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Crap Skateboarding

Crap Skateboarding

By James Gabb

Grab your deck! Skateboarding for the average-to-mediocre skater! A breezy conversation about skateboarding for those who love it, but aren't really that great.
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Six Year Old Sidney, The Skateboarding Boy - With Dan Bryant

Crap SkateboardingMay 21, 2021

Finding Inspiration - With Doric Skateboards
Nov 25, 202145:40
Skateboarding and Satan - With Detested Skateboards

Skateboarding and Satan - With Detested Skateboards

Skateboarding and Satan.

Skateboarding and religion have always, for better or for worse, been cosy bedfellows. The vert legends of the 1980s, such as Christian Hosoi and Steve Cab, proudly flew the flag for Christianity in skating, and modern social-media influencers such as Braille Skateboards proudly wear their scientology faith on their sleeves. All of this is well and good, and it's great to see so many religious groups represented in skateboarding. However, if we want skateboarding to be truly pluralistic...then whose going to fly the flag for Satan? Come on, now. Fair is fair. 

In comes Rob, founder of DIY street skating  'thing' (not a brand, he would like to stress!) , Detested Skateboards. For everyone who ever felt attracted to the macabre, Detested Skateboards are here to prove to you that skateboarding still can be, and still should be, nasty, bloody and greatly polarising (at least, for those who want it to be so). With great knowledge and passion, Rob walks us through his own inspirations as a skateboarder, from Satanism to hardcore-punk, slasher movies to black-metal. 

If you like your skateboarding garb adorned with skulls, occult iconography and screen prints of murderous movie clowns, then this is the skate company for you. It's certainly the company for me. 

Sorry Hosoi. 

Listen in the browser, or on all of your favourite streaming apps:

Find Detested Skateboards online at:


Oct 03, 202131:32
The Rise of Freestyle - With Tony Gale

The Rise of Freestyle - With Tony Gale

When any foolhardy person decides to take up skateboarding as a hobby, they must first decide which discipline best suits them. Street? Vert? Pool? I think that's it. No? There's more?

Freestyle? What's that? Never heard of it. Oh, wait...Is that the thing from that Bones Bridage video, with that Johnny Rad guy at that party? 

Okay. So it's clear that I know next to nothing about Freestyle. I'm going to need some help from a professional. 

Enter professional Freestyle skateboarder Tony Gale, to figuritely slap my wrist and correct all of the misconceptions I have about freestyle skateboarding. Tony speaks with great knowledge and passion about the definition of freestlye, its rise to prominance, its subsequent downfall and, through social media, its recent re-emergence. Not only that, but, in doing so, he takes down the all-too-comfortable skateboarding elite, discusses the perceived pros and cons of gatekeeping and recounts many lovely stories of days gone by. 

Oh! And James is still buking off on his honeymoon, so the brilliant Monica (our resident third crap skateboarder and tee-shirt designer) takes on co-hosting duties. The whole thing was a blast!

Check out Tony Gale on Instagram: 


Sep 26, 202154:48
UK Vert Skating - With Jasmine Gordon

UK Vert Skating - With Jasmine Gordon

Hey! Crap Skateboarders! Have you ever tried skating vert? No? Us neither.

However, not all skateboarders are as old, frail, or cowardly as we are, and one of those on the brave end of our skateboarding spectrum is the wonderful Jasmine Gordon, a sponsored vert skater who rides for Artemis Clothing, Was That Switch Skateboards and Altar Skateshop.

In this week's episode, Jasmine (herself a skateboarder of only two years, despite her clear talent!) makes the case for more newcomers, particularly women, to get involved in vert skateboarding in order to keep it alive. Expertly, she squashes our fears with real, tangible advice for anyone who has ever wanted to give vert a go, but just couldn't quite pluck up the courage. Jasmine also delves into the world of Vert Skating in the UK, singing the praises of the UK competitive circuit which she has recently become involved in. 

