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Line by Line - with Pastor Josh Hawkins

Line by Line - with Pastor Josh Hawkins

By Josh Hawkins

This is what USED to be the Impact Master's Commission Podcast but now that Impact is no longer around, I am going to use this podcast feed to publish my weekly online Bible Study and OTHER various and sundry audio content that I will randomly create. If you would prefer a video version of this study you can watch this study live on Facebook or YouTube every Tuesday Night at 7:30PM!
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The End - Unveiling the Future: Signs, Wonders, and Prophecies in Jesus' Words

Line by Line - with Pastor Josh HawkinsMay 15, 2024

The End - Unpacking 2 Thessalonians 2: Paul's Message to a Church Obsessed with End Times

The End - Unpacking 2 Thessalonians 2: Paul's Message to a Church Obsessed with End Times

Join us for an in-depth Bible study of 2 Thessalonians 2, where we dive into the Apostle Paul's second letter addressing the Thessalonian church's intense fixation on the end times. In this session, we will explore:

  • The context of the Thessalonian church's concerns and why Paul needed to address them twice.
  • Clarifications on what happens to those who die before Jesus' return and detailed insights into the rapture.
  • The false communications that troubled the church, leading to confusion and fear about the Day of the Lord.
  • Paul's reminder of his previous teachings and his emphatic warning: "Don't let anyone deceive you!"
  • The two pivotal events that must occur before the Day of the Lord: the great rebellion and the revelation of the man of lawlessness.
  • Deep dives into the biblical texts from Matthew 24, Daniel 9, and Revelation that illuminate Paul's message.
  • An examination of who or what is restraining the lawless one, including various interpretations like the Holy Spirit, the Church, or Archangel Michael.
  • A victorious conclusion where Jesus overthrows the lawless one with the breath of His mouth and the splendor of His coming.

Don't miss this enlightening exploration of 2 Thessalonians 2, where we'll clarify misconceptions and understand the prophetic truths Paul shares with the early church and us today. Whether you're a seasoned Bible scholar or just curious about end-times prophecy, this study is for you!

Jun 05, 202458:39
The End - The Blessed Hope: Encouragement from 1 Thessalonians 4-5

The End - The Blessed Hope: Encouragement from 1 Thessalonians 4-5

In this insightful online Bible study, we'll explore the profound truths found in 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5, where the Apostle Paul addresses the concerns of the Thessalonian believers regarding the fate of those who have died before the return of Christ. Through Paul's comforting words, we'll uncover the hope and assurance that death holds no power over those who believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.Join us as we delve into the rich symbolism and imagery used by Paul, including the "shout," the "voice of the archangel," and the "trumpet of God." We'll examine the significance of these events and their connection to the Second Coming of Christ, shedding light on the glorious future that awaits all believers.Moreover, we'll explore the concept of the "rapture" and its biblical foundations, addressing the various interpretations and perspectives surrounding this pivotal event. Through thoughtful discussion and careful study, we'll gain a deeper understanding of the hope that sustains us in the face of death and the promise of eternal life with our Lord and Savior.Prepare to be encouraged, inspired, and filled with the blessed hope that transcends our earthly existence. Together, we'll uncover the profound truths that Paul shared with the Thessalonians, equipping us to encourage one another and live in joyful anticipation of the glorious day when we shall forever be with the Lord.

May 29, 202459:37
The End - The Glorious Return of Christ: Decoding Matthew 24

The End - The Glorious Return of Christ: Decoding Matthew 24

In this in-depth Bible study, we'll explore the profound prophecies found in Matthew 24, where Jesus unveils the signs of His glorious return and the end times. Verse by verse, we'll unpack the symbolism, historical context, and profound spiritual truths contained within this pivotal chapter. Get ready to gain a deeper understanding of Christ's second coming, the tribulation period, and the urgency to be prepared for that momentous day. Join us as we decode the mysteries of Matthew 24 and strengthen our faith in the promised return of our Lord and Savior.

