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Organize Your Purpose

Organize Your Purpose

By Jet Lashea

Mystic turned Life Long Learner talks inspiration, logistics, balancing life, them coinz, and paying attention to the advice along the way...

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EP8 Just Start Already! ft. Soulistic Healings

Organize Your PurposeFeb 01, 2021

EP50 Reinventing Yourself
Aug 21, 202324:24
EP49 Main Character Energy
Apr 24, 202347:08
EP48 Getting Unstuck
Apr 17, 202322:45
EP47 Show Up Even When You're Scared!

EP47 Show Up Even When You're Scared!

Today we're mastering how to keep working toward something even when you haven't developed all the skills you need yet. Just keep going!

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Overcoming obstacles is an essential skill that everyone should possess to achieve success in life. Obstacles are inevitable and can occur at any point in life, and how we react to them determines our success. The first step in overcoming obstacles is to develop a growth oriented mindset and view obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow. When faced with obstacles, take a step back, evaluate the situation, and come up with a plan to overcome it. Stay motivated, stay focused, and don't give up on your goals. Remember that obstacles are just temporary setbacks and that you have the power to overcome them. With the right mindset and determination, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals.

Apr 03, 202321:07
EP46 Success is Knowing Where You are Going...

EP46 Success is Knowing Where You are Going...

Those who know where they are going can prepare themselves for whatever shows up along the way.

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Making a plan before taking action is crucial for achieving success and avoiding mistakes. By taking the time to create a plan, you can identify potential roadblocks and develop strategies to overcome them. This can help you stay focused, motivated, and on track towards your goals. Additionally, having a plan can give you a sense of direction and purpose, which can help you make better decisions and take actions that align with your values and priorities. So, whether you're starting a new project or embarking on a new adventure, taking the time to make a plan can be a valuable investment in your future success.

Mar 27, 202316:46
EP45 Emotions vs Mind

EP45 Emotions vs Mind

Give yourself permission to feel but don't make long term decisions off of short term reactions!

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Motivation can be a tricky thing, especially when it comes to tasks we don't want to do. We may find ourselves procrastinating, avoiding the task, or even feeling overwhelmed by it. However, there are a few things we can do to motivate ourselves. Firstly, break the task into smaller, more manageable steps. By doing this, we can focus on one step at a time and feel a sense of accomplishment as we complete each one. Secondly, try to find a personal reason for doing the task. Whether it's achieving a goal or making someone proud, having a personal reason can give us the motivation we need to push through. Finally, reward yourself for completing the task. It doesn't have to be anything big, just something to celebrate your hard work and give you a little extra motivation for next time. With these tips in mind, we can find the motivation we need to tackle even the most daunting of tasks.

Mar 20, 202322:23
EP44 Create Your Own Reality

EP44 Create Your Own Reality

You get to decide who calls the shots in your life and what you spend your time doing.  Make the most of those moments.

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Pursuing your dreams is a journey that can be both challenging and rewarding. It requires a strong belief in yourself, dedication, and perseverance to overcome obstacles and setbacks along the way. While there may be naysayers and doubters, it's important to remember that your dreams are uniquely yours and no one can take them away from you. Whether it's starting a business, pursuing a creative endeavor, or achieving a personal goal, taking action towards your dreams is essential to living a fulfilling life. So don't be afraid to take risks, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and never give up on the pursuit of your dreams.

Mar 06, 202323:28
EP43 Know Your Worth

EP43 Know Your Worth

Sometimes you have to choose you along the process.  What you want or where you would like to travel.  That requires courage and bravery.  

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Prioritizing your self-care is crucial for maintaining your overall well-being. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to take care of yourself. However, neglecting your self-care can lead to physical and mental burnout, stress, and even illness. Therefore, it's important to make self-care a priority and take the time to recharge and rejuvenate. This can include activities such as getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, practicing relaxation techniques, spending time with loved ones, and pursuing hobbies that bring you joy. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish but rather necessary for leading a happy and healthy life.

Feb 27, 202329:07
EP42 Make It Happen!

EP42 Make It Happen!

When you are ready to get things going, Make It Happen!  It's that simple.

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Building mental resilience is a key skill for navigating life's challenges and setbacks. It involves developing a mindset that allows you to bounce back from difficulties and maintain a positive outlook, even in the face of adversity. Some strategies for building mental resilience include practicing self-care, cultivating a growth mindset, seeking support from friends and family, and reframing negative thoughts into more positive ones. By focusing on these strategies and building up your mental resilience over time, you can develop a greater sense of inner strength and confidence that will serve you well in all areas of your life.

