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Veterans for Peace Radio Hour

Veterans for Peace Radio Hour

By jim wohlgemuth

Veterans for Peace is an international organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices for the causes of peace, humanity, equality, and justice. Our network is comprised of over 140 chapters worldwide. Our radio show is on stations across the country.
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Veterans for Peace with Dr. Kelly Denton-Borhaug on Memorial Day and Moral Injury

Veterans for Peace Radio HourMay 21, 2024

Veterans for Peace profile Breaking the Silence is this a VFP counterpart?

Veterans for Peace profile Breaking the Silence is this a VFP counterpart?

Harvey and Jim profile the Israeli organization of IDF Veterans called Breaking the Silence which, like VFP, is trying to get the word out to the public of the futility of war. We also have a clip of Ayman Mohyeldin criticizing his own MSNBC along with final reflections of Memorial Day. We finish up with a song from Maher Zain, Palestine Will Be Free.

May 28, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace with Dr. Kelly Denton-Borhaug on Memorial Day and Moral Injury

Veterans for Peace with Dr. Kelly Denton-Borhaug on Memorial Day and Moral Injury

Are Moral Injury and Memorial Day in the US intertwined? Does our war culture, supported by the church, the military, our education, our politics, our defense industry, silence our national need to grieve war? Dr. Kelly Denton-Borhaug, author of "And Then Your Soul is Gone, Moral Injury and US War Culture, joins us to discuss that question and they way we "celebrate" Memorial Day. Harvey also shares his experience on how to recognize Memorial Day. Then we finish with Where Have All the Flowers Gone.

May 21, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace on the student protests, are they student or are they our teachers?

Veterans for Peace on the student protests, are they student or are they our teachers?

Harvey and Jim discuss the student protests and the unconscionable lies coming from the speaker of the house and the president weaponizing the Holocaust. Using recent clips from Breaking Points, System Update, and Shahid Bolsen they look at the attempts of the government to manipulate and generate a narrative of anti-Semitism to demean and condemn the peaceful protests on college campuses. Those messages are countered by the words of Shahid Bolsen and the official statement from Veterans for Peace.

May 14, 202401:00:00
The Freedom Flotilla was stopped for now, get a personal update from two volunteers, and meet the new Executive Director of Veterans for Peace and join his new vision.

The Freedom Flotilla was stopped for now, get a personal update from two volunteers, and meet the new Executive Director of Veterans for Peace and join his new vision.

Will Hopkins, the new Executive Director of Veterans for Peace joins Barry Riesch and Colleen Rowley Freedom Flotilla volunteers as we discuss today's VFP activism and tomorrow's activism. Will leads off by discussing how he went from combat to the peace movement and what he sees as vision and challenge for VFP. Then we turn to Barry and Colleen who are just back from attempting to sail as part of the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza to break the Israeli siege and bring aid to the Palestinian People in Gaza. We then finish with Emma's Revolution.

May 07, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace with a Vet Health Care update, then updates from campus and the flotilla

Veterans for Peace with a Vet Health Care update, then updates from campus and the flotilla

Bruce Carruthers our resident expert on VA Health Care updates us on a VA report that slams privatization, but can we get it released so that it can make a difference? Then we turn to Student protests with an update from the encampment at Vanderbilt. Then the Freedom Flotilla was blocked through the efforts of Israel and the US. Will another country offer a flag to let them sail? Finally, as college administrators consider the National Guard, we remember Kent State Day through song.

Apr 30, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace: Criminality, Suppression, Capitalism and the right to resist

Veterans for Peace: Criminality, Suppression, Capitalism and the right to resist

Today Harvey and Jim catch up and follow up with the alumni and student involved in the protest on the Vanderbilt campus. Harvey targets Boeing putting profit over passenger safety. We also reflect on an interview between Aaron Mate and Norman Finkelstein from six years ago about the Palestinian right to resist, the right to defend themselves. Veterans for Peace also has another letter, this time to Biden, calling out his violations of the Symington Glenn amendment in providing aid to a nuclear state (Israel) that has not signed on to the NPT. We finish up with a new song from Dave Rovics.

