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LDS Mood Radio

LDS Mood Radio

By Jenn Fletcher

An LDS perspective on finding . . . well . . . perspective amidst mental illness struggles.

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Election anxiety

LDS Mood RadioFeb 04, 2020

Growth mindset versus victim mentality

Growth mindset versus victim mentality

Is it realistic to have a growth mindset when so many things are going wrong? And how do we even acquire one anyway?
Jul 07, 202022:25
Don’t neglect your mental health workout!

Don’t neglect your mental health workout!

Do you have a mental-health workout plan? I have some teeny tiny “bar bell” exercise suggestions so you can see some improvement during this challenging time!
Jun 02, 202020:34
Dreading the anniversary of a dark day

Dreading the anniversary of a dark day

Do you have a day every year that you dread because something sad happened on that day in years past? Is there a way to find joy on those days instead being haunted by painful memories?
May 05, 202018:36
Using mental illness as an excuse

Using mental illness as an excuse

Do you spend hours in your head composing air-tight excuses to get out of doing things you don’t want to do? (Is that just me?) Have you ever used your mental illness as an excuse to be un-Christlike? Lynn G. Robbins teaches us how to take back our power and become 100% responsible.
Apr 28, 202021:46
Anxiety when the future seems daunting

Anxiety when the future seems daunting

Lots and lots and lots of spiritual evidence we don’t need to fear!
Apr 21, 202014:41
Family history work as an antidepressant

Family history work as an antidepressant

Prop those eyes open; don’t let them glaze over. Family history work is not a boring as it seems, and studies show it can effectively boost your mood!
Apr 14, 202030:47
Is visualizing the worst-case scenario helpful or hurtful?

Is visualizing the worst-case scenario helpful or hurtful?

During scary times, I’ve often wondered if visualizing the worst-case scenario could help me find solutions or send me into a full-blown panic attack. Tim Ferriss and Elder David A Bednar showed me a way to face my worst fears with confidence, courage and faith. I think they can help you too!
Apr 07, 202024:43
What is a happy dirt box and do I need one?

What is a happy dirt box and do I need one?

This week I want to talk about how gardening can improve mental health, but what can you do if you don’t have space to garden...or if you’re just too lazy? I have a potentially stupid and yet brilliant solution.
Mar 31, 202019:39
Boosting hope and happiness during times of stress

Boosting hope and happiness during times of stress

Did you know that serving others can quiet the fear center of the brain and help a person feel hope and happiness? I have the scientific study to prove it, but how can we serve others when we are supposed to be social distancing?
Mar 24, 202025:27
Mini episode: Follow up on coronavirus anxiety

Mini episode: Follow up on coronavirus anxiety

Making a concrete list of some of the ways the stress of the situation can effect us in positive ways can raise our DHEA levels! I just made my list; have you made yours yet? Also, Sheri Dew is awesome and comforting.
Mar 19, 202009:32
Coronavirus anxiety

Coronavirus anxiety

How can we (mentally) successfully navigate the next month or two or longer? Don’t panic! DHEA to the rescue!
Mar 10, 202023:31
Increasing motivation and self-discipline (aka getting over the hump)

Increasing motivation and self-discipline (aka getting over the hump)

Do you find yourself in depressive funks where you struggle to do the things others seem to do effortlessly? How can we find the motivation? There is no magic pill, but that doesn’t mean God will leave us without His help.
Mar 03, 202027:47
When your child decides to leave the church

When your child decides to leave the church

What can we do to find inner peace and quiet anxiety when a family member decides to leave the church? It’s acutely painful, but there is beauty in the pain because it is purposeful. How is it purposeful, you ask? Good question...CS Lewis and President Eyring can help us answer it.
Feb 25, 202018:27
Dealing with toxic people

Dealing with toxic people

How can we help toxic people in our ward without getting burned? Dr. John Lewis Lund can get us on the path to following the example of Christ while protecting ourselves.
Feb 18, 202019:54
Anxiety and complaining

Anxiety and complaining

Are you a complain-aholic? If you’re anything like me, it feels almost impossible to kick the habit, but I think there’s hope!
Feb 11, 202025:43
Election anxiety

Election anxiety

Does the loud, crazy political world make you want to withdraw into the fetal position? Eternal perspective can lesson anxiety so we are able to participate.
Feb 04, 202020:29
Anxiety that comes with serving in callings.