May 22, 202448:53
The End - Unveiling the Future: Signs, Wonders, and Prophecies in Jesus' Words

The End - Unveiling the Future: Signs, Wonders, and Prophecies in Jesus' Words

In this in-depth Bible study, we unpack Jesus' profound words about the signs, wonders, and prophecies surrounding the End Times. From the destruction of the temple to the abomination that causes desolation, we explore the significance of these events foretold by Christ. We delve into Jesus' descriptions of the Great Tribulation, with nations in anguish, the heavens shaken, and people fainting from terror. Yet immediately after this period of turmoil, we witness the glorious return of the Son of Man coming on the clouds with power and great glory to gather His elect from the ends of the earth. Join us as we unveil the profound mysteries within these prophetic passages, separating fact from fiction and gaining a deeper understanding of what lies ahead according to the very words of our Lord and Savior. This is a study you won't want to miss

May 15, 202450:21
The END - Daniel 9 A Key Vision of the End Times

The END - Daniel 9 A Key Vision of the End Times

Join us as we explore Daniel chapter 9. This vision of Daniel brought to him by Gabriel is possibly the most important vision in the Old Testament, where we learn about God's plans for the future of Israel, Jerusalem, and the whole of the human species! We learn about the 70 "sevens" that contain God's plan and what this means to the END of the AGE.

May 08, 202457:52
THE END - Two key prophecies from Daniel

THE END - Two key prophecies from Daniel

Join us as we examine two key prophetic visions from the Prophet Daniel. These two visions, one from chapter 2 and one from chapter 7, show us the authority of man in its past, present, and future! Join us as we discover what God wanted us to see.

May 01, 202456:47
The End wk 2 - What are "The Last Days"?

The End wk 2 - What are "The Last Days"?

In this Bible study, we will explore the concept of "the last days" and what it means for believers today. Drawing from the book of Acts and other key passages, we will unpack the biblical understanding of the "last days" and how they have been unfolding for the past 2,000 years.

The study will begin by examining Acts 2:14-21, where the apostle Peter cites the prophet Joel's prophecy about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days. We will discuss how the early church recognized that they were living in the last days, a season where God would accomplish his ultimate goals for creation.

The study will then delve deeper into the broader biblical perspective on the last days, exploring passages like Romans 8:18-23 and Daniel 9:24, which speak of God's plan to redeem and restore all of creation. We will see how the last days are not just about the end of the world, but about the culmination of God's redemptive work, where sin and decay will be vanquished, and everlasting righteousness will be established.

Throughout the study, we will consider the implications of living in the last days for believers today. How should this understanding shape our perspective, our priorities, and our mission as the people of God? By grasping the significance of the last days, we can be better equipped to live with hope, purpose, and urgency in these pivotal times.

Apr 17, 202455:45
THE END - Week 1 - Why Study the End Times?

THE END - Week 1 - Why Study the End Times?

Are you curious about what the Bible has to say regarding the last days and the return of Christ? In this captivating YouTube class, we will dive deep into the rich tapestry of biblical eschatology, uncovering the profound insights and timely warnings found within Scripture. Through an engaging, verse-by-verse examination of key passages from both the Old and New Testaments, we will explore the complex and often debated topics surrounding the End Times. From the Tribulation and the Rapture to the Millennium and the final judgment, we will leave no stone unturned as we seek to understand God's sovereign plan for the culmination of human history. Regardless of your prior knowledge of these subjects, this class promises to be both informative and transformative. You will come away with a deeper appreciation for the prophetic nature of the Bible and a renewed sense of hope and purpose in the face of the challenges that lie ahead. Join me as we embark on this captivating journey through the End Times, guided by the timeless wisdom of Scripture. Together, we will unlock the mysteries of the past, present, and future, equipping ourselves to navigate the days to come with faith, discernment, and a steadfast commitment to the Kingdom of God.

Apr 10, 202453:29
Confronting Rebellion: A Powerful Lesson from 2 Corinthians 13

Confronting Rebellion: A Powerful Lesson from 2 Corinthians 13

In this powerful passage from 2 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul delivers a stern warning to the church in Corinth. He is coming to them for the third time, and he makes it clear that he will not spare those who have continued in their sin and rebellion against his apostolic authority123.Paul reminds the Corinthians that every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses1. He had already warned them the second time he visited, and now he repeats that warning while absent - if he returns, he will not spare those who sinned earlier or any of the others2.The Corinthians were demanding proof that Christ was speaking through Paul, but Paul assures them that Christ is not weak in dealing with them, but is powerful among them3. Though Christ was crucified in weakness, he now lives by God's power, and likewise, Paul and his companions are weak in Christ, yet they will live with him in dealing with the Corinthians through God's power.Paul exhorts the Corinthians to examine themselves, to test whether they are truly in the faith, for Christ Jesus is in them - unless they fail the test. Paul trusts that they will discover that he and his companions have not failed the test. His prayer is that the Corinthians will do what is right, even if it appears that Paul and his team have failed.Paul expresses his gladness whenever the Corinthians are strong, and his prayer is that they may be fully restored. He writes these things while absent, so that when he comes, he may not have to be harsh in his use of authority, which the Lord gave him for building up, not tearing down.Finally, Paul encourages the Corinthians to rejoice, strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, and live in peace, for the God of love and peace will be with them. He concludes with greetings and a benediction, praying that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit would be with them all.This passage is a powerful reminder of the importance of confronting rebellion and sin within the church, while also emphasizing the need for restoration, unity, and the power of God's love and grace.