Apr 23, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace: Vanderbilt University's assault on Free Speech and Freedom of the Press

Veterans for Peace: Vanderbilt University's assault on Free Speech and Freedom of the Press

Vanderbilt University in Nashville is leading the way in the draconian responses against pro-Palestinian rallies and protests. Today we talk to a Vanderbilt Alumni, a Vanderbilt student who was suspended but now faces probation, and a Staff Writer for the Nashville Scene who was arrested. We find out what the students were protesting and why. We talk about the disparate treatment of pro-Palestinian efforts versus more reactionary groups. We try to understand the Chancellor's principled neutrality to education at Vanderbilt. Think about principled neutrality; what might that actually mean? We ask the question is Vanderbilt University betraying or actually upholding it history of dealing with protests on campus? We finish up with Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine.

Apr 16, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace with Larry Hebert, Active Duty Airman on Hunger Strike for Palestine, Ceasefire, US Foreign Policy and joining the Military

Veterans for Peace with Larry Hebert, Active Duty Airman on Hunger Strike for Palestine, Ceasefire, US Foreign Policy and joining the Military

Larry Hebert was able to join the show for this in-depth discussion of his hunger strike in support of Palestine and against the Biden foreign policy of Biden's unconditional support of Israel's genocide on Gaza. We missed our initially established interview time because Larry was directed to go to Walter Reed Army Hospital for blood work and a mental evaluation. After being cleared, he talked to us from the grounds of the US capital. We talked about his hunger strike, his protest, his frustration that Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation generated more of a response in the Middle East than it did in the US, and his disillusionment about the US Military. We finish with Eddie Mack and The Sound of War.

Apr 09, 202401:00:00
The US is criminally culpable as facilitator of Israel's genocide in Gaza and Veterans for Peace wants people to be held accountable.

The US is criminally culpable as facilitator of Israel's genocide in Gaza and Veterans for Peace wants people to be held accountable.

Veterans for Peace specifically documents the national and international laws that the US is violating in its facilitation of Israel's genocide in Gaza. Executive Director of Veterans for Peace Mike Ferner and VFP member Jack Gilroy join us to specifically go over that charges VFP alleges in a letter to Anthony Blinken and other senior members of the State Department that calls on the Inspector General to initiate a criminal investigation. They specifically detail how the US is in violation of at least six domestic statutes and treaties. To see the letter:

Apr 03, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace: Israel claims to have an historical claim to Palestine but historian Krishna Madan discusses the history of the peoples of the area and comes to a different conclusion

Veterans for Peace: Israel claims to have an historical claim to Palestine but historian Krishna Madan discusses the history of the peoples of the area and comes to a different conclusion

We know that Israel has made claims that it has a greater historical claim to the land than the people in the West Bank and Gaza. So what do the historical facts actually say? For that we turn to Middle East Historian, retired teacher, and activist Krishna Madan to trace the turbulent history of the people who lived on the land east of the Mediterranean Sea. We talk to Krishna personally and refer to the presentation he gave to Veterans for Peace which you can see here:

Mar 27, 202401:00:00
Vets for Peace revisit discussions with Ellen Davidson/Apartheid, Dr. Walter Hixson/AIPAC

Vets for Peace revisit discussions with Ellen Davidson/Apartheid, Dr. Walter Hixson/AIPAC

In this show we revisit our discussions with Ellen Davidson of Veterans for Peace on her discussion of Apartheid and the clear case of Israel/Gaza. Then we turn to Dr. Walter Hixson, author and historian on the dangers of the Israeli Lobby on our own democracy. Yes AIPAC and others threaten our democracy. We then finish up with a wonderful song from the RJ Phillips remembering Bloody Sunday at the Edmond Pettis Bridge 59 years ago March 7, 1965.

