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Conquer Your Reality Podcast with Dr. Jen Bickerton

Conquer Your Reality Podcast with Dr. Jen Bickerton

By Jen Bickerton

Conquer Your Reality in 10 minutes at a time. Insights and strategies for choosing to live life your way, authentically through mindset and attitude. Conquer your dreams, your health, or just balance your life so you can feel at peace, and experience joy and happiness.

I'm Dr. Jen Bickerton, a Happiness Coach and Fibromyalgia Lifestyle Educator, and I'm on a mission to help others conquer their reality as I did. I believe tiny consistent actions make BIG changes in life. So join me for a few minutes every week for ways to change your life for the better.

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Fibro Hacking the Holidays: Planning Ahead

Conquer Your Reality Podcast with Dr. Jen BickertonNov 22, 2021

Daily Joys Create a Happier Life

Daily Joys Create a Happier Life

What is the difference between joy and happiness? Listen to today’s podcast to learn how you can cultivate daily joy to create a happier life. Small joys are so much more than we think!
Feb 13, 202209:59
4 Rituals for an Easier Day

4 Rituals for an Easier Day

What can we do to live easier? As someone that has personally experienced fibromyalgia, I’m sharing 4 rituals that can lead to living easier.
Feb 06, 202215:18
Wellness Begins in the Mind - Episode 14

Wellness Begins in the Mind - Episode 14

Why do we call ourselves warriors fighting illness? This week I explore an alternate perspective to love and nourish instead of fight and battle. The emotions we have about our body matter because emotions produce biochemical molecules that either support or hinder our body. A peaceful warrior never wants to fight or kill, but instead wants to find a peaceful quick resolution to overcoming a challenge. By listening to our body and providing what it needs we become a peaceful warrior for our healing. Join me for inspiration to creating wellness in your mind first, and then in your body.
Jan 24, 202218:31
How Aroma Influences Mood - Episode 13
Jan 16, 202208:49
Celebrating Small Wins

Celebrating Small Wins

Do you ever feel defeated because of your experience with fibromyalgia? That’s easy to do when attempting to accomplish your goals or even your daily to-do list. The key to getting ahead with Fibro is by celebrating your small wins so you can promote feel-good chemistry to fuel your next effort. You can do this! You are welcome to join this FREE and EASY Mood & Motivation Challenge for Women with Fibromyalgia
Jan 09, 202208:47
The No-Fail New Year Resolution

The No-Fail New Year Resolution

Ever get tired of unfulfilled New Year’s Resolutions? Does it make you hesitant to set one? Those of us that deal with Fibromyalgia need flexibility and regular resolutions just don’t usually work for us. So, here is my No-Fail New Year’s Resolution guide. Follow the directions and get ready for surprise and delight in the new year!
Dec 31, 202110:05
Fibro Hacking the Holidays: Inner Peace - Part 5

Fibro Hacking the Holidays: Inner Peace - Part 5

Sometimes in an effort to make the holiday “perfect” for everyone else, women with Fibro can find themselves overwhelmed and in pain. Finding inner peace above all else has made it easier for me to relax and enjoy the holidays along with my family. So in this episode I’m sharing my 5 top strategies to help you find inner peace in 10 minutes at a time. Happy Holidays my friends!
Dec 20, 202111:19
Fibro Hacking the Holidays: Managing Expectations - Part 4

Fibro Hacking the Holidays: Managing Expectations - Part 4

Holidays are full of expectations; we hope everything goes perfectly. But it rarely does. Just the anticipation can bring on stress for women with fibromyalgia. This week's part 4 of Fibro Hacking the Holidays reveals 4 ways to help manage stress and focus on self-care instead. Take 10 minutes to conquer your reality and make a plan to avoid the stressful trap of holiday expectations!

Dec 13, 202112:24
Fibro Hacking the Holidays:Ask for Help - Part 3

Fibro Hacking the Holidays:Ask for Help - Part 3

The holidays can be a very emotional time for many, especially those of us that have either lost someone we love or lost our health to chronic illness. We may find ourselves experiencing depression, loneliness, or grief. In this episode here are 4 steps to approaching the holidays to help us get through them and regain balance.
Dec 06, 202108:46
Fibro Hacking the Holidays: Set Boundaries - Part 2

Fibro Hacking the Holidays: Set Boundaries - Part 2

Part 2 of the Fibro Hacking the Holidays series. If family drama causes stress and overwhelm, it’s not good for your health. You deserve to enjoy spending time with family without that stress. Here are some tips and encouragement so you can plan ahead and enjoy this years family gatherings.
Nov 29, 202109:42
Fibro Hacking the Holidays: Planning Ahead
Nov 22, 202110:53
Mindfulness 101: How to Start Living in the Moment

Mindfulness 101: How to Start Living in the Moment

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with your thoughts or to-do list? Or maybe you have Fibro fog and find it hard to focus? Take a few minutes to learn how to practice being in the present and experience multiple benefits. All it takes is 10 minutes at a time.
Nov 08, 202111:38
Worry Much? Use Your Mind to Turn Your Rocking Chair into a Rocket Ship!

Worry Much? Use Your Mind to Turn Your Rocking Chair into a Rocket Ship!

Worry is an unproductive use of our energy. What if we we could switch worry to faith— faith in ourself to take right action and faith in getting to where we want in life? Dr. Jen gives 4 steps to think your way to faith and help you calm your overactive mind. Join us for a few minutes to find out how to turn your rocking chair into a rocket ship that can take you anywhere you want to go in life.
Oct 31, 202113:17
Where is Happiness Found?

Where is Happiness Found?

Happiness is the ultimate goal, but why is it so hard to find? And why do people say happiness is a choice? Wouldn’t people choose happiness if it is that simple? What’s the catch? Listen in and Conquer Your Reality in 10 minutes at a time to learn where happiness is and how to intentionally find it in your life!
Oct 24, 202113:37
Why Relaxation is Required for Health

Why Relaxation is Required for Health

Feel better about taking time for rest and relaxation. Never ever feel guilty for propping your feet up or taking much needed time off. Relaxation is actually a requirement for good health. In this episode I’ll tell you 5 reasons you will benefit from relaxation.
Oct 16, 202111:11
Express Your Emotions in 5 Ways

Express Your Emotions in 5 Ways

Ever hide or bottle up your emotions? Discover 5 ways to release your emotions in healthy ways. Conquer Your Reality 10 minutes at a time with Dr. Jen Bickerton
Oct 09, 202113:16