Feb 20, 202319:38
EP41 It's Just The Beginning

EP41 It's Just The Beginning

No matter where you are at, just know you are at the beginning of your journey, not the end.  You've got a lot to offer so keep going!

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Starting something new can be both exciting and daunting at the same time. It could be anything from starting a new hobby, learning a new skill, or beginning a new job. The key to successfully starting something new is to break it down into manageable steps and set achievable goals. It's important to be patient with yourself, and not expect to be an expert right away. Embrace the process of learning and enjoy the journey. Remember, starting something new can be a great opportunity for personal growth and development. So go ahead and take that first step towards something new, and see where it takes you.

Feb 13, 202331:19
EP40 Shifting Your Mindset

EP40 Shifting Your Mindset

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Having a growth-oriented mindset is an essential key to personal and professional development. It's the belief that we can learn and develop new skills, knowledge, and abilities through dedication and hard work. With a growth mindset, we approach challenges with a positive attitude, seeing them as opportunities to learn and grow. Instead of being afraid of failure, we embrace it as a chance to gain new insights and improve ourselves. This mindset enables us to be more resilient, persistent, and adaptable, allowing us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. By embracing a growth-oriented mindset, we can unlock our full potential and live a more fulfilling life.

Feb 06, 202326:51
EP39 Work Smarter, Not Harder

EP39 Work Smarter, Not Harder

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Working smarter not harder is a concept that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It's all about finding ways to be more productive and efficient with your time, rather than simply working longer and harder. This means taking a strategic approach to your work, prioritizing tasks, and utilizing tools and technologies to streamline your workflow. By working smarter, you can achieve more in less time, reduce stress and burnout, and ultimately achieve better results. So, whether you're an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or a full-time employee, it's worth taking the time to assess your working habits and explore ways to work smarter, not harder.

Jan 30, 202322:05
EP38 Fear Is The Raw Form Of Patience

EP38 Fear Is The Raw Form Of Patience

Patience is the key to goal setting, today we explore transforming fear into patience and making progress.

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Learning patience is a valuable skill that can bring immense benefits to our personal and professional lives. Patience allows us to approach situations with a calm and rational mindset, and to tolerate the discomfort that comes with waiting for things to happen. It also helps us to build stronger relationships by allowing us to listen more carefully and communicate more effectively with others. However, learning patience is not easy and requires deliberate effort and practice. By practicing mindfulness, developing realistic expectations, and focusing on the present moment, we can cultivate greater patience and experience more peace and fulfillment in our lives.

Jan 23, 202328:54
EP37 Aligning Yourself with the Right Opportunities

EP37 Aligning Yourself with the Right Opportunities

Opportunities are all around us, even setbacks can spring you forward.  Don't be afraid to take chance on yourself

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Finding the right opportunities can be a challenging task, but it's crucial for personal and professional growth. It's essential to identify your goals, strengths, and weaknesses to understand what you're looking for. Once you've determined your objectives, it's time to research and explore different opportunities. Networking, attending events, and using online platforms can help you find suitable opportunities. However, it's crucial to evaluate each opportunity to ensure it aligns with your goals and values. Don't rush into decisions, take time to assess and weigh the benefits and drawbacks. Remember, the right opportunity can open doors to new experiences, skills, and connections, so keep an open mind and be proactive in your search.

Jan 16, 202324:29
EP36 How to Plan the Future You Want

EP36 How to Plan the Future You Want

A MUST listen to plan for your 2023!

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Planning a future you love starts with understanding what you truly want and envisioning the life you desire. Take time to reflect on your values, passions, and goals. Identify what brings you joy and fulfillment, and create a plan to make those things a priority in your life. Be open to new experiences and opportunities, and don't be afraid to take risks. Remember that your future is not set in stone, and it's okay to make adjustments along the way. With dedication, perseverance, and a clear vision, you can create a future that brings you happiness and satisfaction.

Dec 26, 202217:57
EP35 When Life Stands Still

EP35 When Life Stands Still

How do you move when you feel like life is standing still?  In this episode, we explore how to think clearly as we navigate unknown terrains in life.

