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By Jonathan Ike

This is about Christian Living. The Church of the Living God is at a crossroads with conflicting doctrines, traditional teachings and doctrines of the devil, and this has not only brought confusion to children of God but has weakened their faith. Many are presently in the valley of decision and needs to be encouraged.
The truth should be sought out and upheld, as Paul would say, "in season and out of season". This is what we believe.
Join us and leave your comments as we explore this together.
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The Called and the Sent

Crossroads Apr 22, 2023

Elijah The Tishbite

Elijah The Tishbite

God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel.
Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement!
every serious Christian must be refined and purged.

God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel.
Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement!
every serious Christian must be refined and purged.

God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel.
Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement!
every serious Christian must be refined and purged.

God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel.
Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement!
every serious Christian must be refined and purged.

God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel.
Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement!
every serious Christian must be refined and purged.

Feb 26, 202454:15
The Day God Abolished Womanhood

The Day God Abolished Womanhood

Many Christians miss out on God's blessings because they are judgemental of who is on the alter preaching. They hold so strongly to tradition, of established human norm (by whom?), negating the power of the Word. Paul said certain things, yes what is the genesis of what he said, what led to it; and to whom were they addressed? And so, the message is taken out of spiritual context.
However, in Christ God abolished womanhood.
This is how and why...
Jan 25, 202401:04:52


What really is the end of year thanksgiving if it is not in agreement with God's plan and purpose; which has nothing to do with material or worldly things?
Let's explore this issue and more in MY B
Dec 25, 202328:54


The end of year thanksgiving which God commanded in Exodus 23 and detailed in Leviticus 23, seem to have missed it's mark. It was not to be a carnal worldly thing as we have it today. As we approach the Trumpet sound, let's examine this again.
Dec 21, 202330:19
Because God Said!

Because God Said!

Everything is upheld by the Word of God. Nothing exists that is not affected by the Word of God. A life of Faith is a life founded on the Word of God; and this is the life God calls us to live, for "... without faith it is impossible to please God." How do we live the life of Faith? We discover it in the Gym of the Spirit and sustain it equally with exercise.
Dec 08, 202334:08
The Power of Compassion

The Power of Compassion


Goodness is not just doing good or philanthropy, it refers to the state of heart that produces kindness and generosity without thought of gain. It is thoughtfulness, sympathy and empathy for others.
Goodness looks beyond what is done to the "why", the reason it is done. It is in goodness that we are able to give water or food or both to our enemies. Goodness is the heart of God.
In the gym of the Spirit this is one "muscle" (Galatians 5:22) we should all build as we walk with the Holy Spirit.
Nov 04, 202324:27
The King Wept

The King Wept

Kings are known to be people of mirth and happiness. They even ensure this by employing jokers and musicians. The king must not be sad, crying or weeping was certainly out of the question.

So, what would make the king weep ? It must have touched his soul.
Nov 02, 202332:05
The Other Side Of Sorrow

The Other Side Of Sorrow

Apostle Paul encourages us to consider Jesus, how He looked beyond the immediate, endured the shame, mockery and reproach of people so that we do not get discouraged and give up the race. Jesus did this by seeing the other side of sorrow. We need, like Jesus, to see the prize ahead and keep believing. Things may be hurtful; the situation and circumstances of the moment, which are but temporal pains, however we must not loose sight of the fact that God loves us and would not abandon us.
Holding unwaveringly to Him is our sure victory and reward.
Sep 27, 202334:52
Encounter with Love 1

Encounter with Love 1

In the gym, there are different tools for building different parts of the body; some for fore-arms, some for the neck, the thighs have theirs, the biceps, every part has its own. In the gym of the Spirit, there are also different tools to train and exercise with to build ourselves spiritually. Love is the first of these tools. As we surrender to our Trainer Who can lead us even to people, places, and situations that we may not want to go, let's set our eyes on and learn from our Lord Jesus that we may not be weary and give up.
Aug 22, 202337:49
The Gym Of The Spirit 2

The Gym Of The Spirit 2

Experience, they say, is the best teacher. The bible would say "oh, taste and see that the Lord is good". Maturity, of the body and of the spirit is made of this: experience, taste, participate in, be a partaker, exercise. That is the only way to grow or bear the fruit of the Kingdom. Join us in the GYM OF THE SPIRIT 2 as we mature together.

"The secret of growth is not one mighty jump, not an overnight blossoming. It is a step each day. It is holy routine." - Zacharias Tanee Fomum
Aug 15, 202336:00
The Gym Of The Spirit

The Gym Of The Spirit

How would you feel when persistently asked to enter a locked room, to the point the person becomes angry with you for not entering, yet he did not give you the key to the room? Or better still, asked persistently to live or walk in the spirit, but you are not told how?
The Father, Jesus said, is seeking those that will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Paul encourages us to walk in spirit.
It takes exercise, not gimmicks, to walk in the spirit. What type of exercises?
We explore this issue as we enter THE GYM OF THE SPIRIT.
Jul 31, 202337:07
I Beg To Disagree!