Mar 20, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace, why did we join Tik Tok and much more

Veterans for Peace, why did we join Tik Tok and much more

The Congress wants to ban Tik Tok so that is a good reason for Harvey and Jim to join Tik Tok to see why and we think we found out. It is all about the young people getting their news. Nothing is going to freak Congress out more than young people getting independent news. Then we talk about an article from Al Jazeera relating Rachel Corrie to Aaron Bushnell to Viola Liuzzo and other people recognized by the marginalized. We finish up wondering about the hullabaloo surrounding the Oscars and the movie Zone of Interest.

Mar 20, 202401:00:01
Veterans for Peace: Aaron Bushnell's Divine Violence, dying for our sins

Veterans for Peace: Aaron Bushnell's Divine Violence, dying for our sins

In this heart-wrenching show, we discuss Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation or as Chris Hedges characterizes it, his divine violence. We use several clips to explain better and characterize his sacrifice, including Caitlyn Johnstone and Ann Wright. We also discuss mainstream media's predictable failure in reporting on Aaron. We hear from veterans during vigils and tributes remembering and honoring Aaron. We finish up with Al Jazeera's take on Biden's food drop. Joe Cocker sings our tribute to Aaron.

Mar 05, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace welcome staff from the Highlander Center combating fascism one workshop at a time for over 70 years.

Veterans for Peace welcome staff from the Highlander Center combating fascism one workshop at a time for over 70 years.

Two staff members of the Highlander Center join us to talk about their work to derail fascism in the South. Emma Cager Robinson and Denzel Caldwell discuss the challenges in the South and the workshops, training classes, video screenings, and camps offered by the Highlander Center to combat the movement toward fascism in the South. This is critical as they believe that as the south goes so will the nation so we need to get this redirected now. They also highlight Tennessee as a quiet, covert domestic leader in this movement to the right.

Feb 28, 202401:00:01
Veterans for Peace Remember Black History with Activist and Organizer Amber Sherman highlighting Septima Clark the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement

Veterans for Peace Remember Black History with Activist and Organizer Amber Sherman highlighting Septima Clark the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement

Today we try to remember Black History and at the same time, we talk to a Black lady trying to make history. Amber Sherman, activist, and organizer, joins us to talk about local, national, international, and political issues facing us today. We also remember Septima Clark, referred to as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement. Septima Clark taught Rosa Parks at the Highland Center and now Amber Sherman tries to follow in Septima's shoes by organizing in Tennessee.

Feb 21, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace on the dangers of the Nuclear Industrial Complex

Veterans for Peace on the dangers of the Nuclear Industrial Complex

The Summit on Nuclear Deterrence was just last week and "WE" were there to witness the insanity and the "evil." Harvey Bennett joined Greg Mello, Executive Director of the Los Alamos Study Group, and journalist Jim Carrier, who attended the three-day "summit" to hear members of the nuclear industrial complex and the Federal Government talk about nuclear war and deterrence. Can you imagine that they actually believe that we need to be ready to fight a nuclear war and win it? Hear that and a few voices of reason on what our country is doing in your name and with your tax dollars. We finish with Sam Cooke because change better come.

Feb 13, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace: AIPAC and the Israel lobby are dangerous to our democracy

Veterans for Peace: AIPAC and the Israel lobby are dangerous to our democracy

Dr. Walter Hixson, historian, author, commentator, and Middle East Scholar, joins us to discuss the Israel lobby and it's negative/dangerous influence in the United States. Dr. Hixson discussed the Israeli lobby anchored by the American Israeli Political Action Committee, (AIPAC) and identifies its influences not only on our federal representatives but also on our educational systems, our media, and down to our state and local officials. They are pervasive and dangerous. We then end with Imagine by John Lennon just to generate a little hope.

