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Brilliant Wealth & Wellness with Big Cat

Brilliant Wealth & Wellness with Big Cat

By Jolita Brilliant Sakmanaite

Jolita Brilliant and Nicholas Relation aka the Big Cat Podcast! EP 1!
Husband and Wife Team Talking on Wellness, Wealth and Relationships and everything in between!

Mindful Money Management: Exploring the connection between mindfulness and wealth creation, discussing ways to develop a healthy mindset around money.

Building Passive Income: Explaining various methods to generate passive income streams, such as real estate investing, dividend stocks, or online businesses.

None of this is professional Financial or Medical advice. Please seek professional help.
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ep.7. Services Businesses For Success. Brilliant Wealth & Wellness w Big Cat.

Brilliant Wealth & Wellness with Big CatNov 12, 2023

Good vs Bad Sales Techniques

Good vs Bad Sales Techniques

Good sales techniques for a wellness services business include:

1. Building rapport with customers by listening to their needs and concerns.

2. Providing personalized recommendations based on the customer's specific goals and preferences.

3. Offering promotions and discounts to incentivize customers to try new services.

4. Providing exceptional customer service to create a positive experience for the customer.

5. Following up with customers after their visit to ensure they are satisfied with their experience.

On the other hand, bad sales techniques for a wellness services business may include:

1. Using high-pressure sales tactics to push customers into purchasing services they may not need or want.

2. Making false claims about the benefits of a particular service or product.

3. Ignoring the customer's needs and preferences in favor of pushing a specific service or product.

4. Focusing solely on making a sale rather than building a long-term relationship with the customer.

5. Being rude or dismissive towards customers who may have questions or concerns.

Brilliant Massage & Skin, LLC in Burlington and South Burlington, VT Any contents of this video is not Medical or Financial advice. We offer a variety of massage therapy, clinical skin care and teeth whitening and waxing at our Spa & Shop: - screenshot this video and get FREE ADD On to your appointment! Online Shop: -code for 10% off your orders!- Brilliant10 Laser-focused passion for technology with our multi-environment experience to enhance our clients’ success. We make I.T. reality! Our client base encompasses some of the most trusted brands and companies you know and love. When can we add you to our growing client base? Shop on amazon: :) I use Virtual Assistants here: I use Fiverr: We have been cooking up flavorful, filling food with Green Chef for some time now, and I thought you’d want in too. Sign-up with my personal link and you will get up to $200 off your first boxes. Instagram: Facebook Page: Twitter:

May 19, 202446:30
Episode 13- 10X Growth Con Experience, Sale is a Service. Plus Workplace Dynamics

Episode 13- 10X Growth Con Experience, Sale is a Service. Plus Workplace Dynamics

Attending the 10x Growth Con as a business owner can be an incredibly valuable and transformative experience. Here's what you can expect and how it can benefit you:

Inspiring Speakers: The 10x Growth Con typically features renowned entrepreneurs, business leaders, and motivational speakers who share their insights, strategies, and success stories. These speakers can inspire you to think bigger, take bold actions, and achieve exponential growth in your business.

Practical Strategies: In addition to motivation, the conference provides practical strategies and tactics that you can implement in your business right away. Whether it's marketing techniques, sales strategies, or leadership principles, you'll gain actionable insights to drive growth and success.

Networking Opportunities: The conference brings together thousands of like-minded entrepreneurs and business owners from around the world. This presents valuable networking opportunities where you can connect with potential partners, collaborators, mentors, and clients. Building relationships with other attendees can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

Mindset Shift: One of the key themes of the 10x Growth Con is adopting a 10x mindset, which involves thinking and acting on a much larger scale than you may have previously considered. This mindset shift can be transformative, helping you break through limiting beliefs and barriers that may be holding your business back.

Experiential Learning: The conference often includes interactive workshops, panel discussions, and breakout sessions where you can engage in experiential learning. These hands-on experiences allow you to dive deeper into specific topics, ask questions, and learn from real-world examples.