Anxiety that comes with serving in callings.

Do you feel pressured to do more in your calling than you have energy to do? Or do you feel like you have to fit into a certain “calling mold” to please other people in your ward? Researcher Brené Brown has some great advice for us!
Jan 28, 202031:28
Those pesky screens

Those pesky screens

Have you found yourself feeling stuck in the sluggish bog of the never-ending internet scroll? I love my phone like I love ice cream, but lately it’s just making me feel sick (as is ice cream). It’s time to create a plan!
Jan 21, 202033:21
Spiritual Perfectionism and Scrupulosity

Spiritual Perfectionism and Scrupulosity

Today I want to talk about the anxiety we experience when we feel pressured to be spiritually perfect. Is our anxiety useful in this sense or counterproductive? I share my daughter’s experience with Scrupulosity as I consider that question.
Jan 14, 202017:40
Testimony anxiety

Testimony anxiety

Today I want to talk about the agonizing fear that the beliefs you have always held dear might be a big fat hoax. How can we deal with this anxiety? Is Elder Holland’s plea to “doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith” a cop out?
Jan 07, 202023:10
Setting goals in spite of anxiety and because of it.

Setting goals in spite of anxiety and because of it.

Happy New Year! Should you set goals this year? Your anxiety might thank you if you do.
Dec 31, 201919:13
Of Dogs and Gifts

Of Dogs and Gifts

Today I want to talk about dogs and gifts and their relationship to mental health in a metaphorical way.
Dec 17, 201924:60
Are you an “energy vampire” or “energy angel”?

Are you an “energy vampire” or “energy angel”?

What kind of energy do you emit? When Jill Taylor, a Harvard-trained brain scientist had a stroke that attacked the left side of her brain, she learned inspiring lessons from the right side of her brain that can help you navigate any stressful Christmas party or any other anxiety-inducing scenario.
Dec 10, 201925:54
The Jealous Bishop’s Wife

The Jealous Bishop’s Wife

Has jealousy been a huge stumbling block in your life? It doesn’t have to be! Learn from my mistakes and “spiral upward,” as Alex Kirby PhD teaches.
Dec 03, 201931:05
When the missionaries need your help and it makes you want to run for the hills.

When the missionaries need your help and it makes you want to run for the hills.

Does your anxiety prevent you from helping the missionaries and investigators? Does this avoidance also fill you with guilt? I may have a solution...
Nov 19, 201927:58
A traumatizing Relief Society ornament exchange.

A traumatizing Relief Society ornament exchange.

Today I am going to share a traumatizing experience I had at a RS activity years ago and my perspective on it 20 years later.
Nov 14, 201921:36
How Jeannie Gaffigan is easing my disordered eating.

How Jeannie Gaffigan is easing my disordered eating.

I am going to share my struggles with disordered eating and how I am currently using gratitude to manage that.
Nov 05, 201939:54
Connecting to joy AND discomfort.

Connecting to joy AND discomfort.

Anhedonia is a condition in which a person loses the ability to take pleasure in previously enjoyable activities. But luckily there’s a way to prevent or reverse that...and it’s gospel-centered of course.
Oct 08, 201925:43
Spock, demons on a boat, and ACT Therapy.

Spock, demons on a boat, and ACT Therapy.

What do Spock, demons on a boat, and ACT Therapy all have in common? Listen to find out!
Oct 02, 201926:14
Comparing ourselves to others feeds the anxiety monster within us.

Comparing ourselves to others feeds the anxiety monster within us.

We can lesson anxiety by recognizing that the world wants us to embrace the “ought self” while God wants us to embrace the “actual self.”
Sep 24, 201920:50
Can increasing creativity help manage anxiety?

Can increasing creativity help manage anxiety?

I will be enlisting the expertise of both Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf and writer Elizabeth Gilbert to answer that question.
Jul 30, 201928:49
Panic Attacks and Daily Bread.

Panic Attacks and Daily Bread.

To start off this podcast, I will tell you my story and explain why I feel a particular affinity for manna in relation to my mood.
Jul 24, 201921:35
Manna for the Mood Trailer

Manna for the Mood Trailer

Join Jenn as she searches for and discusses the “manna” God sends us to deal with mental illness challenges.
Jul 22, 201901:40