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Patience is a valuable trait that can be difficult to learn, but it is a skill worth developing. Learning patience can help you reduce stress and anxiety, improve your relationships, and achieve your goals. To cultivate patience, it is important to practice self-awareness and recognize when impatience is causing you to react negatively. You can also practice mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to calm your mind and focus on the present moment. It is important to remember that learning patience is a journey and it takes time and effort to develop. However, the rewards of being patient are well worth the effort, and can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life.

Dec 20, 202216:48
EP34 Rebirth

EP34 Rebirth

This month I have been running a Rebirth series on Patreon getting us ready for the New Year!  We're going to be continuing that conversation and exploring mindset.

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Rebranding yourself can be a powerful way to transform your life and achieve your goals. Whether you are looking to make a career change, start a new business, or simply reinvent yourself, rebranding allows you to create a new image and narrative that aligns with your desired outcomes. To successfully rebrand yourself, it's essential to start by defining your values, strengths, and unique qualities, and then crafting a clear and compelling personal brand message that resonates with your target audience. From there, you can create a plan to update your image, build your online presence, and cultivate new relationships and opportunities that support your rebranding efforts. While rebranding can be challenging and require effort, it can also be a rewarding and transformative process that helps you create the life you want.

Dec 12, 202227:48
EP33 Know Your Worth ft. High Priestess Desi

EP33 Know Your Worth ft. High Priestess Desi

Featured in this episode is High Priestess Desi, all of their info is found below:

IG: @desirolilah 

Youtube: High Priestess Desi

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Valuing yourself is one of the most important things you can do for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. When you value yourself, you set boundaries, prioritize your needs, and make choices that align with your values and goals. It can be challenging to value yourself, especially when you compare yourself to others or struggle with self-doubt. However, by recognizing your strengths, celebrating your accomplishments, and being kind to yourself, you can build a healthy sense of self-worth. Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, and it all starts with valuing yourself.

Sep 26, 202246:27
EP32 Dreaming Big

EP32 Dreaming Big

Are you ready for your next chapter?

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Dreaming big is the first step towards achieving great things in life. When we have a big dream, we are motivated to work harder and smarter to turn it into a reality. It is important to remember that our dreams should not be limited by our current circumstances or past experiences. Instead, we should allow ourselves to imagine the possibilities and believe that we have what it takes to make them happen. While it may not be easy to achieve our big dreams, the journey towards them can be just as rewarding as the destination. So, dare to dream big, set your sights high, and be willing to work hard to make your dreams a reality.

Jun 14, 202229:08
EP31 Rediscovering Yourself

EP31 Rediscovering Yourself

This next chapter is for you...

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Rediscovering yourself can be a transformative and empowering experience. It involves taking the time to reflect on your values, interests, strengths, and weaknesses, and using that self-awareness to make intentional choices about your life. Whether it's through travel, therapy, meditation, or simply taking a break from the noise of everyday life, rediscovering yourself can help you gain clarity about who you are and what you want out of life. It can also help you shed old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you, and cultivate new habits and perspectives that align with your authentic self. So if you're feeling stuck, lost, or unsure of your path, consider taking the time to rediscover yourself – the journey may just be the most rewarding one you ever take.

Jun 07, 202220:27
EP30 Making Bold Moves

EP30 Making Bold Moves

The start of anything good is a big bold first step.  On this episode we explore just that!

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Taking calculated risks can be an important part of achieving success in life. While it is important to be cautious and avoid unnecessary risks, there are times when taking a calculated risk can lead to great rewards. The key is to carefully weigh the potential risks and benefits of a decision, and to make an informed choice based on that analysis. By taking calculated risks, we can open ourselves up to new opportunities, push ourselves out of our comfort zones, and ultimately achieve greater levels of success and fulfillment in life. So don't be afraid to take a chance, but make sure you do so with careful consideration and planning.

May 04, 202234:08
EP29 It's the Little Things that Lead to Massive Success!

EP29 It's the Little Things that Lead to Massive Success!

In today's episode we are talking about focusing on taking baby steps towards our goals.  When it comes to the long term, its an accumulation of little steps that lead to massive success...

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Attention to detail is an important skill that can benefit individuals in all areas of their lives. Whether it be in the workplace, at school, or even in personal relationships, being able to notice and analyze small details can lead to better outcomes and a more thorough understanding of a situation. Developing this skill takes practice and patience, but it can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and successful life. By being attentive to the small things, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the big picture and make more informed decisions.