Access to Resources: Attending the 10x Growth Con gives you access to a wealth of resources, including books, courses, and tools recommended by speakers and exhibitors. These resources can further support your learning and growth journey beyond the conference.

Energy and Momentum: The high-energy atmosphere of the conference can be infectious, fueling your motivation and enthusiasm for your business. Surrounding yourself with ambitious and driven individuals can reignite your passion and drive for success.

Personal Growth: Beyond business growth, the conference can also facilitate personal growth and development. You may gain valuable insights into leadership, resilience, and personal effectiveness that can benefit not only your business but also your overall quality of life.

Visibility and Brand Exposure: If you have a business or product to showcase, the conference can provide valuable exposure and visibility. Exhibiting or sponsoring the event can put your brand in front of a highly targeted audience of entrepreneurs and decision-makers.

Long-Term Impact: The lessons, connections, and inspiration you gain from the 10x Growth Con can have a lasting impact on your business trajectory. Implementing what you learn and staying connected with your network can continue to drive growth and success long after the conference concludes.

+ Addressing negative behavior in the workplace is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive environment. When an employee's behavior becomes disruptive or harmful to the team, it can have a significant impact on morale, productivity, and overall work culture. Just as cancer can spread and negatively affect the body, toxic behavior can spread throughout the workplace, causing harm to relationships and undermining the success of the organization.
It's essential to address such behavior promptly and effectively, providing support and resources for both the affected individual and the team as a whole. Open communication, clear expectations, and a commitment to fostering a positive work environment are key in addressing and preventing toxic behavior in the workplace.
Apr 23, 202447:08
Ep 12. Solar Eclipse Vermont 2024- Once In a Lifetime Events- It Services- Cyber Security.

Ep 12. Solar Eclipse Vermont 2024- Once In a Lifetime Events- It Services- Cyber Security.

Brilliant Massage & Skin, LLC in Burlington and South Burlington, VT


Vermont will experience a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. It will be an incredible astronomical event where the moon completely covers the sun, creating a brief period of darkness during the day. Total solar eclipses are rare and highly anticipated events, so it’s sure to be an exciting experience for those in Vermont and surrounding areas.


Working with an experienced managed IT services provider matters. With service level responses of same-day response, IT in VT guarantees the fastest response times for critical failures to your IT systems. We understand that your business IT solutions need to ensure that, systems don’t go down because that’s money lost.  A managed services provider (MSP) can drastically reduce downtime and lost money.

Take a look to the industries we work with, but not limited to:

We understand the unique challenges small businesses face and offer tailored IT solutions to meet your specific needs. Our services ensure seamless operation, enhanced security, and efficient growth. With our proactive approach, we minimize downtime and keep your business running smoothly. Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your IT infrastructure is in expert hands. Let us focus on your IT, so you can focus on growing your business.

Our staff is experienced working with real estate developers, realtors, brokers, and their agents. We understand how your business operates and the unique demands of real-estate buyers and sellers. We recognize your agents’ email and mobile applications need to be reliable. Agent communication is critical to the real-estate sales process.

We understand the critical role technology plays in the accounting industry, and we’re here to ensure your IT infrastructure is robust, secure, and efficient. Our services are designed to safeguard sensitive financial data, streamline operations, and support the complex software applications accountants rely on daily. With our IT management solutions, accountants can focus on providing top-notch financial services while we handle the technology. Trust us to keep your IT systems running smoothly and securely.

As the construction industry continues to grow, so does the demand for managed IT services for the increasing construction companies. In order to keep up with this growth, construction companies must have a reliable and responsive IT support system in place.