I Beg To Disagree!

Psychologists have studied man and grouped them into four major temperaments: Melancholic, Phlegmatic, Sanguine and Choleric.

Which do you belong to?

As Christians, should we accept this? Into which category would we put Jesus? Or, would He also fit into others?
Jul 21, 202325:18
Beyond Your Fears!

Beyond Your Fears!

Fear is not of God. It has torment and leaves it's victim handicapped, frustrated and hopeless; and has led many to suicide.
In this podcast, we examine how to handle the spirit of fear.
Jul 08, 202330:58
Away With Candles and Incense!

Away With Candles and Incense!

When God began to do a new thing, He left the old. Paul would tell us years later that that old thing vanished away.

Hebrews 8:13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Included in the old thing were "land marks" which God left behind in journey to get His Children.Those land marks are things that we should also leave behind to keep abreast with Him. Else, how do we explain doing those things He said have become "abominations"?
If we truly love Him, let's keep His commandments.
Jun 30, 202350:52
The Lie!

The Lie!

Deception, Jesus said, would mark the end time. Even in the "greater than these" that Jesus said we would do, the enemy has hoodwinked us and we are looking at other things. What could John 14:12 mean? What is this greater thing that Jesus could not do that we would do? What could this ONE THING be?
Jun 27, 202334:29
Don't Be A Fair Weather Friend

Don't Be A Fair Weather Friend

A true friend would not leave when his or her friend is going through a storm. They stick with the friend, encouraging and believing there would be a turn around. However, some have been known to abandon their friend at their hour of need, missing out on the benefits of long-suffering and proving a lack of this fruit of the Spirit.
Are you a true friend?
Jun 22, 202351:03


Are you experiencing storms in your life and Ministry? Hey! See what Jesus did! Do it!
Jun 13, 202316:27
Afterwards - Battle of the Wills!

Afterwards - Battle of the Wills!

So much has been said about the Woman of Revelations 12 . Some say it is Mary, some say it is the Church. What would Jesus say? Who would He say the woman is? Is the woman Mary? Could she be the Church? Or could she be ...?
Join us as we examine this in THE BATTLE OF THE WILLS!
Jun 02, 202336:39
When Men Expect You To Die

When Men Expect You To Die

Sometimes men expect you to die. They push what they feel is evil, bad, deadly or poisonous toward you. As far as they are concerned you do not deserve to live.
Know then, that God is still at work ” in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13). That is why you should not be angry when people push you.
You will have the last laugh!
May 26, 202313:53
You Can't Be Barren!

You Can't Be Barren!

Many believe they are barren! But that is not the thought or plan of God for them!
If you are barren, it is because you are barren in the word of God. You know very little about what God has said concerning you. And you lack an understanding of the little you have heard from Him, if you have. Not retaining the word of God in your mind gives the forces of darkness the audacity to take away your miracles and actualize the barrenness you have come to accept. If you fail to retain God (and His word) in your mind He will leave you to a reprobate mind.
His word remains that NON SHALL BE BARREN IN THE LAND!!!
May 23, 202336:36
If You Believe

If You Believe

The entire Will and plan of God could be seen through the eyes of Prophet Micah who reports how the Children of God would cry and be in pain, yet comforted by the Holy Spirit, their Counselor.
However, those making them cry do not know the plan of God! Like Joseph in the hand of his brothers, they are only helping to further - and perhaps - hasten His plan to come to pass!
God, the Ultimate planner, works all things to the good of them that love Him and are called according to His purpose.
May 16, 202323:32
Mystery of the Tithe 11 b (Full-time Ministry 2)

Mystery of the Tithe 11 b (Full-time Ministry 2)

Paul was so engrossed in discipling the converts he almost missed telling them to give to the Minister overseeing their souls. It is a right as ordained by God. Paul did not use this right as a matter of choice, that should not make it a norm. Even Paul admitted that the Lord set it so.
May 16, 202329:45
The Called and the Sent 3

The Called and the Sent 3


"And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"

To send means to ask someone to go on your behalf; to do or say things in your name, even if a mistake is made, you the sender takes responsibility.
There was a time when the Apostles were not sent out. They served within the community of believers. However, a time came the Lord saw that they were ready.
May 07, 202337:44
Afterwards (The Wrath of God)

Afterwards (The Wrath of God)

What really is the Wrath of God? Is it the "Great Tribulation" as we have been told? True, we are not appointed to wrath (1 Thess. 5:9-10). We were told that God will pull us out (rapture) before the Great Tribulation because we are not appointed to wrath.However in that scripture we see the opposites: Wrath and Salvation.

