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Joanie Stahls Field Notes

Joanie Stahls Field Notes

By Joanie Stahl

Subscribing to this site allows me to sow into your life, furthering your education by learning and establishing the doctrine of Jesus Christ in you. My mission is to teach and preach the gospel of Christ, equipping the saints to draw from the Spirit and helping believers mature in the faith "once delivered unto the saints."
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Heaven Land Devotions - That Thou Givest They Gather

Joanie Stahls Field NotesMay 18, 2024

Heaven Land Devotions - Look No Other Way

Heaven Land Devotions - Look No Other Way

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This morning in prayer I was asking the Lord to help me by giving me a good message that will feed the lambs and sheep.

I had been praying most of the morning in intervals, asking Him to show me only out of His word and nothing else, to illuminate and vivify what it was. But there was only silence.

I spent a good sufficient time in the going over of it and looking into it, yet still a silence.

I put my Bible down and sat in quietness. And in the stillness I began to think of all the problems and prophetic events happening in the world. I hated the feeling it left me with.

I felt as if my soul "went down into the depths," and the "bars of the earth were about me." It immediately brought such a low.

Then a verse came into my mind from Isaiah 33:17:

"Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty, they shall behold the land that is afar off."

I felt as if the Holy Spirit was asking me, "What are you looking at?" It was then a river began to flow into me and I began to hear a message coming in. I immediately I began to write.

You see, I was trying to find something out of the Well of Life to share, but the reality is it was already in me ready to flow out.

Listen as I read the words that were given to me by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and see what reading your Bible really does after a long time.

It becomes part of you more and more until all that is written in it becomes the great, grand expression of your own whole round life."

In perplexities-when we cannot tell what to do, when we cannot understand what is going on around us, let us be calmed and steadied and made patient by the thought that what is hidden from us is not hidden from Him."

~ Frances Ridley Havergal

May 30, 202431:34
Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Fatness of Fasting - Part 3

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Fatness of Fasting - Part 3

**Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles, and The 1611 Bible Code Book and many other books, or questions: (602) 809-5629

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In this final episode Howard Elseth takes the understanding of fasting into the deeper, richer depths thus far.

I was so penetratingly moved in his use of scriptures from the majestic 1611 King James Bible. How he opened up what felt like a door in heaven to see through.

Listen to how Howard describes what the fatness of fasting is. The body being the temple of the Holy Ghost, and Mount Sinai, the fires that burn the fat of the sacrifice, and the satisfying of the fattening of the soul.

Believe me when I tell you this is a lesson and teaching that will open your eyes to the most beautiful, vividness and power of it fasting.

This is one of the finest teachings I have ever had the blessing to learn from. My eyes were opened to things I have never seen before, it is so glorious.

There are people who fast regularly. Others do so from time to time, while others feel like they try and fail. There are many who never fast.

Whatever the case may be. Do not miss this excellent study no matter what. You will gain new majestic views of Jesus Christ and the victorious life.

"And the priest shall burn them upon the altar: it is the food of the offering made by fire for a sweet savour: all the fat is the Lord's." Leviticus 3:16.

"Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you."

~ Andrew Murray

May 28, 202405:30:51
Heaven Land Devotions - The Long Worn Dusty Sandals

Heaven Land Devotions - The Long Worn Dusty Sandals

**Thank you for supporting this ministry, I lovingly refer to as "The Little Green Pasture." Click here: PayPal: **Please prayerfully consider becoming a ministry partner: Patreon: **Contact Email: **Subscribe to me on Rumble: **Subscribe to me on Bitchute: I have been having trouble with the link so just go straight to and typing "Joanie Stahls Field Notes" in the search bar. Thank you. This episode of Heaven Land Devotions is titled "The Long Worn Dusty Sandals." In it, I discuss how God speaks to His people through dreams. I explain that God uses dreams to reveal things to us that we cannot see or know any other way. I also discuss the importance of "seeing the invisible," and how it has helped me throughout my life. If it were not for God revealing to me the "unseen" things relating to the "seen" things through dreams I would have not had the victory in so many circumstances. Recently I had a dream that was powerfully prophetic with a strong visible message. I prayed about it for a few days and asked for the meaning of it.

The Lord slowly began to reveal to me what it all meant. It became clear to me that we are at the very end now and the timing of critical, spiritual preparation is now. Also many of you believe you have received a call from God long ago and have been wondering and waiting for it.

I believe all these many years as you have been waiting for it, you have been answering many calls throughout your lives which has been a long preparation for the final call. Be ready to it is coming. As you listen, I pray that God will speak to you in a powerful way and that you will come to understand the importance of seeing through dreams. "Moses endured for he saw Him who is invisible," and so will you. "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18. ~ Paul the Apostle

May 23, 202436:14
Heaven Land Devotions - The Long Worn Dusty Shoes

Heaven Land Devotions - The Long Worn Dusty Shoes

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This episode of Heaven Land Devotions is titled "The Long Worn Dusty Shoes." In it, I discuss how God speaks to His people through dreams.

I explain that God uses dreams to reveal things to us that we cannot see or know any other way. I also discuss the importance of "seeing the invisible," and how it has helped me throughout my life.

If it were not for God revealing to me the "unseen" things relating to the "seen" things through dreams I would have not had the victory in so many circumstances.

Recently I had a dream that was powerfully prophetic with a strong visible message. I prayed about it for a few days and asked for the meaning of it.

The Lord slowly began to reveal to me what it all meant. It became clear to me that we are at the very end now and the timing of critical, spiritual preparation is now.

Also many of you believe you have received a call from God long ago and have been wondering and waiting for it.

I believe all these many years as you have been waiting for it, you have been answering many calls throughout your lives which has been a long preparation for the final call. Be ready to it is coming.

As you listen, I pray that God will speak to you in a powerful way and that you will come to understand the importance of seeing through dreams.

"Moses endured for he saw Him who is invisible," and so will you.

"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18.

~ Paul the Apostle

May 23, 202436:14
Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - Jerusalem's Spiritual Streams of Fasting - Part 2

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - Jerusalem's Spiritual Streams of Fasting - Part 2

**Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles, and The 1611 Bible Code Book and many other books, or questions: (602) 809-5629

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Howard rejoins us to bring more to light and depth on fasting. He speaks about the most important city in the whole earth, which is Jerusalem in regards to fasting.

He shows by the word of God that there are spiritual rivers that flow from the City of Jerusalem, and brings imagery to it. The Cross being the central focal point of fasting.

I have never experienced teaching on fasting in the most deep and precious way. Howard says, "The fastest way to know God is to fast."

Listen as He goes into His own personal experiences into fasting and how it brought a powerful crystal clarity to the way he saw the word, heaven and this world. He said it feels as if he soars higher and higher into the heavens.

It is God's purifying power and joy as it does the most critical work in a believers life. Those who fast know these refreshing, spiritual streams of fasting.

How it takes them "from strength to strength," "from faith to faith," "from glory to glory." Until one day in eternity they will see Jesus Christ, "face to face," and rejoice evermore.

“Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends." ― George Müller

May 22, 202402:41:58
Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Heavenly Realms of Fasting - Part 1

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Heavenly Realms of Fasting - Part 1

**Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles, and The 1611 Bible Code Book or other questions:

(602) 809-5629**1611 Kings James Bible Museum Website:

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Fasting is a very powerful and key part of the life, health and spiritual growth of all believers. Both the Old Testament and New Testament teach the value of fasting, which is abstaining from food or drink in order to focus on prayer and seeking God's will.

Fasting is mentioned over 70 times throughout Scripture. featuring 12 different kinds of fasts. In the Old Testament, there were two types of fasting: public and private. Both types offer great spiritual benefits.

Through many examples of people in the Bible who fasted, we can know that God grants supernatural revelation and wisdom through this practice.

Moses, Daniel, Elijah, Paul and of course, Jesus fasted just to name a few. Scripture tells us that fasting will help us grow a more intimate relationship with Christ and will open our eyes to what He wants to teach us. It will intensify our faith in the unseen.

Howard reveals what his 84 day fast was like, how it began and the marvelous revelations he received. How it opened up the doors for him in profound ways.

