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The Wounded Christian

The Wounded Christian

By John Piper

Have you been wounded in ministry, or hurt in Church? Has your journey with God turned out in a way you did not expect, and left you wondering "What went wrong"? Are you looking for ways to Heal and be Restored to the person God wants you to be? Then John has a message for you.

John spent his life following God's leading, only to find that the dream and calling were very different to what he envisioned. After a decade of healing John is on a mission to share Healing and Restoration with fellow Wounded Christians.

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Day 37 of 40 days of healing

The Wounded ChristianNov 06, 2022

E31 - It's OK to be afraid - fear is not a sin

E31 - It's OK to be afraid - fear is not a sin

Have you believed the lie that being fearful is a sin? That being afraid is a sign that you do not trust God?

Have scriptures like Psalm 56vs4 been weaponized against you because you have been overwhelmed by fear?

Join John today as he exposes the lie that we've been taught about fear.

Nov 25, 202315:45
Baby Steps

Baby Steps

In this episode I share with you the importance of "Baby Steps" and "Getting your toes wet" in your Healing Journey.

I also share a major milestone that we are just about to hit, and an update on how YOU can be a part of the NEXT that God has for our ministry.

Aug 07, 202313:39
E29 Lies You've Believed. A Mini Series. Part 3: “We need to stay where God has placed us, because we should flourish where we are planted”

E29 Lies You've Believed. A Mini Series. Part 3: “We need to stay where God has placed us, because we should flourish where we are planted”

An update from the last episode of God CAUSING bad things to happen and a look at anther lie we believe.

I share with you a song by For King and Country that I used to HATE, explain the accounting principle of "Sunk Costs" and, if that wasn't interesting enough, tell you that sometimes you have to cut the ties holding you back.

Jul 02, 202323:23
E28 Lies You've Believed. A Mini Series. Part 2: "My Yoke is Easy" and "God Can Only Do Good Things".

E28 Lies You've Believed. A Mini Series. Part 2: "My Yoke is Easy" and "God Can Only Do Good Things".

This may be my most controversial episode yet!

A Mini Series that exposes the lies you've believed that hinder your healing.

Todays episode looks at the two more lies: That "My yoke is easy and my burden is light" means a Christian life is easy AND that "God can only do good things in our lives.

In todays episode I look at the Old Testament and New Testament and show that we've been lied to about the character of God. By believing those lies we have been hurt and our healing has been hindered. Join me as I examine the truth about God's role in pain and suffering, and how knowing the truth can aid in our healing.

In this episode I reference a poll (now closed) on Twitter. If you don't already follow me on Twitter...why not? I am @notTHEjohnpiper. Sometimes I have deep and meaningful things to say, or share from others who are deeper and more meaningful than I am.

"Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that if you have mildew it is because God caused it. What I am saying is that God does sometimes cause bad things to happen". - John Piper, c. Yesterday. 

Mar 21, 202327:22
E27 Lies You've Believed. A mini series. Part 1: "Fear God"

E27 Lies You've Believed. A mini series. Part 1: "Fear God"

A Mini Series that exposes the lies you've believed that hinder your healing.

Todays episode looks at the first lie: "Fear God". It uncovers the lie and then delves into the truth about God's character.

In todays episode I look at the accounts in the Old Testament that, at first glance, seem to show God as angry. I address the truth that God never changes. And show how a God who some see as being fearful is the same God that I can say this about:

"Every time you turn your back on God He looks at His son, and remembers His mercy." - John Piper, c. Yesterday. 

Feb 22, 202320:24
E26 - Is your Church a "Safe Place" for people who are hurt? And how you can help us in our 2023 goal to make more Churches "Safe"

E26 - Is your Church a "Safe Place" for people who are hurt? And how you can help us in our 2023 goal to make more Churches "Safe"

We've set an UNACHEIVABLE goal for 2023. With your help we can achieve a small part of that goal.

We have found a Church that is a "Safe Place" for people who are hurt as they move along their healing journey. In 2023 we want to put a "Book in Every Church" as a may to educate Church leadership on the need for their Church to be a "Safe Place" as well.

We need your help, and its a simple as sending us a Facebook Message, and email, or filling out a form on the website.

The website is and our email is

Listen to todays episode to hear how our healing has sped up in the last 6 months, how that ties into our goal for 2023, and how you can help us achieve that goal for your Church. 

Feb 12, 202310:52
Episode 25: Don't Look Back

Episode 25: Don't Look Back

Do you ever look back on your life and ask “What If”?

I want to look at two instances in the Bible where people looked back and asked “What If” and how it led to them not achieving the “Next” that God had for them. These are cautionary tales and my aim is to encourage you to look ahead with anticipation, rather than back with resentment, so that your suffering will be turned to joy, rather than death and destruction.