Find Jasmine on Instagram at

Follow her board sponsor, previous guests 'Was That Switch', at

Find her clothing sponsor, previous guests 'Artemis Skate Co', at

Jasmine is also sponsored by Alter Skate Shop. Find them online at

Sep 02, 202146:51
Women Skate the World - with Nanja Van Rijsse

Women Skate the World - with Nanja Van Rijsse

Once upon a time in Amsterdam, a large public skatepark was built. Everyone who loved skateboarding was delighted. Upon realising that, like all good sports facilities, the skatepark would do well for having toilets included, the local council set to work building a urinal for the comfort of male skateboarders everywhere. Job done...

...or not. Enter Nanja Van Rijsse of Women Skate the World, who vowed to 'SMASH THE PEE-TRIARCHY' and stand up for female, non-binary and LGBTQ+ skateboarders everywhere, who experience barriers to skateboarding on a daily basis (such as this incredibly blatant one). 

If ever you've experienced barriers to skating as a result of your gender/sexual identity, Women Skate the World have your back. This week, Nanja sits down to explain all of the great work that her non-profit organisation are doing to make skateboarding more inclusive: gaining representation from a range of skaters during council consultations, building actively inclusive skateparks and reaching out to members of the inclusive community which they have been busy fostering. She's even kind enough to offer suggestions for those of us who exist inside the 'old-guard' of skateboarding, providing tangible steps to ensure that you are part of the solution; not part of the problem!

Ultimately, to paraphrase Nanja herself, "We don't simply want women and LGBTQ+ people to accept that we will tolerate them in skateboarding. We want them to know that we will fight for them."

WARNING: There are some sound issues with this episode, as some of Nanja's audio was recorded on the go. Bear with it; it's worth it!

Aug 19, 202142:07
Old Deva - With Ben and Skinny Pete
Aug 13, 202141:04
Getting Sponsored - Joe Hinson of Darkstar Skateboards

Getting Sponsored - Joe Hinson of Darkstar Skateboards

Ahead of this season premiere, we feel the need for the following disclaimer; Joe Hinson, team rider for Darkstar Skateboards, is NOT a crap skateboarder.

This makes him perfect for us to live vicariously through him. James and Jack grew up as country bumpkins who miraculously  stumbled upon skateboarding, as did Joe. James and Jack love skateboarding unconditionally, as does Joe. The fork in the road is the part where Joe got, really, really good. Good enough, in fact, to catch the eye of American Industry leaders, Darkstar Skateboards.

In this episode, Joe kindly takes time out of his busy schedule to walk a couple of fanboys through the journey of becoming a sponsored skateboarder, from humble beginnings, to making a name in the UK scene, to attending video premieres in California. 

Oh, what could (never) have been.

Jul 30, 202150:43
Fantasy Skateboarding

Fantasy Skateboarding

Fantasy Football.

A wise man once said, that Fantasy Football is for people who suck at both fantasy and football. With that in mind, who better to pioneer the idea of a fantasy skateboard league than a couple of crap skateboarders? After all, it's probably not coming home, and skateboarding is just....better?

In our season finale, James and Jack compete to build the ultimate fantasy skateboarding team. They must give their team a killer name, talk about the aesthetic they would go for, choose four team riders and discuss what each would bring to the table, and describe their debut feature length skate movie.

Who wins Fantasy Skateboarding? You decide. Following the episode, we will release a poll, in which you get to vote for your favourite team. You'll even be given the opportunity to explain why it's Jack's team!

So, there you have it. It all boils down to this. James Versus Jack. Truckin' and Grindin' VS Wasteland Dance Party.

Let's do this. 

Jun 18, 202146:25
Skateboarding as an Expressive Movement - With Dani Abulhawa

Skateboarding as an Expressive Movement - With Dani Abulhawa

As children, we all played. We learned through play, we relaxed through play and we widened our social circles through play. Seems simple enough, right? As skateboarders, we continue that willingness and eagerness to play in public spaces through to adult life. As a culture, this makes us unique among adults. As skateboarders, we understand and value the importance of play into adulthood. Your skateboard is a toy. The best toy ever, but a toy nonetheless. For many, there are barriers to play, and therefore barriers to skateboarding, which need to be examined in order to be overcome: class, accessibility of facilities, gender, gatekeeping, the privatisation of public spaces and, in some extreme cases, international conflict. 

