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Can We Fix It ?

Can We Fix It ?

By Jon Hunter

Taking movies, shows, video games, and all other things in nerdy pop culture that have just .."gone wrong" over the years and we're seeing what we can do to fix them balance is brought back to the universe.
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Fast and Furious Franchise

Can We Fix It ?Feb 13, 2021

Justice League: Snyder Cut

Justice League: Snyder Cut

Anybody who has listened to us before or even remotely knows us knows how we feel about the original theatrical cut of Justice League. The movie was a dumpster fire. There have been rumors since the movie came out about the Zack Snyder cut of the movie which was supposed to be better. After years of waiting we finally got it and it was a definite improvement over the original. We talked about what we liked about the Snyder cut and the differences from the original.

Mar 28, 202101:02:43
WandaVision Review

WandaVision Review

Disney+ finally hit us with our first taste of Marvel TV shows with WandaVision wrapping up the other week. We break it down and have a discussion on what we liked about the show. This is not a fix it episode but our thoughts on the show and what the MCU may have in store for us moving forward.

Mar 19, 202157:13
Batman and Robin (1997)

Batman and Robin (1997)

One of the earlier iterations of Batman was the 1997 Batman and Robin movie. It was a star studded cast for the time but turned out to be one of the single worst superhero movies of all time. With super cringe one liners to multiple physic defying scenes this movie leaves you asking: “why did I watch this?” We decided to take a crack at this classic garbage fire.

Feb 26, 202154:19
Fast and Furious Franchise

Fast and Furious Franchise

The Fast and Furious franchise has been going strong for about 2 decades now and it has a pretty loyal cult following. That being said as the movies have gone along they have gotten more and more ridiculous and cheesy. They have continued to milk the crap out of this franchise and they are pretty much pumping these movies out at an alarming rate. We take it upon our ourselves to help put a stop to the madness.

Feb 13, 202157:55
Judge Dredd (1995)

Judge Dredd (1995)

On this show we often visit movies we grew up with that we loved as kids and the nostalgia factor makes you always want to look at them with a biased eye. Judge Dredd falls into that category perfectly. But unfortunately the movie is filled with horrible overacting and cheesy 90’s action movie one liners and classic Stallone catch phrases. So we try our hand and fixing this one up.

Feb 05, 202145:51
Blade Trinity

Blade Trinity

Growing up with the Blade movies was awesome because there weren’t many badass vampire heroes around. Blade 1 and 2 delivered while Blade Trinity; the third iteration of the franchise fell on its face. With lack luster acting performances and questionable plot points we see if we can maybe whip it into shape.

Jan 30, 202156:53
Disney Upcoming Projects

Disney Upcoming Projects

That’s right! The boys are back! Its season 2 of the show and as usual we’re here to bring the heat. But we decided to start off the new season by talking about the butt load of stuff Disney dropped on us at the end of last year. More than 20 projects over the next two years have been announced. That includes lots of Marvel and Star Wars movies and shows. We talk about which projects we’re most excited about what we want to see from them. What a way to start off the new year!

Jan 08, 202158:27
Spawn (1997)

Spawn (1997)

Spawn is one of the more badass characters you'll find in the superhero world. As a kid it was awesome to see him use one of his many demonic powers to fight evil. In 1997 we got a version of Spawn that only a kid growing up at the time would love. Looking back at that film we see if we can fix some horrible CGI work along with some lazy plot points to bring out the true glory of Spawn, as we wrap up season 1 of Can We Fix It?

Dec 18, 202057:23
Godzilla (1998)

Godzilla (1998)

Now there have been countless iterations of Godzilla throughout the years. There have been animated versions, older movies with props and a guy in a Godzilla suit, and our newer movies that have come out. We decided to focus on the Godzilla movie that came out when we were kids in 1998. When we were kids it was fun to watch this movie because it was Godzilla but now that we’re older we didn’t quite appreciate or enjoy the cosmetic and story changes that made this movie …. “in need of fixing.”

Dec 11, 202054:49
Prince of Persia Movie

Prince of Persia Movie

The Prince of Persia games were pretty popular in the mid 2000's. So in 2010 when the movie came out starring Jake Gyllenhaal there were some fans who were excited and some fans who were a little weary. After the movie came out it seemed the latter group of fans was correct. Going in weirdly different direction from how the games went the movie gave a wet blanket storyline among a host of other problems. We see if our changes can make any difference. 