We get Salvation (escaping the wrath of God) by believing and abiding in Christ.
The wrath of God is reserved for those who do not believe; it is for UNBELIEVERS!!! (Ephesians 5:6, Colossians 3:6, Romans 1:18)
The Wrath of God is not for us that believe!!! We are saved from Wrath not by being "pulled away" from the Great Tribulation, but through Salvation - the work of the Cross, through which obtained Mercy.
Wrath is the final result of God's anger preventing the unbeliever from entering the rest of God. (Hebrew 3:8-19; 4:1-11)
May 03, 202341:35
The Called and the Sent 2

The Called and the Sent 2

"I never sent these prophets, but they ran anyway. I never spoke to them, but they preached away. If they'd have bothered to sit down and meet with me, they'd have preached my Message to my people. They'd have gotten them back on the right track, gotten them out of their evil ruts." - Jeremiah 23:21 (AMP.)

God acknowledged these to be prophets, though He didn't send them. Discerning the body means knowing our place in the body; it is not just in the titles but in Office. Some carry "big" titles but if God has not sent them, they should remain in their calling, and give honour to whom it is due.
Apr 28, 202327:42
The Called and the Sent

The Called and the Sent

In the Body of Christ, the Church, the Called and the Sent exist. We all are called, even the unbeliever, however we respond in various ways. Answering the Call, we have to be discipled, a process that doesn't come overnight. As we mature, greater responsibility is placed on our shoulders and we start serving in the local Assembly, maturing further, we become instruments of building others. As in every Army, this training and discipline helps us "discern the Body of Christ" and we give honour to whom it is due.
Apr 22, 202324:21
Afterwards 6 (The Beloved City 2)

Afterwards 6 (The Beloved City 2)

This is the second part of Afterwards 6, the BELOVED CITY.
Apr 21, 202314:29
Afterwards 10 (Annihilation 3)

Afterwards 10 (Annihilation 3)

"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." - Matthew 24:22
Every time I consider the above scripture I shudder😱. What the enemy planned for Mankind is not something we should experience, but it is here so mild it may not be noticed! But thanks to God Who is not only revealing the depths of Satan, but has in His love assured us of His intervention. Beloved, let's run 🏃 deeper into Him; He is our last and sure hope.
Apr 21, 202309:37
Mystery of the Tithe (One more thing)

Mystery of the Tithe (One more thing)

Whether we call it tithe, offering or collection, the most important thing is that "there be meat in mine house." (Mal. 3:10)
In the Old Covenant it could be be by Law, in the present disposition it is a principle, as with Abram the father of faith who did not live Law but paid tithe as a principle; a principle of faith.
Apr 19, 202321:09
Mystery of the Tithe 11 (Full-time 1)

Mystery of the Tithe 11 (Full-time 1)

This is part 1 of "Full-time Ministry", in the MYSTERY OF THE TITHE series. Is there anything like "full-time ministry?
"Paul was a tent maker", yes. But the bible did not stop there! Half truth is no truth! See how this issue is tied up with the tithe. Shalom.
Apr 17, 202327:21
Afterwards (Annihilation 2)

Afterwards (Annihilation 2)

If mankind is in danger of being extinct, of being exterminated, how would it be? What instrument would be employed? And has it been before, as nothing is new under the sun? It might shock you to know the process is on!
Apr 10, 202321:48
The Voice of Discouragement

The Voice of Discouragement

Fear is an offspring of the devil, a spirit God did not give us. This spirit, Fear, gives birth to discouragement and depression. Often, we find ourselves discouraged and if this continues unchecked can bring in the twin - depression.
Have you ever been this low? You are not alone!
Elijah got there, even after he had on the same day called down fire from heaven and prayed and the rain came down after three and half years of drought and dryness; all on the same day!
Elijah listened to the VOICE OF DISCOURAGEMENT.
Here are two things to do.
Apr 07, 202342:20
That they may believe

That they may believe

"When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby." - John 11:4

When troubles come who do you turn to? Friends have been known to betray friends, even closest friends. Sometimes these friends respond positively and sometimes negatively. Sometimes they disappoint and sometimes they encourage. Jesus delayed attending His friends at Bethany. Like most of us they must have felt disappointed that Jesus did not come when called. They even mildly blamed Him for Lazarus' death, claiming he would have lived but for the delay. The delay turned out a great testimony! How do you feel when answers to your prayers are delayed? Something better could be cooking!
Apr 03, 202322:22
Mystery of the Tithe 10

Mystery of the Tithe 10

Have you ever wondered why God gave the books of Haggai and Malachi? Did you notice the similarities in them concerning the provision into the Temple? God shut up the heavens in both books. As everyone in the Church are "Levites", and entitled to the tithe, why not pay everyone in Church? There is an underlying reason, that though it is not written it is implied. Shalom
Mar 29, 202319:38
Afterwards 6 ( The Beloved City)

