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The Prevail Point with Jinary Arce-Cotto

The Prevail Point with Jinary Arce-Cotto

By Jinary

The Prevail Point is an encouraging and empowering podcast dedicated to helping people discover specifics points that lead to a victorious Christian life.
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The Prevail Point with Jinary Arce-CottoApr 03, 2021

Rejection Is God's Protection

Rejection Is God's Protection

...Listen to this- The word rejection has a negative connotation to it, but in reality God allows rejection in our lives to protect us from evil doers. Have you ever been rejected in your life? Cried about it, but today you thank God for it? Well God was orchastrating the rejection. Rejection is something none of us can avoid, but know this that God always has a plan. Psalm 118:22 "The stone that ten builders rejected has now become the cornerstone."


Jun 10, 202113:31
Fight This Battle For ME

Fight This Battle For ME

If we understood that Jesus already fought the battle for us we will avoid uneccessary worry, anxiety, depression, and panic on situations that will only make us stronger in the long run. What Jesus did for us on the cross of calvary should instill in us a sense of security and everlasting peace. John 16:33 ""I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."" (ESV)

May 04, 202114:45


If you understand how amazing you were created, you would be in a different place right now. In this episode I will remind you about your uniqueness and establish a clear perspective of who you were created to be. Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created." Don't ever miss an episode. 🙏🙏🙏❤️

Apr 22, 202115:40


... Listen to this- One of the biggest tactics that the devil throws at you is distractions. Sometimes the distractions are so minimum that we don't see them as distractions. Yet, they serve the purpose of taking away our focus and the destiny God has for us. In this episode we will learn how to be laser focus regardless of what life throws at you. Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

Apr 15, 202113:36


Episode “38” entitled - ""THE DEVIL LEARNS FROM YOUR MISTAKES”
"If we don't learn from our mistakes, the same episodes are going to continue to happen in our lives. Have you ever found yourself in a cycle, asking yourself why do I continue to go through this? It's because you haven't learned from it yet. In John 10:10 it says, ""the Thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came (Jesus) that they may have life and have it abundantly ESV."  Let's overcome the devils schemes and he will flee from us. James 4:7, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

Apr 03, 202115:28


"While we are worried about life situations, time is passing us by. We have to make a decision every day to live our purpose. Too many people go to their graves with too many dreams and goals not accomplished. Die empty and live your purpose." 

In this episode I am discussing how to reach out to God to help you identify and fulfill your purpose. In Psalm 57:2 it says, "I cry out to God most high, to God who fulfills his purpose for me."

Mar 25, 202112:59
Our Ceiling Is Going To Be Our Children's Floor

Our Ceiling Is Going To Be Our Children's Floor

It's time for us to realize that we are created for greatness.  We are created to leave a legacy behind.  This life is not just about us but about the people we impact, about the lives we change for the better, about leaving something great for our children.  Let's stop the selfishness and let's leave something great behind so that our children can work diligently for greater and bigger things that we could ever imagine.

Mar 17, 202114:40
Thank GOD For Your Haters

Thank GOD For Your Haters

In the word of God, we see how Jesus was hated on from the time He was born, all the way through His resurrection and His return to heaven.  What makes us think that we will not be hated on? In this episode, you will learn tips on how to deal with your haters biblically and more importantly how God uses them to grow our character and take us to another level. I promise you, you will Thank God for your haters once you're done listening to the episode.  Blessings.

Mar 07, 202114:40


... Listen to this- “Instead of constantly competing with your neighbor, the best person you can compete with is who you were yesterday. We are all in the same boat. We all want to make it to heaven. We want to be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. Let’s be who God has destined us to be. There’s a quote that says, “If you continually compete with others, you become bitter, if you compete with yourself, you become BETTER.” Let’s get better everyday. In this episode I will help you find your gift which will lead you to your destiny. Blessings.

Feb 03, 202117:17
Are You Ready To ReWrite Your Story?

Are You Ready To ReWrite Your Story?

... Listen to this- “Rewriting your story has nothing to do with where you came from, your race, your age, your background or your gender, it has to do with your mindset. Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Do you know you have the ability to rewrite your story? Are you ready? Let's do it.

Jan 27, 202113:18
Are You In Expectancy?

Are You In Expectancy?

We made it to 2021.  Thank you Jesus.  We survived one of the most challenging years of our life time.  Now that is over and we are in 2021, are you in expectancy of what God wants to do in your life?  2021 will bring it's own challenges but do not, please do not allow it to stop you to write your goals and achieve your dreams and goals.  Let's write our goals down and make a decision to achieve them.  We were made for greatness.  Let's win this year and I'll see you all at the top.  Blessings!

