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Expound with Josh Davis

Expound with Josh Davis

By Josh Davis

Ask your questions and get information on anything the Word of God says. Josh doesn't have all of the answers but we're happy to walk you through all that you're wrestling with and get deeper into the Word and grow together as a community of believers
Currently playing episode

Daniel 5: Don't Wait

Expound with Josh DavisAug 26, 2022



What is revival and how do we have it?

Feb 27, 202313:13
What is prayer?

What is prayer?

Do you know how to pray? Have you ever thought about it?

Feb 07, 202321:55
What does 1000 years to God mean?

What does 1000 years to God mean?

Jesus is coming "soon" what's that mean?

Feb 03, 202321:17
How to get back

How to get back

When we walk away how do we get back?

Jan 30, 202324:36
How can the Bible be inerrant?

How can the Bible be inerrant?

In our culture where truth is so hard to find, how can we truly rely on the Bible to be without error and full of truth?

Jan 27, 202326:08
How did people live so long?

How did people live so long?

Genesis 5 is the lineage of Adam to Noah and people lives for centuries. How? Let's take a closer look.

Jan 20, 202319:34
Asking the Right Questions

Asking the Right Questions

What kinds of questions should we be asking to better understand the heart of God?

Jan 16, 202319:57
Forgiveness vs. Judgement

Forgiveness vs. Judgement

How can we be forgiven and yet judged?

Jan 13, 202319:44
Creation Explained.. Briefly

Creation Explained.. Briefly

Very Brief overview of how I believe God created in 7 days when science tells us billions of years.

Jan 09, 202311:31
Question about words in scripture

Question about words in scripture

How to better understand the original meaning of words in scripture.

Jan 06, 202318:14
What does it mean to be a mature believer?

What does it mean to be a mature believer?

Let's take some time this week to meditate on what it means to be a mature Christian.

Jan 02, 202309:44
Daniel 9

Daniel 9

Daniel 9 makes reference to Jeremiah 29. A passage we often miss the main point of. Perhaps church it's time to spend some time on our knees before God and truly seek Him with all our heart.

Aug 29, 202226:07
Daniel 5: Don't Wait

Daniel 5: Don't Wait

Don't wait for the writing on the wall to turn to God. If the writing is on the wall it's already too late.

Aug 26, 202212:12
Daniel 5: Distractions aren't solutions.

Daniel 5: Distractions aren't solutions.

We need to look for solutions to our problems. Not distractions that help us avoid the issue.

Aug 25, 202211:54
Daniel 5 part 1

Daniel 5 part 1

When the enemy comes will we fight for our faith or give up?

Aug 22, 202206:21
Daniel 7: While We Wait - Prophesy

Daniel 7: While We Wait - Prophesy

This is all fine and good. End times and what not... But what do we do while we wait? I believe we are called to be the mouthpiece of god and prophesy.

Aug 05, 202210:20
Daniel 7 End Times

Daniel 7 End Times

Lisa L. joins us in the conversation about end times. Why does it matter, how can we apply it, and how much time should we devote to the study of it? Get a non pastor's point of view on a topic that is often shied away from and why it can make a difference in our lives.

Aug 01, 202231:14
Daniel 4 : Restoration

Daniel 4 : Restoration

Of all the people who didn't deserve to be restored and redeemed by God Nebuchadnezzar was probably at the top of the list. Oftentimes we feel that we don't deserve to be redeemed or restored, and there is some truth in that. But that is where grace comes in and God wants to restore us anyway.

Jul 22, 202213:20
Why Do We Fall

Why Do We Fall

Why is it that even though God continually shows us Himself we continue to wander and fall away from Him?

Jul 20, 202212:44
Daniel 4: What is Pride

Daniel 4: What is Pride

Let's talk about something we all struggle with - pride, and how we work on defeating it in our lives.

Jul 18, 202214:13
Daniel 3: Admission vs Submission

Daniel 3: Admission vs Submission

It's time to ask ourselves whether we've submitted to God or just admitted His existence.

Jul 15, 202212:28
Daniel 3: Fresh Truth

Daniel 3: Fresh Truth

Randy shares his heart about how getting involved in a small group and spending more and more time in the Word has given him a fresh perspective on common passages and fresh truth is brought to light through spiritual growth and maturity.

Jul 13, 202218:20
Daniel 3: The Blessings of God

Daniel 3: The Blessings of God

Josh and Randy sit down and talk about what the blessings of God look like and how they played out in Daniel 3.

Jul 11, 202213:11
Credit where Credit is Due

Credit where Credit is Due

We see in this passage that Daniel gives credit to God in a time that he could've easily taken the credit for himself.

Jun 29, 202215:36
Working unto the Lord

Working unto the Lord

In this episode we talk about Daniels commitment to work as unto the Lord in spite of his circumstances.

Jun 27, 202215:22
Why did Daniel ask permission?

Why did Daniel ask permission?

When Daniel chose to not eat and drink the kings food he first asked permission. Why?

Jun 23, 202216:46
Expound Intro

Expound Intro

Introduction to the Expound podcast. We will be spending time in the word of god and getting deeper through study and conversation about the Word.

Jun 18, 202200:46