Mar 07, 202248:15
EP28 A New Start

EP28 A New Start

I'm excited to start off this New Year with a Career Switching SOL segment with Sandra Massie.  She chronicles her journey coming to the United States, starting in the hospitality industry and ending in IT.  It's never too late to recognize your potential and take action!

Sandra Massie's Linkedin YouTube

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Starting over in the technology field can be a daunting task, but it is possible. Whether you are changing careers, taking a break, or simply want to explore new areas within technology, there are steps you can take to successfully make the transition. Begin by assessing your current skills and identifying the areas in which you want to grow. Look for learning opportunities, such as online courses or certifications, that can help you gain the knowledge you need to succeed in your new field. Network with others in the industry, attend conferences, and seek out mentors who can provide guidance and support. Remember that starting over is a process, and it may take time and effort to achieve your goals. Stay motivated and stay curious, and you will be on your way to a successful new career in technology.

Jan 03, 202201:00:41
EP27 What Drives You

EP27 What Drives You

What drives you?  When going after your ambitions, when accomplishing goals... what drives you?  Discipline is key!

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Motivation is the driving force behind everything we do. Without it, we can find ourselves stuck in a rut, feeling uninspired and unfulfilled. Finding your motivation can be a challenge, but it's essential to living a fulfilling life. One way to find motivation is to identify your passions and interests. What makes you happy? What excites you? Once you've identified what drives you, set clear goals for yourself and make a plan to achieve them. Surround yourself with positive influences and reminders of your goals, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Finally, celebrate your accomplishments along the way, no matter how small they may seem. By focusing on your passions, setting achievable goals, and celebrating your successes, you can find the motivation you need to live a fulfilling life.

Nov 29, 202128:24
EP26 Bishhhhh You Doing A Good Job

EP26 Bishhhhh You Doing A Good Job

It's been a while but I'm back :) we have a special guest Jalessa from @Lessa.Lash and talk all about managing a side business and a full time career.



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Encouraging yourself is an essential skill to cultivate in life, as it helps you to keep going even when things get tough. It's easy to get discouraged when faced with obstacles or setbacks, but learning how to motivate yourself can make all the difference. One way to encourage yourself is to set realistic goals and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Another way is to surround yourself with positive influences, such as supportive friends or inspiring role models. Whatever method you choose, remember to be kind and patient with yourself, as building self-confidence and resilience takes time and effort. With practice and perseverance, you can become your own best cheerleader and overcome any challenge that comes your way.

Nov 22, 202133:21
EP25 Internal Vs External Goals

EP25 Internal Vs External Goals

Let's explore the difference between internal and external goals.  How they move us and what direction to go in.

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Finding a solution to an old problem can be a daunting task, but it is often the most rewarding. It requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to think outside the box. Sometimes, the solution is right in front of us, but we are too stuck in our ways to see it. Other times, we need to seek the help of others, whether it be through collaboration, research, or seeking expert advice. Regardless of the method, the key is to never give up on finding a solution. With determination and an open mind, even the oldest and most stubborn problems can be overcome.

Jul 26, 202125:33
EP24 Going With The Flow

EP24 Going With The Flow

As we continue on our journey, going with the flow is a lovely gift we can give to ourselves and others.  No matter what you are experiencing, all paths have a purpose.  Stand in that!

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Living life to the fullest can be challenging at times, but it is essential to enjoy every moment of it. Life is short, and we never know what tomorrow will bring, so we should make the most of every day. Whether it's spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, traveling, or simply appreciating the beauty of the world around us, there are countless ways to enjoy life. It's important to focus on the positive aspects of life and find joy in even the smallest things. By doing so, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude and contentment that will enrich our lives and make every day more fulfilling.

Jul 19, 202125:16
EP23 Recharge To Increase Your Value

EP23 Recharge To Increase Your Value

All about Recharging to fill yourself up when you need it and a great convo about knowing when to increase your value

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In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the constant hustle and bustle of everyday life. It can be overwhelming to juggle work, family, and personal responsibilities without taking a moment to pause and recharge. That's why taking a mental break is essential for our well-being. By stepping away from the chaos and intentionally carving out time for ourselves, we can reduce stress, improve focus, and gain a new perspective on life. Whether it's a short meditation, a walk in nature, or simply disconnecting from technology for a while, taking a mental break can do wonders for our mental health. So if you're feeling burnt out or overwhelmed, remember that it's okay to take a step back and prioritize your own well-being.

