as your authentic self? We all start at different places in life and have different goals and motivations that drives us to dream, work, and live life in a certain way. No matter where you are on your journey, it’s important to live your life with intention in order to achieve thing things you desire while cultivating a true sense of peace and joy within your life. Understanding what makes you want what you wants & identifying your why is a powerful motivator for creating the lifestyle you truly desire, and that takes time & intention to cultivate. As I look forward to the rest of this year & look ahead to the many years ahead, I feel called to share 3 of the foundational practices I do on a regular basis that allow me to live my life with intention & simultaneously achieve my desire for continued growth & ultimate peace and joy everyday.  Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 steps to practice intentional living to help you achieve both purpose & joy at any stage of life.

May 10, 202111:11
How to Believe You Are Worthy of Your Dreams (5 Life Lessons)

How to Believe You Are Worthy of Your Dreams (5 Life Lessons)

Often times people will ask me not only ‘how’ do I accomplish my dreams, but ‘why’…  Whether you were told this truth as as young child or not, let me be the one to remind you: You Are Worthy of Your Dreams . I believe your thoughts, ideas,  dreams, and desires are destiny’s way of communicating with you.  Far too often, we spend our precious time and energy reflecting on why our dreams can’t be achieved & not enough time believe that you can… you will… and you are deserving of making your dreams happen. Today on the blog and podcast, I’m talking about the importance of dreaming and the benefits of allowing yourself the freedom to dream without allowing your ego clouding those dreams in fear or doubt. I’m sharing 5 life lessons that have enabled me to dream big & accomplish those dreams, too.

Apr 03, 202113:47
5 Tips To Improve Gut Health & Boost Your Immune System Naturally

5 Tips To Improve Gut Health & Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Did you know that over 70% of your immune system lives in your gut?! Coming out of the flu season & many of us still experiencing colder weather without sunshine-filled days quite yet, it’s more important than ever to focus on boosting your immune system and taking care of your overall health to fend off cold, flu, or any other virus in our environment. Gut health refers to the function & balance of the bacteria in your GI tract. When your gut is working properly, your gut will flourish with healthy bacteria and your body will produce properly functioning immune cells, so you will be able to ward off the harmful bacteria and fungi during the cold and flu season. Today on the blog and podcast, I’m sharing 5 tips to improve gut health & boost your immune system naturally.

Mar 06, 202118:23
What is Emotional Intelligence? (& How to Develop It in the Workplace)

What is Emotional Intelligence? (& How to Develop It in the Workplace)

Did you know emotions are simply ‘energy in motion’? After a year of working from home and learning to develop projects and share new ideas with colleagues through a computer screen, I’ve come to an even deeper understanding of how our emotional energy plays a huge part in creating a happy & healthy life. While initially adjusting to a work-from-home schedule with 5 children at home as well, I found myself experiencing less and less energy over time - even though I was literally sitting down all day long from 7 am to 5 pm at my computer screen. “Energy” is the capacity to do work & since energy cannot be destroyed, it involves the process of transfer from one body to another. In this week’s blog & podcast episode, I’m going to dive deeper into the emotional energy we all experience and how to develop your emotional intelligence through a simple everyday practice that will increase your level of joy and decrease your feelings of fear and frustration - even if you’re still working with less-than-ideal circumstances.

Feb 05, 202118:59
3 Tips to Use Breathing Exercises to Calm Anxiety & Reduce Daily Stress

3 Tips to Use Breathing Exercises to Calm Anxiety & Reduce Daily Stress

Becoming aware of your breathing can allow you to release anxiety & reduce daily stress in just moments. Creating a practice around finding your breath, also commonly referred to as a “breathing exercise,” is a great tool to use to help reduce the mind clutter and anxiety you feel throughout the day & instant de-stress in a few easy steps. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to use breathing exercises to calm anxiety and reduce daily stress in a few easy steps. Whether it’s the large load of laundry that needs washing, your never-ending to-do list, or simply a general feeling of overwhelm in your chest, these breathing exercise tips will help you recenter yourself throughout the day & reduce those daily feelings of anxiety and stress.

Jan 09, 202114:55
How to Be a Humble Person (Even If It Doesn’t Come Naturally)

How to Be a Humble Person (Even If It Doesn’t Come Naturally)

“The difference between entitlement and privilege is one that is grateful.” -Brene Brown   Growing up my father always told me to “be humble” whenever I share about my recent accomplishments. As an adult, I now realized how profound of an effect this had upon me as a person and I want to dive deeper into exploring the concept of humility below. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 attributes of a humble person and how to cultivate humility in your own life, even if it doesn’t come naturally to you.
Jan 06, 202115:21
Ego Vs Self-Esteem: 3 Differences To Know For Happier & Healthier Relationships

Ego Vs Self-Esteem: 3 Differences To Know For Happier & Healthier Relationships

Ego vs Self Esteem… What’s the difference & why does it matter to developing happier and healthier relationships?

In 2006, I was a newlywed and new working mother when I first learned about the difference between ego and self-esteem (& then applying the fruits of this discovery to my own life.) Upon reading the book Coming From Love by Dr. Dale Noelting, I began to understand how the ego controls your mind and how to differentiate between the fear-driven ego and love-driven self-esteem to foster happier and healthier relationships with those I love. 

Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 important differences between ego vs self-esteem and how to use harness the power of high self-esteem to promote happier and healthier relationships.

Nov 29, 202008:38
3 Secrets to Chilling Out When You're Feeling Stressed

3 Secrets to Chilling Out When You're Feeling Stressed

How to become of aware of your stress and to take steps to reduce it.

Nov 16, 202012:26
What is Fear?

What is Fear?

There is not step-by-step program to overcoming your fears, but here's what I've learned.
Nov 02, 202011:40