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Universal Consciousness

Universal Consciousness

By Jason L Mondragon

This Podcast is of a Universal Understanding. You will find The Perennial Teachings, The Secret Doctrines, and The Ancient Wisdoms modernized within my work. I pull truth from many teachings from Theism to Occultism, and much from the ever-evolving Judaism/Christian roots including The Dead Sea Scrolls for specific reasons. I balance Buddhism with Quantum Physics, Anthroposophy helped bind this through and through. Enjoy!
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Elements & Chakras (Part 1)

Universal ConsciousnessMay 24, 2022

The Complete Guide to Reincarnation

The Complete Guide to Reincarnation

Beyond our reincarnation, we coexist here on earth with many other forms. I wish to communicate to all of our family that now reside here. Many may not even be aware other than dreams that are not fully understood. Attempting to be what they are not causes much more of a troubled existence. I welcome all and await a time when all from Star Beings to Elementals awaken. Holy Beings & Psyche Beings, and even Dark Beings, welcome.

Jul 18, 202258:10
Tiamat, Dark Dragon Goddess

Tiamat, Dark Dragon Goddess

Enuma Elish Tiamat is one of the two central protagonists of the Enuma Elish - the earliest recorded writing. In the story, Tiamat and her mate/brother Apsu/Abzu, embodied primordial nothingness. As they laid together they gave birth to gods, and from the gods, came creation. The gods started building the universe/reality. As a being of primordial nothing, the very concept of creation hurt Apsu and Tiamat, disturbing their slumber. Tiamat ignored the fighting at first, trying to get back to her sleep of oblivion, but Apsu would not ignore the commotion caused by the creation and attacked the gods and earth.  The Gods fought and killed Apsu. Tiamat enraged woke from her sleep and went to destroy the gods and creation as punishment for killing her beloved Apsu. She spawned millions of monsters - Dragons being the most prominent. Marduk, the strongest of the gods fought her. Only after an intense battle with the power of all the other gods behind him could Marduk overcome Tiamat and her brood. Apsu was thrown into the heavens and is the void of the night sky. Apsu's corpse was the land and used as a foundation for Earth.  Most are aware of this story, but it's time to evolve with our growing consciousness. Through Universal Consciousness names, and greater beings will be known and no longer part of obscurity. Absu and Tiamat are the Plane of Dark. Many of their initial creations were within this plane...   The Dragons are among us, we just need to recognize them. Some already have strong followings here upon the planet. I am sure they are here for a purpose, even though I can not fully conceive it yet.

Jul 13, 202216:11
Universal Consciousness

Universal Consciousness

It is not a mystery why we exist on the very outskirts of this Universe. We have a tendency to overthink the pure simplicity of this. Consciousness grew from what we consider to be a centralized source then much like the sprouting of all life it continued to reproduce into the varieties we find throughout the Universe. Genes continue to evolve, species continue to impart evolved understandings, and Consciousness continues to expand in the same way. Consciousness, however, when seeking to advance and is blocked by current situations will break many obstacles to continue to evolve. Catastrophic events, mass civilizations, and even planetary destructions can occur. For in the aftermath of these events, Consciousness will continue onward. We, in our misconceptions of The Material Universe, view destruction as detrimental, it is only those of us with the realization who seek to find deeper meanings to these events. There is great good within The Universe, but know that the core of All that is transitioning is Conscious Expansion. We are the future of this expansion, no matter what positioning we possess in life, no matter the dynamics and obstacles, we are giving these experiences to further this expansion. Receive this with Kindness and Love.

Jul 10, 202203:12
Perennialism & Ancient Wisdom Evolved

Perennialism & Ancient Wisdom Evolved


Perennialism values knowledge that transcends time. This is a subject-centered philosophy. Perennials believe that education should exemplify a prepared effort to make these ideas available to students and to guide their thought processes toward the understanding and appreciation of the great works. Works of literature written by history’s finest thinkers transcend time and never become outdated. Perennials are primarily concerned with the importance of mastery of the content and the development of reasoning skills. They are contented with a strict curriculum that seeks to replicate the same understanding in the student as the Teacher in continuity. But are accepting if the student exceeds while maintaining the root disciplines. In this philosophy, skills are developed in a sequential manner. Here, the teachers are the main actors on the stage.

Perennialism was originally religious in nature, developed first by Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century in his work De Magistro (On the Teacher). Thomas Aquinas is considered one of the Catholic Church's greatest theologians and philosophers. He was strictly against the notion of Natural Theology, a type of theology that provides arguments for the existence of God based on reason and the ordinary experience of nature. He never considered himself a philosopher and criticized philosophers, whom he saw as pagans, for he criticized them for falling short of the true and proper wisdom to be found in Christian revelation. With this in mind, Thomas did have respect for Aristotle. Much of his work bears upon philosophical topics, and in this sense may be characterized as philosophical. Thomas's philosophical thought has exerted enormous influence on subsequent Christian theology, especially that of the Catholic Church, extending to Western philosophy in general.