This has to be one of the most powerful testimonies of fasting I have ever heard. You will be deeply impacted in your heart as I truly am.

As he spoke about it I envisioned "seeing a door opened in heaven."

"Bear up the hands that hang down, by faith and prayer; support the tottering knees. Have you any days of fasting and prayer? Storm the throne of grace and persevere therein, and mercy will come down."~ John Wesley

May 22, 202452:14
Heaven Land Devotions - That Thou Givest They Gather

Heaven Land Devotions - That Thou Givest They Gather

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It is easy getting caught up in service for the Lord. Many do not realize it when they set out to work for Him.

In whatever capacity that they choose or feel led to, they begin with eagerness. They feel spring-loaded and vault themselves into it.

Sincerity is always in most cases the very real impetus that keeps us going when it starts to become laborious. In that sincerity of heart we keep adding on more and more duties. It is all well-meaning.

Take prayer for instance. Prayer is always first and foremost. Many start out praying for a couple of people, then more are added which seems fine.

Then more people and their circumstances, their battles, and their needing of miracles are requested. Who can so no? Then guiltiness over takes.

The increase of weight rapidly kills off the spiritual flow in the personal life between that laborer and their Lord. Now all it is is heavy lifting with a weakening soul and heart. This is not what the Lord desires of His people ever.

Working for the Lord in many cases is never what He has asked you to do. Have you ever considered rolling all of it off of you and onto Him then trusting Him with it?

Then come empty of all of your own ways of doing things and asking Him what He wants you to pray or to do. If you are wearing out from work and service, then it is good to consider doing this.

Then let yourself become a river bed of His love and life that will flow out of you the way He wants. Joy will enter in.

"Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us." ~ Elisabeth Elliot

May 18, 202442:02
Heaven Land Devotion - He Gave Ear Unto Me

Heaven Land Devotion - He Gave Ear Unto Me

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The one thing I am assured of is the beauty and power of prayer, but there is so much more to it than just the standardized ways taught in books, or self styled experts on prayer.

I believe God puts it into the hearts of people to pray, a drawing out, upward and away from one's own self to Somebody "who is higher than high."

We have even seen godless people when they find themselves in trouble and at their wits end, they then turn to prayer that is more like a cry. God hears their cries for mercy and He answers them.

Many people confess they do not know how to pray. They are timid, feel that they lack confidence and never go beyond a few words and hope for the best.

Others try to develop a sophisticated kind of master-of-theology verbiage in efforts to reach the Lord and get His ear and answer. It never works that way.

This morning something caught my eye that grabbed me in Psalm 5:1-3:

"Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray. My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up."

The part where he said, "My voice" shalt thou hear. This was one of the greatest things I learned from those two words long ago that caused me to come forward with strong confidence in prayer.

I did not come with the voice of any other but with my own voice and I have prayed that way ever since. When you pray, do the same. That is how Jesus did it and should we be anything or anyone else?

“I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk about, when I lie down and when I rise up. And the answers are always coming.” ― George Müller

May 16, 202446:16
Koinionia Hour - Howard Elseth - 1611 King James "He" Bible - The Fierce Man of War

Koinionia Hour - Howard Elseth - 1611 King James "He" Bible - The Fierce Man of War

**Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles, and The 1611 Bible Code Book or other questions: (602) 809-5629 **1611 Kings James Bible Museum Website: **Watch the KJBM Trailer: **Thank you for supporting this ministry, I lovingly refer to as "The Little Green Pasture." Click here:

PayPal: **Please prayerfully consider becoming a ministry partner: Patreon: **Contact Email: **Subscribe to me on Rumble: **Subscribe to me on Bitchute: I have been having trouble with the link so just go straight to and typing "Joanie Stahls Field Notes" in the search bar. Thank you. Today Howard Elseth breaks down what the 1611 King James "He" Bible is. He eloquently brings it to light with detailed scriptures woven with in-depth instruction.

There are over 400 Bibles available now and counting. Yet there is only one that has and will stand the test of time now and forever. It is so vitally important to learn and understand what a magnificent, breathtaking Bible this is. There are words within words and it is the only master-work of God Himself.

In the Apocrypha in Solomon 8:15-16 it reads: "Thine Almighty word leaped down from heaven out of thy royal throne, as a fierce man of war into the midst of a land of destruction, And brought thine unfeigned commandment as a sharp sword, and standing up filled all things with death; and it touched the heaven, but it stood upon the earth." Listen as Howard masterfully uncovers and brings to brilliant light the glorious majesty of the "Fierce Man of War." The 1611 King James "He" Bible in vividness, strength and wonderment..."The eyes of your understanding being enlightened." “The golden rule for understanding spiritually is not intellect, but obedience. If a man wants scientific knowledge, intellectual curiosity is his guide; but if he wants insight into what Jesus Christ teaches, he can only get it by obedience.” ― Oswald Chambers

May 14, 202401:40:43
 Heaven Land Devotions - As One Whom His Mother Comforteth...

Heaven Land Devotions - As One Whom His Mother Comforteth...

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Mother's Day is a mixture of joy and sadness, of laughter and sorrow. For many there is great celebration, but for many others it is a hard day emotionally.

Even for those who do not have children, as this day brings back painful memories both good and bad.

Those who do not have the love and comfort of a mother because of death or estrangement hold back tears all through the day.

They stand outside the circle of those who celebrate. They long for that tender loving comfort and wonder what it would be like.

Even men are affected on this day as they also have good and bad memories and losses. In fact, all people on that day are affected because the love and comfort of a mother is a very powerful and unique thing.

As I was thinking upon this day, a scripture came to my mind. One that has carried me through some heavy days as a sorrowing mother:

" As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem." Isaiah 66:13.

This is the one and only verse in the whole Bible where God says He will bring "comfort as a mother comforts." This is a very powerful statement and an insight to the unsearchable potent love God has for all people.

Yes, this is a Millennial verse for the Jews in the future.

But keep in mind that if Mother's Day is a yearly reminder of grief, there is "One whom will comforteth you" with a loving power unequaled to any human mother's love...."and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem."

"Deep unto deep, O Lord, crieth in me, Gathering strength I come, Lord, unto Thee. Jesus of Calvary, Smitten for me, Ask what Thou wilt, but give Love to me.

~ Amy Carmichael

May 11, 202424:35
Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - A Deeper Look Into The Crosses of Calvary

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - A Deeper Look Into The Crosses of Calvary

**Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles, and The 1611 Bible Code Book or other questions: (602) 809-5629 **1611 Kings James Bible Museum Website: **Watch the KJBM Trailer: **Thank you for supporting this ministry, I lovingly refer to as "The Little Green Pasture." Click here:

PayPal: **Please prayerfully consider becoming a ministry partner: Patreon: **Contact Email: **Subscribe to me on Rumble: **Subscribe to me on Bitchute: I have been having trouble with the link so just go straight to and typing "Joanie Stahls Field Notes" in the search bar. Thank you. Today Howard Elseth takes a deeper look into the crosses of Calvary. There are four gospels that give their individual accounts. However, when meticulously woven together there are things that stand out and reveal what we did not see at first. Howard opens up the words of the 1611 King James Bible to show us real meanings of the words. Uncovering the deeper meanings that give vivid instruction and imagery. Along with this very interesting insight, Howard strongly exhorts all believers to begin strengthening themselves in regards to what is coming. We are all living in a time when "the end of all things is at hand." Serious events are coming down upon our nation and this world. It is imperative to get past a religious existence and have a rich, living relationship with Jesus Christ our Savior and Elder Royal Brother. "Live every day as if the Son of Man were at the door, and gear your thinking to the fleeting moment. Just how can it be redeemed? Walk as if the next step would carry you across the threshold of Heaven. Pray. That saint who advances on his knees never retreats." ~ Jim Elliot

May 10, 202402:38:16
Heaven Land Devotions - The Longing Souls Satisfied

Heaven Land Devotions - The Longing Souls Satisfied

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There is a difference between longing and desire. I thought about this a great deal over the years as great longings were alive in me.

The children of Israel "wandered in the wilderness in a solitary place, their soul fainted in them."