We’ll help you apply technology to your factory process. Secure your data with cloud-based backups. Provide disaster recovery for your manufacturing systems. Secure your email communication with your partners

 IT Services Company in Vermont Any contents of this video is not Medical or Financial advice. We offer a variety of massage therapy, clinical skin care and teeth whitening and waxing at our Spa & Shop: - screenshot this video and get FREE ADD On to your appointment! Online Shop: -code for 10% off your orders!- Brilliant10 Laser-focused passion for technology with our multi-environment experience to enhance our clients’ success. We make I.T. reality! Our client base encompasses some of the most trusted brands and companies you know and love. When can we add you to our growing client base? Shop on amazon: :) I use Virtual Assistants here: I use Fiverr: We have been cooking up flavorful, filling food with Green Chef for some time now, and I thought you’d want in too. Sign-up with my personal link and you will get up to $200 off your first boxes.

Mar 17, 202433:16
Ep 11. Invest in Yourself First. IFA Conference. Franchising. Brilliant Wealth & Wellness Podcast

Ep 11. Invest in Yourself First. IFA Conference. Franchising. Brilliant Wealth & Wellness Podcast

IBrilliant Massage & Skin, LLC in Burlington and South Burlington, VT Any contents of this video is not Medical or Financial advice. We offer a variety of massage therapy, clinical skin care and teeth whitening and waxing at our Spa & Shop: - screenshot this video and get FREE ADD On to your appointment! Online Shop: -code for 10% off your orders!- Brilliant10

nvesting in personal development is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Continuous Growth: Personal development ensures that you are constantly growing and improving as an individual. This growth is not only beneficial for your personal life but also for your professional life, as it equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to changing circumstances and excel in various areas of your life.

  2. Self-Awareness: Engaging in personal development activities helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself – your strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals. This self-awareness is essential for making informed decisions, setting realistic goals, and living a more fulfilling life aligned with your values.

  3. Skill Enhancement: Personal development activities often involve acquiring new skills or improving existing ones. Whether it's communication skills, time management, leadership abilities, or problem-solving techniques, developing these skills can enhance your effectiveness in both personal and professional settings.

  4. Adaptability: In today's fast-paced world, adaptability is key to success. Investing in personal development helps you become more adaptable by fostering qualities such as resilience, flexibility, and openness to change. This enables you to navigate challenges more effectively and thrive in diverse environments.

  5. Career Advancement: Personal development can significantly impact your career trajectory. By continuously improving yourself, you become more valuable to employers, increase your marketability, and enhance your chances of career advancement. Moreover, personal development can help you identify and pursue new opportunities for professional growth and development.

  6. Improved Relationships: Developing interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and empathy through personal development can enhance your relationships with others. Whether it's with family, friends, colleagues, or clients, better communication and interpersonal skills can lead to more meaningful connections and stronger bonds.

  7. Enhanced Well-being: Engaging in personal development activities can contribute to your overall well-being. By prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, managing stress effectively, and cultivating positive habits, you can improve your mental, emotional, and physical health, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

In essence, investing in personal development is not just about acquiring knowledge or skills; it's about investing in yourself to become the best version of yourself and live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Feb 24, 202449:33
Ep 10. Natural Anti Flu Tips and Marketing Tips - Wealth & Wellness Podcast feat Big Cat

Ep 10. Natural Anti Flu Tips and Marketing Tips - Wealth & Wellness Podcast feat Big Cat,

In this Episode we discuss these topics:

It's important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids, such as water, herbal teas, and broths, to stay hydrated and help relieve congestion.

  2. Rest: Give your body the rest it needs to recover. A good night's sleep and taking it easy during the day can support your immune system.

  3. Warm Salt Gargle: Gargling with warm salt water can soothe a sore throat and reduce irritation.

  4. Honey and Lemon: Mixing honey and lemon in warm water or tea may help soothe a sore throat and provide some relief from coughing.

  5. Steam Inhalation: Inhaling steam can help relieve nasal congestion. You can inhale steam by taking a hot shower or using a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head.