Feb 06, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace Helping Veterans through Pancakes and the cutting edge ETMS

Veterans for Peace Helping Veterans through Pancakes and the cutting edge ETMS

We start the show by hearing from two activists in the cause of helping Veterans meet the challenges they face returning to civilian life. Susan Combs talks about the program, Pancakes for Roger, inspired by her father, the late General Roger Combs, and the foundation she is building to support Veterans in his name. She includes the University of Missouri Veterans Legal Clinic and all the work they do to help Vets navigate the governmental bureaucracies. Then Aaron Eckerberg talks ETMS the cutting-edge treatment that is helping Veterans and first responders heal from the trauma of their PTSD. Harvey and I finish up with some discussion of recent events and then we hear a somber rendition of the Hymn from the Marine Corps Band.

Jan 31, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace with VFP Member Paul Gingras on his documentary about Tom Lewis, Draft Cards are for Burning

Veterans for Peace with VFP Member Paul Gingras on his documentary about Tom Lewis, Draft Cards are for Burning

Veterans for Peace Member Paul Gingras is the executive producer of a new documentary about Catonsville 9 Member Tom Lewis. Paul talks about his friendship with Tom, Tom's activism and connection with the Berrigans and of course Tom's art. All these experiences combined with Tom's early death led to Paul committing to create a documentary to ensure that the legacy of Tom Lewis will live on an thrive. We finish with Dar Williams!

Jan 24, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace Cindy Piester/Omar Clay Part Two on Climate, Gaza and what you can do

Veterans for Peace Cindy Piester/Omar Clay Part Two on Climate, Gaza and what you can do

Part two: After hearing Dr. King talk directly to us about the issues we face today with regard to racism, militarism, and capitalism, we bring back Climate and Peace Activists Cindy Piester and Dr. Omar Clay to complete their discussion from last week. They also give us assignments on what WE can do and what lots of people are doing to address the climate crisis, militarism, and more. We finish with a heart-wrenching song from Michael Heart.

Jan 17, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace with Cindy Piester and Dr. Omar Clay on the good and bad of COP28

Veterans for Peace with Cindy Piester and Dr. Omar Clay on the good and bad of COP28

COP 28 was not all bad news. VFP's Cindy Piester is back to give us a rundown about the good, the bad, and the ugly of COP 28 and this year she brought along Dr. Omar Clay to break the science down into scary details. Yes, there were major issues but the activists and delegates managed to make enough people mad that progress was actually made, despite the efforts of the US, the fossil fuel industry, and the oil baron President of the COP. We finish with Canary in the Coal Mine by Janet Bates.

Jan 09, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace Discuss Genocide and much more

Veterans for Peace Discuss Genocide and much more

Harvey and Jim discuss a variety of clips from some of their best sources Democracy Now, Breaking Points, and Counter Points. They specifically define genocide and terrorism and show that what Israel is doing is genocide while what Hamas did was terrorism in killing civilians in Israel. We also hear the pastor in Bethlehem calling our Christian Churches while Steve Sosebee relates the sad story of two Palestinian young men who were healed and then killed by Israel. Things got to change and so we hear Sam Cooke.

Jan 02, 202401:00:00
Veterans for Peace with Ellen Davidson who defines and explains Apartheid and more

Veterans for Peace with Ellen Davidson who defines and explains Apartheid and more

Ellen Davidson, VFP Board member, editor of Peace and Planet News, and activist, compares what is going on in Israel to what went on in South Africa and definitively makes the case that Israel is an apartheid state. She also talks about anti-Semitism and how Israeli actions are exacerbating anti-Semitism in the US and elsewhere. Harvey then reflects powerfully on US complicity, especially during this holiday season.

Dec 27, 202301:00:00


Pat Elder of Military Poisons dot Org joins us to talk about PFAS the threat that is silent, under the radar but could drastically alter humanity if not dealt with. And guess where a lot of PFAS in the US comes from, the US Military of course. Pat discusses the origins, the dangers, the overwhelming spread, and actions we can take just like Hawaii and Japan to start dealing with this man made mess. While the climate and nuclear Armageddon are right in our faces, PFAS is the danger that is going to sneak up on us unless we do something.