God answered their cries and David records their deliverance. He said, "For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness." Psalm 107:4-9.

He gave them everything they longed for and they praised and worshiped Him for it.

Both desire and longing are synonyms, yet they are both distinct in their meanings. Longings are intensified much more than desires, though desires can be very powerful.

Those that have longings know it as a potent yearning, a pining and panting. There is a longing for home or a person, or people. It is an earnest, deep ache accompanied by sadness.

Great desires turn into intensified longings that go deeper, and gain strength in hope and in time. Nothing can tear away a person whose longing is in the Lord.

God in the end will satisfy your longing soul and fill your hungry soul with His goodness too. The answer will come. You can confidently rely on it. Amen and Amen.

His name and honor are at stake. Praise ye the Lord.

“The greater the difficulty to be overcome, the more will it be seen to the glory of God how much can be done by prayer and faith.”― George Muller

May 08, 202438:58
 Heaven Land Devotions - Servants of the Night

Heaven Land Devotions - Servants of the Night

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There is a clear call for many people of the Lord to be His Servants of the Night. You may never know them because they are living private lives.

They get up in the first earliest hours of the night. Like Jesus who, "Arose in the morning a great while before day, and went out into a solitary place and there prayed."

No one knows what time that was, but we know it was "a great while before day."

We also know that we are in the night season of this church age, and it getting even darker rapidly. Yet there are those whose holy fires at night are ever burning upon their prayer altars, and never let them go out.

Like David who said in Psalm 130:5-6: "I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning."

Great Christian persecution is fast tracking and it is imperative that His word be hotly burning in your hearts. There may be a time where simply owning a Bible will put you behind bars.

Two verses in the bible have now been lawfully criminalized, and are now illegal with the threat of prosecution.

What is next? Be ready. Get that living word into your hearts, forsake this world and it's empty void. Many lives all around will soon be dependent on you having the ready-word in you.

You will be the carrier of the eternal word that will ultimately save them, bring healing, comfort, deliverance and salvation.

"I note that some whom I greatly love and esteem, who are, in my judgment, among the very choicest of God's people, nevertheless, travel most of the way to heaven by night." ~ Charles Spurgeon

May 03, 202435:45
 Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Epic Grandeur of The Ten Commandments

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Epic Grandeur of The Ten Commandments

**Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles, and The 1611 Bible Code Book or other questions: (602) 809-5629

**1611 Kings James Bible Museum Website:

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The Ten Commandments are the one thing everyone is most familiar with than anything else in the Bible. Even the ungodly of this world has heard about them.

We are taught about them when we first became saved. We studied them during our early years of studentship and from time to time go back in and study them more.

We still continue to receive flashes of light and insights by the Holy Spirit revealing little pots of manna hidden between the words.

Today Howard opens the doors of deeper, more pristine learning about the Ten Commandments. Bringing out into the light things not seen or understood before.

I was truly in awe of how he laid out a detailed panorama of that day Moses received them, and the many things contained in countless books throughout the Bible adding "much incense" to the aroma of that ancient day.

Most people are not aware that the many of the verses read in the Bible have to do with "The Days of Heaven." Which is the name given to that time the Ten Commandments were received.

Listen as Howard takes us into what I believe is the finest, breathtaking instruction into the holy grandeur of the majestic Ten Commandments.

“My goal is GOD HIMSELF. Not joy, not peace, not even blessing but GOD.” ― Leonard Ravenhill

May 01, 202401:28:14
Heaven Land Devotions - The Living Rivers of The Givers

Heaven Land Devotions - The Living Rivers of The Givers

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Earlier this morning during a time of fellowship with a friend I spoke about a flatness and lifeless emptiness many times in my walk.

I remarked how there is only one thing that makes me come powerfully and instantly alive.

When I see "violent perverting of justice." The ruthless "power being on the side of the oppressor." Innocent animals, little children and people who are sadly beaten down and do not have a voice.

The very poor and destitute who long for "crumbs that fall from the rich men's tables."

King Solomon's mother instructed him saying, "Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." Prov. 30:8-9.

There is a flash, a quickening in my spirit that is notably the life of Jesus Christ in me.

A power that makes me completely full of His compassion and great mercy. Along with that flash of power comes with a sharp, keen sense of Christ's judicial power.

I believe that we are given the word of God to live by and grow by. The greatest thing is always giving freely.

He gives His word that it will become an endless giving-river that flows out of us to struggling humanity.

But you must have love, His love or you will never be able to give in the Spirit of His love. And that loving work enters into your eternal life.

If you are alive in Christ then you will become a river bed of giving that never ceases. Christ's life flowing out of you to everyone soul.

“After the Lord has tried our faith, he, in the love of His heart, gives us an abundance. For the glory of His name and for trial of our faith, He allows us to be poor and then graciously supplies our needs.”― George Muller

Apr 29, 202443:21
Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - Who Is Melchizedek - Part 2

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - Who Is Melchizedek - Part 2

**Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles, and The 1611 Bible Code Book or other questions: (602) 809-5629 **1611 Kings James Bible Museum Website: **Watch the KJBM Trailer: **Thank you for supporting this ministry, I lovingly refer to as "The Little Green Pasture." Click here: PayPal: **Please prayerfully consider becoming a ministry partner: Patreon: **Contact Email: **Subscribe to me on Rumble: **Subscribe to me on Bitchute: I have been having trouble with the link so just go straight to and typing "Joanie Stahls Field Notes" in the search bar. Thank you. In this second part of "Who is Melchizedek," Howard Elseth deepens and broadens the borders of our understanding of who he is.

He brings a more glorious view by taking us up to a further, higher part of the mountain for an even better, more crystal clear view from the summit. Listen to the many ways Howard gives important teaching examples into how to read and understand the 1611 King James Bible. His way of instruction are very basic and gives light and joy in studentship. There are so many other things he brings to light in testimonies and other golden nuggets of wisdom and truth that are so priceless. You will thoroughly enjoy this time and will grow in the wonderful love of God's pure word like "great spoil." "God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you, Lord Jesus."

~ Jim Elliot

Apr 28, 202401:24:20
Heaven Land Devotions - Big Trees of Experience

Heaven Land Devotions - Big Trees of Experience

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Being a true Christian is really never easy. I have observed throughout my life believers going on into deeper walks with Christ and there was cost.

As they started spending more time in prayer, reading the word and meditating, the believers around them did not like it.

I have seen intense opposition against those believers who went into the deeper life in Christ from people they used to go into the house of God in company" with.

People who choose this path find it is a vigorous path that demands them to go alone in. A path that has pain in it, yet great inexpressible joy.

There always seems to be a fierce fight between evil forces, and even well meaning people trying to get them to "come to their senses."

But all of these hard oppositions, spiritual attacks, rejections and losses only serve to strengthen that believer to go to even greater depths in Christ.

Never stop going deeper with Christ. Those that have chosen that very narrow path already know they can and never will return to what they left behind.

They only want to go up the mountain higher and higher with Christ and they have decisively made up their minds. Their faces shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father and His Son for they are always facing Heavenward.

“I have one desire now - to live a life of reckless abandon for the Lord, putting all my energy and strength into it.”

― Elisabeth Elliot, Through Gates of Splendor

Apr 24, 202438:33
Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - Who Is Melchizedek?

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - Who Is Melchizedek?

** Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles or other questions: (602) 809-5629 **1611 Kings James Bible Museum Website: **Watch the KJBM Trailer: **Thank you for supporting this ministry, I lovingly refer to as "The Little Green Pasture." Click here:

PayPal: **Please prayerfully consider becoming a ministry partner: Patreon: **Contact Email: **Subscribe to me on Rumble: **Subscribe to me on Bitchute: I have been having trouble with the link so just go straight to and typing "Joanie Stahls Field Notes" in the search bar. Thank you. There has been much mystique surrounding just who really is Melchizedek, or else known as "the King of Salem." There are many theories and angles seen through the eyes of many.

Today Howard Elseth gives an invigorating, deeply insightful and Biblically sound teaching into this mystery. He beautifully brings out the deep and rich meanings out of the 1611 King James Bible. His scriptural references felt as if I were sitting on a bank of the ancient waters that went by me.