Jun 28, 202134:44
EP22 Create Your Dream Life

EP22 Create Your Dream Life

Lets chat about your dream life and how to get you there!  Takeaway:  What do you want (...not what you think others want from you)?

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Imposter syndrome is a common experience that many people go through at some point in their lives, especially in their careers. It's the feeling of being inadequate or fraudulent despite external evidence of competence. Overcoming imposter syndrome requires a shift in mindset and perspective. Start by acknowledging and accepting your accomplishments and skills, and recognize that everyone has moments of self-doubt. Seek support and feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors, and focus on learning and growth rather than perfection. Practice self-compassion and avoid comparing yourself to others. Remember that it's okay to make mistakes and that failure is an opportunity for growth. With time and practice, you can overcome imposter syndrome and develop a more positive and confident outlook.

Jun 14, 202122:16
EP21 How It Started vs How It Is Going

EP21 How It Started vs How It Is Going

I go over the highlights of my entrepreneurial journey that has lead me into this direction.  Take away: Don't wait for someone to tap you on the shoulder!

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Making progress towards our goals is essential for achieving success and personal fulfillment. It requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to take risks and learn from mistakes. To make progress, we need to set realistic goals, break them down into manageable steps, and track our progress along the way. It's also important to stay motivated and focused by celebrating small victories, seeking support from others, and staying positive in the face of challenges. With persistence and a growth mindset, we can make steady progress towards our goals and realize our full potential.

Jun 07, 202101:25:49
EP20 Enjoy The Moment

EP20 Enjoy The Moment

Let's take a moment to enjoy life.  Checking in on my strong friends!

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Living in the moment can be a powerful way to reduce stress and anxiety, increase happiness and fulfillment, and improve overall well-being. By focusing on the present and letting go of worries about the future or regrets about the past, we can fully experience and appreciate the richness of life in each moment. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help us cultivate a greater sense of presence and awareness, while activities like spending time in nature, connecting with loved ones, and pursuing hobbies can bring us into the present moment and provide a sense of joy and meaning. With practice and patience, we can learn to live more fully and authentically, savoring each moment as it unfolds.

May 31, 202134:23
EP19 Diversify Your Power

EP19 Diversify Your Power

Make sure your money comes from multiple places; take away: Security = 1. Diversification, 2. Retirement

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Having multiple streams of income can provide a wide range of benefits. First and foremost, it can provide financial security and stability. Relying on one source of income can be risky, especially in uncertain economic times. By diversifying your income streams, you can spread out your income and minimize the risk of losing all your income at once. Multiple streams of income can also give you more flexibility and freedom to pursue your passions and hobbies, as well as the ability to save for future goals like retirement or a down payment on a house. Additionally, having multiple streams of income can provide a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment as you explore new opportunities and challenge yourself to learn new skills. Overall, having multiple streams of income can be a smart financial strategy for anyone looking to improve their financial stability and build long-term wealth.

May 24, 202157:25
EP18 Money and Freedom

EP18 Money and Freedom

Let's have a chit-chat about money and solidifying your future!

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Being financially responsible is an essential aspect of leading a fulfilling life. It means having a clear understanding of your income, expenses, debts, and investments, and making informed decisions about them. Financial responsibility requires discipline, planning, and a willingness to make sacrifices in the short term for long-term benefits. It involves setting financial goals, creating a budget, saving regularly, avoiding debt traps, investing wisely, and being prepared for emergencies. By being financially responsible, you can achieve financial freedom, reduce stress, and enjoy a secure and stable future.

May 17, 202101:00:50
EP17 Misdiagnosed and Fed Up ft. Dr. Anca Sisu

EP17 Misdiagnosed and Fed Up ft. Dr. Anca Sisu

Are you currently fed up with chronic issues or symptoms and can't seem to find the medical answers?  Dr. Sisu drops by to share words of wisdom for those who have been misdiagnosed and have been battling multiple chronic issues.

SPECIAL GIFT: Dr. Sisu's Gut Restore course will be launching soon and as a special gift she is giving YOU a 25% discount!  If you would like to enroll in the course or would like more info, email her at and make sure to mention the coupon code RBIM25. Gut health is linked to chronic autoimmune issues, the body's regulatory processes and the removal of toxin chemicals from our bodies (to name a few).  Functional Medicine Practitioners, like Dr. Sisu, have been shining a light on gut health and protecting our microbiome as a way to address various chronic conditions in the body, that conventional approaches often misdiagnose.