Mar 27, 202456:01
Unveiling God's Power: A Journey Through 2 Corinthians 12

Unveiling God's Power: A Journey Through 2 Corinthians 12

In this Bible study, we delve into 2 Corinthians 12, focusing on Paul's journey of humility, perseverance, and love for the Corinthians. We explore the themes of self-worth, the marks of a true apostle, and the importance of spiritual growth. Paul's letter serves as a reminder that our lives are not our own, but rather, they are gifts from a generous Creator. We are called to live with humility, valuing others above ourselves, and recognizing that all we have is from God. Through this study, we will learn to embrace our weaknesses, knowing that God's power is made perfect in them. We will also discover the true marks of an apostle, which include not only signs, wonders, and miracles but also patience and character. Finally, we will explore Paul's heart for the Corinthians, his love for them, and his desire for their spiritual health and growth. Join us as we unpack these powerful truths and learn to live with a heart of humility, love, and service to others.

Mar 20, 202455:13
Embracing Foolishness: Paul's Bold Boasting and Humility

Embracing Foolishness: Paul's Bold Boasting and Humility

In 2 Corinthians, Paul's discourse on boasting and humility unveils a paradoxical narrative. Despite lowering himself to the level of those who boast in worldly ways, Paul's intention is not self-exaltation but a demonstration of weakness for the glory of Christ. Through vivid accounts of suffering, resilience, and unwavering dedication to the churches, Paul exemplifies a profound humility that finds strength in vulnerability. This study delves into the intricate balance between boasting as a fool and boasting in weakness, revealing a deeper understanding of true spiritual strength rooted in humility and service.

Mar 19, 202456:10
A little Foolishness... From the Apostle Paul! - 2 Cor 11

A little Foolishness... From the Apostle Paul! - 2 Cor 11

Paul spends this chapter with "a little foolishness," defending his Apostolic authority and seeking to protect the Corinthian church from false "super-apostles." Going to be a good one! Join us.

Mar 12, 202453:07
Building Up in Christ: A Study on Obedience and Authority

Building Up in Christ: A Study on Obedience and Authority

In this Bible study, we delve into the profound words of Paul in 2 Corinthians. Despite the stern tone, Paul's message is one of love and correction. He emphasizes the importance of obedience and the consequences of disobedience, aiming to guide the church towards God's love and away from destructive patterns. Through his letters, Paul asserts his authority, not to tear down but to build up the believers. He challenges worldly perspectives, urging them to see beyond appearances and focus on Christ within. This study explores the balance between boasting in service to God and seeking approval from Him rather than from human standards. Join us as we reflect on Paul's teachings, understanding that true authority comes from God and that our ultimate boast should be in the Lord.

Feb 28, 202455:15
Confronting Challenges with Christlike Authority: A Study on Paul's Defense in 2 Corinthians

Confronting Challenges with Christlike Authority: A Study on Paul's Defense in 2 Corinthians

In this transformative Bible study, we delve into the heart of Paul's response to the challenges against his ministry and authority within the Corinthian church. As we journey through 2 Corinthians 10, we uncover the profound principles of spiritual warfare, leadership, and Christian living that Paul sets forth, all rooted in the humility and gentleness of Christ. This study is not just about defending one's position but about how to stand firm in our faith and leadership by embodying the character of Jesus.Key Themes:

