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Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn

Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn

By Jolly J Sen

The Covid Pandemic would have crippled lots of Livelihood, jobs and incomes from business. The Podcast aims to help such people recover from this debilitating impact successfully by managing their Life, Livelihood and evolving themselves into a new person. It covers the complete journey from rediscovering your own mojo back again to finding yourself another job or livelihood. This is a 300 episode Podcast and will address all age groups from young adults to experienced people. The podcast will consist of motivational talk, life experiences and interviews with experts. The purpose is to empower
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Ep # 44: Loneliness - Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Mission 2021 : Towards a New DawnNov 21, 2020

Ep # 2, S # 2 Entrepreneurship Reframed (Part 1) - Podcast for Faith love and Hope

Ep # 2, S # 2 Entrepreneurship Reframed (Part 1) - Podcast for Faith love and Hope

With this Podcast, I plan to air another 3 episodes of how to become a successful entrepreneur. The idea is to share the steps you need to take to become a successful entrepreneur. I had been successful and would like to share that mantra for my listeners.   This part of the 50+ episodes I have planned for helping and guiding people to create a nice and livelihood for themselves. Post corona will leave most of us challenged. I hope to help people build the right career and save their hard earned money.   

If you want guidance on anything, please feel free to write to me:

Jan 20, 202124:34
Ep # 1, S # 2 : Podcast for Faith, Hope & Love

Ep # 1, S # 2 : Podcast for Faith, Hope & Love

After completing Podcast for Care in 2020, The New Year brings in lots of Hope. Add Faith and Love to them and we get an extremely potent Mantra for Success. Wishing all souls a very Happy New Year. For it doesn't matter what we were reduced to in 2020. The New Decade brings in a lot of Hope and  a yearning for growth. And believe me if we believe in ourselves, we will individually be able to overcome all hurdles in Life. Live well Today. Focus on yourself and work hard, but systematically in 2021.

The Logo of the Podcast shows what all I am planning to cover in the next 52 weeks. It will now come on specific dates each month. Which is the 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th of each Month.

If you want me to cover any specific area, please feel free to write to me in the comments section. 

In this season we will focus on careers and how to evolve into a great success stories about each of us and I will be happy to revert. I am also looking for speakers who would like to share their experience and real stories in any area which  helps people in any of the 3 focus areas of this podcast.

For details you can also write to me:

#love #faith #hope #podcastforcare #podcastepisodes #podcastepisode #podcastinterview #podcastguest #podcastlife #podcastersofinstagram #podcasts #podcasting #podcaster #podcastcommunity #podcastshow #podcasters #podcastlove #podcasthost #podcastmovement #podcastinglife #podcastaddict #podcastnetwork #podcastrecommendations #podcastinterviews

Jan 07, 202131:45
EP # 50 : Mental Health Of Adults - Podcast For Care
Dec 31, 202023:30
Ep # 49 : Mental Health Of Young Adults, Adolescents And Kids- Podcast For Care
Dec 31, 202030:33
EP # 48 - Sense of Balance : Podcast For Care

EP # 48 - Sense of Balance : Podcast For Care

Having the Right Sense of Balance, makes the Family and the Relationship. It not only warms up the Teens and Young Adults, it builds the kids in a Pandemic scenario that we all have been going through. Job loss of reduced Finances, the heart throbbing luck in these lucky times, the patient watch over careers and assets getting dismantled as all our goals get tossed around in this mega economic  slowdown. My suggestion is rediscovering your basic strengths, helping everybody in building up their core strengths and identifying their latent intrinsic values. That's the real panacea of the doldrums that we face in these Covid Pandemic. Please write to me if you have any specific query to: Get personalised advice

Dec 29, 202029:02
Ep # 47 Manage Your Mood : Podcast for Care
Dec 29, 202024:56
Ep # 46 Constructive Mindset : Mission 2021 Towards a New Goal

Ep # 46 Constructive Mindset : Mission 2021 Towards a New Goal

A constructive mindset help you look at the world with a different mindset. It not only enable you to be optimistic of things in life but it also enables you to use every inflection of life in a positive manner by re-evaluation, re-creation and setting/modifying goals in a positive manner. There is no shortcuts in life. One must have a positive mindset to be successful in these covid times

Dec 28, 202014:48
Ep # 45 Constructive Mindset : Podcast for Care

Ep # 45 Constructive Mindset : Podcast for Care

A Constructive Mindset evolves out of # basic process of Keeping and Open Mind, Move out of shackles of comfort zone by embracing Change and treading towards Tomorrow and handling challenges as it comes on your path.  This simple process help all individuals on their path to wins in life.

