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Discover Your Power

Discover Your Power

By Jania Aebi

Learn how to release limiting beliefs, create abundance, manifest the life you deserve and that works for you.
This podcast will help you find your truth, unlock your potential, and empower your life.
With your host Jania Aebi, Transformational Healer, Author, and Coach.
You may find more at

Podcast production by Lotus Idea, Tania Blanco.
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The World reflects what we hold in Consciousness

Discover Your PowerApr 23, 2024

Physical senses stand in the way of being who we are

Physical senses stand in the way of being who we are

Our perception of separation from Source is at the root of problems. That separation is a belief, not the Reality, and a belief can always be changed. The Reality is that as long as you are breathing you are One with Life and when you engage conscious breathing with a feeling like heart-felt love or deep gratitude, you can get the answers you seek from your soul which has access to all the information in the Universe.

May 21, 202429:54
We create from our thoughts

We create from our thoughts

We think that our reality comes from what we do in life, and that is true, to some extent; but we forget that before the doing, there had to be an intention, a thought, an image in our mind of what we want to have, be, or create. Our continued attention and feeling about it, whether positive or negative, results in the drawing of the essence of it into our life. So our continued attention on something with a strong feeling about it is also the reason for things we don't want appearing in our life.

May 07, 202421:59
The World reflects what we hold in Consciousness

The World reflects what we hold in Consciousness

In order for you to have an abundance of money, your consciousness must be one of "having", not one of "not having" or lack. The Universe looks at your consciousness, and brings you more of what it finds there. If you keep thinking about what you don't have, can't do, fail to achieve, the Universe brings you experiences of more lack and limitation. But your consciousness of abundance, in whatever area, will start bringing you more abundance in every area of life - including money!

Apr 23, 202419:09
The world may be full of problems, but you don’t have to be!

The world may be full of problems, but you don’t have to be!

While we are on Earth, we need to merge the two parts of us, the spiritual and the human. They only appear to be in opposition to each other while we have a judgment about them. "Abandon all judgment, all ye who want to enter Heaven on Earth"! We are only using Divine Life and energy all the time, because there is nothing other than that. How we use it, aligned with how Source uses it to create "good", or not aligned with how Source uses it, which creates "bad" is up to us. And we experience the consequences of our choices.

Apr 09, 202428:35
The challenge of willingly accepting change

The challenge of willingly accepting change

In the dimension of duality that we live in change is an inherent part of life experience, where everything has an opposite. Accepting change is not necessary; change happens, whether we want it or not. But acknowledging it creates less resistance when the change is painful or unwanted, and when we're not in resistance, we can more easily see the benefits. Even if we can't see them right away, just knowing they will appear in due course simply because Life is good! Even if life experience feels bad, it will lead to peace of mind.

Mar 26, 202424:22
Our true nature is Spirit, regardless of appearances

Our true nature is Spirit, regardless of appearances

Mostly, we tend to think of ourselves in ways that highlight our perceived inadequacies and failings simply because we identify as our body and personality; and that's true at that level. But we also know we are our Soul, with every attribute of goodness there is and so, perceive the gap between how we are, and how we would like to be. But when we start identifying with our Soul, thinking what choice would It make in any circumstance that happens to be ours and aligning our behavior with what we imagine our Soul would do - we could then truly become our Soul!

Mar 12, 202420:40
No time like now to live your highest potential

No time like now to live your highest potential

You can have your greatest life as soon as you start identifying with Spirit as much as, if not more, than with your body and ego. Knowing what you want and knowing who you really are will allow you to actually manifest your desires, when you let go of all judgments and criticisms. You will then be living a happy life.

Feb 27, 202424:26
It's not enough to know the Truth - we must live it

It's not enough to know the Truth - we must live it

It's not easy or comfortable to live the truth when we know it - that's why we so often avoid really knowing it and it makes our life miserable. Because we are not living as Spirit lives and we are Spirit. So we are in conflict with our true nature. Clarity about what are the core truths of our Being and committing to no longer fighting parts of us will also help to create a world we wish to live in.

Feb 13, 202426:30
Influencing the collective consciousness

Influencing the collective consciousness

The perspective from which we view Life and ourselves must be dual; on the one hand, the material perspective that our planet is just one of thousands of other planets and stars milling around in multiple Universes; on the other hand, that we as humans living on that planet have an immense spiritual importance as emanations and expressions of that infinite all-encompassing Consciousness that created the spiritual existence of all that is now materially manifesting. We have been allotted the job of bringing more of the aspects of our Divine parent into the material world we presently live in.

Jan 30, 202423:37
How can we Heal?

How can we Heal?

Healing is not necessarily just healing the symptom that appears and is painful, but must also be done at the deeper levels of thoughts, emotions and the energetic body. Basically, energy work is about removing imbalances in order to make conditions right for the body to heal itself, and activating the spiritual understanding of the person, so they stop the habits that re-create conditions which potentially cause problems.