  1. The Humility and Gentleness of Christ: Explore how Jesus's example of humility, even unto death, sets a precedent for our approach to leadership and service. Reflect on the significance of embodying these qualities in our daily lives and ministries.
  2. Paul's Approach to Leadership: Understand Paul's response to criticisms and how his leadership style—marked by gentleness in person and boldness in letters—mirrors the humility and assertiveness of Christ. Discuss the balance between being gentle and firm in our leadership roles.
  3. Spiritual Warfare and Kingdom Standards: Dive into Paul's distinction between worldly and spiritual warfare, emphasizing the kingdom's unique weapons—servanthood, humility, and love. Analyze how these weapons have divine power to demolish strongholds and why they are more effective than worldly strategies.
  4. Demolishing Strongholds: Examine what strongholds are, how they manifest in our lives, and the strategies for overcoming them through spiritual warfare. Engage in practical discussions on identifying and breaking free from patterns that hinder our spiritual growth and effectiveness.
  5. Capturing Thoughts for Christ: Learn about the importance of taking every thought captive in obedience to Christ. Discuss the impact of our thought life on our spiritual battles and how transforming our minds can lead to victory over the enemy's lies.
  6. Living Out the Victory of the Cross: Reflect on the ultimate victory Jesus achieved on the cross and how it redefines our approach to spiritual warfare and ministry. Explore ways to live out this victory in our interactions, challenges, and the broader mission of the church.
Feb 21, 202459:06
Unlocking Abundance: How Giving Transforms Us and the World

Unlocking Abundance: How Giving Transforms Us and the World

Dive into an inspiring journey through 2 Corinthians 9:10-15, where we explore the profound impact of generosity on our lives and the world around us. This Bible study, titled "Unlocking Abundance: How Giving Transforms Us and the World," reveals the divine promise of provision and multiplication for those who give. Discover how God is not only the source of all we give but also all we receive, promising to supply, increase our store of seed, and enlarge the harvest of our righteousness.Learn about the transformative power of giving as an act of worship and love, extending both to humanity and God. Understand how our generosity results in overflowing expressions of thanksgiving to God, meeting the needs of the saints, and generating more worship from those who receive. This session will challenge you to see giving as a testimony to God's grace in our lives, demonstrating the work of the Spirit and the power of the Gospel in real, tangible ways.Join us as we unpack the indescribable gift of God's grace and how our response to this gift can enrich our lives in every way, enabling us to be generous on every occasion. Through this study, you'll be encouraged to live a life of generosity, witnessing the incredible ways it can encourage others, foster a spirit of thanksgiving, and ultimately bring glory to God.Don't miss this opportunity to transform your understanding of giving and its impact on your spiritual journey and the lives of others. Click to watch and be part of a movement of generosity that echoes throughout eternity.

Feb 14, 202451:10
Sowing and Reaping: Unveiling the Heart of New Testament Stewardship

Sowing and Reaping: Unveiling the Heart of New Testament Stewardship

Journey with us through the profound teachings of 2 Corinthians 9, as we explore the timeless principles of giving and stewardship. Delve into the apostle Paul's exhortation to the Corinthian church, unraveling the essence of cheerful and purposeful giving. Discover how the act of sowing generously leads to a bountiful harvest, reflecting the interconnectedness of our spiritual and physical worlds. Uncover the liberating truth that God delights in a heart that gives freely, not out of compulsion or reluctance. Experience the transformative promise that as we give, God blesses us abundantly, enabling us to abound in every good work. Join us as we embrace a new paradigm of giving, rooted in joy, abundance, and the profound wisdom of the New Testament.

Feb 07, 202454:44
Overflowing Grace a study of Generosity, Joy and the Grace of Giving

Overflowing Grace a study of Generosity, Joy and the Grace of Giving

oin us in exploring the inspiring story of the Macedonian churches' extraordinary generosity, as described in 2 Corinthians 8. Discover how they demonstrated rich generosity in the midst of severe trial and deep poverty, and learn about the power and accuracy of the prophetic gift in the early church. This study will delve into the heart of Christian generosity, the model of Christian privilege, and the spiritual gift of giving. Uncover the significance of giving first to the Lord and then to others, and gain insights into the principles of willingness, equality, and accountability in giving. Through this study, we aim to ignite a renewed passion for generosity and a deeper understanding of the spiritual gifts associated with giving. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the transformative impact of overflowing grace in the lives of believers.

Jan 31, 202455:15
Unlock the Power of Difficult Conversations: A Revolutionary Bible Study on 2 Corinthians 7

Unlock the Power of Difficult Conversations: A Revolutionary Bible Study on 2 Corinthians 7

Dive into the transformative power of difficult conversations in our latest Bible study on 2 Corinthians 7. Discover how Apostle Paul navigated challenging dialogues with love and respect, leading to deeper connections and spiritual growth. Learn how to harness the grace of godly sorrow, the strength of repentance, and the beauty of reconciliation. This study will equip you with the biblical tools to turn tough talks into opportunities for spiritual breakthroughs. Don't miss out on this life-changing journey!"

