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Getufit with Irene- Helping you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Getufit with Irene- Helping you lead a healthy lifestyle.

By Irene Kok

As a Business Owner and Entrepreneur, my days are spent guiding and inspiring others to reach their health goals and lead a healthy lifestyle by using the tools I provide through my programs. Yet, as busy as life gets, I also incorporate these teachings into my life every day. My goal as a Wellness Professional is to help people feel good about themselves and learn how to incorporate that optimal mindset to create the ideal routine that is needed to maintain a sustainable and realistic healthy lifestyle. My 26-minute podcasts are mini-stepping stones to the eternal pathway to wellness.
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Sleep Cycles- Learn how to sleep better!

Getufit with Irene- Helping you lead a healthy lifestyle. Apr 14, 2022

Meet Mike- Cut out Sugar and Changed His Life!
Apr 14, 202432:50
The Ultimate Getufit Toolbox presented by True life Success Story!

The Ultimate Getufit Toolbox presented by True life Success Story!

Meet fire wife, client and friend Kelly who has become an advocate for her own health and has built a life-long legacy of healthy and wellness from tools she has gathered over the years with Getufit!

Feb 20, 202420:15
Getufit Contest Winner Shares Success 7 Years Later

Getufit Contest Winner Shares Success 7 Years Later

Christine is a member of Getufit Fitness & Nutrition programs, but her story is less than ordinary. After winning a free Getufit Program on Facebook back in 2017, she took her winnings to the maximum capacity. See how she took the steps toward a healthier lifestyle after combating weight issues her entire life.

Jan 21, 202455:11
90 lb Weight Loss and Metabolic Typing

90 lb Weight Loss and Metabolic Typing

If you want to be inspired by an amazing story, this one will get you motivated for sure. Meet Kelly Sarther, wife and busy mom of twins shares how she shed 90 pounds and managed to keep it off despite the chaos of life over the last few years. She also shares how METABOLIC TYPING changed the way she thinks about the types of foods she eats, and how that impacted her energy levels and metabolism.

To learn more about our programs visit

Dec 28, 202326:01
Guest John Heneghan shares his inspiring story of fitness

Guest John Heneghan shares his inspiring story of fitness

Join us and listen to guest John Heneghan shares how he made a fantastic pivot from being unhealthy and making poor lifestyle choices to now being in his 60s and in better shape than most 30-year-olds.

Dec 23, 202324:09
Benefits of Food Journaling- Best Food Log App

Benefits of Food Journaling- Best Food Log App

Food journaling emerges as a beacon of empowerment in the quest for weight loss. It goes beyond calorie counting, providing a nuanced understanding of your nutritional intake. At Getufit, we believe in the power of knowledge – knowing not just how many calories you consume but understanding the composition of those calories. This awareness sets the stage for informed decisions about your diet.

Listen to my episode where I compare the different platforms for food journaling and share tips on how to get started!

Get more information on my programs at

Dec 19, 202318:14
Special Guest Deanna Merrell Shares Her Inspirational Fitness Journey

Special Guest Deanna Merrell Shares Her Inspirational Fitness Journey

Listen to this amazing podcast as member Deanna Merrell shares her inspiring story and her unique philosophy on health and wellness. Deanna's approach goes beyond the physical appearance and encompasses mental and emotional well-being!

To contact Deanna, you can find her on or contact her directly at 262-290-5280 oe email her at

Dec 07, 202324:27
Why is Losing Weight So Difficult

Why is Losing Weight So Difficult

At Getufit Fitness & Nutrition, we understand that losing weight can be complex and frustrating, often leaving many wondering why their efforts don’t yield the desired results. As a weight loss specialist specializing in metabolic wellness, I’ve delved into the intricate web of factors that make shedding those extra pounds a challenge. In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons behind the difficulty in losing weight and unveil effective strategies to pave the way for sustainable success. So, let’s embark on this transformative journey together! To find out more about my programs, check out

Dec 04, 202323:06
Special Guest Bea Shares Her Amazing Story on Weight Loss

Special Guest Bea Shares Her Amazing Story on Weight Loss

Discover how this extraordinary individual found motivation and discipline to embark on their weight loss journey at an age where many people believe it's too late for significant change. Be inspired by my guest who shares her story of how she initially feared the changes that have ultimately changed her life!

Oct 25, 202320:02
Special Guest Tim Lootens Shares Weight Loss Story
Oct 23, 202319:38
Stubborn Scale - Looking at the Big Picture

Stubborn Scale - Looking at the Big Picture

Do not let the numbers on the scale trip you up, especially after a weekend. There are so many factors that impact your weight...and your mental mindset! Listen and learn about what really matters when you are losing weight !