Jan 16, 202427:16
Turn the corner to a better life

Turn the corner to a better life

Life is progressive, and always tends towards a better expression of itself, and if you're feeling a yearning for more, it's because there is more, just waiting for you to become that person you want to be. Look at where you are emotionally, acknowledge it, because that's your feeling right now, but you don't have to stay there; just move it aside, to see what's going to appear from underneath it. The next feeling that comes up is always going to be a little better, a little less disruptive, and also acknowledge that. Over time, you will get to feeling your true nature, that's hidden under your human experiences.

Jan 02, 202426:37
Is what we think we know all true?

Is what we think we know all true?

Truth, in this 3D world is never absolute, but always relative, and based on our perception of things which is based on our beliefs that can and do change according to circumstances that arise. We need to shift our perceptions to the spiritual Reality that is unchanging and perfect, realizing that what we see is our perception or our idea of it, which is usually false!

Dec 21, 202324:47
 Our life purpose is not what we think

Our life purpose is not what we think

Our true purpose, or soul-purpose in life is to express as fully and perfectly as we can, any of the qualities of Divinity, or Life, that we have been gifted with at birth. It is not our current occupation, as mostly, we tend to think. And those qualities are always good, having Love as their basis. Since we are born into a construct of time and space, of relativity, we can't hold them all at once, as Divinity does, but we cultivate and express maybe just a few, those that we have time for, or more of an inclination towards.

Dec 05, 202323:11
Blame, judgment and Criticism never serve anyone!

Blame, judgment and Criticism never serve anyone!

We think things we would rather not have happen, seem to come out of the blue for apparently no reason, but that is never true. There is always a reason, but we may not be able to perceive it from our limited, human, 3D perspective that takes into account only this lifetime, from birth to the present moment. But you are so much more than this body and identity; you are Spirit. Your Soul, that knows all about your previous incarnations on earth as a human, and also all about who you were before you ever became a human, from the inception of your individuated Soul aeons ago, down to all your future lives when you return to being Spirit again. Everything has a reason for existence, and it is always to move you forward to higher realities, which you can't even imagine from your present perspective. Your best bet is to acknowledge you don't know everything, and accept all situations as an opportunity for you to become a better version of yourself.

Oct 24, 202316:34
Healing is a much bigger conversation than we think

Healing is a much bigger conversation than we think

We are beings that have multiple bodies, even if most of them are invisible and so we think they can't be hurt. But it's the harm done to our invisible bodies that impacts our life the most, and is the starting point of our aches and pains in later life, and of the diseases we develop. The harm done to those other aspects of us starts early in life, and is, mostly unthinkingly and unconsciously, done to us by others, and then we learn certain ways of thinking and behaviors that protect us in the moment, but are not the truth of who we are. And so we keep wounding ourselves until we start questioning the beliefs we hold about ourselves and life and change those that no longer serve us.

Sep 26, 202327:17
If you want a new reality, see it, and take action towards it​

If you want a new reality, see it, and take action towards it​

Everything appearing in our life we have asked for, on some level, through an activity of our consciousness; so it is always for our ultimate good. We can use the unwanted things that are appearing as stepping-stones towards more abundance if we let go of all judgment and criticism of them. We don't have to like what's happening to know it will turn out for the best in the end.

Oct 04, 202227:23
A novel way of looking at forgiveness
Aug 09, 202221:22
Unforgiveness can be at the root of financial lack
Jun 14, 202226:26
Focus your attention

Focus your attention

Where we place our attention is critical to what we experience in our lives, and we are the only ones who can choose where to put our attention. However much we want to blame others, or want to make others responsible for what is happening to us, at the deepest level we are fully responsible for our experiences, which shows us where we're not in alignment with who we really are.

May 31, 202227:03
Controlling life vs. responding to life

Controlling life vs. responding to life

Everything exists in the world, the good and the bad; what exists in your world you have attracted to yourself by your attention to it. You change your experience only by changing your perception about it, never by trying to change what appears bad into something good. Even if you manage it this time, your perception, which hasn't changed, will just start searching for something else that is bad.

May 17, 202226:49
Getting upset is unproductive

Getting upset is unproductive

When we see things happening we don't like, resist, or are afraid of, let's step back into our true spiritual identity where there is no judgment of anything. Only our human identity perceives a situation as a threat to itself, not seeing the larger picture where whatever unpleasantness is happening will ultimately turn out to be a blessing. Short-term, there may be pain and suffering; but what about in a year, 5 years, 10 years from now? The ego can't see that far, but when you get to 10 years hence and look back, you will say That's the best thing that could have happened, without that I wouldn't be where I am now! Allow that thought when actually in the crisis, and a lot of the suffering will be gone in the now.

