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The Emotional Author

The Emotional Author

By John Anelson Grande

A compilation of spoken poetry. Showcasing different love languages and experiences.
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The Emotional AuthorMay 02, 2021



Soulmates are believed to be destined for each other, their connection transcending the ordinary bonds of love and companionship. It's a cosmic alignment, a meeting of two souls that were always meant to intertwine in the vast tapestry of existence.

The profound connection between soulmates goes beyond surface compatibility; it delves into a shared essence that resonates on a deeper, spiritual level.

Which is something I never thought was remotely possible, a figment of my imagination, quite frankly a belief that I would only see it in stories or in movies.

But here we are.

Jan 09, 202405:22


Let's take the time to reflect on why we keep beating ourselves up for something we have no control over. Our problems, hesitations, challenges, and doubts are inevitable. The only way for us to breakthrough and achieve our best version is facing these instances head on, telling yourself that you are incapable will not do you any good. Trust in yourself, and trust the natural process of life. Keep safe!

Mar 04, 202304:37


Let's remember that your past experience does not define you as you grow and mature in life, but it serves its purpose as a learning experience for you to not commit the same mistakes that you have done. We are all worthy of being loved, and loving someone else. There may be setbacks and even more struggles to go through, but it's all part of your journey. Never question your self worth to the extent that you no longer feel like you are not enough. Pain, suffering, and even loss can always be a result of every connection you make, do keep in mind that even if you have to go through such, it can only make you better than you were to begin with.

May 08, 202207:34


Admittedly, it's easy to advise someone not to beg or plead for someone to stay. We assume that if the same thing happened to us, the decision would be a no-brainer. However, is it really that easy to let someone go, to tell them that it's ok if they left us for another person. Let's be honest, begging and pleading for someone to stay is inevitable. It doesn't matter how strong or matured you are, there will come a moment in your life that you would have done the same thing. Does it make you less of a person should that have happened? No, it serves as an experience to further progress and learn throughout the process of what a relationship should be and how it should end.

Feb 23, 202206:01


It's been a while since I have uploaded an episode, and through the time I have been away I have kept reflecting on a concept that I have chosen to discuss today. People are always uncertain about entering a relationship, which is why "ghosting" has become a norm. Not that we should blame those who have ghosted and the one being ghosted. 

Let's take a look at the bigger picture, we have chosen to build walls and we have chosen to take a leap of faith when it comes to love, therefore is there really anyone to blame? At the end of the day it's the choices we make that define the next steps we plan to take. Whether you are uncertain or not, it does not make it normal to leave people with unanswered questions, and it isn't normal to forcefully ask for answers.

Feb 07, 202207:23


We always think that if we conjure up the worst possible scenario that we can encounter as a couple, we have already prepared for the worst. That's the funny thing about impermanence, no one will ever be ready. It's the constant imperfection and proof that change is constant. How we adapt and act to what is thrown at us. If we could assume and predict the future and prepare for what's to come, then we wouldn't be at the state that we are in today. Relationships are grounded with the foundation that you have built with it, choosing the person that will help and push you beyond your limits to become better as a couple. If you are still blinded by impermanence, then you aren't going to make it.

Music provided:

Ru Frequence - Eutanasia

Music provided:

Pineapple Vanilla Sounds

Jun 22, 202105:48


Thank you very much for the overwhelming support that you guys have given me as "The Emotional Author". I know we all have to start somewhere, but you guys have been amazing. Your continuous support and belief keeps me driven and motivated to publish more. I wouldn't be doing all of this, without YOU. From the bottom of my very emotional heart, THANK YOU!

Cheers to Season 2!

Music provided:

Pineapple Vanilla Sounds

Jun 22, 202102:04


Your entire love story is not dictated by what society deems as acceptable. You are given the liberty to create and masterfully conclude your desired outcome. All relationships have rough patches, struggles, challenges, arguments and so on, but the person or the people that can resolve this would be yourself and your partner. If you have decided that this is how it ends, for reasons that you know you have thought well and hard about, then there shouldn't be any regrets. You are in total control, and you should never lose that.