It is my heart's prayer that you too will join me by the river's bank and take in who Melchizedek is and what he is. It is a very stunning lesson and very penetrating. “If Christ is not all to you He is nothing to you. He will never go into partnership as a part Saviour of men. If He be something He must be everything, and if He be not everything He is nothing to you.” ― Charles Spurgeon

Apr 24, 202405:29:38
Heaven Land Devotions - Howard Elseth - 1611 KJB Museum Conference 2024

Heaven Land Devotions - Howard Elseth - 1611 KJB Museum Conference 2024

** Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles or other questions: (602) 809-5629

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Recently there was a Conference held at the 1611 King James Bible Museum in Cave Creek Arizona. I watched it and felt that it would be a rich blessing to everyone to have to opportunity to watch and listen. Which is why I am sharing a portion of the conference.

Howard gives poignant testimonies and stories of his long life's journey. He gives compelling and deeply heart touching, vivid teachings and beautiful insights into the 1611 King James Bible.

I was profoundly moved and blessed and I know you will be too. My prayer is that you will begin to gain a true hunger and thirst in a new and living way.

I think of the words God spoke in Exodus 24:12:

"Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them.”

There is always a ongoing call from God for all to "Come up" to Him in the mount and be there and receive, then freely give. Letting the eternal stream of His living word go forth throughout all the world.

“The great enemy of the life of faith in God is not sin, but the good which is not good enough. The good is always the enemy of the best.” ― Oswald Chambers

Apr 21, 202401:11:38
Heaven Land Devotions - Exercised Senses of The Silent Heart

Heaven Land Devotions - Exercised Senses of The Silent Heart

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Have you been sensing something in your heart lately? Something that goes beyond your own thoughts of mind and heart? You know it is from deep within. Many believers are feeling it. I have been feeling it too.

It is like there is a lull, or a calm before a fierce storm and it has been coming in waves, stronger and stronger. I believe that because so many of God's people are all experiencing this is because the Lord is moving in His own body particularly right now.

Make no mistake. I believe it is His call. Like soldiers being called one by one to show up for active duty.

We have been given this "sense" from the Lord which seems to be much more powerful than our reasonings or intellect. It also seems to have a voice that is crying out to us.

I believe it is time to seek the Lord in prayer and ask. Present yourselves to the Jesus Christ our Captain and talk to Him about it. Say, "Lord, here I am, I am responding to the inward call. Reveal to me what You want, your servant is listening!"

Something spiritually big and significant is coming and it is time to gather ourselves together unto Him. I believe it is very soldier-like in nature.

You do not want to be left out of the roll call. You want to be a part of whatever it is He has planned for you. You do not want to miss out.

If there is something upon which God has put His hand of pressure, obey Him in the matter.

Be faithful to the moment.

"Exercised faith intensifies my spiritual senses."

~ J. H. Jowett

Apr 19, 202439:46
Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - Eternity Is Too Long To Be Wrong

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - Eternity Is Too Long To Be Wrong

** Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles or other questions: 602) 809-5629

**1611 Kings James Bible Museum Website:

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Today Howard takes us into deeper yet even more refreshing waters of the living word in the 1611 King James Bible.

He continues to unpack the word like I have never heard it taught before in all my decades of reading and study. I truly believe that Jesus sent Him to all of us to learn what He taught him.

Howard masterfully unlocks the 1611 word and brings it out of a heavenly treasure box of Jesus Christ. He shares the most powerful testimonies, stories and experiences that had me deeply moved in my heart.

He speaks about prayer and what happened when he and a friend prayed every Friday and what happened because of it. I was overwhelmed and pierced in my heart for want of this kind of prayer and service to the throne of Jesus Christ.

I pray with all of my heart that you will take the time in this microwave, fast track world to listen to him teach. In all truth, I am so richly thankful for the privilege and honor to share Howard with you all.

My life in Christ is already changing so much. I am so thirsty for more and I know you will be too.

Come thirsty....drink deep.

"Paul never glamorized the gospel! It is not success, but sacrifice! It's not a glamorous gospel, but a bloody gospel, a gory gospel, and a sacrificial gospel! Five minutes inside eternity and we will wish that we had sacrificed more! Wept more, bled more, grieved more, loved more, prayed more, given more! ~ Leonard Ravenhill

Apr 16, 202401:53:53
Heaven Land Devotions - The Stronger Than He is Jesus Christ

Heaven Land Devotions - The Stronger Than He is Jesus Christ

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Last week there was a men's conference at the James River Church in Springfield Missouri called, "The Stronger Men's Conference." It is a megachurch.

I looked at the promotion and this is what was said:

"One of the most anticipated features of the Stronger Men’s Conference is the Friday Night Entertainment. Our past conferences have included Professional Bull Riding, Motocross / BMX Competition, Professional Boxing, and much more!"

They also referred to "special guests" like MLB and UFC Hall of Famers and NFL celebrities. Not one mention of the name of Jesus Christ anywhere.

However, there was a hired act. A professional male stripper/sword swallower who did a strip tease that mocked the cross. At least that is what it so strongly looked like to me.

Mark Driscoll pastor of Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona went into that church the following Sunday and stood up at the pulpit and gave a straightforward rebuke.

That upright man of God was told from screaming men's voices in the background, "Your time is up!" three times. So he walked out. Message delivered.

This new norm is an affront to the true men of God and the defenders of the cross. Get out of these false churches that are dead and run to Jesus Christ the true "Stronger than he" (the devil).

Live for Jesus Christ! Be ye Holy as Christ Jesus is Holy!

“True preaching is the sweating of blood."

~ Dr. Joseph Parker

Apr 15, 202430:28
Heaven Land Devotions - The Marked People of God

Heaven Land Devotions - The Marked People of God

I was preparing for a message when all of a sudden it felt as if a wind came in and blew it all away. What seemed like something to share became empty.

I realized that my heart was not in it and I hated the way it felt. I was happy to scrap it.

As I sat there I began to think of the any-minute-now war about to break out between Israel and Iran. Understanding this war is going to be catastrophic. I then began to feel my heart moving and stirring.

I thought about that verse in Ezekiel 4:9: "And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof."

That word "mark" leaped out at me and who it was that were marked. It was the men that did "sigh and cried" over what they were seeing happen to their beloved nation.

These few men were noted by God and made sure a mark was put upon their foreheads and they escaped.

Those that spend time in private prayer are those who sigh and cry and God marks them out. I have a saying, "If it does not move you it will not move God."

Things we are expecting to see in Israel's war with Iran will move your heart deeply. Things in this nation and in your life that move your heart will move you in the heavens. Seek to be a marked man or woman of God especially now.

"The greater the difficulty to be overcome, the more will it be seen to the glory of God how much can be done by prayer and faith.” ― George Muller

Apr 12, 202427:24
Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Majestic 1611 King James Bible Revealed - Part 2

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Majestic 1611 King James Bible Revealed - Part 2

** Contact Howard Elseth for 1833 and 1611 Bibles:

(602) 809-5629

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This is episode Part 2 with Howard Elseth. Born and raised “just a farm boy from Minnesota” (Howard’s words), and coming through decades of leadership in the church.

Howard found himself in the position of being one of the greatest collectors of the book of the LORD, on par with The Smithsonian, The British Library and The Museum of the Bible.

Howard’s journey in Christ has not only amassed his collection of books but revealed to him concepts and understanding of God’s intelligence and workmanship in the 1611 King James Bible which is beyond the scope of academia.

Listen as Howard takes us back into the deep, rich, compelling history of the lineage of European Kings that brought about King James and the undertaking of the 1611 Bible.

He gives demonstrations of how to understand the true language of the 1611. He shares a beautiful, original Tyndale Bible and so much more. There is a reason the 1611 King James Bible is regarded as Majestic.

"If you wish to know God, you must know his Word. If you wish to perceive His power, you must see how He works by his Word. If you wish to know His purpose before it comes to pass, you can only discover it by His Word."