Dec 04, 202053:10
Batman Beyond Casting

Batman Beyond Casting

For the Batman fans out there more than likely you were Batman Beyond fans growing up as well. It definitely gave us a really cool look at future Gotham City and a new Batman. The show was great so there’s nothing to fix. But there have been rumors of a live action movie or show being made and fans have been clamoring for it. We have a different type of show and talk about possible casting and story ideas.

Nov 27, 202052:16
Alien vs. Predator Movies

Alien vs. Predator Movies

You'd be hard pressed to fin d some Sci-Fi nerds who don't enjoy a good Alien or Predator movie. When AVP came out we were supposed to get the best of both worlds. Alas; since we're doing an episode on these movies we didn't get that. The first AVP definitely could have been better but we got some interesting stuff but then they made a dumpster fire of a sequel. As usual we see if we can do something about it. 

Nov 20, 202047:06


One of the few known "found footage" type movies for its time when it came out; Cloverfield was at least unique from that aspect. From severely overdoing the shaky camera to the plot hole filled story, we see if can polish this movie up to make it more watchable. 

Nov 13, 202049:49
The Amazing Spiderman Movies

The Amazing Spiderman Movies

Spiderman has been done a couple times now with a couple different characters and its gotten mixed reactions along the way. The Amazing Spiderman movies with Andy Garfield seemed to draw a lot of negative reactions even though we're split on how we feel about them. We see if we can fix some major points in this movie to make them the Spiderman movies we deserve.

Nov 06, 202001:02:03
Who's Going to Play Joker ?

Who's Going to Play Joker ?

With the Batman reboot on the way and everybody excited for what this new chapter of Batman stories is going to bring; the question of who's going to play the Joker has to come up. We take a different direction in the show today. We each decided to pick 5 actors who we think could be up to the task of portraying the Gotham's crazy clown. Let's see who has the better list. 

Oct 30, 202001:02:12
Hulk (2003)

Hulk (2003)

Remember when director Ang Lee made a Hulk movie in 2003. If your answer is no then you're one of the lucky ones. If your answer is yes then you understand why we made an episode on this one. Loaded with an unnecessary amount of strange flashbacks and terrible CGI, Ang Lee's 2003 rendition of the Hulk is something we'd all like to forget. Yet we see if we can fix it. 

Oct 23, 202050:33
Jurassic Park 3

Jurassic Park 3

Our 2nd show done about the beloved Jurassic Park franchise. Even though we love us some Jurassic Park, there's a always a few smudges on the record. This movie lacked a sensible story and paired it with some less than stunning effects. We see if we can fix yet another Jurassic Park movie. 

Oct 16, 202054:45
Streaming Services

Streaming Services

In this unique episode which turned out to be a lot more fun than originally anticipated, we discuss the different streaming services that are out right now. We talk maybe what more they could be giving us and what problems we have with each including things like original content and selection. 

Oct 09, 202054:22
Mortal Kombat (Movies)

Mortal Kombat (Movies)

If you grew up like we did then you loved the Mortal Kombat games and when the movies came out you were super excited. The first movie was great for its time and fun ....not perfect ...but it is what it is. The sequel to that was so bad that over 20 years later we'd be talking about it on a podcast because we obviously still just haven't been able to let it go. We take a crack at the MK movies to see if they can be fixed. 

Oct 02, 202057:51


When James Cameron put this movie out it was a blockbuster to end all blockbuster and destroyed the box office. Visually stunning for the time. Avatar a huge hit in the theaters when it came out but there are those who take a closer look at the movie and maybe see it for something else. Once the luster and hype die down a bit the flaws are exposed. We see what we can do about fixing this. 

Sep 25, 202058:20
Star Wars: Where do we go from here ?

Star Wars: Where do we go from here ?

As we've mentioned many times on this show and as you all may know, we are both huge Star Wars fans. But with the Skywalker saga seemingly wrapping up we ask the question what's next for the story. What does the future hold for the franchise. Its a little bit of a different episode as bounce some ideas off each other about what we'd like to see Star Wars do next. 

Sep 18, 202053:55


Dexter was a show that showed a crazy amount of promise in the first half of the show. But for some reason as the show went along; they just ran out of steam. The creative juices stopped flowing. However you want to describe it. The rapid decline of Dexter is only overshadowed by how horrendous the series finale of the show was. We try to figure out what went wrong as we recap the seasons of this show. 