It is time to stop looking back, and start looking forward to the "Next" that God has for you.

Jan 15, 202312:51
Episode 24: The Positive Power of Negative Thinking

Episode 24: The Positive Power of Negative Thinking

In today's episode I talk about The Positive Power of Negative Comments, and The Positive Power of Negative Thinking. I take you on a journey back to a time before the internet and show you how you can take the negative things that have been spoken to you, about you, and over you and turn them into a positive. I will show you how you can be intentional with the negative words that are spoken over you, and how you can make a conscious decision about what you are going to do with them

"You are God’s child. He loved you at your worst. He is proud of the person you are becoming. He already knows the person you will be. And He has no time for the negative lies that you have believed about yourself".

"God has not brought you this far to make you beg him to take you the rest of the way!".

Dec 10, 202221:15
Day 40 of 40 days of healing
Nov 09, 202206:12
Day 39 of 40 days of healing
Nov 08, 202205:02
Day 38 of 40 days of healing

Day 38 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 38 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Matthew 18 verses 12 to 14 AND Ezekiel 34 verse 11.

If you are running from God right now, know this…He is pursuing you. He is running just as fast as you are. You cannot and will not out run Him. It’s time to admit that, stop running, turn round and feel His embrace.

Nov 07, 202203:56
Day 37 of 40 days of healing

Day 37 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 37 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 62 verses 1 to 5.

Is your need to be “doing” hindering your healing?

Nov 06, 202203:42
Day 36 of 40 days of healing

Day 36 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 36 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Esther 4 verse 14.

Do you feel that your voice doesn’t matter? Has God brought you through something that you want to share, but you think “Now is not the right time” or that you are not the right person to share it? Do you want to speak out about your hurt and healing so that others do not get hurt, or so that others can benefit in their healing?

Nov 05, 202203:32
Day 35 of 40 days of healing

Day 35 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 35 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Lamentations 3 verses 31 to 33.

Do you feel like God has abandoned you? Do you feel like God is punishing you?

Nov 04, 202203:07
Day 34 of 40 days of healing

Day 34 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 34 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Zephaniah 3 verse 17.

Do you feel that God is disappointed with you?

Nov 03, 202203:11
Day 33 of 40 days of healin

Day 33 of 40 days of healin

Welcome to Day 33 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 6 verses 4 to 10.

Has your hurt made you weep? Has your bed become drenched with your tears? Are you struggling to see because of it?

Nov 02, 202204:01
Day 32 of 40 days of healing

Day 32 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 32 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 4.

Have people spoken badly of you? Have they accused you of things you haven’t done? Have they tried to turn others against you?

Nov 01, 202203:27
Day 31 of 40 days of healing

Day 31 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 31 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 3.

Do you feel like you have a lot of enemies? Are there people who rejoice when they see you in pain? Are there people waiting to see you fail?

Oct 31, 202203:50
Day 30 of 40 days of healing

Day 30 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 30 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Mark 5 verse 34 with Matthew 17 verse 20.

Have you been told that you haven’t been healed because of a lack of faith?

Oct 30, 202205:36
Day 29 of 40 days of healing

Day 29 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 29 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Ecclesiastes 3 verses 1 to 8.

Is your healing being held back because you can’t let go? Are you holding on to the people or place that was a part of your hurt when you should be moving on?

Oct 29, 202204:50
Day 28 of 40 days of healing

Day 28 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 28 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is 1 Peter verses 5 to 7.

Being hurt can be incredibly humbling.

Oct 28, 202202:07
Day 27 of 40 days of healing

Day 27 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 27 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Romans 8 verses 38 to 39.

Do you feel distant from God? In your suffering have you turned your back on God? Maybe you feel like God has turned His back on you?

Oct 27, 202202:48
Day 26 of 40 days of healing

Day 26 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 26 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Isaiah 40verse 31.

Have you grown weary?

Oct 26, 202202:09
Day 25 of 40 days of healing

Day 25 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 25 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Isaiah 35 verse 4.

Do you have a fearful heart?

Oct 25, 202202:20
Day 24 of 40 days of healing

Day 24 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 24 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is 1 Peter 3 verse 14.

Have you been hurt even though you’ve been doing the “right thing”? Did God call you to do something and you still got hurt?

Oct 24, 202202:21
Day 23 of 40 days of healing

Day 23 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 23 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 62 verse 8.

Have you ever been told that you shouldn’t tell God your troubles? Have you ever been told that you should thank God, even in your pain?

Oct 23, 202202:09
Day 22 of 40 days of healing

Day 22 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 22 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is John 16 verses 29 to 33.

Have you believed the lie that you are suffering because you did something wrong? Have you been told that “God’s children do not suffer”? Do you feel that your suffering has scattered you far from God?

