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Improbable Things

Improbable Things

By J. Grace Pennington

"Science Fiction is the improbable made possible," Rod Serling said. As a sci-fi writer, sometimes I've believed as many as six improbable things before breakfast and I'd like to share them with you!
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Kindle Unlimited, The Introvert Advantage, and Anne of Green Gables

Improbable ThingsNov 23, 2022

Reading Outside, Delightful Books, and Tornados vs. Dinosaurs

Reading Outside, Delightful Books, and Tornados vs. Dinosaurs

I've been doing a LOT of reading lately, and much of it has been outdoors. Delightful books and time-travel sci-fi have been among my reading fare, and I've been pondering the various types of story conflict and exactly what kind of natural enemy is the scariest.
May 16, 202422:46
Reading Timing, Good Stories vs. Great, and Daily Planning

Reading Timing, Good Stories vs. Great, and Daily Planning

How does one choose what to read when and when it's time to pause one book to read another? Also, I saw The Fall Guy, and my daily planner is really helping with my daily schedule and productivity in so many ways!
May 09, 202419:39
Taking Notes, Middlemarch, and Quality Pots

Taking Notes, Middlemarch, and Quality Pots

Moving right along with editing and recording, and it's been fun to see how the first book in my series holds up against the rest. I'm also keeping track of my reading in a new way, reading a very long book, and pondering quantity vs. quality yet again.
May 02, 202422:14
Back to Work, Telling Stories, and Reading Fast

Back to Work, Telling Stories, and Reading Fast

I'm back to both writing and podcasting after a long but helpful break, and I'm making exciting progress on my projects! I'm also telling stories to my kids, reading books in order, and learning one way reading so fast is a helpful tool.
Apr 11, 202415:41
Color-By-Number, The Little Liar, and What Makes Good Fiction

Color-By-Number, The Little Liar, and What Makes Good Fiction

Continuing to go over my latest work in progress and also trying some new things with audiobooks. My daughters love to read or "read" to me, and I've been doing some thinking on what makes me consider a book or movie a "great story."
Mar 21, 202421:41
Things to Fix, Tax Stuff, and Not Feeling Guilty

Things to Fix, Tax Stuff, and Not Feeling Guilty

I'm finding so many small-to-medium things I will need to fix as I go through my latest first draft, and I finally did a small thing that was a huge help for doing my taxes. I'm also trying go let go of reading aloud at the "perfect" time, and I'm slowly learning to not feel the guilt of "not doing enough."
Mar 15, 202416:46
Changes, The Time Traveler's Wife, and Filling the Gap

Changes, The Time Traveler's Wife, and Filling the Gap

In the internet age, unfortunately, you have to be willing to try new things and sometimes let go of old ones when it comes to promoting books. I'm also reading a thought-provoking (but kinda awful) book, and I had a sweet reminder of why I started writing YA sci-fi in the first place.
Mar 07, 202420:04
Almost Done, Amusing Ourselves to Death, and Argylle

Almost Done, Amusing Ourselves to Death, and Argylle

I'm very close to finishing the first draft of my next book, and am overall happy with how it's been going! I'm also thinking ahead to next month and reading a very thought-provoking book. Also, my husband and I saw Argylle and had VERY different reactions. Why is that?
Feb 29, 202421:57
Cringey Old Work, Airplanes, and Reading Fast

Cringey Old Work, Airplanes, and Reading Fast

I had to rethink the last half of my current work-in-progress, but that's still not as painful as revisiting old work! Also, we are reading books about airplanes, I'm reading a surprisingly good thriller, and I might be reading a bit too fast--or am I?
Feb 19, 202418:10
Recommendations, Koalas, and Fitting Dreams Into Life

Recommendations, Koalas, and Fitting Dreams Into Life

It looks like I'll be able to finish writing my next book this month, and I have a couple recommendations for learning how to outline a novel. Also, my daughter LOVES koalas, I'm reading Demon Copperhead, and I'm trying to be flexible when it comes to writing consistently with so many babies around!
Feb 08, 202421:44
Writing Schedule, Cuddles, and Motivation vs. Willpower

Writing Schedule, Cuddles, and Motivation vs. Willpower

I'm trying to step up my wordcount next month so I can get this book finished, and I'm thinking about my reading for the year. I also got a very sweet reminder of why I need to be flexible in my daily schedule. And which do you need more, motivation or willpower?
Jan 25, 202421:29
Exciting Scenes, Fight Night, and Eclectic Reading Tastes

