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2Fab Weight Loss & Fitness Support

2Fab Weight Loss & Fitness Support

By Jen

Weight loss, Fitness, Weight loss surgery & Mental Health and how they fit together for me on my journey to fabulousness. Losing the excuses, figuring out why you choose food. Owning your path. Keep moving forward. We don’t have to be perfect but we do have to work for it.
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Are your expectations preventing weight loss?

2Fab Weight Loss & Fitness SupportJan 08, 2020

Is Weight Loss Surgery Easy?

Is Weight Loss Surgery Easy?

Listen while I tell you some of my truths about WLS
Feb 25, 202022:29
Young and fit intimidation?

Young and fit intimidation?

A lot of us when obese are intimidated by young fit people or fit people in general and that keeps us out of the gym. I want to change that.
Feb 13, 202010:25
I don’t care what people think

I don’t care what people think

I don’t care what anyone thinks and that’s a big part of succeeding at anything. I needed a challenge so I made it a goal and now I’m crushing it! One week without meat! 3 weeks to go!
Feb 10, 202019:09
Fear of Weight Gain

Fear of Weight Gain

Fear holds us back from so many things. Including weight loss. Yea I said it. Not fear of being “too skinny” but fear of the devastating regain. Listen as I tell you what I mean.
Feb 06, 202016:00
No meat February?

No meat February?

I need a good challenge. That’s the kind of mood I’m in this weekend. This is going to beyond difficult because I am such a carnivore. I am going to try to get through the rest of February with little to no meat.
Feb 03, 202007:10
Calling out my BS

Calling out my BS

Denial is the wall in between where we are and where we want to be. Today I’m calling out some of my own BS.
Jan 31, 202010:02
No one is perfect

No one is perfect

If you follow weight loss journeys on Instagram and Facebook it’s easy to believe some people make it look so easy while you are struggling. We all struggle. Regardless of what people choose to post, there is always going to be struggle. The key is learning to move past the struggle and to keep going.
Jan 29, 202012:35
My purpose

My purpose

I feel a calling to help support others who are struggling with obesity. I believe we all have gifts and purpose but it can be very scary to pursue them. It’s easier to stay comfortable.
Jan 27, 202016:52
My Anxiety led to my obesity

My Anxiety led to my obesity

I suffered from anxiety since childhood and also struggled with my weight since childhood. It was until turning 40 did I learn and understand how they linked together for me.
Jan 23, 202011:11
I am not always motivated either

I am not always motivated either

People always ask how I stay motivated. I don’t. Motivation doesn’t last forever. I’m just committed and I understand and accept the bad days without giving up.
Jan 21, 202006:22
The Obese Person

The Obese Person

People are always quick to judge an obese person. As if one enjoys being obese. Obesity is hard. It comes with a lot of denial too. It’s easier to pretend it’s ok than it is to start climbing the giant mountain to become healthier. It can be done though. No matter what you think, you can change.
Jan 20, 202006:32
Do you dread exercise too?

Do you dread exercise too?

There are many benefits to exercise but so many of us struggle to do it. I’ve always hated exercise and activity even as a kid. I loathed gym class and even failed it one year. Now I look at exercise differently and I’ll tell you why.
Jan 11, 202016:24
Are your expectations preventing weight loss?

Are your expectations preventing weight loss?

Do you have an all or nothing attitude? Do you do really well when you start a new plan then quit when you eat something bad. Let’s talk about moving forward and accepting there is no perfect plan.
Jan 08, 202009:43
Why diets don’t work

Why diets don’t work

There is no cookie cutter way to lose weight long term and be healthier. We let other people make us feel like failure when we can not follow their plan of eating. We need to find what works for us as individuals. A healthier way for us. Obesity can not be conquered if we keep failing at someone else’s plan.
Jan 06, 202015:29
My life long struggle with Obesity

My life long struggle with Obesity

In this episode I give you a little background on my life long struggle with being overweight. Yo-yo dieting and how I got to now, my lowest adult weight.
Jan 04, 202023:58
Get over it & find new foods.

Get over it & find new foods.

Stop using being picky, texture & routine as an excuse for eating unhealthy. If you want change you have to work for it.
Jan 03, 202005:46