Afterwards 6 ( The Beloved City)

Afterwards (Beloved City)
"And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them." - Revelation 20:9

What city could be so important to the enemy that it would stir the whole world to have? What City did the bible refer to the enemy desires to have? Join us in this episode.
Mar 25, 202345:26
Mystery of the Tithe 9

Mystery of the Tithe 9

Who are the Levites today? Are they still entitled to the tithe? And how relevant is the tithe today? These and more in this episode.
Mar 25, 202318:22
After Their kind

After Their kind

Do you really know who you are? That as goat begets goat, dog begets dog, trees produce after their kind, God begot you? Do you truly know that the nature of God is on you?
You are created after His kind!!!
Mar 21, 202332:07
Mystery of the Tithe 8

Mystery of the Tithe 8

Discussion continues as we seek deeper into the mind of God for clarity on this issue. Shalom.
Mar 20, 202317:29
Afterwards 5

Afterwards 5

When a king wins a battle, he reigns there. Jesus came to the "kingdom" or"house" of the devil and defeated him. Shouldn't He reign? We are in a battle, a spiritual battle. Jesus, the Captain of the LORD'S host, fought the main enemy, and would fight at the very last when death, the last enemy, would be defeated. Meanwhile, we are left here as Vasal kings, as His weapons of war to conquer disobedience through our obedience to Him, and pulling out as many as we can from the clutch of the devil. We are in a battle!!! Jesus reigns through us!!! Shalom.
Mar 17, 202348:27
Managing Anger 6

Managing Anger 6

This is the concluding episode in this series, and I believe God is helping us in managing anger. It may not come overnight but surely, it would. Congratulations to you as you conquer and master this power. Shalom.
Mar 15, 202324:46
Mystery of the Tithe 7

Mystery of the Tithe 7

To stand right with God, pay your tithe!!! And this is why!!! Shalom.
Mar 15, 202317:44
Afterwards 4

Afterwards 4

Have you ever in prayer, bound Satan? By whose power or authority did you do it? Could it be true that the Seed of the woman has bound, limited or curtailed the dragon? How powerful against the dragon is the blood of Jesus? These and more in this episode. Let's explore this together. Shalom.
Mar 13, 202345:15
Mystery of the Tithe 6

Mystery of the Tithe 6

We continue our search and study of this mystery of the Tithe, to locate or understand the mind of God and not work and walk against Him. Shalom.
Mar 13, 202321:40
The Ultimate Purpose 5

The Ultimate Purpose 5

You can't buy glory with money, but with faith! The door into the Kingdom is wide open by virtue of the sacrifice of Calvary, however, glory has to be paid for. How?
It takes some steps (Romans 8:29-30), to be followed and not pull back. You have to be put into God's mould, a thing that is not easy! Grace and Mercy are freely given but Heavenly Glory comes with a price!
This episode tells the price to pay. Shalom.
Mar 13, 202323:10
Managing Anger 5

Managing Anger 5

Anger should not be allowed to dominate us. God expects, and requires us to control it. We continue our study into this issue. Shalom.
Mar 11, 202320:46
Afterwards 3

Afterwards 3

Nothing the bible says is new under the sun. What is has been. The issue of the Rapture has brought confusion in to the Church, with some division and distrust. But there is a pattern of the rapture in the Old Testament, as Scripture explains Scripture, we examine this issue. Join us as we search through the eyes of Scripture. Shalom.
Mar 10, 202340:40
Mystery of the Tithe 5

Mystery of the Tithe 5

Have you ever considered the bread and the wine that Melchizedek presented to Abram? What could these mean? Ignorance of these things has made the tithe so mysterious a thing and many brought confusion in. But until we begin to understand these, we shouldn't dabble into the issue else we set ourselves against God. A proper understanding of these items would throw a lot of light into this mystery of the Tithe; and that is what we believe God to achieve. Shalom.
Mar 06, 202316:57
The Ultimate Purpose 4

The Ultimate Purpose 4

Walking through the door of a restaurant or a department store is free, but consuming or patronizing what lies in there has to be paid for. Even entering the Church is free; the ushers will welcome you gladly, but if you don't PAY attention you will not receive the glory of that day's worship.
Having paid with His blood, the door of Salvation is free, but getting the glory of God in His house is not free! You have to pay for it!
This is where many pull back. (Hebrew 10:38).
Mar 05, 202322:50
The Ultimate Purpose 3
Mar 04, 202319:38
The Ultimate Purpose 2

The Ultimate Purpose 2

If heaven is not God's ultimate plan for man, for His Children, what is? We continue our discussion on THE ULTIMATE PURPOSE. Shalom.
Mar 02, 202317:51