~Charles Spurgeon

Apr 09, 202404:33:11
Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Majestic 1611 King James Bible Revealed

Koinonia Hour - Howard Elseth - The Majestic 1611 King James Bible Revealed

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Today I had the privilege to host Howard Elseth. Born and raised “just a farm boy from Minnesota” (Howard’s words), and coming through decades of leadership in the church, Howard found himself in the position of being one of the greatest collectors of the book of the LORD, on par with The Smithsonian, The British Library and The Museum of the Bible.

Howard’s journey in Christ has not only amassed his collection of books but revealed to him concepts and understanding of God’s intelligence and workmanship in the 1611 King James Bible which is beyond the scope of academia.

This is by far the most comprehensive, powerful and majestic learning I have ever experienced in my 50 years as a student of the King James Bible.

It is my prayer you will allow yourself to sit back and absorb profound, penetrative, and reflective understanding unrivaled by any means.

“The author who benefits you most is not the one who tells you something you did not know before, but the one who gives expression to the truth that has been dumbly struggling in you for utterance.”

― Oswald Chambers

Apr 04, 202402:06:59
Heaven Land Devotions - The Boundless Voices of The Saints

Heaven Land Devotions - The Boundless Voices of The Saints

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Every time I read the first words Paul spoke to King Agrippa it leaps out and grabs my heart. He said, "I think myself happy, king Agrippa, because I shall answer for myself this day..." Acts 26:2.

He had previously said these words to the governor Felix, "I do the more cheerfully answer for myself," in Acts 24:10.

What I get out of it is that Paul uses the words, "Cheerfully" and "Happy." What words to say while being on trial with great human authorities, yet these words stand as a powerful testament. You can see and hear the eternal freedom.

Many people have a lot of trouble talking about the Lord to others. They complain about the way they sound, or feel completely inadequate.

They shy away from any kind of verse in fear they will fail miserably, or get attacked by mean spirited people.

Paul said early on in his mission, "I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling." He knew he did not have what it took. He knew it was the power of the Holy Spirit completely.

Yet, eventually he stood before a king and spoke about Jesus Christ with power and joy even in chains. Never shy away from speaking about the Lord. Of course be wise and listen to the Lord.

But let your voice be heard all the time. Share the wonderful things God has done for you. Give a verse from time to time, just never allow anyone or the devil control or tempt you. Make sure to always sing too.

Let the life flow of Jesus Christ run like rivers into this thirsty world.

"There was a day when I died; died to self, my opinions, preferences, tastes and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died to the approval or blame even of my brethren or friends; and since then I have studied only to show myself approved unto God." ~ George Muller

Apr 01, 202437:54
Koinonia Hour - Marty Breeden - The All-Powerful Blood of Jesus Christ

Koinonia Hour - Marty Breeden - The All-Powerful Blood of Jesus Christ

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This coming Sunday marks the day that Jesus was victoriously resurrected from the dead. When Jesus died three days before He shed His Blood to pay for the remission of the sins of the whole world once and for all.

By the shedding of His precious Blood there could never be forgiveness of sins by no other means. Satan's power would have never been forever defeated. There would never have been the hope of eternal life.

Through the recent years the mention of Jesus Blood in churches, and Christian circles has increasingly becoming taboo. This new generation has largely eradicated it from their messages, even of the cross.

Recently a megachurch pastor with over 25,000 members said that he refuses to mention the words, "Calvary, Resurrection and the Blood of Jesus Christ" this year at his Easter service. Fearing that it would turn off those who need to come to Christ and make them "feel isolated."

The reality is he and many others are ashamed of the "Precious Blood of the Lamb."

Marty Breeden and I talk about the all-power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Listen and take in many other things we were led of the Holy Spirit to share.

We feel satisfied that what we spoke about will minister to your hearts and strengthen you. And most especially regarding the troublesome time ahead.

"Atonement by the Blood of Jesus is not an arm of Christian truth; it is the heart of it."

~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Mar 28, 202401:03:53
Heaven Land Devotions - The Triumphal Exit

Heaven Land Devotions - The Triumphal Exit

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Today is Palm Sunday. It is a day of somberness and quiet reflection of the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9.

In my quite "searching of heart," I find myself imagining what it must have been like to be there watching Jesus slowly riding through town on a colt, the foal of an ass (donkey).

I ponder on what He must have been feeling that day. Seeing the fervor of the people paving His path with palm branches and their garments like a royal carpet.

"The King of the Jews" for a brief moment being glorified. A prophetic play-out of His being their Messiah (future).

This moment in history is referred to as the "Triumphal Entry." However, I like to refer to it as the "Triumphal Exit" because Jesus was leaving the earth within days.

I call it this name because Jesus triumphed over sin, death, and hell. He triumphed over Satan on His cross. He triumphed when He arose from grave. He "triumphed gloriously, the horse and the rider hath he thrown into the sea."

He ever lives to cause us to triumph now and for all eternity. And soon, very soon Jesus will have a magnificent, triumphal return as King of kings and Lord of lords to rule and reign in His Millennial Kingdom upon earth.

This is the time to shut the world out as much as possible and go in with the Lord in quiet meditation. And perhaps always to keep yourselves in that holy posture as long as you live.

"But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him." ~ Habbakuk 2:20.

“The blessedness of really knowing God, trusting in Him and in Him alone, being satisfied with Him and with Him alone;”

― George Müller, A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings

Mar 24, 202444:48
Heaven Land Devotions - Christ Our Covering - Touching The Realm of The Invisible

Heaven Land Devotions - Christ Our Covering - Touching The Realm of The Invisible

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There are a lot of things about to happen that we are all on the edge of our seats about. We seem to be entering into deeper, darker waters now in this nation.

Everyone's eyes are on the coming eclipse on April 8, 2024. So much intrigue is building as time is approaching that day.

Lately more news has been coming out about things we would never have imagined connecting to the eclipse. Information that is rather terrifying that has to do with national emergency situations that invoke fear.

If what this info is that we are all hearing is true, then we had all better make sure we are making Christ our covering now.

If these things happen as we are learning, then the evils of it will press the true believer into prayer. And not just any kind of prayer, but one that touches the realm of the invisible.

The word of God and prayer will and MUST become everything to you. His power and life will be your vision and strength. The worst it gets the more power from on high. Make sure you are prepared and ready in Christ our covering.

"Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends."~ George Mueller

Mar 20, 202436:01
Koinonia Hour - Marty Breeden Testimony - "And In Hell He Lifted Up His Eyes"

Koinonia Hour - Marty Breeden Testimony - "And In Hell He Lifted Up His Eyes"

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**Check out Marty Breeden's powerful life after death testimony: Deputy Marty Breeden- Amazing NDE & Vision- Jesus Urgent Warning Time Is Short!:

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As we are fast tracking towards the return of Jesus Christ, there are multitudes that are not saved. Many are putting it off because they feel they would rather wait till a better time.

Others are actively resisting the powerful drawing power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many others never take it seriously.

Today Marty Breeden reveals in a powerful, heart pounding testimony about what happened to him as a young man.

His story is full of detail and truth about his life as a child and always fearing death. How he turned away from the powerful call to come to Christ and His subsequent visitation to hell.

This message was prepared with much prayer as it was difficult to relive the things he saw, heard and felt. As well as the great mercy from the God of love Jesus Christ.

Listen to this penetrating message in the awe of how Jesus will stop at nothing to have people with Him forever in heaven.

"The center of salvation is the Cross of Jesus, and the reason it is so easy to obtain salvation is because it cost God so much." ~Oswald Chambers

Mar 12, 202441:30
A Minute To Midnite - Joanie Stahl - Christ our Escape Our Exodus in these Tough Times!

A Minute To Midnite - Joanie Stahl - Christ our Escape Our Exodus in these Tough Times!

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The way it is looking in our nation and all over the world, no matter how much a person prepares, it feels as there is no way out.

Even those who have been preparing for a long time are saying they are not prepared for what is already here and coming upon this nation.

It is a natural thing when facing severe testing, and terrible trials to instantly look for a way of escape, a way out of it.

We are now entering into the darkest places this world has ever seen. Many feel for the first time that we as a nation are not safe anymore.

We have to remember that Jesus not only makes a way out, but is our way out. What is happening with rapid increase is Satan's supernatural powers of evil. This is by and large becoming the epic build up of spiritual armies on earth and in the heavens.