Dr. Anca Sisu


If you would like to work with Dr. Sisu you can email her at: 

Find More Functional Medicine Practitioners: The Institute for Functional Medicine:

More about Functional Medicine:

Functional medicine is an approach to healthcare that aims to identify and address the underlying causes of disease, rather than just treating symptoms. It is a patient-centered, holistic approach that considers the whole person - their genetics, lifestyle, environment, and emotional wellbeing - in order to create a personalized treatment plan. Functional medicine practitioners use a range of diagnostic tools, including comprehensive lab testing, to gain a deep understanding of each patient's unique health status. Treatment plans may include a combination of nutrition and lifestyle changes, supplements, medications, and other therapies to support the body's natural healing processes. By focusing on prevention and addressing the root causes of disease, functional medicine offers a powerful alternative to conventional medicine and can help patients achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

May 10, 202127:09
EP16 Just Dance It Out ft. Naturally Dope Soaps

EP16 Just Dance It Out ft. Naturally Dope Soaps

Naturally Dope Soaps stops by to share her wisdom on growing her natural skincare line.  Take away: it out!...



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Dancing is a fun and engaging physical activity that has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. It is a great form of exercise that helps to improve cardiovascular health, increase flexibility and strength, and improve balance and coordination. Dancing can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood and self-confidence, and improve social skills and relationships. Additionally, dancing is a great way to express creativity and connect with others, making it a valuable activity for people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you're looking to improve your physical fitness or simply have fun, dancing is a great way to achieve both.

Apr 26, 202134:14
EP15 Outgrowing The Obstacle

EP15 Outgrowing The Obstacle

In this episode we explore, what to do when you outgrow your current path and how to navigate obstacles.

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Moving on is never easy, whether it be from a relationship that didn't work out, a job that wasn't fulfilling, or a difficult situation that has come to an end. However, it is an essential part of life and growth. Moving on allows us to let go of the past and focus on the present and future. It can be a painful process, but it is also an opportunity to learn, grow, and create a better life for ourselves. It takes courage, strength, and determination, but in the end, it is worth it. Remember, moving on is not about forgetting the past, but rather about acknowledging it, learning from it, and using it to create a better future.

Apr 19, 202101:00:13
EP14 Get Organized, Sheesh!

EP14 Get Organized, Sheesh!

You ever feel like you have too many ideas and not enough time? Well, let's get organized :)

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Prioritizing organization is essential for both personal and professional success. Being organized helps us to stay focused, manage our time effectively, and reduces stress. Without organization, we may find ourselves overwhelmed and unable to accomplish our goals. To prioritize organization, start by creating a to-do list and breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Use tools like calendars and planners to keep track of deadlines and appointments. Declutter your workspace and establish systems for managing paperwork and files. Regularly evaluate your priorities and adjust your organization strategies as needed. By making organization a priority, you can streamline your life and achieve greater productivity and success.

Apr 12, 202129:10
EP13 I Quit, So We Could Chill

EP13 I Quit, So We Could Chill

So I've been teasing about this news all month and here it is!  Great convo on when to go all in on your passion.

Gratitude Community:

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Quitting a job and venturing into self-employment can be a life-changing decision, and one that requires careful consideration. Working for oneself can offer a greater sense of freedom, flexibility, and creativity in pursuing one's passion or building a business. However, it also comes with a fair share of risks and uncertainties, such as financial instability, lack of benefits, and the need to take on various roles and responsibilities. Ultimately, the decision to leave a stable job and become self-employed depends on individual goals, priorities, and willingness to take on the challenges that come with entrepreneurship. With careful planning and perseverance, working for oneself can offer immense rewards and personal fulfillment.

Apr 05, 202149:09
EP12 Find Your Peace

EP12 Find Your Peace

If it makes you happy follow that path and fill your cup up!

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Finding peace of mind is essential for our well-being and happiness. It can be challenging to achieve in today's fast-paced and stressful world, but there are some steps we can take to cultivate inner peace. Some of these include practicing mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing exercises. We can also limit our exposure to negative news and social media, spend time in nature, and engage in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. Additionally, seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can be helpful in managing stress and finding inner calm. By prioritizing our mental and emotional health and taking intentional steps towards finding peace of mind, we can live more fulfilling and peaceful lives.