Nov 27, 202021:18
Ep # 44: Loneliness - Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Ep # 44: Loneliness - Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Different people react to the bane of Loneliness in different manner. Understanding the underlying reasons and responding positively and responsibly towards your loneliness leads to a new chapter being written in Life. Please listen to my podcast to understand how I logically evoled out of the quagmire of loneliness and became a successful individual

Nov 21, 202028:31
EP#43 Personal Excellence - Podcast for Care : Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

EP#43 Personal Excellence - Podcast for Care : Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

A talk show on how I achieved Personal Excellence in life. Instead of focussing on Perfection, my life was built around excelling myself in all areas of life, Work, Relationships and Education. Lost some, won some. However, was excellent in most aspects that I touched. One more reason to handle the negativity of life under this Covid Pandemic to become a better person

Nov 16, 202036:07
EP # 42 : Podcast for Care

EP # 42 : Podcast for Care

Mental Agility is required for all ages. Its relevant for all ages. Not only it enables enrichment of our lives, it helps to flush out the irrelevant and open the mind to new experiences and new outlooks of life. It is important to the Teens as well as Middle aged parents. Lets listen to my philosophy

Nov 11, 202029:11
Ep#41 : Mental PowerHouse - Podcast for Care : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Ep#41 : Mental PowerHouse - Podcast for Care : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

We are slaves of our onw mental well being. If we dont break out of our mental cage, we will never shine in life. To bring back Sun in our lives is, we need to break out from our comfort zones and adopt change in our lives. That builds the Powerhouse inside you. Please listen to understand how it operates within us.

Nov 06, 202025:21
EP#40 : Need to Cry - Podcast for Care : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

EP#40 : Need to Cry - Podcast for Care : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Crying is important for personal well being. Do cry. It helps to overcome a lot of negativity residing within us. It helps to think afresh. it helps mind and soul to recover fast. It uplifts the mood

Nov 02, 202020:14
Episode 39 : Deep Anger Management - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 39 : Deep Anger Management - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Managing your anger is important. It not only disturbs your personal equilibrium but health wise it impacts you. It also impacts your relationship in a negative ways. Please listen to both Episodes #38 & 39 for fully understanding the impact

Oct 29, 202021:54
Episode 38 : Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 38 : Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Anger gets us into trouble, nothing else. So before you show your Temper or Anger and retort back, chill and take a break. You will not gain anything by giving it back. You will only earn a bad name. Listen to my story to understand what we need to do.

Oct 27, 202014:01
Episode 37: Disillusioned - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 37: Disillusioned - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Disillusionment attacks all individuals in some manner in some age. It is important to understand that feeling and carefully handle it. Else, we will continue to live a very miserable life. Please listen to my Podcast to overcome such feelings

Oct 25, 202020:37
Episode - 36: Deep Fear : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode - 36: Deep Fear : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

How does one handle a deep scar of life of which one can be fearful all life.  Here I guide how to handle deep scars of life. How we need to move forward and get over the past, however traumatic it might be. Facing such fears head on and resolving all relationship issues are the key.

Oct 23, 202026:48
Episode 35 - Fear : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 35 - Fear : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

I have used the FEAR factor to become a bigger and better personality. Fear had given me the handle to excel and overcome it. Fear has nothing to be feared about. Its just a mental conditioning.

Oct 21, 202015:07


Mindfulness is all about being present in the Present. Learn how I did my mindfulness and became a winner. Simple things enable mindfulness. You need not learn anything new! Please follow my podcast

Oct 20, 202019:15
Episode 33: Positivity is Life

Episode 33: Positivity is Life

Distinguishing between Happiness and Positivity, this episode underlines the nuances of having a Positive outlook in life. What does it mean to see a rainbow with every dark cloud? My personal experience will help you reach the goal.

Oct 19, 202017:23
Episode 32 : Happiness - Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 32 : Happiness - Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Happiness needs to be created around our lives and how to do it lies in my Podcast today. Please listen to these practical tips, upvote/like and spread happiness around. It is within reach. It's a matter of choosing.

