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Jinjja Jinri

Jinjja Jinri

By Jinri

Get to know the real me, not the one you see on Instagram

Talking about the relatable yet not so often shared parts of life
Currently playing episode

Dealing with anxiety

Jinjja JinriMar 28, 2021

How I live a happier life

How I live a happier life

Hey guys!
This is my last episode for season 2!
Might be my last consistent episode since i will be studying and might not be able to make podcasts like i used to
Thank you for being part of my journey and taking time to listen to what I have to say
Hope you enjoy this episode on what has made my life a more enjoyable one!
Jul 12, 202120:14
Being a Model

Being a Model

Hey guys!
Im back!
In this episode I talk about my experience being a model , the pros and cons of it and all
Hope you guys enjoy and sorry for the abundance of UMMMMMMMs and LIKE haha
Jul 05, 202116:10
How I save money/Budgeting 101

How I save money/Budgeting 101

hey guys!
These are some personal tips on how i save money
It may or may not work for you and your lifestyle but I just wanted to share them with you!
Jun 21, 202118:38
Living in Sydney, Australia (my experience, tips,etc)

Living in Sydney, Australia (my experience, tips,etc)

Hey guys!
You should know by now that I'm based in Sydney!
A lot of people have been asking me about life here, how it is, tips etc
So on this episode I share my personal experiences so that you can have an idea how it is living in Australia
Hope you enjoy!
Jun 14, 202118:48
Things you shouldn't feel bad about

Things you shouldn't feel bad about

In this episode I talk about some things that I personally deal with
I think mental health is so important and these are some things you should be telling yourself if you deal with some mental health issues
Hope you enjoy this ep!
Jun 07, 202116:30
Dos and Don'ts in a marriage

Dos and Don'ts in a marriage

hey guys!
This topic was requested on my Instagram, so I decided to do it
Although I'm relatively new to being married these things have worked for me and our relationship
Hopefully it helps
May 31, 202117:14
Positive and Negative things about Korea

Positive and Negative things about Korea

hey guys!
this topic was requested on my instagram!
I talk about some things that i think are positive and others that are negative in korean society.
Hope you guys enjoy this ep!
May 23, 202117:57
10 lessons I learned from this pandemic

10 lessons I learned from this pandemic

Hey guys!
This episode is all about the things i learned during this pandemic
From good purchases to bad, self care, keeping in touch with friends etc!
Hope you enjoy!
May 17, 202127:24
5 things you need to say to your mom

5 things you need to say to your mom

Happy Mothers day!
well, it was yesterday (may 9) but still in line with the celebration, i made this episode for you guys!
Mothers are real life super heroes. And they need to hear these things from you!
Hope you enjoy this episode, also hope this will help your relationship with your mom for the better!
May 10, 202110:26
How I maintain my weight. Personal tips and things I do

How I maintain my weight. Personal tips and things I do

Hey guys!
welcome to season 2 of Jinjja Jinri
Nothing much has changed, still sharing my life, thoughts, opinions etc
This first ep was highly requested, a lot of people asked about my diet, and how i maintain my figure
So here are my tips and the things I do to keep fit
Hope you enjoy!
May 02, 202128:05
Dealing with anxiety

Dealing with anxiety

Hey guys! It’s already the 10th episode!! How time flies!
i know a lot of people deal and live with anxiety
I myself deal with it everyday, this episode i talk about one of the ways i deal with my anxiety, it’s a short one but will have an extended version with a guest in the future ❤️
Hope you enjoy it!
Mar 28, 202106:44
No one wants to hear your opinion

No one wants to hear your opinion

Todays episode i will be talking about the importance of Listening
In todays society everyone wants to talk but not listen
Everyone has an opinion about something
Its time we listen more and talk less!
Mar 21, 202107:15
Adult friendship according to the titas

Adult friendship according to the titas

I invited 2 of my closest friends to join this episode about adult friendship
We all know how hard it is to make friends as we get older
Take some tips from us titas :)
Mar 15, 202138:34
Things you need to know about women

Things you need to know about women

Hi guys!
Today is International Women's Day(March 8)! YEY!
So I decided to make an episode about women!
I talk about the things women go through in society, and hope it would help both men and women listeners understand and acknowledge the issues women encounter.
Happy International Women's Day!
Mar 07, 202120:31
My experience being on the reality show called Big Brother(PBB)

My experience being on the reality show called Big Brother(PBB)

Ive had alot of requests for this episode. I guess people are curious on what really went down inside the house.
I talk about some things you probably didnt know about PBB
I got to make friends, know more about myself and had a lot of realisations during my time inside the house
Hope you enjoy this episode!
*Correction: There were 4 people from each batch, not 2(so 4 from celebrity edition, teen edition and regular for the Dream Team)*
Mar 01, 202121:23
Confront your bully

Confront your bully

This episode I talk about coming clean and confronting your bully
This is important because you may have unknowingly been a bully to someone else as well
Join me in #confrontyourbully and tag me when you do!
Bullying is never ok
Feb 22, 202118:22
Why are you in such a hurry? The Beauty of Slowing Down

Why are you in such a hurry? The Beauty of Slowing Down

We live in such a fast paced society we forget to slow down
Why do we need to slow down?
I talk about the importance and beauty of slowing down in this episode
Hope you guys enjoy it!
Feb 15, 202114:59
Valentines Day special: How to practice Self love

Valentines Day special: How to practice Self love

So i usually post every Monday only, but thought id make this valentines day special for everyone!
I'll be talking about the most important love of all: SELF LOVE
Feb 10, 202118:02
The courage to quit

The courage to quit

In this episode, im going to talk about quitting.
we often think quitting is such a bad thing, that we should never quit and keep going
But is it really a bad thing if its making you miserable?
Feb 08, 202116:50
The struggles of being a foreigner

The struggles of being a foreigner

Hey Guys! Ive been a foreigner almost all my life.
I'm a Korean who grew up in the Philippines and now starting a life in Australia.
I just wanted to share the everyday struggles and well as my personal tips on adopting to a new place
From racism, to making new friends, and understanding new culture
PS- I recorded without knowing the end part of this episode was cut 🤦🏻‍♀️ I sincerely apologize for this. This is my first episode so please be patient with me! It won’t happen again 🙏🏻
Jan 31, 202123:55
Jinjja Jinri

Jinjja Jinri

Hi there

This is my first podcast! Ive actually written 3 scripts and tried recording this episode like 5 times and it was no good

So I just decided to go for it. I dont want to be pressured to make this so good that it stresses me out or keeps me from starting.

Hopefully you will get to know the real me, the one with lots and lots of flaws and struggles

And hopefully you will relate to me more and understand this socially awkward person :)


Jan 31, 202112:11
January 30, 2021

January 30, 2021

Jan 30, 202100:43