Enter British-Palestinian skateboarder Dani Abulhawa, a senior lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University and self-styled 'Skateboarding Academic'. Dani, along with being possibly the most accomplished person we've ever met (she made our meagre achievements seem...crap?) is also one of the nicest skateboarders we've had the pleasure of chatting to. She's really lived an incredible life in and out of skateboarding; building skateparks in the occupied territories of Palestine, arguing with neckbeards on the sidewalk forums, being hassled by police in the name of academic research, lobbying local councils to improve skateboarding facilities for beginners, authoring academic books about gender and skateboarding...she's done it all! With ferocious, well-read passion, she makes an incredible argument for the democratisation of skateboarding. After all, what is skateboarding if not a pure-form of self expression?

Check out Dani's book here, or listen to the whole pod and find out how to get it for free! :

Donate to, buy from, or offer your time to Skatepal, the charity that builds skateparks in the occupied Palestinian territories:

Check out Skate Manchester - the non-profit group fighting to maker Manchester a skate-friendly city:

Jun 11, 202149:55
Artemis Skate Co: Creating Female Spaces - With Gabby Darriet-Jones

Artemis Skate Co: Creating Female Spaces - With Gabby Darriet-Jones

"Over the shadowy hills and windy peaks she, Artmeis, draws her golden bow . . . The tops of the high mountains tremble and the tangled wood echoes awesomely with the outcry of beasts."

It's easy to be blind to a possible lack of diversity in skateboarding when all of your clothes fit properly. In fact, it's probably harder to see the barriers that male-dominated spaces can create for female skaters when, like us, you're very typical of the crowd you inhabit. 

If, however, you are a female skateboarder looking for hard-wearing, handmade skateboard clothing to suit the different requirements of the female body, then Artemis skateboard Co has got your back. We were lucky to be joined this week by Artemis' founder, skateboarder and videographer Gabby Darriet-Jones. Gabby was a delight, and patiently walked us through some of the historical issues with skateboarding fashion, and how it's always been designed with the male physique as its target demographic. Her commitment to changing that is both admirable and unique; we hope you are as inspired by her mission statement as we both were.

We also discuss the creation of women's spaces in skateboarding, the knack to building a successful team of skateboarders, the role of the brand in developing communities in skateboarding, and the benefits of skateboarding when it comes to maintaining your mental health. 

You can find Artemis Skate-Co online at:   , or at  .

Jun 04, 202154:00
The YOU Foundation (Bristol YOOF) - with Rob Sharp

The YOU Foundation (Bristol YOOF) - with Rob Sharp

You know what's crap? Besides our skateboarding? Yep; you said it! The lack of skateboarding in Youth clubs. It's always been football, rugby and snooker. Because that's all that kids want, right? RIGHT?!?

Of course not. And whilst many local councils and authorities are yet to recognise the importance of diversity in youth-outreach opportunities, our guest this week, Mr Rob Sharp, does not. He joins us today to spread the good word of his brainchild 'The Boarding School', a modular indoor skatepark ran exclusively through his youth club/charity, the Bristol YOU Foundation. Through their old school building on Staple Hill, the foundation aims to make skateboarding accessible to children and young people of all walks of life. After all, resilience, metacognition and community are key to a happy, productive life, and what better way to instill that in the youth than encouraging them to wallride old furniture indoors. 

To book a slot at the Boarding School's modular skatepark (young people only...for now!), visit them online at:

Find the charity, The Bristol YOU Foundation at:

The YOU Foundation, and their skatepark, are located at: YOUF Centre, Page Rd, Staple Hill, Bristol BS16 4NE, UK

May 27, 202142:23
Six Year Old Sidney, The Skateboarding Boy - With Dan Bryant

Six Year Old Sidney, The Skateboarding Boy - With Dan Bryant

"Six year old Sidney, the Skateboarding boy,

could always be found with his favourite toy.

