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Let it be Sacred: The Podcast

Let it be Sacred: The Podcast

By Spiritual Teacher Jamelia Gregory

Welcome to Let it be Sacred, a podcast hosted by Spiritual Teacher Jamelia Gregory. This podcast is meant to inspire and bring knowledge to the collective consciousness of those on their spiritual journey, this podcast will open you up to the healing of ancestral traumas, feminine and masculine wounds and unlearn the colonial mindset so we can connect back and reclaim our spiritual sovereignty. Jamelia is on a mission to grow and heal together as a collective, by activating our sacred powers within, and grounding ourselves through our relationship with Mother Earth, Spirit and our Ancestors.
Currently playing episode

Jothi Saldanha: Reclaiming Sisterhood through Sacred Spaces

Let it be Sacred: The Podcast Mar 23, 2022

Monique Blackman: Our Bodies Our Temple

Monique Blackman: Our Bodies Our Temple

Ancient One. Cosmic Shaman. Spiritual Alchemist & Abolitionist. Transmutation Guide. Medium & Mystic. Reader of Souls. Human & Lover. Monique's mission in life is to use the many gifts she was born with combined with the multitude of skills she has acquired through deep study of the self, the physical and subtle bodies, and the energetic realms to navigate the portals of human suffering. Her sincere desire to awaken souls from states of illusion towards their inherent freedom is a purpose she is passionate about- a purpose that has served as the foundation for the creation of her first self-mastery program "Awakening to Grace: The Soul's Sacred Journey”; it is the generator and force behind her role as a Trauma-Informed Movement Educator & Meditation Teacher; and it is the anchor for the Transmutation, Liberation and Alchemy work that she undertakes with clients. Drawing intelligence from her deep ancestral roots as well as ancient knowledge, intertwined with her soul's desire to express itself as Pure Love, Monique's work is compassionate, grounded, magical, and mystical. In her presence, you are reminded that you are loved, always; and that you are love, always. In this episode we look at: *love and its sacred purpose around Reiki and its energy *Combing Reiki and Yoga together in her medicine *What is a movement educator *Channelled messages *Her passion for her work *Organs in the body and its sacred energy… and so much more.
Jun 03, 202235:53
Jen Maramba: Hearing the Call of the Ancestors

Jen Maramba: Hearing the Call of the Ancestors

Jen Maramba / Tulay Araw (She/They) sits and honours the land of the Anishinabewaki ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᐗᑭ, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and continues to learn and embody the teachings & sacred contracts of treaties of these lands and waters. Jen is a Decolonizing Energetic Healer, Postpartum Care Provider and Sacred Witness to Healing & Re-Membering. Jen has been communicating and in relation with Spirit for over 20 years. Jen provides support to individuals in their short to long term physical health, spiritual and emotional healing. She guides Ceremony through Sacred Gatherings, Ancestral Journeying, Womb Healing, grieving ceremonies and life celebrations. Jen has supported individuals, families and Spirit in their final transitions from this earth plane. During the pandemic, Jen supported over 400 individuals & groups in their grief, celebrations, and returning back to the Healer Within. For Jen’s family, their daily ritual is to hold gratitude for each day of this life, to “eat” the sun and say hello to the moon. In this episode we dived deep into ✨Why its so important to have a connection with our ancestors ✨Who is Jen Maramba ✨Our Sacred relationships with our kins ✨Healing our ancestral bloodline and honouring our lineage through ancient rituals and practices. ✨ and so much more… For more info on Jen follow her on IG @jenmaramba And her website:
May 28, 202243:44
Meghan Stewart: Mindfulness and Healing

Meghan Stewart: Mindfulness and Healing

Meghan is a certified Lead Coach through Unified Mindfulness, located in Ottawa, Canada on unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin Anishinaabe territory. Identifying as she/her, Meghan is a multi-racial, Black Woman with a Jamaican heritage. Meghan includes over 15 years of experience within human resources, hospitality and philanthropy into all her projects and offerings.

Her philanthropy experiences include advising for Uniting for Children and Youth, an active member in the OCDSB Advisory Committee on Equity, a temporary role in 2020 as Chair of Parents for Diversity and now actively a volunteer within their education committee.