Jun 14, 202104:33


Think about the days wherein your relationship was shattered due to moments you couldn't resolve because neither of you could understand. You were caught up in the tension and emotions that you both were trying to express yet no one was there to listen. You guys both decided to give in because no one was willing to adjust and adapt to the situation. Let's focus on the idea that sharing your thoughts and emotions is just as important as being heard. There are two people in the relationship and we should always remember that it is "You and I against the problem" rather than "I can handle this on my own".

Jun 07, 202105:16


We all have standards wherein we would think that it would be the target to find the perfect mate. That if they do not meet these standards, they aren't good enough. The same thing happens wherein we would think that we aren't enough or that we can't meet the standards of the people we pursue. This episode tries to omit that norm and allow us to open our hearts and minds to forget standards because we shouldn't be competing for love, we should be building it.

May 31, 202105:38


We all know that person we call "The One That Got Away" and we lay at night thinking about what if and what could be, yet we never have the courage to take action. Thinking that people will assume that we went back to the person we let go, then again they aren't aware that they are the same person that we could have built a future with. TOTGA isn't the person that broke you, but they are people that we know we made a mistake with. They are the lost chances, the failed endings, and the wasted opportunity. 

May 26, 202106:22


Speaking and receiving your language is something that you should consider before you enter a relationship. Keeping in mind that you should be familiar with how you want to be loved and how to love your partner. Honestly, we are all blinded by the idea of love that we forget that loving isn't just through words or actions, it will solely depend on the language that you want to receive and how your partner wants to be loved. Build a healthy relationship wherein you understand each other's wants and needs.

May 16, 202105:35


Stop thinking about how the past has broken you and think about how it made you the person you are today. Think of it as a learning experience rather than a moment wherein time froze and you wished you never existed. We all need to go through a hurdles and challenges to grow and gain self improvement. Just because you have chosen to love and it did not work out the way you expected, does not mean you are not worthy to be loved or to receive as much love as you were willing to shell out. You deserve to become the best, therefore you should never settle for less.

May 09, 202105:20


Never let anyone hinder your growth, never let anyone be the reason why you choose to grow. If you know that you can achieve more, or that there is a better version of yourself that you have yet to unlock, go for it. The only person that would limit your personal growth is yourself, therefore if you want to achieve something you have to be the sole person that initiates and strives for it. Your partner deserves the best, and you should first become the best.

May 02, 202105:35


Let's try to forget "falling in love" and thinking that it would be an accident. Since we have chosen to love someone then we shouldn't be hesitant, uncertain, or doubtful. We should forget about the idea wherein we fall out of love or we are no longer capable of reliving the spark. If we love someone all the efforts and investment that we try to showcase will never go unreciprocated. 

Therefore if someone has fallen out of love then they do not truly love you. Stop trying to get hypnotized and pressured by what society dictates and make sure to invest all that you have for someone willing to do the same thing for you. That my friends, is true love.

Apr 25, 202105:57


People try so hard to measure something so abstract, and that's love. We try to conjure up units of measurements that would suffice to prove "how much" we love someone. We believe that there's such a thing, yet, we also believe that love is unconditional especially with the person we spend the rest of our lives with. Why try to measure something that we shouldn't, can't we just face reality that we should be loving someone they way we want to be loved and that's limitless. 

Mar 30, 202104:60


It's exhausting to showcase a person you aren't. You are too afraid to express your true self because you are filled with fear and doubt. Let's face reality together and realize that your best self is within you all along. Stop pretending or being someone you know doesn't exist. The person meant to love you truly will not see your negativity and flaws as a reason to leave your side, it would be the reason they choose to stay.