May 03, 202223:28
Getting to know yourself

Getting to know yourself

We have been living with ourselves non-stop since we came into physical existence, but how well do we really know ourselves? How much do we know about the purpose of incarnating as a human being? And even those questions assume that we had an existence before becoming a person, and that the Being that we were had a purpose in dressing up in a physical suit and becoming visible. Finding that purpose is critical if we are to live a happy and fulfilled life. What would make us happy now? Certainly something different than when we were three, sixteen, twenty-five, or your age now; your desires have evolved concurrently with the evolution of your mind and body. You have become more conscious of what is really important.

Apr 19, 202223:36
Our focus brings us what appears in our life

Our focus brings us what appears in our life

Our thoughts especially when backed by our feelings, are more powerful than we realize. This is true whether our thoughts are positive, or negative ones. We would like our life to be happy and easy, and so must be watchful of where we put our attention most of the time. Is it on the conflicts, or disasters that we see on the news, or on the kindness, assistance and support shown by people, and the healing and rejuvenation the planet is experiencing? Keeping our thoughts on the positive may appear a challenge, but is a blessing in disguise, an opportunity to create a new world that works for the highest good of all.

Apr 05, 202227:08
 It's possible to trust that life is for us not against us

It's possible to trust that life is for us not against us

It does seem difficult, when we're in the middle of a war, a financial crisis, a health crisis or even a personal crisis of whatever kind, to take the stand that this is ultimately going to be for my highest good, and potentially, also for the good of those around us and sometimes, even for the good of whole communities or nations. If we are willing to look, we will find countless examples of this; so be willing to gratefully allow what can't be changed, have the strength to change the things that can be, and have the wisdom to discern which is which.

Mar 22, 202225:31
Every problem is an adventure to be lived

Every problem is an adventure to be lived

Everything that happens in life is a question of our perception of it, and each one of us has a different vantage point from which we look at an event. That is why two people having the same experience, or looking at the same event, can have a totally different description of it, and feeling about it. If we started using different language about what is happening, we could also start shifting our perception and feelings about it; that would inevitably mean having a higher frequency, which in turn leads to having access to a higher set of choices to make. Then choosing the highest one would be the first step towards a solution of the problem we have now called an adventure!

Mar 08, 202225:51
Becoming free is an inside job

Becoming free is an inside job

Freedom is a state of mind, not something that can be taken away from you, or that can be given to you. It requires you to first, be very clear on what you really and truly want, which is not necessarily what you say you want. Then establish your priorities and make the choices in life that are congruent with those priorities. Your surface priorities may often change, but the deeper ones, that have to do with life purpose and life path, rarely do. Be attached to your true priorities, not to the "wants "of the physical self.

Feb 08, 202225:04
What does our future hold, and who are we in that future?

What does our future hold, and who are we in that future?

What we want today may not be what we will want tomorrow, so looking at what we truly value and who we want to become as we grow and evolve is one of the most important things to reflect on and determine. Natural evolution has taken the human race as far as it can, and we are now asked to consciously collaborate with that evolution so we can reach a dimensional shift that will catapult us into something unknown and unprecedented.

Jan 25, 202227:11
Unsuspected blocks to moving forward
Jan 11, 202217:26
Holding the feeling of your desire fulfilled is critical

Holding the feeling of your desire fulfilled is critical

Our feelings are much more powerful than our words when it comes to fulfilling our desires; and we must also bear in mind that what we say doesn't always match the feelings in our body.  This is why so often, mantras that we say over and over again don't work; either the feelings we hold contradict them, - and feelings are more powerful than words!  - or we're simply repeating the words like a parrot, without any consciousness to back them up. It's our feelings of blame, frustration, or anger towards any part of life, including ourselves, that is holding your desires at bay.

Dec 28, 202124:02
Changing our consciousness changes everything
Dec 14, 202125:16
Manifesting our desires
Nov 30, 202122:59
What is Ascension and how to deal with its energies
Nov 16, 202124:49
Challenges are blessings in disguise
Nov 02, 202128:04
Money is a matter of Consciousness
Oct 19, 202127:58
Stand for Truth even when it's difficult

Stand for Truth even when it's difficult

Exploring the various facets of the COVID-19 virus, and giving a more expanded perception of the global situation. What can we, as ordinary citizens with no power over either the pandemic situation, or Government regulations, actually do to help a situation that seems to be totally out of anyone's control?  We have more power and influence than we know or believe, and need to remember that everything, including the virus, is made of the Light of Divinity, and has that spark of the Divine within it. It's our job, and our responsibility to call out, uncover that spark.

Oct 05, 202123:29
Free Will - Free Choice
Sep 21, 202130:20
It's the Spirit within you that does the healing
Mar 21, 202004:30
About your host (Jania Aebi) and how she found her Soul Purpose as a Transformational Healer
Feb 21, 202015:11
Welcome to Discover your Power Podcast

Welcome to Discover your Power Podcast

Welcome to the "Discover your Power" Podcast hosted by Jania Aebi where you will learn how to release limiting beliefs, create abundance, manifest the life you deserve and that works for you.

This podcast will help you find your truth, unlock your potential, and empower your life.

Jan 21, 202000:53