Oct 22, 202203:08
Day 21 of 40 days of healing

Day 21 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 21 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 73 vesre 26.

Has your health failed? Has your Spirit grown weak? Are you running out of faith?

Oct 21, 202202:07
Day 20 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 20 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 20 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Proverbs 14 verse 13.

Have you been hiding your pain? Have you been concealing a heavy heart? When people ask “How are you?” have you been responding with a laugh and saying “I’m fine”?

Oct 20, 202202:31
Day 19 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 19 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 19 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 30 vesre 5.

Do you ever feel like God is mad at you? Do you think that He is punishing you, and that's why you are hurting?

Oct 19, 202202:20
Day 18 of 40 days of healing

Day 18 of 40 days of healing

Welcome to Day 18 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Isaiah 43 verses 17 to 19.

Do you feel like you are in the desert? Do you feel like you are in the wilderness and getting dryer by the minute?

Oct 18, 202203:34
Day 17 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 17 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 17 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Romans 8 verse 28.

Do you cringe when you hear this verse? I know I do.

Oct 17, 202202:48
Day 16 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 16 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 16 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 71 verse 20.

Have you ever asked God “Why me?”...or even just “Why?”

Oct 16, 202202:15
Day 15 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 15 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 15 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 46 verses 1 and 2.

Are you worried by the troubles in your life? Has the “earthquake” that hurt you left you worrying that the aftershock is going to open your wounds back up?

Oct 15, 202201:58
Day 14 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 14 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 14 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is 2 Corinthians 4 verses 8 to 10.

Do you feel pressed on every side by trouble? Maybe you feel like you are crushed. Maybe you have been driven to despair.

Oct 14, 202202:29
Day 13 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 13 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 13 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Romans 8 verse 26.

Has your hurt and pain made you weak? Do you struggle with what to pray? Are you struggling to even talk to God? Have you believed the lie that what you pray affects God's response?

Oct 13, 202202:30
Day 12 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 12 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 12 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 91 verses 5 and 6 AND 14 and 15. Read from The New Living Translation.

Is the fear of what will happen holding you back in your healing?

Oct 12, 202202:49
Day 11 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 11 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 11 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Hebrews 12 verses 5 to 8.

Have you ever thought about what God's discipline is? It is not about punishment!

Oct 11, 202203:14
Day 10 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 10 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 10 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is John 16 verses 16 to 22.

Are you waiting on God in your healing? Has He promised you it's coming in "A little while"? Do you understand what "A little while" is?

Oct 10, 202203:22
Day 9 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 9 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 9 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is 1 Peter 4 verses 12 and 13.

Have you been told that your hurt and suffering are your fault?

Oct 09, 202202:55
Day 8 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 8 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 8 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is 2 Corinthians 1 verses 8 to 10.

Are you crushed? Are you overwhelmed? Is your suffering more than you can endure?

Oct 08, 202203:20
Day 7 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 7 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 7 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is 2 Corinthians 1 verses 3 to 4.

Are you wondering why God is allowing you to suffer?

Oct 07, 202202:14
Day 6 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 6 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 6 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 23 verse 5.

Do you have enemies?

Oct 06, 202202:18
Day 5 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 5 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 5 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 23 verse 4.

Have you been walking through a dark valley, unable to see the sky above or the light at the end?

Oct 05, 202202:35
Day 4 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 4 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 4 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 23 verses 1 to 3.

Oct 04, 202202:45
Day 3 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 3 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 3 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Revelation 21 verses 3 and 4.

Are you sorrowful? Are you in pain? Have you been crying?

Oct 03, 202202:12
Day 2 of 40 Days of Healing

Day 2 of 40 Days of Healing

Welcome to Day 2 of 40 days of healing. Today's verse is Psalm 147 verses 3 and 5.

Are you brokenhearted? Are you wounded?

Oct 02, 202202:09
Day 1 of 40 Days of Healing
Oct 01, 202202:19
Episode 23: Taking my OWN Advice

Episode 23: Taking my OWN Advice

In today's episode I talk about the need to follow your own advice, what happens when God is silent, and how your healing can be accelerated when you finally let go.
I ask the following question: Are you holding on to the driftwood of a sunk ship, because you had so much invested in that boat?
And, after taking my own advice, I make the following statement: "We met in the Church, we were married in the Church…and we nearly died in the Church".
Sep 14, 202211:38
Episode 22: God has a BIG plan for you…

Episode 22: God has a BIG plan for you…

Don't believe the lie that only some people are called to "Big" things. What God has for you "Next" is "Big".
You are too valuable to settle for an ordinary life.
You have invested to many tears in the process of growing into who you are today to settle for "living an ordinary life and loving people when they need it".
Sep 05, 202204:46