Exciting Scenes, Fight Night, and Eclectic Reading Tastes

I got to one of those scenes in the Firmament series I've looked forward to writing for over a decade! I'm also not sure what I'll be bringing to my book club's "fight night," my daughter read me a whole book, and I've been thinking about how I'll read pretty much anything.
Jan 18, 202416:10
Chapter Length, Books for Christmas, and Progress vs. Pressure

Chapter Length, Books for Christmas, and Progress vs. Pressure

My novella is about to release, I have an unusual method for writing chapters, and my two-year-old loves routine. Also, is there a way to be consistent in working towards your goals without putting pressure on yourself and your family?
Jan 11, 202415:49
New Goals, Prophet, and Planning Stories

New Goals, Prophet, and Planning Stories

New year, new reading and writing goals! I have several projects going, I'm finally reading a book I've meant to get to for years, and my daughter's interest in reading had exploded. Also, is it possible to be 100% planner when it comes to writing?
Jan 04, 202415:23
Missing Characters, Reading Fast, and Stories That Stick With You

Missing Characters, Reading Fast, and Stories That Stick With You

I'm wrapping up my writing projects for the year, but somehow I find I always miss my characters as soon as I'm not working with them! I'm also having to speed through my current read, which is unexpectedly fun. And what is it that makes some books impact you even if they aren't your favorites?
Dec 14, 202316:42
Wrapped, 2024 Plans, and Truly Madly Guilty

Wrapped, 2024 Plans, and Truly Madly Guilty

I got to see my Wrapped podcasting stats and was encouraged! I'm also thinking ahead to what 2024 will look like for me as an author, and I'm reading a book I've meant to read for awhile. The book has me thinking--how do you balance letting tragedy happen in stories without taking it too far?
Dec 08, 202318:17
New Release, Lightbulb Moments, and How to Tell a Story

New Release, Lightbulb Moments, and How to Tell a Story

My newest book is OUT and I'm revealing the synopsis for the next book! I'm also fascinated by the sudden leaps of development and growth in my kids, and I just finished reading a book that has me thinking that the WAY you tell a story may matter more than the story itself...
Nov 17, 202316:44
Progenitor, True Art, and Feedback

Progenitor, True Art, and Feedback

I've had to start work on the next Firmament book already, even as I race to get the current one published! I'm also trying hard to figure out Amazon ads, thinking about what art truly is, and I saw the new Agatha Christie movie and was very confused--but not in the way you might think.
Nov 06, 202315:25
Back Again, New Projects, and Valuing Reading

Back Again, New Projects, and Valuing Reading

I'm finally back after months of maternity leave! What have I been working on, besides caring for an adorable baby? I have news about upcoming releases as well as updates about my daughter learning to read. Also, is love of reading something that can be imparted to our children?
Oct 26, 202316:35
Series News, Children's Books, and Maternity Leave

Series News, Children's Books, and Maternity Leave

I have a whole bunch of updates on my series, and we have a whole bunch of new books around our house! Also, I was not impressed by my first foray into the works of Wilkie Collins, and I discuss the concept of "drifting into" maternity leave and what that means for me.
Jun 10, 202319:08
Making Letters, Cults, and Imperfections

Making Letters, Cults, and Imperfections

My book will be released in two days, so I've been busy! Also, my daughter has found a creative way to express the alphabet, I'm learning a lot about cults, and I'm discovering how impossible it is to be perfectly consistent when writing a long series.
May 18, 202319:55
New Poetry, Closing Libraries, and Letting Go

New Poetry, Closing Libraries, and Letting Go

One of my current projects is forcing me to write poetry for the first time in years, our library is closing, and I'm reading a book about an octopus. Also, is there a difference between letting things slide and intentionally letting things go?
May 04, 202320:15
3rd Edition, A Grief Observed, and Failure in Stories

3rd Edition, A Grief Observed, and Failure in Stories

I have lots of news about my series, including the 3rd edition of book 1! Also, I'm reading an unusual book by C.S. Lewis, and watching Lost in Space has me thinking about how failure can be used for the good of a story.
Apr 20, 202321:21
Progress, Tweedle-Beetles, and Biographies