Oct 10, 202309:32
Health Crisis to Health Hero - Meet guest Nadine

Health Crisis to Health Hero - Meet guest Nadine

You heard that right! Nadine was on 15 medications and suffered a host of symptoms until she started my program! Listen to her amazing story as she shares how she overcame being overweight and unmotivated to how she shed 50 pounds and is now a hero to her own health!

Sep 18, 202326:58
Balance it ..or Burn it out

Balance it ..or Burn it out

Work-life balance is the ability to maintain a healthy and fulfilling personal life while also being productive at work. Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive stress. When work-life balance is not maintained, it can lead to burnout. There are many things that can be done to improve work-life balance, such as setting boundaries, taking breaks, and delegating tasks."

Listen and learn!

  • The signs and symptoms of burnout.
  • The causes of burnout.
  • How to prevent burnout.
  • Tips for improving work-life balance.
Aug 18, 202326:58
Transforming your life

Transforming your life

We always want the best out of our health, however incorporating these habits need to be part of our life in order to see that success. See how you can transform your life with small goals!

Aug 15, 202326:58
Super Supplements

Super Supplements

In this podcast, we discuss the importance of taking supplements, where to get them, and which ones to start with. We also talk about the potential risks of taking supplements and how to talk to your doctor about them.

We interview a registered dietitian who gives us her insights on the supplement industry and how to choose the right supplements for your individual needs. We also talk to a pharmacist who discusses the importance of getting your supplements from a reputable source.

If you're thinking about taking supplements, this podcast is a great place to start. We'll give you the information you need to make informed decisions about your health.

Join my Healthie🍎 network and send me a chat saying you heard this episode and get advise on supplements !

Jun 23, 202326:58
Hormone Health and Menopause

Hormone Health and Menopause

Hormone health is an important aspect of overall well-being, especially for women going through menopause or perimenopause. During this time, hormonal changes can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms, from hot flashes and night sweats to mood swings and fatigue. One hormone that plays a key role in stress management during this time is cortisol.
Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. It helps to regulate blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and it also has an impact on the immune system and inflammation. However, chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, which can have negative effects on the body, including weight gain, muscle loss, and decreased bone density.
Managing stress is crucial for women going through menopause or perimenopause. This includes practicing self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and relaxation techniques, as well as seeking support from friends, family, or a healthcare provider. Additionally, incorporating healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep can help to support hormone health and reduce the impact of stress on the body.
Overall, understanding the role of cortisol in stress management and hormone health is an important part of navigating the changes that occur during menopause and perimenopause. By prioritizing self-care and healthy habits, women can support their bodies through this transition and improve their overall well-being.

Apr 28, 202326:58
FDN Practitioner and Mentor Dustin McFarland gets SERIOUS ABOUT WELLNESS- hear his amazing story

FDN Practitioner and Mentor Dustin McFarland gets SERIOUS ABOUT WELLNESS- hear his amazing story

Dustin has had many transformations and evolutions not only on a personal level but also on a professional level.  From a personal trainer to a nutritional coach to now a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner who also has a true passion for not only helping his clients…but also helping future practitioners as he is also a MENTOR for trainees.   Dustin has truly given me a new dimension and perspective for me personally as he has been my mentor as I have also gone through the program, and I can't say enough about his teaching style and true passion for health and wellness.  Dustin also runs his practice in Colorado where he uses the FDN model of self-care which brings them better health and resiliency through his coaching and leadership.  Listen to Dustin's story and be inspired by his health journey!   

To connect with Dustin, his website is 

For more information on the FDN Programs, visit for a course overview

Jan 12, 202344:14
False Weight Loss Beliefs

False Weight Loss Beliefs

Setting ourselves up for failure is never a great way to start a program.  In our society, and our way of thinking, we have grown to believe weight loss comes in a way that is truly misleading our thinking.  This causes our expectations to become unrealistic and our frustrations to rise.  Listen to what the more common falsities of weight loss are and how you can reframe your thinking to increase your success going into the new year !

Jan 12, 202326:58
How STRESSED are You?  Control Your Cortisol Naturally!

How STRESSED are You? Control Your Cortisol Naturally!

Cortisol is an essential hormone that affects almost every organ and tissue in your body. It plays many important roles, including:

We can control all of these variables holistically and naturally with some simple techniques!  Listen to my tips! 

Dec 13, 202226:58
Gut Health- What is leaky gut and could this impact weight loss?

