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The Positive Flow

The Positive Flow

By Jay

This show is designed to inspire, uplift and motivate you. Spend a few minutes a day here to get an encouraging word and to get your mind right.

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Be Brave

The Positive FlowJan 12, 2022

Step out of your comfort zone!

Step out of your comfort zone!

We’ve all been comfortable before but when you get too comfortable you will fall into complacency. Don’t get stuck there!
Jan 25, 202203:17
Let it Go

Let it Go

We often hold on to things way too long. Whether it be not forgiving someone that did us wrong or just simply trying to be in control of something. Give yourself that peace today and let it go!
Jan 13, 202204:23
Be Brave

Be Brave

We create comfortable places in our life but too often we are too afraid to step out of them. I encourage you today to take the limits off and be brave enough to try something new!
Jan 12, 202204:13
Stay Encouraged

Stay Encouraged

We often get discouraged so easy in life but in life we will face troubles. We go through seasons just like the east goes through seasons. So stay encouraged that you will not remain where you are. This too shall pass.
Jan 11, 202203:53
Do it TODAY!

Do it TODAY!

Don’t wait until a new year or a new month to make things happen. Start today! Don’t wait and put it off. You don’t need a new year just to start that exercise program or to set some new goals. All you need is another day.
Jan 11, 202203:30
Don’t Give Up!

Don’t Give Up!

I’m todays episode I encourage you to not quit! We all have been there. But no matter what, just don’t do it! Let’s go!
Dec 16, 202104:03
Thankful and Grateful

Thankful and Grateful

We take too many things for granted these days. But if we just stop and think, we can come up with tons of things to be thankful and grateful for. I challenge you today to take 30 seconds to think about it and then thank God for what you have.
Dec 14, 202106:20
Keep Pressing On!!

Keep Pressing On!!

In life we get knocked down. We get discouraged. But don’t stay down! Get back up! Keep pressing on!
May 19, 202004:06
Stretch your Limits!!

Stretch your Limits!!

Get out that small mindset! Push your limits to the max!
Mar 04, 202003:46
Stay in your lane

Stay in your lane

Too many times people often try and run somebody else’s race. That’s not meant for you. Stay focused on you and stay in your lane.
Aug 09, 201903:44


We all face obstacles because that’s life. Don’t feel like you’re in it alone. You’re not! Pick yourself up and keep moving.
Aug 08, 201903:46
Finding peace

Finding peace

Finding your peace in this hectic world is crucial. Take time today to find what it is that gives you peace and practice it.
Aug 07, 201903:48


Too many people claim failure in their lives. It’s not a failure unless you give up. It’s a learning experience. Keep pushing. Don’t give up.
Aug 06, 201903:45


We all need balance in every area of our lives. It takes a daily effort to make this happen. Keep working and make a conscious effort each day to work on it.
Aug 05, 201904:31


Discipline picks up where motivation falls off.
Aug 02, 201903:41


Learn to be grateful for things. I challenge you to think about 5 things today that you are grateful for.
Aug 01, 201903:30


We all have our down days. We all get discouraged. But you don’t have to stay there. Pick up the pieces and keep moving.
Jul 31, 201905:02


Stay encouraged. Stay hopeful! You’ve got this! Be blessed!
Jul 30, 201903:32


Learn to take full advantage of resources available to you. There is a vast amount of free stuff that is there for you to take advantage of. Start using it today.
Jul 29, 201903:31
Ignoring negativity

Ignoring negativity

We have to learn how to ignore the haters and take control of our own lives. Practice this each day to become better. Shake off the negativity and replace it with positive vibes.
Jul 26, 201906:07
Living in the moment

Living in the moment

We all tend to put things off until later. Later today, maybe tomorrow...or maybe next year. But learn to enjoy things now in real time. I have a special guest this morning. Her name is Rasha and she’s my wife. Her podcast is Love Me, She & He. Join us this morning!
Jul 25, 201908:45
Positive attitude

Positive attitude

It’s all about your attitude each day! It can make you or break you. It’s your choice!
Jul 24, 201902:49
3 keys to success

3 keys to success

In this episode I go over 3 different keys to success that I believe you must have.
Jul 23, 201904:14
Avoiding negativity

Avoiding negativity

Learn how to stop feeding into negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.
Jul 22, 201904:47
Rest and relaxation

Rest and relaxation

Learn how to take time for yourself and give your mind, body and soul rest
Jul 22, 201902:50


You’ve heard consistency is key. Well it is. Tune in to see why!
Jul 18, 201903:27


No matter how many times you fall down, get back up! That’s what matters!! We all fail. Its a part of life. Quickly accept it and move forward!
Jul 17, 201903:30
Vision and focus

Vision and focus

You have to have a vision in mind so you can see your end goal. Have focus and vision to make your goals possible for you.
Jul 15, 201903:46


I challenge you today to tap into your inner motivation. Find it. Harness it and let it fuel you!
Jul 12, 201904:26
In the Now!

In the Now!

I talk about being present in the moment. Not focused on other activities while you should be focused on what’s going on at the present time.
Jul 11, 201903:36


I talk this morning about having setbacks and using them as a setup for a comeback. Change your perspective.
Jul 10, 201903:34


In today’s episode I talk about having passion. I challenge you to figure out what that is for you and to tap into it!
Jul 09, 201904:39
Positive Vibes✌🏽

Positive Vibes✌🏽

This morning I talk about being positive and developing a positive attitude.
Jul 08, 201903:36


Just a quick talk about motivation and using that motivation to stay focused on your goals.
Jul 05, 201903:10
Sacrifices and stretching yourself!

Sacrifices and stretching yourself!

In today’s podcast I talk about making sacrifices to be able to obtain your personal goals. We have to stretch ourselves in order to make this happen.
Jul 03, 201905:06
You’ve got this!!!! Positive reinforcement!

You’ve got this!!!! Positive reinforcement!

In today’s flow we talk about achieving your long term goals and not giving in to the instant gratification of now.
Jul 02, 201905:06