Jan 11, 202113:45
EMOTIONS ARE OVERRATED - PART II - With Special Guest Jannalee Garay

EMOTIONS ARE OVERRATED - PART II - With Special Guest Jannalee Garay

This is Part II of Emotions are Overrated with my special guest, my sister, Jannalee Garay.  She has a Masters Degree in Mental Health and is getting her Phd in Marriage and Family Therapy.  Her perspective on guarding your heart and obtaining the peace is God through your struggle is at another level.  A must listen.  God bless you. Blessings to you.

Dec 28, 202021:31
EMOTIONS ARE OVERRATED - Part I - Special Guest Jannalee Garay

EMOTIONS ARE OVERRATED - Part I - Special Guest Jannalee Garay

In this episode we are discussing the importance of understanding that your emotions are overrated.  The word of God says in Ephesians 6:12,-13 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."

Dec 18, 202025:15
We Are In The Last Days!

We Are In The Last Days!

We do not have time to involve ourselves in anything that is not of God.  God is calling this world to serve Him, to repent and humble themselves to God.  He says in 2 Chronicles 7:14, ...if my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.  Give you heart to the Lord, if you haven't already.  Amen!

Dec 11, 202014:24
What Makes You Miserable Today, You Will Thank God For Tomorrow

What Makes You Miserable Today, You Will Thank God For Tomorrow

Thanking God in all circumstances is a tool God has provided us with be overcome fear, anxiety, panic, anger, depression and all those negative emotions which God has already died in the cross of Calvary for.  Let's take out the time to thank Him and appreciate all He has done for us.  Whatever you're going through today is to make you the person you need to be tomorrow.  Embrace the journey of growth, of pain, of struggle, and development to become the person God has destined you to be.  Blessings.

Dec 02, 202014:31
Risky Business
Oct 06, 202013:30
Be Thankful
Sep 28, 202014:08
Special Guest: Jannalee Garay
Sep 22, 202020:10
Fear Is A Faith Killer, Faith Is A Fear Killer
Sep 09, 202015:52
The Cost Of Obedience
Sep 01, 202013:20
Add Ons
Aug 27, 202013:43
Are You Ready To Be Blessed?
Aug 18, 202011:46
Listen To Your Mother
Aug 10, 202013:53
Confronting Goliath
Aug 04, 202010:46
Embracing Peace
Jul 28, 202012:03
Thoughts Turn Into Actions
Jul 21, 202013:02
You Are Not Like Anyone Else
Jul 14, 202016:48
Tough Stuff
Jul 07, 202014:44
Jun 30, 202013:20
Losers Have A Lot Of Free Time
Jun 23, 202010:41
The Missing Link
Jun 15, 202018:26
The Dash
Jun 09, 202013:20
"If My People..."
Jun 02, 202012:10
May 26, 202013:36
The Priestly Blessing
May 19, 202010:12
You Just Get Stronger
May 12, 202014:32
Here For You
May 05, 202015:28
From Vision To Provision

From Vision To Provision

In this episode, Jinary shares exciting news... "Prevail: The Process Of Overcoming" hit #1 on Amazon in three different categories. No one is more surprised than she is. But that is what being obedient to God can and will do for you. He will do exceedingly and abundantly more than you ask or even imagine. Jinary also highlights true and sometimes heartbreaking stories from her own life to highlight the power of what faith in Jesus can do. 

Click to purchase Jinary's book in English Prevail: The Process Of Overcoming

Purchase in Español: Prevaleciendo- El Proceso de Superarse 

Listen to the Audiobook on

Follow Jinary: IG @prevailthebook, FB- Author- Jinary Cotto

Apr 28, 202013:56
The Elephant In The Room
Apr 23, 202008:46
Roller Coaster
Apr 23, 202008:56
You Can Survive This
Apr 07, 202014:06
No Time Like The Present

No Time Like The Present

Welcome to our first podcast. Our host, Jinary Arce-Cotto is a best selling author, motivational speaker, and successful entrepreneur. Jinary will share points from her book, "Prevail: The Process Of Overcoming" as well as powerful biblical principles to help you overcome. 

You can purchase her book in English Prevail: The Process Of Overcoming 

Purchase in Spanish: Prevaleciendo- El Proceso de Superarse 

Listen to the Audiobook on

Follow Jinary: IG @prevailthebook  

                          FB- Author- Jinary Cotto

Apr 01, 202014:34