Feb 22, 202104:48


You are never to blame if you have experienced moments wherein you want to give up. You want to let go because you have had enough. Your happiness is being deprived due to the decisions and choices you have made to stay in a place you are no longer welcome. Loving someone should never and will never be difficult. If you are currently in a relationship and you are constantly trying to survive everyday just to make it work, then you may want to think again.

Feb 07, 202105:33


I want you guys to realize the importance of being "friends first" before you embark in the journey of being a couple. It's because if you believe that a "best friend" is more important then your partner or the person you have chosen to be with. Then it would be best to think about your choices.

Your person, your partner, your significant other, should be the first person you think about or run to should you encounter issues. Your challenges and hurdles as a couple shouldn't be shared with other friends and family. How on earth would you resolve something that could have been done on your own if you have shared it with everyone else.

It's never too late to get to know a person before you emotionally, mentally, and physically invest yourself. Do not waste your time with something short term.

It's me and you against the problem, you are never alone as you have said YES to that person.

Jan 11, 202105:13


You will always be afraid to move one step closer towards your better version. You are still living in the idea that your past defines you, that there is nothing left for you to move on. Truth be told, we all go through such experience, however, look at us now. Look within those eyes wherein you can see the strength that you have gained over the years. How your past experience, though traumatizing has made you realize how one person should not be drowned by the idea of what love is, moreover how love is chosen everyday.

Take that step forward and become the best version of yourself TODAY!

Dec 03, 202003:58


No matter how hard we try to suppress our feelings and emotions towards a specific person, it will still be inevitable. Truth is, we all have this belief that the person who we are destined to be with is out there, even if we choose to believe that they don't, we still do. Days, months, and years may pass, yet, we will repeatedly believe that someone out there is our soulmate. Do you know that the best feeling ever is when you express how much they mean to you, when you can yell the words FINALLY. 

Nov 25, 202003:20


We are all afraid to try once again especially if the wounds are still fresh, we fear that once we commit once more, we would be left alone just like before. Truth be told, no one has total control of evading such a scenario, that risk which you plan to take would mean that you are once again ready to face new challenges, experiences, and achieve genuine and true happiness. Be ready to commit amidst past experiences, you deserve only the best, so why not start by being the best.

Nov 16, 202004:52
90 Degrees

90 Degrees

We all went through an experiences that has shifted our perspective to about 90 degrees. Wherein we thought we hit rock bottom and there's no where else to go, no where else to turn, we feel stuck. 

The truth is, our past does not define, nor will it dictate our future. Become the best version of yourself and find that person who would choose to co-exist with you. Do not force them to fix you or seek for someone to resolve all your issues. 

Become the best at your own phase and move towards achieving your best state.

Nov 08, 202005:21


We all experience that "High In Love" type of emotion. Where nothing else matters, as long as the person is someone you believe is the "one". Everything else loses essence. The truth behind it would be that constant fear of being alone or starting all over again. We latch onto something that we believe is the only option, when in fact, there is something better. Choose someone that will "choose you back". Do not settle for second best, because you deserve the best of the BEST.

Nov 01, 202004:56


This episode is for all the men out there that have difficulty expressing how they feel to the woman of their dreams, or the woman who they like so to speak. With all honesty, it's difficult, that constant fear of rejection creeping in the moment you want to tell them how you feel. The secret is to get up, man up, and tell her TODAY!

Oct 25, 202003:44


Alcohol will never omit the fact that the past has taken it's precedence in your life. We have to acknowledge what has happened, accept it for what we experienced. Emerge as a new person, trying to become our best version.

Oct 22, 202003:29


The first piece I would want to share with you would focus on your past self. How you used to think that this is the best that could happen. Always keep in mind that there will always be something better to look forward to. Your past doesn't define you.

Oct 22, 202002:43


I wanted to discuss the reason why I started this podcast and what the episodes and seasons are going to be like. Let's travel through the journey of expressing love through poetry.

Oct 22, 202001:23