Dec 20, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace: Free Julian Assange and drop the charges

Veterans for Peace: Free Julian Assange and drop the charges

Today we realize just how important it is that the Biden Administration drop the charges against Julian Assange and not set a precedent that could undermine journalism worldwide.  Today we share with you portions of the Belmarsh Tribunal which was convened by Democracy Now, The Intercept, and others as great minds from journalism, international politics, international law, and the media share the call to release Julian Assange, drop the charges, and end the efforts to extradite him.  We reflect on his accomplishments and his impact on journalism and how the US could set a horrific precedent for all journalists if they continue, to pursue extradition.

Dec 13, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace with Anthony Donovan on the 2nd Meeting of States Parties of the TPNW

Veterans for Peace with Anthony Donovan on the 2nd Meeting of States Parties of the TPNW

You will not hear this story anywhere else but here. The Second Meeting of States Parties of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons just finished and VFP Member Anthony Donovan was there. He joins us to give his reflection on the meeting and his perspective on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. While the news is dominated by Israeli genocide in Gaza, the world does not stop and the efforts of so many countries to eliminate the threat of nuclear war continues. That is why the activism of Anthony, VFP and so many other groups needs to be recognized.

Dec 05, 202301:00:00
 Veterans for Peace US/Israel 'shared values'- War crimes, occupation, racism and impunity

Veterans for Peace US/Israel 'shared values'- War crimes, occupation, racism and impunity

We share several important clips that link Israeli atrocities with US atrocities that you may have missed while celebrating Thanksgiving. We share the voices of Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexander, and Rashid Khalidi from a show aired on Democracy Now and then Norman Finkelstein from an interview he did with Krystal Ball on Breaking Points. All related personal experiences showed how what is going on in Gaza by Israel (with our taxpayer complicity) is connected to what the US has been doing for a long time. Alexander relates the words of Dr. King, Coates the connection to the lives of his parents and grandparents, Khalidi and our genocide of Native Americans, Finkelstein with Nat Turner.

Nov 29, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace: Educator, Activist, Author Krishna Madan joins the show to further explain more of the hidden history (hidden from Americans) of Israel

Veterans for Peace: Educator, Activist, Author Krishna Madan joins the show to further explain more of the hidden history (hidden from Americans) of Israel

Krishna Madan educator, activist, and member of VFP joins Harvey and Jim to discuss a number of issues but primarily it is the Middle East. Krishna points out the history of Israel that Americans have been denied showing that the US public has been manipulated for more than 70 years to generate our un-questioning support for Israel. He turns the tables on Hamas using human shields and shows how Israel actually is the one using human shields. AND MORE including a song from Ireland to support the people of Palestine.

Nov 21, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace: A People's War Crimes Tribunal Investigates US Weapons Industry

Veterans for Peace: A People's War Crimes Tribunal Investigates US Weapons Industry

The has initiated a people's war crimes tribunal against key weapons manufacturers. Harvey and Jim share this abridged version of the first session in this gripping show by highlighting the need, the precedent, and the facts about these war criminals. In this first session concentrate on the US weapons makers fueling the genocide in Gaza. We finish with Masters of War by Bob Dylan

Nov 15, 202301:00:01
 Veterans for Peace Reclaiming Armistice Day with VFP member Dave Logsdon

Veterans for Peace Reclaiming Armistice Day with VFP member Dave Logsdon

Dave Logsdon joins the show to talk about the Veterans for Peace project to reclaim Armistice Day a day to celebrate and work for peace. November 11 used to be Armistice Day but that was changed in 1954 when it became Veterans Day and since then it has been a holiday to celebrate war and militarism. VFP is trying to bring back that sentiment of peace to the United States before it devolves further into an outlier and bully within the world community. Dave Logsdon is the facilitator and coordinator of the project and joins us to share the importance of doing just that.

Nov 07, 202301:00:00
Vets for Peace with co-founder Doug Rawlings on War, Peace, Poetry, and Children

Vets for Peace with co-founder Doug Rawlings on War, Peace, Poetry, and Children

Veterans for Peace co-founder comes back to the show to share his experience in his recent trip back to Vietnam this time with his son. Doug relates and connects his experiences from 53 years ago with post-911 veterans and today's possible recruits through poetry and the work of Vietnam Veterans in Vietnam to help heal that country and themselves.