This is now the time to dig your feet down deep into the solid word of God and stay there. Many obstacles will come without a doubt.

Keep paying attention to the Source. And keep yourself right at the Source. Never allow anything to come between yourself and Jesus Christ, nothing must keep you from the one great sovereign Source.

Always forever remember you follow a Conqueror.

“Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends.” ― George Müller

Mar 11, 202443:35
Heaven Land Devotions - Outshining Beyond The Veil

Heaven Land Devotions - Outshining Beyond The Veil

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Every now and then do you ever feel as if you have outgrown some spiritual things? Spiritual habits, ways and doing of things pertaining to the Lord.

There is a sense of flatness, and it is not anything from the enemy. It is a distinct sense and crystal clear knowing it is from the Lord. It starts small then begins to grow until everything you try to do meet it falls short.

I know these places all too well. They come around every so often. It feels like I have outgrown everything and "my soul knoweth right well."

If you are feeling this it is because you have most likely come to the end of your learning season that has been years in the making.

There are new vistas see, mountains to climb, and rivers to cross. Do not worry, it is the Lord. He is preparing you for new paths to walk in. He wants you to be trusted with new, richer spiritual food, and spiritual drink.

He does not require any help from you, only that you lay it all down and remain still before Him. And when you do, the new phase of your journey towards the Heavenly Jerusalem will commence. Only be quiet and let go.

“Can we follow the Savior far, who have no wound or scar?”― Amy Carmichael, God's Missionary

Mar 06, 202438:10
Heaven Land Devotions - The Glorious Liberty of the Animal Kingdom

Heaven Land Devotions - The Glorious Liberty of the Animal Kingdom

**Narrated NDE Pet Stories | Near Death Experience Compilation (NDE):

**Near Death Experience Stories | Reunited with Pets:

**Narrated NDE Pet Stories | Near Death Experience Compilation (NDE):

**Spurgeon on animal cruelty: Our treatment of animals is a spiritual issue: **MUST READ BOOK - BEAUTIFUL JOE -

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I have noticed over the past few years the increase of the devastating suffering of the entire animal kingdom. Most of it is at the hands of mankind.

Jesus said that the love of many would wax cold in the end times. I usually have taken that to mean regarding human affection. However, I see it differently now.

Since the world began the whole animal kingdom was brought under a tremendous, heavy curse. Animals have been suffering with speechless intensity for six thousand years. The suffering, brutality and cruelty is at an all time high.

I know in my own heart this message was given to me by Jesus Christ Himself.

Their suffering has a certain measurement and it is almost completely full. I could feel His heart of brokenness combined with fierce anger. He will not take much more of it. They are innocent and have no one to plead for them but Christ Himself, and He will plead!

He is coming again quickly and will establish His throne of righteousness in the Millennial Kingdom. And when He does He will immediately break the "bondage of corruption unto glorious liberty." They will be free forever.

"And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely." ~ Hosea 2:18.

Mar 03, 202438:19
Koinonia Hour - Trevis Dampier - The End of The Righteous is Blessed

Koinonia Hour - Trevis Dampier - The End of The Righteous is Blessed

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Today Trevis Dampier joined me to share His powerful testimony. He shares what it is like to be rejected, the path to healing and the pure love of Jesus Christ who never left Him.

The subject of rejection is something mostly everyone has experienced. Others have been so destroyed by the effects of it throughout their entire lives. They still live in the shadows of it.

Trevis shows how the Lord began speaking to him at a very early age. God evidently had to get him used to hearing His voice early on, knowing that Trevis would suffer from rejection for many years of his life. God's voice spoke to Him through it all.

He shares a very powerful dream that led Him to salvation in a very dark place in his life.

Listen to him take us from the start to the finish and see the glorious and miraculous things God did for him. Now Trevis lives as a well of living waters to everyone in his life. He has a beautiful ministry and he is so alive in the Holy Spirit.

Truly a testimony to God's loving faithfulness to those who are suffering from rejection. Trevis points to the way out with such depth of gratitude and joy. This was truly a blessing to me personally. Shalom to all "Who love Jesus Christ in sincerity."

“But God is the God of the waves and the billows, and they are still His when they come over us; and again and again we have proved that the overwhelming thing does not overwhelm. Once more by His interposition deliverance came. We were cast down, but not destroyed.”― Amy Carmichael

Feb 29, 202401:13:27
Heaven Land Devotions - The Assyrian Eclipse of America

Heaven Land Devotions - The Assyrian Eclipse of America

Israel 365 Article:**Video of The Colorless Rainbow"

**Video of The Colorless Rainbow"

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On August 21, 2017 there was an eclipse known as “the Seven Salem Eclipse” because the path of that eclipse crossed over seven U.S. locations named “Salem."

Now seven years later there will be another one that is very compelling on April 8, 2024.

The path of the upcoming solar eclipse will cross over seven U.S. locations named “Nineveh." Actually there will be eight in total. The eclipse will also cross over a location named “Nineveh” in the province of Nova Scotia in Canada.

There also being a seven planetary alignment with the sun. As well as a constellation that day called "Cetus" which is "The Whale." And one of the cities is called "Rapture," Illinois and another called "Jonah," Texas, and "Little Egypt" Texas. We cannot escape the obvious seven Nineveh's.

We directly read in Matthew 12:38-45 where Jesus speaks about "the sign of Jonas the prophet." We understand that the sign was related to Jesus death, burial and resurrection.

However there was something else that happened during Jonah's prophecy. There was an eclipse. It was no ordinary eclipse but one that had great portent. Portent means: "something that foreshadows a coming event, omen and sign. Prophetic indication or significance, marvel."

This coming eclipse would meets this definition.

Jesus Christ is coming again in the Rapture and soon after in the Second Coming. Make sure you repent of all of your sins, be clean and made ready for Him. "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." Rom. 13:11.

“Meditate of Christ’s coming to judgment. Surely thou wilt not easily sleep while this trumpet, that shall call all mankind to judgment, shall sound in thy ear.” ~ William Gurnall

Feb 26, 202439:09
Heaven Land Devotions - Jesus Christ Our Exodus - Our Way Out

Heaven Land Devotions - Jesus Christ Our Exodus - Our Way Out

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In a time of meditation I thought about the night the Israelites stood on the shore of the Red Sea. They all believed they would die on those very shores.

Instead, "The LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided." Ex.14:21.

They walked through the Red Sea on dry ground and God walked with them through it in His great love and power. I said in my heart, "Lord, you are our Exodus, our way out!"

This epic story is for all of us as well as those Israelites that night. It may be a spiritual night for you right now. You may be facing something that is terrifying you, or wounding you deeply.

You may be believing that there is no way out. What Jesus did for them He will also do for you because He gave His word stamped in His own Blood that He will do it. His honor and holy name are at stake because He loves you with an everlasting, indestructible love.

God thought nothing of ripping the very womb of Egypt open to deliver Israel, He and has that same potent love for you.

“Be strong in the faith of this truth, make it an article of your creed; with the same faith you believe that there is a God, believe also this God's almighty power is thy sure friend, and then improve it to thy best and advantage.”~ William Gurnall - The Christian in Complete Armour

Feb 23, 202425:01
Heaven Land Devotions - The Prayer of Discharge

Heaven Land Devotions - The Prayer of Discharge

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The apostle John gives us very little information about the events of the evening in the upper room.

He does tell us that Jesus prayed over the disciples in what is called His “high priestly prayer” in John 17 because the following chapter begins by saying that after He had spoken those words, He and the disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where He was betrayed.

When I read this again in devotion after many decades "a light shone." I immediately felt my eye being captured on Jesus' words spoken to His Father and ours.

I began to feel the incoming, increasing Presence of the Holy Spirit. I heard a Voice within saying to me, "Can you say these words at the end of your life and service to Christ?

Yes this is a sacred, personal prayer to the Father, yet in it I was seeing that He was in a sense, handing off to His Father the very things He did, things He said, and how He spoke the word to all men.

How he manifested His name, and glorified Him. How He was able to then say, "Now I go to Thee..."