Progress, Tweedle-Beetles, and Biographies

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel of revisions on my series! Also, how exactly does one act like a Tweedle-Beetle? And what is the absolute BEST part about writing, reading, or watching a series?
Apr 13, 202321:43
Series Decisions, Noisy House, and Indie April

Series Decisions, Noisy House, and Indie April

Which is better for interesting readers, a summary or a sample scene? How can one get good audio recordings in a loud home? And is indie publishing really a better path than self-publishing?
Apr 06, 202320:35
Old Writing, Imagination, and Year 33

Old Writing, Imagination, and Year 33

I got to look over some of my VERY old writing this week, which can be both fun and embarrassing, my kids are starting to use their imaginations, and I had a great opportunity this week to think back over the past year and how I've grown and all that I've accomplished.
Mar 31, 202326:46
Release Date, Getting Things Done, and Shazam

Release Date, Getting Things Done, and Shazam

I have a release date for my next book! I also have an idea for sharing about how I get so much done with little kids around. Meanwhile, what do Shazam: Fury of the Gods and Ted Lasso have in common?
Mar 24, 202328:35
Writer's Group, Charlotte's Web, and Books vs. Movies

Writer's Group, Charlotte's Web, and Books vs. Movies

Work on my second editions is going slow but steady, and I finally attended a group I've intended to visit for the past 7 years! I'm also watching Charlotte's Web and reading a LOT of books, including The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And I have thoughts.
Mar 16, 202324:35
Writing Style, Impact, and Feelings

Writing Style, Impact, and Feelings

Going back and revising my books for new editions is like taking a tour over the development of my writing style, for better or worse. I'm also teaching my daughter to read and immersing myself in Jane Austen. And how do I stay motivated when feelings and mental health fluctuate?
Mar 09, 202328:03
Bad Writing, Jane Austen, and Motivation

Bad Writing, Jane Austen, and Motivation

Revising my old works is making me see that my writing was really, really bad back then. I'm also deciding what to prioritize in my series, and of course reading more Jane Austen. And how can I use the approaching end of a project to motivate myself?
Feb 23, 202320:02
Revisions, Superbowl Parties, and Commitment

Revisions, Superbowl Parties, and Commitment

Still working on revising the early books in my series and it's been very revealing. Can word choice show a fear of commitment? Also, how do little bookworms behave at a Superbowl party? And why is C.S. Lewis's writing just SO good?
Feb 16, 202318:45
Revisiting, Math, and Limitations

Revisiting, Math, and Limitations

Revisiting and revising the early books in my series has been more bittersweet than I expected. I also always forget how much I dislike math until I have to do it, and I've been thinking a lot about how my writing can fit well into my life as a mom.
Feb 09, 202322:11
Planners, Questions, and Spending Money

Planners, Questions, and Spending Money

New month means time to break out the planner and keep track of those goals! Also, there are people in my life who ask questions during movies, I'm reading Jane Austen, and it turns out you do have to spend money to make money.
Feb 02, 202319:41
Giveaway, Reading Skills, and Timelines

Giveaway, Reading Skills, and Timelines

I've got a new story on Kindle Vella, new bookmarks, and news of a really awesome giveaway! Also, I'm learning HOW to read (I thought I already knew how) and am debating making a big change to my series.
Jan 27, 202320:47
Sneak Peeks, Bookmarks, and Taking Risks

Sneak Peeks, Bookmarks, and Taking Risks

My book is FINISHED and off with my editor, and podcast listeners get the first sneak peek of the synopsis! Also, I got my kids a CD player, I'm reading all the Jane Austen, and if I want to grow my business that means I need to change how I do things -- right?
Jan 12, 202320:11
Planners, Persuasion, and Passion

Planners, Persuasion, and Passion

Welcome to 2023! I'm making great progress on my work in progress, making plans for the new year, and making decisions about what projects to focus on. How does one find balance between personal passion and the business side of things, anyway?
Jan 06, 202319:49
Fun Facts, Allegories, and New Year Goals

Fun Facts, Allegories, and New Year Goals

I'm rewriting chapters, publishing a Christmas story, and gathering bookish fun facts. Also, I discovered this week what a difference your perspective makes when reading, and I'm thinking about my goals and hopes for 2023.
Dec 19, 202221:21
Periphery, Chocolates, and Pregnancy