Jul 08, 202241:52
Star Beings and Entities

Star Beings and Entities


When the Buddha opened up the pathways to liberation, know that this wasn’t just done here on Earth. All of Water’s Evolution that shared the same genetic makeup across the Known Universe now had the ability to become Conscious. Whereas before blocked at Mentalism and not able to proceed. This influenced Star Beings across the Physical and Dimensional Levels of the universe. As with The Universal Mind opening its fold to Hermes Trismegistus, The Source of Consciousness now did so with Siddhartha Gautama.

Many stories will continuously arise about these two Beings, but their path like many others must be realized for us to awaken to Universal Consciousness. Hermes brought forth Alchemy, Astrology, Science, and Medicine. Whereas the Buddha brought forth Compassion, Truth, Realization, and Liberation from Suffering. Touched individually by the Left and Right hand of The Omni-Conscious, we are able to truly contemplate our Dual Evolution.

To conquer this Barrier of Mentalism, three Planes must collectively be unblocked to those of Water’s Evolution. The Planes of Thoughts, Mentalism, and Knowledge can appear to be a difficult hurtle, fortunately many of us from Earth’s Evolution are part of The Collective Consciousness and need not achieve this. However, on the rarest occasion there could be Beings that identify so deeply with Water’s Evolution and are not corrupted by The Outer Universe. This could be continued lifetimes in industrialized rich societies, or existing completely within their mental construct of the world.

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Jun 20, 202228:57
Intelligence and it's Evolutions

Intelligence and it's Evolutions


Hermetic Principles: Laws of The Universe

1. The Principle of Mentalism “The all is mind; the universe is mental.”

2. The Principle of Correspondence “As above, so below, as below, so above. As within, so without, as without, so within.”

3. The Principle of Vibration “Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”

4. The Principle of Polarity “Everything is dual, everything has poles and everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.”

5. The Principle of Rhythm “Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall.”

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect “Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause.”

7. The Principle of Gender “Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”

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Jun 19, 202244:18
The Emergence, One God and The Multiverse

The Emergence, One God and The Multiverse


I speak of Realities because I wish to bring us to the complete realizations that we are responsible for them. As we are either manipulated or solely responsible, they are both manifested through our Creative Powers. There is just the Singular Absolute Reality, and all others are a manifested Reality that we have directed. I say this with a sincerity that may break many of our concepts, but the Multiverse is also of our creation. Any alternate Dimensions or Realities in which we search for will manifest, they will be reflective of the universe to which we comprehend. We have hinted to this when we uncovered The Observer Effect in Quantum Physics, however we still haven’t fully realized our creative powers yet. We have already created many realities, in our groups, in our civilizations, in our beliefs, and on our planet. They grow and cease continuously because they do not have the foundations of the Absolute Reality. Those portions that do, have persisted.

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Jun 17, 202222:27
Conscious Evolution

Conscious Evolution


Root Races, Flood, Annunaki, Atlanteans, and so much packed into a mere 27mins. And there's so much more to get to. Thanks Everyone. 

1. Polarians the first root race was primarily spiritual (Astral/Etheric) and did not leave physical remains.

2. Hyperboreans the second, Hyperborean root-race (a continuation of the first) was semi-astral but grew denser and opaquer with each passing age. Towards its end, it became more gelatinous and filamentoid in structure, and developed the rudimentary beginnings of bones and organs, hair, and skin. Although still more or less oval-shaped in form, it began to show the first outlines of the later human form. However, towards its end, its bodies passed through many curious, part-animal forms.

3. Lemurians the third, Lemurians were the first with physical bodies.  They were described as a race of three eyed giants and inhabited a "lost continent" of Lemuria which is where the Indian and Pacific oceans now are.  Modern theosophists sometimes identify Lemuria with the actual ancient supercontinent of Gondwana. Others may refer to it as "Mu".