  6. Herbal Teas: Certain herbal teas, such as ginger or peppermint tea, may provide relief from symptoms like nausea and congestion.

  7. Elderberry Syrup: Some people use elderberry syrup as a natural remedy for flu symptoms. It's important to follow recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare professional.

  8. Garlic: Garlic has antimicrobial properties and may help support the immune system. Adding garlic to your meals or taking garlic supplements may be beneficial.

  9. Probiotics: Probiotics, found in foods like yogurt or available as supplements, may help support gut health and the immune system.

Remember, if you have severe flu symptoms or any concerns about your health, it's crucial to seek advice from a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance based on your specific situation and medical history.

Advertising and Marketing Tips:

  1. Digital Advertising:

    • Social Media Advertising: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to reach specific demographics.
    • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Use paid advertising on search engines like Google to appear at the top of search results.
    • Display Advertising: Place visual ads on websites, apps, or social media platforms.
  2. Traditional Advertising:

    • Television Advertising: Air commercials on television networks to reach a broad audience.
    • Radio Advertising: Broadcast audio ads on radio stations to target specific demographics.
    • Print Advertising: Place ads in newspapers, magazines, brochures, or other printed materials.
  3. Outdoor Advertising:

    • Billboards: Use large outdoor displays in high-traffic areas to capture attention.
    • Transit Advertising: Advertise on public transportation vehicles or stations.
  4. Content Marketing:

    • Blogging: Create informative and engaging blog content to attract and educate your audience.
    • Video Marketing: Produce and share videos on platforms like YouTube to showcase products or services.
  5. Event Sponsorship and Experiential Marketing:

    • Sponsorship: Support events, conferences, or local activities to increase brand visibility.
    • Experiential Marketing: Engage customers through memorable experiences, events, or promotions.
  6. Email Marketing:

    • Newsletters: Send regular newsletters to subscribers with updates, promotions, and valuable content.
  7. Influencer Marketing:

    • Partner with influencers in your industry to leverage their reach and credibility.
  8. Guerrilla Marketing:

    • Execute unconventional, attention-grabbing campaigns in unexpected places to generate buzz.
  9. SMS Marketing:

    • Send targeted promotional messages directly to customers' mobile phones.
  10. Affiliate Marketing:

    • Partner with affiliates who promote your products or services in exchange for a commission.
  11. Public Relations (PR):

    • Secure media coverage, press releases, or other PR strategies to enhance brand image.
  12. Direct Mail Marketing:

    • Send physical promotional materials, such as postcards or catalogs, to a targeted audience.

Integrating a mix of these advertising methods can be effective in reaching a diverse and engaged audience.


Any contents of this video is not Medical or Financial advice.

Jan 20, 202444:08
Ep 9. Hustle Culture is Out. How To Find Balance? Brilliant Wealth & Wellness.

Ep 9. Hustle Culture is Out. How To Find Balance? Brilliant Wealth & Wellness.

Brilliant Massage & Skin, LLC in Burlington and South Burlington, VT

Brilliant Franchise LLC

In this Episode we discuss these topics:

New Year resolutions are common, with studies suggesting that about 40-45% of individuals in the United States make them. However, maintaining these resolutions proves challenging, with a significant percentage abandoning them by mid-February. Popular resolutions often revolve around health, fitness, and personal finance.

The “hustle culture” has faced criticism for its emphasis on constant work and burnout. Many are shifting towards a more balanced approach that prioritizes well-being, work-life balance, and mental health. It’s important to find a sustainable pace that allows for both personal and professional fulfillment.

Engage in activities you enjoy, cultivate positive relationships, practice gratitude, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and focus on mindfulness. Small acts of kindness, setting achievable goals, and spending time in nature can also contribute to overall happiness. Any contents of this video is not Medical or Financial advice. We offer a variety of massage therapy, clinical skin care and teeth whitening and waxing at our Spa & Shop: - screenshot this video and get FREE ADD On to your appointment! Online Shop: -code for 10% off your orders!- Brilliant10 Laser-focused passion for technology with our multi-environment experience to enhance our clients’ success. We make I.T. reality! Our client base encompasses some of the most trusted brands and companies you know and love. When can we add you to our growing client base?