Oct 31, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace Israel's Dilemma and US Complicity, Looking at history to understand now

Veterans for Peace Israel's Dilemma and US Complicity, Looking at history to understand now

Harvey and Jim listen to and discuss the interview on Al Jazeera's The Bottom Line with host Steve Clemmons and guest Daniel Levy. They talk about the history of mistakes, ignored agreements, and broken promises that have led us to this moment of destruction and despair. After that, we hear the desperate words calling for a ceasefire from Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Cori Bush. Then thanks to Mike Figueredo and his Humanist Report we reflect on a progressive who advocates for the death of more children. We finish with a wonderful call for peace by Michael August and Nell Levin and their song Jerusalem.

Oct 25, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace on Israel/Hamas

Veterans for Peace on Israel/Hamas

Today we are going to try to talk about and be relevant about the very fluid and disastrous situation in Gaza. We are going to share the VFP statement, hear from Caitlin Johnstone, Al Jazeera, Krystal, and Saagar from Breaking Point with a dire warning, and try to give our take on our own United States inability to help this by negating UN calls for a cease-fire, sending two carrier groups to the region as a so-called deterrent and sending billions of arms to a well-armed country which apparently is conducting war crimes and genocide. We finish up with a song about a human rights hero: Rachel Corrie.

Oct 18, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace share the Peace in Ukraine Forum with Dr. Cornell West and others

Veterans for Peace share the Peace in Ukraine Forum with Dr. Cornell West and others

Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, and many other organizations sponsored a forum in Washington, DC on Peace In Ukraine. The forum was facilitated by Eugene Puryear and Media Benjamin with speakers Lee Camp, Claudia DeLa Cruz, and Cr. Cornell West. The facilitators and speakers reflect the sentiment of the people of the world and the US in calling for negotiations. They then ask us to make waves and noise and bring that message to our leaders. Just like the song we end with they ask us to STAND like Sly Stone.

Oct 07, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace tell you why the F-35 is not only dumb but DANGEROUS

Veterans for Peace tell you why the F-35 is not only dumb but DANGEROUS

Harvey lives within miles of where the F-35 crashed and the pilot ejected, so we will talk about the F-35 and Harvey's efforts to reach out to his elected officials to get them to pay attention. Then we discuss a recent GAO study of the F-35 and we hear the words from the past of John McCain and Pierre Sprey. From that, it is clear the F-35 is expensive, dumb, and now very dangerous.

Oct 03, 202301:00:01
Veterans for Peace defusing Nuclear War, Peace in Ukraine and an update on the VA

Veterans for Peace defusing Nuclear War, Peace in Ukraine and an update on the VA

Bruce Carruthers of Save our VA (SOVA) working group updates us on their efforts to halt efforts to privatize the VA and identifies two bills that must be stopped, S1316 and S2649. Then Ryan Black of and Marcy Winograd of Code Pink and Peace in Ukraine joined the VFP No Nukes Working group to promote two weeks of action to push for peace and disarmament. Letting us know that if we don't we will face Great Balls of Fire (Jerry Lee Lewis).

Sep 27, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace ask why is militarism often left out of climate discussions

Veterans for Peace ask why is militarism often left out of climate discussions

In the wake of the nationwide actions on ending fossil fuels, Steve Morse of the Veterans for Peace Climate Crisis and Militarism Project joins the show to discuss why the biggest polluter is often ignored when we discuss our climate catastrophe. Steve also talks about the work of the Climate Crisis and Militarism Project and how you request their help to address the Climate. Jim interviews some people at the Nashville Climate March and we also hear from Jamal Bowman along with some word salad from Nancy Pelosi.