4. Atlanteans the fourth, Atlantean Root Race includes the following sub-races:
1) Rohmahls
2) Tlavatlis
3) Toltecs
4) First Turanians
5) Original Semites
6) Akkadians
7) Mongolians

5. Aryans the fifth, constituent "sub-races" of the Aryan (5th or present) Root Race include the following:
1) Hindus
2) Sumerians
3) Egyptians
4) Hellenes (Greeks & Romans)
5) Europeans
6) Nova men
7) Indigo Children & Star Children

6. 6th Root Race (in postulation)

7. 7th Root Race (in postulation)

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Jun 14, 202228:23
Universal Mind & Source of Consciousness, Our True Duality

Universal Mind & Source of Consciousness, Our True Duality


The Universal Mind has been and will always be throughout all of existence. It has been perfecting the principles of creating form since before matter was. Over billions of years through trial and error, it now replicates what it knows works. We will see this work in all the fundamental natures of life. The Universal Mind’s goal is Sentient Creation, we will see this currently in the known universe, all other animal kingdoms are in fact catered to assist, when not they will cease. All breaking and reforming of molecules throughout the billions of years were in fact looking, experimenting, and tweaking Sentient creation. There were trillions of failed experiments until what was found worked, even today we learn of many extinctions before humans. Sentient Beings, as an unperfected but finalized creation of The Universal Mind, was expected to succeed, and seed the universe. It never accounted for Sentience developing as it has beyond this.

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Jun 13, 202242:21
Reincarnation & Karma Consciousness

Reincarnation & Karma Consciousness


The Last episode in this Series. I will lay the groundwork for further realizations to come...

The ways in which Awakened Beings reincarnate are as


Temporary: Temporary loss of awareness and mind, the

Awakened Being does this to gain a full experience of the

life reincarnated into. This being will exhibit an

overabundance of interest and fascination with life. More

so than they average child, this child’s questionings about

life will be extremely insightful, critically piecing together

all that it is told. Even calling parents on any missteps in

their teachings. Though extremely respectable and ethical,

they are capable of debating on an unreal level to the

parents at times. If understood and not hindered by the

parents, these ancient souls will justifiably push all family

members awareness up.

Locked: these reincarnations are marked with key

scenarios that must occur in specific means for the

Awakened Soul to come into full awakening. This form of

reincarnation can take on many lifetimes until these events

take place, this is not generally the choice of the Awakened

Being. But can be foreseen by higher sources to the

Awakened. If accepting, they will be granted a Guardian to

oversee their travels. Once achieved, full awareness

instantly granted and what was to be understood or learned

is taken into Consciousness.

Complete: Complete awareness with a set purpose of their

life’s path. No surprises, all other beings are met as if they

were expecting them. They can exhibit higher than normal

emotions when surprised, mainly because they did not see

it beforehand, its generally delighted.

Assisted: Awareness is lost, so that another Awakened

Being must assist their life path. This Teacher generally

knows but will not openly explain. This could be signified

as a test for either Soul. To become a teacher or a student.

Forgotten: This Awakened Being has decided to discipline

itself, it will take it upon itself due to events that has

harmed its consciousness. They will secure their true self

and bounce around throughout lifetimes until they’ve found

realization to what presented the trouble in the first place.

They must see for themselves why they did such a thing,

and usually the key lies with their forgiveness of

themselves. No other Aware Being can break this, they feel

a strong being contained.

Forced: On few occasions, if an Awakened Being

consciously does harm to another Aware Being or greater.

The Awakened Being may be judged by Collective

Consciousness or the High Council to be cut off from

Consciousness yet given just enough flow to stay within

collective reincarnation. Perhaps not wanting these actions

to be influential within new consciousness. This Awakened

Being will essentially move to the status of a Collective

Being and will stay there until past events are cleansed

from them.

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Jun 10, 202246:18
Oneness, A Call To Find a Single Path

Oneness, A Call To Find a Single Path


These are just the four largest world religions. Within them,

each has touched one another in a time of much needed

growth. Through Hinduism, the Buddha revived the

spiritual needs of the soul. The roots of Buddhism touched

the concepts of Christianity and revived it through Jesus

Christ. Among Islam, The Prophet Muhammad connected

like a brother religion to Christianity. And Hinduism was

once again awakened by Gandhi, who openly united all

faiths as a universal understanding.

Scattered amongst them there are many saviors and

stories throughout their branches. At their roots there are

the stories that connect them. Gilgamesh’s Epic Adventures

some 5-6 thousand years ago which have striking

similarities to the birth of Jesus Christ, his journeys, and a

great flood where an arc was built. The simple fact that all

these men found their Conscious Awakening at around 40

years of age should speak towards our connection. They all

were spirits that expanded their Observations of existence

and sought to find an evolved way of thinking and viewing

the world we live in. Each one saw death as an unnecessary

way to live. They conquered it by showing us how to view

Time in a new way, it was at the forefront as they spoke in


Any religion, if needed should be placed on a

cornerstone of Conscious Truth. This truth must free the spirit from its disillusions and move it into true self 

awareness and oneness with all beings of Light. Self 

realization of oneself and not being dependent upon a

religion for salvation must cease, for it is the only way to

move forward. The danger comes with parenting other

beliefs without first looking at fruits it has produced thus

far. So far as we have been growing as a collective society,

some religions that have remained have found a way to

encompass the emerging awareness. Those who could not,

faded away or were forced into destruction by the new

world philosophies. I believe should all these great leaders

be present and living together in today’s era they would’ve

connected through peace, for they all shared so very many

commonalities of character and sought to bring the spirit

above and beyond its current conditions.