Mar 22, 202124:24
Intermission (Miss You)

Intermission (Miss You)

Taking a moment to chit-chat right quick :)

Mar 15, 202112:51
EP11 Change Is Where The Magic Lies ft. Being Illuminous

EP11 Change Is Where The Magic Lies ft. Being Illuminous

A powerful conversation about life transition, change and owning your power and purpose through your connection with the universe.  Special Guest Being Illuminous gives their powerful life story, and encouragement.

Support Being Illuminous here:


(Illuminous Beings, Being Illuminous)



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Adapting to change can be a challenging task, but it is essential for growth and development. Whether it is a personal or professional change, it is crucial to approach it with a positive attitude and an open mind. It is natural to feel anxious or uncomfortable when facing something new or unfamiliar, but by embracing change, we can learn new skills and gain valuable experiences. It is important to remember that change is a constant in life, and the ability to adapt is a valuable skill that can help us navigate any situation. By accepting change and staying flexible, we can thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Mar 01, 202153:55
EP10 Make Your Own Luck ft. Alycia Ripley

EP10 Make Your Own Luck ft. Alycia Ripley

You gotta make your own luck in life and pull the future you want to your present.  Takeaway: Learn how to pivot but keep at it! Special guest today is Alycia Ripley.  See her in A Quiet Place 2 coming out soon...

IG: talentedmsripley


Facebook: Alycia Ripley

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Acting on opportunities is key to achieving success in any field. Opportunities often arise unexpectedly and require quick decision making and action. Whether it’s a job offer, a business idea, or a chance to learn a new skill, seizing opportunities can lead to personal growth and development. However, it’s important to assess the risks and benefits of each opportunity before taking action. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and take calculated risks. Remember, every missed opportunity is a missed chance to achieve your goals and realize your full potential. So, keep your eyes open and be ready to act when opportunities come your way.

Feb 15, 202147:32
EP9 A Big Heart In Business ft. Sashay Shontee

EP9 A Big Heart In Business ft. Sashay Shontee

One of the most creative people I know, Sashay Shontee, shares her experience in growing multiple products/services in multiple industries.  She shares her annual Prom Giveaway and how she has infused philanthropy into her business.  Take away: Learn how to talk to people and if you can call, don't text.

IG: sashayshontee

TikTok: sashayshontee

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Running a beauty business can be an exciting and rewarding venture. To be successful, it's important to focus on building a strong brand, creating a welcoming and comfortable environment, and offering high-quality products and services. You should also be willing to adapt to changes in the industry, stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques, and provide excellent customer service. With hard work, dedication, and a passion for the beauty industry, you can build a thriving business that helps people look and feel their best.

Feb 08, 202146:39
EP8 Just Start Already! ft. Soulistic Healings

EP8 Just Start Already! ft. Soulistic Healings

Ashadah Renee stops by to talk about her budding energetic wellness business and how she fused her artistic background to create spiritual experiences for others.  Take away: Just Start! PERIODT 

YouTube: Soulistic Healings


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Analysis paralysis is a common phenomenon that many people face when they are faced with a decision to make. It occurs when one becomes so overwhelmed by the amount of information available that they are unable to make a decision. This can lead to a sense of anxiety, stress, and even frustration. Analysis paralysis can be particularly problematic in today's world where we are constantly bombarded with information. However, by breaking down the decision-making process into smaller steps and setting clear criteria for what is important, it is possible to overcome analysis paralysis and make confident decisions. By learning how to manage the amount of information we receive and identifying our priorities, we can become more efficient and effective decision-makers.

Feb 01, 202126:10
EP7 It's The Support For Me! ft. Beez Wax & Co

EP7 It's The Support For Me! ft. Beez Wax & Co

Bianca Turner of Beez Wax & Co turns a new candle hobby into a popular local business.  She credits her success to the support from her family.  Take away: Hold yourself accountable or find someone who can!

IG: beezwaxnco


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Starting a candle business can be a rewarding and creative endeavor. To run a successful candle business, it's important to have a clear vision for your brand and a strong understanding of your target audience. You'll need to source quality materials, develop unique scents and designs, and establish a strong online presence. Building a loyal customer base takes time, effort, and excellent customer service, but with dedication and passion, running a candle business can be a fulfilling and profitable venture.