Oct 17, 202024:24
Episode 31 - Move on - Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 31 - Move on - Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

It is important to leave all toxicity and negativity behind, literally. Move away from that place or that locality or that city. Whatever be the situation moving on will reduce all dissonance immediately and help you  recover faster. A change of scene is always good for you. A new place, a new social environment has no prying eyes and you make new friends on your own terms.

Oct 16, 202017:36
Episode 30 - Reach Out : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 30 - Reach Out : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Its important to give vent to the feeling of being hurt or insulted or belittled in life. Maybe you have faced serious loss of a loved one or job loss or something great in your life. Never get bottled up. Never allow the negativity to build up into you. Listen to my Podvast to understand how it will impact you

Oct 15, 202016:32
Episode 29 - Commitment : Podcast for Care

Episode 29 - Commitment : Podcast for Care

Commitments is what I have lived for and what has perpetually given me returns. Its my Life Insurance policy. My Karma has never let me down. I have never questioned any incident of life taking it as one storm, hiding my head and saying my prayers. Life has trickled around me like water, sometime stormy, sometime calm. During the dirty days, never questioned or blames anybody. Life never blames me and gets me all the goodies after a days of real hard work.

Oct 14, 202017:25
Episode 28 - Compassion : Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

Episode 28 - Compassion : Podcast for Care - Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

We survive by Compassion. Each to their passion, what's in a name. Listen to my version of compassion and how that has enabled me to survive through all the ups and down of life without losing my mind.

Oct 13, 202018:05
Episode 27 - Pause n Chill - Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

Episode 27 - Pause n Chill - Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

With life racing across us that leaves us little time to even thing and look back, it is important for us to take a pause and revisit our life. We get so involved living today, thet we forget to even breathe. Hence all te more important to pause and chill out. Not the type that the Corona virus has done, but of our own choice and time.Please listen to my thoughts

Oct 12, 202015:33
Episode - 26. Focus on Core Values - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode - 26. Focus on Core Values - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

When I look back 44 years and the struggle that I was going through when West Bengal was going through the educational upheaval, the only reason that I could continue on my journey was keeping my focus steadfast on my long term goals. Focus was on keeping my values in tact and preserved it well. It has served me till date. I fact in my late 20s when I appeared to be stuck in my career compared to my contemporary friends, it is my core vales of being focussed on my job, delivering as per plan and upskilling myself for meeting customer aspirations. Hence, please focus on keeping your core values intact in this challenging times.

Oct 10, 202020:30
Episode 25 - Career Basics : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 25 - Career Basics : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

All our lives have been thrown out of gear by  the Corona Pandemic. People who are just passing out 10/12/Graduation or the Mid level executives are in a huge dilemma regarding the future. I had myself faced such dilemma at this age 45 years back. I had focussed on working on my basics. A very strong basic knowledge helped me triumph all obstacles of life. Listen to my Podcast how to triumph your dilemma

Oct 09, 202019:34
Episode 24 : Positivity Wins - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 24 : Positivity Wins - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Being overall Positive adds onto your personality. It keeps you on top of your agenda, it helps you spread yourself in various self development activities and reat each opportunity with loads of positivity. It will rub off on your social network and your Interviewer and all will surely reward you for being so positive inspite of the all around gloom due to the Corona Pandemic. Positivity helps you to think clearly and execute things as per plans

Oct 08, 202017:25
Episode 23 : Shine & Fly ; Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

Episode 23 : Shine & Fly ; Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

Your CV need not be a drab discussion of history of employment. Make it an interesting say using anecdotes at  all time, like why you changed and what did you find in the new assignment. The difference between the promise and reality. Do not accuse anybody ut emphasize the importance of transparency. Lace your life with anecdotes and your interviewer will enjoy speaking to you. Make it a memorable experience for him.

Oct 07, 202014:57
Episode 22 : ZEN Mission 2021 Towards a new dawn

Episode 22 : ZEN Mission 2021 Towards a new dawn

Practise ZEN in regular  life,. No need to become a monk . Listen to my podcast to know how

Oct 06, 202019:12
Episode 21 : Compassion Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 21 : Compassion Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

1st Podcast with focus on COMPASSION. Learn how compassion can become your armour of defence when you are in difficulty @ office or an armour of showcase when you are being Interviewed. A highly positive element of character, if used well, can provide rich dividends lifelong.