Gut Health- What is leaky gut and could this impact weight loss?

Poor gut health can lead to gut dysbiosis or leaky gut.  This is when damaged cells in your intestines don't produce the enzymes needed for proper digestion. As a result, your body cannot absorb essential nutrients, which can lead to hormone imbalances and a weakened immune system.  Listen to what can cause this condition that over 60% of  us may have and how you can avoid it! 

Dec 06, 202226:58
Don't Log in A Fog- The Dangers of Food Journaling

Don't Log in A Fog- The Dangers of Food Journaling

Logging your food will increase your success rate by 78%.  It will not only make you aware of your intake, but it will keep you educated on the value of the nutrients that you are taking in.  Keeping a food log has many benefits, however, there can be some slippery downfalls to logging that you should be aware of that could lead to your demise.  Listen to my tips and increase the likelihood of bringing your success rate up!

Sep 28, 202226:56
No One Diet For All??? Are there Different Metabolic Types?

No One Diet For All??? Are there Different Metabolic Types?

Over the last two decades, we’ve witnessed an extraordinary nutrition revolution here in the United States. Yet this is the very same time frame during which the health of Americans has declined significantly.  Interestingly, we are and have always been wired uniquely from our DNA and our genetic makeup.  Inherited traits are coded in our DNA and hence can be passed on to the next generation.  So much of our health is dictated by our genes..shouldn't the way we metabolize and digest food?  Listen how this may help you !

Aug 30, 202226:58
Exercise Matters - Functional Training Saves the Day

Exercise Matters - Functional Training Saves the Day

Functional fitness mimics how you move in everyday life, so you'll naturally feel and move better in your day-to-day. It's all about movement patterns that mimic daily activities. Functional training is built around bending and lifting (also called the hip hinge), lunging, pushing, pulling, and rotation.

Doing these movement patterns over and over again leads to neural adaptations or the mind-muscle connection, the more often you perform a movement, the neural pathways become stronger and 'talk' to your muscles to help them work together to complete the movement more effectively to make you stronger and avoid injury! 

Aug 29, 202226:58
Emotional Eating - Learning to Channel Your Emotions Elsewhere
Aug 19, 202226:58
Naturally Controlling Your Stress Levels and What Standard Test Labs Mean

Naturally Controlling Your Stress Levels and What Standard Test Labs Mean

Are you often confused about what the numbers on your blood work reports mean?  Are you one of the millions of people who assume the "normal range" means that you're ok and you continue to ignore life-long symptoms that eventually become chronic? Learn about blood lab reports and how to read them.  Later listen to me explain how you can holistically control your cortisol level to reduce daily stress. I actually share a real-life experience in the podcast! 

Aug 19, 202226:58
Grocery Survival Tips - Label Reading. Don't be fooled by the BIG words.
Aug 10, 202226:58
Mindless Moves - What You Don't Know May Be Hurting You
Aug 03, 202226:58
Never Too Old To Start - Adding exercise later in life

Never Too Old To Start - Adding exercise later in life

One thing that we are good at is making excuses for why we can't accomplish a goal.  When it comes to exercise, pretty much any reason can be molded as a legitimate reason for not starting a routine.  The older we get, the harder it becomes to justify starting a program as we feel our body is incapable of handling the exercise elements.  This is quite the opposite.   We can perfectly incorporate exercise into our lives regardless of age or physical limitations.  Listen to my tips on how to get started and the benefits of doing so!

If you are interested in hearing more about my programs, log on to and book a free consultation on  

Jul 20, 202226:58
Mr. Getufit Interviews Irene on her Birthday

Mr. Getufit Interviews Irene on her Birthday

To me, birthdays are milestones. Each birthday indicates that I have experienced another full year of life. The Earth has taken another full trip around the Sun with me in tow.

That said, life involves varying levels of loss, failure, and struggle. Thus, as I look back on last year, there is always some grief and pain. There is also beauty and joy. Honestly, while the idea of reflecting sounds really lovely and important for personal growth (blah, blah, blah), this also feels hard to do– emotionally and logistically.

Through this process, I also find myself resisting asking for what I need and want. I don’t want to be a “burden” or bring extra attention to myself. (Which is why I asked my husband to do this podcast with me in honor of my birthday), and making a special memory to honor this day!

Jun 29, 202230:28
Consistency is the Powerhouse of Success

Consistency is the Powerhouse of Success

Starting to eat healthily is not as difficult as maintaining consistency in following it. Cravings, mood swings, hormonal imbalance, stress and fatigue can all make it difficult for you to stay consistent in a diet. And this is a major hurdle that people face when being on a weight loss or fitness regime. In this podcast, I share tips and tricks that can help people maintain consistency in eating healthy and changing your routines permanently. 