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Jun 09, 202219:18
Practicing Peace, Meditation and Observations

Practicing Peace, Meditation and Observations


Just some of my suggestions in today's busy world.  Mindfulness, also called ‘Vipassana’, comes from  the Buddhist tradition. Mindfulness is the most popular  form of meditation in the western world. It’s all about  ‘being present’, letting your mind run, and accepting  whatever thoughts come up, while practicing detachment  from each thought. Mindfulness is taught along with an  awareness of the breath, though the breathing is often  considered to be just one sensation among many others,  none for particular focus. There is no attempt to change the  breathing pattern, which limits this practice and makes it  observational rather than active. Changing your breathing  changes the energy; just watching what your breathing is  doing (particularly if your breathing is shallow, as it  generally is) means you are stuck in a low-energy state.  Zazen is the generic term for seated meditation in  the Buddhist tradition, but in the modern Zen tradition, it is  often referred to as ‘just sitting’. It is a minimal kind of  meditation, done for long periods of time, with little  instruction beyond the basics of posture (sit with your back  straight). There is no particular attention to the breath, nor  an attempt to change the breath. Zazen is the ‘anti-method’  approach to meditation, but it is often done in conjunction  with a concentration on a certain aspect of Buddhist  scripture, or a paradoxical sentence, story, or question,  called a Koan.  Transcendental Meditation is a simplified practice  that emerges from Vedanta, the meditative tradition within  Hinduism. To use this method, you sit with your back  straight (ideally in the Lotus or half-Lotus posture), and use  a mantra, a sacred word that is repeated. Your focus is then  placed upon rising above all that is impermanent. At the  more advanced levels, it focuses on the breath and changes  the breath to change one’s state of being. It often leads to  leaving the body, which is the goal of this technique.  Kundalini is another practice that comes from  Vedanta. Kundalini is the name for the rising stream of  energy that exists in a human being. The aim of Kundalini  meditation is to become aware of this rising stream, and to  ride the stream to infinity. The practitioner concentrates on  their breath flowing through each of the energy centers of  the body, always moving upward, toward the energy center  just above the top of the head. Kundalini, makes active use  of the breath, using breath to move energy upward.  Heart Rhythm Meditation focuses on the breath and  heartbeat, making the breath full, deep, rich, rhythmic, and  balanced. Attention is focused on the heart as the center of  the energetic system. One tries to identify oneself with the  heart. By focusing on the breath, you make your breath  powerful. And then learning to direct the breath, to feel the  circulation of breath as it pulses in different parts of your  body, then on your magnetic field, you learn to direct and  circulate energy. You are in control of yourself at all times,  and you become both more powerful and more sensitive. At  more advanced stages, your power and sensitivity are  always in service of your heart, so you become  compassionate.  

Jun 08, 202206:12
Known Universe (Bonus Content)

Known Universe (Bonus Content)


There was portions in The Known Universe Part 1 left blank until Part 2 was contemplated. 

This brings our existence full circle as we are now able to connect with our part in Creation. We should now understand our place in the Realms, and the gifts we possess. Earth’s Evolution is such that the greatest gifts come to those of us with the awareness to expand our Consciousness and never quit. Do this with the understanding that every life form in the Universe is a part of a whole, every Consciousness connected to a Source, and every Spirit a reflection of Truth. Should we keep just these truths in mind, then we would have expanded our awareness this life. However, if we consciously move our observations beyond what we are used to and seek answers that most around us never do. Then we grow into Greater Beings and assist the world in ways in which the beauty of our own unique signatures can only do.

There have been so many great pathways and beliefs that have led to this understanding. Take these writings and implement them into your path towards true consciousness and may we all unlock the secrets of our own individual paths. All Aware Beings know well what is to come, for we all have been awaiting this time from the moment when we began to create for ourselves. We are Creators of our own individual designs, yet so much more. If you found what I have imparted resourceful to your development so far, then I am beyond thankful and humbled by your growth.

I will now extend myself to places not suggested by any until secured in consciousness. It is time in our awareness to truly shine light on that which has hindered us from beginning less time. You can reflect on pass experiences but be sure to bathe yourself in consciousness and understanding. We were born as Children of Light and Dark, but so far lie to ourselves about this. Living lives that keep ourselves hidden from truth, in reality this makes us master of our own lies. To mature as a Spiritual Society, we need only to take on the responsibility to confront truth and acknowledge our part in what we have wrought.