Oct 05, 202021:38
Episode 20 Team Magic Missio 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 20 Team Magic Missio 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Beware of the simple pitfalls in our corporate life. Do not crib. We all operate within constraints. cribbing isn't going to help anyone. Rather it will put you on a negative list by your Peer group or the new interviewer. You must explain how you performed inspite of the constraints. That will be taken positively. What you need to speak is how you worked with the team and developed them to take decisions in your absence. You are not abdicating but enabling and empowering. You are not putting your job at risk. Rather you are making your seniors think that you have real leadership qualities and can be developed into a new leader. By enabling your team, you are doing a favour to your ow career. Promote and empower your team. It will make your job very easy 

Oct 04, 202015:27
Episode 19: Humility Wins Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 19: Humility Wins Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Many a time while at work amongst the peer group or in an interview, a person gets so immersed in his past that he gets carried away by his previous experience. His communication then borders on a Superiority complex. Maybe many times unknown to the person ut that creates a lot of hurdles in the current assignment or in an Interview where the possibility of the candidate getting rejected is very high. While we get carried away by our previous successes, if there is little relevance to the present job or the new assignment that you are looking for. You will become an instant misfit. The existing company made an offer which you accepted in your full knowledge. There is no reason for you to belittle the assignment or the peer group. That is exactly what you tend to do with your superiority complex. You lose a beautiful chance of getting selected by your attitude. The bottom line is that Humility wins at all situations in life. Be humble. Accept your current or future assignment with humility and you will have no enemies.

Oct 03, 202019:53
Episode 18: Create a Vision - Mission 2021 Towards a New Mission

Episode 18: Create a Vision - Mission 2021 Towards a New Mission

I shouldn't matter if you are employed or unemployed. The present company will keep you only if you are relevant for the business future needs. The new company will hire you if you share your vision of the future and how you are prepared for Post Corona era. Work on your vision, create your niche and become a top guy in that area. It doesn't matter what role you are in. You will always have an opportunity to contribute something new.

Oct 02, 202022:05
Episode 17: Unlock your cage: Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 17: Unlock your cage: Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

How you spent your time under lockdown should be used to unlock your career. It is important to exploit how you spent your time under lockdown like godsent. Life under lock dowm was like a white board. Use your real creativity to paint that white board with creatively aligning with what you did and  your career. Since, the interviewer also has no yardstick t measure, it give you an opportunity to paint the canvas with whatever you wish. Just stick to honesty. 

Oct 01, 202015:57
Episode 16: Master SalesPerson @ Interview : Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

Episode 16: Master SalesPerson @ Interview : Mission 2021 Towards a new Dawn

Face2Face Interviews is not to be taken easily or with dread. This is your ONLY chance to speak about yourself. Like you have done in the past with your customers, pry out the reason why they are looking for filling this position and who are they looking for. Ask prying questions, ask interesting questions. Once you have the answer, you match your skills in a manner that the Interviewer gets swayed by your skills. Listen to your interviewer intently, don't take small innocuopus questions lightly. Use it to showcase your leadership skills and all that you have learnt on the streets. Remember that they are not looking for good presenters but someone who has excelled in customer experience. Go all out for the kill. You will never get a second chance.  

Sep 30, 202017:15
Episode 15: Showcase Yourself, Not CV - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 15: Showcase Yourself, Not CV - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

It is important to captivate your Interviewer. When you are sitting alone with your Interviewer, you have his complete attention. Hence, your first task is have a planned brilliant opening. No loud noisy but a nice interesting start to your story. Build up the intrigue and showcase how you have been a hero all your life as a Leader in all that you have done.... and a lot more. Listen to my Podcast to understand how to handle yourself and gain extra ordinary time and attention to your self.

Sep 28, 202013:30
Episode 14: Create a Talking CV - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 14: Create a Talking CV - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Starting today till 3/10 I am going to talk about how to write your CVs and how to face Interviews. This is the most important thing between success and failure. The experience is that if you follow these processes, you will achieve a success rate of over 70% compared to an average of just 3%.  Tune in everyday and learn something new. All the best

Sep 24, 202016:58
Episode 13: Life Sans Negativity - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 13: Life Sans Negativity - Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Inspite of being so much positive in these stressful times, we have all sorts of negativity in us. It is important to understand them and ensure that they are no more a part of our life.  Life sans negativity attracts extra positivity. Listen to this podcast to learn all about them.

Sep 23, 202016:17
Episode 12 : Ethics is Cool : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 12 : Ethics is Cool : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Ethics is the building block of life. It is like character, as you grow older, Ethics become stronger. It is COOL to boast of strong ethical behavior. It puts a person at a superior level in the Peer Group. It also puts forth an unblemished image of the person. Ethics isn't dependent on the financial aspect of a person. Ethics guides our life, the very essence of liiving.