Sep 19, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace We return to VFP convention for more voices including Kathy Kelly

Veterans for Peace We return to VFP convention for more voices including Kathy Kelly

After a quick recognition of Labor Day and the UAW efforts to help the big three automakers support their workers, we return to our coverage of the VFP convention. We talk nukes in Europe, democracy in the US (or lack thereof), where VFP has been to help us be inspired on where we are going and then Kathy Kelly gives us inspiration and remembers Daniel Ellsberg. We finished with a song from Jacob George.

Sep 05, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace: Standing Up, Speaking Out, Choosing Peace

Veterans for Peace: Standing Up, Speaking Out, Choosing Peace

Veterans for Peace held its 2023 Conference with a dynamic set of speakers and impactful schedule of webinars/workshops. Harvey and I only touch on the importance of this conference and how it demonstrates the effective and important work of Veterans for Peace. We honored the memory of Daniel Ellsberg which was reflected in the conference theme of Choose Peace, Stand Up, Speak Out. We included clips from the first two days of the conference from the Climate, Deported Vets, War in Asia, Poetry, Remembering Dan and much more.

Aug 29, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace and yes more Oppenheimer as Pete Kuznick weighs in on the good and the missing.

Veterans for Peace and yes more Oppenheimer as Pete Kuznick weighs in on the good and the missing.

Professor Peter Kuznick joined the Veterans for Peace No Nukes group to discuss the movie Oppenheimer. Professor Kuznick provided the most in-depth analysis we have heard so far pointing out the many important and factual parts of the movie and the deficiencies, Professor Kuznick also provides a great history lesson about those times including a brief reference to Henry Wallace and how different things might have been. He also critiques several other movies that do not meet muster and refers to the thoughts of his friend and collaborator Oliver Stone. We finish with Joan Baez.

Aug 22, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace discuss Military Trauma or is it actually American Trauma?

Veterans for Peace discuss Military Trauma or is it actually American Trauma?

Today we welcome Special Guest Dr. Sam Coleman of the Veterans for Peace Military Trauma working group. Dr. Sam discusses moral injury, military class structure, American class structure, and much more. Could it be that we are all suffering from Moral Injury? We also quickly discuss Niger and the struggles in Africa and remember Patrice Lumumba from so long ago. We finish with a song from friend of the show Jason Moon as we all try to find our ways home.

Aug 15, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace: No we did not have to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So why did we and what risks to we face today because we did?

Veterans for Peace: No we did not have to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So why did we and what risks to we face today because we did?

We start the show hearing and discussing clips from Professors Alperovitz and Ruane about why the evidence shows clearly that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not necessary. We then turn to the article written by William Hartung published in the Peace and Planet News about the movie Oppenheimer, Nuclear Industrial Complex, and public denial. During his article he refers to other movies and thus we share clips (but not spoilers) from Dr. Strangelove and Fail Safe. We also discuss other movies: Threads and The Day After. We finish with a classic from Vera Lynn.

Aug 09, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace: OPPENHEIMER -Blockbuster film;Could it spark a new chain reaction; a grassroots movement to abolish nukes? And premiering this week, A COMPASSIONATE SPY, the unknown story of Ted H

Veterans for Peace: OPPENHEIMER -Blockbuster film;Could it spark a new chain reaction; a grassroots movement to abolish nukes? And premiering this week, A COMPASSIONATE SPY, the unknown story of Ted H

There are TWO MOVIES out about the A-Bomb and about two amazing Physicists who created them. One is Oppenheimer about Robert Oppenheimer and the other is A Compassionate Spy about Ted Hall. In this episode, Harvey and Jim discuss and reflect on Oppenheimer and then they will introduce you to A Compassionate Spy by the name of Ted Hall. You have probably seen the first and never heard about the second even though both are getting great reviews, both involve the creation of the A-Bomb and both reflect on the dilemma of conscience of these two men that worked on it. This is truly fascinating. We also honor Sinead O'Connor.