Jun 23, 202226:58
Ready for a Break? Don't Quit - Take A Diet Vacation
Jun 13, 202226:58
Benefits of Collagen - How Should We Be Using It?

Benefits of Collagen - How Should We Be Using It?

Collagen is found in all of our connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and bones with its purpose being to provide these body parts with their strength, structure, and elasticity. Along with its bioactive capabilities, collagen peptides also provide the body with the specific amino acids required to do so. Consumption of collagen peptides will help supply the body with amino acids needed as building blocks to renew tissues, like skin, bones, and joints.  However, how can it be incorporated properly into our diet??  Listen and learn! 

Jun 07, 202226:58
The Key to Success is Accepting Vulnerability

The Key to Success is Accepting Vulnerability

I am often challenged by individuals who face conflict with accepting the reality of needing to ask for help when it comes to weight loss and wellness.  In a world where we pay for services to accommodate so many of our other needs, having a professional guide you through the process of learning how to master your wellness should not be a question.  The question is... why is it such a struggle when we are faced with having an open mind?  Listen and learn! 

Jun 01, 202226:58
Diet Shaming - Are you being judged for eating clean?

Diet Shaming - Are you being judged for eating clean?

Even though weight can be a touchy subject, the ideas that weight loss is always positive and that being thin is a reliable indicator of overall health can make the weight feel like an appropriate topic for workplace bonding.  In a society that is full of weight-loss-seeking individuals, it can be very difficult when comments are made about lifestyle changes being put into place.   See how common this is and how you can handle these uncomfortable situations. 

May 18, 202226:58
Four Year Show Anniversary - Overview of Top Topics

Four Year Show Anniversary - Overview of Top Topics

Four years of Getufit Radio.  Over 250 shows, hundreds and hundreds of topics related to weight loss - balance - wellness mindset- exercise - and leading a healthy lifestyle.  It never gets dull when it comes to getting healthy, and there are so many areas to cover.  Which are the most popular?  What do people ask about the most?  Check out which shows were listened to the most and get a quick recap on each topic! 

Alcohol and weight loss.

Mindless Eating. 

Logging Food. 

May 06, 202226:58
Don't Get So Emotional - Stop Stress Snacking!

Don't Get So Emotional - Stop Stress Snacking!

Why are you snacking?  Is it stress?  Are you bored?  Are you lonely?  Is it just a habit that you have created over the years and you don't know how to break it?  Are you one of the lucky ones who doesn't actually know which of the above causes you to mindlessly munch?  To add to the issue, does this munching become amplified if you are stressed?  If you are one of the millions of people who make it through most of the day on a good eating path, only to toss it away when the emotional snacking gets in your way, this episode will help you!  Listen to the strategies that can prevent you from senseless snacking! 

May 02, 202226:58
Don't Layoff When You are Laid Off - Coping with Injuries and Illnesses

Don't Layoff When You are Laid Off - Coping with Injuries and Illnesses

No one is immune from sidelining events. There are innumerable reasons why one might be forced to take an extended rest period from exercise, and each of us will more than likely face this scenario on at least one occasion.

Injury, illness, and LIFE happens. How you handle these things makes all the difference. And that doesn't necessarily mean buckling down and charging forward more intensely; it can also mean slowing down and letting yourself heal. Here are my suggestions for getting through a sidelining event.

Apr 21, 202226:58
Sleep Cycles- Learn how to sleep better!

Sleep Cycles- Learn how to sleep better!

Understanding your sleep cycles will help you learn how to incorporate proper sleep hygiene and essentially sleep better. Learning how to incorporate better patterns in your day will get you to rest and relax better which includes needing less sleep and improving the quality of your sleep!

Apr 14, 202226:58
Morning Motivation - Need a kickstart? This is how!

Morning Motivation - Need a kickstart? This is how!

If you are not a morning person and you struggle with getting started in the morning, that will not change until you change your routine!  Listen to my tips on how you can optimize your day, every single day...and take the stress out of the tasks that seem so cumbersome ! 

Apr 12, 202226:58
Emotional Eating - Channel Your Emotions Elsewhere
Apr 05, 202230:30
STORY TIME : The Perfect Pear Tree - Perseverance Pays Off

STORY TIME : The Perfect Pear Tree - Perseverance Pays Off

We want to reap the benefits of the final result without putting in the hard work that is necessary to achieve that perfection.  We also become so critical of our successes as we compare our progress to the progress of others without taking note of the multitude of factors that are involved.  Listen to my Fairy Tale and see how it compares to weight loss and our perception of what is perfect.