Periphery, Chocolates, and Pregnancy

Editing is finally speeding up a little! I'm also still publishing short stories on Vella, and I posted my first TikTok. Plus, now that news of my pregnancy is out, I can share how that's been affecting my writing journey.
Dec 09, 202218:55
Lifetime Earnings, TikTok, and the Future of the Podcast

Lifetime Earnings, TikTok, and the Future of the Podcast

I checked what my lifetime sales and earnings for all my books are and it was fascinating! I'm also trying TikTok, against my better judgment, and am getting to beta-read the next book in a series I love. Also, what is the purpose of this podcast? What should it look like going forward?
Dec 03, 202218:11
Kindle Unlimited, The Introvert Advantage, and Anne of Green Gables

Kindle Unlimited, The Introvert Advantage, and Anne of Green Gables

Editing is going slowly but steadily, and I got a peek into one reader's journey through my series! I also got new bookshelves, plan to teach my daughter to read, and have been thinking about what an oasis of purity and joy a good story can be.
Nov 23, 202216:55
One Year, Playing Ball, and Aphantasia

One Year, Playing Ball, and Aphantasia

It's been a year since I started this podcast! I've written and published a lot since then, plus we now have our own back yard -- though I'm using it a bit differently than I intended. Also, how does my inability to visualize things impact my writing?
Oct 27, 202218:21
Paperbacks, Undermining Characters, and Writing in Heaven

Paperbacks, Undermining Characters, and Writing in Heaven

I finally received my copies of my latest book and I'm so pleased with them! I also voice my discomfort with the "everything you thought you knew about this character is a lie" trope, and I contemplate whether we will write in Heaven. If so, will we write fiction? What would perfect fiction look like?
Oct 20, 202216:53
Big News, Buying Books, and Killing Your Darlings

Big News, Buying Books, and Killing Your Darlings

I have major updates on all three of the stories I've been working on! I also bought a bunch of books over the weekend because one can never have enough, I'm reading quite a hefty book currently, and I have been pondering how to "kill your darlings" without losing what you love about your story.
Oct 13, 202215:47
Much Progress, Babies Reading Books, and Harnessing Procrastination

Much Progress, Babies Reading Books, and Harnessing Procrastination

Big things are afoot for the next three books in my series! I also have a cute story to tell about my baby, I love reading entertaining grammar books, and I'm learning to use procrastination as fuel for productivity.
Oct 06, 202219:53
Reworking, Military Stories, and Quantity vs. Quality

Reworking, Military Stories, and Quantity vs. Quality

I've had to completely rethink huge chunks of both stories I'm currently working on, I have a new project I'm releasing, and I'm wondering why I struggle with reading military and action-based stories. Also, which is more valuable when it comes to art -- quantity or quality?
Sep 30, 202220:43
First Drafts, Book Girl, and the Joy of Habits

First Drafts, Book Girl, and the Joy of Habits

I'm more than halfway finished with my work in progress, but I'm struggling with it. I'm also back to reviewing my 2021 reads, and I have a recommendation from my 2022 list as well! And can faithfulness in building habits actually bring, not only momentum, but joy?
Sep 22, 202216:28
Newsletter, Sign Language, and Lack of Inspiration

Newsletter, Sign Language, and Lack of Inspiration

I give updates on my works in progress, talk about my struggles with my newsletter, and explain why and how I'm thinking about learning sign language. Also, I finished Project Hail Mary, and it's kind of amazing how much I love writing and yet hate... well, writing.
Sep 15, 202218:06
Higher Shelves, Exposition, and Narrative Lensing

Higher Shelves, Exposition, and Narrative Lensing

I have exciting writing updates to share, plus I finally finished a show I've been watching off and on for half a decade! Also, do you know what narrative lensing is? I didn't, but now that I've learned about it I think it's going to help my writing a lot.
Sep 08, 202222:60
Openings, Silly Stories, and Theme vs. Point

Openings, Silly Stories, and Theme vs. Point

One story is publishing, I'm about to start editing the next, and I've started writing another! In the midst of all that, I have some thoughts about a children's book we enjoyed, a grown-up book I'm not enjoying so much, and how theme and point affect your protagonist.
Sep 01, 202218:08
Websites, Letter Sounds, and Self-Limitations

Websites, Letter Sounds, and Self-Limitations

News about writing, publishing, and my website! Also, my daughter is learning how she can use letter sounds to figure out words, I'm re-reading an old favorite, and I'm doing lots of thinking about the word "can't."
Aug 26, 202222:15