In March of 2021, Meghan launched the Mindful Educator Program as a part of the New Teacher Induction Program for the Ottawa Catholic School Board. Currently, she supports children and youth in schools within the GTA, Ottawa and Gatineau related to anti-discrimination and wellness initiatives.

Featured in CBC as a one of 10 women in the Ottawa area building community by supporting and promoting wellness. Mindfulness is accessible to harness in our emancipation of mental slavery; it empowers self-awareness, self-mastery and equanimity.
In this episode we dived deep into

✨Why its so important to have Mindfulness practices

✨Who is Meghan Stewart

✨Weaving the mindfulness practices into our interpersonal relationships

✨Anger and its purpose

✨Our emotional bodies

✨ Skills of Mindfulness and so much more…

For more info follow her on IG @mindfulnessmeghan

And her website:
May 24, 202242:24
Saran Vaughan James: Healing through our Womb Space
May 10, 202201:00:55
Fazeena Haniff: Reclaiming our Sacred Voice

Fazeena Haniff: Reclaiming our Sacred Voice

Fazeena Haniff  is a communication coach, speaker, intuitive, and disrupter of the status quo. She works with entrepreneurs, people leaders, changemakers, and cycle-breakers to reclaim their voice from disempowering societal, cultural, and familial programming to communicate with potent presence and purpose.

*Who is Fazeena Haniff? 

* Why is it so important now to liberate our voices

*Reclaiming our Ancestral voice

*Reconnecting to our personal powers

*Shame-less Masterclass

*and so much more

Learn more from Fazeena

Apr 24, 202239:31
Jessie Arora: From deception to discernment healing through the body

Jessie Arora: From deception to discernment healing through the body

Jessie Arora is the founder of Atma Things and The Candle Co. Ltd., and a cultural innovator. She is a modern day medicine woman weaving a tapestry between the sacred and the science to help people navigate through colonized and disconnected lifestyles. She's on a mission to see everything through the lens of nature. To come back to the cyclical rhythm of life in order to honour it's true meaning, and reconnect people back to their truest expressions. Jessie uses tarot, energy healing, cognitive behaviour therapy, neuro-linguistic programming, and clairvoyant channeling to help people through life. She's currently working towards her PhD in Integrative Medicine. 

What we discussed: 

✨Why now and this sacred medicine 

✨ How to connect to your magic 

✨How important it is to connect to our bodies

✨The power found in our womb space 

✨ Reiki and Shamanism and Earthing Energy Medicine 

✨Importance of honoring our Rites of passages 

✨Atma Thing HQ and its new healing modalities 

 ✨What’s next for Jessie

Learn more from Jessie

Apr 18, 202241:39
Natoya Hall: Sacred Connection to Light Language

Natoya Hall: Sacred Connection to Light Language

"My intention is to guide the Starseeds back home; to themselves" 

Natoya is an Energic Recorder, Ascension Guide/Teacher and a Divine Alchemist that has been working with Spirit for over 20 years. Her path and purpose has led her to teach within Universities, one-on-one clients and now MOSK, her Mystery School. Natoya is a writer who has written hundreds of articles on the metaphysical, ascension and her own unique energy healing practices that she co-creates with her teams of light. She states “We are from all parts of this beautiful Universe and we've found each other here, at this time in Creation for one of the biggest paradigm shifts in herstory. You're a pretty big fucking deal.” 

What we discussed:  

✨Who is Natoya Hall 

✨Who are our star team? 

✨What is the New Earth? 

✨The Awakening of the Black women and their medicine 


 Learn more from Natoya

Apr 13, 202248:47
Toni Jones: The Language of Self Love is Affirmation

Toni Jones: The Language of Self Love is Affirmation

TONI JONES served for six years as a Life coach and Mental Health advocate for women and youth. Now as an Affirmation Musician, she found creative ways to promote the message of conscious well being through her music. Toni started making music as a tool for her life coaching clients to practice healing on the go. After great response from her first album she decided to make music full time. She has since released five projects so far: Affirmation for the Grown Ass Woman, Affirmations and Chill, I See Me Mantras, and Get Cha Mind Right (the mental health mixtape) Toni’s music is healing music, she coined it as Affirmation music. Affirmations set to modern music; which is different from the traditional way of saying Affirmations and mantras that are usually set to o relaxing new age music. By creating affirmations to modern music this allows the listeners to ride, be on the go and vibe, just dance to the music while still reciting healing words.