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Jun 06, 202228:08
Conscious Beginnings (Video Content on Spotify)

Conscious Beginnings (Video Content on Spotify)

The Conscious Birth of Our Universe. For those who seek to journey beyond the known science and it's postulations.


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The Force of Life was a single spectacular stream from Source that poured into this universe. Creating Order from Chaos and structuring life in its wake as Cosmic Evolution continues to move forward. As our great Milky Way hangs like a dazzling flower in the sea of Cosmic Flowers, do we not see the life force as it seeds and blooms? Soupy cosmic particles organize into heavenly bodies and burst forth with new particles, ever-growing and reaching outward. Collecting all life force and gently releasing it into a transmigration of new forms as it expands.

The 1st Absolute Law is thus:

There is only the Absolute. Though dark we may perceive, but what we perceive must be known for its Truth. The Absolute is all, and thus before this Known Universe came into manifestation The Absolute was.

The 2nd Absolute Law states that

“No Thing” will exist without opposition. Beings beyond substance may possess no opposition but can never grow into such without becoming manifested first.

The 3rd Absolute Law states that

“No Thing” will exist with permanence. Consciousness will be realized only through transmigration and only through transmigration will Absolute Truth be known.

The 4th Absolute Law states

Consciousness must Realize Consciousness to manifest Growth. Those of Unconsciousness may know of Forms, as those of Consciousness may know of Consciousness.

The 5th Absolute Law is that

The Absolute is “what is”, all manifestations within are of Consciousness. Whether we conceive them as Dark or Light they are of one in nature and thus supportive of a singular goal.

The 6th Absolute Law states

Should Consciousness move into Form, Form will fragment Consciousness. Each fragment will thus gain New Consciousness to reassemble anew. Only Beings that have Fully Realized Consciousness will maintain what they have realized.

The 7th Absolute Law states

Consciousness may transverse innumerable paths, they may search throughout existence and freely come to any conclusion. Yet all paths will inevitably come to the Singular Truth of The Absolute.

The 8th Absolute Law states that

that with the attentive acceptance of experience, Beings of Consciousness may be graced into comprehending Absolute Truth, though must be Conscious to be graced with knowing The Absolute.

The 9th Absolute Law states that Perfected Beings can Create Conscious Forms with seeds of Current Full Realizations. Those below that of Perfection in Consciousness, are thus allowed to create Conscious Forms with seeds of Manifestation. Those that are neither “Conscious” nor “Of Consciousness” cannot create.

The 10th Absolute Law states that henceforth, Consciousness may know of Consciousness, now Consciousness may know of All Other Forms Whence Forms are capable of Receptivity. Forms will now only know of Forms until progressed to that Of Consciousness.

Jun 01, 202250:27
Our Powers of Creation

Our Powers of Creation


Force in Our Known Universe

Here Force operates as an extending pattern of conscious thought stimulated through the minds of beings. Order as we know it, will generally function in our current Known Universe in three parts, Forms, Waves, and Streamers. As we leave from physical consciousness and into the Outer Universe, we begin to see that the same laws no longer apply, or in the least have some variations. Note also that beings are able to exist in multiple places for instance, a human may have a physical body but due to the pain and suffering they have endured, it pushes their consciousness into the Outer Universe and locks them like an anchor to their false viewpoints. I have had an experience with a friend that had lost the ability to walk during an explosion in the military. Wherever he fell asleep within our apartment his Etheric Form would attempt to pull himself away from his body in an agonizing expression. Never to be able to move from his midsection area. As I would talk him through his spiritual struggle he did not initially know of this suffering and was easily angered when discussed. It took time and Conscious Effort to free him from this state.

Depending upon what paths they take there could still be strong possibilities that they will come back to the Collective. Even still upon death that same Spirit may still have enough connection to consciousness to continue to live well into the Collective Universe. However, a continued amount of suffering and acceptance, from a continued amount of lives can only conclude that at the time of any death the rebirth will be in the Outer Universe. Yet again while this life is being process through the Realm of Entropy and Dimension of Fears, they will still exist as we know them in the physical universe, with a completely different perspective about life and in the Unconscious Collective. They will mimic life in the Conscious World and contort what is known as truth. They are still capable of the full range of emotions that are available to the human understanding within their individual means, but they will take these emotions to places where an evolving consciousness would never. Their concepts of oneness and their depth of love isn’t wholesome like most but wreaked with conditions that could be of any poor capacity. A Greater Being told me once, “that our truest power is the ability to change our thoughts”, perhaps the only key to helping our spiritual siblings back at this point. This is different if they move into the Dimension of Internalizations, here the suffering and acceptance takes on a deeper hold and the Soul moves into The Abysmal Realms, they will lose their Physical Forms and stay here locked in their pain.