Jan 25, 202132:11
EP6 Boundaries in Business: It's Just Business, It's Not Personal ft. The 8th House

EP6 Boundaries in Business: It's Just Business, It's Not Personal ft. The 8th House

Today we discuss, Cult Mentalities in spiritual spaces, social justice driven work and having boundaries as a business owner with special guest Sara Calvarese from The 8th House

IG: shopthe8thhouse


Patreon: The 8th House

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Boundaries are essential in every aspect of life, and the same holds true for business. Whether you're a business owner or an employee, setting boundaries is critical to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, avoiding burnout, and fostering healthy relationships with colleagues and clients. Boundaries can take many forms, such as setting clear expectations for communication, establishing working hours, and prioritizing self-care. By communicating your boundaries clearly and respectfully, you can create a more productive and enjoyable work environment for yourself and those around you. Remember, setting boundaries isn't a sign of weakness, but rather a demonstration of self-respect and professionalism.

Jan 18, 202152:16
EP5 Winning At Social Media

EP5 Winning At Social Media

This episode is gonna be Me + You, boo!  We're talking about how to market yourself on social media specifically by positioning yourself in a way that is best for your niche.  I also go through the Ups + Downs of online growth...

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Starting a social media business can be an exciting and rewarding venture, but it requires careful planning and execution. To begin, it's important to identify your niche and target audience, as well as develop a strong brand identity and marketing strategy. You'll also need to choose the right social media platforms to focus on and create engaging content that resonates with your audience. Building a strong community and establishing trust and credibility are key factors in growing your business, and staying up to date with trends and changes in the industry is crucial for long-term success. With dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and adapt, starting a social media business can be a fulfilling and lucrative endeavor.

Jan 11, 202145:08
EP4 Own Your Value ft. Natalie Walker Brimble

EP4 Own Your Value ft. Natalie Walker Brimble

Know, celebrate and accept the value you bring into other people's lives.  Use this time to big-up yourself and go after what you truly want.  Take away: only surround yourself by people who support you; Game Changer!  With Special Guest today, Natalie Walker Brimble.

IG: natalie_walker_brim


Podcast: So... that got me thinking!

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Having a supportive community is one of the most valuable things a person can have in their life. Whether it's a group of friends, family members, or a network of like-minded individuals, having people around you who support and encourage you can make all the difference in achieving your goals and overcoming life's challenges. A supportive community can provide a sense of belonging, validation, and emotional support during difficult times. It can also provide opportunities for personal and professional growth through networking, mentorship, and collaboration. Investing time and effort into building and nurturing a supportive community can have long-lasting benefits and enrich your life in countless ways.

Jan 04, 202131:46
EP3 New Year, New You... Who Dis? ft. LaQueshia Jeffries

EP3 New Year, New You... Who Dis? ft. LaQueshia Jeffries

An empowering conversation with our special Guest LaQueshia Jeffries... Takeaway: fill your well up + do it scared!

IG: laqueshia_jeffries

Twitter: LaQ_Jeffries

YouTube: LaQueshia Jeffries 

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Challenges are an inevitable part of life, and how we face them can greatly impact our success and happiness. While it may be tempting to avoid or ignore difficult situations, it's important to confront them head-on with a positive attitude and determination. By acknowledging and accepting the challenge, breaking it down into manageable steps, and seeking support from others, we can overcome even the toughest obstacles. Remember that challenges also offer opportunities for growth and learning, and facing them with courage and resilience can ultimately lead to a stronger and more fulfilling life.

Dec 28, 202032:53
EP2 All You Really Need to Know is Community = Success!

EP2 All You Really Need to Know is Community = Success!

In this episode, I get into how I became a Soloprenuer, Making a Splash on YouTube and how prioritizing building a community built the foundations for success today...

Finding your passion can be a daunting task. It can seem like everyone else has it all figured out, while you're left feeling lost and unsure about what you want to do with your life. However, the truth is that discovering your passion takes time, patience, and a willingness to try new things. The first step is to explore your interests and hobbies, and then take the time to think about how you can turn them into a career or a fulfilling pursuit. Don't be afraid to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. It's only by experimenting with different activities and experiences that you can truly discover what you're passionate about.

The second step is to stay focused and committed to your passion. Pursuing your passion requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn and grow. You may face challenges and setbacks along the way, but don't let them discourage you. Instead, use them as opportunities to learn and improve. Remember that finding your passion is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself, and keep exploring until you find what truly makes you happy and fulfilled. With persistence and determination, you can discover your passion and live a fulfilling life doing what you love.

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Dec 21, 202031:16