It was beaten and battered and scraped from the tricks,

that he practiced outside with great shoves, jumps and kicks."

And so begins the critically acclaimed children's book 'Six Year Old Sidney, the Skateboarding Boy.' Fortunately for the crap skateboarders, they are joined this week by skateboarder, artist and children's author Dan Bryant, as he discusses his relationship with skateboarding, his desire to become a children's author, and the human thirst for creativity which bonds the two. We had a lovely chat with Dan this week, covering his upcoming projects (including 'Ode to a Toad' and 'Sadie, the Skateboarding Girl'), the importance of bringing children into the skateboarding culture to ensure its survival and his upcoming collaboration with Karma skateboards. Oh. And quite a long segment where we all bask in our undying love of the legend that is Mike Vallely; the hero and deus-ex-machina of our hero's journey. It really is a book for children of all ages.

To quote Dan himself; "Some children love football. The best children love skateboarding."

You can buy 'Six Year Old Sidney', alongside Dan's other children's stories, at:

May 21, 202146:05
Chatting Skateboarding Over a Pint of Tea - With Jason "Hillbilly" Cheverall

Chatting Skateboarding Over a Pint of Tea - With Jason "Hillbilly" Cheverall

Think back to your last session. How did it go? Great? Not so great? A little...crap? Well, don't you worry. Get the kettle on and you can tell ol' Hillbilly all about it. 

This week, the crap skateboarder's are joined by skateboarder, artist, designer and tea-enthusiast Jason "Hillbilly" Cheverall. Over a perfect He-Man coloured brew, we discuss the importance of community in skateboarding, the key to great skateboard design, the endless money-pit of a backyard ramp and, of course, the kingpin of any good session; a decent cuppa.

We also discuss Jason's illustration and board design work; from his illustrations in the poetry books of previous guest 'Tony Wood', to hand painted skateboard decks.

Go on. Get that kettle boiling. 

You can find Hillbilly online at: www.instagram/jason_hillbilly_cheverall

You can find Hillbilly's artwork on the cover of Tony Wood's new book, 'Coping Mechanism', which you can pre-order at:

May 14, 202151:38
A Homage to the Randos - with Monica Ioansdóttir

A Homage to the Randos - with Monica Ioansdóttir

How would Casper do a casper? What would your skateboard say if it were embarrassed by you? Would putting rusty nails through the underside of your tail make you a better skateboarder?

These are the questions we tackle this week on the podcast, when we are joined by freestyle skateboarder, comic-book artist and architect Monica Ioansdóttir. Monica passionately talks us through her journey into skateboarding, the community which welcomed her with open arms, the way that art can provide a perfect outlet for our shared experiences as skateboarders and the complex, changing relationship between skateboarding and femininity. 

It really is a festival of wholesome crap this week. As Monica Says herself; this one's for the randos. Because, and I quote, "Freestyle skateboarders are not right in the head. They're all not right in the head. a good way."

You can find Monica's comics and skateboarding profile on instagram at:

The Freestyle comic, to which Monica contributes, can be found online at:

May 07, 202147:03
'Was That Switch?' Skateboards, With Francis Rondeau

'Was That Switch?' Skateboards, With Francis Rondeau

The crap skateboarders are joined this week by Francis Rondeau, the founder of independent UK company 'Was That Switch?' skateboards. 

The crap skateboarders discuss Francis' early love for skateboarding, his life-changing accident which pulled him away, and the strong sense of community that brought him back and propelled him into the world of skateboarding entrepreneurship. It wasn't the conversation we expected, but what we got was something deeply interesting and undeniably inspiring. 

Also, Francis has a beef to settle with previous guest Rowan Vincent. IT'S ON!

Not only that, but Francis has kindly offered a 20% discount in his store to all listeners of the podcast; WOWZA! 

Just visit him at and enter the code CRAP20 at the checkout! 