He made it clear that what He had done in them was now put into perpetual motion to His disciples and to all others after them for all time. The eternal flowing service in replica of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to you and those after you.

When it is your time to die, or even knowing the nearness of the rapture, think about it. Can you say these words? Will you be able to say them?

Live to that end and then "Go to Him," and enter into His glory.

"When it comes time to die, make sure that all you have to do is die."~Jim Elliot

Feb 21, 202433:30
Heaven Land Devotions - Necessity Is Laid Upon Me

Heaven Land Devotions - Necessity Is Laid Upon Me

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When Jesus was alive on earth He was open and free in His sharing the light of truth. He gave Himself freely to people who asked questions.

"He went about doing good" and never held His love back from all people rich and poor. He truly was in His day the Fountain of Living Waters and still is.

Paul spoke about the lives of those "who preach the gospel live of the gospel" to the Corinthian church. He even quoted Moses word on it saying, "Muzzle not the ox when it treadeth out the corn."

He spoke about himself and those with him that they chose rather to suffer than to use "this power" over the people. However, Paul breaks away and makes a powerful stand and statement for himself. 

"For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!"

He also made mention that he would rather die than to use "this power over people." He said, "Necessity is laid upon me." I saw that word "Necessity" for the first time by revelation.

That "necessity laid" upon Paul is what made him mighty in faith and love with boldness. He could not be overpowered by "any man" but only the Holy Spirit's power. Nothing owned Him but God. He even chose to rather die than live any other way.

Never let anything or anyone have that kind of human controlling power over your life, which is a very expression of the Gospel in living form.

I pray that same holy, divine "necessity" that was laid upon Paul be laid upon you for Jesus' sake for the rest of your lives. Make it your ambition to live no other way. "Freely Ye have received therefore freely give." - Jesus Christ“

“The great enemy of the life of faith in God is not sin, but the good which is not good enough. The good is always the enemy of the best.”― Oswald Chambers

Feb 17, 202425:41
Heaven Land Devotions - The Ancestral Halls

Heaven Land Devotions - The Ancestral Halls

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Many of us are all familiar with the old heroes of the faith. Not only those in the Bible but those came after who stand out full of the Holy Spirit and in power.

We read their inspired works they left behind. We all drink it in and realize that there is nothing like it in modern day. No one like them. What happened?

We all marvel at how they could know such deep and holy, beautiful insights. We stand in awe of them and realize they knew Jesus Christ like no other generation since.

I have spent my entire life reading their works and now that I am older I cannot get away with a recurring thought.

What happened after they died? Were they only a special group of people who existed through the centuries who simply died out? How is it that since they all died there has been no other generation as mighty as them?

Something was broken along the way and seems to be extinct. But I cannot come to terms with that as the truth. I believe in my heart that we can be as they were in this final generation.

In fact in my heart I am convinced of it. They lived and died and their torches are still fiery and are being held out to us. Do you want to be a final torch bearer?

Raise your hand high and say, "Here am I Lord!" Make it clear to Him in prayer that you want it.

"Hold the cross high so I can see it through the flames!"

~ Joan of Arc

Feb 13, 202436:08
Heaven Land Devotions - Holy Argument

Heaven Land Devotions - Holy Argument

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In whatever fields we are placed in we are the servants of the Lord. All that we do is given to us to perform and to do it unto Jesus Christ.

There is a stigma that those who serve the Lord are only in ministerial settings. I beg to differ. We are all servants and missionaries in every aspect of our lives.

Too much time is wasted waiting for the divine tap on the shoulder to "Go forth.' When all along every day we have been given things to do, even very hard things. We all enjoy much of what we do because we "exercise ourselves unto godliness." Our Christ-like characters are being honed in the common fields.

However there are times we all arrive at where we feel as if there is a flatness to it. We become stirred up inside and find it hard to pray.

All the time that stirring builds up to the surface we finally accept the written invitation from God, "Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob." Psalm 41:21.

When you tell it out to Him in the passion and heat of your soul, you will see that He begins to work on your behalf. How little we use this method of holy argument in prayer, and yet there are many examples of it in scripture.

Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, Daniel, all used arguments in prayer, and claimed the Divine interposition on the ground of the pleas which they presented.

"Man finds it hard to get what he wants, because he does not want the best; God finds it hard to give, because He would give the best, and man will not take it."

~ George MacDonald

Feb 08, 202446:24
Heaven Land Devotions - Even The Longest Day Has a Sunset

Heaven Land Devotions - Even The Longest Day Has a Sunset

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In meditation lately I have been thinking about the people that have touched my life during the hardest days. There were some who helped me but there was an coldness to it. There was no part of themselves, no tender sympathy.

There was help but void of love and compassion. There were others who gave me really less of material help, but they poured generous portions of their own warm life into my soul. I can still feel the touches of both of those lives.

I read a verse in Psalm 44:22, "Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter."

I thought about how during those long, long days of suffering how it felt like I was being killed all the day long. I felt like a sheep going to the slaughter.

But now looking back I thank God I was being killed all day long that the life of Jesus Christ slowly became my life. His warm life teaming with the power of His great love for me.

There may be times in your life that you are able to say you too can still feel those cold touches, and the warm touches of generous love that fed your very deep thirsty soul. The touches that bring healing and peace to go on.

Those touches are a part of you and become eternal. Remember to always give to all the warm, loving touch of the love you received from Christ. Give that part of yourself away generously.

"If we are the sheep of His pasture, remember that sheep are headed for the altar.....When it comes time to die, make sure that all you have to do is die." ~ Jim Elliot

Feb 04, 202438:15
Heaven Land Devotions - Harmless Shadows of Influence

Heaven Land Devotions - Harmless Shadows of Influence

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There was a time that David was fleeing for his life from King Saul. David and his men were hiding out in the deep part of the cave. King Saul did not know David was in there and went in to relieve himself.

David's men encouraged him to kill him because God told him He would deliver him into His hand. David did not kill him but cut a piece of his robe off.

As soon as he did that it says, "David's heart smote him." We would consider what he did as nothing really.

Yet David's heart was sensitively harmless. It was that day that King Saul said to David, "I know well that thou shalt surely be king, and that the kingdom of Israel shall be established in thine hand."

It was said of Jesus that He was "Holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens." Heb.7:26.

Jesus told His disciples: "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16.

Finally, Paul tells us to "blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke." Philippians 2:16.

There is a silent personal influence, like a shadow, that goes out from everyone, and this influence is always leaving impressions wherever it touches.

Harmless is not weakness of character. Rather it is king-like, noble, beautiful and Christ-like. It is by living a beautiful life of holy harmlessness that we bless the world.

"There are times when nothing holds the heart but a long, long look at Calvary. How very small anything that we are allowed to endure seems beside that Cross." -Amy Carmichael

Feb 01, 202427:00
Heaven Land Devotions - Whispers of Eternity

Heaven Land Devotions - Whispers of Eternity

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During devotions there are moments that the Holy Spirit will speak to us within our hearts. Our inner ear picks it up and we can feel His Presence. A while back I was reading the words Satan spoke to God regarding Job:

"And Satan answered the Lord, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life." Job 2:4.

Incidentally I had just finished reading Luke 23:36:

"And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar, And saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself."

You see Jesus answered Satan back from long ago. He did not try to save Himself by coming down from the cross. He endured it all "With the joy set before Him."

Jesus gave His life for the life of the world by giving over His whole body as a sacrifice. He gave everything He had. "Life for the life of the world."

Satan fights to get you to save your own self by getting you into a corner. But you do not have to fear. What person in all of history that gave up their lives to Christ came away with loss or poverty? Or were the worse for it?

Whatever you give up that you know God wants you to rid yourself of, will only break the power of the enemy in your life. You will become a flowing vessel of living waters for the rest of your life.

"Rest easy, worried Christian. The duel is not between the church and Satan, but between Christ and Satan."

~ William Gurnall

Jan 30, 202434:04
Heaven Land Devotions - The Spiritual Scent of Christ

Heaven Land Devotions - The Spiritual Scent of Christ

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When Jesus was alive on earth, wherever He went He left a spiritual scent. It was not just His physical presence. His words, ways and how He moved about left an aroma. That spiritual scent has been with us now for over two thousand years and ever will be.