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May 30, 202229:12
The Known Universe Part 2

The Known Universe Part 2


The Outer Universe

This brings our existence full circle as we are now able to connect with our part in Creation. We should now understand our place in the Realms, and the gifts we possess. Earth’s Evolution is such that the greatest gifts come to those of us with the awareness to expand our Consciousness and never quit. Do this with the understanding that every life form in the Universe is a part of a whole, every Consciousness connected to a Source, and every Spirit a reflection of Truth. Should we keep just these truths in mind, then we would have expanded our awareness this life. However, if we consciously move our observations beyond what we are used to and seek answers that most around us never do. Then we grow into Greater Beings and assist the world in ways in which the beauty of our own unique signatures can only do.

There have been so many great pathways and beliefs that have led to this understanding. Take these writings and implement them into your path towards true consciousness and may we all unlock the secrets of our own individual paths. All Aware Beings know well what is to come, for we all have been awaiting this time from the moment when we began to create for ourselves. We are Creators of our own individual designs, yet so much more. If you found what I have imparted resourceful to your development so far, then I am beyond thankful and humbled by your growth.

I will now extend myself to places not suggested by any until secured in consciousness. It is time in our awareness to truly shine light on that which has hindered us from beginning less time. You can reflect on pass experiences but be sure to bathe yourself in consciousness and understanding. We were born as Children of Light and Dark, but so far lie to ourselves about this. Living lives that keep ourselves hidden from truth, in reality this makes us master of our own lies. To mature as a Spiritual Society, we need only to take on the responsibility to confront truth and acknowledge our part in what we have wrought.


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May 29, 202246:26
The Known Universe Part 1

The Known Universe Part 1


The Collective Universe ushers us towards the Realm of

Order. Within the Higher Realms of The Collective we

have the Planes of Creation and Light where we are

graced with the Consciousness of the Omnipotent Design.

Should we be able to move into these Realms, then you

will connect to not only Source, but the Intelligence that

resides there as well. Source has always been a physical

concept, what we conceived as Source was the physical

embodiment as pure energy on levels we cannot see yet.

Existing in every place known and unknown to us, here is

where we will finally be able to connect mind to the

spirit. Those who have, are forever changed. You will

also discover how the Omnipotent Consciousness creates

by the purity of shear will. Visualization is replaced by

the knowledge of force structuring itself to your will due

to your place in these Higher Planes and connection to

Source. Within the Lower Realms of the Collective

Universe we have the Planes of Realities and

Possibilities, this is where we will find some of us are at.

Usually those of us who have made great strides to

awaken our spiritual natures have committed ourselves to

helping because we feel deeply the need to unite the

entire world. Each Plane is divided into three sub-planes

that must be understood and moved through to get to the

next unless you’re aware enough to already have 

conquered the challenges. In the Collective Universe we

learn to develop our ability to postulate and visualize our

will into manifesting. We will learn what hinders us or

slows down our ability to create this way. We will also

come to understand the Collective Conscious Level of

Spiritually Aware Beings. Tapping into this

Consciousness will awaken our Timelines and the full

account of why we became one with the physical universe

individually. We will be able to understand what drives

us and what we fear most. We will be one with the

Conscious Level of our spiritual siblings and start to

move in unison with healing the destruction that has

corrupted this planet. You will begin to understand that

the battle for our preeminence was never fought in the

Lower Kingdoms, but always over the Dominion above

Holy and Dark, where we reside.


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May 26, 202201:00:02
Elements and Chakras Part 2