Mar 31, 202226:58
Ease into Exercise - Find that sweet spot and love it
Mar 17, 202229:27
Covid Comeback - Did Covid set you back? Come back strong!

Covid Comeback - Did Covid set you back? Come back strong!

Clearly with the mass infections of Covid-19 many Americans were thrown off their routines as our lifestyles were disrupted a few years back when we were forced to stay home and restrict our activities which caused an overall average national weight gain.  In addition, as individuals got sick the flulike symptoms caused havoc on our daily habits which threw us off track.  It's time to come back!  Listen to my tips!  

Mar 10, 202226:58
Diet Downfalls - What Causes A Good Diet To Go Bad

Diet Downfalls - What Causes A Good Diet To Go Bad

It happens to all of us.  No matter how dedicated or committed you are to your plan.  It's a small little glitch in the system that creates a ripple effect so great that it causes a full derailment.  As a health coach I watch this happen to even the most dedicated individuals and it can be prevented. Implement these diet downfall hacks into your routine and secure your chances of keeping your weight off!

Feb 20, 202226:58
Restaurant Tricks and Tips- How to Enjoy a Night Out

Restaurant Tricks and Tips- How to Enjoy a Night Out

These days, you can find healthful foods almost everywhere. The trick is to know what you're getting into before you get to the restaurant and are tempted by enticing menu descriptions. Many restaurants have their menus online — some with nutrition information readily available. You'll be able to choose the destination with the healthiest options, and go into the eatery ready to order the best meal and ask for substitutions where necessary.  Even with that information it can be difficult to know exactly what you're taking in when ordering out.  Listen to my tricks and tips so you can enjoy a night out successfully!

Feb 13, 202226:58
Waiting for Motivation? It's not coming! Manifest it and succeed!

Waiting for Motivation? It's not coming! Manifest it and succeed!

Manifestation is the process of turning a specific desired outcome into a reality through focused visualization, unwavering belief, and intentional action.   To some, manifesting sounds like something for the spiritual. But it’s actually a powerful tool for setting and crushing goals.  It needs to be done carefully in these easy steps and you can recah any goal!! 

Feb 03, 202226:58
Mastering Miles With Guest Amy Baugh - Start Running After 40

Mastering Miles With Guest Amy Baugh - Start Running After 40

Do you want to start running and feel intimidated?  Are you feeling that you are too old or don't know where to start?  Listen to the inspiring story from guest Amy Baugh who started running at age 41 and is now running the Boston Marathon after only a few short years as she shares how she began and how she overcame the fear of taking those first steps.  Additionally she shares the exciting news of her new coaching business and can be contacted at

Feb 03, 202222:20
Marathons Over The Years - Special Guest 10x Boston Marathon Runner

Marathons Over The Years - Special Guest 10x Boston Marathon Runner

How has running changed over the years? More so, how has running changed over one's lifetime?  Meet friend and client Al Neil who shares his amazing story of running in the 1969 Boston Marathon and compares it to running it again multiple times until finally just a few years ago.  See how times have changed, from running the first Boston where no women were allowed to running it a few years ago with over 12,000 women on the course.  Al shares his amazing experiences as an inspirational runner who has watched this sport evolve over the decades!

Feb 02, 202226:58
Want a Faster Metabolism? Less Is Not More ...

Want a Faster Metabolism? Less Is Not More ...

As hard as it is to believe, when we diet we run the risk of damaging our metabolism.  Most dieters will end up losing weight only to end up with a slower metabolism making it impossible to keep the weight off.  If the the weight loss routines that were used to shed those pounds were not sustainable, you have just signed up for instant weight gain.  On the contrary, if the metabolism is tricked to speed up in order to burn the fat you are less likely to gain back lost weight.  This is a very difficult concept to understand, yet a simple one to execute. Listen, learn and burn that fat off once and for all!

Jan 11, 202223:43
Reinvent Your Wellness - Patience is a virtue!

Reinvent Your Wellness - Patience is a virtue!

As we kick off a new year we strive to be the best that we can be.  So often we try to fix what is broken by searching for answers in regimens that may not be ideal.  Listen to my tips on how to reinvent your wellness by going back to what has always worked for you.  With that being said, it takes a tremendous amount of soul searching and patience to get there, but in the end it will pay off! 

Jan 06, 202227:00