Aug 01, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace with Holistic, Historical, and Rational voices on Russia/Ukraine/Nato/US/Europe

Veterans for Peace with Holistic, Historical, and Rational voices on Russia/Ukraine/Nato/US/Europe

Yes, More voices talking about the reality and the dangers of the war in Ukraine. We continue with the holistic/historical approach from Dr. Glenn Diesen and Pascal Lottaz of Nuetrality Studies. We get the European holistic approach from MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace. Then we finish up with a US historical and holistic approach with Dr. Jeffrey Sachs. Yes, you will hear more about media manipulation, US government bullying of Europe, and European capitulation. You will hear about the partnership growing between Russia and China thanks to our provocations and more.

Jul 26, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace: Professor Glenn Diesen takes holistic/historical look at Russia/Ukraine

Veterans for Peace: Professor Glenn Diesen takes holistic/historical look at Russia/Ukraine

In this first of a two-part discussion and for the second week in a row we try to take a historical and holistic view of the Russia-Ukraine war and much more by sharing an interview by Pascal Lottaz of Neutrality Studies with Norwegian Professor Glenn Diesen. Professor Diesen discusses how this war was predicted as far back as the Clinton Administration. He also points out how US policies past and now concentrating on military power have actually undermined our standing in the world which is moving toward Geo Economic power.

Jul 18, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace reflect on Glenn Greenwald's interview with John Mearsheimer

Veterans for Peace reflect on Glenn Greenwald's interview with John Mearsheimer

Harvey and Jim reflect on Glenn Greenwald's recent interview with John Mearsheimer in an attempt to spread the thought that it is important to look at the Russian/Ukrainian war from Russia's perspective to understand what provoked Putin and what we can expect in the future. Beyond that Mearsheimer also points out the effects of this war on the global power structure, the US/Nato's capabilities, the continuing escalation, Ukraine's untenable position and more. This clearly is not pretty.

Jul 11, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace discuss Independence Day for Whom?

Veterans for Peace discuss Independence Day for Whom?

Yes, Jim Goes off the rails. Harvey and Jim continue to ask the question Independence Day for whom, especially in light of the recent rulings of this supreme court which have gutted independence for women, students, the LGBT community, African Americans, and more. We ask about who is celebrating Independence Day: Native Americans, peaceful protestors, the enslaved and the generations since enslavement, and more. We then ask you for the fortitude to look to the continuing potential of the country for good despite what we all see from scotus as we continue to ask Independence for whom and strive for the day when we will have independence for all.

Jul 04, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace discuss the dangers of depleted uranium with Damacio Lopez

Veterans for Peace discuss the dangers of depleted uranium with Damacio Lopez

Do you know the long-term hazards of depleted uranium? Do you know what it is used for and why it is so popular with the US and other warring countries? Damacio Lopez joined the Veterans for Peace No Nukes Working Group for a discussion about depleted uranium and his 37-year fight to get this deadly element banned. He is joined by other members of the No Nukes group during this lively and abridged conversation.

Jun 28, 202301:00:00
Veterans for Peace Best of with Dr. Kelly Denton Borhaug on the impact of Moral Injury

Veterans for Peace Best of with Dr. Kelly Denton Borhaug on the impact of Moral Injury

We revisit our discussion last Veterans Day with Dr, Kelly Denton Borhaug on Moral Injury. This is such an important discussion not only if you are a veteran but also if you are an American who is keeping up with the world wide chaos and out policies of military insanity. No wonder we are depressed.

Jun 19, 202301:00:01
Veterans for Peace talk Ukrainian Nazis after we hear from Jim McGovern searching for peace

Veterans for Peace talk Ukrainian Nazis after we hear from Jim McGovern searching for peace

We start with Representative Jim McGovern trying to keep President Kennedy's call for peace alive through his House Resolution 77. He is introduced by Denise Duffield of Back from the Brink. Then are American Taxpayers arming and funding Nazi's in Ukraine and if so who cares after all they have no real power. RIGHT? BUT what if they do? We heard from Aris Roussinos on UnherdTV hosted by Freddy Sayers.

Jun 13, 202301:00:00