Elements and Chakras Part 2



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I wished to lay the groundwork for deeper spiritual exploration. In order to move forward, we needed to move closer to our current condition here on Earth. I thank you for reading so far, if you are among those who haven’t shaken all I’ve said in disbelief, then perhaps you’re prepared to learn more. In some, I may be testing their faith in what has been said. All is as it should be, our collective awakening will occur because there are enough of us who wish it to be so. Truths must come to pass, and secrets must be brought forth. We must understand what it means to follow Our Lord, The One True Christ. What it meant when he said we too could perform such miracles, and what this means for the future of life in this Solar System. It must be known that events and timelines no longer need to be specified, it is the prime negative influential argument of Luciferic and Ahrimanic Beings. For the reincarnation of Christ and the workings within the Bible have shown itself within our complete planetary timeline on multiple occasions, in many ways this has caused us confusion. I invite you to take on such a journey of contemplation, and to look towards stories which arouse our consciousness from the Lemurian ages. Many ideas could be challenging, and there are forces that wish you to remain asleep at every turn. But have you not felt asleep long enough? Are you among those who seek to know why you have such a strong desire to break the veil? I say only to you, please continue. For it is easy for us to go about our daily lives hammered by generations of instinctual natures, such natures believe life and death a fleeting thing that is feared. Luciferic and Ahrimanic influence are not stated here to be dislodged or learned of in secrecy. They are to finally be brought into the light of Consciousness, for they are now ingrained within our Etheric Bodies and one with our timelines. We are to be made to know them, that is the goal of this literature. For once we will not imbalance the two, the process of creation as spiritual beings will be acknowledged just as equally by the realities of destruction. There are many Great Beings that have come and gone throughout our experience here on Earth, they seek to help or hinder. Some beings are still intertwined and influential beyond our current understandings, this work will direct us in truth as to how. All that has been said thus far, though challenging is factual in considering your place upon the Awakened path. Too many spiritual doctrines seem to only cover life as a directive toward being positive, although that is indeed our goal, they tend to block out what we crucially need to know when succumbed by the negative. This causes imbalance due to our very nature, we exist in and move about throughout many realms and dimensions in a single lifetime. My goal is to present us in a way which encompasses balance to this nature, the Physical/Spiritual, Conscious/Unconscious, and finally the power of Creation/Destruction. I know well that there are some places where a Conscious Being should never venture, but I feel this needs to come to light. I will now continue challenging you, understand that the points of power upon our Etheric Bodies has always been, and will always be our creation. These Chakras are not set in stone as one believes, and they evolve alongside us. This is the crucial understanding which now needs to be brought to light.

May 25, 202252:18
Elements & Chakras (Part 1)

Elements & Chakras (Part 1)


I wished to lay the groundwork for deeper spiritual exploration. In order to move forward, we needed to move closer to our current condition here on Earth. I thank you for reading so far, if you are among those who haven’t shaken all I’ve said in disbelief, then perhaps you’re prepared to learn more. In some, I may be testing their faith in what has been said. All is as it should be, our collective awakening will occur because there are enough of us who wish it to be so. Truths must come to pass, and secrets must be brought forth. We must understand what it means to follow Our Lord, The One True Christ. What it meant when he said we too could perform such miracles, and what this means for the future of life in this Solar System. It must be known that events and timelines no longer need to be specified, it is the prime negative influential argument of Luciferic and Ahrimanic Beings. For the reincarnation of Christ and the workings within the Bible have shown itself within our complete planetary timeline on multiple occasions, in many ways this has caused us confusion. I invite you to take on such a journey of contemplation, and to look towards stories which arouse our consciousness from the Lemurian ages. Many ideas could be challenging, and there are forces that wish you to remain asleep at every turn. But have you not felt asleep long enough? Are you among those who seek to know why you have such a strong desire to break the veil? I say only to you, please continue. For it is easy for us to go about our daily lives hammered by generations of instinctual natures, such natures believe life and death a fleeting thing that is feared. Luciferic and Ahrimanic influence are not stated here to be dislodged or learned of in secrecy. They are to finally be brought into the light of Consciousness, for they are now ingrained within our Etheric Bodies and one with our timelines. We are to be made to know them, that is the goal of this literature. For once we will not imbalance the two, the process of creation as spiritual beings will be acknowledged just as equally by the realities of destruction. There are many Great Beings that have come and gone throughout our experience here on Earth, they seek to help or hinder. Some beings are still intertwined and influential beyond our current understandings, this work will direct us in truth as to how. All that has been said thus far, though challenging is factual in considering your place upon the Awakened path. Too many spiritual doctrines seem to only cover life as a directive toward being positive, although that is indeed our goal, they tend to block out what we crucially need to know when succumbed by the negative. This causes imbalance due to our very nature, we exist in and move about throughout many realms and dimensions in a single lifetime. My goal is to present us in a way which encompasses balance to this nature, the Physical/Spiritual, Conscious/Unconscious, and finally the power of Creation/Destruction. I know well that there are some places where a Conscious Being should never venture, but I feel this needs to come to light. I will now continue challenging you, understand that the points of power upon our Etheric Bodies has always been, and will always be our creation. These Chakras are not set in stone as one believes, and they evolve alongside us. This is the crucial understanding which now needs to be brought to light.