Wherever we go we also leave a spiritual scent. Paul spoke about us being an "aroma of life unto life," or an "aroma of death unto death." There is a scent we leave everywhere we go.

It is the scent of Heaven, and of Jesus Christ. While there are others who leave a scent of sin, death and hell. They leave a scent of meanness, impatience, pride and coldness. These are eternal scents that remain even after we die.

Look at the lives of those we have deeply loved who left us. We can still smell the aroma of their love, ways and sounds.

Those whom have become beloved to us in the Bible whose scent has been left behind in our hearts. As well as those from long ages past who left the spiritual scent of their testimonies and their heavenly inspired works.

What scent are you leaving behind each day? The scent of Jesus love and Presence? The scent of kindness and calm patience? The scent of humble acquiescence? These are spiritual scents that remain long after you are gone from space and time.

“I think God wants to make me pure gold, so He is burning out the dross, teaching me the meaning of the fire, the burnt offering, the death of the self-part of me.” ― Amy Carmichael

Jan 27, 202425:42
Koinonia Hour - Melissa - Midnight Hour Oil - The Time of Compelling

Koinonia Hour - Melissa - Midnight Hour Oil - The Time of Compelling

**Subscribe to Midnight Oil You Tube Channel: **Thank you for supporting this ministry, I lovingly refer to as "The Little Green Pasture." Click here: PayPal: **Please prayerfully consider becoming a ministry partner: Patreon: **Contact Email: **Subscribe to me on Rumble: **Subscribe to me on Bitchute: I have been having trouble with the link so just go straight to and typing "Joanie Stahls Field Notes" in the search bar. Thank you! Lately it seems like we are barreling through time as if we are on a high speed train going through this life and events are whipping by in a blur. Many Christians are weary, exhausted and barely hanging on as they are journeying to the Heavenly Jerusalem. They feel as if they have no power to persuade other lives to Christ. Melissa from Midnight Hour Oil and I discuss the power and strength of the Holy Spirit. The critical need for discernment during this last days malevolent, yet tantalizing deception. Which is Satan's way of taking advantage of the weary masses promising them false power. Further we discuss the deception of Artificial Intelligence and the very serious spiritual danger of it. We need to be aware of all the ways the enemy comes in to lull the lukewarm and undiscerning to deeper spiritual sleep. We are living in the time of compelling as many to come to Jesus Christ before his return in the Rapture. The truth is the Holy Spirit is the Compellor. It is time that we must move in the will of God in "the power of an endless life" here and now until the very end. It begins with going to Jesus Christ in humble believing prayer. Asking Him to fill us up with His power "as we hold out the word of life." "Not loving our lives unto the death." Make every effort. "Christ will place you on the battlefield with courage, and He will take you off with honor." ~ William Gurnall

Jan 25, 202401:08:00
Heaven Land Devotions - Spiritual Walls of Fire

Heaven Land Devotions - Spiritual Walls of Fire

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As this world grows increasingly evil and all wickedness abounds many believers are growing fearful. Our nation is facing judgments barreling towards us that we have never experienced.

In the word it Jesus says that "men's hearts will fail them for fear of what is coming upon the earth."

Recently I watched a little video of a woman who was a high priestess witch who because a Christian. She said that one night she left her body by astral projection.

She soul-traveled to a Christian's home to attack the children. But as she approached she said there was a wall of fire around them that she could not penetrate.

Spiritual walls are real. God surrounded Job and all he had on every side with spiritual walls. Satan could not find a way in.

God even says in Zechariah 2:5:"For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her."

God has mighty spiritual walls that no power of hell can penetrate. They can be had by prayer. Prayer becomes the impregnable wall that Satan cannot enter into, but can only make a noise about the walls of it.

See to it that you also teach your children to pray to the Lord and ask Him to put walls of fire around them. Now is the time to do it.

"The Christian is a born conqueror, the gates of hell shall not prevail against him.”

~ William Gurnall - The Christian in Complete Armour

Jan 20, 202445:28
Koinonia Hour - Melissa - Midnight Hour Oil - Love Always Warns

Koinonia Hour - Melissa - Midnight Hour Oil - Love Always Warns

**Subscribe to Midnight Oil You Tube Channel: **Thank you for supporting this ministry, I lovingly refer to as "The Little Green Pasture." Click here: PayPal: **Please prayerfully consider becoming a ministry partner: Patreon: **Contact Email: **Subscribe to me on Rumble: **Subscribe to me on Bitchute: I have been having trouble with the link so just go straight to and typing "Joanie Stahls Field Notes" in the search bar. Thank you! Once again I had the pleasure of having Melissa from Midnight Hour Oil on. We begin with sharing Marty Breeden's very powerful dream that we felt MUST be shared and interpreted. It seems that people like Melissa, Marty and myself along with many others are receiving important dreams which are messages from the Lord. God is faithful. He always warns His people because He loves us. It gives us the advantage of focusing and preparing our hearts and minds in the Lord. We have a very short time left before the time of the rapture of the body of Jesus Christ. The time is now more than ever to listen, pray, read His word, and sing to Him and lead as many people to Jesus Christ until the end. "It makes me boil when I think of the power we profess and the utter impotency of our action. Believers who know one-tenth as much as we do are doing one-hundred times more for God, with His blessing and our criticism. Oh if I could write it, preach it, say it, paint it, anything at all, if only God's power would become known among us." ~ Jim Elliot

Jan 17, 202456:09
Heaven Land Devotions - Companionship of God's Presence

Heaven Land Devotions - Companionship of God's Presence

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When Moses started out it was because God called him alone. Yet in his weakness and fear He allowed Aaron to go with him. He would be only a temporary arm to lean on until Moses was strong enough to speak for God on his own.

Later Aaron derailed and created the golden calf and caused himself and all of the Israelites in the desert to "sin a great sin." After which Moses made atonement for him.

Then was Moses alone.

It was then God spoke to Moses "face to face as a man speaks to his friend." You see, Moses was used to having Aaron to lean on, but now God told him, "My Presence shall go with you."

Then He said, "There is a place by Me where ye will stand upon a rock." Moses then saw God pass by him in all of His glory in the way of His goodness. He was put into the clift of the rock and God's hand covered him.

There will come a time in your life that God will separate you from people, or a person. It will hurt and pain will be magnified in your heart. But it is only that God is calling you up higher.

He will take the place of those you leaned on into a new stand on the Rock which is Christ. To that place of being hidden in the Rock Christ.

A time comes in spiritual maturity that you will walk with God alone and then you will see Him like never before....the Companionship of His Presence and peace.

"If we are the sheep of His pasture, remember that sheep are headed for the altar." ~ Jim Elliot

Jan 16, 202444:14
Heaven Land Devotions - Fields of Meditation

Heaven Land Devotions - Fields of Meditation

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Meditation means many things to many people. They have their own way they get alone with the Lord. Some need special sanctioned off places.

Others feel they have to sit in a certain place or a certain way. Some think that meditation is to acquire new doctrinal insights.

Meditation furnishes the mind somewhat with rest. It is the couch of the soul, it is the rest of the spirit. It is the rumination of the soul. Meditation takes in what was acquired by reading the word.

Meditation opens up the eyes of our understanding and we begin to see things we could never read about. Meditation is letting God reveal heavenly things to us and the Holy Spirit takes us higher and higher.

It also deepens our reverence for God in prayer. Prayer waits upon reverence. Where there is little reverence there is usually little prayer. To pray well one must be deeply reverent.

But meditation upon the great truths and great works of God is essential to reverence.

Finally, we become sweetened by meditation of God. Like David who said, "My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord." By the end of his life he was called "The sweet Psalmist of Israel."

"Prayer is the quiet, persistent living of our life of desire and faith in the presence of our God." ~ Andrew Murray

Jan 14, 202439:11
Koinonia Hour - Melissa - Midnight Hour Oil - The Super-Victors of Christ

Koinonia Hour - Melissa - Midnight Hour Oil - The Super-Victors of Christ

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~ Elizabeth Elliot

Jan 10, 202401:08:40