Sep 11, 202001:08:28


It goes without saying we love Star Wars and we'll watch anything with Star Wars in the title. That's often not a good thing as we've seen with this movie Solo. As a Star Wars side story movie you want to have some gusto and this well....fell a little flat..

Sep 04, 202059:24
Iron Fist Show

Iron Fist Show

Iron Fist isn't your household superhero name. The casual fan wouldn't be familiar but he's an awesome character with tier 1 martial arts prowess. The only thing casual fans would have to draw from was the show Netflix put out a few years back. If you're wondering about whether or not it was good....well simply was not...

Aug 28, 202056:38
Assassin's Creed Games

Assassin's Creed Games

As we mentioned before during the Assassin's Creed movie episode. We are both massive fans of the Assassin's Creed franchise. We take a different approach this episode because the games weren't bad but we're discussing if the newer games lost too much of the assassin feel and maybe what we'd like to see in future AC games. 

Aug 21, 202058:48
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Today we cover the newest installments of the Ninja Turtles movies. While we loved Ninja Turtles growing up these latest movies were like a slap in the face to our childhood. We try to see if we can at least make these new movies respectable to watch at least. 

Aug 14, 202056:53
Justice League

Justice League

This movie was supposed to be the fantastic culmination of everything super hero in the DC universe. Instead they took a massive dump on camera. As huge comic book and super hero fans we were upset to say the least along with the rest of the comic universe. So we rolled up our sleeves and see if we can't salvage a movie out of this one. 

Aug 07, 202059:40
Predator Episode

Predator Episode

As a kid we grew up as fans of the Predator movies but this latest installment of the Predator didn't quite live up to the standards of us Predator fans. So we see what can do to remedy the situation. 

Jul 31, 202051:27
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Prequels

Sean and I tackle the Star Wars prequels and as Star Wars fans we love anything Star Wars but that doesn't mean they can't be tweaked to make them better movies. 

Jul 24, 202055:24
Green Lantern Show

Green Lantern Show

The 2011 Green Lantern movie with Ryan Reynolds was not well received and for good reason. We see if we can step in and add some cosmetic or story changes to make the movie respectable. 

Jul 17, 202056:50
Introducing the X-Men into the MCU

Introducing the X-Men into the MCU

With Disney now having the rights to the X-Men its only a matter of time before they get brought into the MCU. We do a different type of show today where we talk about which character we want cast and how we think they should be introduced. 

Jul 10, 202001:22:23
Super Mario Bros Movie

Super Mario Bros Movie

The first time somebody attempted to make this movie back in 1993 it was a total abomination. We take a different route this week and instead of trying to fix that movie; we toss some ideas around of how we would make a current Super Mario Bros movie of our own. 

Jul 03, 202051:14
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

The Jurassic Park series is very near and dear to our hearts because what kid grew up not liking dinosaurs. With the series switching over to Jurassic World instead of Park. What happened to Fallen Kingdom to make it fall short. We see if we can tackle this one and make it flow better. 

Jun 26, 202053:39
Jaws Sequels

Jaws Sequels

The original Jaws was a classic film that set the stage for other movies and ingrained certain phrases and moments in movie society today. As for the sequels......well lets just say they those movies should have been locked away and forgotten in the vast void of time.......but we try and fix them anyway !

Jun 19, 202001:04:07
Assassin's Creed Movie

Assassin's Creed Movie

As huge fans of the Assassin's Creed game franchise we had huge expectations for the movie and they fell short in certain areas. We see if some minor details can make a major differences. 

Jun 12, 202045:21
X-Men Apocalypse

X-Men Apocalypse

X-men Apocalypse was a movie that finally show cased the big bad of the X-Men and the movie fell flat on its face outside of maybe a couple cool things. Sean and I see if we can do a little sprucing up to make it whole again.

Jun 05, 202054:49
Batman vs. Superman

Batman vs. Superman

In this episode we break down some of major pain points in the movie that could have been fixed to make the movie more watchable than it was. 

May 29, 202001:01:12
Fantastic Four Casting

Fantastic Four Casting

The Fantastic Four movies have been less than desirable and they need more than a few things to fix. But today we decided to just talking about the casting because maybe the right actors would be a good start. 

May 22, 202057:11