Jan 30, 202455:24
Biblical Partnerships: Navigating the Challenges of Being Unequally Yoked

Biblical Partnerships: Navigating the Challenges of Being Unequally Yoked

Biblical Partnerships: Navigating the Challenges of Being Unequally Yoked" is a thought-provoking Bible study that delves into the concept of being unequally yoked in various aspects of our lives, as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. This course will explore the importance of maintaining a strong spiritual foundation and the challenges that arise when believers form partnerships or deep connections with unbelievers. Through this study, you will gain insights into: The meaning of being unequally yoked and its implications in different types of relationships, including marriage, friendships, and business partnerships. The incompatibility of righteousness and wickedness, light and darkness, and Christ and Belial in any partnership. The significance of being the temple of the living God and the need to protect our hearts and minds from idolatry and worldly influences. The powerful promises of God to those who remain separate from unbelievers and the importance of purifying ourselves in body and spirit. By the end of this study, you will have a deeper understanding of the importance of forming partnerships with fellow believers and maintaining a strong spiritual foundation in your life. Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your faith and navigate the challenges of being unequally yoked in various aspects of your life.

Jan 19, 202459:27
God's Grace: Unleashing the Power of Transformation

God's Grace: Unleashing the Power of Transformation

In this powerful Bible study episode, we delve into 2 Corinthians 6, exploring Paul's urgent plea to the Corinthians not to receive God's grace in vain. Join us as we unravel the profound meaning behind living a transformed life in response to God's forgiveness and empowerment.

Key Points:

  • Understanding that salvation is not merely forgiveness but a transformative journey into Christ-likeness.
  • Embracing God's grace now, in the present moment, and being aware of the Holy Spirit's activity in our lives.
  • Practical insights on engaging with God through spiritual practices for a deeper partnership with His grace.
  • Paul's commitment to getting out of the way and ensuring that others don't receive God's grace in vain.
  • The characteristics of true servants of God, who endure hardships with the eternal perspective in mind.
  • Exploring the call to separation from unbelief and the promise of being sons and daughters of the Almighty.

Join us on this transformative journey of faith, as we navigate the challenges and joys of living in the fullness of God's grace, not in vain, but with purpose and intentionality. Don't miss out on this episode that will inspire you to run with God's grace and embrace the transformative power of salvation.

Jan 10, 202453:46
The Fear of the Lord: Unveiling True Holiness and Eternal Impact

The Fear of the Lord: Unveiling True Holiness and Eternal Impact

In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the profound concept of fearing the Lord and its implications on our spiritual journey. We explore the idea of a holy fear that goes beyond mere apprehension, instead teaching us to love and inspiring us to live holy lives. We discuss how God, who knows the depths of our hearts and motives, sees through any pretense or performance. Our conversation takes us on a path of self-reflection, recognizing that our pursuit of holiness with God must be genuine rather than performative. We draw attention away from worldly measures of success and focus on the eternal impact of our actions. Join us as we discover how our faith, rooted in Christ's immense love for us, compels us to live for Him and embrace the transformative power of His sacrifice. This episode challenges us to exalt what truly matters: the condition of our hearts and the work of God within us.

Jan 03, 202454:28
God has set us in the Now and the Not Yet - 2 Corinthians 5

God has set us in the Now and the Not Yet - 2 Corinthians 5

Why is life so hard? Let's find out

Dec 20, 202355:29
Momentary and Light Affliction - Bringing Glory!

Momentary and Light Affliction - Bringing Glory!

A very vulnerable and yet poetic Paul leads us to embrace our momentary affliction because Glory is on the way!

Dec 13, 202355:29
2 Corinthians 4 - From God and Not from us!

2 Corinthians 4 - From God and Not from us!

The glory of the new covenant is God's work in us. That's why we put our trust in it!

Dec 06, 202355:11
The Glory of the New Covenant - 2 Corinthians 3

The Glory of the New Covenant - 2 Corinthians 3

The glory of New Covenant vs the fading glory of the old.

Dec 05, 202348:42
2 Corinthians 2 - Forgiveness and Fragrance

2 Corinthians 2 - Forgiveness and Fragrance

We talk about leadership, correction, forgiveness, unity, and the fragrance of Christ

Nov 22, 202356:57
2 Cor 1:13-24 - The "Amen" to his "Yes"

2 Cor 1:13-24 - The "Amen" to his "Yes"

In this episode, we talk about the partnership of God and his people.

Nov 15, 202354:51
2 Corinthians! - Confidence in Christ

2 Corinthians! - Confidence in Christ

We begin a whole new book!