Dec 23, 202354:59
Ep. 8. Prenuvo MRI Scan + Compounds in Foods To Be Avoided - Wealth & Wellness Podcast

Ep. 8. Prenuvo MRI Scan + Compounds in Foods To Be Avoided - Wealth & Wellness Podcast

Brilliant Massage & Skin, LLC in Burlington and South Burlington, VT Any contents of this video is not Medical or Financial advice. In this episode we talk about several subject relating to health and preventative health actions and screenings. Preventative MRI Preventative MRI, often referred to as proactive or screening MRI, is a diagnostic imaging technique used to detect potential health issues in their early stages, especially in individuals with a higher risk of certain conditions. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if such screenings are appropriate for your specific health profile and concerns. For full body scans: 200$ off Prenuvo Code: hq5uu Phyto Nutri are vitamins I was referring to. There are several unhealthy food additives that should be avoided as much as possible. Some of these include: 1. Artificial sweeteners: These include aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose, which are commonly found in diet sodas, sugar-free products, and low-calorie snacks. They have been linked to various health issues, including weight gain, digestive problems, and increased risk of metabolic disorders. 2. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS): This sweetener is commonly used in processed foods, soft drinks, and desserts. It has been associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease due to its high fructose content. 3. Trans fats: These are artificially created fats found in many processed foods, such as fried foods, baked goods, and margarine. Trans fats increase the risk of heart disease, raise bad cholesterol levels, and lower good cholesterol levels. 4. Monosodium glutamate (MSG): This flavor enhancer is often used in processed foods, soups, and snacks. Some people may experience adverse reactions like headaches, flushing, and sweating after consuming MSG. 5. Artificial food coloring: Many brightly colored processed foods, candies, and beverages contain artificial food dyes, such as Red 40, Yellow 5, and Blue 1. These additives have been linked to hyperactivity in children and may also increase the risk of certain cancers. 6. Sodium nitrite/nitrate: These preservatives are commonly used in processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, and deli meats. They have been associated with an increased risk of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer. 7. BHA and BHT: These preservatives are often found in processed foods, cereals, and snack products. They have been linked to potential carcinogenic effects and may also disrupt hormone balance. It is important to read food labels and choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible to avoid these unhealthy additives.

Nov 26, 202358:47
 ep.7. Services Businesses For Success. Brilliant Wealth & Wellness w Big Cat.

ep.7. Services Businesses For Success. Brilliant Wealth & Wellness w Big Cat.

Wealth & Wellness Podcast. ep 7. This podcast we discuss how services business have lower startup costs and also how services businesses can be easier to acquire and run. The ease of starting a service-based business versus another type depends on various factors, including your skills, resources, and market demand. Service businesses often require less initial capital, but success depends on delivering valuable services and effective marketing. Franchise businesses might have lower failure rates compared to independent startups because they benefit from an established brand, proven business model, and ongoing support. However, success still depends on factors like location, management, and market conditions. Research and due diligence are crucial before considering any business venture.
Nov 12, 202341:44
Ep 6. We are discussing why more people are having less kids in USA and EU? Brilliant W & W Podcast

Ep 6. We are discussing why more people are having less kids in USA and EU? Brilliant W & W Podcast

People have or don't have kids for various reasons, including:

Reasons to Have Kids:

1. Parenthood Desire: Many people have an innate desire to become parents and experience the joys of raising children.

2. Family Legacy: Some want to carry on their family name, values, and traditions.

3. Emotional Fulfillment: Having children can provide emotional fulfillment and a sense of purpose.

4. Companionship: Parents often enjoy the companionship and bonding that comes with raising children.

5. Social Norms: Societal expectations and cultural norms may influence the decision to have kids.

6. Economic Security: Some see children as a source of support and security in their later years.

Reasons Not to Have Kids:

1. Personal Freedom: Some value their independence and the freedom to pursue their own interests.

2. Career Focus: A demanding career can lead individuals to delay or forgo parenthood.

3. Financial Constraints: The cost of raising children can be a significant deterrent.

4. Health Concerns: Medical or genetic issues can make having children risky.

5. Environmental Concerns: Some people consider the environmental impact of adding to the population.

6. Lifestyle Choice: Certain lifestyles, such as extensive travel or unconventional living, may not be conducive to parenthood.

Individual circumstances and priorities vary, leading to diverse choices regarding parenthood.

Nov 05, 202348:27
Ep 5 How To Age Gracefully! Brilliant Health & Wellness Podcast feat Big Cat!

Ep 5 How To Age Gracefully! Brilliant Health & Wellness Podcast feat Big Cat!

Aging gracefully involves taking care of your physical and mental well-being as you grow older. Here are some tips to help you age gracefully:

1. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:

- Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

- Stay hydrated and limit alcohol and caffeine intake.

- Get regular exercise to stay physically active.

2. Protect Your Skin:

- Use sunscreen to prevent skin damage from UV rays.

- Moisturize your skin to keep it hydrated.

- Consider using anti-aging skincare products.

3. Stay Mentally Active:

- Engage in lifelong learning and mental exercises.

- Socialize and maintain a strong support network.

4. Manage Stress:

- Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation and deep breathing.

- Get enough sleep to recharge your body and mind.

5. Regular Health Check-ups:

- Visit your healthcare provider for regular check-ups and screenings.

- Follow your doctor's advice for managing chronic conditions.

6. Stay Active and Mobile:

- Regular physical activity helps maintain strength and flexibility.

- Consider activities like yoga or tai chi for balance and coordination.

7. Embrace Change:

- Accept the natural aging process and embrace the wisdom that comes with it.

- Focus on the positive aspects of getting older.

8. Maintain a Positive Outlook:

- Cultivate a positive attitude and practice gratitude.

- Engage in hobbies and activities that bring you joy.

9. Prioritize Safety:

- Be cautious to prevent accidents and injuries.

- Make necessary modifications to your living space for safety.

10. Plan for the Future:

- Consider your financial and healthcare needs for the long term.

- Create an estate plan to ensure your wishes are met.

Remember, aging is a natural part of life, and the key to aging gracefully is to adapt, take care of yourself, and find fulfillment in each stage of life.

Oct 15, 202354:12
Ep. 4. Spartan Beast! One Step At A Time Brilliant Wealth & Wellness w Big Cat For Success!

Ep. 4. Spartan Beast! One Step At A Time Brilliant Wealth & Wellness w Big Cat For Success!