What we discussed:

*Importance of Sacred Space

*The Divine Feminine 

* The reason behind her music

*Affirmation for the Grown AssWoman

*Spiritual Practices

*Healthy energetic habits of Self Love

* ME vs. EVERY ME!

Learn more from Toni

Apr 06, 202247:26
Asha Frost: You Are The Medicine
Mar 30, 202225:31
Jothi Saldanha: Reclaiming Sisterhood through Sacred Spaces
Mar 23, 202251:04
Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza: Confronting the Colonial Paradigm and the Importance of Decolonial Alchemy

Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza: Confronting the Colonial Paradigm and the Importance of Decolonial Alchemy

Dra. Rocío Rosales Meza, is a Xicana/Mexicana Indigenous women in diaspora. She is a Seer, initiated medicine woman in the Q’ero Inca lineage, & is a Counseling Psychology Ph.D. She is also an unschooling mama to a 5 year old child who holds supernatural gifts. Dra. Rocio walks and works in between the earthly and spiritual realms as a claircognizant, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient. She comes from a long line of healers on both her maternal and paternal lineages and was born with psychic, channeling, and mediumship gifts. Dra. Rocio is able to see beyond this ordinary reality to bring forth the highest timelines and visions into our earthly reality. She is grateful to her teachers, Pampamesayoq Don Alejandro Apaza & Mesa Carrier and Medicine Woman Marilu Shinn for helping her remember. Dra. Rocio’s work is at the intersections of decolonizing, spirituality, and wellness. While she has 21 years of experience conducting cultural, social, and psychological research, 18 years of experience as a healer, and 16 years of experience teaching courses in anti-oppressive work and helping skills, she believes that it is her spiritual gifts and ability to cultivate compassion and alchemize as her greatest gifts. She is able to hold potent healing space for others as this is a skill in her blood lineage, with her abuelita and her mother as her greatest teachers. Her work is deeply rooted in Indigenous wisdom, medicine, and worldview and her work has had a global impact to evolve the collective consciousness in understanding the need to decolonize our minds, to reclaim our spiritual sovereignty, and to restore balance to our world. She views decolonization not as a destination, but as a pathway to the New Earth and to remembering our sacred ways. While she does decolonial work, that is only part of her work, she serves as a spiritual guide for all people to recover their whole selves, their spiritual gifts, and to remember that we are all peoples of the Earth. And so she believes in the importance of decolonial shadow work and decolonial alchemy to not remain stuck in our journey and instead remember our original template. Dra. Rocio’s work weaves decolonial teachings, Indigenous Earth medicine, somatic work, energy work, and shadow work. She offers group guidance, self-paced teachings, weekend intensives and facilitates healing to all peoples that believe a New Earth is possible and feel called to take up their sacred responsibility to co-create it.  What we discussed:   04:00 Why its so important to stay Spiritually grounded while doing the inner work 07:02 How Dra. Rocio stays spiritual grounded by connecting with her spiritual practices 09:13 Talks about her journey to her gifts 10:29 Her road to her Spiritual Awakening of Decolonization Learn more from Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza
Mar 16, 202246:07
Welcome to Let it Be Sacred: The Podcast

Welcome to Let it Be Sacred: The Podcast

Welcome to Let it be Sacred, a podcast hosted by Spiritual Teacher Jamelia Gregory. This podcast is meant to inspire and bring knowledge to the collective consciousness of those on their spiritual journey, this podcast will open you up to the healing of ancestral traumas, feminine and masculine wounds and unlearn the colonial mindset so we can connect back and reclaim our spiritual sovereignty. Jamelia is on a mission to grow and heal together as a collective, by activating our sacred power within, and grounding ourselves through our relationship with Mother Earth, Spirit and our Ancestors.

Mar 07, 202206:58
March 6, 2022

March 6, 2022

Mar 06, 202200:60