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May 24, 202201:01:02
Conscious Beginnings (Bonus Content)

Conscious Beginnings (Bonus Content)


A more in-depth understanding to the Beings and Entities that exist in The Known Universe. I give a direction to learning more about the Dragon Council. I speak more on The Holy Alliance and it's place now here on the planet. I will give more insight into how The Beings of Holy and Psyche once worked together here with early civilizations, what remnants have been left and their purposes. I will bring into our understandings Yahweh, Lucifer, and Ahriman so that we can finally have a face to those realizations that we have lost. It’s also important to know that Consciousness resides in all, how well we receive it is solely dependent on our mental creation of ourselves. We can literally view how light or heavy a person is, this is what is projected to us from their side and experience of life. However, even the physically heavy can produce a light and airiness spiritually of which we can sense when in their presence. It has been long known by The Ancients that balancing all the elements within the body purely by intake will produce a superior body. Just the opposite, extreme lack of balance produces quicker deterioration. I suspect when we relook at spontaneous combustion in this way, we will understand  this in new light, for our bodies are merely a chemist’s project that we have lost interests in. This is the groundwork for deeper spiritual exploration. In order to move forward, we needed to move closer to our current condition here on Earth. I thank you for reading so far, if you are among those who haven’t shaken all I’ve said in disbelief, then perhaps you’re prepared to learn more. In some, I may be testing their faith in what has been said. They will either put down this writing on several occasions only to come back to it as it starts to sink in or continue reading while blocking its truth and imagining it a fantasy work. All is as it should be, our collective awakening will occur because there are enough of us who wish it to be so. Truths must come to pass, and secrets must be brought forth. We must understand what it means to follow Gods. What this means for the future of life in this Solar System. There are many Great Beings that have come and gone throughout our experience here on Earth, they seek to help or hinder. Some beings are still intertwined and influential beyond our current understandings, this work will direct us in truth as to how. All that has been said thus far, though challenging is factual in considering your place upon the Awakened path. Too many spiritual doctrines seem to only cover life as a directive toward being positive, although that is indeed our goal, they tend to block out what we crucially need to know when succumbed by the negative. This causes imbalance due to our very nature, we exist in and move about throughout many realms and dimensions in a single lifetime. My goal is to present us in a way which encompasses balance to this nature, the Physical/Spiritual, Conscious/Unconscious, and finally the power of Creation/Destruction. I know well that there are some places where a Conscious Being should never venture, but I feel this needs to come to light. We will now continue challenging you.


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May 24, 202217:09
Conscious Beginnings

Conscious Beginnings


The Conscious Birth of Our Universe. For those who seek to journey beyond the known science and it's postulations. 


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The Force of Life was a single spectacular stream from Source that poured into this universe. Creating Order from Chaos and structuring life in its wake as Cosmic Evolution continues to move forward. As our great Milky Way hangs like a dazzling flower in the sea of Cosmic Flowers, do we not see the life force as it seeds and blooms? Soupy cosmic particles organize into heavenly bodies and burst forth with new particles, ever-growing and reaching outward. Collecting all life force and gently releasing it into a transmigration of new forms as it expands. 

The 1st Absolute Law is thus: 

There is only the Absolute. Though dark we may perceive, but what we perceive must be known for its Truth. The Absolute is all, and thus before this Known Universe came into manifestation The Absolute was. 

The 2nd Absolute Law states that 

“No Thing” will exist without opposition. Beings beyond substance may possess no opposition but can never grow into such without becoming manifested first. 

The 3rd Absolute Law states that

“No Thing” will exist with permanence. Consciousness will be realized only through transmigration and only through transmigration will Absolute Truth be known. 

The 4th Absolute Law states 

Consciousness must Realize Consciousness to manifest Growth. Those of Unconsciousness may know of Forms, as those of Consciousness may know of Consciousness. 

The 5th Absolute Law is that 

The Absolute is “what is”, all manifestations within are of Consciousness. Whether we conceive them as Dark or Light they are of one in nature and thus supportive of a singular goal. 

The 6th Absolute Law states 

Should Consciousness move into Form, Form will fragment Consciousness. Each fragment will thus gain New Consciousness to reassemble anew. Only Beings that have Fully Realized Consciousness will maintain what they have realized. 

The 7th Absolute Law states 

Consciousness may transverse innumerable paths, they may search throughout existence and freely come to any conclusion. Yet all paths will inevitably come to the Singular Truth of The Absolute. 

The 8th Absolute Law states that 

that with the attentive acceptance of experience, Beings of Consciousness may be graced into comprehending Absolute Truth, though must be Conscious to be graced with knowing The Absolute.  

The 9th Absolute Law states that Perfected Beings can Create Conscious Forms with seeds of Current Full Realizations. Those below that of Perfection in Consciousness, are thus allowed to create Conscious Forms with seeds of Manifestation. Those that are neither “Conscious” nor “Of Consciousness” cannot create.

The 10th Absolute Law states that henceforth, Consciousness may know of Consciousness, now Consciousness may know of All Other Forms Whence Forms are capable of Receptivity. Forms will now only know of Forms until progressed to that Of Consciousness. 

May 23, 202241:38