How to recover from a hike? Hydrate: Rehydrate your body by drinking water or an electrolyte-replenishing beverage. Hiking can lead to fluid loss through sweating, so it’s essential to replace those lost fluids to prevent dehydration. And don’t forget the good clean water. Nutrition: Eat a balanced meal or snack to replenish the calories within 45 minutes. Glycogen and nutrients burned during the hike in the muscles need to be refueled. Opt for a combination of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to aid in recovery. Foods rich in potassium and magnesium, like bananas and nuts, can help prevent muscle cramps. Stretch: Perform gentle stretching exercises to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness. Focus on the major muscle groups used during your hike, such as the legs, back, and shoulders. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds without bouncing. Rest: Rest is crucial for recovery. Take a nap or get a good night’s sleep to allow your body to repair and regenerate. Quality sleep helps with muscle recovery and overall well-being. Ice or Heat: If you have specific sore areas, you can apply ice or heat therapy to relieve discomfort. Ice can help reduce inflammation and swelling, while heat can relax tense muscles. Use these treatments as needed.  Elevation: If you have swollen ankles or feet, elevating them can help reduce swelling and improve circulation. Prop your feet up on a pillow or other support while resting. Compression: Consider using compression garments or socks to help with blood circulation and reduce muscle soreness. These can be particularly useful if you experience swelling in your legs. Try these compression socks. Self-Massage and Professional Massage: Gentle self-massage with a foam roller or your hands can help alleviate muscle tension and soreness. Focus on tight areas and knots, but avoid excessive pressure if it causes pain. Book a professional massage, we recommend choosing not too deep of a session right after the long hike, but a medium to lighter relaxing massage, which will not overwork already sore muscles but help them recover much faster. Reduce any swelling and discomfort. Stay Active: While rest is essential, light, low-impact activities like walking or gentle yoga can aid in recovery by promoting blood flow and reducing stiffness. Stay Warm: If you’re in a cold climate, make sure to stay warm, as exposure to cold temperatures can slow down the recovery process. Remember that the duration and intensity of your hike will affect your recovery time. It’s crucial to be patient with your body and give it the time it needs to bounce back fully. If you have any concerns about your recovery or experience persistent pain or discomfort, consult a healthcare professional for guidance. Brilliant Massage & Skin, LLC in Burlington and South Burlington, VT Brilliant Wealth & Wellness Ep. 4. Spartan Beast! One Step At A Time For Success! We offer a variety of massage therapy, clinical skin care and teeth whitening and waxing at our Spa & Shop: - screenshot this video and get FREE ADD On to your appointment! Online Shop: -code for 10% off your orders!- Brilliant10 Laser-focused passion for technology with our multi-environment experience to enhance our clients’ success. We make I.T. reality! Our client base encompasses some of the most trusted brands and companies you know and love. When can we add you to our growing client base? We have been cooking up flavorful, filling food with Green Chef for some time now, and I thought you’d want in too. Sign-up with my personal link and you will get up to $200 off your first boxes.
Sep 23, 202345:27
Ep 3. What is Franchising, Stocks, Real Estate Investing? Wealth & Wellness

Ep 3. What is Franchising, Stocks, Real Estate Investing? Wealth & Wellness

We are sharing big News about getting into franchising. Plus other avenues, stocks, bonds, real estate.

Sep 10, 202354:11
Ep 2. Pay More Now To Pay Less Later- Home Materials, Clothing, Food and Internet Security

Ep 2. Pay More Now To Pay Less Later- Home Materials, Clothing, Food and Internet Security

Brilliant Health & Wellness Podcast with Big Cat ep 2. Ep 2- Pay Now More To Pay Less Later- Home Matterials, Clothing, Food and Internet Security
Aug 19, 202343:45
July 30, 2023

July 30, 2023

Jul 30, 202300:31
Ep 1. Intro. Brilliant Wealth & Wellness Podcast with Big Cat

Ep 1. Intro. Brilliant Wealth & Wellness Podcast with Big Cat

Jolita Brilliant and Nicholas Relation aka the Big Cat Podcast! EP 1! Husband and Wife Team Talking on Wellness, Wealth and Relationships and everything in between! Brilliant Massage & Skin, LLC in Burlington and South Burlington, VT Jolita: We offer a variety of massage therapy, clinical skin care and teeth whitening and waxing at our Spa & Shop: - screenshot this video and get FREE ADD On to your appointment! Online Shop: code for 10% off your orders!- Brilliant10 Nicholas: Laser-focused passion for technology with our multi-environment experience to enhance our clients’ success. We make I.T. reality! Our client base encompasses some of the most trusted brands and companies you know and love. When can we add you to our growing client base? Shop on amazon: :) I use Virtual Assistants here: We have been cooking up flavorful, filling food with Green Chef for some time now, and I thought you’d want in too. Sign-up with my personal link and you will get up to $200 off your first boxes.
Jul 29, 202332:08