Sep 22, 202023:40
Podcast # 11 - Manage your Money : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Podcast # 11 - Manage your Money : Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Life in a Pandemic is difficult. It gets more complicated if someone loses his job or faces salary reduction. This Podcast gets the focus back on the money at hand and how to manage life with limited resources so as to extend the utility of cash. Setting Priorities and meeting all commitments satisfactorily is the main objective. I also explain how to handle banks and Credit card dues

Sep 21, 202025:10
Episode 10: Simplify Life' Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

Episode 10: Simplify Life' Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn

We forget the type of complexity that we carry in our lives. They are built over many years that they become our natural part. They bring all the negativity in our lives. When we sit back home either because of the Health Pandemic or working from home of losing a job, this is the right time to uncomplicate ourselves and declutter ourselves - mentally and physically. You will start seeing the immense potential that you have once you start simplifying your life. Listen to this Podcast to imbibe some great value that unleaseh your true potential

Sep 19, 202018:38
Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 9

Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 9

Whatever be our position in life, whatever be our situation in Life, creating and rigorously maintaining your Personal Space & Time is  the essence of success. This should be the most sacrosanct time of the  day. You not only discover yourself but also get an opportunity to celebrate your successes, analyse your faults and tell yourself sorry for all the missed opportunities. Writing down such stories in a personal journal endorses the fact that you are on the road to recovery or on the road to self control and self improvement. You must take out your time each day to be with yourself and communicate with yourself. Listen to my Podcast and you will realise how easy it is to do and how often we ignore such important aspect of our life

Sep 18, 202019:11
Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 8

Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 8

Vulnerability is a cage which we allow to be built around us. Our fears, our helpless and ego stops  us from breaking out of this cage. It is a mental state that holds us back. Vulnerability is just a mental state. Once we realise that, we also realise how irrational we had  been with our near and dear ones and how we have mistreated people around us. The moment we step out of our fears, we become a better human. Please listen to this Podcast to understand what we do in reality and how we need to break open from our self created cage

Sep 17, 202027:27
Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 7

Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 7

We need to be very stingy with our cash, ALWAYS! If we have lost our job or are in a financial crisis being stingy should be the normal. I am not suggesting that you start living a miserable life. I am suggesting you live a controlled life. A life wherein you try and save every paisa that you can. If you do this, I can assure you that you will be saving at least 35% cash. This means that in 3 months you will save one months expenses. This also means that you are spending wisely.

I am not going to talk about rocket science.  will be talking about our daily life and how we can save daily. That's the essence of today's Podcast. For any query or  help write to me:

Sep 16, 202016:22
Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn Episode # 6

Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn Episode # 6

In this Podcast I am talking about how to leverage Social Media from Vulnerability, when we lost our job, to Self Empowerment. I bring forth how we can extract a world of knowledge from the Social Media and use it for self improvement or creating earning opportunities for yourself.
Sep 15, 202014:50
Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn Episode 5

Mission 2021 Towards a New Dawn Episode 5

This podcast is about handling our family and making them feel comfortable even if you have lost your job. Its all about open communication. It is important to explain everything to everybody,build confidence in them and carry them along
Sep 14, 202013:08
Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 4

Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 4

Welcome to my 4th Podcast on Mission 2021. As a step towards to coping up with Job loss or financial crisis, the last 2 days I was speaking of how to be frugal and be a winner. One cannot be a winner if one does not analyse the financial position pragmatically and spend on the basis of need only. Nobody is sure when the economy is going to look up. We not only need to manage our finances well for paying off the bills in time but also ensuring that we keep our chin up during this really difficult times. 

Sep 12, 202012:55
Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 3

Mission 2021 : Towards a New Dawn Episode 3

During this Health Pandemic, we have not only been impacted by staying at home, but most of us have faced reduced earnings. Whether it's business or job or freelancing, most people are going through financial crisis. This podcast aims to arm everybody with real life examples of Frugality.  One must understand that Frugality does not mean miserable living. It means that we need to question every expenditure and evaluate the necessity of that expenditure before spending the money. During this time one tends to get very vulnerable. Hence the lure of Get Rich Quick really proves to be a suicidal bait. How do you prevent good money from chasing bad money is the content of discussion. I discuss in details how to never fall for such schemes.

Sep 11, 202025:38