Find 'Was That Switch' on Instagram at

Apr 30, 202139:52
Let's Go Skate - Skateboarding School

Let's Go Skate - Skateboarding School

This week, the crap skateboarders have discovered a new way of improving their crap skills (or lack of) ; Let's Go Skate Skateboarding School! Could skateboarding tuition be the answer to improving your fundamental board skills?

Joined by Jason Emery, the founder and lead-instructor of Let's Go Skate, we explore the role that skateboard instructors can and do play in welcoming new people, of all ages, into skateboarding. 

Find 'Let's Go Skate' skateboarding school online at 


Instagram: / letsgoskateuk

Or on TikTok, if you're young and hip enough to understand TikTok!

Apr 23, 202155:53
The UK Skateboarding Collective, with Lee Gerard and Jack Harris

The UK Skateboarding Collective, with Lee Gerard and Jack Harris

This week, the crap skateboarders sit down with Lee Gerard and Jack Harris, two founding moderators of our favourite online skateboarding community, The UK Skateboarding Collective. 

At least, we do to a point. We also, in true crap fashion, go wildly off-topic and start describing our favourite sketchy Bristol street spots. But I think we pull it all back together in the end.

Through a heartfelt discussion around community, engagement, creativity and supportiveness, we all come to the conclusion that 'crap' is really just a barrier that exists inside yourself. Be proud to be crap. It's just a state of mind, after all. 

To find the UK Skateboarding Collective, search exactly that on Facebook. No jerks allowed.

Alternatively, find them on instagram at

Apr 16, 202145:52
Jane - Freestyle Skate Mum

Jane - Freestyle Skate Mum

This week, the crap skateboarders talk freestyle-skateboarding, motherhood, the importance of female communities and different perspectives on skateboarding culture with Jane of the Freestyle Coven. 

Jane is a mother of two boys (one being a teenager!) and a keen skateboarder, who found her route into skateboarding through trips to the skatepark with her children. Jane was an absolute delight, and well and truly makes the case that skateboarding is, and should be, for anyone who loves it enough to jump on a board. We're confident you'll love her as much as we do!

Find Jane on Instagram at :

Find her bewitching freestyle coven at:

Apr 09, 202155:47
Skateboarding in Cinema - Skinny Pete / Bonxai Skate Shop

Skateboarding in Cinema - Skinny Pete / Bonxai Skate Shop

Crap skateboarders ; we hope you love movies as much as you love skateboarding badly. It's time for..


That's right. You are witnessing (crap) history, right here, right now. 

This week, we are joined by self-proclaimed cinephile, Skinny Pete of the Bonxai Skate-shop in Chester, to explore how skateboarding is represented in cinema. After quickly touching on films purely about skateboarding (Mid 90s and Lords of Dogtown), we get straight to work on deciding, once and for all (until next time we do this), the greatest skateboarding scene of all time in a movie. The nominees are...

  • Scott Pilgrim Versus the World
  • The Amazing Spider-Man
  • Back to the Future
  • The Simpsons Movie
  • Police Academy 4
  • A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

Pete is the co-owner of Bonxai, a brick and mortar skate shop in Chester, UK.  He really was a perfect gentleman, and you should all support his shop, and keep your eyes peeled for their upcoming video release! 

Find Bonxai Skate Company here :

Apr 02, 202154:09
Skateboarding and Punk-Rock, with Brad Sherman

Skateboarding and Punk-Rock, with Brad Sherman

The Crap Skateboarders are delighted this week (Jack in particular) to be joined by television producer and punk musician Brad Sherman, to discuss the longstanding relationship between two things that we love; skateboarding and punk music. 

The crap skateboarders dive into the many parallels between these two fringe subcultures: imagery, ethics and style all have their parts to play. If you take your music like you take your skateboarding, crap with no sugar, then you'll enjoy this episode.