Nov 08, 202357:58
James 5:13-20 Prayer, Healing, reconciliation

James 5:13-20 Prayer, Healing, reconciliation

We finish up the book of James!

Nov 07, 202344:30
James 5 part 1 - Trust in the Lord... and nothing else

James 5 part 1 - Trust in the Lord... and nothing else

We begin the last chapter of the book of James. There are four different things in this episode, so buckle up!

Oct 24, 202356:45
James 4 part 2 Humility and Holiness

James 4 part 2 Humility and Holiness

How do we avoid the ambition, envy, and strife of the first part of this chapter? Keep reading! James has good advice for us yet again.

Oct 17, 202359:46
James 4 - Desire and Strife

James 4 - Desire and Strife

James says that fighting in the body is caused by desires that are out of whack. How does this work? Let's find out.

Oct 10, 202355:30
James 3 The Power of Words

James 3 The Power of Words

Our words are incredibly powerful. That is why we need to be so careful with them! Check out what James has to say about that tonight.

Oct 03, 202353:33
James Ch 2 part 2 - Faith and Works

James Ch 2 part 2 - Faith and Works

How do faith and works collide in our following Jesus? James has an answer! Join us!

Sep 19, 202352:31
James Ch 2 part 1

James Ch 2 part 1

James Chapter 2

The Gospel will change the way we look at people. If we let it!

Sep 13, 202355:33
James Chapter 1 Conclusion

James Chapter 1 Conclusion

We round out the first chapter of James with some great stuff! What does it mean to be saved? How is God's word active to save us? Let's find out.

Sep 07, 202353:46
James Chapter 1 Part 2

James Chapter 1 Part 2

This first chapter of James is so rich it will take THREE episodes to get through it all. I hope every word is helpful for you. I know it was for me! Blessings

Sep 07, 202355:17
The Book of James! Let's Go!

The Book of James! Let's Go!

OK well I have been trying to decide what to do with this podcast feed for a while and for NOW I am going to use it to put out my weekly Bible Study which can be found the Fremont Community Church YouTube or Facebook pages if you want to watch it live. Today we begin a fresh book, the book of James!!! I hope it is helpful and enjoyable for all y'all. Blessings!

Sep 07, 202354:10
What do I need to believe to be saved?

What do I need to believe to be saved?

We have a great conversation about the core beliefs of Christianity!
Apr 12, 202301:10:57
Mental Health and Christianity

Mental Health and Christianity

We talk about mental health and Christianity - can you have Jesus AND depression/anxiety? What about suicidal ideation? Lean in.
Mar 21, 202301:10:55
The Bad stories of the Bible

The Bad stories of the Bible

Lots of talk and question around the darker stories of scripture

Mar 17, 202301:00:42
From Job to Genesis to Flat Earth to LGBTQ buckle up

From Job to Genesis to Flat Earth to LGBTQ buckle up

We have another interesting, wide, ranging conversation beginning with Job.
Jan 24, 202301:12:58
The joy of Christmas!

The joy of Christmas!

We have a nice conversation around, biblical interpretation and holidays
Dec 20, 202235:19
how do I know when I’m hearing the voice of God?

how do I know when I’m hearing the voice of God?

how do we know when God is speaking to us let’s talk about it.
Dec 13, 202247:44
Casual talk about sex

Casual talk about sex

Buckle up friends we enter into a discussion around the question. “is casual sex possible “ enjoy!
Nov 15, 202247:44
Sadducees and Thessalonians

Sadducees and Thessalonians

We look at our reading from the lectionary today and talk about the rapture, hell and Taylor Swift.
Nov 08, 202201:13:13
Holidays, tradition and revival

Holidays, tradition and revival

We have a long discussion around holidays. We look into our lectionary reading from first Timothy and we talk about the history of revival First Assembly of God in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Oct 18, 202247:12
The Rich Man and Lazarus

The Rich Man and Lazarus

IMC Bible Study is back!! We will be covering the Gospel reading from the lectionary most weeks this week. Luke 16:19-31
Sep 27, 202201:01:14
Inspired… what does that mean?

Inspired… what does that mean?

This time we get into the theory of inspiration of scripture. What does it mean when we say “the scriptures are inspired?”
Apr 19, 202201:01:28
Baptism….. a couple kinds

Baptism….. a couple kinds

We have a ranging discussion around baptism and water and baptism in the Holy Spirit should be fun join us!
Apr 05, 202201:01:29