Along with being a skateboarder, Brad Sherman is a television producer and a punk-musician. Check out the various projects mentioned in the podcast below:

Blowouts - Brad's brilliant, but now defunct, punk outfit from Plymouth:

Gunderson - Brad's current punk band, based in Bristol, and gigging again as soon as we've put covid to bed:

The Dog House - A TV show that Brad has been working on, currently airing on All4. It's a dating show for dogs. Come on. Be honest. That sounds rad:

Mar 27, 202151:33
Procrastiskate - With Poet 'Tony Wood'

Procrastiskate - With Poet 'Tony Wood'

This week, the crap skateboarders are joined by the celebrated poet, fellow crap-skateboarder and published author Mr Tony Wood, as they explore the highs and lows of skateboarding towards middle-age, all through the medium of poetry.

If you're interested in skateboarding, poetry, art, or all of the above (which you SHOULD be?!?), check out Tony's book, published by Stour Valley Publishing. 

To purchase Tony's book, head over to Big Woody's Skateshop ( , Death Skateboards ( or Stour Valley Publishing ( 

Mar 20, 202151:53
Starting a Skateboarding Brand - Onda Skateboards

Starting a Skateboarding Brand - Onda Skateboards

Every crap skateboarder since the dawn of time has fantasised about starting their own brand. That wasn't just us, right? Right?

This week, we sit down and chat with David, the co-founder of London-based skateboarding brand 'ONDA Skateboards', and Faze, an integral member of the North-London skateboarding community in which Onda is located. Together, they give us the scoop on what matters to entrepreneurs and customers alike when starting a brand. In this episode, we discuss such gems as...

  • Mexican art and design.
  • The importance of community in skateboarding.
  • Doing Year 10 work experience at Bay Sixty-Six Skatepark.
  • The North London Skate-scene.
  • The beauty of dirty British street spots.

If you like awesome decks, great hardware and apparel, and giant sugar-skulls donning covid-masks, check out ONDA Skateboards at:

To check in with Faze, and to stay up to date with his accelerated progress learning to skate as a new father, follow him on instagram:

Mar 13, 202147:32
My First Year of Skateboarding - Rowan Edition

My First Year of Skateboarding - Rowan Edition

This week, two jaded thirty-something skateboarders interview a new skateboarder, Rowan Vincent, in order to revisit their favourite hobby from the perspective of fresh, doughy, puppy-dog eyes. 

The Crap skateboarders grill Rowan about his best and worst moments, things he loves about skateboarding and the things that are just a bit...crap. 

Also, the story of when Jack got his little finger stuck in a skateboard truck.

When he's not falling on his arse in Victoria Park, Rowan also runs a clothing company which make high-quality, durable casual wear; his tube socks are Jack's skateboarding sock of choice, as they're nice and high and offer substantial protection for his crap, diabetic feet. Check out his clothing range at

Mar 06, 202139:04
Skateboarding in Video Games

Skateboarding in Video Games

This week, the crap skateboarders dive into the representation of skateboarding in video games; who got it right, who got it wrong, and who got it just....weird.

We are joined this week by our first ever guest, Tom Majski from Happy Hour Gaming; a network of podcasts and Youtube shows covering video games, sports, name it! Having recently researched the cultural impact of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater for his show, Tom is somewhat of an expert on today's subject matter.

James and Jack's input, on the other hand, is a bit...well...crap?

Check Tom out at  .   For his very grown-up take on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, head to . 

Feb 27, 202101:00:49
Styles of Skateboarding

Styles of Skateboarding

What's your favourite style of skateboarding? Street? Vert? Park? Freestyle? This week, the crap skateboarders discuss which terrain they are the...least crap? Yeah. That'll do; They'll be discussing the terrain that they are the least crap on.

Feb 20, 202138:53
Barriers to Skateboarding

Barriers to Skateboarding

This week, the crap skateboarders discuss potential barriers to skateboarding: crap spots, crap skills and crap fitness. Enjoy!

Feb 13, 202139:17
Skateboarding in a Pandemic

Skateboarding in a Pandemic

The crap skateboarders discuss the pandemic's impact on skateboarding, both good and crap.

Feb 06, 202138:07